#wally & reader: autistic to autistic communication
dearmailman · 11 months
Hiii Eddie I hope you're having a good day!!! If you're still taking fic requests could you please write a fic about wally babysitting a little reader who's autistic and they finger paint together or something like that sorry this is kinda long just have a great day
Hello neighbor!
This one's short and sweet. Reader has a small shutdown and Wally, your babysitter, provides comfort through regression.
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"Now, now," Wally tuts. "What ever will we do?"
You are sitting in the corner of Home's living room, having come over to play with your sitter earlier that day. You're sniffling slightly, the lights feeling far too bright and the noises far too loud. You have your hands rested over your ears, and Wally's voice is muffled behind them.
Wally sits down across from you, tilting his head. "May I touch you?" You shake your head no, squeezing your eyes shut and pulling back from him on instinct, not wanting your felts to touch each other. Wally nods. "That's okay. Do you need to do something distracting, or do you need a nap in the dark?"
You sniffle again, though your tears have mostly dried and settled into quiet distress. "Distraction," you mutter.
"Okay! I will get my headphones for you, and then I will get a distraction." He sounds very determined to do these simple tasks, as though doing it for you means everything to him. You can't help smiling after him as he walks off.
A loud creak sounds at you, and it makes you cover your ears harder. "No, please, Home," you say, feeling bad that your friend can't speak with you right now due to the way its creaking gnaws at your eardrums. "We can play later," you promise him. Home falls silent respectfully, and Wally emerges from his bedroom with a pair of red earmuffs. They look like lumpy circles at first, but as he gets closer you realise they're apples!
It's a very cute sight, and you smile again despite the tear streaks on your face. Wally gently guides your hands away and immediately replaces them with the earmuffs. He's saying something to you, but it's too muffled to hear, so you give him a confused look.
He speaks up louder, in a very slow, pointed voice. "Would you like to paint, little neighbor?"
You seem unsure for a moment, wondering if the texture of the paints might be too much? It doesn't usually bother you, so perhaps it's worth a try. You nod and Wally nods back.
Moments later, you both are spread out on the floor in between bottles of paint and several pieces of construction paper. You have a green paper and are smearing blue paint over it, creating what seems to be a skyline. Maybe you'll add flowers? Bees to pollinate them? Endless possibilities!
You can't hear Wally, but he's painting beside you, with yellow paper and red paint. While you do feel more at ease, the lights are still very bright, and it's making it hard to relax, as everything seems more saturated, like it's jumping into your face.
"Home?" you call out, a bit too loud since you can't hear yourself. "Close window?" Home creaks their shutters shut for you, and a few friendly squeak, squeak, squeaks! ring out at you. You sigh, the room darkening and now only lit by a lamp in the corner.
Wally pats your head softly, and you turn to look at him, pulling up one headphone so you can hear him. "Reader, what did you paint? Do you want to see what I have painted?"
You hold up your pretty picture of a field, with bright colorful flowers and two buzzing bees, nodding at wanting to see his as well. Wally holds up a drawing that is two circles with one inside the other. You quirk an eyebrow, a little confused. But then it clicks.
"A eye?
"Yes, neighbor. Because eye love you," he boops your nose with a paint covered finger, and the red stains your nose. You giggle and touch his cheek, also spotting him with paint. Wally laughs slowly when he hears you giggling, assuming something silly must be at foot. "Barnaby teaches me good jokes, I think."
"Do you feel better, my littlest neighbor?"
You pause and consider it, and yes, you do feel better. In the darkened room with most loud noises fallen away, relaxing with your babysitter, you feel quite good, even! Wally smiles wider as you nod in confirmation, and he sets his picture down.
"Oh, that's good. What do you want to do now?"
"Snacks!" you cry, raising your hands in the air.
"Okay. I still have your favorites in my refrigerator, blossom."
"Snacks!" you cheer again.
"Snacks," Wally agrees.
