doniciax · 7 years
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                                         THEN TO GO WITH A BOY OR TWO:
Heart ache was no stranger to Donicia Lazzari. Growing up with not only an abusive father but one who practically ran a drug cartel underneath her family’s roof. Don had been through it all at a young age, so nothing ever surprised her anymore. It wasn’t until her brother ran away from home and that social services were called that her whole life took a twist. Especially when she she was finally adopted by a family that was the complete opposite from her blood relatives. She was used to being around greasers and thugs who weren’t scared to take a bullet for their members. To becoming an official Lazzari who were upper class and living a life of luxury. They were Socs. It was a compete 180 and while Donicia knew for sure she didn’t fit in with the greasers back home, she definitely didn’t feel right at home with the Socs either. Not to say she wasn’t grateful for her new family, she most certainly was. She loved her father more than she ever could her biological one. But there were was a ‘certain’ reputation to uphold with the new Lazzari name.  You had to dress in a conservative way, speak in an eloquent way, and those were traits that Donicia just did not posses. And while her new adoptive mother and sister Collette tried everything they could to dress up Don like a porcelain doll the attempts were in vain. Her brother Scott was the only on who truly accepted Don for who she was, soc or not. She felt safe at home but she still felt like the black sheep of her new family. She felt in between, neither greaser nor soc.
It wasn’t until she finally met Tiffani Bell that things started to fall into place. Tink was fun and outgoing and everything Don was herself. They were like two peas in the pod, and soon Don joined Tink and became a Pink Lady. A label she finally felt comfortable with. She finally felt at home with her friends within the Pink ladies, they were her own little family outside of home. They were easy to confide in even though Don is still quite guarded with her actual feelings. The girls were all so accepting of who Don was, but there was still one teensy problem. The other pink ladies don’t know Don is apart of a Soc family. She knows how some of the girls feel about Socs especially Tink and Don fears if she told them she’d be kicked out of the one place she finally felt like belonged in. Besides that you can usually find Don hanging with her fellow pink ladies and the t-birds. While shes not fond of greasers she can’t help but to crush over some of the bad boys, it was all she knew growing up after all.
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alwaysa-winner · 7 years
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❝Today I may not have a thing at all❞
Francesco was born in Porta Corsa, Italy. They’d lived a good life there, but when his Mama, the love of his father’s life, died things took a drastic turn. His father, who had avoided the violent life of his family packed up his sons and moved them to America. Francesco was 15 when they moved to Los Angeles and was very hesitant about the family business. He didn’t like the violence and shied away from any ‘jobs’ he was offered. His father hated him for it and forced him to go on jobs and watch every kind of horrible thing imaginable. His older brother, Fabrizio, was a natural. Francesco felt like an outsider, but he had no choice but to ‘man-up’ when his father killed his own brother and made himself head of the family. Now Fabrizio and Francesco had to be the best because everyone was looking at them to prove the strength of their father. So Francesco had to do what he had to do and shut off his heart, forgot his mother’s teachings and became the man his father wanted him to be.
❝Except for just a dream or two❞
He realized pretty quickly that he preferred men far better than women. In Italy, it was a crime and in America, it wasn’t talked about let alone accepted. He figured it was one more thing that he had to sacrifice for the sake of this mob he called a family. He had girlfriends and hooked up with guys on the side, but he never really settled. He was afraid of pulling anyone in his bloody world. He grew bored with the hits he was given. His father was hell-bent on keeping him out of harm’s way so Francesco rebelled a bit and started racing cars. That’s where he met Lightning McQueen. He had no idea who he was except that he was handsome and Francesco wanted him. He was immediately rejected, of course, and that intrigued Francesco more because the other hadn’t seem disgusted just wary. The next time he saw him was in an alleyway leading the Racers out of a fight with his goons. McQueen had never been more attractive than at that moment, punching the daylights out of one of Francesco’s men. He’d pursued him then. Constantly figured out ways to meet him until he finally got the kiss he’d wanted. McQueen struggled with accepting that he could find Francesco attractive, but after a few months, they were closer than Francesco had ever been to someone before. Love was the right word...but also the scariest.
