#waiting for my husbands inheritance to be processed by the bank so we can actually go back to a normal human existence
aller-geez · 5 months
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Haikyuu!! Boys as Bad Dad moments
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou and Numai
**These are ways they “failed” as fathers. I am not talking about ACTUALLY failing as fathers, just things dads have done that most of us either remember/get told about NOT TO BE TAKEN  S E R I O U S L Y  it is just for      f u n  I also gave them all at least 2 kids cause SibLiNgS**
A ‘*’ means it happened to me lol
TW- Mentions of giving too much medicine, accidental pain caused to child, these are things I either experienced/knew people who experienced them, allusion to cursing/a FEW bad words (but I substitute a letter for something else :)
*Akaashi Keiji: 
He had been working in his office when his son had come in.
You had been putting your newborn to sleep for a nap when your son decided he wanted to be with his dad.
His son was only 3, so when Akaashi was held up in his office editing his son, Kenji, would sometimes come in and plop himself in Akaashi’s lap.
His sons small feel padded on the floor while he made his way to his father, softly tugging on his pants as he stuck his arms up.
Akaashi smiled and softly chuckled before gently picking up his son from under his arms and placing him on his lap.
He got to work soon after, reading and revising the pages.
Other than having his son on his lap it wasn’t unusual for him to be drinking coffee while working.
Keep in mind, your son had inherited a lot from Akaashi, and not just his looks or personality.
But also his habits.
Because of this, your son was very fidgety, usually toying with a string or your fingers.
That meant he tended to move around a lot.
Akaashi had just lifted his not-so-cold coffee to his lips when his son had made a sudden movement, causing him to knock his arm and, “AHH” Akaashi’s eyes snapped open as his son started crying, cursing under his breath he stood up gently holding his son in his arms as he carried him to the bathroom.
Sitting him down on the counter he dried the coffee off of his son, luckily it hadn’t been hot enough to burn him, but it was still hot enough to hurt.
“What happened? I heard crying, is he okay?” Akaashi sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, he’s okay, he bumped my arm and I spilled my coffee on him. He’s okay! It didn’t burn him, but it did hurt...” Your frowned as you stood in front of your son, giving him a soft smile before kissing his arm, cause kisses always make it feel better~
You carefully picked him up from the counter, rocking him slowly side to side as he burrowed into your shoulder.
“Are you okay little man~” He nodded as he sniffled into your shoulder, little hands clutching onto the fabric of your t-shirt.
“You know daddy didn’t mean it, it was an accident.” He nodded again, lifting his head to rub his eyes and reach out for his dad.
Akaashi gave a wobbly smile before reaching over to grab him, kissing the top of his head as he carried him back to his office, making sure to have some iced coffee instead.
Washio Tatsuki: 
This would be the first time Washio was left alone with the twins.
5 months ago, you and your husband had had your first children, your adorable fraternal twins Natsuki and Tatsuo.
Today would be the first day you would be away from them, but with your mother being sick and you being the only one available to take care of her you had to go.
You weren’t too worried about your husband, he was already a good dad so you had no doubt they were in good hands.
But it was never an enjoyable experience to have to leave your kids, especially your babies, and for the first time. 
So, you decided to leave early in the morning, give them their good morning kisses and head over to your parents house.
Before you left you changed their diapers, letting them play in their little play pen while your husband tried to get up.
Rubbing his eyes Washio walked into the play room.
He had to go to the gym today for a meeting, fortunately EJP had a really good daycare system in the stadium, so he could leave his kids there while he attended the short meeting.
He stopped in his tracks as his face blanched and he felt his breath stop.
You had changed the twins’ diapers...but you hadn’t dressed them.
The twins were still young, so without looking at their, uh, biological differences you couldn’t tell them apart....
Now, usually when this happened you guys would just check the diapers, but you had just done them..
And he was already running a bit late.
So, he made his best guess, got them dressed (one in pink, the other in blue), fed and in the car driving them to the stadium.
Once he got there he quickly dropped them off, rushing to his meeting.
The meeting had been fairly simple, just some pre-season info he’d need.
After chatting with his coach/teammates, and stopping Suna and Komori from pulling a prank, he made his way back to the daycare.
He walked into the building when one of the younger care takers, Yui, walked up to him, One twin in each arm.
He smiled as he carefully put them into their carriers.
“Uhm, just a question...” He looked up to her and motioned for her to continue.
“...Were you aware that Tatsuo was wearing the dress?” Washio sighed as he ran a hand down his face shaking his head. Yui light heartedly smiled, “Don’t worry, we switched them.” Thanking them, he picked up his babies and went home.
He was not prepared for the way you cackled when he told you what happened.
*Konoha Akinori: 
You had gone away for a business trip, leaving your husband Konoha home with your 3 kids. (You guys have 2 girls and a boy)
Your middlest child, your son Akira, had recently come down with a cold making the poor thing miserable when he tried to sleep.
Being the good dad that he is, he gave his son some benadryl!
The next morning he woke up, and after letting his kids sleep in for a little bit he woke them up too.
...two of them.
He tried several times to get his son to leave his bed, but the little kid couldn’t so much as swing one foot over the side of his bed with out falling asleep again.
He didn’t think too much of it, the kid had a cold after all.
So he let him sleep for another hour or so before making him get up for real.
A day later you got home, and everything was pretty much normal.
Until you went to put your son to bed, and realized he had crashed on the couch.
“...Uhm, Akinori?” Your husband lifted his head at your voice, setting the dishes in the sink and drying his hands with a towel as he made his way over to you. 
“Yeah babe?” You took a look over towards your son before looking back to your husband.
“...Has Akira been like that all weekend?” Konoha ran his hand through his hair as he sighed. “No, only since Saturday. He wasn’t feeling good so I gave him some benadryl, he’s been dead to the world since.” You slowly nodded.
“Uhm, Akinori?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “How much benadryl did you give him?”
He left to grab the box, coming back with it in his hand as he continued to look at it.
He shook his head in confusion. “I gave him the amount the box said, 1 teasp-”- He paused.
Uh oh.
He in fact, had not given his son a teaspoon of benadryl.
He had given him a tablespoon.
*Kita Shinsuke: 
You had to leave early one morning for a doctors appointment; you were pregnant with you and Kita’s second child. 
Usually for these appointments Kita’s grandmother would watch your 3 year old daughter Kyoka.
