#wait is it kestral or kestrel.
ilexdiapason · 1 year
I realize that maybe I should explain some of my thoughts with the anon ask I sent abt Scott not being able to swim and that mini-story... (also, yes, I'm the seawater au anon tho you probably figured aslhdbaljksd)
I love playing with sorta the same concept but in different scenarios. so:
Scott is LimLife!Scott reincarnated and has always had a calling for the sea. He always took it as something normal since he is a Denholm, a pirate. His parents knows that something in the sea wants Scott and denies whatever that wants him their son. They know that the thing will know where Scott is if he's in water too long (lakes will lead to the sea/ocean and thus are not safe either) and forbids him to be in water. He doesn't think much of it as it's always been that way. (if he decides to listen to the ocean and take a breath, he will get gills on the side of his torso)
In this story it's not as strict with helping between the factions, tho dating between them might still be a bit eyebrow raising. So Scott and Sausage are not very loud about their relationship, but Sausage really wants to. I mean, not only is Scott his lovely boyfriend, but he also succeeded in charming a Denholm. And as a Kestral, he do want to show off his loveliest treasure. But things are as they are right now.
Martyn is LimLife!Martyn. Instead of wandering the land, he stayed under water and has been for many, many years, waiting for either his own punishment for winning the game or maybe meeting one of his loves again. And when Scott touches water, he knows where he is. So he travels to Faction Isle and pretends to be human for the first time in a long time in order to look for Scott.
It's just a bit awkward trying to romance your old love while he's dating someone else and not really remembering you and trying to remember how to be human and use normal stuff, like, uteniles
(let's call this au..... um... uuuuuuuhhhhhh... ok I suck at names. first thought was "under water" sadljkbasdjkb)
i am always a slut for inter-faction romance. i'm a slut for intra-faction romance too but there's something so funny about everyone else in your faction Knowing what you're up to. guqqie and scott sneaking past each other in the middle of the night like i won't snitch if you don't, have fun
sausage would absolutely wish he could be open and proud about his catch though. he'd be like but you're soooo pretty and valuable and everyone i know would be so jealous and scott is like ah but u see. my mum would explode me. so you need to shut the fuck up xoxo. and sausage is like awwwww okayyyyyy but he still enjoys seeing how much he can get away with in public
martyn though is very much a wildcard in this situation. he's new in town, he's factionless, he's got the scrappiness of a kite but the eye for treasure of a kestrel, and he seems to make fastest friends with owen, el, and water. which means scott is suddenly seeing a lot of him. he also appears to get on perfectly well with cleo, having plenty of banter with them, but there's kind of an artificiality to it that scott can sense even if he can't tell why. same goes for scar, if they're hanging out cross-faction.
it also goes for scott, though, arguably more than the others; while he's friendly and charming and instantly intriguing to scott, there's this weird sense of a glass wall that he can't shake. maybe it's just jealousy - it does always seem that martyn gets a little frostier when sausage sneaks an arm around scott's waist in the middle of a conversation.
martyn reminds scott of the ocean. here's something so close, something he's able to interact with, but never quite reach out and touch.
only he did touch the ocean, didn't he? and it ended dangerously. he'd do well to never swim again, he knows. martyn might just be the same.
scott has always been good at resisting temptation; had to be to make his parents happy, had to stick to the approved path. but this?
this is gonna test him.
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leoxxiicats · 4 years
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[image id: a drawing of kestralflight from the warriors series, a black furred cat with white spots on his chest, back, front paws, and tail. he has a white spot on his nose, under his right eye, and two tiny spots nezt to his left eye. his tail tip, one of his ear tips, toes on his hind paws, and his ear tufts are also white. he has green eyes and peach inner ears and nose. he's standing facing the right, with his head facing the opposite direction with a worried smile. his tail is curled up and loops on the end. /end id.]
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fernsplaysthings · 4 years
Here’s about 2.7k words about Birds.
There’ll be more. Eventually.
Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider.
“He must know we could just kill him? I’ve killed Gods. He’s just an overstuffed Ether pinata.”
Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider.
