#w customer who was first being rude as hell then suddenly being all concerned (still in a rude & demanding way tho)
ayyponine · 1 year
(fainted at work yet again rip. maybe the issue would b solved if when customers start acting like dicks i just get to bite them instead of growing upset having to deal w it)
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spookybias · 3 years
[ attractiveness everywhere, stupidity everywhere ] — kang taehyun
pairing: kang taehyun x gn! reader. genre: fluff, crack. warning: mention of bugs, mc doesn't have any friends. for: @ficscafe's dialogue prompt event. word count: 1960 note: obviously i wasn't sure how to end this T_T
prompts: #22: "stop staring, it’s creepy" + #23: "what the hell are you wearing?" + #25: "you got something on your face." "what? where?" "your stupidity. it’s everywhere."
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You shrieked at the sight of a tick crawling up your leg, and immediately began swatting at the skin in an attempt to slap it and any comrades that might have kept it company off of you. As a cold breeze passed, you brought your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around yourself in a hug. The thought of more ticks crawling all over you, consuming your blood and body in their tiny, red glory, sent shivers to your spine. The wait for your guardian to come pick you up from school was beginning to feel endless, and although the sun was shining, the warmth was certainly not existent on this particular day.
The thought of having to wait longer in the chilly weather only produced more thoughts of ticks and ants and other bugs finding the time to crawl on you. Anxiously, you dusted off your tutu skirt and legs once more, and even your jean jacket every few minutes. You thought that waiting at a nearby cafe instead of at the high school grounds was a better option, considering you refused to let any of your peers find out that you were still being picked up by someone. But you weren't expecting to become the seven course meal for some ticks.
The sunlight began to beam down. You were gracious for the heat to finally be hitting your shivering physique, but immediately became irritated at the brightness that you were sure would blind you if you sat at the table for another half and hour. You rose a hand to your head, trying to block out the sunlight, and caught sight of a boy from your school making his way over.
You realized who it was, and your knees began to tingle. You were eighty-five percent sure that the tick hadn't bit you, and that the twinkling panic in your body was due to the pretty guy plopping down in one of the seats across the table. Taehyun shuffled through his backpack, pulling out some snacks.
The desire to impress one of the cool kids from you school flew in like a pigeon at the sight of bread. You leaned back in your chair, legs crossed in what you hoped was a sexy angle, and twirled a piece of your hair around your fingertips. Before you realized what you were doing, you made a mental note of everything that was attractive about taehyun; his half brown, half blonde hair, his pearly whites, and his gentle but assertive hands. overall, his face was amazing. You mumbled to yourself as you watched him eat his animal crackers, unaware of just how creepy you appeared.
"Is there something you need?" Taehyun looked up from his notebook and sighed. He picked up his pack of crackers and held them out to you. "Are you hungry? Do you want some?" He waved the food in front of your face.
You were left dumbfounded. The tone of his voice made you feel like you were some kind of wild animal trying to prey on him, and he was trying to distract you in order to escape. You knew you weren't the best around people, but never predicted that the boy you'd seen people swoon over for ages talked to others like they were beneath him. "No, I don't want anything from you." It came out much more rude than you had intended. perhaps you were something feral, and your defensive instincts had kicked in.
Taehyun blinked twice before setting his pack of crackers back down. "Stop staring, it's creepy." Then he looked down, taking note of your appearance. He had never seen someone combine a jean jacket and a tutu skirt in forty degree weather. "What the hell are you wearing?"
Feeling self-conscious, you pulled your knees up to your chest again, tugging at your skirt. "What? You think I'm weird or something?" You weren't trying to sound so targeted, but you were used to people picking on your taste in everything, and attacking first had become your immediate reaction to others. "You don't have to sit here."
"Calm down," Taehyun held his hands up with a look of so much disbelief that you wondered if you seemed like you were about to shoot. "You seemed cold, even from all the way over there." Your eyes followed his thumb pointing over his shoulder to the nearest crosswalk, the direction he had come from earlier. "And it's no wonder. You're wearing a skirt in weather like this."
"I thought I looked cute..." You mumbled into your arms crossed over your legs. "Besides, you have no control over what I wear. I can show as much leg skin as I want to." You ended your sentence with a pout.
"I'm not saying you don't look cute." Taehyun looked directly into your eyes. "It's nice seeing an already attractive person in a strange, but nice outfit." Your face started to feel hot. "And you're right, I have no control over what you want to wear. I was just concerned is all. It's freezing and I know you're cold in that skirt."
