#w1 icons
xnoel · 5 months
i still can’t believe i woke up to a haobin tiktok where they’re dancing in front of a haobin poster that says “love is love”, like they even zoomed in on it at the end 😭
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Round L3, Poll #19 TAKE TWO
Remember, this is the losers bracket. We are matching up the winners of round L2 vs the losers of round W1. The winner of this poll will move on to round 4, and the loser will be revealed.
Character 114: He's a time traveler whos generally fun loving and laidback, which hides his terrible secret: he'd been breaking time traveling rules and crossing timelines to save his partner from death over and over and over again
Character 230: A little guy! A socialist that was forced to join the capitalist system, but girlbossed so hard that he could retire early and uses his money to bring entertainment to everyone! So much transmasc swag! Loves videogames! Is very pro-piracy of digital media! An aroace icon! Orng.... fren....
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Pulp Diction - Part One Words: Paul Lester, Photographer: Pat Pope Melody Maker, 27 May 1995 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
From the late Seventies right up to the early Nineties, Sheffield's Pulp were critical faves whose bizarre sex-obsessed space-pop eluded commercial success. Then in 1994, their His 'n' Hers LP sold 100,000 copies, went Top 10 and almost won the Mercury Prize. Meanwhile, frontman Jarvis Cocker became Britain's unlikeliest sex symbol and all-round multi-media pundit. With their fantastic new single 'Common People' released this week, we meet the brilliant Pulp as they prepare to ascend to the next level of fame and acclaim.
He's Chris Evans' favourite artist. Greater London Radio has called him "the first pop star of the 21st century". This writer reckons he's Eric Morecambe meets James Bond. And he's described himself as "Woody Alien in platform heels". Ladies and Gentlemen, Jarvis Branson Cocker, the human stick insect in Oxfam gladrags rechristened "Pop's Mr Sex" by The Observer's "Life" magazine, has just entered the building. And tripped over some camera cable.
As stumbles go, it's pretty clumsy. Although Jarvis doesn't exactly tumble arse over tit onto the Maker photographer's studio floor, it's a trip nonetheless, a full-scale fumble of the feet, a semi-somersault. Not that Cocker seems to care. He doesn't bother to check whether the nosy bastard journalist has witnessed his miniature fall from grace, he just regains his balance and heads towards the studio table where several platefuls of sweets and sandwiches await.
The trip is all. In it, we can locate the sublime/corblimey essence of Pulp, the most modern of modern pop bands, fronted by Jarvis Cocker, the ordinary man with the extraordinary talent, the sex god with the sex problems, the klutz-icon whose Cool Quotient is raised precisely because he doesn't mind looking uncool. Thought: Jarvis Cocker has the same initials as Jesus Christ and Jimmy Corkhill.
Fact: on the night of this interview, he is spied in a quiet corner of a Menswear after-show party with a gorgeous young girl, legs akimbo, facing him on his lap, her skirt around her waist, his crotch against hers, the pair, oblivious to the drinking/drugging hordes (basically the entire population of The Good Mixer relocated to London W1), thrusting and grunting like extras from "Confessions Of A Britpop Idol".
Theory: the British public is obsessed with sex, especially public sex, at which Jarvis Cocker is (becoming) an expert. Ergo, the British public is (becoming) obsessed with Jarvis Cocker, who, after 15 years in the shadows, is Going Public with Pulp's synthetically treated, dramatically arranged, indecently graphic pop songs about public - and private and magical and mundane - sex.
A Pulp feature without sex would be like a Barry White feature without sex or a Spiritualized feature without drugs or a Snoop Doggy Dogg feature without guns or a Shaun Ryder feature without sex and drugs and guns, or a Paul Weller feature without loads of tedious meandering bollocks about old blues and soul records. But a Pulp feature - or, for that matter, a Pulp song - doesn't have to be solely about sex. It's just that, for Pulp, as it is for Jarvis Cocker, as it is (let's be honest) for us, sex is the axis around which all their/his/our other obsessions orbit.
So, yes, a Pulp feature or a Pulp song could be about knitting, just as it could be about fairgrounds or babies or joyriders or pink gloves or lipgloss or underwear. But really, once you've rubbed at the surface and scrubbed away the details of Pulp's beautiful tales of banal lives, you're left with sex, in all its gory glory. I'm not sorry about this. Neither's Jarvis Cocker.
"Is there anything in the world more interesting than sex?" the thinking woman's crumpet with the thick-rimmed spectacles repeats my loaded/"Loaded" question in his inimitably rich, deep South Yorkshire voice. "No, I don't suppose there is. Eating and reproducing are the two major motives that make animals want to do things. And I don't think it's that different with people, except that people have the ability to think about it, and have morals about it. I always thought of sex as something quite transcendental," he continues, leaning forward now. "Not that l'm into tantric sex, or whatever, but in the way that it transcends... In a world where religion isn't such a massive guiding force, sex is, along with drugs, the closest we ever get to a transcendental feeling. Especially the moment of orgasm." Oo-er, Jarvis Cock-er.
