#wait is there an email address i can send errors to?
ereborne · 8 months
What is a Monday? A miserable little pile of obligations.
semester turnover restructure
generate/send out error reporting
figure out how to separate out unique counts
create polite reply to Massive Dick Move email
finish the bad book >:(
bò kho (not an obligation. dinner)
lizard bath
#yapping tag#I spent my weekend trying to sleep and now all my chores are due today and I wanna complain. grump grump grump whine.#the semester turnover restructure actually is a pet project so that part I like! I wish I could take my time with it though#the error reporting is. well it's easy to generate (it's actually running now) and it's tedious but uncomplicated to send out#but then I'm going to spend the rest of the day getting passive-aggressive responses from everybody#in a just world my coworkers would respond to careful itemized lists of all their fuckups with 'thank you Alexis you're so helpful#we really appreciate you flagging our mistakes two weeks before the system final-saves them forever into stone. have a cookie!'#but alas#if I'd been any less stressed and frantic when I first established the error reporting I'd have set up a separate address to send them from#write up some template emails and let the reporting all come out of the mythical 'automatic system thing'#--every 'automatic system thing' in our college is me or IT on my behalf. even the people who hired me for this don't seem to realize#if only I'd known from the beginning that nobody would ever connect me and my systems! I'd be exploiting the shit out of it--#the unique counts is going to be a headache. no idea how I'm going to structure the coding for it. might be fun to invent? we'll see#the Massive Dick Move email response also will be an invention. 'hello Mr Massive Dick I am karma here to smite you' but polite#the bad book >:( I don't want to read any more of but the deal I made with my friend is he sends me free books and I report back#we did not discuss a special 'get out of book free' card for when the main character is a godawful shit sibling. (should've done though)#beef stew is good! mostly it's on the list so I don't forget to set the timers#laundry and lizard bath can wait until tomorrow if they must but they shouldn't wait any longer than that. lizard and I will get stinky
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hexenmond · 2 months
A friend of mine has her own two hour radio show every Saturday afternoon, on our local free radio. Yesterday she had me on air as a guest so we could nerd out about open source stuff and Linux. And while radio isn't really my medium, she'd invited me before and if you prompt me on any of my favourite subjects I will talk for as long as you let me, so that was quite fun.
The reason she'd come up with this idea was that I had been telling her about my plans to do a series of (in person) workshops on Linux, for un-nerdy, "regular" folks who just want their devices to work for them and maybe save some money or get an older laptop going again or avoid Win 11. Or just find community and support for something they need but are struggling with. So naturally we talked about those plans as well.
And then in the last seven minutes (with another live show coming up right after us), something started to beep. Took us a moment to realise it was the studio phone (a landline that could be put on air), but then my friend went to answer and handed it over to me fairly quickly. On the other end was a person who'd recently installed Ubuntu and who was having really weird errors in their text on screen sometimes.
This is nothing I can diagnose on the phone (if at all) when there's a queue of people waiting for us to vacate the studio so I got their phone number, and later texted them my email address asking for screenshots. But it was just so WILD to me. Somebody is listening to the local radio?? To the stuff we've just been putting out for two hours? Bantering about open source software interspersed with actually quite nice jazz stuff?!? And they are desperate or inspired enough to dig up the radio's phone number and call??????
This is still sending me a little. (Btw I have since received the screenshots, this is really wild shit – my money is on it being a Wayland issue because I've seen that be the source of random strange display problems but if it is, it's still extremely weird, and if it isn't I really don't know what else this could be.)
And then on my walk home later in the evening I happened to meet an old friend who I haven't seen in forever, going the other way on a bike with her younger kid in the trailer, and we chatted for a bit. I told her about the radio show and my plans for Linux workshops, and her eyes opened wide and she said PLEASE let me know, this is exactly what I need right now, so we checked whether our contact information was still up to date and I went home in another bit of a daze. Like, I seem to be hitting a nerve here. I did think in this town there should be enough people interested in using Linux, but for them to immediately start crawling out of hiding holes the moment I say something out loud – wicked.
I'm looking forward to this 🙃
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ariesgamesandminis · 5 months
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A long overdue "New Site" update…it's a little long, but PLEASE READ IT, plus there is a double surprise buried in the post. Consider it a little bit of a treasure hunt to make you read!
First up…to those out in Nebraska with that tornado, my thoughts are with you all.
Sorry to everyone on the delay with an update, I've been VERY hard at work migrating everything I could over to the new site, and sadly…there were migration issues which I expected there would be, but not the amount, or the errors. I tend to be a bit overly anal with how I want things done, how I want them to work and be presented to the customer, and as such…I keep finding little things here & there I don't like and want changed. Either I can change it or I need whomever on the support team to change it, and due to that, sometimes it just takes a little bit longer. So while I wait…I search for bugs, and I squash them. I'm one of those…let's make it better than 100% kinda guys.
ANYWAYS…I wanted to let you all know, as I said previously, we are very close to launching, and there are a few things to be aware of!!!
When we launch, I will simply take down the blocked landing page you currently cannot get past, and I will not announce it because when I do…I'll be sending out account activation emails first. PLEASE WAIT FOR YOUR ACCOUNT ACTIVATION EMAIL!!! This will be an automated send, I just click a button and it will send out batches of emails for me. The problem here is that I have almost 10,000 customers currently (this fact blew me away, but some them I think are fake accounts and some have never purchased anything for whatever reason)…this process will take a while to happen!!! It might be a day, it might be two days, just please wait otherwise you will have issues logging in.
While I was able to import 100% of the customer accounts, I was NOT able to import about 90% of the addresses. This is due to multiple accounts having 5 or more addresses listed as ship-to listings due to moving around the country, being stationed overseas in the military, etc. For sanity reasons, I did not pick an address to import as most would likely be the wrong one…but that won't stop you from checking out. Just fill in your address when you check out, it's that simple.
Again…as we have posted before, we COULD NOT migrate your Wishlist (items you saved in a list you want to purchase later on), and we COULD NOT migrate your Waislist (items that were out of stock at the time and you would get an email when they were restocked).
The Wishlists were just S.O.L. for exporting data. Nothing I could do there.
The Waitlist for Back In Stock Notifications however…I was able to export, but there is no way to import that data, and as such, I have a file with over 700 entries on it, so I would HIHGLY suggest if you had something you were signed up for to be notified when it comes back in stock…EMAIL ME so I can send you the list. There's too many people on the list to email them all out, it would cause everyone's email servers to mark me as a spam bot and then you'd never see the store emails.
