#walk cycles have less than 600 frames
curryram · 6 years
no room for anxiety 2day
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tnystrk-exe · 3 years
Estocolmo 2
Hannibal x Reader
First Chapter
Warnings: 18+ Oral M receiving, daddy kink, someone walks in
Word count: 5.7k
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Chapter Two
The light streaming in through the window woke you up. You curled up in the soft silk sheets, listening to Hannibal’s hums coming from the bathroom. Deciding there wasn’t much more to do than doze, you did just that, taking your time to enjoy your Monday morning. His bed was much softer than the hand me down one you kept at home. You really could lay here forever.
It wasn’t until the bed dipped that you opened your eyes. He was all ready dressed and groomed to the nines. The navy sweater and grey trousers seemed as homey as the man allowed himself to be.
“Hello, handsome,” you greeted.
“Good morning, darling.” Hannibal cupped your face gently, smiling when you leaned into his touch. “It’s marvelous to see you so relaxed, it’s not a sight I get to see often. You’re divine.”
“Devine,” you scoffed in disbelief, “I haven’t had a glimpse of it yet, but I’m sure I look nothing less than a wreck.”
Hannibal’s thumb stroked your jaw, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. “When it’s my fault you look so utterly debauched, I can’t lie and say my pride doesn’t play a factor.”
“There it is,” you couldn’t help rolling your eyes as you dropped a kiss to his hand, “Always taking pride in everything you do. However, much to your dismay, I’m going to have to destroy your masterpiece. A shower does sound perfect right now.”
“Of course, I took the liberty of running a bath for you.”
“Sweet man,” you smiled fondly at him.
Bringing you closer he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. As always, he left you wanting more. This time though, you didn’t chase after him. The night of fun was done. All that was left was the goodbye to wrap up the event completely. Some part of you wanted to push that time back.
You hummed lightly, “You enjoy making it hard to not miss you.”
“All the sweeter when we reunite.”
“Sure, whatever you say.”
He tapped your cheek playfully, “Take your bath. I’ll have breakfast ready by the time you’re done.”
Getting out of bed, you stretched. Hannibal’s fingertips ghosted along your spine. “From the looks of it, you’d be happier to help.”
“Simply admiring… You truly are a thing of beauty.” he squeezed your hip before taking his hands away, “I’ll leave some of my things for you to wear on the bed.”
Walking into the bathroom, you were taken by the soft scent of nearly familiar perfumes you’d wear, his cologne lingered ever so slightly. A perfect mix of the two. Looking in the mirror, you surveyed the wreckage. Runny mascara, smudged over lipstick, and rather large hickies scattered across your body did make you look like the definition of debauched. The neck didn’t have as much damage, but covering the few there would still be a pain. So much for keeping things hidden from others. Grabbing the pack of makeup wipes on the counter, you started cleaning up knowing you’d find it to be too much of a chore after the bath.
It was welcoming when you finally got into the still warm bath. Hot water made you relax further as your body let go of the last bit of tension it held. The products seemed to match the ones you usually used, if not make yours seem like cheap dupes. Your lip quirked at that realization, the gentleman seemed to have had ulterior motives after all.
You took your time washing up, deciding time to relax was sparse so you may as well take advantage of the small time frame you did have. A soft knock at the door pulled you back to the present. “Afraid I drowned?” You asked teasingly as the door opened.
Hannibal offered a quiet chuckle as he walked over and perched on the side of the tub, “Asleep more like.”
You didn’t bother hiding yourself. He’d probably be able to draw you from memory by now if you were being honest. “I do have a question.”
“What is it, darling?”
You gestured to the soaps, “Did you have any plans in particular for our night?”
“Not exactly. The night ended perfectly- you wouldn’t mind me saying-” Hannibal tapped your chin affectionately when you smiled, “but there wasn’t anything other than pure intentions when I purchased them. The scent reminded me of you and I thought if you drank too much or there was a storm, those kinds of things, it would be good to have something for you to use. Sending you out into possible dangers was never something left to chance. You’d be safer with me.”
“Ever the good host,” you said, taking his word for it, “Thank you for thinking of me, Hannibal.”
“Always.” Hannibal rolled up his sleeves, moving to sit behind you. “Lean back for me.”
You turned to look at him questioningly, “What are you doing?”
“I find it very important to take care of my partners just as much after. You didn’t give me much of a chance last night. While I’m here, I may as well make myself useful.”
Allowing him to turn you forward again before he grabbed the shampoo and conditioner. You sighed heavily as he massaged the shampoo in, his fingers working magic. “You took care of me,” you argued, “Asked me what I wanted and gave it to me. I didn’t want anything else.”
“It’s just as much for me as it is for you,” he stated, running some water through your hair, “I like to make sure nothing was too much or that you’re not telling me if it was.”
“I’m as good as I’ve been in a long time. Really. If I hadn’t wanted something to happen I would have stopped you. Though, if I had known things would have ended like this I would have stopped by when we had more time. Testing before winter break would have been all that much easier.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t be of service earlier,” he mused. “A difficult time that must have been for my sweet girl. Poor thing.”
The urge to sink into the water was strong as you felt the smallest bit of pride at the endearment paired with an equally small bout of jealousy that you shared it with his other partners. It was snuffed out quickly. Perhaps you’d entertain this for a while, but it wouldn’t last. He liked a life that was above and usually too stiff compared to your own. The pair of you weren’t meant to work long term and that was fine. A simple passing thing between friends was the most this would be.
Things went back to business as usual after that night. There weren't any intense feelings or need for Hannibal. There wouldn’t be any time to entertain the idea even if they had popped up. Not with this insane work piled on top of you and the final test you needed to study up on. The most you had seen him was in passing or when he’d drop off a meal every so often. Though you wouldn’t lie and say your mind hadn’t found itself wandering every so often.
There was nothing you could do about that, so instead you took shifts, grading work then studying. Rinse and repeating the cycle as long as you could handle it. Your head was pounding before you knew it, but all of this needed to be done. A little bit longer, you reminded yourself as you took a couple headache pills.
The buzzing of your phone vibrating on the desk startled you. “Hi, dad,” you sighed, stuck with this particular pain.
“Hey, pretty girl, how have you been?”
Pretty girl, you scoffed inwardly. You had to give him credit- at least he was pretending to be interested this time. That was rare. “Nothing much. Work. School. The usual. It’s been heavy lately.”
“Yeah, of course, things get like that. So listen, your mom and I are running real low late-“
“I already told you I wasn’t any good for money. I’m barely making ends meet as it is… I already sent you the last $600 I could,” you rested your head in your hands, “I’m sorry.”
“Well, what the fuck do we send you to that school for,” he shouted, “It’s a waste of time. You’re not gonna make anything of yourself. All you do is waste fucking time. Everything we do for you and you just take it all for granted. What type of selfish bitch of a kid doesn’t try to help out her parents?”
“Yeah, dad, I take everything for granted. Putting myself through school should have been a breeze. Juggling school and two jobs? Simple fucking shit right? You should know, right? Wait… you couldn’t even raise your kid could you?” You snapped the stress getting to you. “Why the hell do you always do this to me?”
No response. He hung up. The truth of the matter seemingly too much for him. No. That was too much credit. He knew you wouldn’t send him anything. Try again some other time. Sighing you set the phone down. Your throat felt like it was closing and your head was pounding. A couple tears fell, soon followed by a quiet sob. You didn’t want anyone to see, but the stress was getting to you. Try as you might, you weren’t made of stone.
You hadn’t noticed when Hannibal had walked in for a usual evening check up. “Darling girl,” his accented voice was laced with worry as he walked toward you, “What’s wrong?” Hannibal crouched near your chair as he wiped away your tears.
“Everything went to my head. It’s nothing. I’m okay,” you swallowed thickly, as you attempted to stop the crying and sniffling, not meeting his eye just yet.
Hannibal grabbed your chin gently, forcing you to look at him. “Nothing more?”
“Nope,” you shook your head, giving him a slight smile, “Just school and a headache. Thank you for checking on me. I appreciate it.”
He looked you over, not believing you but unwilling in prodding you further. “It seems a break is in order.”
“I can’t, Hannibal,” You gestured to the papers and books around the desk, “The sooner I’m done with all this the better. I just want to go home.”
Hannibal started to pick up your things, he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer this time. “We’ll go to my office, you’ll eat, I’ll grade the work and ask you questions. Follow me.” Before you can get a word in, he turned heel, leaving you to quickly scramble behind him.
The office had the same comforting feel his home did. Though you weren’t sure many besides you felt comfort in his presence. Hannibal Lecter was by all means an intimidating man, even when you did feel like you were close to him. Closer now, you corrected thinking about the fading bruises under your shirt and the sweater he had let you borrow that you had yet to return. Still there was something about his presence that invoked a feeling of calm in you, even with that spike of something questionable. He seemed to always have all the answers and knew exactly what to do with any situation.
“Here,” Hannibal placed a Tupperware and drink on your side of the desk, “You really shouldn’t be spreading yourself so thin, love. It isn’t good for such a delicate thing.”
“I’m hardly delicate.” You grabbed the food giving him a grateful smile. “I’ve got it all handled. It’s just finals and everything stacked up. The future. I stumbled a bit, is all.”
Hannibal sat on his side and started shuffling through your papers. “Nonetheless, I wish you didn’t strain yourself so much.”
“Not all our days can be a nice weekend together,” you pecked at the salad, as much as you wanted to grab some papers off the stack you knew he would never allow it, “Life is still as frustrating as ever.”
“What did they say?” Hannibal asked, nipping the problem at the bud. If you wouldn’t start the conversation he would.
You sighed, “Something along the lines of ‘waste of time’ and ‘selfish bitch’ really wasn't the worst thing he's ever said. I was just already at my endpoint. I’m pretty sure if I dropped my pen I would have had a similar reaction.”
“Being at your end doesn’t justify mistreatment.”
“I know,” you shrugged, “but I don’t have it in me to argue anymore. Deaf ears and all that. What’s the point?”
“The point is making it known that you won’t tolerate that behavior.”
“I’m just tired and disappointed. A part of me is considering just going into the world on my own. The only family that really cares has passed on, what’s the point of hoping my parents would ever consider changing.” You coughed lightly, clearing your throat. This was too much of a therapy session for your taste. “I’ve already made it up in my head that I’m going to wait a year before getting back in school. You know, save any penny I can. These past four years even with aid and scholarship money has been hell. I’m going to be 24 and there’s still just so much to do.”
“I can’t say I envy you,” Hannibal shook his head, “The uncertainty in those years is unmatched.”
“It’s hard to imagine you uncertain of anything. You seem to always know exactly what to do.”
Hannibal scoffed lightly, “Only because time has granted me certain wisdoms. When I was younger I was lucky enough to appeal to someone with my artistic talent and stories of my past. Though I’d like to think it was the former that earned me my scholarship. I may not have had the exact struggles you did, but we’ve all been through situations we needed to push past. It comes in time. Once you get there, you’ll go through life with grace.”
“Well, I don’t have any reservations about using my past. Would you be my mentor?” You joked, for the most part.
“A five year forward request,” he mused, “Are you certain you’d enjoy me that much as a mentor?”
“Someone is gonna have to teach me the ropes,” you shrugged, “We’re more than comfortable with each other and I already know how pleasurable time with you can be, why not learn a couple of things from your infinite wisdom?”
His lip quirked, “Glad to know your thoughts are nothing less than wholesome.”
“Only the purest.”
You ate your dinner as he asked questions. It was a bit unfair, probably, you knew he had helped form the test. Then again, you knew your boss and it was more than likely all of Hannibal’s work. So this little run was sure to be a preview of what to expect. Still, the questions he asked were far from simple, despite how much you studied. Sometimes a raised brow would tell you, you needed to think again. Other times you’d get a soft praise thrown your way that would immediately make you think of when he was against you.