But she had something to do that morning so Kita was the one responsible for getting her ready for preschool.
Kita was a good father so you weren’t worried.
You knew she would be put together, fed, and on time.
There was just one thing you couldn’t account for.
“Daddy?” Kita looked away from the mirror he was shaving in and down to his daughter, washing away the traces of shaving cream. “Yes sweetheart?”
She held out her small hand, 2 bright pink hair ties with little butterfly charms on them held out in her palm.
“Can you do my piggy tails please?” His eyes widened.
He hadn’t done hair...like...ever.
But from the puppy eyes his little princess was giving him, how could he not do it?!
Plus, it couldn’t be that hard...right? I mean, he had watched you do it plenty of times, and it was pretty straight forward.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed he had her stand on the ground in front of him.
He grabbed her brush and put the two hair ties she had given him on his wrist.
He brushed her hair and parted it as evenly as he could, trying to be gentle in the process.
Now time for the pig tails..
He pulled her hair back, trying to make it tight to it would stay.
...But he might have made it a little too tight.
He turned her around and realized he had made them way too tight.
Not only did her hair look like he had slicked it back with x4 strength hair gel, but it was so tight that her eyebrows had been stuck way up on her forehead.
He was quick to turn her back around, loosening the hair ties so she looks like a 3 year old again.
His face turned undeniably red as he told you what happened later that night, you light heartedly laughing at his misfortune.
Suna Rintaro: 
Suna had just gotten out of practice, and now he was on the way to his kids school. 
You and Suna had 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls. 
The youngest 2 had a doctor’s appointment earlier that day, which you had taken them too. Meaning Suna needed to pick the older 2 up from elementary school.
He had been listening to music, his music to be specific.
He had pulled into the parking lot, changing the playlist to a kid friendly one right before his children got in the car.
After they had told him about their days, and he had told about his, he switched back on the music.
It had been fine for a song.
Until he realized that he had a few songs qued.
The fun little song had just ended when the bass dropped, the color draining from his face as soon as the song started.
The mentioned song being “Big Bank” by YG, 2 Chainz, Big Sean and Nicki Minaj of course~.
He was quick to turn the radio off, waiting until he could pull over, empty the que, and turn on kid friendly music.
He told the kids to ‘forget what they heard’ and he continued on his drive home.
Now, you’ve got to remember, his daughter is in kindergarten and his son is in 2nd grade, so they’re still kind of at that “monkey see, monkey do” age range.
Or rather, “monkey hear, monkey repeat.”
He thought it was gonna be okay, they were good kids so he figured telling them to forget they even heard it, they would let it go.
There was just one thing about his children that he didn’t account for.
As obedient and well behaved as his children were, they were also very curious.
That night at dinner they had all been sat down at the table, eating dinner and talking about their days. 
You had been feeding your infant son while Suna had been watching the 3 year old, the other 2 older children happily eating their food. Until...
“Hey mommy?” You looked at your daughter with a smile, “Yes baby?” She continued to eat her dinner, “What’s a b!tch?” Your eyes widened as your husband choked on his food, your baby laughing at the scene before him.
Hitting his chest and taking a sip of water Suna tried to catch his breath.
“Nezuko we don’t say that, where did you hear that?!” She tilted her head as she looked at you confused before turning to look at Suna, pointing a small finger at him.
“It was on the radio, daddy told us to ‘forget’ but I didn’t know what it meant...What does it mean?” You sent a glare towards your husband as you sighed.
After explaining to your daughter why it was bad to say those things and not to repeat everything she heard you cleaned up your kids and put them to bed.
...You had quite the conversation with your husband later that night.
Ushijima Wakatoshi: 
Ushijima had been on grocery duty this week since you had a meeting with a friend.
He had the Friday off, and since you weren’t home he took the kids with him.
Now, I would like you to know that you guys have 6 kids. S I X.
Growing up with no siblings and divorced parents, Ushijima wanted to make sure none of his kids were lonely.
Originally you guys had two, each kid had a buddy.
...but then you had a third, and you couldn’t just leave him alone...
so you had another...then another...
And now you guys have 6. But it’s okay cause you both love kids anyway~
He was doing his best, he truly was. He had his 2 youngest sitting in the little seat by the handle bar, 2 kids in the basket, 1 hanging onto the side and the oldest walking alongside him.
When they got to check out he had to take one of the kids out of the basket, so he opted for his 3rd oldest, his son Kazue, figuring he was older so it’d be a-okay.
He checked out his extensive amount of groceries before loading them up into his car, and his kids.
He pulled out of the grocery store parking lot and got on the road, his kids singing along to the radio and chatting amongst themselves.
They had been driving for 6 minutes when his oldest child, Ren, spoke up. “Uh, dad?” He hummed, briefly checking the rear view mirror before returning his gaze to the road. “When are we going back to get Kazue?” His face lost all color as his eyes widened.
As swiftly and safely as he could he pulled over to the side of the road, whipping around in his seat to take a head count. ‘1..2..3..4..5...oh sh-’ Turning back around he got back onto the road, taking the nearest u-turn and rushing back to the store. 
Unbuckling his kids from their carseats he hurried them back into the store, his oldest holding the 2nd borns hand, as he held all 3 of the younger ones in his arms.
He frantically entered the store, almost collapsing with relief when he saw his son sat at the customer service desk with the security guard, eating a lollipop before smiling when he saw his dad come to pick him up.
After giving proof that yes, he was his father, he took all of his kids back home after getting them some ice cream.
...this would be one conversation he was not excited to have with you....
Yahaba Shigeru: 
Yahaba and his 2 sons had been hanging out in the living room while you finished making some snacks in the kitchen.
Yahaba had been trying to set up a DVD player, you guys were going to watch some home-videos from your high school days but they were all on CD.
So, after borrowing one from his parents house, he set out to hook it up to the TV.
...Which was proving much more difficult then he first anticipated.
His two boys, Itsuki (6) and Hayato (8) were in there with him, ‘helping’ as they had called it.
Yahaba groaned as he sat back, a hand ruffling through his hair as he racked his brain to think of the problem.
You had finished preparing everything so you came in, with the food, and set it down on the coffee table.
You came up behind your husband, kneeling down behind him and placing your hands on his shoulders.
“How’s it going?” He sighed, leaning back into you.
