stainsofdishonor · 8 years
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versaSirius, while being too distracted by Kitty.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside themI’m gonna say either neither or Kitty? Kitty might draw hearts without initials all while denying she likes him. 
Who starts the tickle fightsSirius
Who starts the pillow fightsBoth? I feel like Kitty might hit Sirius with pillows when he says something dumb/flirty and he just takes it as a challenge to a fight
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smileSirius, and he loves seeing her so peaceful. 
Who mistakes salt for sugarI feel like this is more of a ‘who pranks the other by changing sugar for salt’. That would be Kitty.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morningKitty, cause Sirius would just use a spell lbr.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up linesSirius. 
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical orderKitty
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies?Sirius, every time. Licks her face and her hands and basically licks her to annoy her XD
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasionI don’t think they buy candles?
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a penPicture Sirius drawing dogs and pawprints and such things on her. 
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacationSirius.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazinesLmao but what if Sirius found one and is like KITTY WE MUST DO THIS, IT’S LIKE DIVINATION BUT IN A MAGAZINE. 
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looktotheants-a · 8 years
waitingforthedusttosettle replied to your post “(( I think I personally know more british people who don’t like tea...”
on the flipside, Australians exist. I've lived here my whole life and I think maybe only one person has ever told me they don't like tea.
ofshxeld replied to your post “ofeterniiity replied to your post: (( I think I...”
look i'm australian so basically i'm an english reject, and i only learned to like tea last year so u havent been misled about british ppl u just know the minority
britishpunisher replied to your post “(( I think I personally know more british people who don’t like tea...”
literally everyone else in my family likes tea and I am the black sheep in that respect
(( i feel less lied to about the world. ))
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rirebois · 8 years
@waitingforthedusttosettle​ wouldn’t make me a godamn starter 
He looked through the crowd for a familiar face-- climbing up a pillar so that he stood a head taller than the others. And when he realized that she wasn’t there as he expected, the smile on his face slowly fell and he climbed down the pillar, defeated.
Of course, he knew that Lily Evans wouldn’t show during his Quidditch practice, but it sure would have been great to see her face among the others who usually showed up to watch them. 
Crestfallen and depressed, James walked across the Quidditch Pitch and quietly took a seat next to Kitty Pryde. Interrupting her of-- whatever it was she was doing, it didn’t really matter what she was occupied with, he just needed her company.  And with an exaggerated sigh, he fell over and lay across her lap.
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❝Tell me something funny to cheer me up.❞
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scalecaster · 8 years
[Adrienne sighed, clearly trespassing-- though trespassing never bothered her.]
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Look, please don’t think I’m insane--Shoo me away if you want-- but... Have you seen a dragon around here?
--And no, I’m not high. I get that question a lot.
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ancientisms · 8 years
@waitingfortheghosttosettle replied to Wikipedia
You’re welcome.
Good luck resurfacing.
You guys are never gonna see me ever again.
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rirebois · 8 years
@waitingfortheghosttosettle continued
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❝You’re too young to be thinking about that. Besides, no one is good enough for you. They all need to meet my requirements.❞
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stainsofdishonor · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO  //  answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST.  don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? : Lmao ok: Sirius/Kitty (crossvoer from the x-men comics but LISTEN THIS IS GREAT. i miss @waitingforthedusttosettle), Sirius/Katie (from Harry’s time at hogwarts, but moved her to marauder times), Sirius/Narcissa (cause it’s fucked up and great @ladymclfoy) and like James/Lily/Sirius life cause ofc he’s a part of that relationship, it’s canon (and it can be platonic in sirius’ side but fuck u if you think he didn’t stay over at theirs and took lily shopping just cause)
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING? : I am down for almost everything, except pedophilia and bestiality? Message me if you have an idea, we can talk about it and figure it out. Fucked up shit is fun to play too, but we have to be on the same page.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? Uh... I’d say over 10-15 years overall, more than 3-4 when he’s younger (as in years 3-6th) 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? : Yes, but to a certain degree. I can be talked into all sorts of ships and i’m usually low key shipping things but like.... I have to talk to you ooc, we have to be on the same page, we need that chemistry right? I don’t like it when people assume I ship something and push it at me without talking to me first.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW? : I’d say second base or clothes coming off deserves a readmore. 
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH? : Kitty Pryde, Katie Bell, Narcissa Black, James Potter cause they’re soulmates, and apparently Gryffindor-verse Severus Snape .
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? :  Yes. I mean... it’s more like a ‘we have to be talking and figure out how our characters interact with each other’ more than a  ‘i like ur character let’s ship’ kind of deal. When I get people talking to me asking for a ship as the first interaction with them, my answer is gonna be no, and i’m gonna avoid you completely.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? : Daily ship. Idk what this question is asking tbh.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? : I’m here to have fun and explore all sorts of relationships with Sirius. Not super obsessed with anything.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? : message me, talk to me, let’s be friends.
tagged by : @potterlyjames
tagging : @moonytheprofessor, @chasinglilies @chasingxprongs @lcghtnxng @vulncrasanentur
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destinedtobediamond · 8 years
+ @waitingforthedusttosettle​
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“If you’re dressing to impress, go with the maroon.”
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rirebois · 8 years
@waitingfortheghosttosettle continued
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❝You do remember me mentioning it was a small accident, right?❞
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looktotheants-a · 8 years
-whispers own url-
I have to say I don’t know you half as well as I would like, but you’ve also seemed super sweet and super chill
I really do love your writing for Kitty and how well you capture her as one of the leaders amongst the x-men and a super badass awesome jewish lady! you’re super talented (in more ways than just writing, also) and give off positive vibes and I love having you on my dash!
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