#vulpix-mew fusion
WIP: Meeting of the Minds (M(T)PJ: Ditto Defect)
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My (Twisted) Pokémon Journey Masterlist
This is part of a mostly-finished-but-unpolished chapter I'm writing in Ditto Defect. It's set closer to the start of DD so there isn't too much backstory that needs to be known other than: Crystal is taking another crack at journeying through Unova and is resting in Pinwheel Forest; Team Plasma has been pretty underground up until this point; and, the best part, Crystal is having a bit of a tricky time controlling her Ditto Ability, and this is the first instance that she has this issue :)
Fun fact: this is toward the end of this chapter as a whole (but not this WIP of the chapter, in total it gets up to 3k words-ish)
(I'm not very happy with my characterization of N, I want to rewrite it before I consider this chapter finished and share all of it)
I do not own the sprite I used! I found it here!
1.5k words
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ending lines from a nonexistent prior chapter (did say this is a WIP)
    Crystal couldn't sleep with the beautiful night around her. She sat, staring into the infinite inky sky, with the countless stars. The trees framed it, and Crystal remembered the feeling of travelling – always seeing new places, new Pokémon, new people. She felt almost normal again, like a normal Trainer who had gone to a foreign region for a Pokémon journey, collecting badges and making new friends.
     She heard the nighttime sounds of nocturnal Pokémon, and went to see if she could find the source of the natural melody. Everyone else was sound asleep, and they were hidden well within Pinwheel Forest – she couldn't go too far. Even if she did, Crystal could follow their auras.
     This could almost be Viridian Forest, she thought. These are different trees, but very much the same. The Pokémon are all different, but their lives are the same. She half-expected Mt. Moon to loom in the north-eastern distance, or even Mt. Silver out to the distant west.
     An urge wormed its way into her – an urge to use Transform. As if to remind her that the nostalgia was an illusion and no longer true. The urge grew, and something about it startled her – This isn't right. Alarm shot through her as the pain followed, and this time she didn't summon it – some other will other than her own started changing her body. And it terrified her.
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Crystal's body shifted, horribly, incompletely, unnaturally. She just had to keep this to herself, figure out what to do—
     She locked eyes with something. No, someone. A human. This late at night?
     He froze. Then he started approaching, slowly. "Are you okay?" he asked softly. He held no fear in his eyes. Just concern. 
     His bushy, light-colored hair was long, and some fell over his shoulder. It might've been in a Ponyta-tail. He wore some kind of baseball cap, and nondescript clothing that could have had more color than just white and grey, but her current grey-scale night-vision couldn't pick it out.
     Crystal noticed, as she bared her teeth at him, that she made the threat with a small snout – a Vulpix's snout. She didn't growl, not yet, her fangs were the first warning. He stopped. The concern never wavered.
     "I want to help you," he said. "Can I help you?"
     She let out a quiet growl, just for a moment. No. Go away. I can't be more clear.
     He took another step forward. "Please, I know someone who might be able to help. Who did this to you?"
     Who did this? I did this. I don't need your help. 
     "Can you tell me?"
     I'm a Pokémon, as far as you know. Of course I can't.
     The fur along her spine bristled and rose threateningly. Will-o-Wisp fires appeared around her on some uncontrollable instinct.
     "You're a long way from home," he said. "Vulpix are from Kanto. Who brought you here?"
     She took a threatening step forward, growling again. The Wisps moved forward, too. He stopped again.
     "I know seeing a human must be scary. But I understand you, can you tell me what happened?"
     She just continued to growl.
     He sat down, on the forest floor, and glanced up at the starry sky. "You have no reason to trust me," he said, not looking at her. "But, I promise, I just want to help. You're hurt, you're wrong. Someone did that to you. You're not how you should be." He sighed. "How about I tell you about my childhood. About the Pokémon that I helped, and met, and lived with." 
     He reached out a hand, and a Sewaddle came out of a bush and nudged against his hand. The Pokémon here know him.
     "I grew up with a lot of hurt Pokémon," he began. "I spent time soothing them, helping them, playing with them. They taught me to understand wild Pokémon..."
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And, for nearly an hour, he talked to Crystal. He poured his heart out, he stayed where he was, as Crystal listened intently. During this time, she reached out with her psychic sense – and she found that he meant what he said. His intentions, his history.
     His stories helped her calm down from her initial alarm of her ability malfunctioning, of him finding her in such a state. Maybe that person he said could help might be a good idea. If I can return to human, and find him myself. I have to stay hidden, secret. It's dangerous that he even sees me. But he doesn't suspect that I'm human...