Roost’s shell shivers like the wings of an agitated insect and he turns his single eye towards his Guardian, squinting across at them in judgement. The ornament, a tiny replica of a Vex Harpy, does make the whole spectacle a little sillier than he wants but the impact, he hopes, will be the same. Nestled in the seat of their jumpship Kestral swings their vision away from their descent into the tattered islands of the Reef to take in the scolding Ghost.
“I’m not going to kill him,” they almost whine defensively, “He just needs to know I could if I wanted to. Especially if he tries anything shitty with you. ”
The impression of a sigh sounds from the little light, “Nothing’s going to happen to me, Kes. I know we’ve seen a lot of loss and pain. Sundance, Sagira, Glint. I know some ghosts - the other kind - are showing their faces and it’s...it’s hard for you to put your feelings together. But…” Roost presses into the crook of Kestral’s neck with some force, finding rest in the collar of fur that covers their shoulders, “...You’ll always have me. We’ll have each other.”
Silence. The Ghost’s eye swivels upwards towards his Guardian’s face after waiting a moment to see if the prolonged quiet pulled a reply from them. Their face was blank and stoney and it took a moment for them to realise they were being watched intently.
Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider. Be nice to Spider.
“Stop trying to make me cry while I’m concentrating, you fuck.”
“Alright Kestral. The line’s secure. It’s just you, me and Roost.”
The Young Wolf sighs heavily, “Glint is it really a good idea for me to keep coming back here?”
They’d been jumping back and forth to the Shore for a short while now, meeting up with Crow for a run down on the Wrathborn situation and where they were in the general scheme of things. It’d be fine. Once the Celebrant was dead they could part ways and the Young Wolf could go back to their normal day to day activities. And their own normal thoughts. Because holy shit debating the morality of what they were doing and juggling the complex feeling of seeing the former Prince of the Reef’s face regularly, with the fact that the New Light had nothing to do with…
It was stressful. And not ‘God slaying’ stressful. Not even embracing the Darkness stressful. Wading into the depths and heights of the fabled Deep Stone Crypt, although unique in it’s inflicted trauma - poor Artemis - hadn’t put them in the same situation. Killing came with it’s own special kind of low. Grieving was a totally different monster.
“I understand why you’re worried but he remembers nothing. Plus, he looks up to you,” the little Light sounds concerned, his synthesised voice with a pleading edge. He obviously and proudly loved his Guardian, “You’re the first kind face he’s seen and I - we would appreciate it. A lot, Kestral.”
Another heavier sigh and the Hunter kneaded at their temples, bracing themselves to see that face again. Reliving the moment - moments? - over again in their mind. Cayde’s final rattling words. Uldren’s futile attempts to reason his way out from the sights of Petra’s gun. The new confounding idea that they now felt something aside from pity for the man that had been laid out on the floor unready to die.
“We’ll be in the lair in a few minutes. Let Spider know we’re on our way.”
“Will do, Guardian. We’re looking forward to seeing you!”
Coming face to face with the man that inhabited the body of Uldren Sov was a little less jarring these days and, although still entirely uncomfortable and a little like walking on eggshells at all times, they did kind of look forward to the quick wit - without the underlying loathing he’d always had before - and how damn earnest he was. A real Guardian, determined with all his heart to help people around him.
It was endearing. Unfortunately.
Mostly because it reminded them a little of their early Guardian days. Way back when things were somehow both simpler and more difficult. When they’d known that they wanted to help wherever they saw pain and danger but unsure of who they were and what cause they were fighting for aside from the driving urge to protect...
Even when they’d end up carrying the resulting hurt with them when they left.
Long before the ‘Young Wolf’ was an icon amongst Guardians, Kestral had been sweet and earnest themself. Driven but alone. Aside from Roost, of course. And despite the fact that the face and voice of their newest member of the flock had haunted their nightmares for months they still didn’t want ‘Guardian-hood’ to break him down too. For him to succumb to the slow process of losing himself to the need to help, whatever the cost.
Shared burdens and all that.
Plus Kestral liked to think that they had a good bit of experience under their belt to pass on to him so perhaps he’d find himself happily surrounded in the Guardian ‘culture’ one day soon.
“With Savek defeated and a good number of Wrathborn taken care of I think our next target is somewhere near the mines to the north.”