“Well, I think I know what I need to do, I’m going to have to stick my hand back there though. Hey Hayato, can you help me out buddy?” The 8 year old excitedly nodded.
“Great, I need you to hold this flashlight here, hold it steady okay?” Hayato nodded with a ‘Yup!’ before Yahaba laid down on his side, maneuvering to where he could see the back of the TV.
All had been going well, he had just got it hooked up, and after having you test it, it worked!
He tried to get himself out from behind the TV, until a sharp edge caught his finger.
“Sh!t!” Your eyes widened, “Shigeru!” He hadn’t realized his slip up until he was out from behind the TV, faced directly with your glare.
“Kids, don’t say that.” His youngest blinked at him. “But why?”.
Kneeling down in front of him Yahaba tried to explain, but it was a little hard when you were glaring holes into the back of his head and his oldest was giggling at the situation.
*Iwaizumi Hajime: 
It was a weekend in summer vacation, and you and your husband were both off work.
This meant, you guys got a whole day to spend with your 3 boys, and one of the things you guys loved to do as a family was play games.
On this particular afternoon, your sons had chosen to play twister.
You were a little skeptical because you had 3 competitive, rambunctious boys. 
And an equally competitive rambunctious husband.
But after getting 4 identical pouts you couldn’t say no...
But, you elected to be the spinner. (..for your own safety)
“Left hand, green.” This put your middlest son in quite the predicament.
The only space available was the Green directly by his fathers hand, meaning he’d have to crawl under Iwaizumi.
“Okay Hajime, right hand, yellow.” Iwaizumi grimaced as he tried to reach it.
 This wasn’t good, the mat was slick, his hands were sweating-
“oOf” Before he could catch himself he had completely lost his balance, landing right on his son.
You gasped in horror as you saw the life get squeezed out of your 5 year old, scrambling from where you sat to check on your now pancaked son.
“...Hiro..are you okay..?” 
His small head shot up with a “I’m okay!” Before he, albeit wearily, stood up brushing off his godzilla t-shirt before continuing on with his life.
You took a deep breath as you sat back down, flashing a warning look towards your husband who sheepishly smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
And after checking that yes, your son really was okay, you guys continued on with some...safer games.
Futakuchi Kenji: 
You had left for a weekend visit to see your parents in your hometown, leaving your husband and Your 3 girls alone.
It was a friday night, so after having a less than healthy dinner, ice cream and a fair amount of other sweets, Futakuchi figured a movie before bed would be a good way to finish off the night.
He scrolled through netflix trying to find a movie he could watch with his girls.
“Daddy, can we watch snow white?!” Futakuchi looked down at his oldest, Hayami, before he shrugged. “Sure.”
He may be a guy, but he was not above watching princess movies if it meant his babies were happy. Besides, it was a disney movie, what bad could be in it!
Everything was going swell, until the witch showed up.
He felt the sick feeling of dread in his stomach as soon as he felt his middlest curl in tight to his side, his youngest hopping off of the couch and climbing into his lap.
...Disney SHOULD have been a safe bet, but with the way his 3 girls were clinging onto him for dear life, he probably should have previewed it first..
That night he put them to bed, reading them a quick story before giving them each a kiss on their forehead and tucking them into bed. 
15 minutes.
15 minutes of almost sleep when he heard you guys’ bedroom door creak open, 3 sets of little feet pad over to his side of the bed.
“...daddy..?” He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he opened them, brown eyes meeting the teary ones of his 3 children as they stood there. Speaking in as soft of a voice as he could he tried not to sound as tired as he knew he was.
“What is it munchkin?” His daughters all fidgeted where they stood, fiddling with the hems of their princess night gowns as they stood there.
“...We’re scared...can we sleep with you..?” Knowing he wouldn’t be able to get them to sleep like you could, and being incredibly tired himself he moved to the side, opening the covers and making room for all 3 of his princesses.
...This was going to be a long night for him.. 
Daishou Suguru: 
Daishou had been playing outside with his kids, his 2 year old son Kento and his 5 year old daughter Shizuko.
His son was sat on his shoulders, one of Daishou’s hands wrapped firmly around the boys ankles while the other pushed his daughter on the swing.
You had been inside getting dinner ready while they had been outside; smiling fondly at the smiles that were plastered on their faces.
When dinner had finished you walked to the sliding glass door, opening it and calling to them. “Dinners ready! Come inside and wash up so we can eat.” Your daughter and husband replied with ‘okay!’ as you went back to get plates. 
Slowing down the swing Daishou brought it to a stop so Skizuko could safely get off.
In all honesty, he was a good dad.
He was very mindful of his children and their surroundings, so they didn’t get hurt too often.
He was also very careful not to accidentally hurt them.
But accidents happen.
Walking to the back door, he, somehow either forgot or the thought didn’t register in his mind that his son was still perched on his shoulders.
He didn’t remember until a loud *whack!* was heard, and his sons cries sounded above him.
..He had tried going inside, through the door, with his son on his shoulders.
Bringing him down from his shoulders he quickly brought him inside to set him down on the counter, you almost screaming when you saw the bruise forming on his little forehead.
“Ah-wha-how- SUGURU! What happened?!”
Groaning Daishou gently put a small ice pack on his sons head, “...He whacked his head on the door frame...” You looked at him, “And how did he do that?”
Daishou sighed as he looked down, grimacing at the purple mark already present on his sons head.
...For the next few nights the couch became a good friend of his.
Numai Kazuma: 
Today was your son, Kazuya’s birthday. Today he would be turning 1.
Kazuya was the first, and so far only child you had with your husband of 3 years Kazuma Numai.
You and Numai were still learning how to be parents, and it had been an interesting journey to say the least, but you guys were doing good!
Your relatives and friends had just left, leaving you, Kazuma and your son.
It was pretty late so you started cleaning up in the kitchen and Numai started in the living room.
Kazuya had been pretty fussy, you both figuring he was tired, but when you tried to put him to sleep he wouldn’t even close his eyes.
So, deciding it’d be best to get it out of the way Numai held Kazuya as he was cleaning.
Things had been going just fine before Kazuya had reached out to grab at something on a nearby book shelf, causing the book shelf to start tipping over.
At that moment the only thing going through Numai’s mind was ‘stop the book shelf’, because at the moment, getting his son and him crushed by a bookshelf seemed like a very bad thing.
