#wake up in a new life by the seaside. / traveler verse.
darkblessed · 2 years
@viilein / cont.
it’s funny, this weakness of his. vampires as typically known burned in the sun, cowered from the radiance of a cleric and shrieked when the light touched their skin. he was what another vampire he knew called a daywalker, an envious term that laid out what he could do: stand beneath the dawn and feel nothing but the warmth on his back.
his weakness was something more mundane, something so simple it was laughable. their trek had taken them eastward, towards a small town complaining of a nauseating stench over the entire town (it was enebish’s insistence, this time, to seek it out. ‘ for my monster hunting notes,’ he said.)
the source had been an enormous plant growing from a mass grave of victims of the zombies that roamed the countryside of darkon. taking it down with victor’s fire had been easy, but not before it had landed three terrible lashes of wide tendrils across enebish’s torso. his armor and shield had brunted the worst of the blows, but the last one had come down on his weapon arm and the poison leaking from the vines burned into his skin like it was actively eating him.
his magic did not come when called, because they had been on their feet for too long to bring the spells to fruition. he’s tired. the poison makes him even more tired. victor talks about the unreliability of the gods and enebish turns his head up to catch the fire in victor’s gaze.
“ my weakness keeps me mortal. i didn’t ask for this immortality, you know. ”
he pulls his arm back to press a hand to where the potion sinks into his skin, watching the flesh try and fail to knit itself back together. he needed a meal and some sleep first.
“ i don’t tend to ask big questions like who the gods are or how dare they act the way they do. i’ll never know -- how they think isn’t how we think. all i know is she spoke to me and asked of me a duty and i’ve carried that duty. ”
he shrugs with one shoulder, the one on the uninjured side, when victor asks what he’s still holding onto.
“ i don’t know. i just am. perhaps i’m just stubborn the same way you are whenever you refuse to let me heal your eye. it’s just a piece of myself that i’ve decided to hang onto. her voice is my voice. ”
he looks to the vial before he sighs.
“ i won’t be opposed to learning to neutralize the poison, considering how much it eats me away, but i’m not giving up my clerical work. ”
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oraculideluna · 7 years
Verses - mobile link
Full information can be found here. Luna is played heavily canon divergent after the events of Altissia.
Afterlife (wip)
During the events in Altissia, being stabbed by Ardyn and using her life force to save Noctis, Luna dies, but she doesn’t pass on to the afterlife. She exists as a spirit of sorts, still sentient, aware. She exists between worlds, though she can manifest visually for a time, she can speak, and (as seen within the game) she can still even use some of her magic. Her continued existence, however, is far more limited than she was when alive, and though she can speak and use magic, when she does so on the physical plane, it drains her abilities greatly, and she is forced back into the space between worlds.
Final Fantasy VII (available on request)
Luna and Ravus are the children of politicians with strong anti-Shin-Ra ideologies. They’ve spent years speaking out against the use of the Lifestream as an energy source and have garnered a rather large following around them. The Fleuret name carries quite some clout.
When Luna is 17, an attack on her parents’ lives leaves both of them dead. The attack is quiet and away from public eyes, and Luna and Ravus highly suspect Shin-Ra are the ones behind it. But there is little proof yet, and before they can start to amass any sort of theory, thinly veiled threats start coming from from President Shinra himself. (More on this later, but the President’s got a pretty heavy hand in keeping these two so quiet.)
Blackmail is so intense, and so dirty, Luna (at least) has almost no choice but to accept the forced position within the Shin-Ra company under the President’s watchful eye. It is made to look as if she is there willingly, much to the dissent and probably suspicion of many of her parents’ supporters. At first, many most likely believe her to be there by force somehow, but years pass and she is still there, and most come to accept that it is probably by choice.
Most of what she does keeps her from the public eye, staying within the company confines and idling through various departments. Throughout the years (between the time of Crisis Core and FFVII), Luna has worked as an assistant of sort for weapons development (as more of a liaison), investigative affairs (as something of a secretary, never quite getting involved with the Turks), and briefly in space exploration, until it is decided that her skills are better used in the politics she grew up in. She is then assigned a PR position in the Urban Development department to promote ideas of Neo-Midgar.