Think of the seedy voyeurism of "Babies" (from "His 'n' Hers") where the kid watches his friend's sister going at it hammer-and-tongs through a gap in a wardrobe door; of the tawdry perversions of "Sheffield: Sex City" from "Pulpintro" ("I just had to make love to all the cracks in the pavement and the shop doorways"); or the smutty ambiguity of "Little Girl (With Blue Eyes)" from "Masters Of The Universe" ("There's a hole in your heart / And one between your legs / You've never had to wonder which one he's going to fill"): Pulpsex is never the hygienic coupling you see in films, the seamless, juiceless, sexless, unproblematic sex we're all supposed to have as adults.
Jarvis Cocker is the only white pop artist currently addressing the subject of sex in an explicit manner. Historically, white pop sex has either been good clean fun (The Beatles, The Beach Boys) or its darker side has just been hinted at (The Who, The Rolling Stones) or it has been the course of much angst (New Order, The Smiths).
Today, of course, sex is dealt with in numerous black genres such as rap, house and swingbeat, only there the sex is the mechanically precise variety, all domineering men and submissive women, gleaming musculature and cool biological fusion and fission. Pulpsex is rather more fumbling and fallible than that. It takes place between streets, not between the sheets.
"I like that sort of thing," admits Jarvis. "It's good for sex to be an event, not always taking place in the same venue. It's better to go on tour, as it were. It's more exciting. Not that I'm one of those people who has to think that they're going to be discovered at any moment shagging in an alleyway, or whatever."
"Anyway," he refers back to the bump 'n' grind style of contemporary sensual poetry, "that's where most pop writing about sex falls down. It becomes like a parody of a man trying to portray himself as God's gift to women, as the greatest stud alive."
Could a white man ever get away with a line like Barry White's "Take off your brassiere, my dear"?
"No, they'd get the piss taken out of them, and rightly so."
As Pulp's popularity increases, so too does Jarvis Cocker's ability to reduce female admirers to paroxysms of pleasure at the sight of his beanpole academic frame or the sound of his lugubrious, deadpan, baritone. Thing is, they're half surrendering to Jarvis, the post-modern Englebert Humperdink (he sends them), and half laughing at themselves for doing so (is he sending himself up?). There is a similarly narrow line in Pulp's songs between the silly and the serious. Could Jarv sing a song about sex with a straight face, or does he usually feel the need to be self-deprecating about it?
"Well," he smiles, "there is always that temptation where sex is concerned to hide the IQ, to pretend you didn't really mean what you said, which is a cop-out. You have to risk looking a bit daft."
Jarvis didn't lose his virginity until he was 19, and he was apparently celibate for several years when he moved down to London from Sheffield at the age of 25 to study film at St Martin's College Of Art. For years, his frustrated lust for lust fuelled his muse. Now he's got a live-in lover, Sarah, who may or may not be the saucy girl from the Menswear party and works in a mental health centre. ("I DJ'ed there once," Jarvis tells me. "I played them lots of Madness records".) Although like all of us he's struggling to keep his coitus explosively interesting while in a steady relationship ("I don't think you can have both at once. Do you know what I mean?" Oh, but I do), he is surely having at least more regular, if not more successful, sex. Is there a direct correlation between Jarvis Having Successful Sex and Jarvis No Longer Being Able To Write Successfully About Sex?
"It depends how you measure success at sex," he says. "There isn't a score card in operation, or anything." I dunno, I got a standing ovation from my girlfriend the other night. "I wouldn't say I was having more successful sex now," Jarvis ignores me. "I might be having more sex but I don't know if it's more successful." But if it was? "Then I'd probably stop writing altogether and concentrate on shagging! If it was that good. I mean," expands Jarvis, grandly, "there is a theory that states that people create Art because they're sublimating their sexual desires in some way, or they have certain feelings of dissatisfaction which drive them to achieve certain things. So if you were really satisfied with sex and life in general, you'd probably just give up creating and concentrate on enjoying yourself."
There are few signs of a satisfied Jarvis Cocker on "Common People", Pulp's anthemic, gigantic new single whose relentlessly intense rhythm and motorik pace recall the demonic, supersonic, electronic mo-mo-momentum of Eno-era Roxy Music, and whose juggernaut keyboard riff and vitriolic sex-geek lyric smack of Elvis Costello at his most deliciously malicious (circa "Lipstick Vogue"). The narrator of this staggering piece of synthesised pop invective relates the story of a girl who wants to slum it for a while by moving into a scuzzy neighbourhood, shopping in scummy grocers and sleeping with common people like...
"Sex was never really on the cards, to be honest," says the working-class boy from Intake, Sheffield of the real life incident recalled in "Common People", in which a student from a wealthy Greek family who Jarvis met at St Martin's College outlined her plans to take a brief, vicarious holiday in other people's misery, via El Jarvo himself.
"That was just a bit of poetic license. I only knew her for a matter of weeks, and I only spoke to her a few times, but it stuck in my mind what she was saying, that she wanted to sleep with 'common people like me'."