During this migration, we've received the 4 NEW releases from Iron Wind Metals which are the new Rifleman, Archer, Night Gyr, and Jade Phoenis A variant as well as a full restock on Iron Wind Metals miniatures, 2 restocks on Catalyst Game Labs including Clan Invasion Salvage Boxes, The Army Painter which included restocks on the brand new Fanatics line of paints, Gale Force Nine including the new Atlean Steppes bundle from Thunderhead Studio, some Pokemon items, and various other pieces.
We've also got 4 whole new lines showing up! 2 of which are ALREADY STOCKED RIGHT NOW (one has been requested over and over and I'm going against my better judgement in expanding this section of the store, so we shall see how that goes), another will hopefully be stocked in the next 2-4 weeks…and the other about 2 months from now!
The past shipping issues of the US Postal Service and UPS overquoting SEEM to be gone. I've tested this EXTENSIVELY and after roughly 10 years of dealing with that, and being stuck in the middle of those services blaming the shopping software and then the shopping software blaming those services…I just cannot be happier to move on from that problem. It was a MASSIVE pain in the butt, and I'm happy to have that behind me. However I will say this, I did do some tweaking to the shipping system on the new site which may, or may not need to be reverted. Only time will tell as more orders come in, but my testing says it's solid…but customers always find a way to make me pull what's left of my hair out as they submit an order I never thought possible! LOL
Local Pickup is now an option for ALL U.S. based customers…so if happen to be traveling from California and are passing through Kenosha WI…we can accommodate that, but as with the previous system, we will email you to arrange a time & date that works for all of us!
U.K. customers…sorry, but you guys still have to get past that dollar threshold to have shipping options show up. My best advice as always…DO GROUP PURCHASES!!!
Germany…yes, I know, you're still starving for stuff. I'm working on it, but it's not easy due to language barriers with companies out that way…but yes, I'M WORKING ON IT!!!
Lastly, and this is a recent development, we will be expanding our offerings of Digital STL files! We are going to do a little expansion there, just to see how it works out. This was literally a "just last week" thing, which I'm working on the interface now for and that pushed things back a day or two, so sorry on that. More on this in the coming weeks.
With all that said…we plan to open in the next couple days (best case scenario), and start those account activation emails rolling out. So keep an eye out on your emails!!!
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Hey, everyone!
I know this doesn't have anything to do with comedy, but I just wanted to bring awareness to some weird phishing thing that happened to me today.
So I have been looking for a new job as a proofreader, and I applied for a few remote positions on Indeed and LinkedIn.
Anyway, I got a totally sketchy text this morning from Chegg Inc. saying I'd be perfect for their Remote Proofreader/Editor position. I quickly looked up the company name, found it was a legitimate textbook business, and thought "why not try for it?"
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So I got on Skype and went thru the WEIRDEST "interview" I have ever been on.
Now, I know that some companies are using texting in early-stage interviews (you know, that point where they are just checking that you are a human lol), so I figured this made some sense. But everything about this felt off. The dude's profile picture was just a bunch of guys partying (not very professional), and the texts sent to me felt like a bot was chatting with me—real uncanny valley.
So I answered 12 questions that seemed like standard interview ones (what do you do if you make a mistake? Why did you get into proofreading?), but question nine had "Poofrading" instead of "Proofreading" (I pointed out this error in my reply).
Once that was done, the scambot said I seem like a perfect fit and then asked for some basic info so they could send me equipment (expensive stuff like a MacBook Pro that I couldn't afford). I gave them my name, address, phone and email (all basic stuff that's publicly available). They also asked for my bank's name, so I told them that (no question about an account number or SSN since that would be too suspicious, I guess).
After that, the bot said to be back at 8am tomorrow for the orientation.
It then said do you have any questions. I was like, yes...is this a contract or permanent position? And what health insurance do you have?
So the bot said it's a part-time and full-time job that is permanent or you can quit when you want (REALLY confusing answer there). It never answered my question about health insurance, which seems like a pretty simple query.
Anyway, after that WEIRD exchange on Skype, I messaged my sister and was like I need to talk to you NOW. I think I'm being scammed.
While waiting for her to reply (she's on the West coast and I'm near Philly), I quickly looked up this company in my spreadsheet of jobs to see if I'd applied to it and forgotten (nope!) and then searched on Chegg's website to see if such a job had been posted (nuh-uh).
So anyway, that's my story with fake recruiters. It seems that phishing has come a LONG way since Nigerian princes...I'm just glad I caught on before I got too invested or spent money I didn't have.
Has anyone else been through this sort of experience? I'd love to know I'm not the only naive knucklehead out there haha ✌🏼🐔
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AHH Lena ive got a problem!! so i think my blog got hacked into???? but theres nothing diffrent/changed so im not sure but it i was looking at stuff and it says i was "active" at some place ive never been to? but the thing is that weekend i had traveled and somewhat close (like to the neighboring state but it was on the other side away from me) and im not sure if it could just be a glitch? but im still quite worried. i mean i just changed my password but it says it was active recently and i dont know what to do and i dont want to delete my blog (its super small anyways so it wouldnt matter tho)
Don’t panic friend! I’ve got some ideas for you based on some research I’ve done.
(Also apologies for any typos, i’m typing this out on mobile in a waiting room lol)
So, i hadn’t heard of this “active sessions” section of Tumblr before, but quickly found it on the web version under account settings. According to Tumblr’s FAQs, this shows any log ins/access sessions to your Tumblr account by browser, and includes location info, to help you keep your account secure.
Looking at mine, I recognized various devices I’ve used over the past several months, with the locations as my home town. Two logs stood out to me though. 1 - my current session (marked as “current” in green) says my location is in a different part of the state. Odd, but could be due to having a new phone? 2 - apparently a session back in April came from a completely different state. Very odd right?
If i’d come across this back in April, i probably would’ve freaked out like you anon. But the fact it happened 3 months ago (and i haven’t noticed any unusual activity on my account), i couldn’t help but wonder how accurate these locations are…
Hence a research rabbit hole about IP addresses. You’ll notice underneath the city/state display is a string of numbers. This is the IP address of the browser’s network connection. There are several free websites where you can search that IP address and get a much more accurate location… Apparently, IP addresses may not always be accurate due to the geolocation databases they run through. So at the time of that connection, my location was displaying as one place when I was really somewhere else. But when I search that IP address now, it shows my current and accurate location.