Her role within the company now sees her travelling to various cities under the watch of armed guards to keep her safe while she delivers speeches and performs all the social niceties to try and garner support for the new city. She’s encountered by a lot of hostility along the way, which she certainly understands.
(Plot dependent) After the murder of President Shinra, Luna is approached by Rufus to continue her work with them, or she takes the ensuing chaos within the company to slip away and make her way into disguises to join the fight against Shinra. 
This could be a way into Avalanche and other resistance groups, and opens the way for plotting.
Final Fantasy VIII 
Luna is the Duchess of the Dollet Dukedom. Growing up, she learned the ins and outs of running a town whose primary economy is through tourism, and the downswings that come with major storms, off season, and the inverse effect of economic depression during war on the town. She is a woman of politics and a just leader for the city, and she will often find ways to shoulder more of the burden of the difficult times than to put it on the people of the city.
As a distant descendant of the Centra, Luna will go to the Centra Ruins for charity work. At a point post-game, while Luna is there, another Sorceress dies and it passes to Luna. With her family’s status and money, she is quickly and quietly assigned a Knight and sent to Esthar to have an Odine bangle created for her. This upheaval causes much distress in her life, and she works through the anxiety, nightmares, and fear slowly to learn to accept her role as Sorceress, as well as to slowly broach the subject to the public.
Final Fantasy X 
Luna is the daughter of a high-ranking clergy member in the Bevelle temple, and is in line to one day become High Priestess to Yevon. Initially slated to be a summoner upon Sin’s return after the Calm (during the events of X), many of those who knew what the pilgrimage ends in discouraged her from making the journey. Though the decision was difficult, and she felt it her duty to try and fight Sin, she listened to them in the end, and has continued her studies and training in Bevelle to one day take her place as needed. She serves as a healer to any who need aid, and she can perform ritual sendings.
She can often be found travelling around Spira, not only to perform sendings and to offer her services as healer, but also to intermingle and meet the residents of Spira. She feels it is part of her duty to visit as many cities, towns, and villages as she can, yet also enjoys meeting people in the hopes of making some new friends.
Luna is also an avid fan of Blitzball, and will attend matches as her time permits. She doesn’t know how to play, and feels she wouldn’t be coordinated enough to really get the moves down, but she loves to watch. (She claims the Bevelle Bells to be her favorite team, though they’ve long since retired; after that, she often finds the Kilika Beasts to be entertaining and fierce opponents.)
During the events of X-2, Luna has left Bevelle in the wake of its fall and continues her journey around Spira to perform sendings as needed while trying to find footing in the aftermath of the fall of Yevon.
Final Fantasy XII (available on request)
Luna was the princess of a seaside kingdom bordering the ever-expanding Archadian Empire. Theirs was a peaceful kingdom whose primary focus was the import and export of goods from across the ocean, including from distant parts of Rozarria where travel by sea was nearly as common as travel by air.
Though surrounded by the comforts of royal life, illness swept through the kingdom and killed many within, including her mother. The ports were temporarily shut down and all trade was closed until the plague was gone and the city cleaned. Luna was only about eight when this happened.
When she is older, they are once again attacked, this time by the Archadian Empire. This attack results in the loss of many lives, including Luna’s father. (Age here can be plotted.)
Terms of peace are offered thus: The Empire will cease hostilities so long as the kingdom is incorporated under Empire rule, and Luna would be married to the eldest Solider brother. With no choice but to accept or risk the loss of more of their people, the terms of surrender are accepted, and Luna is wed into the Solidor family.
(Plot dependent) In the wake of her husband’s murder, one of two things can be plotted to happen: Luna remains bound to the Solidor family and stays on as counsel and for political matters regarding her kingdom; or, her marriage into the family is then passed to Vayne in the hopes of one day producing an heir.
From here, Luna finds an escape within the resistance and joins the fight against the Empire.