Did she actually use that line?
"Oh no. She never actually said that to me. It was one of the things that I found quite strange when I moved to London," digresses Jarvis, reminiscing about his formative years as a fully paid-up member of the Weird Teen Club, about his days wearing lederhosen and looking like a bit-part from "The Sound Of Music".
"Because when I lived in Sheffield I was always getting flack off football fans, stuff like, 'F***ing poof'. I was always considered a bit effete. Then suddenly I came down here and, because I spoke with this northern accent, I had this air of slight earthliness. I liked that, because I'd never had it before."
"So yeah," Jarvis returns to the inverted snob-protagonist of "Common People", "maybe she did consider me a bit common." Isn't that Pulp in a nutshell: a blend of the earthly and the effete, the coarse and the camp?
"Maybe, I don't know. That's your job to say that." So you were a bit posh up in Sheffield, and you're a bit rough in London? "Yeah, maybe. Yeah."
Does Jarvis, the alienated wunderkind who has been in Pulp for over half his life, feel more comfortable back home or down here?
"I was thinking about that when we played with Oasis at the Sheffield Arena show, actually," he says, fiddling with a loose fingernail. "At the do afterwards there were loads of people from Manchester and I really enjoyed being there, because I've not socialised in the north for a long time. I've found I get on easier with northerners that I do with people that I meet down here."
Can we extrapolate from this that, perusing a list of his peers, Jarvis would be more at ease with, for example, Oasis that he would, say, Blur?
"I've got more in common with Oasis, yeah. When it comes to something like civilised conversation."
Civilised conversation? Oasis?
"Why not? In fact, the first time I ever spoke to them was when we were all in America and we were trying to get into their show in San Francisco. And we got a message saying, 'You can all come in as long as Jarvis comes onto the bus and talks to us.' So I went on and talked. They were really friendly. Unfortunately, I was in a really depressed state - it was my birthday and I was feeling a bit maudlin - and they probably thought I was a right moron."
Jarvis Cocker meets the brothers Gallagher. The mind truly boggles at this summit encounter between such diametrically opposed aesthetic schools of consciousness. I suppose Noel and Liam were busy swapping lurid tales of birds and booze while poor Jarv was left to ruminate on the shabby nature of existence, or something.
Am I right?
"Not really, no," Jarv casually leaps out of his seat to deposit a bit of nail in the studio bin. "The only real difference," he says, plonking himself back down on his swivel chair, "was that they were talking about shagging birds and I was thinking about shagging birds."
Part Two: Here
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trolagygirl2022 · 10 months
I have that about tiktok tho w dior offer but yet i dont think wake one want that for her( i remember wonyoung was chosed as miu miu model since 2020 but become only ambassador in 2021 as ive member)anyways highlight are still delulu sometime...
I did mean she isn't great performer or interesing person...i feel she will have the carrer than she wish
Personally I can agree that her skills are not as strong. However a good reason why she debuted was how strong and big Hiyyihlights are. She should have debuted in HYBE and have a subunite with Huening Kai and Lea and create a subunite (imagine how iconic that would be??) I was there even before they debuted, people were trending "0t8 Kep1er" and other terrible stuff. I felt so worried for her as a Hikaru biased, people went as far to say she slept with her brother to get into Kep1er... fucking disgusting and shamefully. Fuck w1 for not protecting the poor girl
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businessid-uk · 1 month
Electric Space
Electric Space is a 5 storey town house, nestled immediately between Soho and Fitzrovia in Rathbone place W1. We are a creative space with the vision to be one of world’s renowned and iconic salon spaces. We are proud that we have some of the most directional & influential hairstylists and other like-minded creatives working here. 
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fastmusclecar123 · 3 months
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New Post has been published on https://fastmusclecar.com/5-of-the-best-australian-muscle-cars-ever-built/best-muscle-cars/
5 Of The Best Australian Muscle Cars Ever Built
While American muscle cars usually command the spotlight in terms of V8 vehicles, Australia also has its fair share of classics. We will delve into five of these classic vehicles which have stood the test of time. All of these vehicles are being shortlisted from a balance of collectability, performance, and general reputation.
1. Holden Monaro
The Holden Monaro is a legendary nameplate in the world of Australian muscle cars. Originally introduced in 1968, the Monaro quickly gained a reputation for its sleek design and formidable performance on the road and the racetrack. With powerful V8 engines under the hood and a timeless coupe silhouette, the Monaro captured the hearts of car enthusiasts across generations. Its iconic status was cemented with the release of modern iterations, including the Monaro VZ and the limited-edition Monaro CV8-Z.
2. Ford Falcon GT
The Ford Falcon GT is possibly the first Australian muscle car, depending on who you ask. The initial XR GT performance version housed a 4.7-liter, 289 ci V8 engine, with 68 and 71 eras having a 5.8-liter, 351 Cleveland V8 producing 300-350hp. The first Aussie-made version was the 1972 XA Falcon which came as a two-door coupe, with a top speed of 142 mph and a 0-60 time of 6.4 seconds. Over the years, the Falcon GT has evolved to become a symbol of Australian performance engineering, with each new generation pushing the boundaries of power and innovation. Models like the Falcon GT-HO Phase III have achieved legendary status among collectors and enthusiasts, Adding to the Falcon GT’s status.
