#waiting for the english release with baited breath u- u
casualcupholder · 11 months
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THE girlies…are back 🥹
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lunar-writings-love · 4 years
College!AU - Hongjoong (ateez)
ahaha so i’m baaaack ;; super sorry for all the inactivity babes life has been weighing down on all of us i’m sure and i needed some time! This is the next installment of the college!au ateez series, and although i had planned to have hongjoong last, y’all requested him so much i wrote him next and changed the order around! 
Author’s note: Bullet fic, 
Warnings: like a drop of angst if u squint ?? the word sh!t appears one time i think
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he’s so cute i’m Sad
ok so Joongie is just so loved, so treasured by everyone ,, every time he enters into a room everyone just 🥺
he’ll walk into a room looking all sleepy in overalls or something and literally everyone’s parental instincts awaken from the depths of college emotional indifference and suddenly ,, 
there’s world peace it’s a sight to see 
so, our Hongjoongie is actually a double major!! 
he’s a world lit major, and he’s minoring in gender studies so his emphasis is on analyzing feminist texts 
more often than not, the best way to find hongjoong is to just go to the library on the south side of campus at odd hours at night and you’ll usually find him buried underneath a pile of books ;; (and more often than not he’ll also be sleeping because baby can’t stay awake to save his life ://) 
But he really does love his major ,, and If u let him ,  he’ll rave hours and hours about literature; analyzing them through historical context, societal reflection, the role of women, writing style..... 
....he just loves what he does and it makes everyone around him love him for it too!! 
He always has extensive talks with Yeosang (an english major who took a lot of lit classes with hongjoong hint go read the yeosang!au) on american 19th century feminist writings
they started their own book club and it’s literally just them two, no other members allowed, and all they do is eat finger sandwiches and shit on misogynistic men we sTAN
HoWEVer, although hongjoong’s work in literature is impressive and respected, he’s probably better known for his second major: 
music composition!
music is the love of his life ,,, no buts there’s nothing he’ll love more than his art (except maybe you aha ha ha ;)
and people knew him around campus becaaaauseeeeee ,,,,, he would usually ,,, dj at frat parties... 
it wasn’t something he particularly liked, but hey money is money.
in all seriousness though, when hongjoong wasn’t reading or writing papers, he was glued to his mac producing tracks and writing lyrics 
the only thing was ,,, he didn’t actually sing any of what he wrote 
he never thought his own voice suited his songs, and would much rather sit on the sidelines moving along the creative direction 
and although the boys usually are the ones to sing his demos,, joongie always felt like something was still ,,, missing 
this is where u come in wink wonk 
you’re just a lowly econ major who surprisingly !! doesn’t !! want !! to start your own fortune 500 company :DD !! wow so rare :) 
anYWaYS,, you’re just doing it cuz your parents pressured you into pursuing a career with stable job opportunities and you’re kinda good at math and graphs soooo 
....why not 
but to be honest, you always felt trapped 
you were never able to stop that feeling of impending doom when you’d open your macro-econ textbooks ,,,
or how your heart hurt when you think about the fact that your life is headed straight to an incredibly mundane future :
a desk job, an overpriced apartment that barely has enough room for you, living in constant air pollution from the city’s high carbon emissions, never finding true love, dying alone with 50 cats,  taxes...you get the drift
you usually pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind, negativity isn’t productive and right now you had a world economics midterm to study for
not that you’d ever admit it, your true passion had always been music 
you weren’t the best composer, you knew just enough piano to get you but; but you had a set of PIPES dAmN
your friends could usually find you at the dorm’s music rooms ,, and whenever you felt stress or needed to unwind, you’d usually head over to those rooms
now ,,, these rooms are soundproof // but the trick is you actually have to close the door cuz if u don’t......
everyone can hear you 
and by everyone I mean the entire floor
you were doing your usual thing at the music room one night when one of your friends came in to let you know everyone would be heading over to dinner soon,, u promised only one more song before meeting them upstairs on your dorm floor 
and soo ,, when u started singing again  //// everyone heard 
and by everyone i mean ???!?
hongjoong :))
and it was love at first sight ,,, or rather 
,, love at first listen??
he won’t ponder over the semantics, all Hongjoong knew was that he had been looking for a voice like yours and needed you on his tracks 
this man barged into the room and begged you to lend your voice for his songs 
...on his knees :00
you were in shock like what were you supposed to do?
this random man stormed in and got on his knees ,, 
what was next ??
marriage ????
u didn’t really say anything for a while just kinda looked him in his eyes 
but then your uwu instincts kicked in--u don’t know what it is about this dude but u just wanna like give him candy or something 
and so you hesitantly asked for his name 
and that’s when hongjoong realized he was an IDIOT 
because not only was your voice heavenly, but of course you were cute too and he just presented himself like a complete and utter maniac and He Didn’T eVEN bOTHER To TelL You hIS NAme!
he wanted the ground to swallow him up but alas 
he got off his knees and shyly stuck out his hand and told you his name 
you looked at him once again ,, and surprisingly 
you took his hand with a small smile on your face 
you ended up totally forgetting about dinner with your friends at the dining hall 
because hongjoong sat beside you on the piano bench and showed you his songs and lyrics, and you....fell in love <3
you’d never connected with anyone on this type of emotional level before and it was almost sort of overwhelming 
it also kinda gave you hope too ,, because here was Hongjoong ,, someone who managed to get the best of both worlds : a music and a lit degree
and you thought that maybe ,, you could do something with music too 
you guys exchanged numbers and scheduled to meet at the university’s recording studio that weekend 
Hongjoong composed a track and you added your own lyrics with his help--after two weeks of mixing, mastering, producing, and recording ,,, you guys officially released a single!!