❝But I've got lots of plans for tomorrow❞
His secret relationship with McQueen was a dream come true, but there was always a villain. After Lightning handed the car over and his brother died, he didn’t know what to think. The first time he saw him again after everything, he punched him, but Lightning had sworn to him he hadn’t done it. Francesco believed him and confessed his love for him. There was no going back now. Lightning proved he hadn’t been the one to cut the brakes and brought the guy to his father and all had been forgiven but the world had tilted now. Francesco was next to be boss and he’d been forced to marry. Lightning had tried to pull away, but he’d clung. He’d never loved before and he wasn’t ready, never would be, to lose it. He felt bad cheating on his wife, but the marriage was a contract and Lightning was his love not here. Despite that, he had to sleep with her because he needed to have a family. The pregnancy scared Francesco and he clung to Lightning more than he ever had, even if in public they were the worst of enemies. The loss of his wife was the worst blow. She’d been a good woman and his twins had lost their mother before they could even comprehend it. Lightning left him. He hadn’t been this broken since his mother died, for the first time he’d kill someone but it still didn’t compare. He did what he always did and sobered up. He was a father now. He couldn’t fall apart and leave his kids to fend for themselves...but he missed Lightning more than he could say.
❝And all my tomorrows belong to you.❞
McQueen: He’d never love anyone like he loved him. He didn’t care what anyone thought or who said what. He’d have given everything up for him but his children were his world now...he just wanted Lightning to be a part of it too.
Wanted: Boy needs friends or an ex-girlfriend, maybe? Hit me up :3
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fawneverwould · 7 years
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Fawn Everwood has a heart of gold. Not many people know that, however, because no one cares to get too close to her. Granted, she isn’t a very welcome sight with her ever present glare. She doesn’t mean to be so off putting, it just comes naturally. As a child her parents moved around a lot, going wherever they could find work as a young and inexperienced couple. Her mother had been practically disowned for years and with so many siblings, her father’s family couldn’t offer him any kind of support. They didn’t have much. Fawn considered her childhood a happy one however. She made friends with all of the stray dogs and injured birds she met, finding the solace she needed in the animal life form. She was a loner but she was never lonely. Entering her teen years she became a little rougher around the edges, to put it nicely – always saying things she probably shouldn’t, always doing things she definitely shouldn’t. Rules were a mere suggestion. She didn’t mind having the occasional police escort her home if that’s what it came to. And sometimes it did… but Fawn wasn’t breaking the rules for herself.
In all of the traveling she’d done, her eyes were opened to many problems. Pets without homes, women without rights, people without jobs. She could see it everywhere she looked. All she had to do was pick up a newspaper, it was right there in black and white. This country could use a change. Watching her parents and others around her struggling, and worse than that seeing that no one was doing anything about it, lit a fire in her. It wasn’t like she was trying before but she became too busy trying to save the world to worry about a social life outside of what just fell into place. Fighting for people and especially animals that couldn’t fight for themselves became her thing. She wasn’t naive enough to believe that one raindrop could fill a lake. But it was a start. If she could be the first domino to fall that was enough. Her passion and dedication consumed her. She didn’t mind. She was hellbent on creating a better America for her children, grandchildren and all of the generations to come, and she was on the verge of it. She could feel it.
Oliver Spade – One of her only friends. Or so she thought, until one day he just disappeared without a trace. By the time she got an explanation she had convinced herself she didn’t care. She doesn’t mean to be self absorbed, but she doesn’t need anyone that doesn't need her. This is a grudge she might be holding for awhile.
Tiffani Belle -- Tink is not Fawn’s favorite person. While she doesn’t dislike her, she dislikes what she stands for. She seems to think Fawn’s beliefs are childish and that irks her. She doesn’t care how the other girl feels, she doesn’t want to hear it.
Vidia Bellefonte -- Vidia is, other than her parents, the only person Fawn trusts completely. She’d consider the girl her best friend. She’s also her voice of reason, and probably the only thing that keeps her from getting herself into serious trouble.
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whydidyoutakemeaway · 7 years
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Surprise, Oliver didn’t actually die. 
It was touch and go for a while though because the stab wound was a bit worse than Oliver thought it was originally.  When he woke up in the hospital the day after the rumble, the doctors didn’t know just how bad it was and wanted to keep him for a few days so they could find out, but Oliver didn’t have that kind of time.  He and Wally couldn’t stick around in the first place the producers who were responsible for putting him there would look for them.  So after getting stitched and bandaged, and with a little bit of help from Francis, Oliver and Wally left and headed to Vegas.  