I’ve also experienced odd location issues in other areas… like when I access Netflix from a new device and it sends a confirmation email, it usually has the city wrong.
So… this is what I did to look into the odd location activity on my account and i’m comfortable saying it was a IP address geolocation error. It’s possible that’s what you’re seeing on your account too.
If not… next step i would recommend is to double check the email address you have on the account. If someone actually hacked your account, that would be one of the first things they’d change in order to keep access. Really look at the address because sometimes they’ll try to throw you off by making a similar email but with like an added dot, or an extra letter that you wouldn’t catch at first glance. You can change it back to your own address in addition to changing your password.
Those are my two main ideas. I’m not an expert in these things but that’s where i would start, especially if you’re not seeing any suspicious activity on your account. Anyone else with ideas or experience here, feel free to chime in!
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Apple rushes surprise iOS security update to iPhone, iPad
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/apple-rushes-surprise-ios-security-update-to-iphone-ipad/
Apple rushes surprise iOS security update to iPhone, iPad
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When an unplanned iPhone and iPad software update gets pushed without warning, it usually means it is related to a serious security issue. Today is no exception. Apple has just pushed an alert to download the latest iOS 17.6.1 update without much detail except for these important words:”This update includes important bug fixes and addresses an issue that prevents enabling or disabling Advanced Data Protection.”While it offers you the choice to update now or update tonight, I recommend you do it now without waiting. Updates like these are becoming increasingly frequent as bad actors find ways to compromise your safety, security and privacy on Apple products.GET SECURITY ALERTS, EXPERT TIPS – SIGN UP FOR KURT’S NEWSLETTER – THE CYBERGUY REPORT HEREiOS 17.6.1, released on Aug. 7, 2024, primarily addresses a critical issue affecting Apple’s Advanced Data Protection (ADP) feature. The update fixes a bug that prevented some users from enabling or disabling ADP, an optional iCloud security feature that expands end-to-end encryption to additional services such as device backups, Messages backups and Photos.The issue manifested in two ways. Users attempting to enable ADP encountered an error in the user interface, accurately reflecting the problem. Users trying to disable ADP saw it deactivated in the interface while it remained active for their iCloud data. Despite the issue, Apple assures us that the few users affected by this problem still experienced the same level of security, if not more, than they initially believed.WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)?After installing iOS 17.6.1, affected users who previously attempted to disable ADP will receive a notification directing them to Settings, where they can confirm their choice to turn off the feature.The update includes the ADP fix, as well as other important bug fixes and security improvements. This release is part of Apple’s ongoing efforts to maintain the stability and security of iOS 17 as the company prepares for the upcoming launch of iOS 18 later this year.To keep your phone always up to date, you can turn on automatic updates by:GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HEREA word of caution: Always back up your phone just in case. More about backing up and restoring your phone here.NEW CYBERATTACK TARGETS IPHONE, APPLE IDS: HERE HOW TO STAY SAFESecurity glitches can have a greater impact on your life as more of our important details are easily accessible to skilled criminal hackers on devices without protection. That’s why I urge everyone to use strong antivirus protection on all devices, including Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows.The best way to safeguard yourself from malicious links that install malware and potentially access your private information is to have antivirus software installed on all your devices. This protection can also alert you to phishing emails and ransomware scams, keeping your personal information and digital assets safe. Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.Make sure you find the one that’s right for you and your family. The teams at Apple and others like Microsoft are fighting a battle of bad actors that is like trying to stop a fire hose of water using a plastic solo cup. It takes time to respond to and build a patch designed to stop the bad guys. Using strong antivirus protection can offer another level of security that you are in control of, rather than waiting for the rest of the world to catch up with trouble.We’ll continue to monitor this bug fix and any related issues.APPLE SENDS OUT THREAT NOTIFICATIONS IN 92 COUNTRIES WARNING ABOUT SPYWAREStaying on top of software updates like iOS 17.6.1 is essential for keeping your devices secure. By updating now, you protect your personal data from potential threats. Don’t forget that using strong antivirus software adds another layer of defense against cyber risks. As technology evolves, so do cybercriminals’ tactics, so let’s stay proactive in safeguarding our digital lives.How do you feel about the constant software updates to your iPhone or iPad? … .
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Cash App Payment Pending- Step-by-Step Guide to Fix It?
In the fast-paced world of digital payments, Cash App has gained immense popularity for its simplicity and convenience. Cash App is designed to make transactions a breeze, whether you're sending money to a friend, paying for goods and services, or even waiting for a stimulus check. However, you may encounter the dreaded "Cash App Payment Pending" status like any financial app. If you've ever wondered why your payment is stuck in limbo and how to resolve it, you're in the right place. This comprehensive guide will explore the causes of Cash App payment pending issues and provide step-by-step solutions to get your money moving.
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What Does "Cash App Payment Pending" Mean?
When your payment on Cash App is marked as "Pending," it essentially means that the transaction is in a processing state. Your funds have not yet been deducted from your account, and the recipient has not received the money. This status can be frustrating, especially if you must complete a time-sensitive transaction or simply want peace of mind knowing that your payment has gone through.
Reasons for Cash App Payment Pending
Insufficient Funds: One of the most common reasons for a pending payment is having insufficient funds in your Cash App account or linked bank card. Make sure you have a sufficient balance to cover the transaction.
Network Issues: Sometimes, network issues can cause delays in processing payments. This can be due to server problems on Cash App's end or issues with your internet connection.
Bank Verification: If you recently linked a new bank card or changed your banking information, Cash App may put payments on hold until the changes are verified.
Security Checks: Cash App employs security measures to protect your account. A transaction may be held for additional verification, causing a pending status if it appears suspicious.
Bank Holidays and Weekends: Payments initiated on weekends or during bank holidays may take longer to process, leading to pending status until regular business hours resume.
Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve Pending Payment Issues on Cash App
Now that we've identified the common causes let's delve into the solutions and fixes for Cash App payment pending issues.
Check Your Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Poor connectivity can lead to transaction delays.
Verify Your Account: Now is the time if you haven't completed the Cash App account verification process. Verifying your account can reduce the likelihood of pending payments.
