#walter hyatt
krispyweiss · 2 years
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Album Review: Walter Hyatt - Must I Fall
Walter Hyatt is in Frank Sinatra mode on Must I Fall, a new album of previously unreleased material that comes 27 years after the Uncle Walt’s Band leader was killed in a plane crash and as he and his group are finally getting some of the recognition that eluded them in Hyatt’s lifetime.
After all, any composer who comes up with such lines as, My discontent burns brighter than the sun at noon (“Dark Side of the Moon”) merits music lovers’ attention.
The album swings best when Hyatt lends his smooth tenor to the jazz numbers that are the title track, “Old Number One” and “Rain Likely.”
It’s so hard to love and be wise, Hyatt sings on the latter, displaying the songwriting chops that made fans of Lyle Lovett, Shawn Colvin and Allison Moorer, as his band lays down a background of brushed drums, double bass, acoustic piano, electric guitar and clarinet.
He does it again on “Life in the City,” a lovely ballad that paints a vivid picture of a date going off the rails in a European city - Venice, perhaps - with the sound of a street accordionist as Hyatt croons:
She’s already been through all he has to offer enough times before/so she winds up calling a taxi and walking herself to the door
Though he was mostly a bluegrass and country guy, Hyatt knew a strong melody when he heard it and nicked a bit of Todd Rundgren’s “It Wouldn’t Have Made Any Difference” for “Snowing Me Under.” It stands as a teaser for where Hyatt might have taken his music if he’d had the chance.
Which is the case for all of Must I Fall’s eight cuts. A bit disjointed, it’s as strong as an album of such vintage cutting and pasting can be and - most importantly - should serve as a springboard back to Hyatt and UWB’s modest but under-recognized back catalog.
Grade card: Walter Hyatt - Must I Fall - B-
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normanthedove · 2 years
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jjr1971 · 2 years
Anime Conventions give me the best excuse to travel!
Recently returned from Kumoricon 2022 in Portland, Oregon which I thoroughly enjoyed, and it was my first time ever to visit the city of Portland or indeed the State of Oregon at all. My friends drove down from Seattle to hang out with me for the weekend and we had a blast exploring and dining out together....above and beyond the fun of the anime con itself. I'm glad I finally got to see the "AMV Editors" documentary Synched Together which had screened at Anime Boston 2022 and did pique my interest at the time, BUT, at AB they screened it Saturday night at 11pm and it was a chilly night in Boston and even though my hotel (Boston Sheraton) was the official convention hotel and just around the corner from the Hynes Convention Center, when 10:30pm rolled around, I found I just didn't have the motivation to get more fully dressed and go to the convention center. I was enjoying myself just fine sipping on local craft brews and watching anime on my iPad, which I continued to do until a little past midnight then I turned in and went to bed. I traveled to Portland without my CPAP machine and that was in hindsight probably a mistake, as my sleep quality during the trip was marginal at best....my patterns reverted back to a familiar pattern of disconnected short hour to 2 hour long naps then waking to pee then lying back down for another nap, wash rinse repeat until breakfast. I know it is possible to travel with a CPAP machine but FAA regulations are fairly strict about doing so and I just need to study up on those. Likewise my next Anime Convention out of town trip is going to be heading up to Otafest in Calgary, Alberta, and is Western Canada's largest Anime convention. The AMV Contest manager Vlad featured in Synched Together , besides running the AMV Contest for SakuraCon in Seattle also runs it for Otafest in Calgary and for Animethon in Montreal, Quebec. I look forward to what he has in store for Otafest 2023. I've been obsessively studying Google Street view for downtown Calgary and am very excited. The TELUS Convention Centre is right next to my hotel and the Light Rail line is right next to the Hyatt Regency on the other side of the convention center, and my hotel is across the street from the iconic Calgary (TV) Tower that I would very much like to go up and have a look from. I think I will also be hitting up Otakon 2023 in Washington DC in late July as well. One of my High School best friends just moved his family from southwestern Germany to Crystal City only this year. It's still a bit early to buy an Otakon 2023 membership but the official hotels are available for booking and I snatched a room closer to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown DC that unlike the Moxy DC has a hot breakfast served daily. I was willing to pay the little bit extra a night for that luxury. Sidebar, the breakfast buffet in Portland was HEAVEN. Yes, it was pricey, but no worse than the Boston Sheraton in the Back Bay area. I loved starting off every day in Portland with that hearty breakfast. I also loved the science-fiction like subdued lighting with motion sensors so every time I got up to pee it would give me just enough light to let me safely navigate the room but not so much light that I was temporarily blinded or had my circadian rhythms disturbed. They should install these standard in assisted living facilities and nursing homes, honestly. The elderly could really benefit from them. With lessons learned from Otakon 2021, I will be endeavoring to fly out of Houston Hobby on Southwest Airlines straight to Reagan National (DCA) or with only 1 layover at most. It would make ground transportation that much easier for Otakon, since DCA has its own dedicated stop on the DC Metro Green Line....as does the Convention Center, so there's no reason to even switch trains!