You chant it and Wally states it back and forth to each other as you make your way to the kitchen, happy to just be there with each other, despite any troubles the day may have given you.
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sfw interaction only
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starleska · 1 year
Hey I saw your fainting request and thought it looked great....I have a request of my own...
Can...you do wally x reader who is autistic? Like gets distracted and/or hyperfixated on things easily, does stims like arm flapping as an example, and other stuff?
Just love wally from welcome home ever since I randomly stumbled upon welcome home! I wish they would 'find tapes of the show' so we could legit watch the episodes and stuff! Imagine the glitches and tibits they could add in! Oh I'd love it! And I adore the puppets and this adorable horror so much!
oh hell yeah, this is the ask i was waiting for!!! 🔥🔥🔥 of course i can fill out this prompt for you darling - i'm autistic myself, and it's my headcanon that every single member of the Welcome Home cast is some shade of neurodivergent 🥰💖 the lovely official arm-flapping art of both Julie and Frank is all the evidence i need!! plus, Wally sleeping on a cake...i'm choosing to believe he's a big fan of that kind of texture 😂💖 speaking of!...
Wally Darling x Autistic Reader headcanons
⭐ when you first tell Wally you're autistic, he doesn't quite grasp the concept. he nods when you give the clinical definition, but it's clear he doesn't understand why you're making the distinction. however, when you first describe your special interests, Wally's eyes light up! he grabs a pencil and his sketchbook, and quickly scrawls a crude picture of your mutual neighbour Frank, along with a host of pretty butterflies. then, right by his side Wally doodles himself, surrounded by floating apples. "It's good to be excited by things," says Wally, with all the sage wisdom of a tenured professor. ever distracted, he flips to a new page and carefully (his tongue sticks out during the process!) renders you in pencil. then, he fills in the blank space with pretty, stylised doodles of all your most beloved interests - even the obscure ones which are not easily communicated in picture form 💖 from that moment on, you know you and Wally are kindred spirits. ⭐ stimming is something Wally does regularly, and he loves it when you stim too!! Wally's most prominent stim is singing - he's constantly humming a tune or thoughtlessly mumbling lyrics to himself, sometimes from known songs, and sometimes from original compositions. Wally is also prone to pacing and threading his fingers together when he's nervous or stressed: a rare occurrence, as his outward persona is typically bright and relaxed. however, Wally never wants his pals to feel left out: if his friends are stimming, he'll quite happily mirror the movements!! Julie adores it when Wally flaps along with her, and although Frank will never admit it, he appreciates when Wally sits on the floor and rocks with him. whichever stims you prefer, he's always delighted to be a part of what helps you navigate the world and make your body and brain feel better 🥰 ⭐ Wally loves to give you deep-pressure hugs. your new neighbourhood is a kind and accepting place, but even you can become overwhelmed by its sweet, rainbow brightness. you don't know why, but one particularly hypersensitive day, you begin to approach a meltdown and have nowhere to escape. without a word, Wally slips his soft, fuzzy arms around your waist and pulls you into his chest, face-first. his strength is astonishing, and although you have an initial moment of panic, all that tension and terror starts to slip away as you inhale his unique fruit-felt scent. Wally hums to you as he holds you - and keeps you in his arms until you feel relaxed enough to slip out of your own accord 🥺 i hope this is what you were looking for, anon :3c i know we all have our unique experiences as autistic people, but i hope this was broad enough and relevant to you. have a great day 😊💖
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Hey! Your hcs are so amazing💕 I was wondering if you could write a Wally Darling x autistic reader… I’m autistic and this would be very meaningful to me
Btw sorry for the english, I am brazillian and not used to write in any language that isn’t portuguese lol
That’s perfectly okay, friend!! I think you did just fine (with the wording of your message, I mean) !! :] /g and thank you!!
And sure thing!! I’m autistic, too :D so I’m happy to write for this!! Haha!!