"So you care?" The words tumbled out of your mouth before you could catch a hold of what you were saying. You weren't exactly used to people who weren't your guardian worrying about you.
Taehyun rolled his eyes and flipped to a new page in his notebook. "I would rather you don't pass out from the temperature right in front of me."
"My guardian usually tells me if it's hot or cold," You went on to say, no longer remembering that Taehyun was one of the cool kids, and instead eating up the idea that someone seemed interested in you. "The sun was out, so I assumed it would be better weather today."
Look at me, you thought to yourself, talking about the weather with someone handsome.
"You have a phone right?" Taehyun suddenly questioned.
Your eyes widened, a tiny bead of sweat dripped down the side of your face. You managed to stutter out, "Y-yes. I do. W-why?"
"Phones have weather apps, idiot. Start checking yours." Taehyun didn't bother to look up from his book. You wondered if he was still interested in what you had to say, if he had more questions after this one. "If you don't have the mental capacity to do that, then at least open your window and stick your hand out."
"Oh ok." You screamed into your skull. You had let yourself get a little too excited about Taehyun's question. You were brought back to reality. Taehyun was a cool kid, and you were a weird new student, an outsider. There was no way he'd give you his number.
The clouds moved in, blocking the sunshine that had previously been annoying you. Taehyun's appearance had made you forget about your irritation entirely, though. It was silent except for the occasional sound of the cafe door a few feet away swinging open joined by the sound of a customer's footsteps as they power-walked out with whatever they had bought. You wanted to talk to Taehyun some more, but wasn't sure what you could possibly say that hadn't already been said to the boy a million times —that day.
He was just that popular.
Taehyun jumped at the sudden sound of a slap on skin. You shrieked at the sight of an ant on your leg. Taehyun could distract you from the cold and the sunlight, but not from your worst nightmare coming true.
"Oh my gosh, they're eating me!" You wailed.
"What on Earth are you talking about?" Taehyun closed his notebook and put it away. It was impossible for him to get some studying (and snacking) done with you around. "You really are crazy."
"There was an ant, and earlier there was a tick. Am I gonna die? They've been attacking me all day!"
Taehyun squinted. He wondered if you were mentally okay. Maybe the lack of social interaction was the cause of your eerie behavior. "Ants aren't much of a problem, but did the tick bite you?"
"No, I don't think so." You patted down your clothes.
"Then you're fine," Taehyun started to pack up his things. "I mean, if the tick did bite you, it's possible that your legs could go numb and you'd never walk again—"
"WHAT?!" You weren't sure if your life was flashing before your eyes or if the sun's demonic brightness had finally gotten to you.
Taehyun stared blankly at you. "You got something on your face."
"What? Where?" Panic began to strike again at the thought of a bug crawling on your cheek.
"Your stupidity. It’s everywhere." Taehyun grabbed his bag and stood up. "And I'm starting to believe it might be contagious, so I'll go now."
"You're leaving?" You scrambled around for your bag on the back of the chair and followed suit.
"Yeah, my ride should be here in a few minutes. I'm just going to stand by the corner." Taehyun walked off. You stood frozen in place.
"T-Taehyun!" You called out.
"Yes, ____?" He looked over his shoulder expectantly. "I don't have all day," He reminded as he took a look at the invisible watch on his wrist.
"You know my name?" You didn't think anyone at your school knew your name. No one talked to you unless they hadn't been paying attention to what the teacher was saying and needed a recap.
Taehyun turned around and looked at you. "Of course I know your name. We're in the same grade."
Oh. You had gotten ahead of yourself again. "Taehyun." You fiddled your fingers and lowered your voice. "Can I stand next to you while you wait for your ride?" It was silly, really, but that was the kind of person you were.
Taehyun continued walking. "Yeah, sure. Stop being creepy about it." There was a hint of teasing in his voice and a growing smile on his face. You were so stupid and weird, and that made him want to learn more about you.
And so you stood beside Taehyun for the next three minutes, utter and comforting silence surrounding you both. You thought you looked like two strangers who talked to each other and stood next to each other like they weren't strangers at all. You shook your head, letting the desire to be close to Taehyun shake. He'd probably let anyone stand next to him on the sidewalk.
A black van with tinted windows pulled up to the curb. It looked suspicious and you wondered if Taehyun was quite the suspicious character. You also wondered if you should probably run as far away as you could from the van. Then the door opened, and you caught a glimpse of an older guy with red hair sitting inside.