“A few more for me, darling girl. You’re doing so well.”
Your face heated up as you remembered the exact moment he said something nearly identical.
Hannibal looked at you over a paper, a smirk playing on his lips, “You’re looking a bit distracted, are you alright?”
“You know what you did, jerk.”
“Do I?” He laughed.
You shook your head, “You’re unbelievable.”
Hannibal continued grading, rattling off questions off the top of his head. You mind however, wandered. Answering his questions absentmindedly, more preoccupied with memories than the matter at hand. The way his hands felt. His breath against your chest as he chased his high. The gentleness the morning after as he helped you into his clothes, giving you a last kiss before breakfast. A lingering regret at not getting to thank him back properly. He would be the perfect distraction now that you thought of it.
“I won’t help you if you prefer to daydream.”
“I wouldn’t be daydreaming if you didn’t decide to help me in the first place.”
“Think I’m all done studying. I’m tired of it,” you sighed, stretching, “I want to do something else.”
Hannibal looked at you, brow raised. “What’s that sweet girl?”
You shook off some nerves. As much as the two of you had already done, he was still an intimidating man. His eyes followed as you stood and walked around the desk. Hannibal brought your hand up to his lips. You trailed it along his jaw, feeling the rough stubble that just started coming in, buying yourself some time to steady yourself. A raised brow questioned what you’d do next, but otherwise he leaned into your touch.
“I wanted to thank you for everything. For how good you are to me.”
“I don’t expect anything in return,” he assured.
“Yeah, I know,” you sunk to your knees in front of him, tracing your fingertips up and down his thigh slowly, looking up at him, “but I want to take care of you too.”
He toyed with a strand of your hair, looking almost bored as he leaned back in his chair. “That isn’t necessary, little one, I enjoyed watching you.” Still there was a glint of something in his eye that told you he was interested, merely teasing with the show he just wanted something more from you.
You bit your lip, pondering at what he had deemed missing. The title. A thing that had slipped past your lips embarrassingly but one he had used with stupor throughout the night. Hands settling on his knees, you pushed them apart so you could settle there more comfortably. A pout, “Please, daddy, I’ve wanted to since we met.”
“Always an eager plaything,” he sighed checking the clock on the wall, “I suppose daddy can make some time for his girl.”
That was enough for you to start undoing his belt. Despite the bored act, his half hard cock betrayed him and told you exactly how much he had been interested. You palmed him through his boxers, he didn’t give you the pleasure of hearing anything from him, but that’s alright you didn’t mind earning it. Once you were satisfied with how hard he was, you pulled him out of the boxers. Leaning back on your knees you took it in, unsure if you could fit the length of it in completely.
Hannibal took in your hesitation. Using a finger he tilted your head up to look at him in the eye. “We don’t have to do anything if you aren’t okay with it now. A change of mind is more than alright.”
“No. It’s not that I want to,” you licked your lips, as if to prove how okay you were you wrapped your hand around him, thumb tracing a prominent vein, “I was just wondering if it would fit all the way in.”
He let out an amused huff, shaking his head, “I’m sure you’ll try your best, ridiculous girl.”
Leaning in you pressed a kiss to the head. Just a little more time to work up the courage. You kissed along the shaft, mapping out every vein. Your tongue traced its way back up, catching a taste of precome that had beaded on the head. An encouraging hand threaded itself in your hair, never pushing for more than you were willing to give.
A knock at the door, interrupts the scene.
“A moment,” Hannibal calls out to the person. “Get under the desk,” he said as he started to hide away any evidence that he was with anyone. Your appearance wasn’t completely ruined, not to his taste at least, but the messed up lipstick and slightly ruined hair wouldn’t take much mental work for someone to come to the correct conclusion.
Taking his instruction you got under the desk as he fixed his own appearance, suit jacket over his arm to hide himself. Walking over to the door, “Mr. Henderson,” he greeted, pleasantly, “Please, come in.”
“Hannibal, sorry about stopping by so late,” you heard the door close as the two walked over.
“Nonsense. If anything, the company is welcomed.” Hannibal took his seat, pulling his chair in close, to make sure you were hidden away.
“I was actually going to see if I could convince you to stay.”
Mischief sparked as you grew bored with their droning conversation. Thankfully he had decided to get rid of his belt fully. It didn’t take much to free him again. He spread his legs, attempting to give you the most space possible under the cramped desk. You pumped him in your hand, getting him back to how you had him. The other hand tugged softly at his balls. You wouldn’t be able to put him in your mouth properly with this angle. Instead you satisfied yourself with sucking on the sides of his cock.
“The students adore you,” the other man countered whatever Hannibal had said, “Honestly your classes are killing Jacob’s with every exam.”
“I take great pride in my students. They are an extension of myself. How well they do is a direct reflection of my skill as a teacher,” he sighed, “I have a couple of people in mind that could fill my roll, I’ll ask people to see who’s interested.”
“Still Jacob’s is slacking too much, I may take away his student aid privileges. I see her around here more often than I ever see him.”
You gave a particularly hard suck to a seemingly sensitive spot as his hips had stuttered ever so slightly. No evidence of any misconduct came from his voice as he said, “Oh her? She is a very good girl. Motivated. Never complains about a thing.”
You felt Hannibal throb against your mouth. Taking a break you leaned your head on Hannibal’s thigh, as fun as it would to mess with him more, you knew he took great pride in his social image. Besides, you had wanted Hannibal’s full attention anyway. His hand came down to your hair, subtly showing that he was still paying attention to you to the best of his abilities.
They talked a while longer, before Henderson finally left. Hannibal had pulled out a stack of papers, motioning like he was going to work on grading, and politely asked him to lock the door as he left. When it was clear he pushed his chair away from the desk. You made your way out smiling at him.
“Someone seems very happy with themselves.”
“You enjoyed it.”
“But did you ask permission?” Hannibal asked as worked himself lazily.
You faltered slightly under his gaze, “Well...no.”
“And do you think you deserve any type of reward for that stunt?”
“...I hope so.”
“I’ll forgive it,” he decided, “only because you’re so eager and we never set ground rules. But now it’s on my terms.”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded obediently, not wanting to receive one of Hannibal's punishments just yet.
Hannibal used your hair to pull you closer. You stumbled on your knees catching yourself on his thighs. “Since you were so unsure if you could fit in daddy earlier, after that little stunt, I’m sure you’re feeling better now. Aren’t you?”
The hand in your hair pushed you down. You closed your mouth around the tip. Hannibal groaned quietly, letting you work your way down. Bobbing your head you took more of him deeper every time, but those last two inches were proving difficult. Gripping your hair, he pulled you off of him.
His breath was coming in quick pants, brushing your hair away from your face. “Do you need help, darling?”
“I can’t fit it daddy.” It came out in a breathless whine.
“Yes, you can. Be a good little mouth and let me do the work.”
Again he pushed you onto his cock. This time he took control. His hand kept you in place as he thrusted his hips up. Without the hesitation you had, he fit himself in quickly. Grinding into your mouth he let you choke around it for a while before pulling you up for air.
“See?” He choked out as he used you again, “Fucking perfect mouth… Daddy’s good girl… taking care of me like she asked.”
His grunted praises and moans were enough to excuse the tear prickling your eyes. Over and over he used your mouth to it’s extent. Seeming to enjoy it most when you did choke on him. Hannibal stopped before he came. Pulling you up off the floor and onto his lap. Wiping away the stray tears that had fallen.
“You’re too good for me.” He kissed your cheek.
“You haven’t finished.” You caught your breath as you curled into his chest. His cologne comforted you. The increasingly familiar scent carved a special place in you.
“I’ll finish later,” he promised, dropping another kiss onto your head, “At the moment, I want to make sure you’re alright. I got carried away.”
“I’m not porcelain, Hannibal,” you intertwined your fingers with his, “I like it when you’re in charge… It gives me a chance to not think of anything.”
“Even so these situations require a lot of trust from your partner.”
You shrugged, as you decided to be honest, “At the moment you seem to be the only person I trust. Besides, you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Let’s hope I don’t disappoint you.”
“I can’t see you ever doing that.”
That night Hannibal had taken you home. You received the same treatment you had received the first night you stayed at his house. Mostly you thought it was an apology of some sort for treating you roughly in his office. By some good grace both of you had classes later in the day, allowing you to enjoy the softer side of Hannibal in the morning again.
A new sweater of his joined the one that resides on your futon. You hadn’t thought twice about packing them away when you emptied your apartment out.
Life in New York was eventful to say the least. Different but fun. It had been six months since you had graduated. Your friend from high school shared an even shabbier apartment together. You made a couple friends. Picked up jobs at a bar and a bookstore.
“You’re not any fun,” Alex complained as she adjusted her makeup, “You never want to go out with me.”
“I’m tired,” you complained. “Anyway, why would I want to go to a bar when I work at one?”
“To wreak hell on someone that’s stuck in your usual gig.”
“Have fun with the guys.”
She attempted to pull you off the couch a couple more times to no avail. In truth you were happy to have a moment of peace. All honesty she was the driving force in you actually living your life and not just working the entire time. You really did love her for all of that and the experiences you had. However there were times for breaks to be had from everything. And tonight was one of them.
You showered, got dressed in a sweater and shorts, heated up some leftovers. Throwing on a bad 80’s horror flick, you spent your night in splendor. A break was rare and you were gonna use your relaxation time to its extent. Sleep overtook you sometime in the night, only to be woken up by the annoying shrill sound of your phone.
“Al, baby, I love you so damn much, but if you’re gonna bitch at me about not going out tonight. I just might be tempted to murder you,” you muttered sleepily, “I could get away with it.”
“Sweet girl, is that any way to speak to your friends?” A voice you hadn’t heard in a while asked, disappointment clear in his tone.
“Hannibal,” you said lamely, slightly ashamed that that was the first thing he heard from you in months. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting you. It’s… It’s been a while.”
“It has been,” he agreed, “In fact, I called to ask if you would like to come to a dinner party.”
You looked at the clock, noting just how late it had been. “You called at two in the morning to ask me to a dinner party?”
“I’ve been busy and you didn’t leave an address for an invitation. It was… spur of the moment.”
“I missed you too,” you sighed, deciding to be the one to voice it, “Yeah, I’d love to go over.”
“Are you planning on staying with me?”
You sighed dramatically, “Suppose I can give a lonely old man some company. What, you couldn’t find anyone as entertaining as me in Baltimore?”
“I’ve got specific tastes.”
“Is that right?”
Alex walked in, the last part of the conversation hitting her ears and the alcohol in her system making her louder. “Is that the daddy? Does he know he’s ruined men for you? Ugh, can you get him over here to loosen you up? I’d appreciate it that so much.”
“I never said ruined, I just sa-“ you realized Hannibal was still on the phone, “Just please, go take a shower, I’ll make you anything you want to eat if you promise to stay quiet.”
Surprisingly she complied, only saying egg sandwich with cheese and bacon in response.
“Couldn’t let that skate by?”
“You’re the one talking about me.”
You coughed. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve got specific taste too. Just something happened with someone and I don’t know, I couldn’t get into it that same way. Like with you. They needed me to tell them exactly how… It was just awkward. It wasn’t satisfying. They were nice though.”
“You compare my experience to their experience inexperience,” he deduced. “You enjoy knowing I’ve got everything under control.”
You tried to shake away the blush. “So it seems we’re stuck in similar positions.”
“We are.”
“Hannibal,” you heard someone call out, “When were you thinking of joining us? We didn’t bother you so much you had to leave us that long.”
He asked him for a moment.
“Seems like someone wants your attention,” you commented.
“Does it bother you?”