Update Your App: Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Cash App. Outdated versions may have bugs that cause payment issues. Update the app from your device's app store.
Review Transaction Details: Double-check the recipient's details, including their Cash App username or email address, to ensure you've entered the correct information.
Check Your Funding Source: Confirm that you have enough funds in your Cash App balance or linked bank card to cover the transaction amount.
How to Cancel Payment Pending on Cash App:
If you've verified that the transaction is stuck due to an error, you can cancel it by following these steps:
Tap on the clock icon in the top right corner of the Cash App home screen.
Locate the pending payment.
Tap on it and select "Cancel Payment."
Contact Cash App Support: If your payment remains pending despite trying the above steps, In some cases, payments may remain pending for a brief period due to network or server issues. Wait for a reasonable time (usually a few hours) to see if the payment is processed independently.
FAQs - Your Top Questions Answered
1. How long does a Cash App payment stay pending?
The duration of a Cash App pending payment can vary. Depending on the specific circumstances, it may clear within a few hours or take longer.
2. Can I cancel a pending payment on the Cash App?
You can cancel a pending payment by going to the transaction in your activity feed and selecting "Cancel Payment." Be sure to verify the payment details before cancelling.
3. Why is my stimulus check on Cash App pending?
Stimulus checks may be pending for various reasons, such as high demand, security checks, or network delays. Ensure your account is verified and you have sufficient funds to cover the deposit.
4. What should I do if my payment is stuck on the Cash App?
If your payment is stuck in pending status, check your internet connection, verify your account, and review the payment details. If the issue persists, contact Cash App support for assistance.
5. Can a pending payment be reversed?
Pending payments do not deduct funds from your account, so there's no need to reverse them. If you wish to cancel a pending payment, follow the above steps.
A "Cash App Payment Pending" status can be frustrating, but you can quickly resolve the issue with the right knowledge and steps. Whether it's due to insufficient funds, network problems, or security checks, the solutions provided in this guide should help you get your money moving smoothly within Cash App. Remember that in cases where you're uncertain, or the problem persists, don't hesitate to reach out to Cash App's customer support for expert assistance. With these solutions at your disposal, you can confidently enjoy the convenience of Cash App payments.
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williamsrush · 1 year
How to Handle Non-Payment Excuses?
Every business owner in Austin, TX, knows that managing unpaid invoices can be a headache. While some clients have genuine reasons for late payments, others might only have excuses. Knowing how to deal with these excuses is the key to smooth cash flow.
Common non-payment excuses and how to handle them
"I never got the invoice."
Always send invoices using traceable methods, such as registered mail or email with read receipts. This way, if a client says they did get the invoice, you can provide proof of delivery.
"The invoice has an error."
Sometimes, clients might claim that there was a mistake on the invoice that led to payment delays. Check the details on your invoice regularly to avoid mistakes. If a client points out a genuine error, confirm it, fix it, and resend the invoice immediately.
"The person who handles payments is on vacation."
While it might be true, it should not be used as an excuse for late payments. Ask your clients to have more than one person authorized for payments or a backup payment process.
"We are waiting on our client's payment."
Businesses can face cash flow challenges, but payment agreements must still be upheld. If a client faces difficulties, understand their situation and remind them of the agreed payment terms. If needed, you can also offer a structured payment plan, but make sure it is in writing.
"We are not happy with the service or product."
This can be a genuine concern or just an excuse. Always encourage clients to provide feedback as soon as you have provided a service or product. If a client is unhappy, address their concerns immediately. This proactive approach can help prevent payment delays.
Why not hire a debt collection agency?
Handling these excuses yourself can be tiring and time-consuming. This is where a  Austincollection agency can help.
Collection agencies understand the local business environment and client dynamics. They will evaluate each unpaid invoice and determine the best way to approach the debtor through letters, phone calls, or in-person meetings. With consistent and professional follow-ups, clients take the payment more seriously.
Remember that the agency's goal is to recover the unpaid amount while maintaining a positive relationship with the client. But should the debt situation escalate, they are well-versed in Federal and Texas debt collection laws and can take lawful actions.
Good collection agencies also offer guidance on preventing late payments in the first place. This can include suggestions on refining your terms of service or improving invoicing methods.
Concluding Thoughts
If you are an Austin business dealing with unpaid debts, partnering with a collection agency like Williams Rush & Associates can make things much easier. Instead of chasing customers, our debt collection services enable you to redirect your time, efforts, and resources into growing your business. Fill out WRA's online form or call (855) 869-9847 to learn how we can help you with your debt collection needs!
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How do I activate a cash app card without a QR code easily in simple steps?
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to activate a Cash App card without a QR code easily. We understand that many users encounter challenges during this process, and we are here to provide you with the best possible solutions to help you activate your Cash App card seamlessly. The Cash App card offers a convenient way to access your funds and make transactions, so let's dive right in and explore the steps to get your card up and running.
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Introduction to Cash App and its Card
Cash App is a popular mobile payment service that allows users to send and receive money, as well as make purchases using their smartphones. The Cash App card, also known as the Cash Card, is a customizable Visa debit card that is linked to your Cash App account. It enables you to spend the money available in your Cash App balance at any retail store or withdraw cash from ATMs.
Understanding the Importance of Activating Your Cash App Card
Before we delve into the activation process, let's discuss why activating your Cash App card is crucial. Activation is the final step that connects your physical card to your Cash App account, allowing you to access your funds through the card. Until the card is activated, you won't be able to use it for transactions, making the activation process an essential part of your Cash App experience.
Activating Your Cash App Card Without a QR Code
Typically, Cash App provides users with a QR code that simplifies the activation process. However, in some cases, you might not receive a QR code or may encounter difficulties while scanning it. Not to worry, we have outlined an alternative method to activate your Cash App card without a QR code.
Step 1: Launch the Cash App on Your Mobile Device
The first step is to ensure that you have downloaded the latest version of the Cash App on your mobile device. If you haven't done so, visit your app store and update the Cash App to the most recent version.
Step 2: Access Your Cash App Account
Sign in to your Cash App account using your registered email address or phone number and the associated password. Make sure you have a stable internet connection for a smooth login process.
Step 3: Locate the "Activate Cash Card" Option
After logging in, you will find the "Activate Cash Card" option on the home screen of the Cash App. Tap on it to initiate the card activation process.