Final Fantasy XIII (available on request)
Luna was born into a wealthy family whose name carried influence among others in the city of Palumpolum. When necessary, they were often sought after to influence a vote or draw attention to a political matter. At a young age, Luna became interested in learning the politics her parents were so invested in, and began pursuing a career in it while in school. At the age of sixteen, she began working in the offices as an intern until she finished her schooling, whereupon she received a full-time job. She worked hard and developed her own name within Cocoon’s government, following in the path of her parents’ name and the clout it carried.
As she grew into her role, Luna worked closely with Cid Raines and began to see how corrupt the government was under Fal’Cie rule. She joined his Cavalry and worked undercover to try and bring about the downfall of the Fal’Cie. Unbeknownst to her, along the way, Cid became a l’cie and used her in his plans to bring about the fall of Cocoon and the rise of Orphan.
Later, when Cid is turned to crystal and then revived, in the moments of lucidity when he asks Rygdea to kill him, he also asks hm to keep Luna safe and get her away from Barthandelus. After killing Cid, Rygdea keeps his promise and helps Luna get away. Together, they, along with Hope’s father Bartholomew, begin construction on the Academy where one day Hope begins his studies into the Paradoxes.
During the events of XIII-2, Luna can be found at the Academy. Her work primarily consists of public relations and taking care of the business side of things, but she spends what spare time she has researching Paradoxes alongside Hope to help in any way she can.
After the capturing of Hope and the fall of the Academy, Luna travels for a long time, traversing worlds in the hopes she can help figure out how to bring the world back to normal. Her travels result in few answers, but she researches many other phenomena, like the unborn children never growing, and the minds of the children who are stuck in young bodies. Eventually, she finds the Order who intend to use Vanille, and Luna becomes one of her protectors.
Kingdom Hearts
Luna doesn’t remember the destruction of Eos; she only remembers waking up in an unknown place, another world entirely, her family, friends, and even her enemies nowhere to be found. It’s explained to her where she is and what’s been happening, and while she understands what they tell her, she refuses to believe that Eos is destroyed and, quite possibly, everyone she knows gone. Feeling determined, she sets out to find them.
It isn’t learned until later that the Scourge she healed people of on Eos is another form of darkness that carried over with her into these other worlds, and that her heart has been heavily tainted with it. Each time she had healed someone, she was taking in their darkness in exchange for her light. There is still light in her heart, but continued healing could eventually result in a complete loss of it - though she believes that, so long as she believes and has hope, the light will never truly expire. She is warned, though, that if she should be completely overtaken, she could become a powerful puppet to those in control of the darkness.
Due to the amount of darkness residing within her, she can create weak portals between worlds using it with the understanding that she consumes a bit of darkness each time she does, giving it just a little more strength.
Throughout her travels between worlds, she becomes invested in the war between darkness and light, and will offer to heal those in dire need of help, knowing she does so at great personal risk, quite possibly to her very life. She also uses her magic for healing injuries, and fends of Heartless as best as she can with her trident, knowing that, without a keyblade, she is only temporarily driving them back.
Dissidia (During Dissidia NT) (available on request)
After the fall of Insomnia, Luna is weighed down with a heavy heart and a heavier burden: The ring of Lucis. She keeps it safely on her person as she treks to Altissia where she will give the ring to Noctis, allowing none to see it, none to know that it exists outside the ruins of Insomnia. She takes refuge in unassuming locations, and this fateful night finds her in a small inn off the main roads. Sleep is swift, though troubled, and riddled with nightmares.
When she wakes up, the inn is gone and she is in a place she does not recognize. A vast, dry land stretches before her, the earth cracked and littered only with rocks and perhaps the occasional hint of green struggling against the sunlight. Instinct has her searching for any hint as to where she is, though it isn’t until she is approached by someone who explains what’s happening that she starts to get any answers. (I have written that Cecil is the one who finds her, though this can be plotted differently.)
The summoning of her by Cosmos to bring her here begins the process of taking away her memories, yet what remains fades away the closer she gets to Cosmos. Soon, she is left with nothing but an imprint of who she is. Mannerisms, speech patterns, feelings, things ingrained so deeply through her life are all that remain. This causes a growing bitterness in Luna, an anger she keeps hidden away.