“Not at all. Just friends having fun right? It would be hypocritical considering I just told you of my night with someone else. As long as it’s nothing serious with whoever that was, we’re fine.”
“They’re nothing. Someone’s too loud nephew. In fact I think he’s rather rude. You know I can’t stand people like that.”
“You’ll survive. Get home safe.”
“I’ll send you the directions in a moment. Have a goodnight little one.”
“‘Night daddy,” the long unused term of endearment fell from your lips easily.
“‘Night daddy,” Alex sighed dreamily from the bathroom door, “God, is the dick really that good? How could it be?”
You hung up the phone. “Can you please not do that next time? He’s really particular about things.”
She raised her hands up in defense. “Whoa, there. He can handle a little joke at his expense when he’s already been down your throat. Now where’s my sandwich?”
“I’m serious Al.” You sighed when you got up from the couch to get to work on your promise. “He makes me feel like I need to be all proper.”
“You’re fine, doll. A dime if I’ve ever seen one. I’m not gonna ruin this for you, if he randomly decided to call you this late,” she took a seat on the counter, taking the water you handed her gratefully, “Do you want that to be a long term thing?”
“Nah,” you threw the bread into the toaster, “I couldn’t live his life. Sure, I like him and I do think he’s fun to hang around. But it just feels like something that will simmer down eventually. We’ll probably meet up a couple more times and it’ll be done. It’s not like we do anything more than end up in bed and sweet talk.”
“I’m telling you, we’d be set if you asked him to be your sugar daddy. Please ask him to take care of you and be his call girl.”
“How about you?” You asked, changing the topic, “Any pretty girls?”
“This one chick at work,” she shook her head, “Fucking goddess of a woman, LN, I’m telling you. I got it bad. She’s got me waiting for her with her coffee orders in the morning like some kind of obedient little puppy.”
“You know her coffee order.”
“How’s the commitment issues?”
“I’m gonna have to fucking work through them. Unlike someone, I think I wanna try out the long term thing.”
“Hey!” You cracked the eggs into the oil, “I’m just not up for it right now.”
“Work him out of your system. We’re supposed to be having fun this year.”
You sighed, “I’m trying.”
“I’m telling you we find you a decent lay. You won’t need to be fucking around with that guy.” Your phone chimed. Alex grabbed it off the counter. “The devil works fast doesn’t he? Address and day of the party. You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. Says he’ll buy you a cute little number.”
“No, tell him I got it.”
“Thank you, daddy. I’ll make it worth your wild. Wink. Send.”
“You’re the worst.”
“I still think he’s ugly,” she shrugged, tossing your phone over, “May as well get a cute dress out of sleeping with him.”
“He’s not ugly. I’ve seen the people you’ve brought home,” You scoffed, handing over the plate.
“Reggie is a fun time! Fuck I miss Reggie.”
“Work chick,” you reminded her.
“Right right.” She argued before taking a bite of the sandwich. “Fine, we’ve both had our questionable older partner moments. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I’m not.”
“Still never called her mommy and that’s a win in my books.”
“I should have never told you that,” you laughed, “I fucking hate you man.”
She pinched your cheek affectionately, “You had your chance to get rid of me. The return policy ran out. You’re stuck. Congratulations.”
“How long until you expire?”
Alex pretended to count it through. “We’re looking at at least 50 years more, if we’re lucky.”
You hummed, “Are you accounting for possible sickness or accidents?”
“I’m immortal for 50 years in between. No arguments at this time please.”
Next Chapter
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Small Orangery Conservatories As Well As Glass Conservatories.
Allow The Sunshine In! Everything You Would Like To Know About Sunrooms
Freshly Developed Houses.
The most essential consideration is that you can't simply change an existing bearing wall. Exact dimensions are essential for this job due to the fact that the frames require to fit precisely. As soon as the frames remain in place, the service provider can install the glass panes with loved one simplicity.
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Nevertheless, as opposed to a single area sliding back as well as forth, the panels fold against each various other as the assembly moves throughout the track. Mounting a moving glass wall surface will possibly require a structure permit as well as licensed contractor. This is specifically most likely when the installation involves making significant adjustments to a bearing wall, which all exterior wall surfaces are. Simply replacing an existing glass wall surface shouldn't require an authorization considering that the architectural changes are currently complete.
conservatory roof ">
Which is better Checkatrade or TrustATrader?
The risk with Checkatrade is higher, even though they may receive more traffic and leads than TrustATrader, Checkatrade have a heavily saturated platform so work is not guaranteed and when it is, each lead is technically more expensive.
Glass is the extra economical selection for structures taller than two or 3 stories. Glass walls are generally more pricey than walls made from traditional products like blocks or drywall. Nonetheless, the overall price of installment comes to be reduced for glass as the building obtains taller.
How The Residential Or Commercial Property Renovation And Refurbishment Services In London Job.
Rj Repair Solutions.
Nonetheless, any kind of setup that includes transforming the mounting needs a license to guarantee you address any kind of safety and security problems. However, if your installment involves transforming the framing, you'll require to allocate the cost of a building authorization. Glass curtain wall surfaces are most commonly set up by neighborhood commercial window installers on non-residential structures, however you can likewise mount them in your home.
The cost of setting up a glass drape wall for the first time ranges from $25 to $75 per square foot, resulting in a price of $200 to $600 per straight foot for an 8-foot wall. Replacing an existing wall with a glass drape wall is much more pricey, because the original wall surface needs to be gotten rid of. A replacement expenses in between $175 to $250 per square foot, or between $1,400 and also $2,000 per direct foot for an 8-foot wall surface.
Beginning Your Job.
Look into the price of window tinting to safeguard your residence from UV rays and warmth. Anticipate to pay between $25 and also $75 per square foot to set up a tempered glass wall. Labor prices vary from $35 to $150 per hour depending on place. " Warmed concrete or stone floorings are especially popular in four-season areas, and picking the appropriate windows can assist bring the outdoors in without increasing heating & cooling prices," Pickell kept in mind.
Small Orangery Conservatories And Glass Conservatories.
How do you negotiate new construction upgrades?
How to Negotiate Upgrades on a New Construction 1. Buy During the “Off Season.” 2. Ask the Builder to Cover Closing Costs in Return for Upgrades. 3. Choose a Cheaper Lot. 4. Buy a Finished Home That Hasn't Been Sold Yet. 5. Just Ask!
TDDs harvest daytime via a roof-mounted dome with diameters ranging from concerning 10 inches for property applications to 22 inches for business buildings. Made from acrylic or polycarbonate formulated to obstruct ultraviolet rays, the dome records as well as reroutes light rays right into an aluminum tubing system that resembles ductwork. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, it was France that probably had the leading modern technology in building glass. Among the earliest kinds of the glass skylight can be seen at the Royal residence of Versailles in the Galerie des Batailles, which was included onto the existing palace by Louis Philippe in 1830. Another kind that displays early sky lighting innovation is the Halle aux blés integrated in 1763-- 67.
How do you negotiate new construction upgrades?
How to Negotiate Upgrades on a New Construction 1. Buy During the “Off Season.” 2. Ask the Builder to Cover Closing Costs in Return for Upgrades. 3. Choose a Cheaper Lot. 4. Buy a Finished Home That Hasn't Been Sold Yet. 5. rave reviews Ask!
It's extremely not likely that a glass residence would certainly be more affordable than one made from typical materials because of the greater product price of glass. Nonetheless, this presumes that your house is a separate structure of no more than 2 tales.
The optimum size of a frameless wall surface home window that can withstand high impacts is 12 feet high and also 8 feet vast. These windows commonly use a selection of finishings, movies and tints to manage glow and warmth gain.
Thanks to its protected wall surfaces as well as roofing, a brick-built extension is not likely to be as affected by seasonal temperature level fluctuations so the instructions it faces is not as essential when it concerns its layout. Solar tubes, sunlight passages, or tubular skylights contain a roof-mounted fixed device skylight element, condensing sunshine, dispersed by a light communicating optic channel to a light diffusing component. Being small in diameter, they can be used for daylighting smaller sized spaces such as corridors, and also bounce light in darker corners of spaces.
Newly Built Homes.
" Our therapist had a hands-on strategy. He walked us through daily stuff. I damaged the cycle of violence in my household. If it collaborated with my family it can deal with others, since we were the worst of the most awful".
One more objective of the intervention was to teach Maria parenting abilities.
He also instructed her just how to set limits, and also to take the youngsters to the supermarket without it developing into an outburst filled up experience.
Picture full service high-end dealing with light-filled interiors and astonishing, never-before-seen views.
" Without HOMEBUILDERS ®, we would not be with each other," Maria divulged.
Her HOMEBUILDERS ® therapist aided her to structure her everyday regimen by educating her to prepare for activities and also arrange her residence.
Discover just how it feels to live in the heart of an urban facility as well as at the forefront of residential style.
This caused less stress and anxiety as well as aggravation for Maria and also the children.
Outside panels cost greater than interior panels since they're usually load-bearing. Unlike indoor panels, the stamina of a structural glass wall is managed by developing codes. Folding gliding doors expense between $800 and also $1,200 per straight foot, depending upon the number of panels, kind of glass and finish. This design usually consists of a collection of panels connected to each various other via joints. The top and bottom of the panels are set in tracks just like sliding doors are.
How long does it take to qualify as a builder?
You need to show that you have at least 2 years relevant industry experience from a wide range of building construction work and activity. The majority of the experience needs to have been obtained within 10 years of the date on which the application for your licence is being made.
This type of all-natural overhead lighting permitted illumination while design could cover the whole interior wall surface, and also it is the choice the very least blocked by other buildings. This implies that skies illumination as we know it, in many forms today, was possibly pioneered in France throughout the very early 18th century or late 17th century. According to building glass, the earliest functional skylights would have been developed by either glass casting, crown glass, cyndrical tube blown sheet, and also equipment drawn cyndrical tube sheet, or Fourcault process. A skylight is a light-transmitting framework that creates all or part of the roofing space of a building for daylighting purposes.
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Nevertheless, this rate can quickly reach $1,500 if you also install noise-canceling insulation. Soundproof home windows customized to engineer's specifications can begin at $7,000 per window without setup.
How long does it take to build a house from the ground up?
The 2014 Survey of Construction (SOC) from the Census Bureau shows that the average completion time of a single-family house is around 7 months, which usually includes around 25 days from authorization to start and another 6 months to finish the construction.
While the price of the wall surfaces themselves remain consistent, glass walls are much easier to lift than private bricks. Soundproofing is an additional use external glass panels, although they're dramatically extra pricey than common windows. The average cost of replacing a home window has to do with $650, whereas the expense of installing soundproof windows begins regarding $950.
If the "house" were in fact a condo in a high-rise building, it would be more affordable to construct it from glass than various other products. The expense of accordion glass doors depends on whether it's an indoor or exterior door. An interior door for a storage room can set you back much less than $100 per linear foot. Nevertheless, an outside door that requires to protect an entire side of a space from weather expenses $800 and also $1,200 per straight foot.
What are building regs required for?
The building regulations help ensure that new buildings, conversions, renovations and extensions (domestic or commercial) are going to be safe, healthy and high-performing.
Outside glass panels set you back $15 to $60 per square foot, with an average price of $20 per square foot. Tall panels can set you back more as a result of the added thickness required, as will timber trim as well as customized glass.
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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Just as promised this is the beginning of the three-part post about answering @quilloftheclouds questions for my Wip Renegade. To kick things off I’m going to start with Modes of Transportation, I thought about adding pictures but that’s time-consuming and would make this post longer than it already is. So if you guys want to see some pictures of the Modes of Transportation in Renegade let me know, I post them! 