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Saudi/OPEC oil price hikes no surprise
It should not be a surprise to anyone that Saudi Arabia would raise oil prices just when the West was facing an energy shortage crisis.  Maybe this will cause the traitorous Saudi lobbyists (such as the Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber and Schreck law firm) to stop spouting the nonsense that the Saudis are our friends.  The calls to remove our troops there would be a good first step, but would be meaningless unless we cease our military and intelligence cooperation with the brutal Kingdom and stop weapons sales.  Yet even those steps are much less than what needs to be done.
By being the principal financier and coordinator of the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks, Saudi Arabia committed an act of war against America, for which they have never been held to account.  The OPEC oil price hikes are proof that Saudi intentions have not changed.  At a minimum the nearly trillion dollars worth of Saudi assets in the US ought to be seized to compensate for the coincidentally estimated trillion dollars of economic damages caused by 9/11.
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tarditardi · 2 years
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Si è svolta domenica 25 Settembre a Milano, la settima edizione di Milano Fashion Day. A far da cornice all'evento il prestigioso Rooftop Organics SkyGarden by Red Bull, situato al tredicesimo piano dello Hyatt Centric Milan Centrale, in Via Pirelli 20, nel cuore della città meneghina.
Durante la settimana della moda femminile di Milano sono state presentate le nuove collezioni 2022/2023. Partner d'eccezione della serata Virgo Cosmetics.
Tanti gli ospiti vip presenti nel privè Virgo: Walter Zenga, Aristide Malnati, Biagio D'Anelli, Giacomo Urtis, Morena Zapparoli, Andrea, Vittoria e Laura Tacconi, Vera Atyushkina, Claudia Peroni, Rosy Dilettuso, Roberta De Matteis, Nicola Pisu, Elisa Scheffler, Davide Clivio e la moglie Pola.
L'Organics SkyGarden by Red Bull è una vera e propria giungla situata a 40 metri d'altezza, nello skyline meneghino con un background d'eccezione: il Bosco Verticale ed il nuovo distretto finanziario.
Milano Fashion Day arrivata al suo settimo anno, grazie al suo direttore artistico Andrew Sardelli ha realizzato il suo obiettivo principale, quello di valorizzare brand dinamici e giovani. Una sfilata davanti  ad un parterre costituito da addetti del settore, stampa, buyers, influencer e celebrities.
L'evento è stato condotto dalla bravissima presentatrice televisiva: Vittoria Castagnotto.
Durante la serata, la direttrice della rivista Vanityclass, Francesca Lovatelli Caetani e Nicola Pisu. ex concorrete del gfvip e figlio di Patrizia Mirigliani Miss Italia, hanno consegnato il premio Best Make - Up  Vanityclass a Lorenzo Marchetti, direttore creativo di Virgo Cosmetics.
I brand che hanno sfilato all'interno del défilé sono:
Gaia Life
Amor Y Odio
Sacanò Bags con BPaintings
Elena De Caro
Ten Ways to be
Anna Salvigni
Si ringrazia per la partecipazione Cisco Tendaggi e Takeshy Kurosawa.
Le modelle, selezionate e provenienti da tutta l'Italia, sono state acconciate e truccate dal gruppo Elihair Agency Milano, che con il loro staff ne ha esaltato la bellezza.
Durante l'evento sono stati esposti anche alcuni quadri dell'artista Ruby e di BPaintings.
L'evento è stato organizzato da Andrew Sardelli e da Marco Rosselli, in collaborazione con l'agenzia AP-Servizi.
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theerecoup · 5 years
EXCLUSIVE FIRST LISTEN: Uncle Walt's Band, "She'll Be There"
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  We’ve previously written about the legendary Texas music trio Uncle Walt’s Band. Their self-titled debut was a dreamy, almost anachronistic affair, as they created a sound that was so rooted in the past, you could have mistook them for vintage recordings from thirty years prior. They would become a renowned local live act, yet would seemingly disappear into obscurity. They would reconvene a…
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themusicbin · 6 years
Uncle Walt’s Band -Anthology: Those Boys From Carolina, They Sure Enough Could Sing..(Omnivore Recordings, 2018)
Uncle Walt’s Band -Anthology: Those Boys From Carolina, They Sure Enough Could Sing..(Omnivore Recordings, 2018)
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Walter Hyatt, lo zio Walt, è stato il primo ad abbandonare l’edificio, frantumato in un incidente aereo nel maggio di 22 anni fa. Champ Hood lo ha seguito cinque anni più tardi, sconfitto dalla malattia. E’ andata meglio, invece, a David Ball, negli anni Novanta hit maker a Music City, Nashville. Tutti e tre venivano da Spartanburg, Carolina del Sud, la città della Marshall Tucker Band. Insieme…
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badmovieihave · 6 years
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Bad movie I have Elvira’s Movie Macabre This bone chilling release hosted by popular Halloween sex-pot Elvira includes two horror movies: Night of the Living Dead 1968 and I Eat Your Skin 1971
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Song Review: Uncle Walt’s Band - “Don’t Worry about Me” (Live, 1973)
Forty-nine years after it was recorded and after an untold number of years in a basement, newly found sound from Uncle Walt’s Band remains in good shape.