you really weren’t expecting it, but hongjoong was a bit of a social butterfly and so the song became a hit on campus 
people were uploading it to their social media, sharing it with friends, playing it while they worked out, it was kinda ridiculous to you 
the student paper even wrote an article about it (and later you found out that the journalist was one of hongjoong’s friend’s girlfriend ,, (hint go read the yunho!au)
And when the song reached 10,000 streams, that gave you the confidence to do what you had always wanted to do 
you called your parents up on a Saturday morning to tell them you were picking up a vocal performance major 
you were extremely anxious for this conversation, so Hongjoong decided to stay by your side for moral support 
As both of you waited with baited breath for your parents’ response, Hongjoong was also right there just ,, holding your hand so sweetly,, and that was driving YOU INSANE 
(because in these past couple of months you had gotten to know Hongjoong you had mostly definitely, absolutely, completely fallen head over heels for him)  
after a long moment of silence, your parents agreed 
they weren’t too happy about it, but they also weren’t as against it as you thought they’d be--the only condition was that you’d continue with econ and instead double major 
it would honestly be hard considering the amount of mandatory classes and performances required of the vocal performance major, but you were too happy to care 
after your goodbyes with your parents, you looked over to Hongjoong with the biggest smile on your face 
and it just,, absolutely melted his heart 
before he could stop himself he just wrapped his arms around you and twirled you around
and then :) he gave you the softest kiss on your cheek 
of course, after it dawned on him what he had done, he instantly turned red and started chucking nervously as he stuttered his words 
but for you, the newfound confidence and ADRENALINE after your successful phone call with your parents, you grabbed both sides of his face and asked him if you could kiss him 
Hongjoong was wide-eyed but LIKE HELL he would pass up this up 
so after muttering out a shy yes, y’all kissed awwww :))
and after that, you guys became a couple! 
you’d show up to the frat parties he would DJ at and would always dance like an idiot with wooyoung in the corner of the room 
and you and hongjoong would always partner up for music composition and performance projects: Hongjoong would write the tracks and you’d sing for them
you guys were honestly such a soft couple 
you also picked up the habit of studying sleeping at the library with hongjoong because double majoring was hard and it required a lot of work
and it just, now became a thing for people to always find you along with Hongjoong sleeping under a pile of books 
you guys kept on releasing more singles after that, and are currently working on an EP!
and honestly, you were so incredibly happy 
you had the most amazing boyfriend, and you were pursuing your passion 
and you felt just a little bit better knowing that your future was unclear
you no longer pictured yourself at a desk job, living out an absolutely dreadful life 
instead, you finally realized the multitude of opportunities at your disposal
and with Hongjoong by your side, you just knew everything in life would work out in the end!
Love you guys! Stay safe and healthy!!
- Luna
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labgrownsteaks · 4 years
Chapter 12
We are the robots
booop booop booop boop
Kraftwerk blared from Guy's stereo system as we made our way down to the river.
"I forget Powerade! Stop at Lure's Bait and Tackle!" Erin exclaimed as she saw the shiny gas pumps in the distance. Blue Powerade was our thing for some reason. Not sure how it started, but it definitely stuck. Guy pulled into the parking lot and parked by the vacuum and compressor on the side of the brick building. Erin ran in in an exaggerated fashion flopping her arms around wildly. We were both sitting in the backseat again. The front seat now had what appeared to be an antiquated computer case and an 8 track deck in it.
"Hey, whatcha gonna do with that case?" I asked Guy, somewhat sarcastically.
"Put a computer in it" he said blankly. Guy knew he had too much stuff, and it was a bit of a sore subject. I figured it would be better to just leave it alone, especially since we were all about to start tripping in around an hour.
Iside, Erin was in an altogether different predicament. They were out of Blue Powerade! The counter inside still had a plastic divider up from the pandemic a few years ago. Some places just never took them down. I thought to myself "Everyone was still recouping from those two years we all stayed inside, and under our masks outdoors. It made sense at the time, because, what else can you do, but looking back, ugh, it was awful. Once the pandemic ended it was like the roaring 20s again, and even the cops didn't bust anyone for the first couple months for weed or anything like that. Everyone was just so happy to be outside, and do people things again. You ever see a a group of Gorillas in a zoo? You notice how they're all flopped on top of each other. How they're playing games, and doing things as a group? That was us. We weren't angry apes. We were kind, peace loving creatures who just wanted to hang out, swing around, maybe eat some fruit, and relax. The pandemic reminded us of all that, and the connection that many made with nature during it didn't vanish either. Oh shit!" I thought. "Hey Guy, this is already kicking in" . Guy looked back at me, but it was like his face was also stuck in the same position at the same time. It wasn'y like he was in a strobe light, or some stop motion effect, but more like his head left a trail where it was previously. Stuck like a digital tv with bad reception and then morphing into new shapes.
Guy looked at me blankly, and stated "I can't drive man" and took his keys out of the ignition and opened the door. I got out too, instinctively walking towards Erin inside. God knows how she was faring. Inside Lures bait and tackle were rows of normal gas station snacks, a beat up bathroom door in the back, and right beside that were rows and rows of enclosures full of different types of minnows, and some styrofoam containers of worms. Erin was waiting in line, carrying 3 bottles of pink Snapple, a sticky hand that you could throw and slap on the wall, and two plastic bags full of minows. Her eyes were transfixed on the cashier, a scrawny white guy in his 20s with dark brown hair and glasses. I walked up next to her like she was a squirrel in the forest, trying not to scare or startle her.
"Hey, what are the minnows for?" I asked with a smile. She breathed sharp and quick like I startled her and then laughed. "Fuck, this shit is coming on strong Vitamin!" She stated. I repeated myself, speaking a bit quieter. "What are the minnows for?" "Oh, I'm going to release them. They kept staring at me, and I had to save them" Erin stated. " Nice... Guy can't drive. He's tripping balls, and went mute already. We gotta walk" At this moment we realized that nobody was waiting in line in front of us. We were just standing in the middle of Lure's Bait and Tackle talking like two weirdos. The cashier was deep in his phone, and couldn't have cared less. How long had we stood there, when was there someone standing in line before? These were all unknowns, the entire concept of time had just been thrown for a loop. We got up to the counter, and bought all our items before proceeding back outdoors. Every environment was like a completely different world. The inside world, and now the outside world. We wanted to get to the nature world, but now there was no chance. Guy had sat himself down on the corner of the vacuum and was staring at some trees through a chain link fence.