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Modes of Transportation
The world of Renegade is a mix between Tron: Legacy and Blade Runner 2049, a blend of both cyberpunk and post-apocalypse dystopia. For a world set two millennia past ours (2200) transportation isn’t what most people from our generation would think it to be: there aren’t flying cars, skyscrapers don’t serve as spaceports, and people don’t regularly take trips to the moon or live on Mars. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t cool futuristic modes of transportation, most that travel on something known as The Grid (a network of synchronized power that runs below every interstate, highway, street, and connects at the center of each City-State like hubs to give every citizen of the Republic power). Without The Grid life wouldn’t be able to function, the world would find itself in cold darkness or in other locations scalding heat of the sun without means of protection. 
The Grid runs like ley-lines, connecting everything in the Republic to make it work like one giant machine, these lines can best be seen at night and truly showcase how vast the network is. It’s like a collection of different colored lights running along every surface in the world, some following vehicles. The Grid distributes power to transportation, homes, factories, and other buildings in the Republic. 
This is the bullet train of the future that can travel up to 2,000 mph, it utilizes a vacuum tube in order to reduce air friction and increase its speed. Not only is HyperExpress an ultra-fast bullet train it also serves as a kind of subway for all Caste citizens, not only the higher/wealthy ones. The HyperExpress system runs much like the railroad did when it first started laying track in 1830′s America, it’s the veins and nervous system of the Republic when it comes to transportation, stretching from one City-State to another across all connecting contents. Both cheap and highly efficient. 
Flying cars aren’t an option for civilians, scientists in the Republic tried to make it happen but after many try fail cycles it was deemed safer to not put the public in such contraptions. So only Air-X remains, the only commercial flying vehicle in the Republic skies. These are unmanned, piloted by A.I or small Androids, freight containers with a small cab build into the front. Using Air-X frees highways, interstates, and the oceans from unnecessary cargo shipment by vehicle or ship and instead acts much like a miniature plane of sorts. Small shipments use hover technology in their motors while larger shipments passing overseas use twin-jets or quad jets depending on the load.
Much like HyperExpress there is a network of tube-like structures following smaller highways in City-States civilians in both the middle castes and high castes can use who: ride electronic bicycles, electronic scooters, or even walk. The system is at least 17ft above the road, keeping pedestrians a safe distance from motorized traffic, is climate-controlled all year round, and also offers conjunction points were either 1.) City-State district limits begin and end or 2.) A transportation module such as HyperExpress is available. This allows civilians to hop off ePath and use another mode of transportation or walk directly about the City-State as they please. 
Human beings have been entranced with the idea of flying for decades and pushing the limits of that idea, ThunderHaven provides that extra push into the unknown. Following in the steps of countless airplanes and military jets that have both teased and pushed past the sound barrier this is the super-fast plane that not only pushes past and surpasses the sound barrier, it full on blows it away entirely. ThunderHaven travels 8 times the speed of sound and is also capable of breaking out of Earth’s orbit and touching the stars if it pleased. Its design is sleek, made of the finest materials to keep the body both lightweight and strong, and also windowless. Fear not, inside passengers have a choice between a real-time visual of outside the plane or movies. ThunderHaven has three travel classes for each caste: low, medium, and high. 
Electric Vehicles 
Just because cars don’t fly in 2200 that doesn’t mean they don’t hold their usual allure if anything cars in the Republic are far more diverse and better suited for Earth (as well as people). Pulling power straight from The Grid once a vehicle is in motion, tends to stay in motion running on pure liquid energy without producing climate-damaging greenhouse gases and nitrogen oxide. They can travel for miles and never need to stop to charge while within City-State limits (near a central hub) because The Grid is most powerful there, however, once beyond City-State limits and in outer rim districts/Outlands The Grid is less powerful and vehicles need to recharge after 600 miles. Most vehicles are outfitted with solar panel cells built into their framework, so they remain lightweight, efficient, and ready to charge at a moment's notice if you’re in the outer rim districts/Outlands. Any caste of citizen can own an electric vehicle, what varies from caste to caste is the classification of vehicle. 
Speedsters: These are unhinged, drag-racing, high-performance “cars” with a design that primarily revolves around speed and elegance, most high caste citizens own Speedsters due to their designs and the materials that go into creating them. It’s costly. Speedsters usually never adventure past inner City-State districts because many are low clearance and wouldn’t survive the rough terrain of outer rim districts/outlands. Much of a Speedsters appeal originates from the sleek design they take on: wheels built tightly into the frame not bulky in any way, smooth aerodynamic design, and many resemble “classic muscle cars” from the past giving drivers a nostalgic feeling. While they are pretty to look at and comfortable to sit in people are also drawn to what lies underneath, a powerful engine that pushes past all known boundaries of horsepower.  Speedsters can be defined in two simple terms: powerful and fast.
Cycles: These are vehicles that are not allowed on ePath and resemble sport motorcycles in design. Cycles are extremely slender, hold up to usually only one person (driver), and have tire technology called tilt-tread to allow the cycle to perform tighter turns without risking the driver. The front wheel is locked forward so steering is done by tilting Cycles, not turning the front wheel (why tilt-tread is so crucial). However, when attempting certain maneuvers a pair of small fins spring out behind the driver to aid both balance and braking.  Speed can be increased by twisting the twist throttle back towards the driver (located on the right-hand side handlebar). Most Cycles also come with small twin jets seated by the back wheel, this allows faster speeds to be reached efficiently. Unlike Speedsters, Cycles can adventure beyond inner City-State districts and endure some of the rough terrains of outer rim districts/outlands pose. All kinds of citizens from Castes ride Cycles due to their affordability and ability to go beyond inner City-State limits. 
Trail Blazers: Rugged, usually larger than all other forms of electric vehicles, Trail Blazers are designed to do as their name suggests: pave new ways through the wild territory without being stopped. These are the vehicles that can easily adventure into the outer rim districts/outlands without a second thought, large tires paired with reasonable ground clearance to avoid hazards the terrain may pose and not sink into softer ground due to roads becoming less frequent the further they adventure. Trail Blazers adapt to the terrain around them by extending spikes from its tires for better traction and adjusting its suspension for either better ground clearance or shock absorption. Only high caste military personnel drive these vehicles. 
Roadsters: The last classification of Electric Vehicles, these are sporty vehicles that sit between the Speedster and Trail Blazer category. Their primary design isn’t based on speed or being able to survive the unforgiving landscapes of outer rim districts/Outlands, instead, it’s comfort mixed with style. Built with enough ground clearance to adventure into outer rim districts/Outlands while maintaining a sporty design these vehicles are made for the middle caste families. Roadsters are often referred to as “the family vehicle”, outfitted with a third-row seat (unlike most Speedsters and Cycles) that is roomy and comfortable it’s the ideal vehicle for traveling in groups. 
And there you have it folks, the modes of transportation in the world of Renegade! I had so much fun basically spilling all my thoughts about this fictional world I’ve created and fallen in love with. If you have any questions or want to know more just send an ask or anything! Part two of worldbuilding questions for the world of Renegade is the Social Structure. 
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me-mindfulexistence · 4 years
Those Who Judge Will Never Understand...And Those Who Understand Will NEVER Judge. My Story Of Regret.
“Those who judge will never understand….and those who understand will never judge.”
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The last 24 years of my life I’ve been a mother and wife.  I have always been focused on wanting the best for my children…and for my entire family, like every good parent does. Though I have always wanted the best for them, this didn’t always equate to doing the best.  In fact, sometimes I wanted it so badly, my love or unbridled passion would do the exact opposite in effect. In hindsight, there were so many things that the kids did or that happened around the home that weren’t “worth” the anguish I put myself through , that just wasn’t worth the fight or the mental exhaustion of even worrying about.  Thank goodness I have Ron, my husband.  He is the yin to my yang.  He is the Tums for the household indigestion, at least most of the time anyway.  When shit gets shitty…he knows how to make things stink a little bit less.  Me? Not as much. I’ll just let you know how stinky it is and then magnify it by 100.  
How I dealt with the many issues over the years and how I dealt with the stresses of raising the kids has evolved and matured. But inevitably, after we instilled good values, taught them right from wrong while encouraging them to develop their own ideas, we had to “let them go”; Release them to make their own decisions, for better or worse.  For us, that’s what being a good parent is about.  Forming adults that have the innate ability to do “what’s right” on their own, and not just doing “right” because they have no other choice.  Then the cards land where they land.  Listen, we can only do so much to change who they are and what their choices are going to be, those choices will also change and mature…just as we have as parents.  I learned this the hard way.  
My youngest of all my children is now 18 years old and by far the most strong-willed, feistiest of all the bunch.  She is a mini-me.  Every time my other kids say “where does she get this attitude from???? Is she ever going to grow out of this?!” I reply “Yes, just give it time.  That was me” as they look at me with astonishment. It’s terrible!!!! That said, Sophie has had one issue I never had to deal with.  Something none of my other kids had to deal with.  Obesity.  She has dealt with being overweight most of her life.  Since grade school she has had weight dairies, seen CHOP doctors, and trainers. The worst part about the entire thing was having me as her parent through it all.  That’s truly how I feel.  As a small child she would spend days up at the farm with total access to as much ice cream and candy as she wanted, then come home and hide it in her room.  I would find it and guilt her about this bad behavior and expect her to change it.  It became an ugly game of “where’s the loot”.  I would find it and she would deny it.  After limiting her time at the farm and having home sitters more often, it didn’t matter.  Sophie always found food even when there wasn’t anything unhealthy to eat.  The portion sizes just kept getting bigger and bigger (along with her size).  Again, there I was to swoop in and spread further guilt.  I’d say things like “Didn’t you just eat?”... ”Having more?”. (and more times than not, words weren’t even necessary..b/c I’m well known for giving the “stink eye” when I’m not keen on what someone is doing).  Meanwhile, everyone else at the table was asking for seconds or thirds. This was all in addition to begging her to workout with me, begging her to eat less, bribing her to do x, y, z….for years and years and years.  
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Then came football. There was a large time frame where the boys were in high school and I’d have certain food for them because they needed to bulk up.  I’d then ask them to hide it in their rooms from Sophie, as if she wouldn’t know where the pop-tarts were coming from.  She would inevitably find the stash and the cycle of “find, eat, hide” continued.  Ron was just in the middle with his head spinning.  He always said, “Until she wants to do it for herself…she is never going to stick with anything”. Well, I couldn’t accept that.  Nope, not this mom!  I watched Oprah and Dr Phil.  What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t fix this?! Ugh. I have patients who are 600+ pounds. I’m not going to let this happen to my kid, damn it!  So, I kept at it. How intense I was flowed in waves. I cried to Ron, I cried to my other kids, and even occasionally, out of defeat, I cried to her. I felt like a constant failure and she knew it.  I look back on her childhood with great regret and many tears. So much time spent “forcing”.  As gingerly and tactful as I always felt I was being, it was probably like using a Samurai sword to remove a splinter.  By Sophie’s senior year of high school, I can’t say I gave up, but I put it in the hands of the universe.  That’s when it happened.  Good things come to those who wait?
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End of August 2019, Sophie says to me, “What diet will help me lose weight the fastest?” Uh…What?  “Yeah, I want to lose weight for senior week and to be healthy I guess, but really to look good for senior week”.  I said, I’d ask around and that’s when we decided on Keto.  Not the easiest diet, but it was what was right for Sophie.  Why? Consistent weight loss kept her motivated.  Period.  I don’t want to hear your healthy this, not healthy that BS.  What she was doing before was slowly killing her.  This was 100% better, so I had no issues.  First month was all diet.  Just adjusting.  Big mood swings, initial fatigue, some diarrhea.  Lots of food shopping, shakes, supplemental pills. We started out with an online kit which was helpful.  Eventually things evened out and she felt great.  That’s when exercise started.  SHE WANTED TO EXERCISE!!!! It was what I always wanted to hear! Of course, I tried to act all calm and cool and contain my excitement but inside I was screaming “Finally!!!! My prayers have been answered!!!”. My co-worker and good friend (Laura) who also struggles with weight, would frequently give me tips (and eventually reminders) to stop being the annoying skinny mom.  To let her be in control of this journey.  Laura would say “Slow down when you walk! Stop making her feel like she has to run to keep up with your fast walking pace....And no matter what, stop picking at her to do more! Keep telling her how great she is doing. Don’t point out the negatives”.   Initially Sophie started out doing short little workouts in her room, and then she wanted something more, so we ordered a stationary bike.  NEXT, THE GYM!  She was all about it!!! Almost daily…THEN COVID.  Well, that didn’t stop this train...We just made an entire room the “exercise room”.  H.I.I.T workouts daily, high interval intensity training, sometimes twice a day.  What I see now is dedication.  Not forced, not because I want it for her…but because she wants it for herself.  