3. Chrysler Valiant Charger
The Chrysler Valiant Charger was based on the Dodge Dart and Plymouth Valiant, but entirely Australian-made. With its long hood, short deck, and aggressive styling cues, the Valiant Charger stood out from the crowd and became a symbol of rebellion and freedom on the open road. Standout versions include the RT model with a 4.3-liter, 265 ci Hemi 6, producing 302 hp, with a 0 to 60 time of 6 seconds. For those wanting more luxury, the Charger 770 SE came with a 5.6-liter, 340-ci V8 and 275hp, Today, well-preserved Charger models are highly sought after by collectors, with the early 70s models being the most desirable.
Developed by Holden Special Vehicles (HSV), the HSV GTSR W1 is a limited-edition super sedan that pays homage to the classic muscle cars of yesteryear while incorporating the latest in automotive technology. With a supercharged V8 engine producing over 600 horsepower, advanced aerodynamics, and track-tuned suspension, the GTSR W1 is capable of tearing up the track with ease. Its aggressive styling and menacing presence make it an instant classic, destined to be remembered as one of the greatest Australian muscle cars.
5. Holden Sandman
American Australia had similar problems in the early 1970s. Huge distances to cover, while needing a vehicle to haul a decent amount of daily items. America solved a problem with the Chevrolet El Camino and the Ford Ranchero, while Australia came up with the ‘Ute.’ A regular muscle car upfront with a van at the back. The top version of the Sandman came with a 5.0-liter 308 engine, with a top speed of 125 mph. Standout features include the radial tuned suspension – leaf springs in the rear, coil springs for the front wheels to address the radial tires.
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shefancdotcom · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 3 Piano Books Disney Classic,The Best Of Christmas & Nutcracker Suite Highlight.
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4me4you · 11 months
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4me4you visits W1 Curates which featured Digital Artist, Creator of EVOL - “KidEight”.
KidEight is a UK-based graphic designer, turned NFT artist, turned rapper? Well, not exactly.
KidEight is a self-taught digital artist, motion designer, and Photoshop savant who spent the first 15 years of his career as a freelance graphic designer. The ruthlessly consistent creative execution that KidEight became synonymous with made him somewhat of a masked vigilante in the music industry, responsible for conceptualising and producing iconic mixtape covers for global superstars and hip-hop sensations.
Described by The New York Times as "an eccentric master of Photoshop and logo re-appropriations, with a finely honed sense of the absurd," he has worked with Atlantic Records, Def Jam, Future, Gucci Mane, Fabolous, Moneybagg Yo, Chris Brown, and virtually every rapper and hip-hop icon since the turn of the millennium.
KidEight's early obsession with mainstream Western pop and internet culture contributed to the establishment of his idiosyncratic art style, breaking the mold of the somewhat codified industry standard for mixtape cover art.
See more:
INSTAGRAM:  https://www.instagram.com/kideight/?hl=en
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productbehindreviews · 11 months
Beats Studio3 Wireless Headphones
Introducing the Beats Studio3 Wireless Noise Cancelling Over-Ear Headphones – the epitome of audio excellence and cutting-edge technology. Immerse yourself in a world of superior sound quality and unbeatable comfort with this latest model from Beats.
Crafted with precision and engineered to perfection, the Beats Studio3 headphones combine top-of-the-line features to deliver an unparalleled audio experience. Designed with the iconic matte black finish, these headphones are not just a feast for the ears but also a fashion statement.
One of the standout features of the Beats Studio3 is the incorporation of the Apple W1 Headphone Chip, ensuring seamless compatibility with all your Apple devices. This advanced chip guarantees a fast and stable wireless connection, allowing you to enjoy your music without any interruptions. Whether you’re listening to your favorite tunes or engaging in a phone call, the built-in microphone ensures crystal-clear voice quality.
BrandBeatsModel NameBeats Studio3ColorMatte BlackForm FactorOver EarConnectivity TechnologyWireless, Bluetooth, Infrared, Wired
Additional Details
High-performance wireless noise cancelling headphones
Compatible with iOS and Android devices.
Pure adaptive noise canceling (pure ANC) actively blocks external noise
Real-time Audio calibration preserves a Premium listening experience
Up to 22 hours of battery life enables full-featured all-day wireless playback
Apple’s W1 chip and industry-leading Bluetooth technology keep you connected farther with fewer drop-outs
With fast Fuel, a 10-minute charge gives 3 hours of play when battery is low. Rechargeable lithium ion battery
Take calls, control your music, and activate Siri with the multifunction on-ear controls and microphone
What’s in the box: Beats Studio3 Wireless headphones, Carrying case, 3.5mm RemoteTalk cable, Universal USB charging cable, Quick Start Guide, Warranty Card (USB power adapter sold separately)
Read More>>
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forestraydentists · 1 year
Periodontal Treatment W1
Located conveniently close to the prestigious W1 postal district, Forest & Ray Dental Practice is dedicated to providing exceptional periodontal treatment. Utilizing modern dental techniques and a patient-first approach, Forest & Ray ensures high-quality care for periodontal conditions.