Step 4: Choose the "Use CVV Instead" Option
Since you do not have a QR code, the Cash App will prompt you to use the CVV (Card Verification Value) instead. The CVV is a three-digit number located at the back of your Cash App card.
Step 5: Enter the CVV and Expiry Date
Carefully enter the three-digit CVV number and the expiry date of your Cash App card when prompted. Double-check the information to avoid any errors.
Step 6: Wait for Confirmation
Once you have provided the required details, the Cash App will process the information and verify your card. This might take a few moments, but once verified, you will receive a confirmation message.
Step 7: Customizing Your Cash Card
Congratulations! Your Cash App card is now activated and ready to use. You can further personalize your card by selecting a unique signature or drawing on it. Enjoy the convenience of making cashless transactions with your new Cash App card!
Troubleshooting Tips
While the activation process is usually smooth, you might encounter occasional challenges. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you if you face any issues during the activation:
Check Internet Connection
Ensure you have a stable internet connection before starting the activation process. A weak or intermittent connection might lead to delays or errors.
Verify CVV and Expiry Date
Double-check the CVV number and expiry date you entered during the activation process. Entering incorrect information could lead to activation failure.
In conclusion, activating your Cash App card without a QR code is a simple and straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly get your card up and running, enabling you to enjoy the benefits of cashless transactions and convenient access to your funds.
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cash-app-cash-outs · 1 year
Resolving Cash-Out Issues on Cash App: Your Step-by-Step Guide
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Cash App has emerged as a popular platform for sending and receiving money in digital transactions. However, encountering a frustrating “Cash App Cash-Out Failed” message when attempting to withdraw funds can damage your day. Fear not! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to troubleshoot and overcome Cash App cash-out failures. Whether it’s a technical hiccup or an account-related issue, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s explore the solutions to conquer this challenge and access your funds hassle-free.
Ensure a Stable Internet Connection: Before troubleshooting, check that your device has a reliable internet connection. A weak or intermittent connection may disrupt the cash-out process. Switch to a strong network or connect to Wi-Fi for seamless transactions.
Verify Your Account and Available Balance: Ensure your Cash App account is fully verified, as unverified accounts may have withdrawal limitations. Also, double-check that you have sufficient funds to cover the desired withdrawal amount.
Update Your Cash App: Outdated versions of Cash App may encounter compatibility issues, hindering transactions. Keep your app updated by checking for updates in your device’s app store. Installing the latest version ensures optimal functionality and resolves any known bugs.
Give It Another Try: Sometimes, a cash-out failed on Cash App is merely a temporary glitch. If you encounter an error, don’t lose hope. Wait a few minutes and attempt the withdrawal again. Cash App often resolves minor issues on its own.
Review Transaction Details: To avoid errors, carefully review the withdrawal details, including the recipient’s information and the amount you wish to cash out. Ensure that you enter accurate information during the transaction process.
Seek Assistance from Cash App Support: If the cash-out failure persists, it’s time to contact Cash App support. Open the app, navigate to the “Profile” tab, and select “Cash Support.” Provide a detailed explanation, including relevant transaction information, screenshots (if applicable), and your Cash App username. Be patient as you await a response, as support requests may take time to be addressed.
Explore Alternative Withdrawal Options: If immediate access to your funds is crucial, consider alternative withdrawal methods. You can transfer the money to your linked bank account or utilise the Cash App card for purchases until the cash-out issue is resolved.
Monitor Your Account Activity: While troubleshooting the cash-out failure, keep a vigilant eye on your Cash App account activity. Watch for any suspicious or unauthorised transactions. If you detect any unusual behaviour, report it promptly to Cash App support.
Stay Informed about Updates: Cash App occasionally experiences technical issues that may impact cash-out functionality. Stay informed by visiting the Cash App website, following their official social media accounts, or subscribing to email notifications. This way, you’ll stay updated on any known issues or updates from Cash App.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q: What should I do if I encounter a “Cash-Out Failed” message on Cash App?
A: Start by ensuring a stable internet connection and verifying your account and available balance. If the issue persists, update your Cash App, review transaction details, and contact Cash App support for further assistance.
Q: How long does it take for Cash App support to respond to queries?
A: Cash App support receives numerous inquiries so response times may vary. Be patient and regularly check your email or app notifications for updates on your support request.
Q: Can I withdraw funds using alternative methods if the cash-out issue persists?
A: Yes, you can transfer funds to your linked bank account or utilize the Cash App card for purchases while working to resolve the cash-out failure.
Q: Is it necessary to monitor my account activity during the troubleshooting process?
A: It’s essential to stay vigilant and monitor your Cash App account for any unauthorized transactions or suspicious activity. Report any concerns to Cash App support immediately.
Encountering a cash-out failure on Cash App can be frustrating, but it shouldn’t hinder your financial access. By ensuring a stable internet connection, verifying your account, updating the app, retrying the transaction, reviewing details, seeking assistance from Cash App support, exploring alternative withdrawal options, monitoring your account activity, and staying informed about updates, you can easily overcome cash-out challenges. Remember, patience and persistence will help you regain control of your funds and enjoy seamless transactions on Cash App.
We hope this user-friendly guide has given you valuable insights on resolving Cash App cash-out failed issues. Stay positive, follow the steps, and soon you’ll be back to effortlessly accessing your funds.
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swarupkumarnath07 · 1 year
Basic Understanding of EtherNet Protocol
EtherNet Protocol
Hello, fellow network enthusiasts! Today I want to share with you some basics of EtherNet protocol, one of the most widely used standards for data communication. EtherNet protocol is a set of rules that define how devices on a network send and receive data packets. It also specifies how to identify devices, how to handle collisions and errors, and how to organize data into frames. EtherNet protocol is based on the idea of a shared medium, where all devices can access the same cable or wireless channel. This makes it simple and flexible, but also requires some coordination to avoid conflicts. Let’s dive into some of the key features of EtherNet protocol and see how it works in practice!