Crow stands over his cluttered desk, a map somewhat resembling the Tangled Shore spread beneath his hands and marked with crosses in seemingly random locations. One of them they recognised, Sjursrest, where the Wrathborn Eliksni Savek had been called. She hadn’t been the worst enemy to fight and Spider had left them alone for a while afterwards. Apparently he was mildly generous after they’d achieved a small goal.
Naturally the generosity only lasted until another of his shipments suddenly vanished and then it was straight back to work for his poor underling.
“You think the smaller Wrathborn might lead us straight to them again?”
He turns his attention to the Hunter at his side, a head shorter than himself - if you didn’t include the nest of hair in their high ponytail - and catches their gaze. They really wanted to hate that glowing yellow stare but...it was softer than Uldren’s had ever been when looking at them. Held less contempt for what they were.
It didn’t feel like he was sizing them up for a coffin.
Realising he’d been looking a little too long, perhaps uncomfortable with the Hunter’s unnervingly steady returned look, Crow cleared his throat, “If you try the lure at the Cryptolith again we can see where it leads.”
“Sounds good to me,” they reply, stepping back from the map and holding out a palm for Roost to transmat into, “I’ll keep in touch. Unless you’ll be joining me this time?”
The slightly clunky sound of Glint’s shell as he twisted in alarm snapped Kestral away from Roost and they arched an eyebrow.
“Crow, I know you want to help but you have to stay out of sight.”
His shoulders visibly slouch and Kestral hated how defeated he looked when, knowing the ache of feeling useless, they understood how much he wanted to be out there. It made sense to keep him secreted away though, just in case a single Guardian out on the Shore recognised his face and matched him to his former life. Just in case they felt the need to let him know that they knew what he’d done. If Kestral hadn’t been sure that Uldren deserved death even at the end of their hunt, this man, completely unconnected in everything but appearance, definitely didn’t deserve the abuse he’d suffered at the hands of other Lightbearers like them.
Why did Glint have to mention them being the first friendly Guardian he’d seen?
Crow straightened up, his momentary lapse in drive apparently a small hiccough and shot a grin over to his Ghost, “I see, you want to keep me all to yourself. I can’t blame you.”
With that Kestral decided they’d seen enough wholesome Light interactions for the day and threw up a lax salute before turning on their heel and heading for the exit.
“Glint has our feed, if you find anything new let us know.”
The following week happened to be the beginning of the Tower’s Dawning celebration. Having taken down yet another of the big Wrathborn, a heavy shank that decided to be the biggest pain in their ass, Kestral assumed that Spider could give the newest addition to his collection a small break to enjoy a mini version of the festivities. Since Glint had explained that their last Dawning had been ‘difficult’ - Kestrel preferred the term ‘emotionally scarring’ - they’d taken it upon themself, with a little prodding from Roost, to see to it that Crow at least received some traditional cookies from at least one Guardian.
Sadly, letting the rest of the fireteam know that the body of Uldren Sov walked again and that of all people Kestral, bringer of his demise, was taking him cookies…
Yeah they didn’t have time to unpack that.
So one tin of cookies (varied flavours), a string of tiny lights shaped like engrams, two servings of powdered hot chocolate (marshmallows stored separately) and a small gift wrapped delicately in a bow made their way aboard the jumpship storage before they travelled to the Tangled Shore.
A mote of panic made its way into their mind as they landed and gathered the items; what if he didn’t like any of this? They could just leave the goods on the ship and not have to worry about being mocked...or making him feel patronised by their silly traditions. Roost’s slitted glare forced them to continue though. He completely believed Crow and Glint would appreciate the gestures and Kestral hoped that he’d been speaking with the new Lightbearer’s Ghost to confirm as much. Either that or Roost had far too much faith in his goofy Guardian’s ideas on ‘welcoming’ and ‘festivities’.
Of course all that was immediately followed by the slap in the face that was ‘realising they wanted Crow to be happy’ and decided to focus on fitting everything in their arms instead.
Naturally the easiest way to get everything to the lair would have been to transmat it all at the same time, but something had to be said for riding up with a stack of goodies. Plus Spider hated it when they rolled in on their sparrow and ditched it in the corridor for a while before sending it away. He’d not been impressed on seeing that his (least) favourite Guardian seemed to have something other than work on their mind but he said little about it. Kestrel strode by quickly regardless because any conversation with Spider that could be avoided, should be.