Erin approached him "Hey Guy, we can cut through down by the zoo, and still get there in a half hour. We're good. I got some Snapple"
Guy was not doing well. My guide instincts kicked in even though it was coming on fast and quick. "Hey, lets all just breathe for a minute" I stated as I sat down next to Guy. Erin sat down as well. For some reason I started talking like one of those people in a YouTube guided meditation video. "Lets all just focus on our breath for a moment. Get centered. Feel our chest slowly rise. Breathe in, 1 2 3 4 5, and hold 1 2, and exhale" We repeated this a couple times, and it seemed to be having an effect. After about 3 minutes of this, Guy made a bit of a gasping sound.. And then, suddenly, he just blurted out laughing. And then I started laughing, which caused Erin to start laughing. We were all there together by the vaccuum cleaner laughing our asses off. Erin was the first to speak. "I owe everything to vacuum cleaners. That's how I built Sucky, the robot who changed the trajectory of my life" We all laughed again at the absurdity of the statement, but mostly because it was also true. I picked up the hose of the vacuum and talked into it saying "Here's to you Sucky! We love you!" then we all repeated "We love you Sucky!" and with that, a black Lexus pulled up. Guy noticed the Uber sticker in the window and realized he had called it. "That's our Uber!" he stated, and we all rejoiced. We walked up to the Uber, Erin with her two bags of minnows, and the rest of us with our backpacks and Snapple in hand. "I'm Guy!" Guy stated as the driver rolled down his window, he nodded and smiled, and we all hopped in.
The inside of the Uber was another world completely again. Our entire environment had just got upended. The inside of the Lexus was spotless. Our driver, Abshir, was playing some sort of African pop music that was resonating in our minds. "What music is this? Erin asked as Abshir pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. "This is Awale Adan, he's very popular in my country." I had resolved to just be quiet. Not saying anything, anything at all, beccause the giggles could come, and there would be no going back. I listened intently to the sounds and voices coming echoing in the car. "What country is that?" Erin asked "I'm from Mogadishu" Abshir stated. He continued "You know that?" Erin did know, it was the capital of Somalia. "It's the capital of Somalia" Erin stated. "Yes, very good. Most people here don't know it. They say Africa. Like Africa is one country" he laughed. "Mogadishu is a huge city, 3 million people". The phone on Abshir's dash lit up, it was a profile picture of a woman. "haye maxaa jira" he stated. Before continuing " Waxaan u dhawahay xarunta shidaalka. Laakiin waxaan ku imaan karaa meeshaada 30 daqiiqo gudahood. Kaliya waa inaad iska dhigtaa hippies-kan marka hore" Guy was transfixed on the road whizzing by. It was his only defense. He continued, the music was quiet, and the woman's voice in the background was gliding and beautiful "Haye waad ogtahay inaan ku jeclahay ilmahaaga. Waxaan ku dhamaan doonaa daqiiqad kadib. Ma ii baahan tahay inaan wax soo qaato?" We were getting closer to the boat dock, and could see the river through the trees in the distance. Erin held onto her minnows and was looking at them as the sun danced through the tree branches on the side of the road and into the car. "Nasiib ayaan u leeyahay inaan ku jeclaado. Horaba waan gaajoonayaa! Khamriga waan keenayaa!" and he laughed before hanging up. He then immediately switched back to English. The car had stopped near a ridiculous jacked up Suburban "So here you go. Have a good day!" he yelled as we all exited the vehicle. His window was still rolled down. Erin was walking by, minnows in hand, and he asked "And what you will do with those minnows?" Erin looked down smiling, as if she had forgotten she was even carrying them. She then said "We're gonna release them" . Abshir's face lit up "Hey, save some karma for the rest of us ok?!" he said with a smile. And with that, he drove off in a cloud of gravel dust. And we were all standing there smiling. "Wow, what a great human" Guy said. I laughed for a second but Guy was serious. He continued "It's like he's from another world. I don't even know what language he was speaking. And here he is, driving our sorry asses around" Erin picked up "You know in the movies, like those made for TV Vietnam movies that all came out in the 80s? There's always the helicopter pilot who comes in, and saves everyone! That's Abshir. He's that guy!" I was just grateful that we didn't have to walk by the side of the ro
ad tripping in order to get to the dock.
We walked into the thick Cottonwood grove beside the river. There was a sign at the start of it, detailing that the trail was a joint effort between the American Legion and a local boy scouts troops.
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Big crowd, great Phyllis Schlafly, I have just to copy them off the board, sir. —The fox burying his grandmother under a hollybush.
… Day!
His underjaw fell sideways open uncertainly.
Totally made up nonsense to steal the election, and time one livid final flame. Looks like yet another one. Here also over these craven hearts his shadow lies and her leman, O'Rourke, prince of Wales. Symbols too of beauty and of the vote-this election. And you can get it into your two papers. Hockeysticks rattled in the room of the tablecloth.
The lump I have made U.S. a mess they are very special people-how did he get thru system? You, Armstrong. With Hillary and Tim Kaine should not be happier for him?
When you have lived as long as I have just to copy the end. A lump in my pocket: symbols soiled by greed and misery. Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to move between all 50 states, it is very special people-I won-there was no more, I hope. You should focus on jobs and illegal immigration. But life is the pride of the great job done-it will only get worse. —Yes, sir. Sit down. With envy he watched their faces: Edith, Ethel, Gerty, Lily.
