#okay i replied to this bc i couldnt stop myself so. heres these two.
darkblessed · 2 years
@viilein / cont.
it’s funny, this weakness of his. vampires as typically known burned in the sun, cowered from the radiance of a cleric and shrieked when the light touched their skin. he was what another vampire he knew called a daywalker, an envious term that laid out what he could do: stand beneath the dawn and feel nothing but the warmth on his back.
his weakness was something more mundane, something so simple it was laughable. their trek had taken them eastward, towards a small town complaining of a nauseating stench over the entire town (it was enebish’s insistence, this time, to seek it out. ‘ for my monster hunting notes,’ he said.)
the source had been an enormous plant growing from a mass grave of victims of the zombies that roamed the countryside of darkon. taking it down with victor’s fire had been easy, but not before it had landed three terrible lashes of wide tendrils across enebish’s torso. his armor and shield had brunted the worst of the blows, but the last one had come down on his weapon arm and the poison leaking from the vines burned into his skin like it was actively eating him.
his magic did not come when called, because they had been on their feet for too long to bring the spells to fruition. he’s tired. the poison makes him even more tired. victor talks about the unreliability of the gods and enebish turns his head up to catch the fire in victor’s gaze.
“ my weakness keeps me mortal. i didn’t ask for this immortality, you know. ”
he pulls his arm back to press a hand to where the potion sinks into his skin, watching the flesh try and fail to knit itself back together. he needed a meal and some sleep first.
“ i don’t tend to ask big questions like who the gods are or how dare they act the way they do. i’ll never know -- how they think isn’t how we think. all i know is she spoke to me and asked of me a duty and i’ve carried that duty. ”
he shrugs with one shoulder, the one on the uninjured side, when victor asks what he’s still holding onto.
“ i don’t know. i just am. perhaps i’m just stubborn the same way you are whenever you refuse to let me heal your eye. it’s just a piece of myself that i’ve decided to hang onto. her voice is my voice. ”
he looks to the vial before he sighs.
“ i won’t be opposed to learning to neutralize the poison, considering how much it eats me away, but i’m not giving up my clerical work. ”
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cloudcountry · 1 year
SUMMARY: The Octatrio takes you to the ocean, where you explore a shipwreck with them!!
WARNINGS: Jade & Floyd being slightly threatening? They imply that they'll drown you lol sillies.
COMMENTS: i had this in the works for like a week and i really like how it turned out!! (i'm especially fond of the floyd parts hehe) THERES ALSO SOME DEUCE CONTENT BC I COULDNT HELP MYSELF but thats only in the beginning wahhwawah ANYWAYS i hope ygys like this one!!!!!!!! im excited to hear what you all think!!!!!!!!
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You slowly unfasten your arms from around Deuce’s waist as the blastcycle skids to a stop. Vehicles in Twisted Wonderland are still incredibly hard to get used to, even though you’ve been here for longer than you want to think about.
“Thanks for the ride.” you lean back, swinging your legs over the side with a smile, “I appreciate it.”
“Ah…no problem.” Deuce replies, eyes darting from the seemingly empty shoreline to you, “Just…if anything happens, call me. Okay?”
You sigh, touched by his concern. Lifting your hand, you extend your pinkie to him. He wraps his pinkie around yours, and when you whisper that you promise, he nods and lets you go.
“Thank you,” Deuce whispers.
It’s nice having people who want to protect you.
He drives off and you wave, even though his back is turned to you and it wouldn’t be safe for him to wave back. Once the roaring engine has faded completely, you turn your attention to the beach. There’s a set of wooden stairs leading down to the bay, and you take them down. The sand feels warm and inviting, and you kick your shoes off without a second thought. It’s odd, your three companions should be here by now, but you don’t question it too much. Those three do what they want when they want to, and there’s no telling what they decided to do today.
You spend a few minutes swiping at the sand, collecting a small pile of pretty shells. It’s a modest collection, nothing to write home about, but the childish act alone fills you with a glee you haven’t felt in quite a long time.
Perhaps Azul was right. A trip to the sea really might be all you need.
“Hello, angelfish.” a familiar voice croons from behind you.
You turn and barely manage to contain your surprise when you see Azul in casual shorts and a shirt. Although it’s plenty warm outside, the mental image you have of him always wears a suit. It’s a nice change.
“Hello, Azul.” you smile, and take the hand he extends to you.
A kiss that burns hotter than the sun is pressed to the back of your hand. Your arms fall back to your side far too soon.
“I do hope you’ll enjoy this little trip I’ve planned.” he muses, turning his attention to the water, “There’s a shipwreck a little ways from here that Floyd and Jade wanted to explore, you see. Bad things happen when I don’t indulge those two.”
Something tells you that you are also part of that indulgence.
“Where are they?” you ask, scanning the wide expanse of golden sand, “I didn’t see them when I arrived.”
“Ah…” Azul winces and shakes his head, pointing a single finger toward the water.
You turn just in time to see two pairs of glowing eyes peeking up from the water. They’re gone in an instant, and if it wasn’t for Azul’s uneasiness you would have thought you imagined it.
“They’re very sneaky, aren’t they?” you murmur.
Azul nods.
You shake your head, mimicking Azul’s earlier actions. Except you decide to take the route the three of them probably wouldn’t expect.
And so you start walking towards the water.
Azul sucks in air through his teeth and grabs your arm as if warning you not to go.
“It’ll be fine.” you turn back to him and pat his hand, offering him the most reassuring smile you can manage, “If Floyd gets a little too rambunctious and forgets that I can’t breathe underwater, I’ll have you to stop them.”
Azul hesitates but lets you go. He does follow you though, which is rather endearing.
It’s nice having people who want to protect you.
Once you reach the water, you start to sink into the sand. You keep walking until it’s reached your knees. There isn’t any sign of them, but you’re sure Floyd will ambush you sooner or later. You start moving again, eventually wading into the deeper part of the shoreline. Azul watches you apprehensively.
Something brushes your foot.
You can’t help but jerk, but the ticklish sensation makes you laugh.
Someone pinches your thigh, and you swat at them.
There’s a swarm of bubbles that surrounds you, and for a second you swear you can see a tail flick out of the water before a giant merman jumps out of the water and body slams you into the waves.
“Shrimpy!” Floyd cheers, squashing your faces together and splashing salt water everywhere.
“Hi, Floyd.” you giggle as he digs his webbed fingers into your sides.
“My my. No greeting for me?” Jade pouts, resting his chin on your other shoulder, “You’re so heartless, Pearl.”