Glint heard them before they’d rounded the corner, floating just out of view of the entrance, little eye lighting up brighter when he realised who’d turned up. And that they had stuff.
“You didn’t warn us!”
Kestrel struck an awkward pose, upper body ladened with their bounty, “Surprise?”
Crow’s head peeked around into the corridor soon after they’d spoken, a small tilt of the head and raised eyebrow as he glanced towards Glint questioningly. The Ghost simply rounded on Kestral and Roost, nudging them into the room before spinning excitedly.
“What is all this?”
Although trying not to meet his confused face - for fear, embarrassment or shame - the Hunter realised they’d need some extra arms to sort things out. Especially since Crow’s work surfaces seemed to be partially covered in machinery and scrap, with the other parts covered in grease and...Hive gunk? No matter what it was, it was no place for cookies. Placing the small stack in his arms Kestral quickly slung the lights over...something...and powered them up.
The small ‘oh’ could’ve come from either Glint or Crow, they weren’t sure.
“Do you have somewhere sort of clean to sit?”
Glancing over to a seat fashioned from assorted stuff Crow made a pained grimace, “Not going to lie I’m not exactly used to having guests.”
No matter. An ‘only slightly ruined dust sheet’ thrown over it and Kestral was satisfied that it would do for something to sit on for a bit. They took the mini festive haul back from Crow and gestured for him to perch as they held out the tin of cookies.
“I wasn’t sure what flavour you like so…” their smile was awkward, “Yeah. I made a bunch.”
“A bunch of what?”
The Ghosts’ simultaneous outbursts made both Lightbearers startle a little and when Glint settled into a very gentle description of Dawning cookie traditions Kestral took their seat beside him, swinging their legs up to hug their knees.
“Dig in. I bought hot drinks too.”
During the time taken for Kestral to find a comfortable position and for Roost to nestle into his favourite resting spot - Kestrel’s fluffy shoulders - Crow had taken bites of, what looked like, one of each cookie flavour and Glint was telling him which flavours they probably were. Once again Kestral found themself forgetting some of the weird past involving the body beside them, and investing themself in how engrossed in trying cookies he was. How much fun Glint was having talking about festivals now that they’d both finally been able to experience a bit. How much more there was to come and-
“Sorry, do you want some?”
The Hunter blinked up at him, “They’re all yours. I don’t want to help myself to your gift.”
“Glint sa-” the little Ghost tapped a point of his shell against Crow’s face and the New Light stuttered, “Thank you, Kestral. Roost.”
A saccharine warmth filled their chest for a moment, Roost’s shell fluttering again at the shared happiness and pride. They wanted to hate it so much. ‘Past Kestral’ screamed internally about grief and pain and weariness. ‘Present Kestral’ was tired of that and kind of liked the soft smile on their companion’s face - just because they knew they’d helped, nothing else of course - and the way his little Light seemed to buzz with the sheer affection at seeing his Guardian content.
“One more thing,” they press the small gift into his hands, “Don’t get too excited.”
The Awoken’s slightly blank stare prompted Glint into another explanation about how ‘the paper’s actually meant to be removed’ and so on, Kestral mesmerised - oh no - watching him deftly undo the bow they’d worked quite hard to form, reel the ribbon into a roll and then carefully unwrap the paper, Glint all the while egging him on to tear it open since ‘gifts are supposed to be exciting’.
It wasn’t an exciting gift but they did what they could.
On the Crow’s lap lay a folded pile of thick wool and fleece, edges neatly stitched into tidy seams. The deep red of the main body of fabric seemed to be the ideal colour based on what he wore but...well, Roost had said it was a good idea. He’d unfolded it with care, running his hands over the plush underside of the item, that same soft smile on his face.
“Aha, a cosy blanket.”
“I’m sorry if it’s not much I-”
“No! No, it’s...nice. Spider doesn’t supply much in the way of luxury, and…” his voice was a kind laugh as he gestured down to his lap where Glint had already made himself a nest in the folds of the blanket, “...I think it’ll be well used.”