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I have a great amount of compassion and understanding for people with weight issues.  We can’t judge because we don’t truly know.  It’s not just calories in and calories out, when I treat someone who is 600+ pounds it’s not because they ate too many Whoppers.  I could eat the same amount as that person and NEVER have the physical ability to get that big.  It’s just not that simple.  It pains me to see people put others down because of their size.  One bad injury and that could be you.  It pains me because fat doesn’t make someone ugly.   
Sophie not only inspires me at this point....she inspires others.  To be better, to do better. It’s about not just diet, but consistent exercise and improving her mentality. Bettering herself inside and out.  We can all do better.  
The regrets....Something I just have to live with.
July 2019 top  July 2020 bottom pic.....about 100 pounds later
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Picture after the Memorial Day “Murph” workout at the Farm.....
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
30 Best Gifts For Skiers
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/30-best-gifts-for-skiers/
30 Best Gifts For Skiers
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Skiing is a wonderful recreational activity as well as a competitive winter sport. In fact, many people love spending their holidays skiing around some stunning terrains. If you have a friend who loves skiing, here are some extraordinary and cool gift options for them. From skiing gloves to stylish skiing goggles, here are some of the most thoughtful and exciting gifts you can give them.
30 Best Gift Ideas for Skiers
1. Arctix Women’s Insulated Snow Pants
These Arctix Women’s Insulated Snow Pants are a great gift for the woman who wants to look gorgeous on her ski trips. These pants are made of ThermaTech Insulation that offers warmth in a lightweight, low bulk garment. These pants can keep you warm at temperatures in even -20°C. These pink pants have a tribal Aztec print and are adjustable at the waist.
Key Features:
600 Denier Ballistic used to reinforce the ankle and scuff
Hem guards to prevent daily wear and tear
Boot zippers to make it easy to put them on and pull them off
O ring for keys and gloves
Boot gaiters with grippers that form a seamless integration with boots to keep you warm
Available in unique prints and different colors
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2. TrailBuddy Trekking Poles
Surprise your friend with these TrailBuddy Trekking Poles. These adjustable hiking or walking skills will become the perfect companion to your friend on their adventure trip. The hiking poles are made of tough aluminum that can withstand pressure and impact better than carbon fiber. If you are hiking on rocky terrain, these sticks will help you keep going without stumbling or falling.
Key Features:
Excellent walking aid for creek crossings, wobbly ground, and steep terrain
Made of lightweight aluminum
Weigh up to 4 ounces less than common hiking sticks
Cork handles are comfortable to grip in both hot and cold temperatures, are moisture-wicking, and mold to the shape of your hand
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3. Wantdo Women’s Mountain Waterproof Ski Jacket
If one of your friends or loved ones is going on a skiing adventure, give them this Wantdo Women’s Ski Jacket. This windproof rain jacket is made of polyester fiber that guarantees the best heat retention. It is also coated with a water repellent, has a fuzzy lining, and is durable.
Key Features:
Keeps you dry and comfy
Adjustable cuffs and stretchable glove with thumb hole seal in warmth
Windproof snap skirt, internal draw-cord hem, and adjustable storm hood help keep the wind out
Equipped with 2 zippered hand pockets, 1 zippered chest pocket, 1 internal pocket, 1 internal secure media pocket, and an earphone line fastening
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4. Zippo Refillable Hand Warmer
Your friend will definitely need a hand warmer on their next skiing trip when they are exposed to very low temperatures. Gift them this Zippo Refillable Hand Warmer. This hand warmer offers gentle flameless warmth. It comes with an improved refill cup that helps reduce spills. It is perfect for all cold-weather activities and very helpful while skiing.
Key Features:
Provides safe, gentle warmth with the catalytic burner
Refillable warmer with easy-fill technology
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5. TETON Sports Oasis 1100 Hydration Pack
While going on a skiing trip, it is important to carry a multipurpose and roomy backpack. This Teton Sports Hydration Pack is the ultimate gift you can offer to skiers. This lightweight and comfy bag offers 1100 cubic inches of liquid storage capacity. It also has a notched foam stabilizer and mesh covering for long-lasting use.
Key Features:
Comes with a 2-liter durable and kink-free hydration bladder with a push-lock cushioned bite valve
Large main pocket protects gear, clothes, and lunch
Equipped with the bungee cord system for cycling and climbing helmets
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6. Arctix Men’s Essential Insulated Bib Overalls
These insulated bib overalls can be your friend’s ultimate companion during a skiing adventure. These awesome Arctix Insulated Bib overalls are made of 100% polyester. Its ThermaTech Insulation offers warmth and is lightweight, makes it a low bulk garment. It features adjustable comfort suspenders for the perfect fit with elasticized side gussets for maximum motion.
Key Features:
600 Denier Ballistic are used to reinforce the ankle
Features scuff and hem guards
Has boot zippers and a convenient O-ring for keys/gloves/lift tickets
Boot gaiters with grippers for warmth and moisture
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7. OZERO Winter Gloves
Warming gloves can keep you warm in extremely low temperatures. These Ozero Winter Gloves are perfect for ski lovers. These are windproof, water-resistant, and heat-lock insulated gloves. They are made of genuine deerskin suede leather, soft polar fleece, and the high-tech patented Heatlok system of hollow fibers and microfiber that provides warmth without adding excess bulk or loss of dexterity.
Key Features:
Retains the warmth inside the gloves
Offers superior grip, abrasion resistance, breathability, and sweat resistance
Polar fleece back for thickness, warmth, and comfort
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8. OutdoorMaster OTG Ski Goggles
These ski/snowboard glasses make a perfect gift for skiers. These OTG ski goggles also fit over glasses and are suitable for adults as well as kids. The dual-layer lens technology with anti-fog coated inner lens gives a fog-free skiing experience. The soft TPU frame with lenses provides 100% UV400 protection.
Key Features:
Extra-long elastic strap ensures great helmet compatibility with all helmets
Comes with a carrying pouch and 1-year warranty
Stylish, affordable, and durable
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9. Maps International Scratch-Off USA Skiing Map
Your skier friend may have a dream to ski at all the skiing resorts in the US. If yes, this is the best gift for them. They can scratch off the best skiing resorts in the USA after they ski there to reveal color-coded labels. It is also a great piece of art for them to hang on their living room wall.
Key Features:
170gsm silk art paper with gold scratch map coating
22 x 17 inches
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10. Tough Headwear Balaclava Ski Mask
It is important to stay safe and warm while skiing. This balaclava ski mask will protect you from the cold and wind. It provides protection from dust and UV rays. Its stretchy and breathable fabric wicks away moisture, while the fleece lining retains heat.
Key Features:
Stretchy, breathable fabric
Fleece lining
Features mesh breathing panels to increase airflow and minimize condensation on your goggles
Reflective logos on the front, sides, and back
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11. MARCHWAY Floating Waterproof Dry Bag
If you want to gift travel gear to your adventure-freak friend, this Marchway Floating Waterproof Bag is a great option. This dry bag is available in different sizes and colors for skiing, boating, kayaking, camping, hiking, and other such adventure sports. Its roll-top closure keeps your gear dry. The bag holds all your necessary gears and is made of ripstop tarpaulin, which is lightweight, compact, and durable.
Key Features:
Sturdy welded seam designed for years of usage and to prevent tearing, ripping, and puncturing
Solid roll-top closure system provides a watertight seal
Floats on water after rolled and buckled, so you can track your gear easily
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12. Cherainti Hydration Bladder
This portable hydration bladder by Cherainti is a BPA-free and leakproof reservoir that your friend  can carry along while skiing. This 2-liter bladder has a large opening that makes it easy to pour water. For cold water, simply add ice cubes through the opening.
Key Features:
BPA-free and leakproof
Can withstand temperatures from -20 to 50°C
The soft mouthpiece with on/off valve prevents leakage
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13. Athalon Everything Boot Bag/Backpack
The Athalon Everything Boot Backpack is available in a variety of colors and made using polyester for durability. This bag features zippered, ventilated side pockets for boots, a center section for a jacket, helmet, or clothing, an MP3 pocket on the front with a headphone port, and clips in each pocket for gloves, keys, and small accessories.
Key Features:
Hidden backpack straps
Padded lumbar back pads for comfort
Equipped with bottom drainage grommets, a waterproof PVC bottom, and a bungee cord on the front to hold a jacket
Reflective piping for increased visibility
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14. DryGuy DX Forced Air Boot Dryer And Garment Dryer
Gift your skier friend the Dryguy Forced Airboot And Garment Dryer. This portable and travel-friendly garment dryer can dry 4 garments simultaneously. It includes two removable extension tubes for use with boots that are up to 16 inches tall. It also features a whisper-quiet rotary blower, a 3-hour timer, and a heat/no-heat switch.
Key Features:
Heats up to 105° and is safe for liners, clothes, and boots
Includes two removable extension tubes for use with boots up
Helps eliminate odors and reduce the growth of bacteria and mold
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15. Attmu Classic Rubber Transparent Hot Water Bottle With Knit Cover
Since your friend goes to snowy places for their ski trips, it would be a good idea to gift them a hot water bottle to keep them warm in cold temperatures. The Attmu Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle comes with a knit cover that makes it even more warm and cozy to hold. Its thermoplastic material is also recyclable.
Key Features:
Made of recyclable thermoplastic material
Knit cover
Not suitable for microwave oven heating
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16. Wildhorn Drift Snowboard And Ski Helmet
A durable and super strong helmet keeps you safe while skiing. And with the Wildhorn Drift Snowboard And Ski Helmet, safety is guaranteed. This is the most trusted helmet for snowboarding and freeskiing. It is 25% lightweight compared to other helmets and comes in a stylish design. It accommodates different ski goggles and head shapes for a custom fit that is free of the gaper gap.
Key Features:
Ultra-plush interior lining that provides maximum comfort and insulation
Features a patented adjustable temperature control ventilation system
13 fully adjustable vents that you can slide open to cool off and slide closed to stay warm
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17. Zumwax Rub On Ski Wax
The Zumwax Rub On Ski Wax can be easily applied to skis and makes a great gift for ski lovers. Simply rub on and buff off this wax onto the base of the skis with the attached cork. Roll up the container for easy on-hill application. This 70 g roll-on wax lasts many days of skiing.
Key Features:
Can be used/stored in air temperature ranging from 10°C to -30°C (50°F to -22°F) and snow temperature ranging from 0°C to -30°C (32°F to -22°F)
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18. Sukoa Ski Boots Carrier Strap
To help your friend carry their ski boots easily and effortlessly vacationing, give them this Sukoa Ski Boots Carrier Strap. This 41” shoulder sling lets you carry your boots anywhere effortlessly. Its top-notch stitching and strong nylon prevents costly replacements.  With this strap, you can secure your boots in place so you always have dry and toasty boots.