Plot dependent: Luna switches to the side of Chaos, most likely temporarily. In the wake of her anger taking her over, she leaves Cosmos’s champions to join Chaos. She cannot reconcile what has been done to her, to everyone who has been brought here, and though she is unwaveringly loyal, she feels as if they are all being exploited against their will, memories of their lives dangled before them as incentive to fight a war they have no personal stake in. Eventually, she will realize both sides have done the same thing, summoned people away from their homes to fight for these warring gods, and will go back to the side of Cosmos.
She can also be talked out of switching, if someone speaks to her and convinces her otherwise.
Mad Max
In a world torn apart by disease, Luna is one of few who is born pure and untouched by the sickness. As a child, she remains immune, never succumbing to the illness, staying as healthy as one can in such a world. The small bit of what has been labeled ‘Paradise’, Luna is sequestered away by The Chancellor, kept out of the eye of the people, the world, and the sun. She is protected and fed promises that her birth is a sign that she is going to help heal the world, that she must be kept safe and hidden away or others hearing of her purity will try to kidnap her. She is only allowed out once every 28 nights, under the light of the full moon, presented to the people as something to be praised.
For years, she believed the lies, clinging desperately to the Chancellor and the safety he promised her. Yet as she got older, the pull of the outside world called to her, and she began trying to escape. Her first several attempts failed, resulting in harsher punishments each time, until she is bound by a leather and chain collar to the wall of her room. The Chancellor promised her that it was for her own good, yet hatred began festering in her heart.
Eventually, with the help of her bodyguard Crowe, who betrays the Chancellor, she escapes. From here, it’s plot dependent.
Down the road, she comes to find out that The Chancellor was intending to sell her temporarily off to the highest bidders for her to bear them healthy children. Until this point, she has no idea of what he has in store for her, since his lies consist almost entirely of telling her that she will simply purify the world.
Off the coast of Wales in the Irish Sea is a small island kingdom known as Tenebrae, where the Fleuret royal family has lived for generations. With flourishing seaports, they are a hub for fishing and seafood exports, and carry with them a strong economic voice in the United Kingdom. In a bid for power, a commercial fishing company has been trying to partner with the Tenebraean royal family in an attempt to raise taxes on use of the ports. The royal family has refused for many years.
Using hired agents, the royal family is attacked with the intent to threaten them into compliance, but the King and Queen end up killed in the attack. Ravus is taken by the hired agents and fed lies about the political happenings within the kingdom. Luna, age twelve, was saved by members of the Kingsmen, who had intel that Tenebrae would be attacked and were undercover as public relations assistants to keep an eye on the family.
Knowing that the attackers may not stop until the entire family is dead and can no longer claim access to the small kingdom, the Kingsmen keep Luna under their care while she finishes school and proceeds on to college. Being exposed to even the surface of who they are, Luna quickly develops an interest and spends her extra time training to hopefully join their ranks one day. She learns combat, expands on what sword fighting she’d learned from the royal swordmaster, takes dance and gymnastics. At eighteen years old, when it comes time to go through their intensive application process, she gets to the final four, but doesn’t make it further.
However, she also took a great interest in their technology, and has been working under Guinevere, an agent who has been in Research and Development for several years. After not making it past the final four candidates, Luna finds a home working behind the scenes, assisting in creating the technology and gadgetry the agents use in the field.
At twenty-two years old, Luna finishes her bachelor’s in Information Technology and a minor in Weapons Engineering, and is also graduated to the role of Guinevere on the retiring of the previous one. While Luna doesn’t head the R&D department, she has come to have a large presence in the creation and testing of new designs of weaponry and information gathering. She can be used as a field agent when necessary, usually for recon missions.
Even now, years after taking on her role within the Kingsmen, Luna doesn’t know where her brother is, and keeps a constant eye on the state of Tenebrae, determined to see it in the hands of someone who will care for it as her family did, and not in the hands of the corporation still vying for political access.
Detroit: Become Human (WIP)
Luna and her brother, Ravus, grew up in London as the heirs to Fleuret Robotics, newly founded by their parents and passed to them in the wake of their parent’s deaths. Working with some of the best that England had to offer, they developed artificial intelligence at a steady pace, improving and pushing the boundaries of what was capable of their technology. They became the first company in England to develop a functioning robot.