The band posted audio of its November 1973 performance of Frank Sinatra’s “Don’t Worry about Me” at Nashville’s Exit/In on its Facebook page. And while it sounds like what it is - an old recording taped in front of a small, club audience, it’s also eminently releasable.
That may be because it was recorded for a radio show; which is probably why David Ball hung on to it so long. Acoustic guitars, bass and vocals are all clear. And while crowd noise occasionally overwhelms the music, any decent recording of Walter Hyatt, Champ Hood and Ball in their collective prime is worth hearing.
Now … we wait for the rest of the concert to emerge.
Grade card: Uncle Walt’s Band - “Don’t Worry about Me” (Live, 1973) - B+
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normanthedove · 2 years
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kathrynethegreat · 5 years
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Have you ever wondered just where Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling wind up living once they reach Argentina?  Thomas Harris is curiously specific about it, so it should be easy to track down if indeed it does exist, right? 
First off, I want to note that another Hannibal Fan also did research to see if they could find Hannibal and Clarice’s home in Argentina. I read their work a couple of years ago and now can no longer find that post (I looked for three hours, I promise I tried - if anyone has seen this post/poster, let me know so I can give the appropriate link and credit)
Anyway - the original poster found Hannibal and Clarice’s house, and I was intrigued. I did my own research to see if I came to the same conclusion, and I did.  I also have a friend in Buenos Aires who, conveniently enough is a tour guide specializing in the architecture of the area, so I consulted with her as well, and she too came to the same conclusion. But along the way, I found some other interesting information as well...I found out that the placement of their home is actually pretty symbolic - and also kind of funny.  More on that at the end though...in the meantime, here is a little bit more info.
The novel tells us the following about where Hannibal and Clarice are located:
The Mercedes, windows down to let in the music from the dance clubs, purrs through the Recoleta District to the Avenida Alvear and disappears into the courtyard of an exquisite Baux Arts building near the French Embassy.
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The photo above shows the Recoleta District in Buenos Aires. It is the most affluent area in the city, boasting art galleries, restaurants, cafes, world-class shopping, and beautiful French architecture. Originally the area was where the wealthy citizens of Buenos Aires built their mansions and palaces.  Sadly, most of these beautiful buildings have been torn down in favor of modern apartment buildings. Of the palaces that were spared, most have been converted to Foreign embassies, clubs, and hotels. Only one of the old mansions remains a private residence.
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The Avenida Alvear is one of the nicest streets in the Recoleta District and is probably the street in the district with the most palaces still intact. The street runs only six city blocks, at the end of which is the French Embassy.  Clarice and Hanibal’s home - according to Harris - is on this street.
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There are a few Palaces and Townhomes in this small area, but there are only three buildings that have a courtyard where a car could actually enter through - an important detail Harris gives us. These three buildings are all on the same city block, right next to one another.  They are the Maguire House, The Park Hyatt Hotel and the Apostolic Nunciature.
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APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE - The Apostolic Nunciature of Argentina is essentially the Vatican Embassy. It is housed in what was once called the  Fernández Anchorena Palace. It was commissioned by Juan Antonio Fernandez for his wife and was designed by Eduardo Le Monnier, a French/Argentine Architect. The Palace was completed in 1909 and was never lived in by Fernandez. It was the official residence of the President of Argentina Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear from where the street gets its name. The mansion was sold to Adelia Maria Hirilaos de Olmos, who bequeathed the Palace to the Holy See upon her death in 1949.  It has been the location of the Apostolic Nunciature ever since.  Its description could be considered a match for the home Harris describes...except for the fact that the building is very clearly already in use and not a private residence.
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MAGUIRE HOUSE - In 1890, railway entrepreneur Alejandro Hume commissioned architect Carlos Ryder to build this late Victorian style home with bricks and materials imported from Scotland. In the late 1920s, the Palace was sold to the Duhau family.  The lot was bigger then - comprising the area of the current house, as well as the lot where the Park Hyatt now resides. The home has been in the hands of the Dahau family ever since - now belonging to Susana Duhau, married to John Walter Maguire, hints its current name of “The Maguire House.” But here is where things get a little interesting. The Maguire House is creepy. Rarely is anyone seen going in or out. It’s a lovely style but in heavy contrast the French buildings around it. It is known locally as “Dracula’s Castle.”  Though the house does have a courtyard and gate, since the house is late Victorian in style, it does not fit the description that Harris gives for Hannibal and Clarice’s home.