Kestral hadn’t intended to spend almost a full day on the Shore chattering with Crow but somewhere along the way, later into the evening, they’d dug out a camping stove, filled a pan with water and made up two hot chocolates by the colourful glow of the string lights. The pair had settled down, opposite ends of the makeshift bench, feet messily thrown somewhere on the ‘seat’ between them, warm cups in hand. And at some point while immersed in talk of other festivals celebrated at the tower, the blanket had made its way from just covering Crow’s knees to being shared across them both.
Underneath the lively Guardians’ conversation the pair of Lights quietly decided that this might become a little more complicated than they’d anticipated.
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wariskind-news · 7 years
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The Annual Kenmare Pub Crawl is upon us again---and this time, with a twist!
For three decades, Kenmare’s four wizarding pubs have pulled out all the stops to create unique, fascinating, and occasionally undrinkable brews in order to win the title of Best Pub in Ireland. After years of complaints from bars throughout the rest of wizarding Britain, however, the competition has been widened. Bars from Ballycastle to London will be in Kenmare to show off their newest concoctions. This weekend, pubs and breweries will be competing to win the hearts of the Wizarding world for a brand new title: the Best Pub in the United Kingdom.
Per usual, witches and wizards will help decide this year’s champion by sampling all beer, food, and entertainment the Wizarding world has to offer, right out of Kenmare.
Sample appetizers from popular food trolleys (such as Nacho Mama’s Nachos and Greased Grub, to name a few).
Stop by the WWN’s event booth to request songs from the DJ, and for your chance to appear live on air every evening (and the opportunity to win prizes, too!).
The Department of Intoxicating Substances will be hosting a game booth for children (and handing out educational materials about responsible drinking for the adults!).
Medi-wizards will be standing by, for those who need them.
Members of the Anti-Splinching Squad will be waiting in the main tent to apparate anyone who feels they need assistance finding their way home. 
And, of course, taste a variety of beers from a variety of reputable pubs.
Get your admission wristbands by the day, or for the entire weekend, at the main event tent. Don’t forget to stop there to cast your vote on the way out, either!
And now, for our competitors—
Corkbuzz //  One might not expect a wine bar to enter a competition judging beers, but Tinworth’s entry is not to be underestimated. Often dismissed as too classy and traditional to fit in with the rough and tumble crowd traditionally at a pub crawl, but the staff has pulled out all the stops to appeal to a whole new set of customers.
Happens for a Riesling; this traditional sweet wine will be perfect for those who haven’t spent much time drinking wine and want to give it a try, or for those who think sweeter is always better. 
Shiraz as Can Be; for red wine fans, this wine will be the obvious choice, and a square of chocolate will really bring out the hints of cherry and licorice. 
COMPETITOR: Red-y and Waiting Ale; whether you like to relax with a cold beer or sip on a glass of red wine, this ale is sure to be a hit. This beer will remind beer drinkers of a traditional bitter ale and wine drinkers of a well aged cabernet. How Corkbuzz pulled off this balance is something of a mystery. 
The Dragon’s Egg // Although Holyhead’s rowdiest bar entered the competition, one wonders if they decided to put their best foot forward. However, the laid back vibe has always been what made the Dragon’s Egg a popular place for dragonologists, Quidditch players, and criminals to come together to relax, and it’s sure to make this pub stand out from the rest of the competition. 
Welsh Pale Ale; a traditional pale ale, always served cold. Unless you’ve done something to annoy the bartender. 
Dark Stout; the darker side of the pale ale, with all of the full bodied flavor you might expect from a dark beer. 
COMPETITOR: Laggin’ Lager; this beer marks the pub’s first attempt to move away from their two standbys in over two centuries. Hopefully it’s worth the wait.
The Drunken Dragon // Having been dethroned last year after winning the title of Best Pub in Ireland of 1977, rumor has it that the Drunken Dragon is pulling out all the stops this year. At the Drunken Dragon, edgier is synonymous with superior, so brace yourself for a myriad of special effects – both frightening and awe inspiring – before you duck into the underbelly of the Dragon.
Anne Bonny’s Belgian Wit; this wheat ale is sweet and smooth, sure to please anyone and everyone who tries it.
Grace O'Malley’s Irish Ale; like its namesake and the chieftain of the Ó Máille clan of west Ireland, this ale is considered to be exceptionally formidable and competent. Although last year’s entry didn’t win the grand prize, it has become pub favorites. 