Periodontal disease, commonly referred to as gum disease, can cause significant discomfort and lead to severe health complications if left untreated. At Forest & Ray London private dentist, we provide a range of services that include non-surgical treatments, periodontal surgery, scaling and root planing - often described as a 'deep clean.' Furthermore, we offer ongoing periodontal maintenance to promote continued gum health and overall oral well-being.
The W1 district is replete with London's most iconic landmarks and attractions. Following your visit to Forest & Ray, immerse yourself in the district's rich culture and history. You can explore the Oxford Street, known for its shopping, or visit the illustrious Regent Street and Carnaby Street, famous for their flagship stores and independent boutiques.
The district is home to the Royal Academy of Arts, a notable institution offering world-class exhibitions. For nature enthusiasts, the beautiful Regent's Park, boasting the ZSL London Zoo and Queen Mary's Gardens, is a must-visit.
Experience the buzzing nightlife in Soho, renowned for its trendy bars and clubs. W1 also hosts the acclaimed West End theatres, such as the London Palladium, making it a hotspot for theatre-goers. For food aficionados, a trip to the eclectic restaurants around the district will surely satisfy culinary cravings.
With Forest & Ray (private dentist w1) near the W1 postal district, your periodontal care isn't just a healthcare routine. It is an opportunity to experience the blend of culture, history, and modernity that is quintessential to one of London's most dynamic districts.
Originally published here: https://forestray.dentist/general-dentistry-london/periodontal-treatment/w1/
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Art Voyage: 5 Captivating Exhibitions Making Waves!
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Exhibitions Igniting the Global Art Scene! Embark on a journey of immersive installations, thought-provoking narratives, and boundless creativity. Let these must-visit showcases worldwide ignite your passion for art and leave you inspired. Join us at WhatsOn for a thrilling exploration of the art world's gems! Basel Social Club Sébastien Bertrand and gallery Air de Paris present bed sheet paintings by American artist Walter Robinson at Basel Social Club. Robinson, a key figure in the Pictures Generation, explores desire and seduction in popular culture. He uses patterned bed sheets as a metaphor for consciousness, combining nature and culture. By recontextualizing familiar imagery in a "high art" tradition, Robinson challenges viewers to reconsider how they process visual information. His work prompts a fresh perspective on consumer and mass media imagery, merging popular and high culture through the lens of desire and seduction. When: 11 June – 18 June 2023 Where: Franck Areal, Horburgstrasse 105, 4057 Basel, Switzerland For more > https://sebastienbertrand.com/ Chris Ofili: The Seven Deadly Sins Chris Ofili's "The Seven Deadly Sins" is a series of paintings exploring sin and its complexities. Completed over six years, the works reflect on the human condition. Accompanying the exhibition is a publication featuring contributions from seven writers, including Hilton Als and Marlon James, who provide personal and expansive writings on the seven deadly sins. Excerpts from the book and commentaries on the paintings are presented alongside the exhibition. When: 2 June–29 July 2023 Where: 16 Wharf Road, London N1 7RW, Victoria Miro Gallery I For more > https://www.victoria-miro.com/ Howardena Pindell: New Works Howardena Pindell's spray dot paintings are iconic works created in the early 1970s. Using hole punchers and discarded materials, she sprayed paint through perforations onto large canvases, creating vibrant veils of color. Recently, Pindell has revisited this technique, integrated geometric shapes and experimented with dot sizes. The exhibition in London showcases these new works, including a monumental diptych, marking the first solo presentation. Pindell's work is held in prestigious international collections, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, and Museum of Modern Art, among others. When: 8 June - 29 July 2023 Where: 16 Wharf Road, London N1 7RW, Victoria Miro Gallery II For more > https://www.victoria-miro.com/ Portrait Mode Omer Tiroche Gallery presents "Portrait Mode," an exhibition coinciding with the reopening of the National Portrait Gallery. Showcasing portraiture spanning over a century, the exhibition emphasizes the enduring fascination and significance of the subject. Works by renowned Modern and contemporary artists like Frank Auerbach, Kees van Dongen, Jean Dubuffet, Lucian Freud, and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye exemplify this enduring allure. When: 5th June - 22nd September, 2023 Where: 21 Conduit Street, London, W1S 2XP For more > Portrait Mode | Omer Tiroche Gallery (artlogic.net) Moki Cherry: Here and Now "Here and Now" is an exhibition featuring the works of Swedish artist Moki Cherry (1943 – 2009). With over 30 artworks, including unseen pieces in the UK, it celebrates Cherry's exploration of the intersection of art and life. The exhibition highlights her collaborative practice, resilience as an artist and mother, and addresses relevant issues faced by artists today. Trained as a fashion designer, Cherry's artistic partnership with jazz musician Don Cherry influenced their group "Movement Incorporated" and "Organic Music." The event program provides contemporary practitioners a platform to engage with Cherry's themes. When: Wed 31 May – Sun 3 September 2023 Where: ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) in London. For more > https://www.ica.art/access Read the full article