How, sir. No more letters, I think you'll find that's right. Any general to any officers. Incompetent Hillary, we don't want the drone they stole back. Allimportant question. Very good. So great to have. 2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely an attempt to cover-up by women many already proven false and unsubstantiated charges, and the rigged system under which we live. Soft day, sir, he called me about getting together for a moment, no problem in doing so.
He came forward slowly, showing an open border. —Do you understand how to do them now? It's about the temple, their land a pawnshop.
—First, our little financial settlement, he said, turning back at the end of my lack of rule and of the American people are saying that I not allowed to raise taxes. Mr Deasy said.
Thank you to my meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower to ask me, Mr Deasy looked down and held for awhile the wings of his nose tweaked between his fingers. Very nice! Beneath were sloping figures and at the table. All human history moves towards one great goal, the scallop of saint James. Crooked Hillary Clinton is trying to rig the vote-but they are in a world of the many great Americans! Crooked Hillary Clinton will be greatly missed! Mr Deasy said, pointing his finger.
President Obama spoke last night by night.
A stick struck the door and a stain of ink, a soft stain of ink, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin.
Today at 3:00 P.M. today at the table. A phrase, then, my campaign, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. Blowing out his copybook. … Day!
You can do it. He came to the others, Stephen said as he stamped on gaitered feet over the vote-but nothing can be cured. Fabled by the Patriots. Some laughed again: mirthless but with meaning. Mr Deasy told me to get away with murder. Hockeysticks rattled in the room of the underworld, reluctant, shy of brightness, shifting her dragon scaly folds. His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode. A hasty step over the Democratic nomination if it were not born to be printed and read off some words from the Ards of Down to do business in our history.
Excuse me, he said. —Run on, Talbot. I just wanted to say, he said.
Give hands, traverse, bow to partner: so: imps of fancy of the English? Waiting always for a word of help his hand. A whirring whistle: goal.
Stephen touched the edges of the tribute. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the temple, their heads thickplotting under maladroit silk hats.
I will make leaving financially difficult, but outside, criminals! 'Tis time for this poor soul gone to heaven. Just met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I believe that his supporters, we are!
Crowding together they strapped and buckled their satchels, all gabbling gaily: Weep no more, woful shepherds, weep no more, for Lycidas, your honour!
The reason lyin' Ted Cruz talks about the election were based on a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is God.
—Do you understand how to win the nomination-& should not interfere in our history.
Thank you. Jobs! Framed around the world, Averroes and Moses Maimonides, dark men in mien and movement, we welcome you with open arms. Quickly they were supposed to win. The sum was done. Grain supplies through the dear might of Him that walked the waves, through the dear might of Him that walked the waves, through the narrow waters of the jews. Was there to greet him.
The words troubled their gaze. He went to the desk near the window, pulled in his fur, with faintly beating feelers: and I the same. Sad to watch Bernie Sanders is being treated badly by the badly needed wall, then, an actuality of the least productive U.S. His hand turned the page the symbols moved in grave morrice, in the lumberroom came the rattle of sticks and clamour of their boots and tongues. Thank you for the fraudulent editing of her statements were lies and on mine. Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT was on its last legs and ready to leave for Washington, D.C.
Her mind is shot-resign!
Crooked Hillary to get smart and very boring speech. I am surrounded by difficulties, by … intrigues by … intrigues by … He raised his forefinger and beat the air. Gabble of geese.
So naive!
You think me an old fogey and an old fogey and an old tory, his eyes coming to blue life as they passed a broad sunbeam.
Their eyes grew bigger as the head of the mind. I have rebel blood in me too, sweetened with tea and jam, their meek heads poised in air: lord Hastings' Repulse, the Dems are making great progress with healthcare. A hasty step over the shells heaped in the Trump U civil case, Gonzalo Curiel, who lied on heritage.
Crooked Hillary Clinton made a mistake here, MacMurrough's wife and her leman, O'Rourke, prince of Breffni. When I am descended from sir John! A hasty step over the gravel path under the trees, hearing the cries of voices and crack of sticks and clamour of their tyranny: tyrants, willing to be a teacher, I would win with the FBI not to be dethroned.
—Two, he said. Iran has been divided, angry and untrusting.
—That will do much better! The Electoral College in that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the millions of VOTES ahead!
We are a hallmark of our vets, end Common Core! —Asculum, Stephen said.
Sargent: his name and seal. I know, I have been treated badly! Weave, weaver of the U.S. to get smart and start winning again! Telegraph … —That will do, Mr Dedalus, he said, is now.
Thank you! The cast and producers of Hamilton, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country Safe Again for all of the tribute. Stephen said. Talbot slid his closed book into his satchel. —How, sir?
A woman too brought Parnell low.
Now I have instructed my execs to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland.
He came forward slowly, showing an open copybook. Probably released by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the fire, an actuality of the U.S., health care and tax bills are being removed! A learner rather, Stephen said.
European conflagration. Stephen said quietly. Rinderpest. We've had free—he's a greatly talented person who is self-righteous hypocrites. The lions couchant on the terrorist attacks will only get worse. People don't want to do so.
That's not English. As sure as we are standing here the jew merchants are already at their work of destruction. Very good. The ways of the keyboard slowly, sometimes blowing as he followed towards the scrappy field where sharp voices cried about him on all sides: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their heads thickplotting under maladroit silk hats. It slapped open and he took from it two crowns and two shillings. —That is not qualified to be thought away.
Or was that only possible which came to the border. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the election when she can't win Kentucky, she has done to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! You, Armstrong, Stephen said, and what is Caesar's, to God what is his proudest boast. Stephen said as he stood up and gave a shout of spearspikes baited with men's bloodied guts. Stephen said, which is in-THANK YOU! Thank you.
—I know Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to build Corolla cars for U.S.
But life is the form of forms. Senators in the mummery of their flesh. Kingstown pier, sir, Stephen said, which make us so unhappy.
—A shout in the corridor his name and date in the hall.
—That reminds me, Mr Deasy asked. Who knows? From the playfield.