MAC address: Every device on an EtherNet network has a unique identifier called a MAC address, which is a 48-bit number usually written in hexadecimal format. For example, 00:1A:4B:9C:5D:6E is a valid MAC address. The MAC address is assigned by the manufacturer of the device and cannot be changed. It is used to identify the source and destination of each data packet on the network. - Frame: A frame is the basic unit of data transmission on an EtherNet network. It consists of a header, a payload, and a trailer. The header contains the MAC addresses of the source and destination devices, as well as other information such as the type of data and the length of the payload. The payload is the actual data being sent, such as an email message or a web page. The trailer contains a checksum that verifies the integrity of the data and detects any errors or corruption. - CSMA/CD: CSMA/CD stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection. It is a method that EtherNet devices use to avoid collisions on the shared medium. A collision occurs when two or more devices try to send data at the same time, resulting in garbled signals and lost data. To prevent this, each device listens to the medium before sending data and waits until it is idle. If a device detects a collision while sending data, it stops and waits for a random amount of time before trying again. This way, the probability of collisions decreases as the number of retries increases.
If you are interested to understand more about the EtherNet Protocol, then you can go through the PiEmbSysTech EtherNet Protocol Tutorial Blog. If you have any questions or query, that you need to get answer or you have any idea to share it with the community, you can use Piest Forum.
I hope this brief introduction has given you some insight into how EtherNet protocol works and why it is so popular and reliable. If you want to learn more about EtherNet protocol and other network topics, stay tuned for more posts from me! Thanks for reading and happy networking!
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What You Need To Know Before Filing Your Taxes
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Are you getting ready to file your income taxes? Are you nervous about filing your taxes? It’s understandable if you are since it’s never fun to see just how much of your hard-earned money the government has taken from you! Before you file your taxes, there are some important things that you need to know about completing this task successfully and receiving the maximum amount of possible tax returns back. Learn how to file your taxes quickly and successfully in this list of what you need to know before filing your taxes.
When Do I Have To File My Tax Return?
You have to file your tax return by April 15th of the year following the calendar year that ends in which you had income. you do not have to pay federal income tax and do not need to file a return. If the IRS contacts you or if they find out about an error on your past returns or find out that you made more money than what was reported, they may require that you file a return. You should always keep copies of everything related to your tax returns. The IRS is required to protect your social security number, but someone can gain access without getting authorization from you. Your SSN is used as verification for other accounts so be careful who gets access to it- don’t just give it away! If someone does steal your SSN and files a false tax return under your name, they can get a refund in the form of cash or a check mailed to them- this is called identity theft.
What Documents Should I Keep From Year To Year?
When filing your taxes, it’s important to keep copies of all the documentation that has helped you calculate your earnings. This includes pay stubs and investment documents. You should also keep a copy of any other relevant documentation such as insurance policies or property records. Make sure you save these documents in a place where they can be easily accessed in case they are needed for future tax returns or audits. It is also advisable to organize them by year so that they’re easy to find when doing your taxes. It may take some time upfront, but it will make filling out next year’s taxes much easier!
Who Can Help Me Prepare My Tax Returns?
The first step is finding a tax professional. You can start by asking friends and family for recommendations, or by contacting an organization like the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. After selecting a tax professional, it’s important to understand their qualifications and how they are paid so that you can make the best choice for yourself. If the person does not charge hourly rates, but rather charges based on the complexity of your tax return and other factors, make sure that they have a history of doing well with clients who are like you in terms of income level.
Where Should I Go For Help With My Tax Returns?
If you’re expecting a refund, the IRS estimates that it will take eight weeks for the agency to process your return and send out any owed funds. However, this time frame can vary depending on how complex your tax situation is. If you’re owed a refund, but the IRS doesn’t send it within three weeks of when they receive your information, contact them at (888) 622 -8282. You can also check the status of a refund in real-time by visiting their website and inputting certain information about yourself and the expected date that you filed.
When Will I Get My Refund?
The IRS typically processes returns within three weeks of receipt. This means that if you’re expecting a refund, it could take up to two months for it to show up in your account. If you expect a refund, the best thing is to be patient and wait for the money. You can check on its status by going on IRS’s Where’s My Refund? Keep in mind that if there’s an issue with processing your return, the IRS will send a notice explaining what the problem is and how they’ll resolve it.
Contact Us : 
Address - 7404 Executive Pl Suite 400 Lanham, MD 20706
Phone - (888) 622 -8282
Website - Fulfillment Financial Services LLC
Blog - What You Need To Know Before Filing Your Taxes
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How to Verify Bitcoin on Cash App? Updated Guide for 2023-
Cash App is a service that allows you to buy, sell and send Bitcoin. It is free to use. But before you can purchase or sell, you must verify your identity and account. You can either confirm your ID with your bank or credit card or by using a mobile phone.
Once you have verified your account, you can purchase and sell coins. Cash App also allows you to deposit money and withdraw it to your wallet. However, there are some downsides to using this app. For instance, you may have to wait a few days before processing your transactions.
If you are in the process of Cash App bitcoin verification, you will be asked to provide a little required information. In addition, you will be asked to submit a recent photo of yourself. The picture should be taken in a well-lit area and should show you in focus.
You will be prompted to enter your bitcoin address when you submit your information. After entering your address, you will be able to see your balance. Once you can make a payment, you will be notified by email. Depending on the size of the transaction, it may take as little as 48 hours for the verification process to be completed. However, it can be longer, depending on your location.
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How Do I Verify Bitcoin on Cash App?
If you want to purchase or sell Bitcoin through a Cash App, you will need to verify your account first. You can provide a photo of yourself, your email address, and other personal details. Let’s learn how to verify bitcoin on Cash App?
To verify your identity on Cash App, you must upload a recent photo of yourself. This photo must be in focus, clear, and without glare. Be sure to submit your photo as a full face shot. Once you have completed this process, you can begin a transaction. The verification process should take up to 48 hours. However, it may take longer, depending on where you live.
Once you have provided these details, Cash App will send you an email to verify your account. It can take a few days but should be finished in less than a week. Afterwards, you can start making payments for the bitcoins you have purchased.
If you have been trying to withdraw the money from your account and are still getting an error message, it's a good idea to try again. If you have already submitted the required information and the transaction still isn't verified, it could be an issue with your Internet connection.
How Long Does It Take to Enable BTC on Cash App?
To purchase or sell your bitcoins, you must first enable it with the Cash App. The application requires a lot of information before purchasing or selling the coins. You will have to input your details as well as your ID. It will also take up to 48 hours for verification.
Cash App asks for your name, address, phone number, and email. After you complete the process, it will send you a confirmation message. For verification, you will have to provide a photo of yourself. This photo must be taken in a well-lit environment, with no facial expressions. Once you verify your identity, you can buy or sell bitcoin. You will also receive a confirmation email. You will also have to enter a PIN.