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sanaavay · 1 year
Features THE H-SERIES PC CASE We’ve made our iconic H Series PC cases even better. Our new lineup still features the elements builders loved in the original H Series, including our patented cable management system, removable fan/radiator mounting brackets, and easy-to-use drive trays, alongside new updates like a front-panel USB-C connector supporting high-speed USB 3.1 Gen 2 devices, a tempered glass side panel that installs with a single thumbscrew. BEAUTIFUL CRAFTMANSHIP With a USB 3.1 Gen 2-compatible USB-C connector on the front panel, it’s easier than ever to connect the newest smartphones, high-speed external storage, or the latest peripherals to your PC. The clean, modern design, iconic cable management bar, and uninterrupted tempered-glass side panel showcase your stunning build. Cable management can take more time than assembling a system. Our patented cable routing kit with pre-installed channels and straps makes wiring easy and intuitive. Four Aer F120mm fans* are included for optimal internal airflow and the front panel and PSU intakes include removable filters. Includes a reversible,removeable, top-mounted bracket designed for radiators up to 360mm simplifies the installation of  either closed-loop or custom-loop water cooling. *Case version fans and specs vary from retail version Specifications Model Number CA-H710B-W1 Dimensions W: 230mm H: 516mm D: 494mm (with feet) Material(s) SGCC Steel and Tempered Glass Motherboard Support EATX I/O Ports 1x USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C 2x USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-A 1x Headset Audio Jack Front I/O internal header 1x USB 3.1 Gen 2 Internal Header 1x USB 3.1 Gen 1 Internal Header 1x HD Audio Header Filters All Air Intakes Expansion Slots 7 System Requirements PC with open internal USB 2.0 port and Windows® 10 operating system recommended. Drive Bays 2.5”: 7 3.5”: 2+2 Radiator Support Front: 2x 140 or 3x 120mm with Push/Pull Top: 2x 140 or 3x 120 Rear: 1x 120 Fan Support Front: 3x 120/ 2x 140mm (3 Aer F120 Case Version included) Top: 3x 120/2x 140mm Rear: Rear: 1x 120/1x 140mm (1 Aer F140 Case Version included) Fan Specs Aer F120 (Case Version) Speed: 1200 ± 200 RPM Airflow: 50.42 CFM Noise: 28 dBA Bearing: Rifle Bearing Aer F140 (Case Version) Speed: 1,000 ± 200 RPM Airflow: 68.95 CFM Noise: 29 dBA Bearing: Rifle Bearing Clearance Cable Management: 18-22mm GPU Clearance: Up to 413mm CPU Cooler: Up to 185mm Front Radiator: 60mm Top Radiator: 30mm Reservoir & Pump: Up to 224mm (Along cable bar) Warranty 2 Years Note ***Features, Price and Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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vosiresohe · 2 years
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Week 1 Activities (Monday)
We discussed in class all the details regarding the projects for this semester.
- Feedbacks mechanisms & In-flight platform building. -
G started the conversation about Feedbacks mechanisms:
Big picture, from Canvas (W1):
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Notes and Personal reflection
Information, Decision, Action, Effect on the world. In the digital world the feedback mechanisms with buttons, icons etc.. sometimes happen just very fast, we do intuitively adapt to it and incorporate them into our daily gestures and routine becoming automatisms.
PROJECT 1 - create this big interface that people will have to learn that it disappears when they watch a movie. People/users will have to be able to intuitively know what happens next, and where to click - which is what makes an app/software user-friendly. If the feedback mechanisms don’t inform correctly a whole system would collapse and have bigger consequences.
FEEDBACK MECHANISM works between the concepts of IF & THEN = “If I tap this then I go there”.
Video on Youtube - Trent Reznor
Electricity starts a noise - the noises overlap - music gets created
- we don’t have a feedback mechanism for noise, but we do have it when noises became music because we relate noise to beat, to sound etc..
IF/THEN is based on expectations, the expectation of the user, and how the system interacts with the user.
TASKS for next class:
1) check and research between the links sent by the teacher
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2) research the class terms/concepts
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3) research about the IFE already existing, what works and what doesn’t
(next post)
4) start thinking about the IA of my IFE (In-flight entertainment platform)
(next post)
Information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. is used as a basis for improvement.
Reference: Definitions from Oxford Languages 
Feedback occurs when outputs of a system are routed back as inputs as part of a chain of cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop.[1] The system can then be said to feed back into itself. 
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feedback
If-Then statements are a type of variable logic that allows the output of the variable to be conditionally determined. For all If-Then statements, the conditions must be defined as well as the actions that should occur when those conditions are met.