But what he hadn’t thought of was the fact that reflexively he had used both of his arms to stop said shelf (which didn’t even fall), the same two arms that had been holding his- “WAAAHH”
His eyes snapped down to the BABY he had just let go of, now crying on the floor.
You rushed into the living room, seeing your husband now cradling your still crying son, whispering apologies into his hair as he kissed the top of his head.
“Kazuma what happened?” 
He avoided eye contact. 
“...Kazuma...” Looking down he spoke.
“...I dropped him...”
“...you what?”
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couchpatch2 · 4 years
Just How Much Does It Cost For A Solicitor To Write Your Will?
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If you are replacing an old will, you also need to state on your brand-new one that it replaces all previous versions, which ought to be ruined. Be as certain as you can around what you intend to take place as well as see to it that there are no spelling errors, specifically for any kind of recipients. last will and testament manchester follow general rules in the criterion of writing and framework in order to reduce unpredictability.
To learn more about the phrasing to use and also how to make your will legitimately legitimate, take a look at the gov.uk web site. Any person aged 18 or above can be an executor of your will, even those called as beneficiaries. Given that the task of an administrator is to carry out your desires after you have actually passed away, it is best to choose a person capable of the role but likewise someone that you trust fund. For that reason, it is common for individuals to select a partner or developed youngster. You can select one member of the family as well as one specialist, such as a lawyer or accounting professional, yet bear in mind that expert executors are most likely to charge a fee. Look around and consider whether it is worth having a person independent with expert knowledge.
As an example, several on-line services advise Mirror Wills which in our sight, are simply not suitable for the vast bulk of couples.
Once more, choosing a company whose attorneys have a more comprehensive knowledge than the straightforward matching of an A-level can aid guarantee the guidance you obtain is contextual, taking complete account of all of your circumstances.
We spoke to numerous of one of the most prominent solutions as well as none can assure that their 'certified individual' would certainly in fact be a solicitor.
It is just difficult to write a comprehensive set of inquiries that will cover each and every single scenario and after that produce a customized Will at the end.
Additionally, the term 'qualified person' used by a lot of online solutions is extremely loosened.
Using a solicitor may be less expensive than you may believe, and it indicates that you have the comfort of understanding it's been done properly. You should most definitely take into consideration using a solicitor if your household position is complicated. The person that figure out your residential or commercial property when you pass away as well as performs the guidelines in your Will is called your administrator. It can be a difficult task even if your instructions as well as your home are quite basic-- it's not uncommon for the process to take several months and the task of an executor is sometimes hard. As an example, they could have to choose when to sell your property to make sure that individuals that inherit the money from its sale get the most money. Think about exactly how you want to divide your assets between the people you've provided. You might find it useful to consider what is essential to you.
Although no-one suches as to consider dying, it can occur suddenly to any of us and in this case, not having a will may indicate that your enjoyed ones don't get the benefits from your estate. You might also have certain sentimental products that you would love to go to certain individuals, but without a will these dreams may not be recognized. Would you like to learn even more regarding our Will creating solution? Call us on or call us onlineto arrange a telephone call with our Will experts. Making a Will guarantees that when you pass away, your estate as well as affairs are managed according to your wishes.
Intestacy, which is the condition of the estate of a person that passes away without having actually made a legitimate will, complies with a set of regulations put down by legislation which state exactly how the estate is to be provided if there is no will. Ensure you seek professional suggestions when composing a will, and that every one of the proper actions are taken, including having actually the will seen. For instance, if you wish to leave among your kids the "black BMW" however you later sell this car after the will has been signed, it can lead to complication and possible disputes. If you have step-children with a companion, merely stating "my kids" in your will may lead to complication and also will not automatically cover them.
Your youngsters can not assert your estate so you must consider making monetary setups-- placing inheritance in trust, for instance. You need to select trustees that will manage the trust fund in support of your children-- these could likewise be your executors. And also you will need full names as well as addresses of legal guardians and also trustees. People normally provide their partner or partner as major recipient however you need to specify who ought to obtain your estate if she or he were to pass away prior to you-- your children or grandchildren, as an example. Nevertheless, these stages can show incredibly challenging and taxing if you do not have experienced assistance. Even if your estate is small and also your will is incredibly basic, we advise looking for expert recommendations to see to it that it is lawfully binding.
It is ideal not to make use of close family members, youngsters, those that have visual issues or those that aren't with the ability of recognizing what they are experiencing. It is also vital to remember that witnesses can't be beneficiaries or companions of recipients. Typically, your estate will cover any estate tax owing to HM Revenue & Customs, however you can stipulate in your will that whoever you are leaving a property or residential property to must be in charge of paying. Below at Perrys, we have a highly-qualified as well as recognized group of accountants with a lot of experience in probate and also estate tax problems. If you're thinking about creating a will, please do not wait to contact us. We'll schedule a casual, confidential preliminary conversation with a professional from one of our 7 branches in Kent or main London. Come and talk to our will lawyers in Epsom if you want to produce your will this year.
There utilized to be tax obligation benefits to making use of an optional trust as well as placing properties valued approximately the value of the nil-rate band into it. Those tax benefits are no longer so advantageous, however making use of an optional count on can protect your estate from claims by creditors or in separation negotiations or if your hubby or partner remarries. You can create a trust fund purposefully or by operation of legislation such as when you leave a present to small kids under 18 years of ages. You must consider making a Will whether you are young or old, if you have a family to care for, or if you have a property or other useful properties. This totally free layout develops a last will and also testimony where the testator leaves all his/her assets to one person after making certain gifts of money and ownerships. The formal demands for wills are set down in the lawful statute Section 9 of the Wills Act 1837, as amended by Area 17 of the Management of Justice Act 1982.
Is a post office will kit legal?
You may be tempted to try and save money by picking up a Will Kit from the Post Office. But be warned – there is a risk that a will made using a standard Will Kit may be found to be invalid. In this case, a husband and wife had both made wills using Post Office Will Kits.
Once finished, you can send this to us, or bring it with you when you meet one of our solicitors. Spouses and also children have particular entitlements from the estate of their spouses/parents.
Often Asked Will Creating Questions.
Our totally free design templates are most appropriate for less complicated estates that are valued below the IHT nil price band. One of the Internet Lawman free choice design templates should appropriate, we approximate, for around 60% of the UK population. You do not need a solicitor or Will writer to evaluate or to authorize your Will for it to be lawfully binding. The record becomes binding as an outcome of the process of authorizing it in front of 2 witnesses, not due to any kind of involvement of a lawyer.
