#w; rynn henderson
sergeantjhart · 2 years
Where: On the Rocks Who: closed @rynnthehuman​ 
Jesse hadn’t given himself much time to really process the fact that Landon was back in his life - to some extent, anyway. But the pieces didn’t really fit together the way he’d always thought they would. This time he didn’t think he could just wave it off.
Had he deserved it? Maybe his memory was off. Maybe he’d done something wrong. They had all just been kids back then. Or maybe he simply hadn’t done enough. Either way, he would’ve thought there would’ve been a better answer than a note. Hey, I’m moving away, see you never!
Sliding into a seat at the bar Jesse ordered a pair of beers, only waiting a minute or two before Rynn had joined him. 
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“So I’m not completely losing my mind, right?” Jesse remarked, sliding one of the beers over to her. “He’s actually here?” 
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