Reference: https://datamgmt.ucsc.edu/help-training/infoview-help/how-do-i/variables/formula-basics/if-then.html
Hypotheses followed by a conclusion is called an If-then statement or a conditional statement. This is noted as. p→q. This is read - if p then q. A conditional statement is false if hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false.
Reference: https://www.mathplanet.com/education/geometry/proof/if-then-statement
Second-order cybernetics, also known as the cybernetics of cybernetics, is the recursive application of cybernetics to itself and the reflexive practice of cybernetics according to such a critique. It is cybernetics where "the role of the observer is appreciated and acknowledged rather than disguised, as had become traditional in western science".[1] Second-order cybernetics was developed between the late 1960s and mid 1970s[note 1] by Heinz von Foerster and others, with key inspiration coming from Margaret Mead. Foerster referred to it as "the control of control and the communication of communication" and differentiated first order cybernetics as "the cybernetics of observed systems" and second-order cybernetics as "the cybernetics of observing systems"
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second-order_cybernetics
What is an example of second-order cybernetics? A conversation can also be used to talk about itself (it is reflexive). A conversation may be held about conversation, even within that conversation, being simultaneously both the subject of the conversation and the actual conversation itself. It is a second-order Cybernetics system.
Reference: https://www.pangaro.com/glanville/Glanville-SECOND_ORDER_CYBERNETICS.pdf
More info below:
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Reference: https://learningdiscourses.com/discourse/second-order-cybernetics/
Don Norman, a psychologist and usability consultant who's worked with Apple, HP, and the Nielsen Norman Group is often credited as the father of UX. His book The Design of Everyday Things (details on our page of additional resources) explains the importance of designing all types of products and services - from travel reservations to thermostats to faucets to door handles - with clarity, respect, and empathy for their future users.
Reference: https://guides.mblc.state.ma.us/elements-of-ux/why-ux
A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like modelof decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. It is one way to display an algorithm that only contains conditional control statements.
Decision trees are commonly used in operations research, specifically in decision analysis, to help identify a strategy most likely to reach a goal, but are also a popular tool in machine learning.
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_tree
If something, especially something related to a computer, is user-friendly, it is simple for people to use.
Reference: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/user-friendly
The small details that exist inside and around features. How can users change a setting? How do they turn on mute, or know they have a new email message?
Reference: https://books.google.co.nz/books/about/Microinteractions_Full_Color_Edition.html?id=LcRKAQAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description&redir_esc=y
One of the issues we need to be concerned with in responsive design is how to maintain hierarchy as elements on the screen are resized and reflowed. Trent Walton first called attention to the issue with his post “Content Choreography,” which showed how visual hierarchy gets lostwhen columns are dropped below one another.
Reference: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/04/maintain-hierarchy-content-choreography/
“The concept of permanently placing content on a web page for a single browsing width or resolution is becoming a thing of the past.”
Reference: https://trentwalton.com/2011/07/14/content-choreography/
(Very interesting reading above)
(next post)
(next post)
My reflection: I find it very interesting to understand now how micro-interactions and micro animations are, and consciously realise how many of them we interact with every day, often we don’t realise that components move being animated, but we do experience them as a smooth and nice flow that makes us want to use/do it again.
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1) A micro interaction
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2) a transition design
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3) content choreography
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4) microanimations
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REFLECTION on MICROANIMATIONS and CONTENT CHOREOGRAPHY: Most often there are no Microanimations of IFEs, and  Content choreography is static on the IFEs, and doesn’t adapt or evolve as much through the pages as it happens on devices we use daily.
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candletown0 · 2 years
Aktualności - Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska
Dobrze sprawdzą się dzieła barokowych artystów, nie tylko Mozarta, a również Bacha oraz Vivaldiego, możecie też wypróbować wiedzę w rytm chorałów gregoriańskich lub muzyki etnicznej. Stwierdzono, że dzieła barokowego specjalistę z Austrii świetnie oddziałują na proces rozwijania się, powodują wzrost koncentracji, poprawę pamięci oraz wyobraźni. O ile nagłe nowości w środowisku powodują natychmiastowe odwrócenie uwagi, o tyle mózg bardzo mocno uczy się do dźwięków jednostajnych, "odfiltrowywuje" je oraz zapomina o nich. Druga, tradycyjna szkoła składa się na stworzeniu, że wykonawcy nie może kosztować zdominować swej uwagi, powinna za to być miły dodatek. Czasami gra do nauki powiększa się zrelaksować, dlatego wiele kobiet wybiera muzyka relaksacyjna lub odgłosy natury w obecnym przedmiocie. Pobierz Muzyka Relaksacyjna do Religii i słuchać odgłosy natury, instrumentalną, muzyka idealna do nauki! Słuchaj darmowa gra z Muzyka Relaksacyjna do Szkoły. Pobierz teraz! ZGODNOŚĆ URZĄDZEŃ: Muzyka Relaksacyjna do Nauki została przetestowana na kolejnych telefonów (Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 8.1): Nokia Lumia 625, Nokia Lumia 925, Nokia Lumia 1520, Nokia Lumia 820, Nokia Lumia 525, Nokia Lumia 1320, HTC 8X, HTC 8S, HTC One M8, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 720, Nokia Lumia 1020, Nokia Lumia 521, Samsung Ativ S, Nokia Lumia 510, Nokia Lumia 928, Nokia Lumia Icon, Nokia Lumia 822, Nokia Lumia 810, HTC 8XT, Huawei Ascend W1, Huawei Ascend W2.