The regulation divides the estate of a deceased right into 3 parts - the prior civil liberties; the legal civil liberties, as well as the cost-free estate. You can partially disinherit a spouse or kids, but the law places a limitation on that particular. Spouses and civil companions have the right of ius relicti or ius relictae as well as children have the right of legitim. You need to designate guardians that 'd deal with kids under 18 if both parents were to die.
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Fatality and also passing away Planning for the future Why leave a gift to Sue Ryder in your Will? Around a 3rd of our fundraised revenue comes from presents in Wills delegated us by our generous supporters. Gifts in Wills imply that even more individuals can be sustained through their most challenging times, as well as assisted to live the very best life they perhaps can.
Because of this, lots of people would be smart to choose an administrator with the suitable level of experience along with insurance coverage to protect them. Take into consideration whether you have control over where these assets will pass, or whether that is pre-determined incidentally in which you own them. Collectively owned residential property as well as checking account, for example, automatically pass to a making it through co-owner. It's critical to comprehend what you have actually obtained as well as who you wish to pass it to before you write your will. Think home, bank accounts, financial investments, shares, life policies and whether you have any kind of unique things you wish to pass anywhere particular. We will send you a letter, or if appropriate, a detailed report on your details conditions and also draft wills for you to think about, together with suggestions for adjustments where suitable. As soon as you enjoy with your wills, we will publish and send you bound copies with guidelines on how to authorize them.
For example, it might be things like seeing to it that your partner is provided for, or ensuring that your grandchildren obtain the most effective education. Things like your financial savings, any kind of home you have and any type of beneficial items - and an approximation of what they deserve. You should additionally consider any nostalgic items that you might desire certain individuals to have.
How do I make a simple will?
Writing Your Will 1. Create the initial document. Start by titling the document “Last Will and Testament" and including your full legal name and address. 2. Designate an executor. 3. Appoint a guardian. 4. Name the beneficiaries. 5. Designate the assets. 6. Ask witnesses to sign your will. 7. Store your will in a safe place.
This way when you're gone there can be no confusion or misunderstanding regarding how your estate is to be split up as well as your will carried out. You'll additionally need to select an administrator or executors of your last will and testament.
Will Creating Lawyers.
If you desire your step-children to be consisted of in your will, make certain you clearly discuss them. If you have little ones, it is necessary to think of that you wish to take care of them after you die. If you are the only enduring parent as well as you do not choose a guardian for your kids in your will, this decision could potentially go to the family members courts. Ensure this headache does not occur by naming the guardian in your will. When noting down the properties to pass onto enjoyed ones, lots of people keep in mind the substantial possessions; the automobile, your home, the watch. Very frequently, nonetheless, they neglect some of the a lot more abstract assets. Administrators bring a lawful obligation to do the work effectively, as well as can be accountable for any kind of loss arising from their failure to do so.
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Basically, a will is the only certain way to make certain that your desires are fulfilled after you pass away. With a legitimate will, you can provide your money, home, ownerships as well as investments to individuals, organisations as well as triggers you value most. Heritage Wills & Estate Preparation Limited Registered in England as well as Wales No. at sixth Flooring, St Georges Home, St Georges Means, Leicester, LE1 1SH. BARREL Enrollment No. Heritage Wills & Estate Planning Limited is authorized and also controlled by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit report broking activities just (see FCA Register at FCA Number ). The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate will creating or estate preparation services. By writing your own Will, you make the procedure of resolving your estate less expensive and also much faster. By reducing the quantity spent on legal fees, you can shield the value of your estate that is to be passed on to your beneficiaries.
Whilst the legislation bordering Wills as well as inheritance may be complex, the procedure of completing a Will shouldn't be. Heritage Wills & Estate Planning have a range of ways to make contact with us, either by email, message or telephone, and in some situations we even supply the solution of seeing you in your own house. As soon as you have actually given all the info we need, we will draft your Will, leaving you to simply check over the file and also indication. This guide would certainly reveal you just how to choose them, produce a checklist as well as write a Will. In In The Event Of Death, you additionally discover what to do in different situations - the in-depth treatments for each circumstance of death. In the last phase, you have an exceptional resource overview on the kinds available for various estate planning as well as Wills functions. You can leave it with a professional will storage space firm (Beyond includes will storage space with our ₤ 10 membership strategy), or with a close friend or member of the family.
Without a Will, your properties will be controlled by the state as well as may not be passed on just how you would have wanted. Once you have actually taken into consideration issues, you might locate the connected set of questions form valuable to set out your wishes.
These are individuals that will guarantee your wishes, as written in your will, are carried out. This can be a great deal of work, so make sure they comprehend the duty they're taking on or consider making use of a specialist executor, such as a solicitor or Beyond's administrator service. These have the benefit of being less costly (a solicitor will charge ₤ 200- ₤ 600 for a single will, compared to ₤ 90 for a will on Beyond), however not all will creating services are developed equivalent. On Beyond, we offer real-time assistance and also examine every will that is developed through us, so we can assist you avoid making any type of blunders that might make your will invalid. Planning ahead for your funeral service Thinking of and also intending your funeral can really feel extremely hard, and also some individuals choose not to review it.
As an example, Carbon monoxide op lawful services deals will creating solutions from ₤ 90 for a Living Will, from ₤ 150 for a Solitary Will, ₤ 245 for Mirror Wills and also a taken care of charge Lasting Power of Lawyer starts from ₤ 270. Keep in mind that our cost-free design templates do not consist of provisions that seek to minimise tax obligation. If this is necessary to you, you should take a look at the various other Web Lawman last Will and also testament layouts, a number of which cover standard IHT planning. If the worth of your estate can go beyond the nil rate band (₤ 325,000 for a private in 2020/21), then we suggest that you seek advice from a qualified tax obligation specialist before signing your Will. The reason that most people don't compose a Will is the financial price of doing so.
Few Will authors are totally legally certified, so if you do use a Will-writing solution, it is best to inspect that they belong to the Institute of Professional Willwriters or Society of Willwriters. The even more complicated your financial events, the much more reasonable it is to listen from a solicitor.
When Should You Use A Solicitor To Prepare A Will?