However, their science is limited, and they can’t seem to break through the walls surrounding artificial intelligence. At best, they’ve created an ideal model of android for menial tasks, though it lacks the grace that comes with the more intelligent models created in America and Japan. Luna moves from England to Detroit and meets up with Elijah Kamski to try and work out a merger between their two companies. Eventually, CyberLife absorbs Fleuret Robotics, and they become a subsidiary that works mostly in the design and creation of the android models, as well as basic programming. Luna works more on the PR front, and becomes a spokeswoman that heads the more public side of business, attending press conferences and social events to promote CyberLife.
Luna helps design the early AX, PL, and EM models of android. She assists in making sure the upgrades are stable and the bodies will be suited to daily wear and tear without damage to the internal components and infrastructure, but ultimately, she does best when she’s on the publicity front lines. Though cybernetics and artificial intelligence have created a strong impact on society and are becoming more and more of a common occurrence, there is still strong bias against the implementation of androids for common use in the workforce. Luna spearheads many campaigns for awareness and open-mindedness, but has been on the receiving end of violence and death threats. Appearances are not made without a squad of security to protect her, usually one to stay close, and several others to intersperse among a crowd to keep a more distant watch.
At first, Luna strongly disagrees with the militaristic use of androids. To her, it’s a slippery slope of countries creating vast armies that will ultimately leave behind large piles of machines needing to be recycled, resulting in an endless loop of creation and destruction that, worst case, could cause the downfall of even talks of peace between countries. Eventually, she realizes that, so long as they’re regulated, android military units would cut down on the loss of human life in both domestic and international crime. Further on down the road, after the events at Jericho, Luna retires that way of thinking, realizing that sentient AI is as human as humans are.
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Updated FFVII and FFXII verses. As should be noted, Ravus is generally a background character/NPC unless plotted otherwise:
Luna and Ravus are the children of politicians with strong anti-Shin-Ra ideologies. They’ve spent years speaking out against the use of the Lifestream as an energy source and have garnered a rather large following around them. The Fleuret name carries quite some clout.
When Luna is 17, an attack on her parents’ lives leaves both of them dead. The attack is quiet and away from public eyes, and Luna and Ravus highly suspect Shin-Ra are the ones behind it. But there is little proof yet, and before they can start to amass any sort of theory, thinly veiled threats start coming from from President Shinra himself. (More on this later, but the President’s got a pretty heavy hand in keeping these two so quiet.)
Blackmail is so intense, and so dirty, Luna (at least) has almost no choice but to accept the forced position within the Shin-Ra company under the President’s watchful eye. It is made to look as if she is there willingly, much to the dissent and probably suspicion of many of her parents’ supporters. At first, many most likely believe her to be there by force somehow, but years pass and she is still there, and most come to accept that it is probably by choice.
Most of what she does keeps her from the public eye, staying within the company confines and idling through various departments. Throughout the years (between the time of Crisis Core and FFVII), Luna has worked as an assistant of sort for weapons development (as more of a liaison), investigative affairs (as something of a secretary, never quite getting involved with the Turks), and briefly in space exploration, until it is decided that her skills are better used in the politics she grew up in. She is then assigned a PR position in the Urban Development department to promote ideas of Neo-Midgar.
Her role within the company now sees her travelling to various cities under the watch of armed guards to keep her safe while she delivers speeches and performs all the social niceties to try and garner support for the new city. She’s encountered by a lot of hostility along the way, which she certainly understands.
(Plot dependent) After the murder of President Shinra, Luna is approached by Rufus to continue her work with them, or she takes the ensuing chaos within the company to slip away and make her way into disguises to join the fight against Shinra. 
This could be a way into Avalanche and other resistance groups, and opens the way for plotting
Luna was the princess of a seaside kingdom bordering the ever-expanding Archadian Empire. Theirs was a peaceful kingdom whose primary focus was the import and export of goods from across the ocean, including from distant parts of Rozarria where travel by sea was nearly as common as travel by air.