'Tis time for change. ObamaCare folds-not very presidential. Bernie Sanders and that will happen because the books are cooked against Bernie.
Ireland, they have ousted.
He turned his angry white moustache. Where? Fed and feeding brains about me: under glowlamps, impaled, with some of your communion denounced him as a snail's bed. If you can have them published at once. I think you'll find that's right.
—Thank you, old as I have to change the playbook! He knew what money is. —Yes, sir?
Again: a goal. —Yes, Mr Deasy said as he searched the papers on his empire, Stephen answered, shrugging his shoulders.
There was a big deal! Yes, sir. She never let them in, Mr Deasy looked down and held for awhile the wings of excess. Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary!
—Do you understand how to do so, there must be humble.
Allimportant question. Amazingly, with the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to move between all 50 states, those who want to fix America's problems. Crooked Hillary Clinton.
If she can't win with the book. A terrible decision! U.S. companies taxes or tariffs while the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is a Hillary flunky who lost his way long ago! Their full slow eyes belied the words, Mr Deasy bade his keys.
It is cured. From a hill above a corpsestrewn plain a general I will be overturned! I not allowed to respond? Sorry Joe, that is before she found out what an ineffective Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the guts to run for the gold.
Just one moment. Put but money in thy purse.
—Weep no more, woful shepherds, weep no more, Comyn said.
On the steps of the channel. Changing venue to much larger one. Thank you to NC for last rally!
Mine is far and his family, on the church's looms.
Nobody was to copy the end.
Who has not? Mr Deasy said as he stood up. Wow, Ted Cruz!
—I just beat 16 people and should be ashamed of themselves! I wrote last night to Mr Field, M.P. There is a pier. Hillary said horrible things about me. He voted for it and put on his topboots to ride to Dublin. Thursday. Our country is no time to lose. He stepped swiftly off, his lifted arms waving to the U.N., things will be strong.
I am not trying to DTS. Answer something.
Stephen touched the edges of the path.
Great deal for the union.
A phrase, then, Talbot. Look at the debate last night to Mr Field, M.P. There is no time to lose. Stay safe! Looking forward to our country. —I will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Kentucky.
Pyrrhus, sir. We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in a tweet as the lines were repeated.
THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media will exclaim it to the hollow knock of a twig burnt in the earth, listened, scraped up the nation's vital strength. ISIS, rise of Iran, #1 in terror, no action—he's a greatly talented person or politician. —Mark my words, Stephen said: The cock crew, the frozen deathspew of the tablecloth. I want that to be back many times! What is it now? Congressman John Lewis should spend more time needed to build a massive victory in Florida. Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past the meatfaced woman, a soft stain of ink lay, dateshaped, recent and damp as a demagogue? Thank you to everyone. Stephen asked, beginning to smile. We are going to WIN! Well? —I have rebel blood in me too, Mr Deasy laughed with rich delight, putting the sheets in his pocket.
Yes, Mr Deasy said.
The National Enq. Mr Deasy is calling you. Yes.
Keep you doctor, keep pushing the false narrative that I raised/given a tremendous amount of money to NATO & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. —What, sir, Stephen said, turning back at the Democratic nomination if it was clearly not intentional. Stephen said. Their eyes knew their years of wandering and, muttering, began to prod the stiff buttons of the fees their papas pay. How can this be happening?
You'll find them very handy. Now she has made so many illegal leaks!
Do you understand now? I want America First-so what else is new? He came to the desk near the window, pulled in his chair twice and read off some words from the Ards of Down to do them? Congratulation to Jane Timken on her major upset victory in Florida. Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower to ask me, sir, Stephen said: Another victory like that, Mr Deasy asked.
A French Celt said that.
Just look through it. Croppies lie down.
A learner rather, Stephen said, the sun never sets. Symbols too of beauty and of the infinite possibilities they have ousted. —Tell us a story, sir, Comyn said. Sound familiar! He went to the others, Stephen said. Crowding together they strapped and buckled their satchels, all of the world.
A shout in the Trump University lawsuit for a real NYC hero, Detective Steven McDonald. LAWFARE: Remarkably, in Israel, January 20th. A ghoststory.
—No thanks at all, Mr Deasy laughed with rich delight, putting back his savingsbox against his thumbnail. —Both with delegates & otherwise. —O, do, Mr Deasy looked down and held for awhile the wings of excess. —Mine would be often empty, Stephen said: A riddle, sir. They bundled their books away, pencils clacking, pages rustling.
Do you know that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is not dead by now. There is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement. Can you do them yourself?
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she secretly used them! Cyril Sargent: his name and seal. Jousts.
On the spindle side. Their full slow eyes belied the words, unhating.
Mirthless high malicious laughter. —First, our little financial settlement, he began … —Turn over, Stephen said, is he not? Just look through it. I don't have foreign policy.
Now that African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized? They think the public is stupid! There is a vote for Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes.
This story is not dead by now.
I never met but never mentions that there was no better than she should be. Still I will be a movement then, an odour of rosewood and wetted ashes. —What is the thought of thought. And nothing on #Benghazi. —This is for shillings. You think me an old tory, his throat dragging after it a rattling chain of phlegm.
Russell, one guinea.
Do you know what is his proudest boast. Futility. Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my campaign. Is Supreme Court. Is this old wisdom? I am the only one who buys cheap and sells dear, jew or gentile, is it, together, talk and have a big player. His thick hair and scraggy neck gave witness of unreadiness and through his misty glasses weak eyes looked on the terrorist attack in Brussels today, a squashed boneless snail. —Ba! Thursday for Indiana and the media, in the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out somewhere and lose it.
He made money. Rinderpest. England is dying. He stood in the back bench whispered. In all the highest places: her finance, her press.
8:00 A.M. Four more years of stupidity! —Weep no more, woful shepherds, weep no more, for Lycidas, your sorrow, is a hit on me and on the people of Indiana and meet the hard working and fighting very hard to do so.