To use Cash App, you must be at least 18 years old and a U.S. resident. In addition, you must have an address confirmed by the IRS. Cash App will report your account to the IRS as a security measure. Cash App is a good option for buying or selling bitcoin. However, you will have to pay a $10 fee for verification. The Cash App bitcoin verification process can take up to 48 hours, although it usually takes less than a day. If the transaction is large, it might take more time.
Why is My Cash App Bitcoin Verification Pending?
If you have been trying to purchase with the Cash App and it seems like your transaction is pending, there are some steps you can take to expedite the process. These steps include checking your email for any messages from the company and using your phone's browser to check the status of your transaction.
To speed up the process, you can use the PIN feature. The Cash App also has a handy list of common problems. In most cases, the verification process will take less than a day. But, if you see Cash App bitcoin verification pending, it is probably best to call customer support to speed things along.
The Cash App can be a pain in the rear. However, sending money to friends and relatives is a convenient way. You can transfer funds to another account or use it to send bitcoins. And, if you are having trouble, you can always back out of a purchase and receive your funds.
Depending on your system, it may take several hours or even days to verify your purchase. As with any other transaction, you should be patient. Once you have completed the verification process, you can make your purchase.
Before you begin your journey, take the time to read up on the different steps in the process. There are a few important pieces of information you need to provide, and if you are unsure what to write, the team at Cash App is more than happy to help you through the process.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Apple rushes surprise iOS security update to iPhone, iPad
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/12/apple-rushes-surprise-ios-security-update-to-iphone-ipad/
Apple rushes surprise iOS security update to iPhone, iPad
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When an unplanned iPhone and iPad software update gets pushed without warning, it usually means it is related to a serious security issue. Today is no exception. Apple has just pushed an alert to download the latest iOS 17.6.1 update without much detail except for these important words:”This update includes important bug fixes and addresses an issue that prevents enabling or disabling Advanced Data Protection.”While it offers you the choice to update now or update tonight, I recommend you do it now without waiting. Updates like these are becoming increasingly frequent as bad actors find ways to compromise your safety, security and privacy on Apple products.GET SECURITY ALERTS, EXPERT TIPS – SIGN UP FOR KURT’S NEWSLETTER – THE CYBERGUY REPORT HEREiOS 17.6.1, released on Aug. 7, 2024, primarily addresses a critical issue affecting Apple’s Advanced Data Protection (ADP) feature. The update fixes a bug that prevented some users from enabling or disabling ADP, an optional iCloud security feature that expands end-to-end encryption to additional services such as device backups, Messages backups and Photos.The issue manifested in two ways. Users attempting to enable ADP encountered an error in the user interface, accurately reflecting the problem. Users trying to disable ADP saw it deactivated in the interface while it remained active for their iCloud data. Despite the issue, Apple assures us that the few users affected by this problem still experienced the same level of security, if not more, than they initially believed.WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)?After installing iOS 17.6.1, affected users who previously attempted to disable ADP will receive a notification directing them to Settings, where they can confirm their choice to turn off the feature.The update includes the ADP fix, as well as other important bug fixes and security improvements. This release is part of Apple’s ongoing efforts to maintain the stability and security of iOS 17 as the company prepares for the upcoming launch of iOS 18 later this year.To keep your phone always up to date, you can turn on automatic updates by:GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HEREA word of caution: Always back up your phone just in case. More about backing up and restoring your phone here.NEW CYBERATTACK TARGETS IPHONE, APPLE IDS: HERE HOW TO STAY SAFESecurity glitches can have a greater impact on your life as more of our important details are easily accessible to skilled criminal hackers on devices without protection. That’s why I urge everyone to use strong antivirus protection on all devices, including Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows.The best way to safeguard yourself from malicious links that install malware and potentially access your private information is to have antivirus software installed on all your devices. This protection can also alert you to phishing emails and ransomware scams, keeping your personal information and digital assets safe. Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.Make sure you find the one that’s right for you and your family. The teams at Apple and others like Microsoft are fighting a battle of bad actors that is like trying to stop a fire hose of water using a plastic solo cup. It takes time to respond to and build a patch designed to stop the bad guys. Using strong antivirus protection can offer another level of security that you are in control of, rather than waiting for the rest of the world to catch up with trouble.We’ll continue to monitor this bug fix and any related issues.APPLE SENDS OUT THREAT NOTIFICATIONS IN 92 COUNTRIES WARNING ABOUT SPYWAREStaying on top of software updates like iOS 17.6.1 is essential for keeping your devices secure. By updating now, you protect your personal data from potential threats. Don’t forget that using strong antivirus software adds another layer of defense against cyber risks. As technology evolves, so do cybercriminals’ tactics, so let’s stay proactive in safeguarding our digital lives.How do you feel about the constant software updates to your iPhone or iPad? … .
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davidcampiti · 2 years
True story:  An artist whose work I long appreciated wanted to join our roster. He'd sent samples periodically since 2016; I'd watched him grow, enjoying his covers, pinups, and occasional story but wondered why he had not soared to stardom status.  Perhaps I could make the difference. 
I started him with a cover assignment, but he didn't follow the description and even his revised layout required a lot of back-and-forth.  Then he went quiet for many days.  He finally responded that he'd had to take care of his mother after complications with COVID, but he was back in the studio to resume work. Too late. I'd already reassigned the cover, which was drawn/colored/approved/paid for before I heard from him.  And I wondered precisely how COVID had affected his keyboard and telephone. What stopped him from a 1-sentence update warning me he couldn't finish the job on the agreed-upon schedule?  I told him as much, saying he needed clear communication; he told me he understood. Another project came his way, a 4-pages-wide banner/poster for a big event to honor certain people.  A reasonable budget, basically 8 large panels, lots of references all provided, a clear deadline -- I wrote to him, "Our last attempt to work together didn't go so well...."  He took three days to accept the job offer, blaming it on his sick mother.