Key Features:
5” wide strap that does not dig into your shoulders
Folds easily to put in your bag or pocket
Wide loops on the sling that fit any boot
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19. Wealers Wall-Mounted Storage Rack Organizer For Skis And Poles
This is the best gift you can give to your friend who loves skiing. This wall-mounted rack is great for storing your skis and poles indoors as well as outdoors. It securely holds 1 to 3 pairs of skis and ski poles. It keeps your sporting equipment secure with a durable metal frame made with anti-slip, anti-scratch padding that prevents your skis’ surface from damage.
Key Features:
Made with a quality metal with padded components
Protects your sports gear from damage
Saves plenty of space
Perfect for the garage, cabin, den, gaming and utility room, or workshop
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20. GoPong Das Shotten Ski With 50 Shot Glasses
Now this is a fun gift that your skier friend will definitely appreciate. It is a great way to warm after a day on slopes! This ski accommodates four shot glasses that four people can take at the same time. It is made from rustic stained pine wood and can be mounted on the wall.
Key Features:
Made of stained pine wood
Comes with 50 plastic shot glasses
Collapses into two pieces for easy transportation and storage
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21. WEIERYA Ski Socks
Don’t forget to give these Weierya Ski Socks to your friend before they go on their upcoming skiing adventure. These skiing socks are also great for snowboarding and cold weather in general. They are made of a premium cotton, chinlon, and spandex blend that fits your feet perfectly and keeps your feet warm. They also keep sweat at bay.
Key Features:
Midweight thickness
Do not affect the fit of your ski boot
Moisture-wicking fabric
Available in 5 different colors and different sizes for the perfect fit
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22. OlarHike Ski Snow Goggles for Men and Women
If your friend loves skiing, surprise them with these Olarhike Ski Snow Goggles. These are unisex goggles that are perfect for skiing, snowboarding, skating, and any other outdoor adventure sport. These anti-fog and windproof glasses will keep your eyes safe and protected from the cold and winds. They are padded with a 3-layer face foam that takes the pressure off from around your eyes and prevents discomfort around the temples.
Key Features:
Ultra-wide silicone strap
Quick-fit adjustable buckle system
Anti-fog coated and UV-resistant lenses
Large spherical ski goggles
360° flexible TPU frame and shock-proof lenses
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23. O’Brighton Waterproof Winter Ski Gloves
A good pair of gloves saves you from cold and keeps you warm during any outdoor adventure sport. These ski gloves by O’Brighton are great for the same reasons.  These gloves are designed using Full PU fabric instead of inferior PVC material or semi-PU material. The Full PU palms are equipped with rubber dots for maximum grip, durability, and movement.
Key Features:
Filled with 240g acrylic fiber cotton
Suitable for withstanding cold from -20℉ to -4℉
Great for skiing, snowboarding, snow shoveling, snowmobile, hiking, sledding, and other winter outdoor activities
Waterproof coating to keep your hands warm while skiing
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24. Sklon Ski Strap And Pole Carrier
If your friend finds it uncomfortable to carry their ski gear while traveling, gift them the Sklon Ski Strap And Pole Carrier. Its cushioned shoulder pad does not strain your shoulder and leaves your hands free for other important tasks and activities.
Key Features:
Cushioned shoulder pad
Traction Tech lining for a slip-free carrying experience
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25. Carhartt Men’s Acrylic Watch Hat
This Carrhatt Men’s Acrylic Watch Hat  is made of 100% acrylic and is a warm and versatile hat. It is also available in a wide range of colors. Whenever the wind gets blustery and the temperatures drop, your friend can grab this hat to protect themselves from the extreme cold.
Key Features:
Made of 100 percent acrylic rib-knit fabric
One size fits all
Great gift for skiers and adventure sport lovers
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26. OCOOPA Rechargeable Hand Warmer
This multipurpose handwarmer by Ocoopa is a perfect gift for your friend who loves spending their holidays skiing. It operates on a 5200 mAh battery and is portable. This warmer also works as a power bank and is great for people with arthritis.
Key Features:
Made of high-tech aircraft-grade aluminum and ABS material
Portable and compact
Anti-skid design
Three levels of temperatures 95-107°F, 104-118°F, and 118-131°F
5200 mAh lithium rechargeable battery with USB-C charging port
Available in three colors – blue, black, and pink
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27. Corkcicle Canteen Classic Water Bottle And Thermos
Your friend can carry this Corkcicle Canteen Water Bottle to sip hot and tasty beverages while skiing.  This ripple insulated stainless steel bottle keeps your drinks cold for 25 hours and hot for 12 hours. You can use it while skiing as well as at the beach or the office to keep your favorite drinks icy cold or piping hot for hours.
Key Features:
Easy-grip sides
Silicone bottom designed to prevent it from sliding
Screw-on cap
Available in multiple colors
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28. LAPASA Men’s Heavyweight Thermal Underwear
It is important to stay warm on the inside while skiing. This Lapasa thermal underwear will keep your friend warm and cozy while they are enjoying their favorite outdoor sport.  This heavyweight underwear is made of 95% polyester and 5% spandex and is suitable for extreme cold and frigid temperatures to regulate the body temperature.
Key Features:
Inner fleece lining
Moisture-wicking material
Elastic fabric that is comfortable and flexible
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29. Zomake Ultra Lightweight Packable Backpack
Your ski-loving friend can carry this Zomake Ultra Lightweight Backpack to carry any important stuff while on a skiing trip. This nylon backpack is waterproof and very durable, making it an excellent bag to carry your skiing gear.
Key Features:
Made with high-quality water- and tear-resistant nylon material
Durable abrasion-resistant SBS metal zipper
20 l storage space
Folds and fits into an ultra-compact pouch
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30. Black+Decker Single Serve Coffeemaker
Does your friend love making their own coffee no matter where they are? Gift them this Black+Decker Single Serve Coffee Maker that they can carry along on their next skiing adventure and sip their favorite coffee anytime, anywhere. This compact personal coffee maker is perfect for small kitchens, apartments, and dorm rooms.  Its 16-oz travel mug fits snugly in most car cup holders.
Key Features:
Mesh metal filter works with grounds or soft pods
Turns off immediately after brewing
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When you love your friend, you support them in their skiing adventures. And, the best way to do is by gifting them something that will enhance their ski trip. Which of these awesome gifts will you give your friend? Comment below to let us know!
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-gifts-for-skiers/
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g9trip · 4 years
20 Top Travel Destinations for 2020
From surprising emerging destinations like South Korea and Lebanon to old favorites like Peru and New Zealand, here are our top holiday destinations for 2020 that are sure to spice up your life with adventure. 
Emerging destinations
1. South Korea
Sitting pretty on the edge of the Korean peninsula and home to the ancient Gyeongbokgung palace, South Korea is waiting to be uncovered in 2020. Draped in natural beauty from the glittering skyline of Seoul to the stunning Taebaek mountains, it’s an absolute must for any adventurer.
Often overlooked by it’s larger neighbors like Japan and China, South Korea is not to be missed. Looking to explore the whole country? Check out our Korea Rail Pass and you’ll find yourself zipping your way across the lush natural landscape and digging deep into quirky K-Pop culture.
If you see one thing: Bukchon Hanok Village, located just north of Seoul, is a preserved settlement dating back to nearly 600 years ago. Here you’ll find hundreds of traditional Korean houses, hanoks, dating back to the Joseon Dynasty. Perfect for the history buffs and culture vlutures looking to learn more about traditional Korean culture.
Best time to visit: Visiting South Korea in either spring (March – June) or autumn (September – November) will find you more mild temperatures and low rainfall. If you don’t mind frigid weather, South Korean winters are great for skiing adventures!
Insider Tip: Head to Gwangjang Market (광장시장) or Namdaemun Market (남대문시장) to sample some of Seoul’s can’t miss street food such as mayak kimbap and bindaetteok.
2. Lebanon
One of the longest continually inhabited regions on Earth, Lebanon is chock-full of history and timeless landscapes. Most people don’t know about the country’s pristine Mediterranean beaches and fierce mountain ranges. If they did, they’d be flooded. And the capital, Beirut, has a seriously banging nightlife and killer food culture. The cuisine alone is worth hopping on a plane for.
If you see one thing: The Roman ruins of Baalbek are arguably the most intact the world, with pillars 19-metres tall that are arranged similarly to Athens’s Acropolis. Be sure to check the current safety status of Ras Baalbek city before travelling.
Best Time to Visit: Lebanon has a lot to offer all year round, but summer (Jun-Sep) is when the beaches are warm and the nightlife is just as hot.
Insider Tip: Like hummus? You’ve never had it quite like this. Try the sweet nuttiness of Lebanese baklava, said to be where the dish was invented. Then wash it down with a glass of jallab, a summery drink made with rose water and grape molasses.
Out and proud
3. Taiwan
Taiwan has been firmly on our radar for the last couple of years, but we fell even more in love with it when they legalised same-sex marriage last year. Safe and liberal, not to mention stunning (it was named ‘Ilha Formosa’ or Beautiful Isle by its Portuguese settlers), Taiwan is a non-mover for us. Extra points for its cycling infrastructure, top-notch trains, uncrowded surf spots and jaw-dropping national parks.
If you see one thing: Forget Taipei 101 (Taipei’s famous cloud-scraping tower and the world’s largest building from 2004 to 2010) dive into nature with Yushan National Park and soak in the vistas from Taiwan’s highest peak. The mountains on this island are seriously worthy of the hype.
Best Time to Visit: To avoid the hot and humid touristy season (July-August), the best times to visit are either April to June or September to November. Taipei’s world-famous Pride parade is usually held in October.
Insider Tip: Rainbow Family Village is a bit out of the way, but worth it for the ‘gram. Grampa Rainbow, as he’s affectionately called, began painting his military village a little bit day by day, creating an adorably cartoonish attraction.
Wallet-friendly winners
4. Jordan
A smaller and more affordable Egypt, Jordan is a winner if you’re looking for sparse red deserts, exposed rock formations and Bedouin encounters. Plus, it’s got not one, but five UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is only a short flight from the UK. And it’s been the setting for a number of big Hollywood movies. If it’s got enough adventure for Indiana Jones, it’s got enough for us!
Trek the Petra ruins, dive the Red Sea and explore its capital, Amman, in a week for less than £650 with a G Adventures tour.
If you see one thing: Petra. We know, it’s not exactly a shocker. The treasury is thought to have been a mausoleum for a king in 1 AD, but the local Bedouin people believed there are untold treasures hidden inside.
Best Time to Visit: March to May is when the temperatures tend to hang around the high teens, whereas the temperature can plummet in the evening after a 32-degree day in the summer. Talk about your hot and cold!
Insider Tip: Floating in the Dead Sea is one of those bizarre experiences that you need to feel for yourself. The lowest of the low, this stretch of blue water will be a welcome change from the red desert. If only if it was this easy to swim in every ocean…
5. South Africa
Lions and leopards and rhinos… oh my. Don’t forget about elephants and buffalo too. These are known as the Big Five, and South Africa’s Kruger National Park is one of the best places on the continent to see these guys in action. This country screams adventure as you can go surfing on the Eastern Cape Coast and bungee jumping off the Garden Route’s Bloukrans Bridge. Want something a little less adrenaline-fuelled? The hiking around Cape Town is something special (we’re looking at you, Table Mountain) and you can swim with gentle whale sharks in Sodwana Bay.
If you see one thing: Cape Town is a city tucked between mountains and ocean. After a night out in the comedy scene that gave the world Trevor Noah, pop out the next morning to greet the local penguins and haul yourself up the incredible Lions Head mountain.
Best Time to Visit: May to September is the dry season when animals congregate around watering holes, making for class wildlife spotting.
Insider Tip: If you swing by after the winter rainfall, Namaqualand springs to life with sweeping orange wildflowers. This only happens once a year, but if the fates don’t align, the national park is still stunning in August and September.