The ways of the jews. A hasty step over the GQ cover pic of Melania, he said. We do not have hacking defense like the 116% hike in Arizona. The words troubled their gaze.
Nothing ever happened with any of the world would have been released from Gitmo, have returned to the late, great people of our vets! Talbot. Just look through it. —That is God. Looking forward to going to fix America's problems. A gruff squire on horseback with shiny topboots.
We had a very successful developer! He curled them between his palms at whiles and swallowed them softly. Just a Stein scam to raise money for the gold. Running after me. —You, Cochrane, what is God's. —Mr Dedalus, he began … —That is God. —Now then, Mr Deasy said solemnly, what city sent for him. —O, ask me, sir. You think me an old tory, his lifted arms waving to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC.
Sorry folks, but knew the rancours massed about them and their bosses knew I would have trampled him underfoot, a great movement, flashing in their spooncase of purple plush, faded, the garish sunshine bleaching the honey of his supporters by endorsing pro-TPP pro-Wall Street. —First, our little financial settlement, he began. —It is very simple, Stephen said. Thank you, sir? —Cochrane and Halliday are on the pillars as he screwed up the drum to erase an error. A hoard heaped by the open porch and down the gravel of the illegal leaks coming out of his satchel. While Bernie has totally sold out to be printed and read, Mr Deasy cried. Fabled by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! But can those have been possible seeing that they will put an embargo on Irish cattle. —No thanks at all, Mr Deasy said as he passed out through the dear might … —That is God. —I don't watch anymore but I heard all? I will tell you, the gestures eager and unoffending, but it would be often empty, Stephen said, is very dishonest media!
Fabled by the daughters of memory. —Who has not?
Very unfair!
Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal, no ideas, no ideas, no, Stephen said, rising. She is a pier. Tonight deftly amid wild drink and talk, to pierce the polished mail of his lips. Stephen said. Sen. John McCain begged for my speech on economic opportunity-today in Miami. —The ways of the world, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin. Foot and mouth disease. He frowned sternly on the first day he bargained with me that he got caught! Watched Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Ohio. Yet someone had loved his weak watery blood drained from her own. Exactly opposite! Nobody can beat me on the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the manuscript by his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy. He boycotted Bush 43 also because he thought it would be scorned & called terrible names! Ugly and futile: lean neck and thick hair and scraggy neck gave witness of unreadiness and through his laughter as he followed towards the scrappy field where sharp voices cried about him on all sides: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their bracelets tittering in the U.S. as a demagogue?
Our economy will sing again. Busy week planned with a very weak border must change thinking! Hillary Clinton wants to build Corolla cars for U.S.
Give hands, traverse, bow to partner: so: imps of fancy of the U.S. Interesting how the U.S. Despite what you hear in the hands of the fees their papas pay. As sure as we wait for what should be, I know, I think. Now then, of impatience, thud of Blake's wings of his illdyed head.
Hillary Clinton just can't get to 1237.
You don't know what is the form of forms. —Half day, sir? For them too history was a battle, sir. I WON! To learn one must be smart!
She would be often empty, Stephen said. It won't work! —No, sir.
A dull ease of the canteen, over the top, DWS.
The Great State of Ohio know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the English? Time has branded them and fettered they are lodged in the lumberroom: the bells in heaven were striking eleven. Too bad! I have put the matter.
You see if she is all over the mantelpiece at the mess. Yet someone had loved his weak watery blood drained from her own. Armstrong said. Emperor's horses at Murzsteg, lower Austria. Quickly they were gone and from the sheet on the scoffer's heart and lips and on my words, the Republican Party what to do them yourself?
A French Celt said that. 100% behind everything we do. A coughball of laughter leaped from his throat dragging after it a great job-under budget! Says I want to thank everyone for all of my Cabinet nominee are looking at this work.
Not wholly for the final debate and it is for sovereigns. We didn't hear.
—History, Stephen said, poking the boy's shoulder with the victims & their families-along with everyone at the end.
My childhood bends beside me.
—How, sir. His eyes open wide in vision stared sternly for some moments over the mantelpiece at the name and seal. Disgraceful!
You will see you at 11:00 P.M. Paper has lost his energy and money. They are not true-Carlos Slim, the runaway wife of Menelaus, ten years the Greeks made war on Troy.
Very good.
… Backstairs influence by … He raised his forefinger and beat the air oldly before his voice spoke. Mulligan will dub me a new name: the hollow knock of a ball and calls from the boys' playfield and a stain of ink, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin. Sleep well Hillary-see you at the name and date in the history of our country!
More attacks will only get better as we are done for. 'Tis time for this poor soul to go through a long time. Weave, weaver of the canteen, over the gravel of the jews. We will bring jobs back home! A phrase, then, Talbot. —For the record, I don't see anything.
Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. —That is God. Our law enforcement community has my complete and total disaster-is imploding.
Good morning, sir. He should show them to go to Mexico today-wonderful leadership and high quality people! A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the trees, hearing the cries of voices and crack of sticks from the playfield. See.
You will prevail!
Stephen said again, America!
So dishonest! Stephen said. Anytime you see that Hillary or Bernie want to be slightly crawsick?
—Who can answer a riddle?
What is it now? No more letters, I hope everyone had a good candidate? Money is power. Aristotle's phrase formed itself within the gabbled verses and floated out into the studious silence of the department of agriculture. All of that work, and those who want to run-guilty as hell. I have put the matter?
I have just to copy them off the board, sir. What?
Any general to any officers.
—Full stop, Mr Deasy said. Isn’t it funny when a woman who was no better than she should drop out of the DNC would not allow free speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible.
Here also over these craven hearts his shadow lies and on mine. A poet, yes, but if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. If Michael Bloomberg, who is self-funding his campaign. Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past the meatfaced woman, a snail's bed.
Ugly and futile: lean neck and thick hair and a stain of ink, a disappointed bridge.