“You didn’t even give me a chance!” you laugh, running your fingers through their hair, “Hello, Jade. I’m very happy to see the two of you.”
“Will you two be more gentle with them!?” Azul hollers, a sour look on his face, “They haven’t taken the potion yet, so you should be cautious!”
Floyd sinks into the water and blows annoyed bubbles. Jade just smiles serenely, making no move to leave your side. Azul groans loudly, exasperated.
“Azul, it’s okay.” you call, slowly making your way towards the shoreline with two mermen in tow, “If I didn’t want them here, I wouldn’t have come into the water.”
“Well, there you have it.” Jade smiles triumphantly, wrapping his tail around your leg, “The Little Pearl doesn’t mind one bit, do they Floyd?”
“Yeah, Jade. They don’t mind at all.” Floyd grins menacingly, wrapping his tail around your other leg.
“Guys, I need those.” you remind them gently, and they begrudgingly let you go.
It’s funny how they listen to you and not the man they call boss (who is still fuming on the shoreline.)
You clamber out of the water with the grace of a crab as Jade and Floyd continue to pinch at your legs. You’re only safe when Azul catches you in his arms, lips pursed and hair tousled from the wind.
“What’s this potion I’m supposed to take?” you ask, paying no mind to the splash of water that hits you in the shins.
“Ah. It’s a water breathing potion.” Azul hums, clearly proud of himself, “I brewed it myself, so rest assured, it will work. The potion allows you to breathe and see underwater with minimal difficulty. Your payment for the potion will be assisting us in collecting artifacts and such from the shipwreck I mentioned previously.”
You have a feeling that all that meant was your payment is spending time with us.
You suppose they are rather lonely, with their reputations and all. Azul especially, with that sensitive heart of his.
“Okay,” you say softly, following him as he leads you to a neat row of duffel bags. He leans down and unzips the one with a cute little octopus charm and produces a purple glass bottle. The cork is shaped like a clam shell, and you marvel at how pretty of a bottle it is for only a few seconds before you look at Azul.
The sea is dangerous, you remind yourself. But these three will protect you.
“Now, I will not be joining you.” Azul declares, taking out a book from the same duffel bag, “So you may go with Jade and Floyd.”
He plops down in the sand, opens the book, and ends the conversation.
You must have stood there for far too long because Azul looks up at you over the rim of his glasses as if you’re the one doing something weird.
“Come on Azul!” Floyd yells from the sea, “Shrimpy doesn’t care!”
“Indeed. And you were so excited about this trip, too. I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to come.” Jade sighs, shaking his head in disappointment, “There’s nothing to be done about it, I suppose. It looks like we’ll be getting the pretty little pearl all to ourselves, won’t we, Floyd?”
“Oooh, yeah!” Floyd beams, tongue flicking out between his sharp teeth, “All to ourselves, Jade.”
You see Azul’s eyebrow twitch.
Floyd groans, seemingly annoyed at Azul’s lack of reaction, and shifts his targeted jeers to you.
“Shrimpy! I can tell you why Azul doesn’t want to go!” Floyd yells, flailing his arms around, “He doesn’t want you to see his merform! He’s super squishy and slow!”
“Now, now. That’s rude, Floyd.” Jade chastises his brother, but his smile lets you know that he’s getting a kick out of this too.
“Well, that’s a good thing, right?” you turn back to look at Azul and kneel next to him, “I won’t be a fast swimmer either, Azul. Not as fast as Jade or Floyd. It’d be nice to hang back with someone.”
Azul says nothing.
You block out Floyd’s jeering and focus on him.
“Hey.” you whisper, “If you want to come along, you can. Don’t let me stop you. I promise I won’t judge how you look, hell I won’t even look at you if you don’t want me to. But I’d really like it if you came—”
“That is out of the question.” Azul says curtly, pushing his glasses up his nose.
You hesitate, debating if leaving him here would make him more comfortable.
Except you know Azul. And you know if he doesn’t join you three on this trip, he’ll regret it.
“Listen, Azul.” you murmur, keeping your tone gentle and firm, “I want to go with you. It won’t be the same without you. So if you want to come, you should. I don’t want to leave without you.”
Azul hesitates, and you know you’re getting through to him.
“So come on!” you place a hand on his shoulder and smile reassuringly, “It wouldn’t be fun without you. Who else is going to teach me about all the different coins you can find?”
“Gahh, fine!” Azul snaps his book shut and tucks it back into his duffel bag, hands shaking, “You run a hard bargain, my dear.”
You laugh, and your heart feels light. You lead Azul to the water and turn away as he prepares to transform. You hear a soft splash and you pop the cork off the pretty glass bottle. Tipping it back, the contents spill past your lips and down your throat. Not wanting to be messy, You place the cork back on and put the bottle on a nearby rock. A slimy hand reaches for you, and you turn to see Jade smiling up at you. Floyd is a little ways away, bouncing around in the water like he can’t wait for you to enter. 
Azul is nowhere to be seen, but that’s okay. You can only hope he’ll feel more comfortable as the trip goes on.
”Come on, Shrimpy!” Floyd yells, and that's all the encouragement you need to take Jade's hands and let him drag you into the water.
And he coaxes you into the smooth waves, just like a siren. His eyes certainly glow like he’s hypnotizing you, but you’re certain his beauty is enough to have the same effect.
Once your head is submerged, you open your eyes. Instead of the sharp pain you expect to feel from opening your eyes in the salty water, you’re able to see clearly. Jade’s still holding your hand as he drags you deeper, tail swishing as he darts around coral. You try your best to follow him as you cut through the water, and you know if it wasn’t for the care he puts into making sure you’re not getting scraped on the rough outcrops of coral, you surely would have been injured already.
Floyd swims down from up above and snatches you from his brother in the blink of an eye. You’re pressed into a slick, pale chest as Floyd bears his teeth playfully, swimming farther up.
“No fair, hogging Shrimpy all to yourself.” Floyd grumbles, clutching you against him like a prized catch.
“Now, now. No need to get aggressive.” Jade hums, swimming up to meet Floyd, “They were very much enjoying themselves with me, weren’t you?”
You’re saved from the growing conflict between the brothers by Azul, who pokes his head out from a small cavern in the coral.
“Our goal is to get to the shipwreck, not mess around.” Azul chastises him, and you marvel at the parts of him you can see (which just so happens to be his face and the upper part of his chest.)
He really is beautiful.
“Yes, boss.” Floyd smiles lazily, flicking his tail at him before swimming off with you in tow.