"Hurry up, Taehyun. We're gonna be late to game night, and I just know Beomgyu and Kai are hiding all the good cards." The guy peaked his head out and eyed you. "Taehyun you have an interesting taste."
"Your hair is weird," You immediately shot back.
Taehyun turned around. "Do you need a ride?" You gulped as you watched him put his bag in the car.
"Uh, no my guardian should be on their way. And I'm not allowed to take rides from strangers." You scratched your head awkwardly. "Not that I would want to ride with that weird guy in the back," You managed to finish.
Taehyun chuckled. "I'll leave first. Don't wait here on the corner by yourself, though. Someone might mistake you for a prostitute. It's not exactly safe," Taehyun warned. "See you at school."
"Got it." You retreated back to your empty cafe table, and watched from afar as Taehyun's car drove our of sight.
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jungnoir · 7 years
a dash of wicked;
kim seokjin | “I’m a writer and you’re my character and wtf how the heck did you just literally climb out of my first draft?” ⇢ what exactly is standard protocol when a super villain you create for a children’s book comes to life one day? well, you keep him, of course. | 2.6k words. | supernatural, fluff. requested.
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a/n: I originally struggled with coming up with an idea for this request because I had already done the same prompt for another member, but I uh… listened to we are number one from lazy town and suddenly 💡. enjoy, because I secretly love writing for seokjin and rarely get the chance to.
“Are you sure you’re not free tonight? I really wanted take you out to that new Thai restaurant on 3rd, you know.” 
Your eyes trail up tiredly from your hands’ ministrations, your fingers locating your belongings and putting them away into your bag like muscle memory even as you stare down the very attractive and very persistent Park Jimin, your cubicle mate for the last five years and the only guy who could ask you out more times in a week than he could say “hello” to you. You had gotten so used to the routine that you could fill a notebook with all of your collected responses… maybe make that two notebooks.
“As sure as I was when I texted you that I wasn’t two days ago, Jimin.” You say monotonously, closing the flap on your messenger bag before slinging the heavy thing over your shoulder. You did a quick scan of the expanse of your desk to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything before scooting out of your place and past Jimin to make your way home. Your tired feet ached in your heels and your ponytail was starting to hurt. All you could think about at the moment was a warm, comfortable bath with a little wine and a fluffy bed to slip into in preparation for the coma you were about to induce on yourself this weekend. 
Jimin follows behind without much struggle, his legs carrying him closer and closer until he’s falling into step with you, “You used to love going out to get food with me, (Y/N). I know boss has been pressuring you nonstop about getting that first draft done for the upcoming book, but you seem more busy than usual. I’m really worried… are you alright?” 
Jimin’s voice turns soft and concerned, a tone you were more used to hearing when you had been up for more than 36 hours and were so sleep-deprived that you were starting to write out three or more paragraphs to describe a patch of wallpaper because your mind couldn’t be bothered to focus on anything important to the plot. But as far as Jimin knew, you had no heavy bags under your eyes and your stomach wasn’t growling for something other than the copious amounts of caffeine you lived off of. You looked healthy, better than ever even, but yet to him, you seemed to never have time for anything besides work these days.
Honestly, you felt bad having to turn Jimin down every time he brought up going out together, because if you were being truthful, you missed him just as much as he missed you (you even missed having to redirect his flirtatious advances in favor of having normal conversations), and despite what Jimin was probably thinking, none of it had anything to do with him. It didn’t even have anything to do with you. 
No, it was all thanks to the Commander of Terror. Or, better known as Kim Seokjin, the super villain you’d created for your company’s upcoming children’s superhero themed novel that had somehow, someway, come to life and weaseled his way into your home one day, straight out of your writing as if you had molded his physical being from the dust of the earth like you were a god or something. You could see why you had trouble giving Jimin much explanation for your need to ditch him all the time, right?
“I’m great! I promise. I’m just a bit… tied up at the house lately.” “It’s been a month, (Y/N). What could possibly keep you homebound like this?” Jimin sighs, and it’s only when he breaks his gaze with you that he realizes he can’t leave work just yet, and you’re steadily making your way to the exit without a care. 
The dark-haired man stops in the lobby of the building, watching with disappointed eyes as you reach the front doors, steps from greeting the evening world and the sun threatening to set soon. You place a hand on the handle of the door and turn to look over your shoulder at him, your heart lurching a little at the defeated, puppy-dog look in his eyes as he watched you leave him behind once again. 