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PARK HYATT - Originally the Palacio Duhau, this home was built by Alejandro Hume. It was a Tudor Revival home at the time.  In the 1920s, it was sold to the Duhau Family (who owned the home next door) and the family commissioned architect Leon Dourge to design a new residence inspired by Le Val-Saint-Germain near Paris.  The Duhau siblings mostly continued to live in the Hume/Maguire/Dracula house next door, and from 1976 until 2002 and the Palace was maintained - but not lived in. It is now the Park Hyatt Hotel. The hotel lot runs the full depth of a city block, and in order to add more rooms, the Park Hyatt built an additional “tower” behind the original palace. Guests can choose to stay in rooms in the original palace OR in the modern tower.  This building fits Harris’ description perfectly, PLUS, it was for sale and empty when Harris was writing this book, and was for sale year when the novel takes place (the Impeachment scandal and the FBI’s 90s birthday sets the novel in 1998).  So this is it - the only viable candidate for where Clarice and Hannibal would live.
So that’s it, they live at the Palacio Duhau. I’ve dug up some photos of the Palace. Bear in mind it’s filled with hotel furniture, but the floors, fireplaces, fixtures, etc are apparently original (Photos below).
So what’s the symbolism here?  IMO, it’s just a really fantastic wink wink / joke to those in the know. 
Hannibal and Clarice live between the Apostolic Nunciature and “Dracula’s Castle”  Dracula represent damnation, and the Apostolic Nunciature represents the Vatican, the Pope, God’s representative on earth. Harris has placed Hannibal and Clarice between representations of Salvation and Damnation, between heaven and hell, between the ecclesiastical and the damned.
What’s more...
Christians drink the symbolic blood of the sinless Christ in order to gain eternal life in heaven (Generalization, but bear with me).
Dracula is a novel about a man who drinks literal human blood to gain eternal life on earth. Dracula is a perversion of the Eucharist.
What did Hannibal Lecter used to do?  He used to eat human flesh.
Let’s just say, that the entire city block, comprising of those three houses - Dracula’s Castle, the Palacio Duhau and the Vatican Nunciature have A LOT of Eucharistic symbolism going on. 
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“Paul Admits Two Counts,” Windsor Star. November 28, 1939. Page 10. ---- Four Dresden Men Face Charges in Lambton Crime Spree --- From the Sarnia Bureau of The Windsor Star. SARNIA, Nov. 28. - Four Dresden men faced charges in magistrate’s court today as a sequel of a provincial police investigation into a South Lambton crime spree which included breaking and entering and theft.
PLEAD NOT GUILTY WALTER TURNER and Gordon Hodgson, both of Dresden, who were apprehended at Listowel late Sunday night by Provincial Constable Oldield Chief C. F. Rocher and Constable Herbert Jobb, of Listowel, were charged with burglary of the Melvin Taylor store at Bradford, South Lambton, on Saturday. Both pleaded not guilty and were remanded December 6 for trial.
The pair was arrested by Listowel police when they received a report that the men were acting in a suspicious manner in the district. They were taken to Stratford, and brought to Sarnia late yesterday by Provincial Constable R. J. Whiting and Andy Grant.
Turner and Hodgson were charged today with breaking into the Taylor store and taking away a safe containing $80 along with other merchandise, and breaking a lock on a gasoline pump and stealing 10 gallons of gasoline and three quarts of oil.
SENTENCE DELAYED Two additional charges were read to Hodgson and he pleaded guilty to both. He admitted stealing a quantity of lightning road wire from barns owned by Earl Haris and Robert Lofer, of Sombra Township. Hodgson will be sentenced on these charges after he has his trails on the burglary counts.
Two other Dresden youths were also charged with theft of wire from the Harris and Loter barns. These were David Hyatt, 18, and Wilfred Christener, 17.
Both pleaded guilty and were given suspended sentence on condition that they pay court costs of $20 each.
‘These boys didn’t steal anything,’ Hodgson told the court. ‘It was I. They were just working for me.’
TWO EMPLOYES Crown Attorney Harry M. Taylor explained that Hodgson, Dresden electrician, drove his car to the Harris and Lofer premises, and that Hyatt and Christener, his employes, accompanied him.
‘The boys were present and had knowledge of the theft of the wire, but they received no benefit,’ Mr. Taylor said. ‘The Hodgson car was parked up to each barn, the end of the wire was attached to the vehicle, and it was pulled off the barn by the car.’
Both farms are unoccupied and damage at each place was estimated at $20.
Provincial Constable R. J. Whiting of Sarnia had been seeking Turner and Hodgson since the Bradshaw store was broken into early last Saturday morning. There a quantity of cigarettes and other merchandise was gathered up and the safe carted away.
Police searched Hodgson’s rooms in Listowel and it is alleged part of the stolen goods was recovered. The second charge of theft of wire against Hodgson is the outcome of disappearance of copper wire in Sombra Township. On charge of theft of this wire David Hyatt and Wilfred Christner of Dresden are now held in jail here. Hodgson will be jointly charged with them in this theft.