Jade smiles but says nothing as he follows after his brother, who decides to take a small detour. He spins you around a coral spire as if he’s dancing, holding your hands as you spin. His grin is toothy and wide, and his laughter rings clear even in the water, eyes shimmering as if reflecting the sun. He twirls you around like a dancer, and the water fans around you like a costume. It makes you feel like a performer, gorgeous and renowned, and you find yourself grateful for Floyd’s adventurous spirit.
“You see that, Shrimpy?” Floyd giggles, halting mid-dance to swim closer to the coral reef, “It’s you!”
You swim a bit closer, using Floyd’s hand as an anchor to keep yourself close to him. There’s a small shrimpy fluttering through the crevices, skittering across the coral-like an underwater insect.
“Do I really look like that to you?” you tease, shooting Floyd a doubtful look.
“Sure ya do! You’re tiny and you scitter around and you’d probably taste really yummy.” he teases.
He bites just beside your ear and you swat at him. Floyd laughs and swims circles around you, jabbing you with his hands and poking you with his tail. He’s more touchy than usual, you think, and it makes you want to hold him too.
The next time he circles you, you latch onto his tail. Floyd shrieks and flings his you through the water, shooting you towards the coral reef with his pure strength.
“Only shrimps this tall get to ride for free!” He holds his hand up just a few centimeters taller than you and sticks his tongue out.
“Only eels this tall get to receive hugs from shrimpies.” you say, holding your hand just a bit higher than him.
Floyd swims upward and bonks into your hand, looking very proud of himself. You hug him as he takes you the rest of the way to the shipwreck.
It’s a towering thing, made almost entirely of wood. There’s a gaping hole in one of the sides, and you assume that’s how it sank. Floyd giggles and you realize your mouth is gaping in shock. You slam it shut, embarrassed.
Jade and Azul are already examining items they found in the sand, Jade swishing around in the open water while Azul hides most of his body in another crevice. There’s a small treasure chest by Jade’s tail, full of coins and what looks like paper—?
You’ll have to ask them about that.
“It certainly took you long enough.” Jade chuckles.
Azul acknowledges you two with a curt nod as he sorts through coins that look older than Trein. He’s far too deep in his element to engage in pleasantries, you think.
“Floyd, I found some well preserved musical records.” Azul says mildly, handing Floyd a book that seems completely dry without sparing him a glance.
Floyd positively lights up and tears the book out of Azul’s hands, flipping through the pages that are indeed dry.
“Old merfolk spells.” Jade explains, smiling at your surprised expression, “We find paper books fascinating, you see. If the pages are protected by leather and metals they last underwater for quite a bit of time. We had to preserve them somehow.”
“That is fascinating.” you breathe, and Jade chuckles.
He grabs your hand and you turn to him questioningly. He gestures towards the large ship, towering over your little group. You gape at the structure again, and Jade laughs at your facial expression. The hole in the side of the ship looks just big enough for someone to enter it, and you find yourself wondering how it got there again.
Now that you think about it, the hole could have been made after the ship sank.
“Shall we?’ Jade murmurs, pressing a guiding hand to your lower back.
You let him lead you into the shipwreck, but he doesn’t allow you to enter until he’s checked the floor you’re on thoroughly.
“It’s all clear, my pearl.” he offers you his hand again, and you take it.
The second you’re inside, you break free from Jade’s grasp and swim around the room. There’s a collection of silverware in a rickety old cabinet. There’s an old chest that’s cracked open, and you can see scraps of paper peeking out from their age-old prison, suspended in the water. There’s an armchair with an intricately woven cushion, one of its armrests broken off.
Jade watches as you dart around the room, silently following you as you glance from item to item. You know he must think it’s amusing that you can be so enraptured by your own kind. He can’t blame you, though. Humans have always fascinated him, and you’re well aware he’s aware of you indulging him on many occasions.
Many people would be frightened if Jade Leech examined them so closely. You are not one of those people.
“Jade.” you whisper, swimming over to him with curiosity in your eyes, “Is this an old terrarium?”
Oh, you can tell that piques his interest. You point to a dark corner of the ship to a small table and a tiny, house-like structure. It’s made of some type of fibrous material, and two glass panes extend diagonally from the rectangular base. Jade swims over, gently taking the structure in his hands and peeking inside. His sharpened teeth glint in the slivers of sunlight as he beams, cradling the discovery as though it was worth more than all the gold Azul was sorting outside.
“Yes, it is.” he murmurs, voice soft as he coaxes you forward, “Humans didn’t care so much about how pretty terrariums were as long as they were functional. I’ve heard many merpeople talk about how boring these terrariums in particular are as a result of their lack of stained glass, but I can’t help but find this style charming.”
“Sometimes being functional is better.” you agree.
Jade gazes upon you with a softness he does not normally display. It makes your heart take a little tumble in your chest.
Jade opts to take the terrarium with him, and the two of you bounce ideas of what to put in the container back and forth. At one point you bring up taking some coral and sea floor rocks for decor, and Jade perks up like you’ve just reinvented the world of terrariums.
“I’ve been so fascinated by your world that I forgot about the beauties of mine.” he murmurs, lifting a silver knife to examine it, “Say, what do you think about using this knife as a plant marker?”
“You could carve the name of the plant in the handle.” you muse, and Jade nods with a wide smile.
“You have a fascinating mind.” he places a hand on your head, scratching gently at your scalp, “It makes me want to explore you, too.”
You feel your face grow warm in the chilly water.
With your suggestion in mind, Jade begins collecting the various plates and silverware he can find, debating how he can use each bit of his treasures. You watch him for a while as he darts around, storing the items you used every day in his terrarium as though it was a precious treasure chest.
“Isn’t there a story about how the mermaid princess believed that a fork was a comb?” you ask as he picks up a golden fork, “I think Floyd told me that one.”
“So he does pay attention.” Jade chuckles, turning his gaze to you, “Yes, indeed. She was so excited upon seeing one at the prince’s dinner table that she snatched it right up and began vigorously brushing her hair. As you can imagine, the prince was very confused.”
“That would have hurt her scalp pretty bad.” you murmur, furrowing your brow, “But she had the right idea, I suppose.”
Jade laughs, and you feel proud that you were the cause.
“Jaaaade!” Floyd pokes his head in and beams when he sees you, “Have you gone down to the bottom floor yet? Azul says there's a lot of fun stuff down there.”
“I haven’t.” Jade says mildly, “We’ve been having a grand time up here, you see. I daresay I got a bit distracted.”
Floyd sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry, but with the unparalleled length of his tongue, it looks incredibly odd. You barely manage to stifle a laugh, and Floyd beams as though he’s just won a prize.
