#vv: trisha traveller
heromonty · 3 months
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The second of two bin families I’ve moved into Veronaville (for now) is the Traveller’s who I’ve literally never played with before so it’ll be interesting to get to know them. Tina was at school so no picture of her.
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Their welcome wagon was certainly a choice made by the game considering all three hate one another. Trent and Trisha kept them all distracted though - unlike Cyd, they probably heard a bit about the feud.
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dreadpirate · 6 years
Sapphos Drive Plans
For Sapphos Drive, I move in sims to the hood (either to fill spaces in one of the 8 bachelorette pads or as townies) once sims get married and the dating pool dries up. This is my prioritization order for this moving in process.
1. Living sims from the Base Game hoods (everyone’s here so we move to the next one)
2. Living sims from the EP hoods (there are some sims from DV and BDC that are not in the hood yet, but they will be in at least as townies by the second half of summer)
3. Sims from the bin (which hood they belong to depends of which EP they came with. Priya Ramaswami and Samantha Ottomas will be considered as RBH sims and Mary Gavigan as a BDC sim, for example. Trisha Traveller would be a Sim from a unique hood.)
4. Sims from the BG and EP hoods who died as adults. The dead VV adults fall in this category. As do the Tricous (who will be considered as Downtown sims like Rainelle Neengia)
5. Sims from custom hoods like Widespot, or crossovers from other Sims games like Life Stories.
The premade Uni sims will be played when I establish Sapphos Drive’s Uni subhood (which will either be an empty version of @penig’s Land Grant University or @katatty ‘s ALT makeover which I will rename as Athena University).
But this won’t be until the first batch of Gen 2 moves for College. In this case, these would be the Capp cousins and Etsu Cho.
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