Here is is understood Elgin police have charges against both Turner and Hodgson but local officers have no definite word on where these charges will be faced. BAD CHEQUE CHARGES ST. THOMAS, Ont., Nov. 28 - The arrest at Listowell of Gordon Hodgson and Walter Turner, both former residents of Dresden, is said by police to clear up a small epidemic of bogus cheques that occurred on Nov. 18 in West Lorne and Dutton. The two men have been taken to Sarnia by Chief Constable Whiting, and the local charges will be sent there.
Provincial Constable Frank Kelly said Turner was employed during the summer in the Eagle. West Lorne District by John Doub, a tobacco farmer. He went under the name of Walter McMIllan, police said.
On Nov. 18, McMillan or Turner is alleged to have attempted to pass a forged cheque under the name of Harold Hand, at Reeve Earl Lemon’s store in West Lorne. Hodgson is said to have identified himself as Charlie Rand. When Reeve Lemon saw the cheque, he suspected something was wrong and began to make some inquiries. The two men fled to Dutton where police claim Hodgson succeeded in passing two cheques for a total of $28.
The episode was used by the county council at an argument for distribution of the provincial police to centres east and west of St. Thomas.
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tripstations · 5 years
Where to play, stay and chill in Greater Palm Springs this Summer
By Paul Johnson on Jun 05, 2019 in Accommodation, Attractions, California, Food and Drink, Going Out, Hotels, North America, Regions, Restaurants, Travel Miscellany, USA
Sunrise hikes, mornings at the pool, midday spa retreats, mister-cooled dining al fresco, and dive-in movies under the stars—summer has arrived in Greater Palm Springs.
Ask any local or frequent warm weather guest, summer and fall in the oasis offer plenty of perks—unbeatable prices, super affordable family vacation packages, fewer crowds, and a host of water-centric activities like Splash House, an annual multi-venue music festival taking place June 7–9 and August 9–11. Held poolside at the Renaissance, Riviera and Saguaro resorts, the parties continue into the night with open air After Hours events at the Palm Springs Air Museum.
In June, film buffs can count on quality storytelling at the Palm Springs International Short Film Festival & Market (June 18­–24) as ‘ShortFest’ marks its 25th anniversary this year. Now the largest film festival in North America, the festival screens more than 300 short films and attracts filmmakers and industry players from around the world.
Looking ahead, Greater Palm Springs makes a great weekend base from which to experience Joshua Tree National Park’s fifth annual Night Sky Festival (September 21)—highlights include a Star Party with 20 telescopes, music, constellation tours and sky stories. In October, Wanderlust Wellspring (October 4­–6) returns to Palm Springs with a sensational array of interactive classes, workshops, holistic treatments, services and much more. Stay tuned for the line-up of wellness thought leaders, teachers and healers to be announced this month. Autumn also brings several more special events including the inimitable Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade (October 27), Greater Palm Springs Pride (November 1–3) and the second edition of Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells La Quinta (December 8).
Greater Palm Springs is currently undergoing a series of hospitality enhancements that will give travellers to our destination more tourism options and amenities than ever before. Twenty hotels and resorts have recently opened, refreshed their properties or are in development throughout our nine-city oasis. In the meantime,The Bell: A Taco Bell Hotel and Resort will be popping up in Palm Springs for five days beginning August 9.
Here is the latest on where to appreciate culture, savour, play and stay in the nine cities of Greater Palm Springs.
Desert Hot Springs
Appreciate culture
Step back in time at Cabot Yerxa’s Hopi-inspired Pueblo Museum. Greater Palm Springs has a rich Native American history still thriving today. This museum, built in 1941, is filled with Native American art and artifacts. Visitors can see how artist Cabot Yerxa built the pueblo himself, using objects and materials he collected across the desert.
Eat whole foods with a side of spa. Essence at famed Two Bunch Palms serves up a menu wholly focused on “sustainable, local, seasonal and organic” ingredients. The farm-to-table restaurant features vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free fare amid an atmosphere awash in serenity and scenic views.
Escape to an exotic riad reminiscent of Tangier. Retreat to El Morocco Inn & Spa, an intimate boutique hotel centered around a secluded courtyard and spa. The decor features a blend of color and furnishings, many of which the owner purchased in Morocco, including handmade fabrics from women’s co-ops. Amenities are generous—from the French press coffee accompanying an expanded continental breakfast to a movie library, infrared sauna, spa garden, and perfectly chilled Morocco-tinis.
Palm Springs
Appreciate culture
Agua Caliente cultural center and spa will open in 2020. The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians is in the midst of building a spectacular new center in downtown Palm Springs to showcase its Native American heritage. When complete, the center will feature a new cultural museum, spa and bathhouse that celebrates the Tribe’s ancient Agua Caliente hot mineral spring, a central gathering plaza, gardens and walking trail.