Getting proper legal advice can set you back a number of hundred extra pounds, yet it does suggest that you can be fairly certain your will stands as well as the people you wish to profit do. Financial institutions as well as several lawful companies also provide guidance and also will-writing solutions. Expert will writers as well as solicitors can all help, however typically expense. Your will is a legal paper which lets you decide what occurs to your cash, home and possessions after your death. The very name Will assumes the person making and signing it is doing so by their own intentional as well as considered choice. Hence, if that can be shown not to be so, after that the will can be struck down. However if 30-day trial aggrieved family member intends to challenge, he should do so in court, and verify by clear proof that the will is not legitimate, and that is a high hillside to climb up.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Tales of Their Hero Academia: There’s a Snake in My Bed
Rikido Sato’s wife has been dead for ten years. He told himself he was moving on, but he hasn’t yet.  Will a faithful night with an old friend change that?
As always, the Tales Of series serves to highlight aspects of my Their Hero Academia universe that focus on the parents of the main characters or other past universe events (though this one takes place more or less contemporaneously with the main fic)
Presented raw and unedited, with the polished version to eventually go on AO3 and FF.net
In general, Rikido was an early riser.  His jobs as a Pro Hero (even one who did not patrol much anymore) and Head Chef for U.A.’s cafeteria, along with his exercise regimen, necessitated it.  However, Saturdays, and Saturdays only, he allowed himself to sleep in.  Considering the headache he was still nursing, he considered it worth it.
 Slowly, he swung his feet out from under the covers and brought them down to the carpeted floor.  The clock on his bedside table, sitting next to a picture of himself, Chizu, and Kenta, declared 0900 in bright red numerals.  He rubbed his temples, smiling a rueful smile.  He’d done a lot of drinking last night, more than he had in a long time, and was feeling the effects of it now.  He was just grateful he could control whether or not the sugars he consumed fueled his Quirk, or drinking could have been a lot worse.
 Just why had he been drinking so much last night?  His memories were hazy, but it had seemed like a good idea at the time. 
 He regarded the warm figure filling the other half of his bed with a smile.   “Guess we really went hog wild, didn’t we, Chizu?” he asked.
 No, wait.  That wasn’t… that wasn’t right.  Chizu was dead.   She’d been dead for ten years now.  How could he have forgotten that?  In spite of Mina’s efforts to set him up with her friends (Or possibly random people she’d pulled off the street, one really didn’t know with Mina), in spite of the dates he’d gone on and sort of enjoyed, his bed had been empty all that time. 
 What had he done?  Who had he been with?  He was down to only his boxer shorts.  What had happened?
 He looked more closely now, now seeing a shock of red hair and a long, pointed, scale-covered face.
 The events of the previous night came back to him in a rush.
Last Night
 It was about 2100 were he returned to his apartment.  He’d stayed late with the rest of the cafeteria staff, helping to close down and clean the equipment that wouldn’t be needed for the lighter services offered during the weekend.  As the boss, he probably could have exempted himself from such work, but that wasn’t his style.  Besides, with Kenta attending U.A. and living in the dorms, his apartment felt far too big and far too empty.  Better to spend his time in the company of coworkers and friends than to return to the empty rooms and hallways.
If anything, they’d gotten finished far too soon for his liking.  It wasn’t a good day for being alone.  He had a lot of days like that, days that reminded him too much that his wife was dead.  There was the day she died, their anniversary, her birthday, and today, the anniversary of the first time he’d met her.  Who’d have ever thought delivering some baked goods to a friend’s party would have led to him meeting the love of his life?
He probably shouldn’t have been alone, he realized.  There were plenty of people he could have called.  There was Koji or Hanta or Eijiro.  Any of his friends would have picked up in an instant.  Even Bakugo had said, years ago, that if he ever needed anything, to call.  
He could have called his son.  But Kenta was busy studying for some tests, he knew.  Better to let his boy focus on his education instead of worrying about his old man.
Maybe he could call…
 He set his bag down and his cellphone began to ring.  The screen lit up with the picture of a snake-headed woman, one arm around a tall and buff orange-haired woman.  At the top there was a familiar number and a name.  Habuko Mongoose.  One of Chizu’s best friends from her school days, a dear family friend, his son’s godmother.
 He hit accept without a thought.  “Hey, Habuko?  What’s up?”
 “Rikido?” came the shrill voice on the other end.  Her voice was strained and wet, as though she’d been crying.  “I…  I…  It’s…”
 “Where are you?” he asked immediately. “Wherever it is, I can be there.”
 She named a location that wasn’t far.   A bar that catered specifically to Pro Heroes.  “I’m on my way,” he said.
 Habuko had had a rough year, he knew.  She’d discovered her husband had been cheating on her, had been cheating on her for years.  There’d been a messy and very public divorce, during which time the media had had a field day.  Her Pro Hero career had a taken a massive hit and she’d been let go from her previous agency during the media kerfluffle.  Rebuilding her career had been a slow, laborious process that was still ongoing.  She’d spent many a night after she’d found out about the crying on his shoulder and he’d supported her through all of it.
 Whatever she needed, he’d be there.
He made it to the bar in record time.  Once there, he pushed his way through the crowd until he found Habuko at a table in the back.  There were already three empty glasses in front of her and she was working on a fourth. She didn’t look up when he slid into the chair across from her, so he cleared his throat noisily.   “Habuko.”
She finally looked up. “Oh…!  Rikido!  I…  I called you, didn’t I?”
“You did,” he agreed. “It sounded like you’d be crying. What happened?”
“Itsuki.”  She spat the name like a curse, her forked tongue flickering out of her mouth.  Her ex-husband.
Rikdo let out a sympathetic groan.  He felt guilty that he’d ever liked the man.  He’d had him as a guest in his home.  They’d even gone fishing together, for crying out loud.  All smiles and friendship, and all that time, Itsuki’d been cheating on Habuko with women from his office.  The closest thing to any kind of consolation in it was that Itsuki hadn’t been a fellow Pro Hero, instead working in advertising.  It did occasionally bring him into contact with Heroes, but at least he’d never cheated on her with anyone in the Hero community.
He’d wished he’d listened to Chizu.  She’d had a bad feeling about Itsuki ever since Habuko had introduced him to them. Never able to prove anything, she’d just always had a bad feeling about him.
