#w13 pink floyd planetarium fic
lilolilyr · 4 months
I was tagged by @die-schwanenkoenigin to post my last sentence from a fic wip, thanks for the tag! Btw I also still have several drafts of Avorah fics open that I told you about, where I got inspired to write more for that fic after you went through the ones I already have on Ao3 :D I'll for sure post at least some of them eventualllyyy, I just keep getting distracted adsfg
Anyway! For now a the last sentence from the Warehouse 13 fic I'm writing on, inspired by being in Hamburg with @toboldlynerd for the weekend, sorry that it's not one of your fandoms! <3 it's a Myka x Helena fic but also features Claudia a lot, and her quote is the last sentence I have written: 'Sure, I guess, I mean I don't even hate the opera or anything, just don't think we need to sit in some stuffy old building to listen to music while we could be exploring a whole different country!'
Also tagging, if you want to do it, @purlturtle @anandabrat @guardianrock @xvnot15 @lavendelhummel and anyone else who sees this :)
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lilolilyr · 3 months
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And After All We're Only Ordinary Men
A Bering and Wells | Warehouse 13 fanfiction on Ao3
5k, rated T, no warnings, established relationship, emotional hurt/comfort
Summary: Helena, Myka and Claudia have some free time before their flight back to the US. They end up watching Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon planetarium experience, and Helena is thrown back into old memories...
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