But they didn’t make it more than a couple days on the road before they ended up needing to stop at an emergency room because Oliver wouldn’t stop bleeding and wasn’t telling too hot.  It turned out that the wound wasn’t deep, but it also wasn’t clean and that the asshole producer who stabbed him had twisted the knife which had done quite a bit of damage to the nerves and surrounding area, and that it would probably take a while for it to fully heal.  But again, they didn’t want to stop, so after getting some meds and a wound care lesson, they were off yet again and didn’t stop till they made it to Vegas.
The brand new start that came with the move was exactly what Wally and Oliver needed.  With the money from Wally’s trust fund, they were able to buy a house and open up a garage and they had everything they needed.  Business was good because there was no shortage of people coming and going through the city, and when it was slow, Oliver made sure there was some unlucky tourist’s car that “for some reason” broke down randomly.  Life was good for them for once.  They could breathe.  They were happy.  They were “married” and Wally went by Wally Spade, and thankfully no one cared enough to question anything.
They were happy.  Well, Oliver was happy, Wally was still adjusting and slowly getting over his fear of dirt.  They were at the point where Wally could be in the garage with him and actually know what he was talking about when Oliver asked him to give him something.  But they weren’t at the point where he could hug Wally after being under cars all day long without him basically screaming because he was getting dirty.  Baby steps though.
However, after two years away, Oliver was starting to miss home, and against his better judgment, he asked Wally if they could go back to LA and stay with his parents for a few days.  Now he’s just hoping everyone’s forgotten about them and they can come back and be invisible for a few days.
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ohnala-blog1 · 7 years
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i’m young and i love to be young
Nala was raised in a home that fostered the idea that having strong opinions was far better than having nothing to say at all and that you should always speak your mind no matter the consequences. It is, therefore, no wonder that the girl grew up to be so headstrong, much to the pride of her parents. Ever the type to stand up for the little guy, it wasn’t uncommon for her to come home with scuffed knees and bruised knuckles, and needless to say, she got the reputation of being unpleasant among her peers due to her sharp mouth. That was really no problem to the girl, as she lived under the philosophy that it was always better in the long run to be heard even if it meant taking the risk of ruffling some feathers in the long run.
As she grew, Nala cast off the tomboyish nature that she’d had in her youth but that by no small measure changed her rebellious nature. For that reason alone, she found that she fit in better with the greasers, having never had the delicacy or subtlety that befit a soc. However, she could hardly care about social class in the face of other, more pressing issues. You see, Nala’s outspoken nature and intelligence has lent itself quite well to the task of activism, and with plenty of strong opinions, you can bet she’s got plenty of causes to back. Don’t be surprised if she approaches you with a petition or flier, because the girl has a determination to change the world and if you need to know one thing about Nala, it’s that once she puts her mind to something, she’s not going to stop it without a fight.
i’m free and i love to be free 
Again, no current established connections but I’m open to whatever!
to live my life the way i want, to say and do whatever i please
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taigecomingthrough · 7 years
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tell me more, tell me more!
Taige has been mistaken for a boy more times than she can count.  It probably doesn’t help that she grew up in a rough n’ tumble Greaser neighborhood with a gang of rough n’ tumble Greaser boys attached at her hips.  When she’s not working on her bike, she’s challenging other boys to pick up games of baseball and football.  You couldn’t catch this gal in a dress if you paid her.  And we’re talking a large sum here.  Lately, though, she’s stopped correcting people when they assume wrong unless she’s just in the foulest of moods.  She steals her old man’s dirty magazines (the ones he won’t immediately miss, anyway) and hides them under her own mattress.  She hates hanging with whatever girls her boys are crushing on for too long because a little green-eyed monster clamps on her shoulder and she can’t focus.  It’s not something she can tell anybody.  Cripes, she’s got enough in this world going against her as is.
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torinpascal · 7 years
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Torin Pascal was about as creative as people could come. She was bursting at the seams with imagination, a quality that she was proud of, but unfortunately her parents did not support her wild dreams. They thought she was ridiculous for dreaming of ways to change the world and things that were too far-fetched to ever happen. It caused quite a rift between them. They insisted she focus on school and reality and she was forced to comply. She had to. It was either that or be disowned, and she didn’t know how to survive without them. She wasn’t necessarily a spoiled kid, but she was used to the luxuries in life. So she didn’t stop dreaming, but she was careful to keep her grades high and her invention related sketches hidden. At thirteen her mother was transferred from Germany to America and Torin was thrilled. She didn’t have many friends in her country as it was, she’d heard that Los Angeles was where famous people got started, and she thought that maybe she could find people there that understood the way her mind worked and liked that about her. It was the most exciting thing to happen in her life and though it didn’t turn out exactly how she’d hoped, she still found herself at home there.