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Pluffy Fluffy
Wally Darling x GN!Autistic!Reader
Headcanons Format, Relation can be interpreted by the Reader!
Please note, everyone is different on the Autism Spectrum! I loosely based this off of my own experience, but you are free to request again and specify where you lie, or how yours represents itself!! I would be happy to personalize it, more :]
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Wally Darling is a lovely companion to have when you’re on the autism spectrum! He has it, himself. :]
Though his manifests in its own way, with its own mannerisms, he still can very easily understand your own standpoint— whether it’s akin to his or not!
Specifically, he’s quite good when it comes to overstimulation.
Wally’s an observant one— for everyone in his life. He knows the indicators that something is getting “too much” for just about anyone, and that very much includes you.
Whether your start getting jittery, angry, spacey, or however it is you begin to behave when undergoing too much, he learns the signs of it.
If you’re one to devolve into mumbling, or go nonverbal, he’s perfectly okay to sit with you until you get your words together. If there are tools that help you communicate, he is sure to remind you of them so you can use them— if you’d like to. If you don’t want to? He’ll just stay by you, if you’d like to have company.
He takes great care in asking and finding out what helps you during overstimulation, as well.
If you’re one to need a complete environment change, he is expertly skilled in peacefully intervening whatever interaction and getting you out of it stress-free!
And if being placed into a quiet environment helps; he’s got many quiet, serene spots he’d be happy to share!
If going to your home would help most, though, he’ll gladly walk you— and if you’d like company, he’d stay with you.
Really, anywhere you’d like to go, he’d be happy to be by your side!
If you need someone to squeeze, or just let it out to, he’s also happy to help with that! Although he may not embrace you back (not because he doesn’t want to!.. He just doesn’t know that he should), he is happy to oblige!
If touching people isn’t your thing, though, he’s also got a stress ball somewhere around here..
Or, if you’re maybe just someone that needs to be entirely alone to calm down? That’s okay, too, he entirely understands— for he’s the same, that way.
Regardless of what you need, he will try to help in any way he can!
Which very much includes guiding you through grounding methods, too, if need be.. He likes to think his voice can be soothing!
Now, on the contrary, when it comes to under-stimulation? He’s quite the helper there, too!
He tries to get you to do something, really— which has included offers of painting (which also includes finger painting), letting you ramble to him (or having him ramble to you, if you’d want!.. He’s just a bit hard to get going.. but he’s willing to try, at the very least), or maybe just going on a walk. If company helps you in any way, shape, or form; he’s there.
Whatever it is that helps you, he is there to provide if it calls for him to!
When it comes to textures, Wally is a very texture-orientated person. He’s perpetually in a state of being somewhat under-stimulated, but textures help him with that!
With that in mind, if you’re similar? He will gladly show you what he finds textures on! It isn’t uncommon to find him running his hands along something, extremely content.
He especially notes which textures give you euphoria, or that you just like, and will try to show you them!
With textures that make you uncomfortable, though? He’ll keep it in mind! And, to be frank, he doesn’t mind being a sort of “texture tester”.
“Ah.. this shirt wouldn’t feel good, to you.. it’s scratchy.”
Speaking of shirts, he’d be delighted to help you find texture-safe clothing, if it’s something you’d need or want help with!
Along with tags. He’s got a seam cutter just for tags, and he’d be happy to help you remove your own without damaging the clothing, if you’d like!
If you two are physically close (he can perfectly understand not being someone who likes physical contact, so no worries!), he takes great care to make sure any of the clothing he wears around you isn’t a “bad texture”.
Speaking of physical touch; he’s perfectly fine if you’re one to not like it. He’s got his own ways of showing affection beyond it! Affection, in his eyes, is so much more than just physical intimacy.
Ah, and noises.. Wally, himself, has a bit of noise sensitivity. Specifically, clearing of throats can get a bit.. much for him, if done too much too fast.