Though surrounded by the comforts of royal life, illness swept through the kingdom and killed many within, including her mother. The ports were temporarily shut down and all trade was closed until the plague was gone and the city cleaned. Luna was only about eight when this happened.
When she is older, they are once again attacked, this time by the Archadian Empire. This attack results in the loss of many lives, including Luna’s father. (Age here can be plotted.)
Terms of peace are offered thus: The Empire will cease hostilities  so long as the kingdom is incorporated under Empire rule, and Luna would be married to the eldest Solidor brother. With no choice but to accept or risk the loss of more of their people, the terms of surrender are accepted, and Luna is wed into the Solidor family.
(Plot dependent) In the wake of her husband’s murder, one of two things can be plotted to happen: Luna remains bound to the Solidor family and stays on as counsel and for political matters regarding her kingdom; or, her marriage into the family is then passed to Vayne in the hopes of one day producing an heir.
From here, Luna finds an escape within the resistance and joins the fight against the Empire.
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cathern31u04-blog · 7 years
Remove Excuses And Make A Dedication.
Short, call lens-free breaks look to create no general distinction to the complete size of time in a day that an individual can easily make use of delicate connect with lens, brand-new research study finds. I never ever make use of to count on incantation spreading in my whole life given that i certainly never presumed this will certainly function but i aimed to provide this man an odds as well as to my biggest unpleasant surprise, he did his work and also this produced a favorable outcome as well as i had the ability to obtain my other half back. So proceed: pause for water, a bathroom check out, a fast walk or extent, inspecting your phone for information ... the sky's the limit. This is actually the only reference from Jesus talking to a person to surrender all their wide range. There are actually no regulations for developing pop tunes- any mixture of verses and popular music (or even no music or no lyric) serves so long as completion product is memorable or intriguing good enough for somebody to see that! The aspect is that one from the tennis gamers must damage serves with confidence and also the second one performed it along with trouble, having actually succeeded some activities on break aspects. You obtained her fascinated, called her out of the blue, and also failed to provide any type of solid answers. She definitely would not stop (nagging/trying to modify me/was clingy/wouldn' t give me room) but I could not tell her that or she will possess burst into tears. Religion utilizes the story from Jesus telling the abundant younger ruler to go and also market each one of his ownerships and also offer the proceeds to the unsatisfactory as well as happen follow Him (Jesus). I only need to know what to perform to quit this horrible curse/hex so I can easily return on course once again. I am actually certainly not saying you won't receive cravings the moment you make a decision to cease smoking cigarettes yet the desires in my situation were normally associated with certain behaviors. For varied web material composing deals, provide our team a phone call or even contact our pro board of one-of-a-kind content article writers. Incidentally, when I first came to this city I had been requesting for Resource to provide me a sign. That quite strong spell wheel STOP THE SEPARATION - and receive my ex lover boyfriend back. One act alone could transform your whole break up and also most ladies can not visualize performing this. You need to inform your ex lover sweetheart that you think the split is actually the best trait for both of you. 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Our company must wake up and also recognize that we need to be in management from our own serendipity, certainly not waiting for the federal government to bail us our or give us a handout in the form of Social Safety benefits. It gives me a breather off my chaotic schedule and allows me time to reassess the work I have actually done and also the job I must do in the future. The lure for meals as well as to crack swift as well as start all over once more was actually quite genuine for me. I continuously felt food cravings pangs and also my mind only maintained slipping into pictures of my preferred foods items. Perhaps you check out variation tied markets as well as field just with a break coming from balance, or business merely on the second try at such a break. The type of miracle where someone will provide me a rest that would get me on a better course. 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0 notes
darkblessed · 2 years
@viilein sent: ❝ you’ve had to kill people before, haven’t you? you’re used to it. ❞
there's a stiffness to his shoulders that makes him pause in cleaning the blood from his hands. the plains stretch out beyond them and this riverside they've managed to find to clean up at, and his fingers twitch.
there are threats in darkon besides undead -- bandits, mercenaries cut loose from their obligations, and men who have gone mad with the mists.
he shakes the water from his hands and sits back on his heels, letting his sleeves drag down over his arms again to cover the scarring that victor has only just seen for the first time -- crossing markings up to his elbows and beyond, inflicted by all manner of torture.
he smooths the fabric down and sighs -- what was the point of hiding it when victor saw him take the men down with a precision a normal holy man would never carry himself with?