“What’d he do?” he asked. A waitress came by and he ordered a drink.  Habuko had finished hers and ordered another as well.  He wondered if he should be stopping her.  She’d been able to match Chizu for drinking in the past, and Chizu had been capable of out drinking him. In fact, the only people who’d ever been able to outdrink his late wife had been Shoji and Pony.  
“He called me today,” she said, her words slurring slightly.  “I don’t know what I answered.  I suppose I thought it might have something to do with Kayda.”
Kayda was their daughter and a good friend of Kenta’s. And like Kenta, a Hero student, albeit as Habuko’s old alma mater, Isamu Academy, rather than U.A.  She was a smart girl who’s Quirk, Lamia, gave her a snake-like lower body.  The divorce and fallout from it had been hard on her, he knew.
“I’m guessing it didn’t?” he asked.
Habuko shook her head, taking a long drink.  “He wanted to get back together.  He said he’d realized he’d made a mistake and wanted me to forgive him.  I’m pretty sure he was drunk.”
Rikido slapped a palm against his face.  “He didn’t! Tell me he didn’t actually say that after everything he put you through.”
She laughed at that, but there was no amusement in it.  It was a cold, rueful laugh.  “I told him there was no chance I was taking him back, not after what he did to me.”
That brought a small smile to his face.  “Good for you,” he said.  “You deserve better than someone like him.”
Her tongue flicked out again as she let out a long breath.  “He didn’t like my answer.  He started yelling, screaming about how I’d never find someone else, about how a freak-faced woman like me would never find anyone else to love her.”
He clenched a fist, stopping only when he remembered he had a glass in his hand.  He carefully set it down.  “Habuko, you can’t listen to a drunk loser like…”
“I know what I’m like, Rikido,” she said, flatly.
“You’re a good friend and amazing person and…”
She cut him off.  “I know what I’m like.  I’m strange and awkward. I didn’t have a real friend until I was thirteen.  And I know what I look like.”
It wasn’t… a completely unfair statement.  There was still a fair degree of discrimination against those with Mutant-Type Quirks or inherited mutations and especially against those with animal-like appearances.  People with animal appearances often tended to marry or date those with similar animal appearances.  Habuko had thought she’d escaped that with Itsuki, whose appearance was more baseline. Chizu had always said it was probably why Habuko’d rushed into things so quickly.
She took another drink. “I don’t know…  It just hit me harder than I thought it would.  It was a crappy day, a pair of Villains got away today on my watch after robbing a bank, Kayda’s mad at me because I was working crappy shifts and had to cancel plans and… and… and between that and dealing with my asshole ex, it all just hit me what a mess my life’s turned into.    I just felt like I was staring down the barrel of being alone forever…
“So I came here and I had a drink and that turned into a couple and then I called you…   Sorry, I should have called Tsu, but she’s at sea and…”
He reached over and took her hand.  “You’re my friend, Habuko.  I’m always here if you need me.”  
“You’re a good guy, Rikido,” Habuko said, giving his hand a squeeze.  “It’s easy to see why she loved you.”
A rueful smile crossed his face.  “You know, it’s funny.  I was just about to call you when you called me.”
She blinked slowly, as though surprised anyone would be thinking about her.  “Me?  Why?”
“Just… really missing Chizu today,” he said.  “It’s… it’s the day we first met.  And since you and Tsu were the ones who set us up in the first place…”
She gave his hand another squeeze.  “That is today, isn’t it?  Oh…  I shouldn’t have…  I just dumped all my problems on you and you were already…”
Rikido shook his head. “It’s fine.  Like I said, I was going to call you…  I needed to get out of the house anyway.  It was going to be too long an evening alone.”
“I can’t… I can’t believe I forgot about that…”
“It’s fine,” he said. “You’ve had a lot on your mind.”
Habuko pulled herself up, sitting a little taller.  “Well, right now, you’re here, and you’re what’s on my mind.”
She flagged down a waitress. “Drink to Chizu?”
Some part of him wondered if he should, but her last drink had been a while ago, and what harm could it do…
His memories were fuzzier after that.  Drinks and reminiscing had turned into more drinks and painful memories and then more drinks… and a cab back to his apartment and…  He was pretty sure they’d gotten their hands on each other at some point. He had a distinct memory of a long, forked tongue inside his mouth.
And there was no denying that he’d woken up with Habuko in his bed.  Had they…?   He honestly couldn’t be sure.  
He’d left Habuko sleeping, finding a reasonably clean shirt and pants on the floor, and found his way into the kitchen.  There, he gripped the marble countertop of the island with both hands to steady himself. Had he been with another woman, in the same bed he’d once slept in with his wife?  Had he…  Was she so easily cast aside in one drunken moment?  On that day of all days?
“Chizu, I’m sorry.”
He needed to distract himself.  Water and headache medication first.  Breakfast, yes, that was it, he could start breakfast.  Just complicated enough to require his attention, not so complicated he couldn’t lose himself in it.  Because he really didn’t need to be alone with his thoughts right now.
There hadn’t been anyone since Chizu.   And yes, he’d finally agreed with Mina that maybe he needed to start living life again.  He’d even gone on a few dates she’d set up.  He’d had his son’s blessing to move on.  He’d thought he’d wanted it too.
So why couldn’t he?
Not that this was anything like moving on.  This had been a drunken… something with someone he thought of as a friend.  This had been a mistake.
Preparing breakfast, at least, served to distract him.  The rice and natto were easy to get started, but the miso soup would take a little longer and required more concentration.  He already had the pickled vegetables and could get a little fish going once the other items were underway.  It was an easy, simple rhythm and one he could fall into easily.  He’d done it often enough living in the dorms. They were supposed to have taken turns, at Iida’s insistence, but more often than not, it ended up falling to more experienced hands such as his, Tsu’s, or even Bakugo’s  (no one had wanted a repeat of what had happened when Kaminari had tried to make breakfast).  
“Mgh…  Morning…?”
Rikido turned and saw Habuko standing in the kitchen doorway, wearing one of his shirts, holding a hand to her head.  His shirt looked comically large on her, hanging down past her waist.  
“Morning,” he said, quietly. “I’m, ah, making breakfast.” There he went, stating the obvious. “If you want some?  It’s almost done.”  He really didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing here.  “I can make coffee?”
Habuko winced.  “That would be nice,” she said, taking a seat at the kitchen table.