Going into high school she became more interested in art, something she didn’t have to keep so much of a secret. It was a gamble but it was something that made sense. She was too shy to be a singer or a dancer but she began to make costumes for plays and help out with set work. Her parents were glad to see her get involved with the activities, finally putting her creative side towards something useful. It was the only authentic thing about their daughter that they were proud of. Little did they know that under her bed she had a stash of tools and props she’d snuck off set to try to bring some of her ideas to life. She knew that if they found out she wasn’t as grounded as they thought and was still stuck on all of the impossible dreams she’d had since she was a little girl, they would be done with her. She’d been told too many times to change her beliefs. So she put on a smile and let her parents believe that she was their perfect little shy, levelheaded daughter. But she was going to prove to them that she had been right all along just being herself, whenever she could actually figure out how to make something life-changing... which was, admittedly, taking longer than she’d hoped.
Open – She could use a best friend, a ‘partner in crime’ that fuels her imagination, a girlfriend or boyfriend, even better if they’re secret either being a girl or a greaser, someone that tries to make her life harder, honestly we’d love any ideas you’ve got.
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lvstprincess · 7 years
Reagan East || once Greaser now Soc || 21 || College student 
As a baby Reagan was kidnapped by a Greaser named Gothel because she couldn’t have children of her own, she targeted a rich family on the south side. Gothel hated anyone who lived in the south side because they had what she could never have and taking a baby from one the richest families was a good form of revenge for her. Gothel kept Reagan inside the house at all times, even as she grew older and kids her age were going to school Reagan remained in the house. Whenever the girl would ask why she wasn’t allowed outside Gothel would tell her it was for her safety, there were horrible people where they lived and would try to hurt her if she stepped outside. The stories her ‘mother’ would tell her scared her enough to where she listened and didn’t question it again for a while. The truth was Gothel was afraid someone from the South side would end up seeing Reagan, recognize her as the missing baby, and take her back to her real family. 
As she got older Reagan’s patience got thinner, she couldn’t handle being treated like a prisoner, she felt locked up and isolated from the world. The only thing that kept her sane was painting, she painted everything in the house; the walls, floors, counters, dressers, doors. If it was bare she painted on it. They were poor, but Gothel made sure to always have paint for Reagan since it seemed to be the only thing that kept her from having a breakdown. The other thing that gave her joy and even hope were the floating ‘lights’ she would see every night on her birthday. She was sure it was fate telling her she would be okay, that she would be free to see the world one day. After a while she stopped asking her ‘mother’ to see the lights because it always turned int oa very loud screaming match that would end in Reagan crying her eyes out for the night and would make her little amount of hope that she had grow even smaller. 
A few years later, a day before her birthday her big breakdown came, she had enough and wanted out. So one day when Gothel was out buying her more paints Reagan made her move, there locks and bolts on the door that led to her way out and bars on every window. That didn’t stop her though, with pure determination she was able to pick the lock and run out those doors, not caring that she was barefoot and her dress was dirty. She wanted to get faraway from Gothel, which meant leaving the city she lived in, but never even seen. There was one place where she wanted to go and that was south, right to where she would see the lanterns floating once a year. So she ran without sleep to the south, she ignored the stares people sent her way. Apparently people on the south side were very well dressed and very rich and Reagan with her appearance scared the hell out of them. 
When night began to fall on her birthday Reagan waited patiently for the lights, she didn’t know exactly where they came from, just knew they would be here in the south. But once they started going up and she realized they were only a short distance from where she was standing she began running to the house they were coming from. It turned out that house had police all around it and they found Reagan to be suspicious so they took her and lead her away. She was terrified they were going to bring her back to Gothel, that she’d be trapped in that house once more, so began to sob because she thought her taste of freedom was done with. Thankfully her worst fear wasn’t coming true, for they had brought her to the owners of that large mansion and when she looked up to see them her eyes met with the woman’s, whose eyes were the same as her’s, big and green. A few seconds later she was in the woman’s arms and she was crying while she held Reagan tight. They claimed it to be mother’s intuition, for she knew right away when she looked at Reagan she was their lost daughter, their lost princess. 