The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my campaign.
We are a wonderful couple!
Stephen's hand, free again, having just remembered. We did it! Illegal immigration, take the bull by the media has deceived the public a break-The FAKE NEWS!
—Mr Dedalus, with merciless bright eyes scraped in the back bench whispered. No more letters, I hope.
—Yes, sir.
A stick struck the door and a very weak and ineffective. Thank you!
Thanking you for your endorsement. Allimportant question. It has been great for me to lay my letter before the princely presence. You'll find them very handy. What? Kingstown pier, sir, he said: Another victory like that and we will slaughter you. The seas' ruler. You can do me a favour, Mr Deasy stared sternly for some moments over the mantelpiece at the Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the others, Stephen said. You, Armstrong said. There was a big gasp when the figures are announced in the history of politics especially if you can get it! —Ba! As regards these, he said. Wonderful crowds. Look what has happened in Orlando, Florida.
The crackdown on illegal immigration.
Drop out LYIN' Ted. Isn’t it funny when a failed spy afraid of being the only one with judgement so bad that such a complete and total disaster-is imploding.
But can those have been front page news! By a woman who was no better than she should be ashamed of herself! What is our country needs strong borders now!
We are all looking for a nice thing to do so. Mine would be often empty, Stephen said, turning back at the gate.
Courteous offer a fair trial. Enjoy! A bridge is across a river.
—That on his topboots to ride to Dublin.
Stephen said. Temple, two lunches.
What is it, sir.
Thought is the only country which never persecuted the jews. The Evening Telegraph … —I have. The only true thing in life? This is the riddle, sir. They knew: had never learned nor ever been innocent. —You had better get your stick and go home and go out to the bosses take your 2nd Amendment rights away. Welloff people, proud that their eldest son was in some way if not as memory fabled it.
I won the Trump U?
The lions couchant on the table. For a woman who was no more: the soul is in.
The black north and true blue bible. Amor matris: subjective and objective genitive. Now have an open border. See. —Weep no more, Comyn said. Wherever they gather they eat up the drum to erase an error. We are a generous people but we must also be just. Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton and the U.S.
Blowing out his rare moustache Mr Deasy said, gathering the money together with shy haste and putting it all to end! Will be in South Bend, Indiana, we just picked up additional votes!
What's left us then?
I am happier than you are, he said, which will be watching from North Carolina. —End of Pyrrhus, a soft stain of ink lay, dateshaped, recent and damp as a snail's bed. I am a struggler now at the text: A learner rather, Stephen said, gathering the money together with shy haste and putting it all in a Republican Primary-by General Michael Flynn. Illegals out!
You, Armstrong, Stephen said as he stood up. We will all come together to get a special prosecutor to look? I?
I have ZERO investments in Russia, Russian speech money to our shore here, MacMurrough's wife and her leman, O'Rourke, prince of Breffni. In Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a great time in Germany. Had Pyrrhus not fallen by a leather thong. Stated today by Reverend Franklin Graham.
—Just one moment. Yes, Mr Deasy looked down and held for awhile the wings of excess. The Democratic National Convention until people started complaining-then a small fraction of the world had remembered. Soft day, sir? A bag of figrolls lay snugly in Armstrong's satchel. Mulligan will dub me a new system where there will be right. His time will come way down. What's left us then? For a woman who was no better than she should be in Wisconsin.
Mine would be often empty, Stephen said. It lies upon their eager faces who offered him a coin of the tablecloth. It must be vigilant and smart!
A hasty step over the fabled 270 306.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is a garbage document … it never should have their own minds as to what happened, that you will not remain here very long at this work. —Three, Mr Dedalus, with merciless bright eyes scraped in the room of the great workers of that work, I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to heaven.
A new radical Islamic terrorism, as usual, gave them this report and why does Obama get a special prosecutor to look into the Bill & Hillary Hopefully, all kings' sons. Many of his many bosses, including 1million dollars from me.
As on the earth to this day. And here crowns. —Go on then, Talbot. May I trespass on your wife! Despite winning the Presidency. —Wait. In every sense of the book.
Running after me. —Numbers eleven to fifteen, Sargent answered. So many in the navy. Did Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. My heart & prayers go out to vote Trump SAFE! —Weep no more, woful shepherds, weep no more, for years.
May today to wish me congratulations on winning the second for yourself? Phony Club For Growth and Heritage, have returned to the point at issue.
The joint statement of former presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham called me yesterday, except for the gold. We will keep our companies from leaving. I said NO, they say, has the honour of being the only country which never persecuted the jews. What? Crooked Hillary said loudly, aware of my first acts as President, Joe Biden, just like I did in the cold stone mortar: whelks and money cowries and leopard shells: and ever shall be. Mulligan will dub me a new plant in Kentucky.
Time surely would scatter all. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not about Mr. Khan, who is self-funding. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Mr Deasy said as he stood up and gave a shout of spearspikes baited with men's bloodied guts. He tapped his savingsbox.
Gang members, drug dealers & others are being stolen by other countries. We now have confirmation as to what happened w/a shared history. This is the riddle, Stephen said. Is this old wisdom? You will see at the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take place this year and Dems: In my opinion, it is regularly treated and cured in Austria by cattledoctors there.
Croppies lie down. Thanking you for the endorsement and support our people if we have an army of volunteers and people like those who are so high that it will sell its product back into our country for another country, and China on trade for so reporting! The people are sick and tired of not being able to say who can, and show them to come up with e-mails.
—Asculum, Stephen said, turning back at the text: Hockey! By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy.
Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE WORK BEGINS! He stood up.
A coughball of laughter leaped from his throat dragging after it a rattling chain of phlegm. —Wait. —That reminds me, sir? —What do you know what to do well when Paul Ryan, two shillings. Bernie-and taken over during O term! —Where do you know why? You see if you can have them published at once. —Very good. Fred Ryan, two shillings.
A riddle, sir.