Gather under the clock for good cheer and great food. Housed in a restored 1936 building in La Plaza downtown, Grand Central Palm Springs is a combination coffee shop, restaurant, bar and event space with a warm welcoming setting that invites diners to unplug and reconnect. You’ll find a fresh take on old favorites—stop by for breakfast and order your French Toast sweet or savoury — and even a monthly coffee membership for that much-needed daily jolt.
Andaz Palm Springs to open in late 2019. Listed by Forbes as one of “The Most Exciting Hotels Opening in the U.S. in 2019,” this new 150-room luxury hotel is bound to entice travellers with its full-floor spa and fitness center, two pools, stylish restaurant serving up Argentinian fare and stunning views almost everywhere you turn.
Cathedral City
Appreciate culture
See Broadway-caliber productions and performances at CVRep. Following an active schedule of summertime jazz and cabaret offerings, the acclaimed CVRep has four exciting offerings on tap for the upcoming season: Donald Margulies’ Pulitzer Prize-winning play Dinner with Friends (November 6­–24), Tony Award-winning musical Ballroom (January 9–February 16, 2020), The City of Conversation (March 11–29, 2020) and Native Gardens (April 22­­­–May 10, 2020). Now located in its new 208-seat playhouse, CVRep is wowing locals and visitors alike.
Embark on a globally inspired culinary tour. Cathedral City’s diverse ethnic food scene boasts both hotspots and hidden gems laying out a smorgasbord of delectable dishes. Crave Italian? Reserve a table at Trilussa, Nicolino’s or stop by Frankie’s Italian Bakery (also a restaurant) for out-of-this-world Sicilian-style pastries. For authentic Mexican food, visit La Tablita known for its signature parillada, go Greek at Yianni’s Taverna and Wine Bar, or try BontáRestaurant & Bar for an inventive menu combining German, Argentinian and Italian cuisine. Fans of Indian food will find a wide selection of dishes at India Oven. Top it off all off with a frozen paleta at La Michoacana Ice Cream Parlor.
Whitewashed Villa Mykonos caters to the LGBTQ traveller. This upscale Mediterranean-inspired Cathedral City resort features ten 1,500 square foot villas—some pet-friendly—with dual master suites, luxe bathrooms, fully equipped kitchens, dining and living areas, and private patios or balconies. The pool, spa and BBQ areas make it easy for guests to mingle and entertain outdoors.
Rancho Mirage
Appreciate culture
Tour famed Sunnylands Center and Gardens. In 1963, Ambassador Walter and Mrs. Annenberg commissioned the construction of Sunnylands as their winter home; the rest is literally history. Today, visitors can tour the historic mid-century modern estate, viewing treasures like the more than 3,000 letters from 11 presidents dating from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Barack Obama. The Sunnylands campus also encompasses a contemporary 17,000-square-foot visitors center, nine acres of gardens, and 1.25 miles of walking paths. But Sunnylands’ relevance in the world of global politics can’t be understated. U.S. Presidents have hosted numerous meetings with foreign leaders earning Sunnylands the nickname of the ‘Western White House’. Please note that Sunnylands is now on summer hiatus and will reopen September 11 with tours resuming in the fall.
When in Rancho Mirage, eat Peruvian. The new Maria José Peruvian Gourmet restaurant has taken over a space in The Atrium and is getting rave reviews for its delicious authentic Peruvian cuisine, South American hospitality and stylish décor. Go for the delectable starters like ceviche and causa, a stuff mashed potato terrine. Try the lomo soltado, fresh seafood and chicken dishes, and don’t pass up the rice pudding and Peruvian ice cream.
Recharge at Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa. As easy walk to THE RIVER entertainment destination, Omni Rancho Las Palmas offers nearly every resort amenity under the sun: 20,000-square-foot spa, 27 holes of championship golf, 25 tennis courts, fitness center and five restaurants. A two-acre water playground, Splashtopia features a lazy river, water slides, cliffside hot tub and sprinklers. Those sanskids will find respite at the adults-only pool.
Palm Desert
Appreciate culture
Find amazing art around every corner. The City of Palm Desert maintains a dynamic public art collection with more than 150 pieces on display throughout the city at locations like Civic Center Park. Palm Desert also presents biennial exhibits along the main thoroughfare in the El Paseo shopping district, a community art gallery, and offers free, guided tours of the collection on select Saturdays September through May.
JW Marriott Desert Springs is in the midst of a makeover. This magnificent 450-acre vacation oasis with its stunning labyrinth of waterways is reinventing itself with a complete remodel of its 884 guestrooms, lobby, meeting and dining areas. The luxury resort will remain open during the project, scheduled to take place in stages.
Indian Wells
Practice your back swing at Indian Wells Tennis Garden: Keep your fitness up with a day at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden. Famed as the home of the annual BNP Paribas Open (March 9­–22, 2020), the Indian Wells Tennis Garden is the second largest tennis stadium in the world. Visitors can watch a match or hire a court for the day to play.