If you’re similar? He understands entirely— and he has many, many quiet spots he’d love to share (as was mentioned earlier)!
If you’re one to get overstimulated by sounds quite quickly, he will try— when he can— to give you a heads up if anything might have noises that might cause you to fall into a state like that.
“Howdy’s shop.. has an old bell, on the door.. so.. try to open it carefully.. it’s a bit screechy.. and there’s an A.C in.. his store— so there’s.. a constant kind of.. ‘whrrr’..”
And.. ah, his.. very intense eye contact. He fully understands if if makes someone else uncomfortable, and he would make it clear you don’t have to return it if it discomforts you.
If just having him stare so intensely is a discomfort in general, he’d try to tone it down.. though it’s a bit difficult. He wouldn’t mind reminders, though.
Wooh boy! Whether or not you’re similar, he in particular struggles on social cues and tones. For that, his own voice tends to be rather flat— but he’d never mind clarifying how he meant something he said, if asked!
But with the social cues? Oh boy.
You have to communicate directly with him— or else he just.. Won’t Get It. Not for a lack of trying, but it either just flies over his head, or he doesn’t understand.
So he appreciates direct-ness, and honesty. He doesn’t take either as offending, whatsoever!
For this, though, he’s very blunt and honest in return. He means absolutely no harm! But he isn’t the best at softening his words. To be fair, though, it’s not like he’d have to very often— even for someone quite sensitive. He seems to, almost naturally, structure his sentences softer— he just can’t seem to do it on command.
Ahh, special interest and fixations!
He loves to listen to people talk, to see them happy and ramble.
With that, he is always open to you talking to him about your interests as a whole, or whatever you’ve got on your mind!
He isn’t one to engage very much beyond nodding and smiling, but do not be mistaken— he is listening to every word.
Specifically, he tries to get you things that relate to your interest.
If you like stars? He might paint you a painting of them! If you like bugs, he’ll certainly try to borrow a few books from Frank to read them over so he can hopefully understand what you’re talking about more..
Whatever it is, he tries to understand and learn— he wants you to feel heard, and that is how he tries to express that you are!
When it comes to stimming, he actually quite enjoys sort of mirroring however it is you stim!
He tends to stim himself by humming, or wiggling his head side to side.
But when it comes to you, or his friends, doing as such? He tends to join! He isn’t really sure why he does this, but he enjoys it— and means it well!
If you rock, he’ll rock with you. If you flap your hands, he’ll do the same!!
If you don’t like this, though, he won’t do it to you! But he’s delighted to see you stim— when it’s positive, of course.
In the case you’re stimming due to negative feelings? He’ll just try to help you in whatever way helps you best!!
Overall, he just cares a whole awful lot— and understands where you come from, entirely. No matter where you land, or what helps you, he will be there to understand. He’s there for you! Forever and always
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Ahh!! I hope this was enjoyable!! I tried very hard to make it apply to a majority HAHA I’m hoping my own experiences didn’t influence too much!!
Also please ignore the double yellow bars down here <:] I literally cannot get rid of them on mobile— so I have to wait until I’m on laptop to do as such!- (EDIT : Fixed it! BWAHA)
Edit : I FORGOT TO COVER STIMMING, AH.. I AM SILLY… I have added it near the bottom! :]
Have a lovely day!!!
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🌹🍃The Sound of Silence: Wally West x Mute Reader🍃🌹
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[Wally West (Kid flash) Young justice (2010)]
Authors note: This wasn't a request, just something that popped up in my mind, as I go mute. But still feel the need to mask it a lot. So I just want to write a vent about myself, masking, with a character I love.
Many team members were a little wary of you at first; it wasn't anything you did wrong. It was more that they didn't know you or realize your mentor either.
Dick and Tim immediately noticed that you were autistic or at least some type of neurodivergent, mainly due to having Bruce as their father figure, being around Damian, and also Tim being autistic. With all the changes, they ensured you got accommodations to make you feel more comfortable, though they also stayed manageable. Not holding your hand but giving you that safety net.