     The sharp snap of twigs made her whirl around, fire at the ready. The Wisps, which had faded while the guy had talked, whooshed to life as she searched for the source of the sound.
     This human was clearly an adult. His hair was nearly shaved right to his head, and had light-colored hair, aside from a darker swish of hair that went around his head like it was one of Saturn's rings.
     "Go on, Beheeyem," the man said softly, not addressing Crystal or the other guy.
     Unlike her meeting with the first guy, this human brought a Pokémon with him – something odd, a Pokémon Crystal hadn't seen before. It had light-colored skin – if it could be called skin, its form had a look of stone – and strange markings on its head. If anything, its strange form reminded her of a Gardevoir's gown. It's three-pronged hands reminded her of the old, grainy pictures of Mewtwo that circulated in newspapers and on the news. She reached out with her psychic-sense, but couldn't get a read on it – instead, something pushed back.
     "Stop it," she barked in alarm, stepping back. The presence pushed further, steadily and unhindered. "Get back!" Her fur bristled again, trying to put up a resistance – but this wasn't like anything she had encountered before. The Wisps surrounded her, but she knew they wouldn't do much.
     "It talks?" the man asked.
     "It wouldn't speak with me," the other guy said.
     "That's not a Unovan accent."
     Come along, a thought said. It pushed its way into Crystal's mind.
     No! She took another step backward.
     Come along, it repeated. Its hands started lighting up, off-white flashes.
     What is that? she wondered, warily.
     Come along.
     It wasn't hurting her. It wasn't even attacking. In fact, it wasn't moving, at all. Just watching her, as she watched it, the lights flickering. She took a hesitant step forward. She didn't want to, yet she very much wanted to.
     Come along. The thought had become a mantra inside Crystal's mind. Come along. She couldn't define where it came from – the presence, or herself. It didn't matter to her to figure that out, either. Come along.
     Crystal had to follow this Pokémon – she couldn't not. She felt compelled to go. Her hostility melted away, replaced by a welcome calmness. All of the worries she'd harbored had left. Come along.
     A gentle hand touched her back, flattening the bristled fur around her neck. The hand was warm to the touch. "We'll help you and get you back home."
     The small prick in her neck snapped her focus away from the hypnotizing control, the liquid he injected— But she couldn't move, anyway – she noticed an energy holding her in place. The same way her Kadabra would sometimes use Psychic outside of battle. Kadabra would often pull berries out of trees with ease, move small boulders, and even the time he caught her PokéDex while traversing Victory Road, where it would have gone over a cliff. Once or twice, he used Psychic to hold a Pokémon in place long enough for her to make a new entry in her PokéDex, before it ran away.
     Arceus, no, please, no. She felt fine, in that moment, but it was only a matter of time, she knew. Can I use Teleport to get far enough away before it takes effect?
     She had to focus – harder thought than done, she realized, as her thoughts scattered away from her and as darkness enticed her to relax – on the clearing where her Pokémon were sleeping, oblivious to her situation.
     The incorporeal grip vanished as she used Teleport – but it was only a handful of feet away. So much energy wasted on a few feet!
     She heard the humans' exclamations of surprise, but her exhaustion turned her focus inward – her body was slowing down as whatever sedative they gave her took hold.  I have to go, she frantically, sluggishly, thought.
     "I'll take it to my lab for observation," the man said. "I'll take it from here."
     "Keep me updated, please – if I can help transport it home, let me know."
     “I will. Thank you, N.”
     Crystal tried to pull herself forward; she could sense Lucario dimly. He's awake. Lucario, help! A hand scooped her up, and she hung limply in the man's hands. She had enough awareness to wonder about her abnormally long tails, and that there were only three of them, instead of a Vulpix's usual six.
     "I wonder how you got this way? Let's go and see what you're made of."
     The darkness swallowed her up.
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Beheeyem, the Cerebral Pokémon. It has strong psychic powers that it can use to confuse or control its opponents' minds. Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three fingers, but those patterns haven't been decoded.
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darklunac · 9 months
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[F] Mew x Vulpix
I've been slowly going trough a few fusion suggestions people gave me on the telegram group! Here's mew x vulpix! Patreon  -  Telegram group  -  Discord group 
Posted using PostyBirb
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starguardianniom · 2 years
Some interesting pokefusion I got to see when using randomizer and not using it
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I have laughed for a good minute at it ngl. A Magmar/Bastiodon fusion. XD
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Doublade/Beldum looking nice.