Surf the Indian Wells Golf Resort on a golfboard. The environmentally friendly golfboard is letting players “surf the earth” on Indian Wells’ championship golf courses. The motorized scooters speeds up pace-of-play so golfers can get in more rounds.
Kick back and relax in this refreshing – and soon-to-be refreshed – luxury resort. This summer, Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa is undergoing an exciting enhancement with the addition of a three-story water slide tower and lazy river, as well as upgrades to the lobby, restaurants and meeting spaces.
La Quinta
Appreciate culture
Become a desert artisan at Old Town Artisan Studio: Visitors can channel their inner creative at the Old Town Artisan Studio, where they can take up classes in everything from clay sculpting to jewellery making.
Savour Indulge in wine and food pairing experience at Cork & Fork. The idea for this noted bistro came from weekly wine gatherings at Chef Andie Hubka’s adjacent cooking school, Cooking with Class. Patrons laud the award-winning restaurant for its food friendly wines and creative seasonal small plate menus. Reserve a space at one of the popular Chef’s Table wine dinners.
Spend a weekend, week or month by the lake. Greater Palm Springs meets Provence at The Chateau at Lake La Quinta, a 24-room boutique hotel boasting picturesque views, lakeside dining, lush grounds and beautifully appointed rooms. An idyllic destination for romantic getaways, weddings and special events.
Appreciate culture
Experience the City of Festivals. Mark your calendars now because November and December bring a flurry of annual festivals to this growing east valley city: Taste of Indio; Cars, Stars & Rock ‘n’ Roll & BBQ Festival; Dia de Los Muertos celebrations, Indio Powwow, and Indio International Tamale Festival (December 7–8), ranked a “Top Ten Food Festival” by the Food Network.
Another cool eatery from Chef Andi Hubka. Heirloom Craft Kitchen serves up an inventive menu showcasing small and big plates, salads, sandwiches, blackboard specials, and a nice selection of vegan dishes. Order a side of the famous truffle tots and wash it down with a grapefruit basil spritz. The Craft Beer & Wine program features small up-and-coming producers focused on sustainability.
South of the border cuisine stands out in Indio. There are so many outstanding Mexican restaurants in Indio, we’re hard-pressed to name just one. Family-owned Rincón Norteño has been a locals favorite for more than 50 years, while the Chile Relleno en Ahogada at Soul of Mexico gets rave reviews and El Mexicali Café has a loyal following for its traditional dishes and home-style Mexican breakfasts. There’s also Pueblo Viejo Grill & Tequila Bar, Macario’s Grill, El Campanario and many more on this unofficlal Mexican restaurant trail.
Appreciate culture
Coachella Walls displays captivating socially conscious art: launched in 2014, the Coachella Walls is a mural project by local artists, showcasing art that reflects Greater Palm Springs’ agrarian roots and the city of Coachella’s community. Download a map from the Visitors section of the City of Coachella website and take a self-guided walking tour.
Baked goods from Panaderia Las Tres Conchitas. Situated on 6thStreet in Pueblo Viejo near City Hall, this local bakery churns out some of the finest Mexican breads and pastries in the Coachella Valley. Beyond the excellent pan dulce, bolillos and Conchas, the panaderia offers a mouth-watering selection of cookies, cakes and muffins.
Coachella’s first resort is now taking reservations. The highly anticipated opening of the city’s first resort is set to take place this fall. From the IHG Hotel brand and scheduled to open in November, Hotel Indigo will feature 250 casita-style accommodations, a 10,000-square-foot party pool, and 11-acre concert venue.
The post Where to play, stay and chill in Greater Palm Springs this Summer appeared first on Tripstations.