But even through the regret, you knew that leaving your new friend home alone for too long would cause you more trouble than you could allow, and you had a civic duty to protect the world from evil… and bad, bad dad jokes. 
“I didn’t tell you? I got a puppy.”
You wished that was the case. Severely.
The moment you entered your home, your heart began to hammer erratically at the state of your abode. No, there was no fire in the oven, your living room didn’t look like a tornado blew straight through it, and there certainly weren’t any alerts from your local news station that there was a man running through the streets causing mayhem and distress. No, god, you wished that there was any sign of the living being you’d been practically babysitting for the last month in sight. Instead, you were greeted with a scarily clean house and utter silence - never a good sign.
You were sprinting into every part of the house, starting from Seokjin’s room and making your way into yours. You checked the living room, the basement, the bathrooms, and the kitchen, but you were rapidly coming up short. It wasn’t exactly like Seokjin didn’t know how to leave the house, but you had made it excruciatingly clear that he couldn’t leave unless it was for an emergency, and if it was an emergency, he was to contact you as soon as possible. Your phone had not blown up with nonsense messages from the super villain and you were sure he could have gotten his message to you somehow if he really needed to, which only made you panic all the more. 
Your panic came to a stutter however, when you entered the dining room.
Laid out on the average sized table was a long, draping red table cloth decorated in intricate designs, the cloth nearly brushing the floor with its length. Leaning forward to brush your fingers along it, you noted with an audible gasp that it felt very expensive and smelled very new. You could only wonder where he’d gotten it, because you sure as hell couldn’t afford that much.
In the middle of the table, there was a rather embarrassingly large bouquet of roses placed in a beautiful crystal vase, another item you definitely didn’t own, and on either side of the roses were long, skinny black candles with wicks still white and new, never burned. There was a set of gorgeous fine china on either side of the table, more things added to the list of possessions that hadn’t been there before. The longer you stared at the pretty setup, the longer your thoughts began to whirl out of control.
Seokjin was missing, nothing was destroyed or currently being destroyed, and your dining room table was decorated like a setting for two lovers on their anniversary. You almost asked yourself if you were even in the right house. 
So caught up in your own world, you didn’t notice the sound of your front door opening and closing and loafers clacking along the wood floors, nearing closer to you with every second. 
A moment passes, and then your eyesight is obstructed by delicate fingers while a minty breath ghosts your ear, “You weren’t supposed to see this until I got home. Fiddlesticks.” 
You reach up with lightning speed to yank the hand away from your face and spin around just enough to see none other than Seokjin standing there, dressed in a purple striped dress shirt and black slacks, dark hair brushed back into an immaculate style that has your breath catching for just a second, just long enough for Seokjin to notice as his lip quirks up into a pleased smile, “Cat got your tongue?”
“W-Where were you? I thought you’d gone off somewhere, probably used your powers to manipulate the president into giving you power over the country or something-” “Ridiculous, why would I only want control over South Korea? I’m looking for global domination, petal. You should know, you created me.” Seokjin chuckles at you like you’ve told him a silly joke, his upper body leaning in a bit and crowding your space with his sweet scent. 
Your words come out in choppy stammers in reaction to his proximity, this being the closest you two had ever been, and you still hadn’t gotten quite acquainted to living with a super villain, let alone one of your own creation for a children’s book no less. It did not help at all that he was unfairly handsome, looking like something you’d conjured up in your dreams while you watched friends go off with significant others, all happy and pretty and perfect. At one point, you had wondered if that’d ever be you and Jimin. And then Seokjin came along.
You’d never admit it aloud because god forbid Seokjin’s ego inflated anymore than it already did when he caught your doe-eyed look whenever he walked out of the shower in just a towel (”Like what you see?” “I bought you a robe to wear for a reason!”), but damn it… the dude was pretty much your ideal type. Minus the super villain part.
“Stop bringing that up, it still weirds me out… and you didn’t answer my question. Where’d you go?” You ask again, a little more stern this time, and Seokjin catches the hint that he should tread carefully. 
He’d been scolded by you time and time again for things like setting your rude neighbor’s garden on fire or manipulating the customer service workers over the phone for the home shopping network to give you the diamond necklace he saw for free (”It’ll make your eyes pop, petal”), but never for something like leaving the house. He had managed to keep himself more than busy enough by himself at home all day, so him leaving suddenly hadn’t been one of your biggest concerns as of late, even if it did loom in the back of your mind often.