“C’mon, Shrimpy!” Floyd cackles, darting forward and snatching you up into his arms, “Let’s go explore!”
You’re surprised when Jade follows the two of you down to the deeper levels of the shipwreck. You expected him to continue perusing the selection of silverware, but instead he clutches his terrarium in his arms and swims after you and his brothers. Floyd’s chattering away about how you aren’t going to believe what’s on the lower deck and how it’d shock your poor shrimpy heart to death if you were alone. He giggles and wraps himself around you, covering your eyes as he leads you into an open space.
“Look, Shrimpy.” Floyd murmurs right next to your ear, peeling his hands away from your face, “Look at all those weapons.”
Floyd’s not wrong, this would be a rather creepy sight if you were alone. There are two long rows of cannons, each one covered in seaweed and coated in a strange green film. The seaweed reaches out for you in the water, almost as if they’re composed of dead souls that yearn for vengeance. Jade swims out into the room and swats away the seaweed as it clings to his tail. Floyd leads you after his brother and giggles when you shy away from the plant, hating the way it feels against your skin.
“Shying away from a little seaweed, Shrimpy?” Floyd hisses, playfully swatting at the tendrils that reach out to you, “Don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine.”
You’re relieved when you reach the end of the hallway.
Jade carefully examines a wad of mud that bulges from the opening of a nearby cannon, sediments peeking out from the sludge. Floyd busies himself with darting up and down the aisle, laughing and flipping around in the water. You let him drag him with you, and slowly get used to the texture of the rough seaweed clinging to your legs. Floyd twirls you dramatically and dips you, proclaiming loudly that dancers always do this in those silly little human movies, taking the opportunity to snap at your ear again.
He seems amused when you still don’t flinch.
“Floyd, don’t tease them.” Jade calls, a devious grin on his face, “We wouldn’t want them getting cold feet now.”
“I dunno, Jade. I think their feet are already pretty cold.” Floyd giggles, poking the bottom of your foot with the edge of his tail, “Cold as ice.”
Your toes flex at the ticklish sensations. They certainly do like finding all your weak spots, don’t they?
“We should warm them up, don’t you think?” Jade quips, tilting his head innocently.
“Maybe we shouuuuuld.” Floyd hisses, running his claws down the length of your arm.
They must see how your face twitches because they laugh and close in on you. What teases they are, whispering things to you like that. Just when it seems like they’re going to give you one of their famous squeezes, they stop.
“C’mon, Shrimpy. Let’s get you back up to the surface.” Floyd snatches up your wrist and yanks you so hard you’re certain he almost popped your arm from its socket.
Jade grabs your other hand, much more gently, and curls his fingers through the gaps in yours. You let them pull you upwards, powerful tails cutting through the water and they propel you up and out of the structure. Azul is nowhere to be found, and you must look confused at his absence because Jade squeezes your hand. You turn to him and he offers you a calm smile.
“Don’t worry, Azul is back on land. He’s had his fill of being seen for today.”
He doesn’t want you to see him in that form more than you already have.
“That’s okay.” you murmur, “He’s done more than enough already. I’m proud of him.”
“I’m certain he’ll appreciate the understanding.” Jade smiles his closed-eyed smile and nods.
The trip back is full of the same coral reefs, the same tails twining between your legs and curling around your waist, the same laughter from Floyd and quips from Jade. There’s a bittersweet feeling that wells up in your chest as you reach the shoreline again, knowing you likely won’t be back here for quite a while. Despite the rumors that the students of NRC spun about the Leech brothers, they weren’t nearly as dastardly as they usually were. You wonder if it has something to do with the joy of exploring a ship, of being in their element, of being able to talk about things they like.
“If you two want to talk about the things you like, I’d be happy to listen.” you say.
The Leech brothers share a look, one that seems as though they’re communicating without words. They turn back to you and smile, Jade’s grin is far less toothy than Floyd’s but just as happy.
“Keep talking like that and we’ll have to drag you down into the depths and keep you to ourselves.” Jade murmurs, eyes flashing, “Won’t we, Floyd?”
“Ohhh, yeah.” Floyd giggles, “Jade’s right. Who knows what’ll happen, hmm?”
You laugh and shake your head, to which Jade chuckles.
Your head bursts from the water and you stumble onto the warm sand, where you see Azul sitting in front of three treasure chests. His brow is furrowed as he hunches over the coins, sorting them by year. You decide to sit beside him as the Leech brothers continue to swim. At some point, you hear Floyd slam his entire body into the water, and shriek as Jade slams into the water and pushes an even bigger wave back at him.
“Did you have fun today?” you whisper to Azul.
“I did, yes. I haven’t gotten the chance to explore a shipwreck since enrolling in NRC.” he pushes his glasses up his nose, and they make a soft clicking noise, “I found many more coins for my collection. I’m pleased.”
“I’m glad.” you say, and you don’t say anything else because there’s no need.
You do, however, find yourself splashing back into the water when Floyd calls your name a little while later.
You’re glad you came.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Pulling Leaves Off Trees, Chapter 1: Been Through the Wringer a Couple Times (Multi) - Sportkuras
c’est bon: damnnn
c’est bon: wait. jan isnt your apartment near shea’s
human girl: @jansport spill
Jan could feel her stomach drop as she looked at the message.
“Oh, goddamn it.”
Or: The girls try to survive college, and everything else that comes with almost being an adult.
A/N: my first fic here on artificialqueens! i noticed that arent many college au’s and group chat fics of the s12 cast so i let myself be self-indulgent for once!! its unbeta’d so apologies lmao but you can talk to me here and you can find the ao3 link here! comment if you’d like!
Jan started her morning like almost every college student in their third year would: to be woken up by their alarm after a night of heavy drinking. She woke up with a start and groaned as Chromatica II started blaring from her phone, blindly reaching for it on her nightstand and peering at the time.
Damn. One in the afternoon, huh?
“Thank god I don’t have class today.” The blonde muttered as she checked her notifications: 7 from Twitter, 3 from Insta, and 1 from their group chat. She sat up from her bed and scrolled through the chat, trying to quell her pounding headache.