An uncomfortable silence settled over the kitchen as he finished breakfast, dishing up some for both of them, along with coffee.  They ate and drank in silence for several long moments.  He desperately felt like he should say something, anything, but the words died in his throat each time.  From the way Habuko would look at him, then quickly look away, a reptilian blush covering her cheeks, he could tell she must have felt the same.
Finally, it was Habuko who found her courage first.  “Rikido,” she began, “did we…?”
He shook her head. But this required an actual answer, so he forced himself to speak.  “I don’t know.  I really don’t remember.  Too much to drink.  I know we were all over each other on the cab ride back and when we got back here, but… After that, it’s just gone.”
She took a long drink of her coffee.  “I’m sorry. This never would have happened if I hadn’t called you.  I got so caught up in my own drama, getting drunk like that…”
“No.”  The word came more quickly than he expected, shot straight from his mouth without thought or direction, only the absolute denial of her statement.   “I got drunk too,” he said.  “That was my choice.  We were both irresponsible.  Neither of us is blameless for whatever happened.  But we were both caught up in our personal issues and it just got out of hand.”
There was a quiet moment again, then Habuko began to laugh.  He stared at her, eyes wide, until she finally composed herself enough to speak.  “We are very bad at this,” she said.  “I can’t even take the blame right.”
“Chizu always did say I tried to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.”
“Chizu…” Habuko said softly. “Of all the days…  I’m sorry.”
“You’re apologizing again,” he said.  “Don’t. What’s done is done.  It happened.  But we can move on.”
“Can we?” she asked.
“I think we can.”
Habuko went to get dressed while he cleaned up the dishes, a million thoughts still running through his mind.  He’d spoken the words she’d wanted to hear, but the thought that he’d somehow betrayed his wife, betrayed his vows, still clung sharply. He was pretty sure he’d lost a friendship, because he wasn’t sure he could ever be around her without thinking on it again. Rikido was so lost in thought that he didn’t noticed Habuko had returned to the kitchen.
“I’m sorry,” she said again, hands on the island.  “I know you keep telling me not to be, but I can’t help but feel like I betrayed my friend. I’ve never had many.  I lost one when we lost her.  And now I feel like I’ve lost you.”
“I told you…” he began.
“You told me what I wanted to hear!” she snapped, and for a moment, her eyes flashed and he found himself unable to move.  Three long seconds passed.  “I’m sorry,” she said.  “I lost myself for a moment.  But I know when I’m being patronized, Rikido.”
“I, I did tell you that,” he said, moving around the island to face her.  “What else was I supposed to say?  What we did… here…  How am I supposed to feel?!”  Everything he’d been holding in came tumbling out now, the last walls crumbling like delicate spun sugar.  “I’ve never done anything like that!”
“I didn’t exactly see you resisting!” she snapped back.  “Drunk or not, you were just as into it as I was!”
“She was my wife!”
“She was my friend!”
At that, all the strength left him and he found himself hitting his knees, great tears in his eyes. “She was my everything, Habuko. The love of my life.  How am I just supposed to forget that?  For one stupid moment, I forgot about her!  I let myself go and I forgot her!”
“She was my friend,” she said again.  “Here… all I can think is how I betrayed her memory…”  Tears filled her eyes too, cutting off further words.  
She didn’t speak for a moment, instead, she bent down next to him and put her arms around him. Somehow, he found his own arms around her, great heaving sobs rocking them both.
There was another moment and he found himself looking into her big yellow eyes.  In the air between them hung a world of hurt and pain and loss.  
In that moment, he wasn’t a widower and single father, caught between wanting to move on and move forward while still being afraid to, no matter what he’d said.  
In that moment, she wasn’t a divorcee and single mother battling against the choices she’d made and the people who’d mistreated her.
In that moment, they were just two people who needed each other very much, two broken people seeking something and at least for one moment, finding it.
He leaned in and his lips touched hers.  Slowly, gingerly, they both leaned into it, as though they could draw strength from each other.
And perhaps they did.
Habuko spoke first once they had broken.  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…  We shouldn’t have…”
Rikido took her hands in his.  “No, I’m sorry.  That was me that got that started…”
“Can we both be sorry?” she asked.
He smiled slightly, finding it a genuine one of relief.  “I think so.”
Still on the floor with him, she asked, “Can we, should we talk about it?  I don’t want to leave things weird between us.”
“I think,” he said, “I think we’ve got to.”
“I was afraid of that.”
“For what it’s worth, the last time I was this afraid, Villains were trying to kill me.”
He went on, “But… I think she’d—Chizu’d--be okay with this.  Well, maybe not the drunk part.  But maybe the part where we both felt something.  I mean, I felt something.  I don’t know if you did.”
Habuko nodded.  “I did.  But Rikido… this… anything… it wouldn’t be easy.  I’ve got a lot of baggage.”
“Yeah, well, so do I.”
As he prepared to leave for a couple weeks later, his phone dinged with yet another text from Mina. He’d been getting them for days now and his usual strategy of ignoring her wasn’t working.
Pink Menace: Sato!  What’s going on?  I have more friends for you to date!
Pink Menace: Sato!  Stop ignoring me!
Pink Menace: You’re hiding something and I know it!
Pink Menace: I will get Toru to spy on you, Sato!  Don’t think I won’t!
Pink Menace: I have people lined up to date a hot widower! Why won’t you answer me!
Those could be safely ignored for now.  Mina would tire of it eventually.  Or so he told himself.  But the last thing he needed was her shippy eyes on his new and still forming relationship.
And there was a text from Hanta.
Hanta: Sorry, bro. But you know how Mina gets about shipping.  Maybe just give her a little answer?  All this stress probably isn’t good for the babies.
He’d have to talk to Hanta at least.  Maybe he could get him to swear to silence?  Probably not, but worth a shot.
And a text from Habuko too.
Habuko: See you tonight?  Kayda’s out with friends.  Nothing major.  Just us?
Rikido had to admit, things had been nice.  That moment in his kitchen had been the start, followed by a lot of long talks and soul-searching.  Koji and Ibara had been a lot of help there.  It was still a little awkward and they hadn’t told the kids yet—he told himself it was too early for that—but for the first time, in a long time, he felt like he was really moving forward.  And for the first time in just as long, his heart felt a little less heavy and a little less lonely.
He typed out a response.
Rikido: Be great to see you.
As he left for work, his steps were light.
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