If there was one rule you enforced with every fiber of your being, it was to never leave without you unless it was an emergency. He had broken that rule no matter which way he told it, but in his mind, he was easily able to make up for it. “I come bearing gifts from the new Thai restaurant on 3rd.”
The smell of the food only hits your nose when he tells you, and you look down to see the brown paper bag decorated with the restaurant’s logo, looking packed full with all kinds of goodies. Your irritation at him dissipates the moment you realize he has food in hand, and your mouth begins to water involuntarily, “Oh my god, Seokjin, you’re amazing,” Seokjin visibly beams at your words, setting the bag on the dining table with pride, “Here I was, starting to regret not taking up Jimin’s offer to go to that restaurant tonight, too.” 
At the mention of your coworker, Seokjin bristles, “Has he been bothering you still? I told you, I’m willing to manipulate him into giving himself a colossal super wedgie whenever you give the word.” 
You let out a sound that is a cross between a laugh and a scoff, but you can’t ignore the slight surge of affection you feel toward the villain at his concern, “No thanks, Seokjin. I told you, Jimin is just a bit of a flirt sometimes. He’s still a really good friend.”
Unconvinced but compliant, Seokjin hums and raises his chin a bit, looking down at you from over the tip of his nose, “Your wish is my command, petal. I’d rather not talk about another man when I’ve done all this for you, though, if you don’t mind. It’s only courteous.” 
Jealous. Cute.
You fail to hide your smile, tickled pink at the idea that he might start getting huffy if you mention your coworker once more. Instead, you reach into the bag and start setting out the food, smiling at Seokjin, “Of course, Jinnie,” Seokjin’s cheeks bloom a rosy color at the sound of the nickname you’d given him, “go get the drinks, I’ll set out the food.”
Seokjin, suddenly very motivated to be out of sight of your teasing gaze begins to slink toward the kitchen when something comes to mind and you quickly snatch his wrist into your hold, stopping the tall man from getting too far from you. Perplexed, the villain looks down at you with furrowed brows and looks you over for any sign of danger before he’s assured he senses none, “Yes, petal?”
God, you’d never get over that nickname as long as you lived. You swore Seokjin knew it too.
“Why’d you do all this for me? I mean, food is one thing but… a fancy, expensive new table cloth? Candles? More than a dozen roses? What’s all this for?”
Seokjin blinks for a moment, the two of you looking at each other in pure silence. Then, very carefully, Seokjin gives you a smile that has your chest thumping a little harder with the force of your own heartbeat, his wrist wriggling out of your hold only for his fingers to entangle with yours instead, “Think of it as a… a less troublesome ‘thank you’. I know stolen diamond necklaces and setting the gardens of your enemies on fire isn’t a very conventional way of showing one’s thanks, but let’s face it, none of my situation really makes sense in the first place. I just… wanted to find a way to say ‘thank you for not abandoning me’ in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling guilty. A nice dinner seemed like the way to go. It’s the least I could do for you, petal.”
Against your will, you find your eyes burning with the threat of tears, and you blame your influx of emotions on the stressful week you had piling up on you and not the fact that Seokjin had tugged at pretty much every heartstring you had. Instead of letting any of said tears fall, you shyly squeeze his hand in yours and give him a toothy grin, “I wouldn’t have the heart to abandon you, Jinnie. As strange as our dilemma is… I don’t think I could ever go back to whatever normal was for me before you came into my life. I like it too much, the way it is now.”
Seokjin’s mouth falls open suddenly and he looks shocked that you’ve even said such a thing to him, and then he closes it quickly, the rosy hue on his cheeks now taking on a darker color altogether. When the man realizes your hands are still intertwined, he pulls away awkwardly, trying and failing to discreetly wipe his sweaty palms on the backs of his pants. “Ah, don’t do that. With the way you’re smiling at me, I’m almost convinced you might like me.”
Swallowing the growing lump in your throat, you break eye contact with him to look elsewhere, subconsciously capturing your bottom lip between your teeth for a moment before replying, “You wouldn’t be terribly wrong.”
Seokjin’s eyes are burning on you suddenly, and the sheer heaviness of his gaze causes you to meet his fixed stare. He lets out an amused, breathy laugh when a question mark becomes visible in your expression. “Oh… you don’t know what you do to me, petal.”
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