COMPETITOR: Maeve of Connacht’s Stout; with a kick as strong as a bull, this beer isn’t for the faint of heart. But for those who survive, they’re sure to go down in legend for their will and determination. 
The Golden Bludger //  At long last, the pride of Puddlemere has arrived in town to prove itself the greatest and grandest in all the land. Located near P.I.M.P., the Golden Bludger has become known for it’s ever changing drinks and unique brews.
Puddlemere Pecan Porter; a creamy Porter with just a hint of nutty flavor that helps to hide the brew’s natural hoppiness, this brew has become a popular staple of fall at the Golden Bludger. 
Wadcock Cinnamon Cider; this cider is a pride of Puddlemere. After tasting the slight twist on the classic cider, more than one patron has commented on being reminded of Firewhiskey. 
COMPETITOR: Bodwin Moor Maple Stout; this barrel-aged stout has just a hint of sweetness from the maple that helps it to go down smooth. You’re sure to be coming back for more of this seasonal treat. 
The Hopping Pot // Named after the famous tale recorded by Beedle the Bard, this pub has become a staple for shoppers in Carkitt Market over the last few centuries, and it as become well known for never being afraid to take a risk or two when it comes to making a new brew. While not as eccentric as some of the other competitors, the Hopping Pot shouldn’t be written up, as they still have some tricks up their sleeve. 
Wizard’s Brew; don’t be put off by this beer’s classic name. One of the Hopping Pot’s original brews, this sweet stout is a comforting brew for many an old wizard. 
Fishy Green Ale; a popular drink with the younger crowd. Just don’t ask how the drink turned green. Or what kind of fish eggs are floating in it. Best just not to ask any questions and all and enjoy this beer. 
COMPETITOR: Strawberry Lime Cider; the tart lime flavors help to cut the sweetness of the strawberry in this fizzy cider. Like other drinks at the Hopping Pot, it promises to be nothing like anything you’ve had before! 
Kings of the Crossroad //  True to its name, Kings of the Crossroad serves drinks fit for a king, with an atmosphere welcoming to royalty and peasants alike. With its famous Áed Findliath line – all brews named for the fair Irish king – Kings is full of surprises year round as it releases its brand new seasonal brews every few months. Whether it be the season of the sun, or the season of roaring fireplaces, Kings of the Crossroad will always be ready with a welcome that’s even warmer.
Áed Findliath’s Dublin Brew; taking their own spin on an Irish tradition, the Dublin Brew was the Kings’ first attempt at their own draft. What they came up with truly lives up to the name of Ireland’s capital, and it’s won them the title of Best Pub in Ireland in many years past.
Áed Findliath’s Irish Red; many claim this is Kenmare’s appeal to the British, with its tea-like taste. Kings boasts that their Irish Red is the richest beer in all of Kenmare, second only to their competing drink this season.
COMPETITOR: Áed Findliath’s Pumpkin Ale; in celebration of the cooler air and changing leaves, Kings has prepared this draft for those who are feeling especially festive. Don’t let the name fool you -- despite having hints of pumpkin flavor that everyone can enjoy, this isn’t your average glass of pumpkin juice.
Kinky Kestral // The Kinky Kestral has been bestowed many titles, from the most eccentric pub in all of Ireland since its establishment over fifty years ago, to the Best Pub in Ireland of 1978. With relics reminiscent of every era the Kinky Kestral has witnessed, this pub has given the word “classic” a definition all their own. Its 1950′s mantra, “You have to be here to get it,” has made quite the comeback throughout the 1970′s.
I’m A Little Tea Pot Short and Stout; last year’s winning beverage -- stout beer, served in a tea pot -- proved that appearances are everything. The marketing marvel is back again this year for a victory lap. You can purchase a pot large enough for your entire table, or one in miniature for yourself.
Malted Milk & Cookie; the pub crawl wouldn’t be complete without this divisive beer. Some find this malt beer appalling, and others find it enthralling. Whatever the opinion, a witch or wizard can usually be persuaded to give this drink a try by the delectable chocolate chip cookie that comes with it.