Bon Voy
Members: jaidaessencehall, heidininacloset, jansport, jackiecox, gigigoode, crystalmethyd, britafilter, dahliasin, nickydoll, aidenzhane, and widowvondu
lebron essence ball: okay so
lebron essence ball: me and shea are at the library rn and she’s complaining to me abt how she couldnt sleep right
lebron essence ball: and chile….it was bc someone was getting RAILED last night lmaooo
lebron essence ball: she said, and i quote, “the bitch had such a good time even I’M jealous”
c’est bon: damnnn
c’est bon:wait. jan isnt your apartment near shea’s
human girl: @jansport spill
human girl: also
human girl: feels weird that we didn’t start this day with a good morning announcement from jan
c’est bon: the vibes were off 😞
Jan could feel her stomach drop as she looked at the message, “Oh, goddamn it.” She’s now acutely aware of their apartment door opening and Rock’s footsteps padding from outside her room, most likely just coming home from her class. She suddenly remembered exactly what happened last night; most especially memories of what happened between her and her roommate . Memories of them being drunk as hell, coming back to their apartment from god knows how many bars, going to Jan’s room giggling like teenagers on a sleepover and well. You know.
Jan checked her phone again.
lebron essence ball: jannette….would you happen to know who was the lucky gal? 👀
backpack backpack: good morning to you too gigi 🙄
human girl: *Afternoon, actually
human girl: Now spill! I know you know almost everyone on that floor.
She pinched the bridge of her nose. How in the hell was she gonna say that her and Rock got drunk and hooked up as casually as possible? She could lie, but Jaida, Brita and Widow could smell bullshit coming from a mile away, and she’s a horrible liar. They’d know she was bluffing.
Might as well get it over it. She let out a sigh as she typed out a message, hoping that it was only Jaida, Nicky and Gigi who were online.
backpack backpack: haha yeah so um
backpack backpack: that was me & rock actually
Even though no one could see her, Jan hid her face behind her hands, bracing for the worst. Several dings!  had come from her phone as soon as she sent the message. Of course it wasn’t only Jaida, Nicky and Gigi who were online.
cox destroyers: Oh my god.
Jan’s eyes widened when she saw Jackie reply, although she’s not quite sure why she was panicking about Jackie knowing about her hook up with Rock in the first place. All she knows is that she’s gonna have to face Jackie (and everyone else, for that matter,) later.
sin city: ohhh bitch—
c’est bon: you and ROCK???
dom top: !!!
dom top: idk who Rock is but get it sister
backpack backpack: Thank you! Thank you, Heidi. It’s like you’re the only one who’s not acting weird right now.
c’est bon: lmao heidi
c’est bon: she’s jans roommate
human girl: Janice Elizabeth Sport.
von du for two: not this shit again i swear to god
tap water: Jan.
tap water: You know that I love you
Jan rolled her eyes at the messages, wanting the ‘news’ to be over as soon as possible. “And they say I’m the dramatic one.” She huffed as she quickly typed on her phone again.
backpack backpack: okay can y’all chill 🙄
backpack backpack: we just got drunk and slept together, that’s all.
backpack backpack: tell shea im sorry though xxxx @jaidaessencehall
lebron essence ball: bitch you know it ain’t about having a drunk hookup with someone
lebron essence ball: its about the fact that you banged your roommate AGAIN
backpack backpack: oh COME ON
backpack backpack: this was just the second time!!
backpack backpack: and lemon’s with priyanka now!!!
von du for two: girl you & lemon were fucking almost every week i can’t with u
von du for two: going at it like rabbits while we were outside your apartment getting ready to watch glee :/
tap water: and, frankly, i don’t want to come up to your apartment to run lines with you if i have to hear y’all fooling around. my good, christian ears have heard enough.
She felt her face heat up in embarrassment.
backpack backpack: oh my god can you guys please shut up!!!!
backpack backpack: it’s not gonna happen again bc it was a one time thing
backpack backpack: i promise
human girl: [dwayne the rock johnson voice] are you sure about that?
backpack backpack: yes georgina goode i am 100% sure
Jan bit her lip as she looked up at the door to her room. Okay, she’s not 100% sure, but not because she regretted it or anything. As much as her brain was allowing her to remember, last night was good. Great, even. But between auditions, college, and working in the café, her love life (or lack thereof) is on pause for now. Besides, it’s not like anyone has been actively pursuing her, or vice versa.
But it wouldn’t hurt to ask Rock, right?
Sighing in defeat, Jan quickly got up from her bed with her phone still in her hand (as much as her hangover allowed her), left her room and knocked on her roommates door, hoping that she wasn’t busy. She heard a faint “come in!” from the other side and opened the door softly.
“Hey, roomie.” She joked.
Rock looked up from her drawing tablet and slipped off the headphones from her ears. “Glad to see you’re finally awake, and here I thought you were a morning person.” Rock’s room was a mess of color and paraphernalia; while Jan’s was strictly purple, pop culture, and musical theater, hers was an array of figurines and albums on the shelves, kpop & anime posters tacked on the wall behind her bed reaching up to the ceiling, and a somewhat decent gaming setup in the corner of her room. Crystal and Nicky would be proud.
Jan rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well, last night was something,” She slightly cleared her throat at the mention of last night. “Also, about last night…”
Rock raised her brow, “Go on?”
“It was a one time thing, right?” Jan furrowed her brows in question, “I mean, last night was amazing , as much my brain is allowing me to remember. And you’re hot, so, I’m not complaining. Really dig the anime e-girl vibe, and I’m sure anyone would tap that ass! I mean, I did, but I’m just—”
“—Not looking for anything right now?” Rock cut her off, saving Jan from turning into a hungover, rambling mess.
She let out a sigh of relief, sitting on her roommates bed and putting her phone down, “Yeah, doll. Just been really busy right now, y’know? 3rd year isn’t a joke.”
The pink-haired girl let out a snort, “Oh, I know the feeling. And don’t worry, I wasn’t looking for anything either, and while last night was fun,” She looked at her pointedly, and Jan was calm enough to actually smirk at the incident between the two, “I’d much rather have you as my friend than as my fuck buddy, because you are loud , girl!”
Jan shrieked at that, “Oh my god, shut up!” She threw a pillow at Rock’s head while the girl let out a cackle, “My friends were on my ass about that too, some friends they are.”
“Wait, you told your friends about that? Aren’t you friends with Nicky?”
Jan huffed, “Mama, more like I was forced to tell them. Jaida’s friend, Shea—whose apartment is next to ours, by the way—was complaining to her about how she couldn’t sleep last night because of, um, my tendency to be vocal.”
“You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Rotted bitch!” Jan threw another pillow at Rock, this time missing because the girl was doubled over in laughter, “I can’t believe you! The disrespect, really. I shouldn’t be taking this from you, I still have a shift to do at 3.”
“But you took it from me real good last night, so,” this time Rock shielded her face as Jan threw pillow after pillow at her, trying to speak through her laughter, “Okay, okay! I give, I give! I’m sorry, mom!”