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Cofagrigus/Mismagius giving me the chills.
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Pyukumuku/Electabuzz looking like a member of Team Yell. Hey Piers, here's your new mascot!
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Magnemite/Vulpix looks cute.
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Goldeen/Latias looks nice.
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Umbreon/Kirlia is one of my favorites. <3
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Mimikyu/Mew being a child's lost plushie.
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espyfandoms · 1 year
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My new Mewsona, a Mew/Vulpix fusion. I got inspired to make one by @pokemon-ash-aus, who also owns the dark furred Mew named King.
I kinda forgot that King had stitches on their back after they were purified, so I just went with bandages. ^^
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sur1muk1 · 2 years
Making Pokémon teams for Touhou Characters I’m only doing 5 each so
Note that this is mostly based off of lostword spell cards and attack animations along w my understanding of the parts of the series I’ve played
Sakuya I think would have a scyther, sinistea, litwick, chandelure, corviknight (honestly played into her being a maid and her knives)
Meiling- dragonair, garchomp, dragapult , flygon,sandslash (ground/dragon trainer imo)
Cirno- a barely evolved glaceon, alolan vulpix, cubchoo, alolan sandshrew, spheal (ofc she had to be an ice trainer and yes I gave her the baby pokemon because she is a child.)
Couldn’t think of much for flandre or remilia but I think flandre having a giratina would be very funny. 
And I’m doing my personal favorite 3 characters too so
Utsuho - raichu, luxray, zapdos, toxtricity, ampharos (went w mostly electric because lol neuclear fusion)
Reisen- lunala, lopunny, mew, espurr, starmie (lunala bc haha funny lunar rabbit w lunar Pokémon- lopbunny bc rabbit. Psychic types for the ability “lunatic eyes” )
Part of me wants to say water for yuugi bc of the hoshiguma dish she uses but fire felt right because of former hell-
Yuugi- marshadow, blaziken, arcanine, houndoom, coalassal (fighting/fire. Fighting because it felt right for the oni characters in touhou and fire because of former hell)
Type plans for other characters If I do more of this- rin (fire/ghost) , suika (ground/fighting) same for kasen, yukari (ghost/psychic) okina (strictly ghost)
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flannelfire · 16 days
Drew a bunch of my pokemon ocs!
They are a part of an arpg called PokemonSkyTales on DA
Their names are:
Yin - The albino Vulpix/Mew fusion that only inherited from mew their grabby hands
Parsley - the Sprigatito dino cat that changes forms depending on the season
Cucumber - the wierd, green shellos
Filigree - The fluffy mothim with big bug eyes
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joyfulsanctuary · 4 years
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Pink fusions for Valentines Month~
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reiverarts · 3 years
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Pokemon fusions!!! I'm proud of most of them xD
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thedorfmirrin · 3 years
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❄💙💟Shiny Mew/Vulpix Fusion Adopt💟💙❄
•Closed ♡
A quick painty experiment-doodle adopt ♡
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ciromi · 5 years
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when in doubt (and art block) doodle some pokemon fusions :”)
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ichionthego · 4 years
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Mew fusion with Alolan Vulpix uwu
The design wasn’t made by name thoo
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So... that big skirmish between Eiz and Necky brought a fair number of new folks around here. To those who are new... hiya! I’m Ambyssin (or Amby). I’ve been writing a Gen VII-centric PMD fic for the last two years... and it’s entering its home stretch, with the hope being I can end it right around the time Generation VIII comes out. I decided to make this blog as a way to experiment with some of the character interaction stuff. I made it a time where I was struggling with my writing and it sorta-kinda helped to push me along.
In any case... since Eiz crushed Necky with a (fake) moon, figured I’d let you newcomers in on some of the twisted things he’d done in-universe to earn such ire. After the cut because spoilers...
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Necrozma was, originally, Shane’s friend from the human world. Their relationship was quite rocky. Necrozma wanted to drag Shane into Ultra Space and turn him into a lucario to help him get his missing core back. Solgaleo interfered... causing Necrozma to trigger a car accident in the human world that left Shane fatally wounded. Necrozma vaporized Shane and Solgaleo with his Prismatic Laser. However, a part of Shane’s spirit lingered long enough to take the form of an ice vulpix, which fell into the sea.
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Because her mother was a human-turned-lucario, Tessa was born with a defective aura sense. Upon successfully using a Z-Move for the first time, Z-Power filled in the cracks in her spirit, flooding her with Necrozma’s light. The star marking on her chest serves as a permanent reminder of Necrozma’s influence and, if her emotions get out of control, they trigger a berserker mega evolution.