COMPETITOR: Hip Hoppin’ Pottin’ Porter; the Kinky Kestrel has attempted to keep their moment from last year with an even bigger surprise. Inspired by the famous tale (and perhaps a bit by their competition), this porter is served in a one legged pot that hops around your table. Just be careful to watch for spills. 
Lumos Nox Brewery // The newbie on the block this year, this will be the first time this creative brewery has entered into any competition with their one-of-a-kind brews that’ll have your tastebuds dying to discover the rest of the menu.
House Special; with them being stranger to competition, this seems like the perfect opportunity for everyone to try that classic ale with a twist. The lemon adds a special acidity that’ll keep you ordering it by the pints
Jonesing for a Bonesing; Britain’s favorite drink can now be found here… Tea and beer combined, who would have thought? What you do: choose your favorite tea. The owner’s, for instance, is Earl Grey. That and their basic dark stout gets mixed together, as does a dash of sugar, lemon and honey to level out the bitterness of both. There’s a smoky finish and a whole lot more where that came from
COMPETITOR: Bev’s Brew; milk stout with a blend of cherry happened by accident one day when the owner’s daughter was in. She’d spilled her cherry juice into the usual milk stout and magic was made. The sweetness, creaminess, and that background bitterness of the dark stout is a match you’ll be thankful you tried.
The Tipsy Cow // Casual in both atmosphere and decor, the Tipsy Cow is undoubtedly the wheat beer capital of the Wizarding world. Their brews are guaranteed to knock you off your feet (if they’re not already up on the bar counter, that is.) The Tipsy Cow won Best Pub in Ireland back in 1976, and after two years ranking last, they’re itching to prove themselves to be not only the best in Ireland, but in the whole Wizarding world.
Grandpa’s Classic: Hefeweize; as the first beverage crafted by magical folk in Kenmare, this wheat beer is considered a classic, and enjoyed by witches and wizards of all ages, in spite of its nickname. The only beer made with yeast, this cloudy beverage will mesmerize you as much as any crystal ball.
Dad’s Favorite: Kristallweizen; by far the most popular beer served at the Cow, this is more than just Dad’s favorite. Filtered and fresh tasting, everyone can find this brew enjoyable.
COMPETITOR: Mother’s Choice: Bock; a smooth malty brew sweetened with honey, this bock will be something even those the most hesitant beer drinkers can enjoy.  
OOC Information---
We hope you’re all excited for the return of the Kenmare Pub Crawl! Just as with last year, your characters will help decide this year’s winner. How so? Well, we’ll tell you...
Each character has the opportunity to earn points towards this event, and each character will submit their points to one of the pubs listed above. The pub with the most points by the end of the weekend will win the title of the Best Pub in the United Kingdom for 1979.
Points should be tallied as follows:
10 points for every starter you post between now and Sunday
10 points for every time your character replies to a new starter. (Please note that this is for the initial reply only; you do not receive an additional 10 points for every reply on that thread).
10 points if your character interacts with a character they’ve never spoken to before.
50 points if your starter gets over 50 notes worth of replies.
100 points if your starter gets over 100 notes worth of replies.
20 points for any drabble you post for your character which is over 100 words.
30 points any drabble you post for your before.character which is over 300 words.
Be sure to submit your points to the main page by 11:29 pm EST on Sunday, the 1st. We’ll tally the points and announce the winner by midnight. If you have any questions, just let us know via the main as well, and we’ll get them answered for you.
Happy boozing and cruising---and writing, of course! Here’s to an exciting weekend in Kenmare!
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fernsplaysthings · 4 years
It’s been a long damn time since I’ve written anything. Apologies for the rust.
A little bit of a tester piece to get a feel for writing Fireteam Mayhem before I dive into the good stuff.
Daring to hope that the Warlock-in-residence would be home on time was perhaps pushing their luck a little. She’d never been on time in the past after finishing a mission off-world so Kestral wasn’t completely sure why they’d expected such a thing now. 
There was a saying about that, right? Repeating an action and expecting a different outcome - something something - madness. That’d be the one.
“Sorry, I got held up…”
“For three days, Lola?”
The Warlock shrugged and set her carry-all down on the coffee table, immediately throwing herself back into the sofa and landing her ankles, crossed daintily, beside her bag. Once again she looked dishevelled, hair untied and flyaways untamed, dark lipstick faded.