Ta gra nie tylko da Ciż się skupić, tylko także doprowadzi w energetyczny, dobry nastrój! Godzi się to z prawym instrumentarium i tempem, spokojnym rytmem, który pozwoli skupić się na zdobywaniu informacji. Ponadto, można zastosowań tego muzyka do czytania, jak i dlatego, że potrafi pomóc skupić się lepiej! Wydobywa się w niej oraz ćwiczenie dla chętnych - wykreślanka. Można i wziąć z serwisu Youtube, na którym również można wyszukać mnóstwo bezpłatnych składanek muzycznych, zarówno relaksacyjnych, kiedy i stworzonych, by nastrajać pozytywnie w trakcie pracy. P.G.: Ciekawą ideą były nasze doświadczenia nad czarnym rynkiem, ale same funkcjonowanie szarej powierzchnie i które były motywy, które kusiły, aby się w nią zaangażować. Autor badań nad jej wpływem na naukę, dr Alfred Tomatis, stwierdził, że najlepsze do owego priorytecie będą chorały gregoriańskie lub produkty Mozarta. Drugi najistotniejszy wniosek wypływający z doświadczeń to fakt, że na wzrost wiedzy nie wpływa jeden czynnik, tylko cała ich budowa, coś inna w sukcesu każdego z uczniów. Co istotne, angażuje się tylko za kliknięcie, a wartości nie są wygórowane. Ważne, by istniała owo gra instrumentalna, słuchanie cudzego głosu, zwłaszcza jakichś udziwnionych linii wokalnych, obniża nasze skupienie - mózg mimowolnie będzie się starał skupić na słowach piosenki. Poniżej playlista instrumentalna, jednak gdyby chcesz posłuchać tekstów, to namawiam do mojej playlisty piosenek z gier wideo.
Nauka w Gruzji wspomnianej powieści sprzyjała też zbudowaniu na scenach teatrów jej inscenizacji napisanej przez naszego inscenizatora i reżysera, Nikołaja Sobolszczykowa-Samarina. ASMR sounds to głównie szepty, szelesty, szumy (np. wspomnianej już klimatyzacji), dźwięki nożyczek itp. Gdy są gładkie i niezbyt intensywne, spokojnie mogą być za przyjemniejsze dla ucha zamienniki białego szumu. Czy zauważasz dźwięk klimatyzacji albo tykającego zegara w budynku? Proces przyswajania nowych zasad, chce z zmian czasu, koncentracji pomocy i odpowiedniego skupienia. Brak, jednego z ostatnich elementów skutecznie utrudnia nam zapamiętywanie nowych zasady, przez co dużo łatwo stajemy się rozdrażnieni lub senni. ASMR to skrót od autonomous sensory meridian response, czyli przyjemnego mrowienia w gronie, wywołanego przez różne bodźce zewnętrzne, w bliskim przypadku dźwiękowe. Innymi słowy - jeśli posiadacie tylko z materiałów na pokładzie B2 (czyli Waszym obecnym), bo wolicie wszystko rozumieć, rzadko wyłączacie napisy (bo ale po więc są, żeby ułatwiać życie!), uciekacie przed najmniejszą szansą rozmowy z kartkówka i generalnie nie podejmujecie żadnych językowych wyzwań - nie nie wyjdziecie poza poziom B2.
Europy (lub na Półwyspie Skandynawskim, w Karelii również w płn.-wsch. Wyszukajcie w obecnych informacjach po dwa przykłady zdań, które zawierają budowy to be going to a will i przeczytaj je głośno. Pięć przypadkowo wybranych osób, wywodzących się z nowych środowisk, których łączy etap wspólnych studiów na Uniwersytecie w Nankinie - biznesmen, nieudolny dysydent, partyjny karierowicz, samotna matka, handlarz antykami oraz autor - sam z pierwszych Amerykanów wziętych na studia w Chinach, długoletni korespondent Associated Press, wydalony z Chin po Tian’anmen, później szef pekińskiego biura Washington Post. Studia stacjonarne, formuła "Nowa matura". Mają poczucia beznadziejności, bezradności oraz krzywdy. Istnieje więc ciężka operacja polegająca na usunięciu nadmiaru skóry i tkanki tłuszczowej z ziem śródbrzusza i podbrzusza też na plastyce mięśni. Pamiętasz artykuł o gadzim środku także o tym, jak łatwo nas rozproszyć? Jeśli się nad tym zastanowić, to muzyka z muzyk pasuje tutaj idealnie - w większości pisana jest jako miejsce, a wtedy nie będzie wytwarzać rozproszenia (szach-mat, gadzi mózgu!).
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temak-i · 3 years
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