It was Wally that actually first tried making friends with you, him being the most friendly out of your teammates. Besides Kon, that is, Wally was more enthusiastic. Wanting to make sure you feel welcome. He quickly realized that you couldn't talk; he was confused about why. He found out why through Dick and during the Team being mind linked.
After a while of you two being friends, you and Wally communicated through some basic ASL and some of your stims. He actually nicked his favorite stim of yours, named Happy jazz hands. Another was a vocal stim you picked up while being around him. That being, you mimicking the sound of him using the speed force.
Though, being Autistic, there were downs along with the upsides. Occasionally, having meltdowns or panic attacks due to touching a particular texture or something causes you to change your routine. Wally started regularly helping when you were going through them, helping you calm down. Wither that was helping you get to your room, getting you away from the texture or situation, letting you cuddle into him, or holding his hand.
The rest of your teammates did warm up to you at their own pace, but you stick to Wally like glue. Which did cause Dick to tease his redheaded friend. Especially when you two were holding hands or cuddling on the sofa. You didn't pick up on the social cues of why Dick was teasing him.
At some point, Wally couldn't figure out when his soft spot for you turned into deeper feelings. He didn't know that you definitely felt the same. Though you were hypervigilant, you never tried making a further move, just in case you were reading into things wrong.
During one of your meltdowns, College life, hero work, and every goddamn noise made you feel static and frustrated. Wally carefully approached you, helping you get to your room. This time, however, you asked him to stay with you. Signing: [You visit], which Wally agreed to, sitting on your bed with you.
Resting your head on his chest, though, typical for you both, there was some extra tension for Wally. He loved helping you calm down, even when he was more drained. It means you trust him immensely, but he feels he's tainting that trust by not telling you his true feelings. So he promises to tell you tonight after you've calmed down fully.
'Hey, [name]? Can I tell you something?.' the worried tone made your mouth dry. Does he find me annoying? Did I do something wrong? Sign: [Yes], you knocked twice on an invisible table motion to tell him yes. With a sigh, he continued, 'I don't know when the feelings started,' he paused to word the next ones better, 'but I've grown to really like you, more than just a friend.' The last part, his voice wavering with nervousness.
He finally turned his eyes to you when he felt your weight shift over him. [I. Like. You] was what you signed with a smile, which encouraged a smile to form on the Speedster's. 'I'm so glad,' he laughs with joy when you pull him into a hug.
Tumblr decided to be a bitch and post this before I was done, so I quickly edited it to have an ending. I'm mad because I was still working on how I wanted to describe ASL! {Edited on 1 May 2023}
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Help Please
Ok so I found out there a little versions Like kids of all the neighborhood that clown drew. And Wally is considered autistic. So as someone who has a psychology masters. I want to write a kid Wally x Psychologist GN Reader. Where you are in a session with Wally and he talks about his beginning symptoms and how he eats and how his home talks to him. You are there to listen and show that. Not everything has to be scary and he doesn’t have to feel so alone. I just want to find some pictures and give artists credit! Just show the link in replies. Please do not bug creators.Thank you
Edit 1: the reason I had this idea is because of what clown is going through right now. They need a break from the hustle and bustle and to all the people who read my stuff. That is perfectly fine and natural. Sometimes we can’t keep it all in and need to decompress. I myself have had moments where I need a good cry. Just to let you all know. You are all good and wonderful people. Who love artwork and stories and just want to bask in that. It’s fine to do so. But remember to be respectful. You would not want to be hurt. So don’t hurt others. Thank you this beautiful community I’m in , and if your sour about what I said. That’s fine to. Your feelings are valid. But just be respectful. Lots of love,
Hyper fixation 😘
EDIT 2: i found the pic and story is written. Thank you Here is the story if you wanna read
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