Mentally (definitely not out loud) Kestrel noted that ‘smudged’ was also a way she might describe their companion’s signature make up piece...but that could be assessed at a later date if any semblance of peace was to be kept in their shared apartment that evening.
“I was staying with a friend,” she retorts cooly.
Across the room the soft whir of machinery was the only indication that Artemis had tuned into their conversation and was now actively paying attention, the Titan having peeked above her datapad to see what was happening.
Ok, fine. Peace be fucked for a moment.
“And how is the Drifter?”
“Ok, first of all-”
“Lola! You really shouldn’t be hanging around with him,” Artemis scolded.
“Thank you for your input mother.”
Kestrel’s silence and little smug grin only turned two frowns on them and they settled back into their cushions with a roll of their eyes, smugness remaining, which ended the back and forth between the Exo and Awoken. With the datapad raised back in front of the Exo’s face, Salome seemed to sink down into herself and relax with a sigh. Around her fireteam she wasn’t a shy one about...anything. Even Kestrel wished she’d be a little more reserved around them sometimes - please  - but Lola knew she could trust them with anything which was...nice.
“I missed you too by the way, Arti,” she called over her shoulder to the Exo, blowing a black stained kiss in her direction and grinning at the fluorescent slow blink and soft multilayered hum of laughter she gained in return.
Finally feeling the comforting sense of normality set its roots back into the apartment, all residents home and safe, Kestrel threw their legs up onto the sofa and grabbed their headphones ready to resume some good quiet time.
“What’ve you been up to anyway, Kes?”
They were not quite sure why they’d not expected that question. Innocuous enough and more polite than Salome was usually in current company, there was a certain chance she knew something and Kestral…
Kestral needed to keep their cool and not act like a total weirdo.
“Nothing much. Some training with Shaxx and the Crucible regulars,” they set their headphones back down again and tried to find purchase in the sofa, suddenly feeling uncomfortable, like they had too many limbs, too many nerves, like the cushions were too plush and trying to reject them, “Cleaning up the fallout from the situation with Osiris and...Sagira.”
Salome made a low noise of thoughtfulness, “How is the old man?”
“Not talking to anyone about it. Bottling up his feelings,” the Hunter pauses, “If he’d just go fucking speak to Saint…” Another pause, squeezing their eyes shut with a deep breath through their nose, a hand reaching to sweep their hair out of their face, “...You know how Osiris is.”
Salome had been nodding along the whole time, her head bobbing slowly in a very good mimicry of someone paying attention and not waiting to ask a question to send the Hunter spiralling into a miniature panic.
“Who’s the New Light Zavala said you’re working with?”
They’d known each other long enough to know when Kestral was trying to avoid an answer even when the Hunter made a valiant attempt to recover from the startled look that had reflexively crossed their face. Hunters were supposed to be the sneaky ones, the ones that could charm themselves out of any situation, the silver tongued - 
“He’s Spider’s lackey.”
Lola sucked in air through her teeth, “Ooh, tough break for him. Spider’s a dick.”
“You have no idea.”
To Kestral’s irritation and unease the silence hung heavy as Lola’s expectant glowing gaze continued in their direction, begging for some elaboration. She would’ve been a Hunter in a different timeline. She’d have been a damn good Hunter but instead she...she was a damn good Warlock and a good friend. A good confidant.
“Right, you don’t want to share,” she laughed, “Human, Exo, Awoken?” They hadn’t actually paused for all that long this time but it had been long enough to let the Awoken’s mind run excitedly into a field of conspiracy, “Are you not allowed to share because they’re not a humanoid race? Shit, are they an Eliksni?”
Kestral let out a soft sigh, slightly relieved, “Awoken.”
“Ah, your type then, “ Salome punctuated her jab with a wink and a smirk, “I’ve been gone maybe three weeks and you’ve already replaced me. You Hunters are such heartbreakers.”
It was much too late to try and ignore the colour that was long since visible on Kestral’s face and although they briefly considered covering it with hands, hair, a cushion, they decided just to avert their eyes and grasp their headphones with a clatter, slapping them immediately onto their head. Whatever Lola said after that was between her and the Light because Kestral had had enough for one day.
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