From then Reagan thought everything would be okay, her parents were loving and welcomes her into their arms. She was now clean, her hair brushed and silky, and she was clothed in a purple and pink dress that she was sure could buy homes for five families back on the other side. Her closet, which was bigger than her old room, was filled with dresses that she could look at all day. Everything seemed perfect until she was thrusted into civilization and had to learn how to navigate the trouble that came from being social when she was locked inside a house for the majority of her life. It turned out the Socs weren’t the easiest people to get along with, a lot of them she met were mean and would make fun of Reagan for being locked up with a Greaser. That didn’t sit well with the girl either, everyone there seemed to hate Greasers and wanted them to just not exist. She never got the chance to talk to any of them, but she was sure they weren’t as bad as these people made them out to be and she so badly wished everyone would get along. 
There were many times Reagan would come home crying because of what people would say about her, she didn’t feel like she fit in at all. She may be free now, but she felt completely alone and it was taking its toll on her. Her parents hearts were breaking for her and it was then they got the idea for Reagan to be on the Corny Collin’s show. They felt like it would be good for her so she could feel apart of their world. Thankfully the people she met there seemed to be nicer, there were still a few rude ones, but Reagan actually liked being on the show and it helped her take her mind off of the hurricane of emotions that were swirling inside of her. 
The new friend: a Soc that isn’t mean and stuck up like the others that helps Reagan find her way around this new life and someone that would stick up for her. 
The bully: someone who is constantly picking on Reagan and making fun of her because she doesn’t know a lot about anything and because she grew up with the greasers. 
And any other connections you can think of feel free to message me!!
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xtinytink · 7 years
Tiffani ‘Tinkerbell’ Belle || Pink Lady || 20 || Waitress || Bio
The last time we saw Tiffani...
It was no surprise that when they called out Tiffani’s name as the winner for the Miss Teenage Hairspray Pageant chaos ensued, the majority of it coming from the Socs. From what she can remember there was an explosion of loud noises followed by a scream that would turn anyone’s blood cold. The string of events after that seemed to fly by in a haze, there were numerous people throwing things, punching and kicking her. She fought back giving them broken noses and jaws. Then everything went black and she was on the floor. Supposedly someone came up from behind her and knocked her out with a brick to her head. 
When she woke up in the hospital it had been a couple weeks later, the hit to her head had led her to be in a coma. Of course the first thing her parents had done when she woke up was yell at her, the poor girl didn’t even know what she was being yelled at for considering her memories hadn’t fully returned yet. When they did however, she wasn’t surprised her parents found some way to blame this mess on her. All she wanted to know was who knocked her out so she can take care of them herself, maybe she’d return the favor and put them in a coma, but their’s would last a lifetime. 
She graduated high school and was supposed to be in college, but her parents couldn’t afford it, they also blamed Tiffani for that, but what else was new. She was tired of relying on her parents for money so she ended up getting a job at the diner nearby. Her plan was to try to save up to go to college, but she gave up on that pipe dream a couple months in. Why bother trying to act as if she could change her life around when she knew she wouldn’t be able to. Hell, she was sure she isn’t even smart enough for college. She did continue to sew and design clothes and decided one day she’s going to open up a boutique in town and sell her clothes there. At least that way her fellow Greasers will have nice clothing to wear and it won’t be some expensive crap. 
Her habits of sleeping around are still strong and she won’t admit it, but she would like someone to love, someone be in an actual relationship with. Like everything else though, she’s sure that kind of thing isn’t meant for her so she doesn’t try to chase things she knows will never be hers. Those nights that are filled with sex are probably the only times she will ever feel wanted and not alone.
Fellow Pink Ladies
Bed buddy: this person is always the first one she goes to when she wants to have sex. They’re also a Greaser. 
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justeeyore-blog1 · 7 years
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The Great Depression was decades before Eeyore’s time, but it had lasting effects on her family and in turn, her. A life of poverty was all that she’d ever known. She was lucky to get ‘new’ clothes that weren’t already torn or three sizes too big. It wasn’t something that had ever bothered her and it wasn’t a problem for anyone else until she reached preteen age. Suddenly the other kids didn’t care how funny she was or that she could come up with the most exciting stories. Those things didn’t matter anymore. She became the laughingstock for wearing baggy clothes and being so different. It really crushed her soul. She started coming home in tears, disheartened and completely unhappy. Her father had to plead with her to get out of bed and get ready for school. This was the same little girl that used to wake up three hours early because she was too excited for the adventures of the day to sleep. The change in her was unsettling. After three years of realizing that it wasn’t getting better, her parents decided to make a move to California with the hopes that they would find better job opportunities and their daughter could make some friends. The teenagers there weren’t immediately accepting of her either though. She was still dressed in rags and her optimistic personality paired with her unusual name didn’t bode well for her. It wasn’t two days after she’d started her new school that she became a target.