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Necrozma overcharged Silvally’s RKS System, resulting in him turning into every type at once. His body couldn’t handle the strain and began to break down while in battle. Necrozma tricked Silvally into Self-Destructing — which, given his alchemical origins, was not a move he could recover from using — then reconstructed him to attack his friends. If not for Espeon, he would’ve been lost to Necrozma’s madness forever.
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Espeon lost her psychic powers when a cave-in broke the gem on her forehead. She used Z-Power to restore her ESP, which left her vulnerable to Necrozma’s control. Necrozma never controlled her, however, believing her to be the weakest member of Team Radiance.
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Necrozma killed Latias’ brother to spite her and fused her mate with Marshadow to produce Shadow Lugia. Latias was forced to fight her mate. It pushed her energy to the very brink of collapse, but she managed to free him.
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Lugia was fused with Marshadow and forced to attack his mate.
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Mewtwo was also turned into a fusion monster with Rayquaza, Yveltal, and a volcarona. Volcarona was the one who controlled the fused entity. She used Mewtwo’s powers to wreak havoc on the heroes of the Air Continent and Mewtwo’s boyfriend. Volcarona likely would’ve killed Mew had Latias and Lugia not charged in and defeated the fusion.
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Xerneas was Necrozma’s mate before he lost his light and descended into madness. She was aware that Necrozma’s creators were spying on him, but was too afraid of upsetting Arceus to stand with her mate. Instead, she watched as Solgaleo and Lunala sealed him away. Though she tried to explain to Necrozma how paranoid Arceus was, he refused to listen. He possessed Xerneas and used her powers to hijack the Tree of Life to fuel his core.
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diamond-song42 · 6 years
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The Nonsense Thing in Diamond’s Head Today 4: My Favorite Pokemon
*Lusamine header for no reason whatsoever*
Diamond here with another weird thing. To further expand into Pokemon-related topics, I thought I’d teach you a bit about me and direct your attention to my header photo. That is a grid of my favorite Pokemon of each type. Why did I choose those? What significance do they have? You’re about to find out! I will list these in order by type - I have no real order for which ones I like more than others. Let’s get started!
GRASS: SERPERIOR. Serperior is the final form of Snivy, the Gen 5 Grass starter. I pick Serperior for two reasons. First, its Hidden Ability. Contrary is one of the best abilities in the game. Serperior uses it masterfully. It has access to Leaf Storm, a move that usually lowers the user’s Special Attack. But with a Contrary Pokemon, that Special Attack is going straight up. Yes, each turn a Contrary Serperior uses Leaf Storm, it will only get stronger. If that’s not fabulous I don’t know what is. Reason 2: It just looks so cool. It’s a 10'10 snake. It could literally kill and eat you. So regal and snaky.
FIRE: INFERNAPE. Infernape, the final form of Gen 4 Fire starter Chimchar. Infernape holds special significance to me. I started my Pokemon journey with Pokemon Diamond, knowing nothing about the game or creatures within. Chimchar was my first. Yes, Chimchar is my equivalent to Ash’s Pikachu, Brock’s Steelix, May’s Blaziken, Dawn’s Piplup, Serena’s Braixen, and Lillie’s Vulpix, Snowy. Infernape and I went through a great journey together and I couldn’t ask for a better partner.
WATER: SHARPEDO/MEGA SHARPEDO. Though Infernape might be my first, Water is in fact my favorite type. Sharpedo, Archie’s partner, wasn’t a Pokemon I gave much thought to until Gen 6. Gen 6 gave it a pretty great boost with a Mega Evolution. There’s a combination I like to use with my Sharpedo. First, I protect it for a turn (or two if I’m lucky) and let its Hidden Ability Speed Boost bulk it up a bit. Then I Mega Evolve it and let Jaws tear up the field. It’s a Pokemon that can use Strong Jaw to its advantage! Not to mention the Mega Evolution is sick. It’s super big and has spikes protruding from its nose. You are not safe. I’m still waiting for a Pokemon parody of Sharknado with Sharpedo. It is my first and favorite choice of Mega.
NORMAL: SILVALLY. Here’s another one falling into the “Cool Looks and Ability” category! It’s Gladion’s best buddy and discount Arceus. The discount Arceus factor is part of my reasoning for choosing it. The other is its utter versatility. All its stats are equal, meaning it has ground as a Physical Attacker, Special Attacker, or maybe both. Its signature move, Multi-Attack, will always be STAB, Memory or not. And have you seen Gladion’s Silvally? So cool.