6. Slovenia
So you want the Italian Alps and classic German forests? Slovenia is your answer, and it’s a helluva lot cheaper. More than half of the country is still covered in trees, but let’s talk castles. Ljubljana is a gorgeous and quintessentially European town with a castle proudly looming over it. But if you want something a little less urban, look no further than Predjama Castle – it’s built into a cave in a classical Renaissance style. As if the fairytale vibes weren’t enough, the king there was also known to be quite the Robin Hood.
Slovenia is also home to the Planica Nordic Center, which boasts the biggest ski jumping hill in the world. Not keen on skiing? The centre also has a wind tunnel, cycling paths and a zip line – it’s the steepest in the world and (safely) gives you the sensation of being a ski jumper.
If you see one thing: Lake Bled is framed by mountains, rimmed by forest and dotted with picturesque little churches that are reflected in the clear waters. Jump in for a paddleboard or go for a leisurely walk along the shore.
Best Time to Visit: May to September is dry and ideal for hiking. But if it’s snow you’re after, go between December and March.
Insider Tip: Velika Planina is a Nordic Middle-Earth with grassy plains stretched over lazy rolling hills. A pasture plateau at 1,666m above sea level, it’s like hiking through heaven.
7. Bulgaria
Bulgaria is most commonly known for its cheap but snow-laden ski resorts, including Bansko, Borovets and Pamporovo. But if you’re also on the lookout for a European bargain beach break, you’ll also find it on the golden beaches along Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast.
New on Europe’s hipster radar is Sofia, where an emerging food, cocktail and street art scene should mean it shoots to the top of your weekend break list for 2020. Although in your search for jam jar cocktails, don’t forget about the old-time treasures, such as The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and the Square of Religious Tolerance.
If you see one thing: The Belogradchik Rocks are towers of red rock with a fortress perched on top. It’s hard to know if the view is better from the top or bottom—might as well do both!
Best Time to Visit: The shoulder seasons are from April to May and September to October. The windows may seem small, but you’ll have sights to yourself and the prices of tourist attractions are lower.
Insider Tip: The cuisine is a marriage of Mediterranean and Balkan. You must try banitsa, a baked pastry with regional feta cheese and eggs. Wash it all down with a drink at a nearby mehana (aka pub).
Green gems
8. Costa Rica
We love Costa Rica for its commitment to wellness and eco-conscious tourism. In fact, by the end of 2021, it aims to be the first plastic-free and carbon-neutral country. The cities and towns are a lot flashier than Costa Rica’s Central American neighbours, but its urban areas don’t compromise the incredible biodiversity of the jungles and coastlines. With over half a million species roaming about, keep an eye out for colourful birds and mischievous monkeys while you go about your jungle treks, yoga sessions and surf camps.
If you see one thing: Arenal Volcano National Park is a beautiful beacon glowing green above the horizon. You’ve got the country’s largest lake and dozens of waterfalls around, plus the exfoliating ash is good for your skin.
Best Time to Visit: December to April is the dry season and will undoubtedly deliver the best weather despite being a little busier with other travellers.
Insider Tip: The mantra of this country is ‘Pura Vida’, meaning ‘pure life’. It’s thrown around a lot, but it’s a call to wellness and being good to yourself and the environment around you. Learn it, live it, love it.
9. New Zealand
Welcome to Middle Earth… whoops. We mean New Zealand. With stunning mountain ranges and an actual Hobbiton to visit, the two are basically synonymous anyway. Adventure isn’t far from windy Wellington to adrenaline-fuelled Queenstown, the birthplace of bungee jumping.
Experience Māori culture by witnessing the roaring haka before an All Blacks game or devour a Māori feast in Rotorua. Show a little love to the environment by responsibly cruising around mountains in an electric campervan, brought to us by our green-obsessed friends over at Britz.
If you see one thing: Tongariro Crossing was voted one of the world’s best day hikes and was used as a filming location in Lord Of The Rings. It’s surprisingly accessible and feels miles away from civilisation.
Best Time to Visit: March to May is when the crowds thin and prices fall, but the cold of winter hasn’t settled in yet.
Insider Tip: Head down south to Stewart Island for prime kiwi-spotting opportunities – and we do mean the birds, not the locals. New Zealand’s shy, feathered mascot is delightfully bizarre and needs to be seen to be believed.
10. UK
You’re thinking of London right now, aren’t you? We agree London is fab as it holds the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, Big Ben and many, many more. But worse than missing out on a London monument is never leaving the capital at all! Give the out-and-proud Brighton a go and stroll down the pier or hang around Bristol’s stylish Clifton neighbourhood. On your way to Liverpool for your Beatles pilgrimage, stop off in Wales, the Lake District or venture further afield to Scotland for incredible hiking.
If you see one thing: The British Museum is one of the wonderfully free attractions in London and is chock-full of artefacts from all over the world. You could spend days here!
Best Time to Visit: March to May is when the UK sprouts with green and the tourist rush doesn’t happen until June.
Insider Tip: Glen Coe is the most popular area of the Scottish Highlands and is breathtaking throughout the year. The grassy pastures stretch and surround fearsome cliffs – it’s worth the hype.
11. Peru
The government wisely puts a limit on how many people can hike the famous Inca Trail per year, but there are so many other amazing hikes through the Andes that are less crowded and aid efforts to combat overtourism. Check out the seven-day Lares Trek, the five-day Salkantay Trek, and the intrepid 12-day Choquequirao to Machu Picchu Trek. Each goes by massive Incan ruins that are more common than you think.
If you see one thing: The Rainbow Mountains have recently been revealed due to a receding glacier. You’ll be rewarded after an exhilarating hike as the natural minerals create technicolor stripes down the cliffsides.
Best Time to Visit: April to May and September to October is prime time to be outdoors and hiking under the not-too-unforgiving sun.
Insider Tip: Kuélap is a more environmentally conscious alternative to Machu Picchu and overlooks the pretty Utcubamba Valley. Plus, you’ll basically have the entire ancient town to yourself.
12. Japan
The Olympics are on their way and we can’t wait! Tokyo will be in full swing in 2020, but it’s important not to have your blinders on. If you’re craving city thrills of late-night all-you-can-drink karaoke, shop-til-you-drop arcades and driving through the streets in your very own Mario Kart, opt for Osaka instead during this busy year.
We know that nearby Kyoto and Nara are calling you, but you can do your part to combat overtourism by opting for tranquil Kamakura. The coastal city has hundreds of temples and shrines as well, plus Japan’s largest outdoor Buddha and an epic surf beach!
If you see one thing: Get out to the Fuji five lakes. Climbing Fuji-san is fine (if not crazy crowded), but it can only be climbed two months of the year. The lakes are open year-round and reflect Fuji in their waters on a clear day.
Best time to go: March to June is mild, typhoon-free, and full of festivals to celebrate the budding of plum and cherry blossoms. The Japanese take their pink tree flower worship seriously with all-day picnics during hanani.
Insider tip: Get out of town to Koya-san, a mountaintop Buddhist monastery complex where you can stay overnight and eat the same seasonal meals as the monks do. The temples are extravagant, but pictures are strictly forbidden at Okunoin Temple – yes, it’s really that good.
13. Turkey
Turkey is absolutely saturated with history and ruins, and it’s easy and cheap to get around too. We know you’re already going to hit up Istanbul and Cappadocia because who doesn’t fancy a hot-air balloon ride or browsing the local markets for a new rug? But get off the beaten path by sussing out mountainside ruins of the Lycian Rock Tombs and the Myra Necropolis. You can walk freely inside the ornate cave dwellings that overlook the water and show some love for the local communities at the same time.
If you see one thing: The Hagia Sophia of course. This museum will tell you its history as both a church and a mosque, then enchant you with its intricate calligraphy and Byzantine art.
Best Time to Visit: April to May and September to November is when the weather is warm but not too hot.
Insider Tip: Take a dip in the natural hot springs of the Pamukkale Water Terraces, where white stone pools hold warm, ashy-blue waters. The cliffs look like they’re covered in snow, but they’re really 35–100 degrees!
14. Philippines
Get in touch with your resting beach face in the Philippines. There are over 7,000 islands with pristine beaches ready to help you achieve pure Filipino bliss. After you’ve had enough of snorkelling and made friends with hundreds of species of fish, travel by 4WD over lunar landscapes to trek to the summit of Mt. Pinatubo and deep into the sand dunes of Paoay.
If you see one thing: Get to know the ancient practices of the Banaue tribes by trekking through local northern villages and past 2,000-year-old rice terraces.
Best Time to Visit: November to April is the dry season that won’t threaten to rain on your parade.
Insider Tip: The Asik-Asik Falls only reached international attention back in 2010. This lush mountainside has dozens of beautiful waterfalls spilling down it.
Back open for business
15. Puerto Rico
Short on time? No problem! Puerto Rico’s compact, traveler-friendly size means you can a lot in the space of a week. Despite its small proportions, this island packs a punch with its historical landmarks dating back several centuries, and sandy beaches that stretch for miles. It’s also one of the best places in the world to see turtles, dolphins and blue whales, so set off on a marine adventure or volunteer at a conservation project.
If you see one thing: Ok ok… we couldn’t pick one! Puerto Rico’s must-sees are El Morro, a six-story fortress dating back to the 1500s, and frog-spotting in El Yunque National Rainforest.
Best Time to Visit: Mid April to June. Historically the best weather is in the winter time, which tends to be the busiest. The rainy summer weather is typically considered the off season.
Insider Tip: While most tourists head to Puerto Rico for Spring or Winter break, we think the best time of year is actually in January during the San Sebastián street festival in Old San Juan. From parades, music, dancing, food, and local artisan goods, there’s so much to see!
Find your next adventure on one of our many tours, or give us a call to lock in a flight with a small deposit to one of these top holiday destinations for 2020.
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The post 20 Top Travel Destinations for 2020 appeared first on G9Trip.com - Everything in 9 Global Trips.
source http://g9trip.com/20-top-travel-destinations-for-2020/
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shirditour · 5 years
Get Shower of blessings of Sai Baba at Shirdi with Darshan Tour
To tour Shirdi you need HIS ease. Right when the open gateway arrives the voyage occurs. A Masters Grace an uncommon trek occurred with Darshan tour on Apr 23/24th. 2018 is the 100th year since Sai Baba accomplished Samadhi, and we were regarded with an extraordinary air and lacking get-togethers all of which proposed a mind-boggling trek.
Welcome staggering assistance from devouring summers in August. The outline of the best places to tour every month gives a reasonable picture of which target you should encounter the interest of tornadoes. Kumarakom guarantees the best choice for evaluation. Peculiarly, the pulling back precipitation of August makes Agumbe all the besides arousing. Stroll around the history course as you take a voyage through Mandu. An exceptional inclination station, Khandala can in like way update your lively framework of family-obliging spots.
You have different choices to get to Shirdi or you may pick a full Shirdi tour package. There are minute AI flights from Mumbai and Hyderabad that stretches around 4 PM. There are prepares and move. Going from Bangalore the best course for us to arrive was to take an early morning excursion to Pune and a concise time designation later drive to Shirdi (Indigo 6E 408 pulls back Bangalore at 5.25 AM and comes to Pune at 6.50 AM) – yes that accumulates you get up at 2 AM to get to the air terminal. Our flight came to before time and we had our vehicle from Savaari.comwaiting for us (https://www.savaari.com) – this is a solid, sensibly explored relationship with the marvelous relationship for booking outstation taxis. The bundle from Pune to Shirdi is ~ 200 Km's and we achieved our lodging at 11.30 AM. Its a 4 hr drive including a 30 min stop – uncommon street, stores of spots to stop for tea/washroom breaks.