This time, though, Eeyore decided that she wasn’t going to run away. This time, when another girl insulted her, she squared her shoulders and stood her ground. And when that didn’t work, when she was called yet another name, Eeyore punched her square in the jaw. It wasn’t like students tried to befriend her over night for assaulting their classmate. If anything she’d made herself even more of an outcast. But she’d earned respect. She’d proved that she wasn’t going to sit by and let people mess with her. She let them all know she wasn’t weak. That moment was the biggest turning point in her life. It lead to her finding her place in this new city, even if it wasn’t her first choice, and overtime she saved up enough change to afford a thrift store leather jacket and a tube of eyeliner to make sure she looked the part. The vibe she gave off was a little mean, a lot bitter, but if anyone tried to get to know her they’d realize she was really a sweetheart underneath all of her layers. She was just guarded, she had a lot of walls up to get through. But it could be done. She hated to be that way but she was never going to let the words of strangers impact her as severely as they had before. She was never going let herself be broken again.
Open Spots – Give this girl some friends !!! or a girlfriend/boyfriend, or an ex, or a rival, secret fling. Anything. Though I’d love a reason to use happy gifs, hint hint.
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dadgumitsmater · 7 years
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Mater grew up in a small town where all the neighbors knew each other and there were more cows than people. As soon as he could walk he was helping his parents on the farm, planting rows of corn and collecting eggs from the hens. It wasn’t long after he started school that his father fell ill. Because of that he never truly had a childhood. As soon as he got home he would have to finish up the chores that his parents hadn’t been able to get to through the day. In the morning he would get up before the sun and take as much of the workload he could off of them before running to school, usually showing up late. But most of the time his teacher let it slide. He was ten years old when his dad became unable to work at all and shortly after, passed away. He was pulled out of school then to tend to the family farm. His mother tried to do it all but she couldn’t. There was too much to do for one person. Around town some of the other kids would laugh at him. He was almost always dirty, he wasn’t as educated as them and he couldn’t come out to play because when he wasn’t sleeping, he was working. But he never complained. He would check books out of the library and try his best to teach himself the things he’d never been able to learn. It was tiring, it was boring. Sometimes he felt ashamed, but he kept his head up. It wasn’t until he met Lightning that he was able to break the cycle. With his mother’s insistence that he go out and find bigger and better things, he left her behind, but he was sure to write letters to her every single day.
When he got to LA it didn’t take long for him to realize that he didn’t fit in very well. Outside of the obvious reasons -- like the fact that he’d never even heard of stoplights before getting there -- he was too nice to be a Greaser and too poor to be a Soc. He didn’t see the big deal with all of the rivalries anyway. He didn’t see why everyone couldn’t just get along. But he was loyal to The Racers because he was loyal to his best friend, and he was his right hand man. As concerned as he was about the dangers of what they were doing, and as guilty as he felt about breaking laws, he swallowed those feelings down. He would do whatever it took to help and protect his people. He needed to earn a living somehow. To others it would be easy to write him off as naive and stupid, just by having one conversation with him. But Mater was so much more than that, and he was still trying to catch up on all of the education he’d missed out on from having to drop out of school halfway through the fourth grade. All of the money he didn’t have to spend to get by he put back. It wasn’t for him. His mother was doing okay now, he’d made sure of that before he left, they were making enough money off of their produce to hire help, but a lot of people around town were still hurting and he planned on donating it to them. His heart was just as big and pure as it had always been, it was just a little misguided now.
Lightning Mcqueen – Lightning is Mater’s best friend and the whole reason he was able to leave Radiator Springs. He wouldn’t be a part of the gang if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have found that his true passion was mechanics, and he would still be working himself to death on his family’s land. Outside of his family he’s the first person to ever see Mater as something other than the dumb farm boy without a dad, and he’s more grateful for that than he could ever put into words.