“Bitch! I can be a top if I want to!” Jan exclaimed in mock offense. As their laughter subsided, the blonde suddenly had an idea, “Oh! What if I invite you over for dinner?”
Rock smirked, “One: we’re roommates. It’s not really inviting me to dinner if we eat in the same room. And two: I thought you said you weren’t looking for anything?”
“I mean dinner with my friends, gorg. All 11 of us eat together at least once a week, this time we’re gonna crash at Heidi, Jaida and Brita’s. Maybe you wanna come and meet them? I know you and Nicky know each other somehow, so it wouldn’t be too awkward, right?”
“Introducing me to the family already? Ain’t that a bit too early for you, Ms. Sport?”
“More like introducing you to a bunch of kindergartners,” Jan muttered as she checked her phone for any new notifications, “But yeah, I want them to know you as my roommate and friend , not as my roommate who I slept with.”
Bon Voy
dom top: okay so jans sex life aside
dom top: y’all are still coming over tonight?
sin city: yes girl!! college sucks ass sm i need to eat my feelings
c’est bon: wouldn’t miss it for the world mon ami xoxo
cox destroyer: I’m gonna be a little late! I just have to return and borrow some stuff in the library.
human girl: can we please order pizza hut <3
lebron essence hall: no <3
von du for two: we are going to order dominoes like civilized people
human girl: ugh fine, all of you have 0 taste
human girl: crys said yes btw she just has class right now
tap water: aiden said she’s gonna come too, she just can’t message the chat bc she’s still in her shift
Jan grinned at Brita’s message, finally getting the chance to steer the conversation away from her.
backpack backpack: So if she can’t message the chat because of her shift, why’s she messaging you, miss brittany filter?? 👀
Jan can feel Brita’s eye roll from miles away.
tap water: She speaks!
tap water: And don’t act like this conversation isn’t over, Miss Janice Sport. You have a lot of explaining to do.
“So, are ya gonna introduce me as your forbidden, but passionate lover? Whose romance was short-lived, yet wild, fiery and unforgettable?”
Now it was Jan’s turn to let out a cackle as she left Rock’s room, “More like my chaotic mess of a roommate who farted herself awake!”
This time it was Rock’s turn to gasp in offense, “That was one time and you fucking know it! And my answer is yes, by the way!”
Jan sent a message to the chat before grabbing her towel and putting her phone away to take a shower.
backpack backpack: oh btw i’m inviting rock to hang out with us!!! I promise she’s super fun and that we’re just roommates and see y’all soon please dont kill me or make it awkward with rock xxxx
tap water: are you
tap water: kidding me.
von du for two: oh for the love of GOD
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angeladdict · 4 years
so storytime
my sister had a dream full of symbolism basically
she was awake in the dream and looked over at me still awake irl and thought to herself she needs to go to sleep rn so she can be here in this dream with me
she was in the bottom of her bunk bed with two angels on the top bunk, and they had to go to sleep to go to an alternate reality. my sister however was awake, and could still see what the angels saw in the parallel universe.
the angels were observing a bright purple storm being caused by a random guy standing in front of it.
my sis was snapped out of this alternate reality bc a guy and a girl came in thru her bedroom door (in the dream) and put a pot full of stones at the foot of the door so she wasnt able to leave.
she kicked the pot over and left the house
when she left all she saw was a river of lava. she began to float down it and was joined by some man, and they went down the lava unharmed. it didnt burn them at all
the lava ended eventually and led to a lake of murky muddy water. there were multiple plant boxes scattered throughout the lake. small sprouts were growing from the boxes, but there were gaps underneath the boxes that some random girl kept getting stuck in and drowning. they had to save her multiple times bc she kept getting stuck and almost dying.
my interpretation of this:
the whole dream seemed to be symbolic of my current life circumstance. i think i was supposed to be sleeping and having this dream, but instead she had to explain it to me. i wouldve normally woken up from the dream and understood the meaning instantly.
so, theres this guy i met online 5 yrs ago and became enamored with within a week basically bc we quickly became engrossed in eachother, texting every second we were awake. we couldnt get enough of eachothers company
the bliss only lasted a month bc we mutually became triggered over the smallest of things, and he said he didnt sign up for this, and would come and go. we would bicker, hed leave for a week and return later to give it another shot.
well the coming and going gave my now codependent ass some serious anxiety that snowballed into full blown panic attacks
i broke my literal heart forcing myself to stop talking to him as i felt myself entering a depressive episode. i had zero mental space to talk to him or much less anyone at all.
a month after i left to heal, he gets with his current best friend. the first day theyre together, he posts on his blog "i only really want Your attention" that was the first red flag and threw me into a fit of rage that started small and grew larger and larger as i saw him subposting me and it was so glaringly obvious he was using her as a distraction and to fill the void of my absence bc he missed me and didnt know how to be alone or process the grief
i only think he even experienced grief in the first place bc of songs he would add to playlists and id look up the lyrics and would be like bruh. he started this whole journey of realizing my worth about a week after i had skipped town to heal. my parting message included that i was in love with him. he never replied.
a week after i had gone, he made a playlist and added some g eazy song "im in love with these tumblr girls" and i was like okay so you couldnt even reply though? do u just think its too late to bother bc im already gone? anyway so thats when the process of realizing my worth began. but a month after that he was in a new relationship which was super dumb and totally a rebound
well, i saw from day 1 she was a rebound and tried to tell her. she said i was batshit crazy, belonged in a psych ward, and that even if it was TRUE that he wasnt over me, she actually couldnt care less. this shocked me. she didnt care if he was into his ex? thats not normal. like AT all.
so fast forward FIVE entire years, theyre still together, hes still not over me, and she ignores the signs he leaves in the form of tumblr and twitter subposts ab me. she either doesnt realize theyre about me, OR she has a hunch and doesnt give a fuck.
now, i dont believe shes that stupid. i (personally) think she knew the entire time, and didnt care he was depressed and unhappy bc he couldnt get over his past, over me. she was content to continue dating him AND not address the elephant in the room. talk about selfish and uncaring for her boyfriends mental and emotional health.
on the flip side, she was oblivious bc he is an excellent liar and blamed his depression on genetics. to this day i have no idea what the truth of the matter is.
as of right now he is realizing theres a possibility she knew why he was so sad their whole relationship, and didnt bother to help him heal from me, just used him to fill her inner void and lack of self esteem bc of her childhood trauma.
he is currently questioning everything bc he isnt sure what her intentions were with him this entire time. he has no idea but is beginning to. i have my hunches, which i have expressed to him, but he is processing and coming to his own conclusions.