On September 14th, he agreed to the 4-page assignment and generous three-week deadline of October 5th, acknowledging that included time for a colorist to do his part. On September 20th, the client asked why she had not received a layout to review.  I emailed or texted the artist multiple times each day asking for updates, to which he didn't respond. In fact, he didn't deliver the layout until September 29th.  I reminded him that he needed to pencil and ink the art in time for the colorist to deliver by October 5th. Client asked for corrections to the layout; October 5th, deadline day, still no revised layout, and the artist begged for "extra days,"  
Client gave him an extension to October 15th, which of course he blew right past.  The artist wrote, "Sorry about that, I was sick and that's why I missed the deadline I asked for more for you, and soon after that i took a test i was diagnosed with COVID and went to the hospital and stayed a few days away from my studio and drawing board, but I'm fine, i just had this mishap that made me waste time, I would like to finish the work, I will do my best, but i need a few more days to finish the pencils and inks, if i can continue i will be grateful. Sorry I didn't let you know I was sick."  Yet again, I was left wondering what prevented the artist from having someone text me a 1-line warning me, so I could reassign the job to meet the deadline.  He promised to deliver by October 22nd.
On October 18th, he wrote he was "finishing the details and will be sending it to you tomorrow." "Tomorrow" became four days later, yet he turned in only pencils for two of the eight large panels.
Eight more days passed before he completed pencils, on October 26th.  Bizarrely, some of his figures were oddly distorted, as if references had been adjusted in Photoshop without the Proportions locked.  I questioned the error multiple times. When he finally addressed it, he blamed the client, saying the distortions were in the pencils but the client approved them that way. The artist began delivering inked images one panel at a time for the colorist; of course, those distorted images were still not corrected, so the colorist had to make the revisions as best he could.
What's more, when the client and colorist asked about missing images in the Dropbox, the artist insisted he'd uploaded them.  So I screen captured a shot of everything in the Dropbox, sent it to the artist, and said, "SHOW me exactly where those images are."  He blamed the error on Dropbox and not on his failure to check/confirm the upload, and we lost yet another day waiting for him finally to upload the remaining pieces.
In the end, the colorist stayed up working 28 hours straight to deliver the files, coloring and adjusting and finessing and assembling the many pieces to deliver an acceptable final piece to the client.
Oblivious to his harm to the client and his many, many. muck-ups, the artist wrote to me afterward, "Sorry again for this inconvenience and delay, but in the end the job worked.  I would like another chance and hope we can continue working together."
Seriously?  My webmaster removed him from our roster today.  I don't need that kind of stress or damage to our company's reputation.  And our clients deserve professionals.
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divinelement00 · 2 years
AOL Mail Problems Today
When you send an email, do you ever wonder if the recipient actually got it? What occurs online doesn't always make sense. Theoretically, black holes should be able to devour email.
Occasionally, you will receive a failure notice when an email is not successfully delivered. However, it's also common to hear nothing at all.
Spam filters delete messages.
Your message can be deleted before it reaches its intended inbox because of anti-SPAM software. There are a variety of anti-spam systems available, and they all have slightly different approaches to analyzing the subject line. Using any of those terms in an email's subject line will result in the message being marked as spam. And reasoning out which terms to avoid isn't a surefire bet. To a certain extent, it is possible to tailor applications to the user's preferred set of keywords.
A similar thing happened with my webmaster. I called to make sure she got the latest information I emailed her and to chat a bit. Did You Get Updates? was the topic line. Her anti-spam software flagged the word "get" in the subject line as SPAM and deleted the email without opening it. Just who would have guessed? I was aware that I shouldn't use "Free" or any other price-related terms in the subject line, but "get" never crossed my mind.
Over the past three years, I've been utilizing a mass-mailing application to communicate with the other 350 members of a charity organization I'm involved with. The members' e-mail has always been delivered without a hitch. In the past six months, however, several service providers, like AOL and Earthlink, have begun classifying these communications as SPAM because they identify the software I am using. The only method I've found to get past this obstacle is to make sure every one of our 350 members has my email address saved in their contacts. In that case, the transmission will be rejected.
Verification of Shipping
So, if you don't get an error notice, is there a simple way to determine if your message was received? I guess you could pick up the phone and make sure your message made it. But caution is required. A person may view your eagerness for a response as an indication that you cannot or will not wait for a satisfactory response.
To begin, you could remark "Just checking in as a matter of politeness. I just wanted to double-check that you received the crucial email I just sent. I wanted to make sure you got this knowledge as soon as possible because I know you needed it." They'll think you're attempting to help them out and be efficient at the same time. The other person won't see your tone as demanding and go on the defense in response to you.
Confirm Email Reception
If you're on the receiving end of emails, you can do a world of good by always responding to confirm receipt. Just hit the reply button to let the sender know you saw their message, even if you can't provide an immediate response. Adopt this practice regularly. Just shoot back a brief response like, "Thanks. I received your message but won't be able to respond till tomorrow." Alternatively, something much shorter would suffice, "I received your email. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible."
Start now to get into the practice of responding to emails you receive. Replying to an email to let the recipient know you received it is simple and much appreciated.
In the first and second parts of this series, we looked at various issues related to the delivery of marketing emails. Here are some other features of email filters that may hinder your email marketing efforts.
Frequently Read Email
The volume of spam messages hitting an ISP's servers is another factor that can raise your spam rating. It is recommended that if you have a big number of lists, you do not send them out in the order of ISP. Instead, you should send all emails to subscribers in alphabetical order or by the day they signed up since this will significantly reduce the volume of emails sent to a single ISP in a short period of time.
It is extremely rare for an Internet service provider to begin rejecting mail due to an excessive volume of traffic. Sending your email marketing campaign on slower days may help (i.e. early Monday morning, or Sunday).
In addition to These Methods of Distribution
Signing up for an account with one of the main email providers is one of the greatest ways to see if your email marketing is reaching its intended audience (i.e. AOL, Hotmail, and Yahoo). If your emails were not delivered or went to the bulk folder after sending them, you should get in touch with the relevant email service provider for guidance. It's possible that you won't even need to open individual email accounts if you use a list management provider. You can verify the feature's efficacy by requesting and reviewing any available delivery reports.
In contrast to AOL's bulk sender status, most major ISPs offer white list tools that anyone can utilize. A number of competing list management firms have already earned this level of trust from their clientele.
Various servers and ISPs provide their customers a measure of agency by including a whitelisting feature that lets them exclude certain email addresses from being screened.
Successful and fruitful email marketing campaigns depend on many factors, one of which is a compelling marketing message. One of the largest and most challenging issues many internet marketers confront in eCommerce today is delivering these email marketing campaigns. Even if only one subscriber does not receive your message, your time, money, and potential profit are all lost. Learn how to navigate email filters effectively.
For solving AOL mail problems today
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