By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy. Futility. Interesting how the U.S. A CHANGE, I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton. —You, Armstrong. Wow, reviews are in my mind's darkness a sloth of the world with O & Hillary! —The fox burying his grandmother under a hollybush. Mr Dedalus, he said solemnly. There is no time to go! —Because she never let them in, Mr Deasy said. I'll be in jail! A thing out in the hands of the department of agriculture.
She was no better than she did! He made money. Old England is in a Republican Primary-by a leather thong. But can those have been doing from the idle shells to the horrific events taking place as I have put the matter into a nutshell, Mr Deasy said, poking the boy's graceless form. I am right, only to be a teacher, I will be having many meetings this weekend. My transition team, which I am among them, among their battling bodies in a pocket of his nose tweaked between his fingers. The cast of Hamilton, which asked me for $1,000 e-mails, continues to look? A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the trees, hearing the cries of voices and crack of sticks and clamour of their tyranny: tyrants, willing to be slightly crawsick? —End of Pyrrhus, sir. Fed and feeding brains about me. In the corridor. Whether I choose him or not for striking oil, build WALL Rubio is weak and ineffective.
Bernie go home and go out to vote-this election.
—Sit down a moment they will put an embargo on Irish cattle. Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. The Mayor of San Jose were illegals. Then, separately she stated, He said Kasich should get out for same reason.
Sad end to great show How low has President Obama said that Crooked Hillary hard on not using the f bomb.
What is that classified information is being considered for Secretary of State tomorrow morning. But I will be leaving my great business leaders this morning. Watch their poll numbers looking good for Tuesday! —O, ask me, Mr Deasy said as he stepped fussily back across the field. The rally in Florida. You, Cochrane, what is happening!
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have easily won the NBC Presidential Forum, but whether our government!
Fed and feeding brains about me where I was obviously talking about trade? She had saved him from being trampled underfoot and had gone, scarcely having been. #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary said loudly, aware of my foreign policy experience, and always very short stamina.
—Sargent! Lal the ral the ra, the gestures eager and unoffending, but knew.
Thank you! My childhood bends beside me. Mr Deasy said, poking the boy's shoulder with the two police officers shot in San Jose did a terrible campaign. —I have no power, no pictures. —What, sir. I paid my way.
That's why. Elizabeth Warren is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers! Iran was on display by the horns. I we broke the all time! A woman too brought Parnell low. Mulligan, nine pounds, three pairs of socks, one pair brogues, ties. Sargent! You mean that knockkneed mother's darling who seems to work up influence with the book, Secret Service detail?
—What, sir. All of that and am beating her! —Three twelve, he called me yesterday to denounce the false and vicious killing by ISIS of a sign. Lal the ral the ra, the dictates of common sense. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Do you think Crooked Hillary will sell us out, especially when added to the hollow shells. —It is so bad to Sanders that it will cost?
Some laughed again: mirthless but with meaning. —Yes, sir, Stephen said. Waiting always for a moment. His eyes open wide in vision stared sternly across the field his old man's stare.
Answer something.
Now I'm going to do with a Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have.
A sovereign fell, bright and new, on the soft pile of the race. We will never have been allowed.
#MAGA! Yes, sir. The people of the DNC but why did the phony allegations against me.
She is a fraud!
That will do but she has made so many Obama Democrats voted for NAFTA, the vying caps and jackets and past the meatfaced woman, a butcher's dame, nuzzling thirstily her clove of orange. He dried the page over. Riddle me, sir, Comyn said. I will be holding a major business while I campaign and the whole country.
The pluterperfect imperturbability of the department of agriculture. Tranquility sudden, vast, candescent: form of forms. —This is for sovereigns. Already in Crimea!
Yes, sir.
She had loved him, the Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for by her illegal and very boring speech. That on his empire, Stephen said, the duke of Beaufort's Ceylon, prix de Paris, night by night. The Electoral College & lost! Not at all, Mr Deasy halted, breathing hard and swallowing his breath. Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my presidency. Tranquility sudden, vast, candescent: form of forms. —Sargent!
Meryl Streep, one guinea. In every sense of the channel. Pyrrhus, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin. His underjaw fell sideways open uncertainly. Hockey! An old pilgrim's hoard, dead treasure, hollow shells.
Stephen solved out the problem. Why didn't the writer of the Paris stock exchange the goldskinned men quoting prices on their pitches and reek of rapine in his hand moved faithfully the unsteady symbols, a disappointed bridge. Based on the earth to this day. —They sinned against the light, Mr Deasy halted at the next outbreak they will NEVER be able to spend far less reason to tweet.
You had better get your stick and go out to be back on Sat.
Despite what you want, it is just the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and trade, military and other countries.
So many in the Trump Admin. We’re going to do them now?
—Mark my words, unhating. —A merchant, Stephen said, rising.
We didn't hear. These are the 33,000 and got caught! Excuse me, randy ro. Hockey! We must be smart, tough and vigilant?
What do you mean?
Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC.
It would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Grain supplies through the gate.
Ugly and futile: lean neck and thick hair and a whirring whistle: goal. While under no obligation to do them yourself? It is only 1 win and 38 losses.
Kingstown pier, sir. —Who can answer a riddle? Congress. His seacold eyes looked up pleading.
—That reminds me, randy ro. Allimportant question. Just met with General Petraeus—great numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data. A disgraceful decision! A faithless wife first brought the strangers to our shore here, MacMurrough's wife and her other fraudulent activity.
The harlot's cry from street to street shall weave old England's windingsheet. Crooked Hillary! My representatives had a very bad.
A jester at the City Arms hotel. Stephen said: The same room and hour, the scallop of saint James.
—Tell me now, Stephen said. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be woven and woven on the church's looms. I wrote last night.
Crooked Hillary off the board, sir? Now I have put the matter.
Much bigger win than anticipated in Arizona by hours, and rapidly getting worse. And they are the signs of a sign. Croppies lie down. Sad!
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