the main reason i dont believe she ever truly loved him is because she said she didnt care if he was miserable and not over me. she didnt care. i tried to tell her he wasnt over me and was miserable and needed help that SHE wasnt giving him by IGNORING his pain. she said i was lying and psychotic and jealous. no, i was trying to warn you. most girls would want to know their bf was emotionally unavailable. she didnt. THATS why i dont believe she had his best intentions at heart. she wanted to use him. she wanted him to be a trophy on her wall, a reason to view herself as better than me. why? because she has such low self esteem bc of her childhood and needed a reason to fuel her ego and feel better about herself. she BEGAN with pure intentions. it quickly turned into something much, much more sinister.
she was so volatile and rude, saying he only loved her and never loved me. she knew NOTHING of our experience, however brief it was. why? bc She Never Asked Him. why? bc She Didnt Care. why? bc she was never in it to care about him, but rather to care about herself and her need for validation and deprivation of love.
she is narcissistic. period. she has used him for their entire relationship (albeit the first week before i alerted her) to fuel her ego and sense of entitlement and feeling ~above me. ~better than me. she would gossip to her friends about how i was just jealous of her life and wished i was her. (they told me she said this). that is the OPPOSITE of the truth.
so all in all, she was a rebound for him, and he was an ego boost for her.
theyre mutually using eachother for selfish means.
the dream interpretation:
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sebuntease · 8 years
Question tag
We were tagged by: @koneko14
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Admin Kenvy
Nickname: Jun. THE ADMINS CALL ME THAT ESP ADMIN CIARA (hiiii btch) Starsign: WHAT IS A STARSIGN?! OH IT’S THE ZODIAC LOL STUPID. I’m an Aquarius yeah man~ Height: i SRSLY dunno
Time right now: 9:56 pm Last thing googled: “WHAT IS A STARSIGN?” Favorite music artists: SEVENTEEN, YG ARTISTS, SPECIFICALLY 2NE1 AND WINNER. UP DHARMA DOWN, I CAN’T REMEMBER EVRY1 KALOKA Song stuck in your head: Smile Flower/Laughter - SEVENTEEN Last movie watched: UZUMAKI Last TV show watched: Weekly Idol Bigbang’s ep What are you wearing right now: An oversized grey t-shirt and a red pajama shorts lol When did you create your blog: I’M NOT REALLY SURE IF IT’S AUGUST OR JULY BUT I’M PRETTY SURE IT’S ON THE 11TH OR 12TH oh wait lol JUST BETWEEN THE TWO I FORGOOOT t_T What kind of stuff do you post: SEVENTEEN SCENARIOSSS, seventeen related stuffs~ Do you have any other blogs: Is my personal acc counted?? Do you get asks regularly: I think not regularly, but when we’re active Why did you choose your URL: bcs the blog is sebuntease. HAHAHAHA Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (I ASKED THEM ABT THIS AND THEY SAID THIS LOL) Pokemon team: idk sht abt this im sorrrry Favourite colour: BLACK WHITE BLUE & RED (ppalgae~~) Average hours of sleep: 5-6??
Lucky number: 10 (YASSS) Favorite character(s): Wang So (Lee Joon Gi)  How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. IT’S SO HOT IN HERE IN THE PHIL GUYS. Dream job: Singer/Anything related to Psychology Following: i follow 275 peeeople
Admin Kate
Nickname: (i don’t really have one lol cuz my name is literally just kate and then my surname ;_;) Starsign: capricorn. Height: smol.
Time right now: 11:20am Last thing googled: mingyu smut (yes i search for smut everywhere.) Favorite music artists: SO MANY OH MY GOD UHM OKAY, SEVENTEEN, BTS, THE 1975, ATL TPR, HYUNA, DEAN, JUST SO MANY MORE LIKE ITS CRAZY. Song stuck in your head: Mama by BTS (hoseok’s solo asfhasg) Last movie watched: The smurfs. Last TV show watched: hwarang.
What are you wearing right now: a grey shirt that admin erika gave me on christmas (my fav) and denim shorts. When did you create your blog: August 11 or 12 IDFK IM SORRY IM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON. What kind of stuff do you post: we are a seventeen blog dedicated to write works of fiction about the boys. Do you have any other blogs: other than my personal, nah. Do you get asks regularly: YES?? AND IM WE’RE SO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING SKJDFLJFSDG Why did you choose your URL: idk?? Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Slytherin. *smirks* Pokemon team: iDKKK Favourite colour: my favorite color is mint green, and just saying but my favorite shade is black. Average hours of sleep: REALLY RANDOM IT DEPENDS AND I DONT REALLY COUNT IT M SORRY KJSDFJLDG
Lucky number: I REMEMBER IT WAS 7 OR 8, i was always told it was either one of these two idk why.  Favorite character(s): ANIME? DRAMAS? CARTOONS? WHICH ONE? THERE ARE SO MANY THAT FUCK I MIGHT JUST FILL THIS WHOLE THING UP. How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. I SWEAT LIKE A PIG. Dream job: Anything doing performing arts, but i’d love to just dance. or sing, i just love it so much kasjdhjdfa but honestly, a really stable job is what i need aagh  Following: 1,082 people wow, thats alot. 