ELECTRIC: LUXRAY. The electric lion of the Sinnoh region takes this slot. I’ve always liked Luxray’s appearance. That jet black fur with the gleaming eyes is really intimidating. Speaking of Intimidate, it has the ability going for it (even if its stats are trash). Not sold on why you should like Luxray? Look at Clemont’s. He’s so cool. He’s Clemont’s war beast that lights up the field with Electric Terrain and jumps on Ash. “A Campus Reunion” is one of my favorite episodes of X and Y, and Luxray is a big part of that.
PSYCHIC: MEOWSTIC. Oh yes, I am choosing the advanced version of demon spawn cat Espurr for this one. Meowstic has a unique concept in that both genders have different appearances, movesets, and abilities. Females go on the offensive (which is awesome in itself), while males stick to defense. The male sticks out here for me because he has access to Prankster, a great ability that gives priority to status moves such as Swagger, Taunt, and Torment. The female has access to Competitive, which is okay but not as great as Prankster. The male also just looks cooler. The vivid blue with white stripes just feels better to me than vice versa.
FIGHTING: LUCARIO. The Pokemon that helped decode the mystery of Mew! I love Lucario. It has reached the iconic state shared by Pokemon such as Pikachu, Charizard, and Mewtwo. While it may not be the best stat-wise, its character makes up for that. It’s a loyal puppo that can throw Aura Spheres and make bones in its hands. I mained it for a while during Smash. And can I add how cool it is in the anime? Maylene’s Lucario takes no shit from her because it knows she can do better. Cameron may be a pathetic rival, but his Lucario is really tough and relatable (seriously… have you seen it eating ice cream?). Korrina’s Lucario is loyal and truly wants to improve when it can’t control its Mega Evolution. Lucario’s Mega is cool, but underwhelming compared to others. I will always stick with my original Fighting-Steel puppo.
ROCK: LYCANROC MIDNIGHT FORME. In case you didn’t get the hint from my Lucario analysis, I love dogs. Lycanroc is an awesome dog. Three forms, all with different strengths and cool links to the elements. None of them are the most superior in competitive play, but they’ve already become infamous among Pokemon fans. I choose the Midnight Form as my favorite because it’s an awesome rock werewolf. It just looks so cool! It also executes its special Z-Move, Splintered Stormshards, the snazziest. Midday Lycanroc is a standard loyal Poke-doggo, but it doesn’t have the same charm as Midnight Lycanroc for me. Dusk Lycanroc is a fusion between the two, but my OCD will not ignore that blue and red do NOT make green. I’ll battle with my loyal, badass lycanthrope any day!
GROUND: MUDSDALE. THE GORGEOUS HORSIE OF THE ALOLA REGION! The minute I laid my eyes on Mudsdale, I knew it would be awesome. I doubt you’re surprised if you read my content. I love how it’s based on the Clydesdale horse, which can get HUMONGOUS. (Google them!) I’m 5'9 and I could ride this if it was real (unlike Charizard)! Its Stamina ability is superb and has helped kick my ass many times. Plus it has cool dreadlocks! Not to mention its connection to Hapu, a perfect cupcake of a Pokemon character. I fully expect that Pokemon theme park that’s opening in 2020 to have a Mudsdale merry-go-round. I NEED TO RIDE MY PONY.
FLYING: DRIFBLIM. Gen Z, a long time ago when we played with Wiis, we had a game called My Pokemon Ranch. The game allowed you to watch Pokemon up to Gen 4 and transfer your own Pokemon from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. You can also visit other people’s ranches, and when you do, a Pokemon close to you follows you. That Pokemon for me was Drifblim. The dopey-looking balloon thing from Gen 4 was glued to my side when I visited my friends. I’m amused that it’s gaining some viability in tournament play now with Tapu Lele and Unburden. My choice is less about the tournament play and more about how a balloon was my best friend in a cheesy Pokemon spin-off.
BUG: SCOLIPEDE. The largest Bug-type in the Pokeverse. I was still a little naive when I got Pokemon Black. Scolipede was one of my first captures in the game and became a staple of my team. I love its design. Most Bug-types are pretty small and don’t intimidate the opponent too much. Scolipede does this. It’s even larger than Buzzwole and Pheromosa! The stats and abilities got a mild boost in Gen 6, with the Attack gaining an additional 10 points and its Hidden Ability becoming Speed Boost. I do believe my wonderful horror movie beast is underrated and should get more appreciation instead of being delegated to an antagonistic role in the anime.