The Racers – He might not even get along with them all, but Mater is loyal to a fault, and he would die for any one of them. He trusts them with his entire being and he considers each and every one of them a friend whether the feeling is mutual or not.
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trueraretalent · 7 years
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what’s buzzin’, cousin?
Vidia was in no way planned. A one night stand between greaser Gillian Taylor and soc Seamus Bellefonte (not that he’d ever admit to it, or want anything to do with his daughter why is seamus the literal worst in every universe you guys) was all it took to bring her into the world. 
Despite not having the most luxurious upbringing, with a floozy toeing the line of alcoholic for a mother, Vidia survived. She decided early on to fend for herself and had a very noncommittal relationship with her mother. Money was tight, too often there’d be someone slipping out of the bedroom down the hall in the early hours of the morning and Gillian was never entirely sure how to actually be a parents. No thanks. Family time was nowhere on Vidia’s list of priorities.
Outside her home, Vidia fell in with the Pink Ladies, despite not being the type to make friends easily. She’s loyal to her people, even if her attitude doesn’t always make it obvious. She has their backs, and would back them up without hesitation. And you can bet she’ll do your eyeliner perfectly if you need it in a pinch.
As for the socs, she isn’t much of a fan. From where she stands, they’re pretentious, stuck up brats that don’t know what to do with what they’ve got. She isn’t going to waste what little niceties she has on them.
let’s hang!
connections! woo! hmu!
(possible connections: friends with benefits, someone she met through her mother sleeping around (if your character has an unfaithful/single parent), opposites attract type of friendship, enemies, idk exes, any other idea you think she’d be good for)
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wallyaxiom · 7 years
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say GOODBYE to sandra dee — update. ( ORIGINAL BIO. )
for most, wally axiom was an enigma now. no one has heard or seen the boy in almost two years. most assumed he skipped town after cracking under the pressures of being a soc other assumed he was killed during the rumble. both claims were false to a degree wally did flee the city but not because of the pressues, oh no, he escaped for the freedom. the wally axiom everyone knew had died that night of the rumble and emerged wally spade. after oliver had gotten stabbed at the rumble, wally knew they needed to leave. so using the money his parents had given to him once he turned twenty (it was a fortune by mosts standards), the two fled and finally got married. Well they didn’t get married. they vowed that would love each other endlessly until the end of time (since you know the 50′s were ugly in some senses and not progressive in the important matters but anyways !) Wally started going by Wally Spade and the rest was history. 
The two lived in the middle of nowhere for quite sometime. That is until Oliver insisted they moved to Vegas. It mostly because he felt guilty on Wally’s part. His husband had gone from living his dream to going into hiding. they mostly moved for the glitz and glam of the Las Vegas. Wally always insisted that he was happy no matter where they were as long as they were together and that was certainly true. however, it was entirely sweet in his book that his husband would relocate for his sake. they’ve been living there for almost a year now and of course life is perfect. they’re happily domestic now that they can finally be together. wally’s thought about dancing and singing again but he doesn’t want to risk their safety. so, he’s happily a house wife and helps oliver with his cars. and by that i mean he hands him tools and squeals in fear when oliver gets oil on him. 
however their little happy life might be coming to a halt now that they’ve decided to return to LA for a bit. Wally’s family is enraged that their son left. not to mention the corny collins show has gone down hill since wall departure. if news spread that the two were back in town and that were together, all hell would break loose...again.
they don’t KNOW about ( u s ) — connections ;
oliver spade — finally his husband (to him). it feels so good for wally to finally be able to say he’s in love with an amazing, wonderful, perfect, handsome, boy out in the open. they’re together happily and that’s all that matters to wally. 
you know the drill hmu for connections
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kandace-roo-blog · 7 years
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love can be a losing game
Kandace Roo was everything a soc should be. The image of the homecoming queen, pageant crowns and all, she’d practically been bred to be the popular girl in school, the one that had her act put together. Sure, her family life wasn’t the most functional in the world, but it seemed like the entire Roo clan was good at putting on a show for the neighbors and for the high society of town if it meant keeping a spotless reputation. For the most part, little Kandace was living every girl’s dream.
And then good-for-nothing greaser Danny Petersen came along on that damn motorcycle of his and damn it, she was a goner. She fell hard and fast for him, spurred on by the almost taboo nature of their relationship and the danger of dealing with a bad boy, and from the moment she laid eyes on him, Kandace was willing to give him the world if it meant she had him. And yes, she did give him the world and her virginity right along with it, and where did it get her? 