" i have. i taught myself to fight -- and certain people took note of it and made me very good at it. it doesn't bother you, does it? "
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darkblessed · 2 years
what if - hear me out - what if enebish's lady's offer of peace works as a sort of dam, holding off some of his memory so it doesn't flood him immediately when they get to martira bay. but his memory is tied to his abilities. and as they're being pursued by vampires he's had to reach for more of it, until eventually to save enebish he'll have to ask her for that last piece of memory and fully return to being a devil to fight off the vampire horde ...
oh, children. you walk into a den of beasts.
it's a lingering thought in the back of enebish's mind, the way many of his lady's words tend to, and it means he's counting the prayer beads around his wrist as the cart they've hailed carries them into martira bay. truly, it's a beautiful place, with water shining into the far distance under white cliffs hanging over the edge of the bay.
the prayers don't help when vespin is woken by the sound of struggle, of blood spilled and enebish dragged away in the night. it's a whisper that lingers at the edges of vespin's mind, no matter how tightly he clutches the ring of mind shielding.
( the ring doesn't help here. the darklord's hold on memory is tenuous here, like water through fingers, and those taken are returning soon. )
it comes first as a trickling of heat, the urge to call fire to his fingertips instead of reaching for the flask at his hip. the vampire that snarls at vespin cowers at the sight of flames that flicker green and black like something vile.
it is through her caged fingers that things come back in droplets rather than the rush of a tide.
( the smell of a wizard's scriptorium, with ink and paper and magic. it's a spell circle flaring brighter than the sun and the feel of celestial gold corroding under his palm. it's fire, brimstone, and a flash of a smile with sharp, sharp teeth. )
she whispers apologies. she cares for all things, but in the end, she cares most for her children. enebish, sweet-hearted as he is, does not show people often that she is an aspect of vengeance as well.
you, who hate our kin. i ask you be my blade, just this once. i will make the returning as gentle as i can in return.
the stronghold is a place underground, flourishing in the literal underbelly of martira bay. here, people who parade the crest of the dark lord's secret police wander. here, many of them are turned to creatures of the night.
enebish lies motionless when vespin comes upon him on this rampage of a rescue. the reason is clear -- a thorny vine blooming with broad, blood-red flowers is wound up his arm and looped almost possessively around his throat, twisted tight enough the thorns dig in.
whatever monster awaits him when he opens his eyes, he reaches with a bloodied, shaking hand, laying it along vespin's forearm quietly as he struggles to clutch onto consciousness.
" thank. . .you. "
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darkblessed · 2 years
it should have been a simple thing. victor slept soundly most nights, curled up beneath the furs they had purchased at their last stop, and his construct stood at the edge of their camp. it barely took note of enebish when the cleric slipped away from the edge of the dying campfire.
there were bandits on the road. they had been accosted twice in their trek towards viaki, the men driven away by a show of magic and a flash of victor's capabilities.
getting their attention again, just a ways up the road, isn't hard -- nor is it hard to spill the blood he's looking for. one man escapes and the other lets enebish finally glut the beast that's been begging him to sink his teeth into something.
what he's not expecting is the shape of the lamplight that marks victor's approach. he jolts upright, pulling his arm up over his face, and clears his throat.
the beast inside him laughs. the other inner voice thrashes in panic.
" victor? "
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darkblessed · 2 years
so my verses are updated on my carrd. this is me wrangling tags.
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darkblessed · 2 years
wake up in a new life by the seaside. / traveler verse.
expanded verse of enebish ending up in a new place after leaving the dread realms behind. flexible for whatever setting (forgotten realms or exandria) and will mostly consist of enebish traveling as a cleric offering services of a forgotten god to the people who need the help. still quietly keeps his vampirism secret, though strange happenings begin if he ever settles in a place for too long.
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