POISON: MAREANIE. James’s latest crush also has a spot in my heart. Mareanie has a wonderful design. A blue and purple color palette that can poison a person with less effort than Nililego. Mareanie and her evolution, Toxapex, have access to two boss abilities, Merciless and Regenerator. Toxapex is cool, but it’s a theory I have with Mareanie that causes the pre-evolution to win me over. If Mareanie can fully wrap herself around James’s giant head, it could wrap around my torso and carry my necessities in its tentacles. It’s a companion and a backpack! Thank God for Mareanie.
DARK: WEAVILE. Another Pokemon I have fond memories of from my Diamond and Pearl days, Weavile is the long-awaited evolution of Sneasel from Gen 4. I caught a Sneasel and played around with her for a while… AND THEN MY NAIVE BUTT LEARNED HOW YOU EVOLVE IT. I patiently waited until it became dark outside and I leveled Sneasel up and BAM WEAVILE. Weavile became one of my most used Pokemon in that game. For tournament play, its stats are actually pretty good, and both its abilities (Pressure and Pickpocket) do damage in different ways. And it just looks so menacing! That’s what a Dark-type should be.
GHOST: MIMIKYU. I mean… what’s not to love about a Pikachu clone? Okay, it’s not a clone in the essence of Pachirisu or Togedemaru. The concept around it is so heartbreaking and creepy and lovable. Unlike most Ghost-types, Mimikyu just wants to be your friend! It’s super powerful, too. Its Disguise ability is amazing and can change the dynamic of a battle in seconds. Its typing also gives it few weaknesses and THREE immunities. And need I mention the Z-Move? It’s the best Z-Move I’ve ever seen. Splintered Stormshards is cool, but you really need to look out for the dreaded Let’s Snuggle Forever. Mimikyu just wants to do its best for you and you should love it.
ICE: ALOLAN VULPIX. Yes, Snowy is in on this! I’ve always loved the Fire-type Vulpix. But when it gained the Ice-type, it became 10 times fluffier! It’s a walking cotton ball! I’m disappointed Build-a-Bear only has the Fire variant because I want to get the Ice variant and hug it and love it and pet it and squeeze it. And y'all know by now how I feel about Lillie and her family. Snowy is so supportive of her! Even though she’s the youngest Pokemon of the main characters, she clearly understands Lillie’s past and trouble with touching Pokemon. She gives Lillie a nice distance while staying close. One of the most supportive Pokemon I’ve ever seen. And I want one as a pet. (Oh yeah and it and its evolution have access to Snow Warning which is also pretty fab.)
STEEL: EXCADRILL. I have a special relationship with the Subterrene Pokemon. The minute I saw Iris’s Excadrill, I wanted to train one. It looks awesome! A badass drill mole with a ‘tude. And it can hold its own in tournament play! Defensively, its typing is awesome. The Steel-type can resist so much and switch into Toxic without fear. It can learn not one, but TWO OHKO moves (Fissure and Horn Drill). And the three abilities it has access to are all great. You could go for pure power with Sand Force, get the upper hand on speed with Sand Rush, or negate abilities like Levitate and Fur Coat with Mold Breaker! Its small size doesn’t do it justice considering how big of a threat it is.
DRAGON: DRAMPA. FALKOR. At least that’s what I thought when I saw Turtonator’s Moon counterpart for the first time. Believe it or not, Falkor actually has some things going for it! Two out of its three possible abilities are amazing. Cloud Nine removes the effects of weather, while Berserk shoots that Special Attack up after HP is halved. Plus, it’s so fluffy! Lana and Mallow playing with this guy gives me all the feels. You do you, Falkor.
FAIRY: PRIMARINA. I end this list by fawning over the final form of our beloved Popplio. I was hesitant as to what the clown seal would evolve into. But this thing just straight-up Neville Longbottomed. It is beautiful! It looks like it came out of a Disney movie. Its battling skills aren’t too shabby, either. Sparkling Aria hits everyone on the field and heals burns for some reason. But it could help heal a partner with Water Absorb or Dry Skin. The Z-Move this can turn into, Oceanic Operetta, just blows my mind with the animation. If you want a reason to use Sparkling Aria, the Z-Move is a good reason. But let’s get to the best part: Its Hidden Ability, Liquid Voice. HYPER VOICE IS WATER NOW. 'Nuff said.
And now you know my favorite Pokemon. My team and I would love a battle sometime. Diamond out!
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