Admin Erika
Nickname: I HAVE THREE NAMES (incl erika) AND MY NICKNAME IS BASICALLY THE ACRONYM OF MY NAMES + SURNAME Starsign: Aries Height: THAT,, IS A REALLY PERSONAL QUESTION AND A REALLY DELICATE SUBJECT I REFUSE TO ANSWER i don’t even know the exact measurement but i guess u could say im smol smolest in fact compared to the other admins jkaSdhjkhfe (but if u see admin ciara she looks smoler (our height’s just have a teeny tiny lil difference) and really fluffy and adorable but u didn’t hear that from me shh)
Time right now: 2:07 am
Last thing googled: hair color trends (admin kate and i were looking for hair colors that might suit her)
Favorite music artists: THERE’S A LOT okay, SEVENTEEN, DEAN, SF9, HEIZE, FT ISLAND, ONE OK ROCK, SCANDAL (it’s an all-girl jrock band, not what you think it is lol), ROOKIEZ IS PUNK’D, LING TOSITE SIGURE, ALL TIME LOW, SLEEPING WITH SIRENS, PARAMORE, THE NEIGHBORHOOD, THE 1975 i think there’s more but these artists are whom i really like Song stuck in your head: Pour up (DEAN x ZICO YEAH MAN) Last movie watched: Psycho Pass: The Movie ( I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING IT AND THE ANIME SERIES. BOY, MY MIND WAS FUCKED EVERY FUCKING EPISODE THE PLOT TWISTS, THE CHARACTERS, THE DIALOGUE, THE STORYLINE, EVERYTHING OH AND ALSO THE DEEPNESS IT JUST MAKES U THINK ABOUT LIFE like i donteven think about it enough ugh IM CRAZY FOR THIS ANIME Last TV show watched: can’t remember if it was Psycho Pass (WATCH IT FIRST BEFORE THE MOVIE) or Gravity Falls (binge-watched it and spent hours watching and reading conspiracy theories lol) What are you wearing right now: An Ottawa Senators sweatshirt ( Candian ice hockey team) and shorts When did you create your blog: i.. don’t remember SORRY HAHAH What kind of stuff do you post: i like writing imagines, angst, fluff anything just not smut i can’t really write that sht lol Do you have any other blogs: just my personal one Do you get asks regularly: in this blog, yeah,, i guess?? I LOVE Y’ALL SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING REGULARLY I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY AND I GET ALL SHY SKDAKJD Why did you choose your URL: Admin Kenvy thought of it so idrk? haha Gender: Female Hogwarts house: not really fan of the series IM SORRY i had like two book cover versions, both completed given to me (they all got lost idk where they went sorry hp fans y’all prolly wanted to kill me) and for some reason i couldnt really get into it IDK BUT IT’S NOT LIKE I DON’T LIKE READING I LIKE BOOKS YES I LOVE READING Pokemon team: didn’t play pokemon go (the idea of opening the gps on my phone gives me the creeps it just really bothers me so much) but IM A BIG FAN OF THE OLDER VERSIONS I STILL PLAY IT WHEN I HAVE TIME USING AN EMULATOR ON MY PHONE Favourite colour: black, gray, blue, Average hours of sleep: 3-6 hrs i have a messed up sleep sched there are times i sleep 15+ hrs and there are times i don't sleep at all lol
Lucky number: idk heh Favorite character(s): THERE’S A LOT IT’S HARD TO NAME THEM ALL I WATCH ANIME KDRAMAS MOVIES READ BOOKS MANGAS ASHGDD How many blankets do you sleep with: just one,, are there even ppl who sleep with more than one?? don’t you just choose a thICKER one if it’s really cold????? Dream job: i have nothing in particular, but just a stable one that i like doing and one that i can use my skills (if i even have those) on to help other ppl ESPECIALLY IF IT PAYS WELL LOL I NEED TO FEED MYSELF AND MY FAMILY AND BEING A FANGIRL IS EXPENSIVE ESP IF YOU’RE IN A MULTI-FANDOM Following: in my personal blog, i just follow Tumblr staff and what17says for translations of what seventeens says lol (im sorry i don’t really use tumblr often i mostly use fb and twt hehehhe)
Admin Ciara
Nickname: Pat, Pat-pat (just call me Ciara) Starsign: what da ef is with that starsign? Just simply put Zodiac. anyways it’s Sagguittarius Height: It’s 5″1 i know it is not much but for me it is good enough. And people don’t believe me that my height is 5″1( MOSTLY MY FRIENDS THEY SAY THAT I’M JUST 4′11). IT’S 5″1 BISHES (IF U EVER READ THIS) I may be smol but i will fite you if you hurt my friends and fam
Time right now: 2:26 pm Last thing googled: Default. (LOL we, admins were together when we searched for that freakin default) The default in Basketball Favorite music artist: IN KPOP; SEVENTEEN, BLOCK B, EXO, GOT7, ASTRO, CNBLUE, IOI, RED VELVET, SF9, KNK, KARD NCT U,127,AND DREAM AND SO MUCH MORE. I could name artists from a-z, 1-9(names with 1 to 9 like; high4, sf9) OUTSIDE OF KPOP: Troye Sivan, Sam Smith, Krissy, The Weekend, Alessia Cara, Daya and more Song stuck in your head: Oh nana by KARD. That song is to die for lol. Whenever i play that song, people always ask for the artist’s name and the title Last movie watched: Uzumaki Live Action. I JUST WATCHED THIS WITH THE OTHER ADMINS AND IT WAS DISAPPOINTING AF. THE MANGA VERSION IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER. the movie was gore but not gore enough. I don’t recommend it to any of you. 
Last TV show watched: It’s Showtime. It’s a TV show here in the Philippines. What are you wearing right now: A black sleeveless shirt with three white stripes LOL. For the bottom, i’m wearing leggings with  that ripped effect but it is not .( People always get trolled whenever i wear this leggings, they’ll check it out- whether it’s ripped or not)
When did you create your blog: I think it was around September or October.  What kind of stuff do you post: I don’t post anything on my personal blog lol, But I re-blog with that acc. But with this blog, I post our replies to your fan mails. I might post a smut anytime now LOL Do you have any other blogs: Yup, aside from my personal blog, I have 2 more but I forgot the e-mil and the password LOL Do you get asks regularly: With this blog yes (just keep it coming hoes) Why did you choose your URL: It wasn’t me who chose that Gender: Female Hogwarts house: A potterhead right here. Whenever I play a quiz to know which hogwarts house I am, i always get Slythrerin. I even tried the one in facebook for the profile pic framing, i got Slytherin. Slytherin it is Pokemon team: I don’t play pokemon go. MY answer is same with Erika’s so just read her’s Favourite colour: Black, Purple, Violet, Lavender, White, Burgundy And some shades of blue Average hours of sleep: 10 (nap and sleep at night, combined) I can sleep for 20 hours non-stop. (for the Filipinos out there: Kahit tulog ako ng tulog hindi ako tumatangkad. Kaiyak bes)
Lucky number: idk Favorite character(s): Where? K-DRAMAS? MANGA? MOVIE? STORY? ANIME? There are lots and I don’t remember most of their names How many blankets do you sleep with: one, This should’ve been; How many pillows do you sleep with?; How many stuff toys do you sleep with? If those were the questions, my answers would be: 5 pillows and 10 stuff toys(no one’s too old for stuff toys) If you think otherwise, FITE ME. (i agree with Erika on this one.) Dream job: I’d like to have many jobs.But for now, I want to be a GEOLOGIST. You’d be able to go to diff places and i think it’s exciting. It’s also one of the most needed jobs in the country and the salary’s not too bad. Following: Most of the follower of this blog( about 300 of the followers, that’s not even half of the followers, i didn’t know we’d reach 1k) but lately I’ve been lazy so yeah.
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