#waddle fics
waddledoodledee · 9 months
Day Seven: Love Language
Decided to write some ficlets for this one! Hope you enjoy :3
Words of Affirmation
Shadede watched fondly as Meta sparred with his crew. It always amazed him that he could never find flaws in Meta’s form- the knight seemed to be a master, well-trained and easily the best swordsman the king had ever seen. He continued to watch, Meta currently sparring with Trident Knight. The two patiently danced around each other, looking for the perfect opportunities to strike.
“You’re doing great, Meta!” Shadede called out. Meta’s wings morphed from his cape, fluttering- a surefire way to tell he appreciated the praise, even if his mask hid his blush. Unfortunately, the distraction provided the perfect opportunity for Trident to disarm their opponent, leaving Meta to surrender the match.
Meta retrieved Galaxia from where she had landed and stepped over to join Shadede, mumbling. “Mi amor…”
Shadede chuckled. “Sorry, Meta. I didn’t mean to cost you the match.” He gently brushed down a patch of messed-up fur with his hand. “If it’s any consolation, you did great. Easily one of your best matches lately.”
“You really think so?” Meta asked, poofing up a bit before attempting to smooth his fur again.
“Of course,” Shadede said. He smiled. “Here, let me see your face.”
Meta removed his mask and looked up at Shadede. His face was painted with sparkly purple blush, and he had figurative hearts in his eyes as he looked up at his partner. Shadede leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“You’re so handsome,” he said. Meta’s blush grew stronger, eliciting a snort from Shadede.
“You are… handsome as well…” Meta stuttered out, putting his mask back on. 
Shadede continued to brush Meta’s fur, humming. “I love you so much, Meta.”
Meta leaned against him with a smile under his mask. “I love you too, mi amor.”
Physical Touch
Despite how stoic Meta and Shadede seemed on the outside, it didn’t take long for the two of them to realize they were both extremely touchy people.
It started subtly at first- lingering a little too long on the pats Shadede gave on Meta’s head and back, Meta brushing Shadede with his wings during a spar, Shadede taking Meta’s hand as the two of them read in the library. It wasn’t until the two of them decided to start sleeping together that they each realized just how touch-starved the other was.
The brief hugs they shared before getting in bed had evolved to Meta lying on top of Shadede, sleepily kneading biscuits in the heavy blanket. Purring filled the room as he got comfortable.
“Meta?” Shadede said.
“Yes, mi amor?” Meta groggily responded.
“Come under the blanket, I want to hold you.”
Meta nodded and got up, settling back down under the blanket. In only a few seconds, Shadede had wrapped his arms around the knight. Meta closed his eyes and breathed in, relaxing with a sigh in his partner’s arms. “I agree, this is much nicer.”
Shadede smiled and pressed a sleepy kiss to the top of Meta’s head. “Good night, qíngrén.”Meta nuzzled Shadede’s chest. “Goodnight, mi amor.” And with that, the two of them drifted to sleep, smiles still present on their faces.
Acts of Service
Shadede stood at the kitchen sink, washing the bowl of peaches and apples he had picked earlier that day. As he worked, he picked out the fruits bearing bruises and holes. He wanted this to be as perfect as possible.
Once the fruits were washed, he dried them off and got to work, pulling out a knife and making quick work of the peaches’ peels. Fruit after fruit, a small pile of peach cubes rose on the plate next to him. The apples took more work. Coring and slicing was quick enough, but Shadede wanted to make it special. With a little extra knife work, Shadede was able to cut away part of the peel, creating an illusion of bunny ears on the slices. He smiled to himself, hoping Meta would appreciate the gesture. After washing juice from his hands, he grabbed a handful of blueberries and put them on the plate.
He went up to the study with the plate of fruit, quietly opening the door. Meta sat at the desk, tiredly filling paperwork. Shadede walked over and placed the fruit in front of Meta with a hum. “How’s the work going?”
Meta sighed. “Tedious.” He eyed the plate of fruit, before pulling up his mask and taking a few blueberries. “Did you have this already prepared?”
“Nope. Just put it together now,” Shadede said. “Thought you might need a pick-me-up, especially since you stubbornly refuse to get up until you’re done.” The last part was said teasingly, with a hint of exasperation.
“My apologies, I didn’t realize just how much work I had,” Meta responded. He took an apple slice, smiling at the bunny ears cut into the peel. “How long did this take you?”
“About forty minutes. I cut a few extras for Skirby as well.”
Meta looked up fondly at his partner. “It’s delicious, thank you.” He gestured for Shadede to lean down. Upon complying, Shadede was gifted a kiss from the grateful knight.
Shadede pulled away, smiling. “You taste like blueberries.” 
Meta laughed. “Well, I’d certainly hope so. If I tasted like strawberries, there might be something wrong with the fruit you gave me.”
“I suppose so.” Shadede leaned down again to kiss Meta on the top of his head. “I’ll leave you to finish your work, okay?”
“Sounds good, mi amor. I’ll see you at dinner.”
Shadede smiled and left, quietly closing the door behind him. Meta took another apple slice, smiling as he thought about his partner. The fruit was sweet, just like Shadede. Munching on the fruit, Meta started getting back to work.
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waddledoodledee · 2 years
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Not that recent, but I just wanted to promote my fic, This Isn’t You. Mind the tags before reading, please! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40165248/chapters/100595391
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