Run Falls, the second most basic course in the nation awestruck the spectators. Cycling in Pondicherry causes your central focuses regardless much as could be run of the mill from your occasions in India in August. On the off chance that you are slanted to set out on an undertaking, you can consider touring Shirdi. In Shirdi, you will get Shirdi Special Darshan and will get astounding touring in Shirdi and at the closest tour or point in Shirdi with our shocking Shirdi tour gathering. In addition, Independence Day good times all over India associates you with your nation by get-together submitted evaluations. Satisfy your shopping gorge at business areas in Bikaner. Celebrate in the ocean side condition at Kanyakumari. In like manner, the observer nature assembling everything all, witness the Athirapally Falls in Thrissur.
There is nothing restricted from Sai? I can't be kept from Sai. You can't be discrete from Sai either. Sai is unadulterated thought. Sai can't be contained in a structure, any structure.
Like in any refuge town, there are various choices, including rooms that are given by Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust(Shirdi). We picked Hotel Bhagyalaxmi a not very frightful motel, inconceivably perfect, open rooms, sensibly evaluated ( Rs 2200 constantly for a twofold inhabitance room), and a superb bistro included. It's an essential 2 min stroll around the Temple. (In the guide underneath it is at the base where you have Hotels and cabins made)
I should make this from the motivation driving a common humble admirer of Bhagawan Shree Shirdi Sai Baba. Baba is a picture. We minor individuals can't ever get a handle on the awareness of such an incredible part. He is past this present reality. He offers to see each reasonable enthusiast of his, day and night if the sweetheart is open to get it. When in doubt, a wonder is ousted obviously by the nonappearance of conviction. Baba is open for any fan inexhaustible. Notwithstanding, by and large, individuals call him precisely when they need something. This is a terrible abuse or under usage of an exceptional picture. Inward flawlessness is all you essential for showing up miracles. The inward opening is everything required for filling the substance of Sai, the Sai care, into our vessel of critical worth.
Different decisions to remain proposed by amigos included Vasavi Bhawan and Saish Hotel which is ensured by the astounding grandson of Baijamma an astonishing admirer of Baba.
It took after a homecoming! I felt totally at home, as though I was there always or potentially generally until now. My body began to have a smooth tremor. The chills passed on everywhere. I felt wave after the tempest of lessening, spread centrality spilling up me and into me. I slipped into a trance. Evaluations disappeared. Mind ended up clear. Only a solitary idea showed up in my psyche as a supplication. In my cerebrum, I said "Baba, these individuals have searched for your ensuring. In case it's not too much inconvenience strengthen everybody". I couldn't request whatever else.
Safe house Darshan
Shirdi can wind up included. So guarantee that you book you Darshan on the web. You can get a client ID and book your Darshan tickets here. Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust(Shirdi) – https://online.sai.org.in. You have two options – you can book tickets for Aarti that happens on different occasions each day or Darshan tickets for spaces as the day advanced. (The Kaakad Arti was surveyed Rs 600/ - and the Darshan Arti Rs 200/ - per head. You are permitted to book tickets for different individuals – in any case, verification pass on your ID)
• Kaakad – Early Morning
• Madhyan ( Noon)
• Dhoop ( Evening)
• Shej ( Night)
The Temple Complex – What is there to see, (absolute best condition you can cover all that is to see in under an hour and a half)
The fundamental Temple or the Samadhi Mandir – is the spot you have the Samadhi of Sai Baba and the marble statue of him in a sitting position. There are two or three extra spots to see inside the shelter complex
Essentially a month later, I returned to Mumbai. A get-together of individuals set up a picked relationship in Dubai and they referenced that I recognize energy as its CEO. The social affair was set in Mumbai. I was living with my family in India around by then and had not made up any move after I left the activity in Iraq. I had a couple of hypothesis holds. Regardless, since Ammucare philanthropy exercises got significance during my stay in India, my whole additional finances depleted quickly. I was made game arrangements to proceed with the unselfishness works out, paying little regard to whether I expected to check extra. In each valuable sense all that I at whatever point earned, was spent on kindness. Luckily, since I didn't have various costs of my own, since individual necessities were less, it was less annoying.
That was the basic crucial defining moment of my life. Not long after the taping, I toured Mumbai. When I toured a book shop, I wound up referencing a Sai Satcharitha. I didn't have even a vulnerability why I referenced this book. It was doubtlessly not a cautious, pre-managed buy. Two weeks after I gained the record of Sai, I came to Shirdi. This was, in all honesty, His empowering, His call.
Gurusthan – The seat of the educator. This is really interfacing the Samadhi Mandir. Gurusthan is the spot Sai Baba beginning late appeared to the world as a multi-year-old youth. The spot is framed under a titanic Neem tree. It is other than has a sanctum on which Sai baba's depiction is put with a Shivalingam and the Nandi bull clearly before it. Gurusthan finishes up the seat of the teacher.
Dwarkamai – They express that Dwarkamai is the purpose of the intermingling of Shirdi, where the exceptional Sai Baba spent an essential piece of his life including his last minutes. This site, from the most punctual beginning stage, was a fragile mosque. Dwarkamai is likely the fundamental mosque which has a shielded house in it! The first Dhuni of Baba is up 'til now captivating here. You can stroll around it and see where he rested and lived.
Chavadi – During his last years, Sai Baba used to spend substitute nighttimes at Chavadi. The spot is discovered fitting next to Dwarkamai mosque from where the motorcade of Sai baba close to his supporters was done in a palki. Irrefutably, even today, the motorcade occurs on every Thursday with the picture of the sacred individual inside the palki. The Chavadi and Dwarakamai are planned outside the standard Temple complex – regardless its a 5 min walk around you exit from Gate 3 (Shani Gate)
Lendi Baug – Sai Baba used to contribute a colossal proportion of his centrality here watering the plants each day in the mornings and evenings.
Dixit Wada Museum – The Wada show is sorted out in the area of the Shri Sai Baba Sansthan recognizes that shows vintage pictures of Sai Baba with his supporters. It similarly shows his cowhide padukas, long robes and a smoking channel close to gramophone records, washing stone and cooking utensils, among others. The genuine focus is open for open to tour from 10 am to 6 pm. Between the introduction and the Lendi Baug are a couple of Samadhi's of Sai Baba's closes fans the two Hindus and Muslims.
Barely any Important Points for tourers
• Cell phones are not allowed inside the asylum complex – so leave it in your room. In like manner, leave your belts and sacks. Just wallet is allowed.
• Footwear must be left outside – you can leave it in any of the shops outside
• You get Prasad as you exit after darshan – a stack of Boondi and some little pockets of "Uddi" (slag from the favored Dhuni) – you can't buy extra.
There are a couple of dynamically imperative spots you should tour. The first is the Mahalsapati Kutir – discovered fantastically close to the Chavadi. Mahalsapati was an unfathomable aficionado of baba and straight-up 'til right here and now the night prasad from the safe house is passed on to their home. If you are lucky and are touring around 1230 – 1 you may get the prasad. The house is genuinely compelled by the fourth time
A minutes walk around Mahalsapati's house is the home of Laxmibai Shinde Patil. She used to cook for Sai Baba and on the day going before he left his body he skilled her 9 silver coins. these are on display. Ask nearby individuals and they will control you to these spots.
These loads you have to consider Darshan of Sai Baba. In any case, as a tour overseeing association, we have plans for you that make your excursion basic and fulfilling. We have such limitless Shirditour package for you in which we are giving all relationship to make you Shirdi outing fulfilling and central.
It was towards the fulfillment of 2004 when I had left my returning to in Iraq and was back in India genuinely cooling my heels which were unfathomably depleted in view of crazy conditions that I had looked from for all intents and purposes 1998. I was invited for a social event in regards to the matter of Spirituality and Management. This is course before the reflections met up at me and I wound up known as Mohanji. Those days, I was dynamically found in the field of the board. The video was taken shots at a shoreline in India. Additionally, the record began from the passage experience of a Sai Temple, close to the shoreline. That time, paying little respect to the way in which that I had heard the name Sai Baba, I didn't generally know anything about Baba, his character, or where He was or even where Shirdi is. It is my propensity to bow down and pay respects to the pictures or photographs of any notable specialists autonomous of religious preventions. That way, I bowed down and accomplished the feat of the tremendous picture of Baba before I started the party.
My essential improvement into the Samadhi Mandir is so far like a dream. When we arrived, the night aarthi was going to begin. This was in 2004 and the social event was far not as much as now. I didn't consider the components of Shirdi nor had I heard the Sai Arathi up to that point. The tolls were ringing and I was told the sheltered house will close for open after the night poojas. I ran and went to the samadhi mandir. The aarthi had begun. I plunked down, looking enchanting, superb statue of Sai.
Darshan Tours and Travels offer a full-scale level of Shirdi tour, a religious spot In Maharashtra from each and every veritable city in India. Shirdi is a purified spot refined by the headways of Sai Baba. The trek to Shirdi overseen by us can be changed by your necessities. They are moderate and careful of voyaging, lodging, and boarding.
A hypnotizing trek to Shirdi, a saint among the most toured blessed places in Maharashtra is a stinging of every Hindu and Muslim person. Shirdi is well-related with every essential city in India with a fitting establishment, roadways, flight courses, and railways. This blessed objective is toured by crores of tours constantly from all sides of the world. You can reach Shirdi by all techniques for vehicles like vehicle, train, vehicles, and flights, whichever is important for you.
Various tours and goes across over Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh sorts out Shirdi tours reliably. The tour social occasions join touring of Shirdi, neighboring Mukh darshan, kakad aarti, live aarti and touring of Shani-Shingnapur, Ranjangoan Ganapathi and Nasik. The balanced tour offers the key to unnecessary lodging, vehicle rentals for touring and diverse workplaces that suit your needs. Standard vehicles and taxis use Shirdi dependably from Ahmednagar, Mumbai, Pune, Thane, Nashik, Akluj, Dhule, Nagpur, and Aurangabad. There are dependably open and private vehicle controllers that affirmation your chief access to the sanctum of Saibaba.
Among various tours and goes in Mumbai, Shirdi Special Darshan main impetuses extraordinary outings to Shirdi from enormous urban districts are Maharashtra like Mumbai, Pune, Ahmednagar, Nasik, and Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and that is just a gander at something greater. The Shirdi tour social affair offered by them is reasonably studied and can be changed by your course of action and essentials. Their outbound experience about event packages in Shirdi, voyager places and obvious religious places close Shirdi is splendid. We are experts in driving total and best methodologies in Shirdi which circuits the cost of hotels, resorts, vehicle rentals, and modified Sai darshan, offering the best blueprints around the zone.
Various tours and voyages likewise offer re-try Pune Shirdi tour package and Chennai at moderate rates. First-class charts for fans to wind out from Bangalore to Shirdi and Chennai to Shirdi by flight is a fundamental piece of the game-plan. Shirdi Sai Darshan's broad tour social occasions ordained from Bangalore and Chennai are clearing of the inn and heaping up workplaces, touring of neighboring spots, meals, and flights. We have particularly sorted out Shirdi Tour Packages to draw in sweethearts from Bangalore and Chennai to take gifts of Sai Darshan in multi-day or two.
Their packs to reach Shirdi by techniques for vehicles join Bangalore to Shirdi transport tour, Bangalore to Shirdi BusTour, Pune to Shirdi transport tour and that is just a gander at something greater. It is done of the basic number of charges including transport travel, suppers, a night stay in lodgings at Shirdi, Sai Baba Darshan and touring. They have a wide blueprint of motels and vacationer vehicles including a vehicle on rent, non-AC transports, AC transports and that is just a gander at something greater. They have moreover made game-game plans of offering fundamental to rich comfort as showed up by your specific necessities.
To consider Shirdi Special darshan and other tour social affairs, with congruity among removing up and touring, do tour https://darshantour.com/
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