Pregnant and alone.
Danny ended up going off to the military without her as soon as she broke the news that she was pregnant, leaving former good girl Kandace alone, marked as a floosy with an illegitimate baby to match. It’s a good thing that she absolutely adores the kid, because otherwise she would’ve probably long since run off to hide. She’s now living with her parents who pretty much make her life hell, and since the pregnancy, she’s been on the outs with the socs. She’s not hard enough to be a greaser, and especially having a kid it doesn’t seem like the most responsible decision to make to join in with a bunch of hooligans, so it seems like she’s currently on the outs of the social system in general, hopelessly devoted to a man who ran at the mere mention that she was having his child.
love can be a shame
Again, no connections! Her social life has seriously struggled since it came out that she was pregnant, so who knows what could go here. Ex-friends, people that knew the baby daddy, new pals that she’s kind of made out of convenience... the list goes on and on.
i know of a loving fool, and that fool is me
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littlecinders-blog1 · 7 years
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tell me more, tell me more!
Cinderella’s stepmother ruled over her with an iron fist for a long time, answering her own daughters’ slightest wishes and training them to snag wealthy husbands.  Meanwhile Cinderella, reduced to little more than a maid, just holed up with her record player or in the back row of the cinema whenever she went through town and dreamed of what her life would be like once she could regain her freedom.  Her imagination was a beautiful place to be.  Then her stepmother, finally unable to support three girls with her exuberant spending, shipped Cinderella off to an American school.  Her English is very broken, only knowing a handful of basics and a few lines from her favorite pictures, but in the States, there’s no one to tell her what she can and can’t do.  It’s the land of opportunity, after all.  So she’s sneaking out to parties, smoking cigarettes like her favorite movie stars, and dancing the night away just because she can and there’s no one to stop her.
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thisguyfred-blog1 · 7 years
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Fredrick Correy came from fortune and it was hard to hide, though it was nothing he was ashamed of. While the money hadn’t ruined him, he couldn’t help being spoiled by it. It was impossible not to be. The clothes he dressed in were expensive, his bedroom was the size of a small house and he could afford to buy anything he wanted around town. He was the envy of the less fortunate, but he would have given it all up just to feel loved. His parents had chosen not to start a family until they could provide for their child, and that had been a good plan, though most times it seemed they were more concerned about their careers than little Fred. He would beg and plead for them to come play with him, or read him a story, or tuck him in, but the answer was always the same. They were too busy. His father had worked his way into being one of the most well known comic book writers in the world, his mother was an up and coming fashion designer, and both of them had more important things to tend to than their son’s boredom. Oftentimes they would go out to fancy dinners or fly out of state and he was left alone in their large abode with only their housekeeper for company. He tried to distract himself with comic books, mainly the ones his dad wrote as he’d been told he was the inspiration behind them, and knickknacks and trips to the beach, but it wasn’t the same as having a loving family.
Or a loving... anyone, really. The people that worked for his family weren’t interested in speaking with him unless he had chores for them. Money was something he’d always had so he could come off a bit pampered, not grasping the value of its worth. That was the first thing people would notice about him which made it easy to over look his sense of humor and his kindness. He didn’t excel at anything so he couldn’t make friends through his hobbies. His mother tried to push him into show business but it wasn’t his thing. He wasn’t a sporty person, he didn’t care much about cars and driving fast, he didn’t go to parties. He wasn’t good at school; in fact, he was terrible at it, to the point that he needed a tutor to even get by. His lack of knowledge was another wall between him and other kids his age. The only activity that could hold his attention for longer than a week was writing, following in his father’s footsteps, but he felt his comics were never as good so he would toss them out halfway through only to start the pattern over again. The only thing he had going for him was the charities he’d started donating regularly to in high school. He found while it didn’t fill the holes in his life and himself completely, it did make him happy to be able to help people that weren’t as wealthy as him, and if that was all he could do at least it meant he’d had a positive impact on someone during his time on earth. 
Harmony Lopez – Hired by the family as his personal tutor, Harmony is the one person Fred considers a friend. She’s smart and has helped a lot, but Fred likes when she’s around just because the house is livelier. Part of him has considered purposely failing his college classes so she’ll still have a reason to continue to hang around and earn a living, but he’d never tell anyone that. How sad it would be to have to buy friendship.
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