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
I'm going to list my favourite anime characters and how I am at voicing them Anime Characters: Son Goku:  (Level: Just Barely Accurate) Sailor Moon (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Mercury (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Mars (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Jupiter (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Venus (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Neptune (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Uranus (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Pluto (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Saturn (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sailor Chibimoon (Level: Very Accurate) Sailor Star Fighter (Level:Sort of Accurate) PallaPalla (Level:Sort of Accurate) Luna (Level:Sort of Accurate) Artemis (Sort of Accurate) Maebara Keiichi (Sort of Accurate) Ryugu Rena (Sort of Accurate) Hojo Sakoto (Sort of Accurate) Sonozaki Shion (Level: Very Accurate) Sonozaki Mion (Level: Very Accurate) Furude Rika (Level: Very Accurate) Furude Hanyuu (Level:Sort of Accurate) Myu/Lucy (Level:Sort of Accurate) Alucard (Level:Sort of Accurate) Integra (Level:Sort of Accurate) Seras Victoria (Level:Sort of Accurate) Walter Dornez (Level:Sort of Accurate) Rip Van Winkle (Level:Sort of Accurate) The Major (Level:Sort of Accurate) Schrodinger (Level:Sort of Accurate) Luke Valentine (Level:Sort of Accurate) Tubalcain Alhambra (Level:Sort of Accurate) Sebastian (Level:Just Barely Accurate) Ciel (Level:Sort of Accurate) Alois (Level:Sort of Accurate) Mey Rin (Level:Very Accurate) Finian (Level:Sort of Accurate) Baldroy (Level:Just Barely Accurate) Lau (Level:Sort of Accurate) Soma (Level:Sort of Accurate) Agni (Level:Sort of Accurate) Tamaki (Level:Very Accurate) Kyoya (Level:Sort of Accurate) Mori (Level:Sort of Accurate) Honey (Level:Very Accurate) Haruhi (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Renge (Level:Very Accurate) Blackjack (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Pinoco (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Tomoko (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Panty (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Stocking (Level:Very Accurate) Garterbelt (Level:Just Barely Accurate) Excel from Excel Saga (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Hyatt from Excel Saga (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Minchi from Excel Saga (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Tohru Honda (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Kyo Souma (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Yuki Souma (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Shigure Souma (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Hatsuharu Souma (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Kagura Souma (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Momiji Souma (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Mitsuki Koyama (Level:Sort of Accurate) Takuto Kira (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Meroko Yui (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Ranma Saotome (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Akane Tendo (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Shampoo (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Kodachi Kuno (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Azusa Shiratori (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Karin Maaka (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Konata Izumi (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Kagami Hirragi (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Tsukasa Hirragi (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Miyuki Takara (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Hiyori Tamura (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Patrica Martin (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Yutaka Kobayakawa (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Haruhi Suzumiya (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Yuki Nagato (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Mikuru Asahina (Level:Sort of  Accurate) Team Rocket (Level:Very Accurate)
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theerecoup · 5 years
Uncle Walt's Band: Uncle Walt's Band (Omnivore Recordings)
When I lived in Lubbock, Texas in the 1990s, I worked at both of the city’s independent record stores, and it was here that I learned of an underground musical scene I had never experienced before: “Texas Music.” Now, one might make the mistake of thinking that this is a catchall term for the diverse musical scene of the Lone Star State, but it isn’t. It refers to a very specific style of music,…
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abcnewspr · 2 years
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Today, “The View”’s set transformed into a Caribbean getaway when Whoopi Goldberg declared, “this show has been on the air 25 seasons, and we are long overdue for a vacation.” In honor of the Emmy® Award-winning talk show’s historic silver anniversary, “The View” is heading to the white sands of The Bahamas to broadcast in the beauty of the tropics at Baha Mar resort airing Monday, June 27, through Thursday, June 30.
While at Baha Mar, Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sara Haines, Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro will celebrate Bahamian culture and wildlife, enjoy the property’s unique culinary offerings, and experience the thrills of Baha Bay waterpark as they explore all that the leading luxury resort has to offer … yoga with flamingos, anyone? With its picturesque ocean backdrop, Baha Bay Beach Lawn will set the stage for the co-hosts to dive into the hottest topics, welcome celebrity guests, and discover why Baha Mar is a spectacular destination for all.    
“We are thrilled to celebrate this incredible milestone with ‘The View’ and honored to host this iconic show at Baha Mar for their 25th anniversary,” said Graeme Davis, president of Baha Mar. “We’re excited for ‘The View’ co-hosts and the audience to experience all Baha Mar has to offer.”
About “The View”
Called “the most important political TV show in America” by The New York Times, “The View” (11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT) is a priority destination for our guests and must-see viewing for our loyal fans with up-to-the-minute Hot Topics and invaluable conversations with live broadcasts five days a week. The Daytime Emmy® Award-winning talk show concluded season 24 as the most-watched daytime talk show, ranking No. 1 in Households and Total Viewers among the daytime network and syndicated talk shows and news programs for the first time in the show’s history. “The View” is executive produced by Brian Teta and is directed by Sarah de la O. For breaking news and updated videos, follow “The View” (@theview) and Whoopi Goldberg (@whoopigoldberg), Joy Behar (@joyvbehar), Sunny Hostin (@sunny), Sara Haines (@sarahaines) and Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) on Twitter.
About Baha Mar
Baha Mar is a master planned integrated resort development situated on 1,000 acres overlooking the world's famous Cable Beach. The white sand beach destination includes three global brand operators – Grand Hyatt, SLS, and Rosewood – over 2,300 rooms and more than 45 restaurants and lounges, the largest casino in the Caribbean, a state-of-the-art convention center, Royal Blue Golf Course, an 18-hole Jack Nicklaus signature course, a brand new $200 million Baha Bay luxury water park, the Caribbean's first and only flagship ESPA spa, and over 30 luxury retail outlets. Baha Mar is a breathtaking location with dynamic programming, activities, and guest offerings in one of the most beautiful places in the world – The Bahamas. For more information and reservations, visit www.bahamar.com. Follow Baha Mar on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook at @BahaMarResorts.
Follow “The View” (#theview) on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
“The View” is now available on a podcast. Listen to the full show for free on Apple Podcasts or on your favorite podcast app every weekday afternoon. On SEPT. 14, “The View” debuted “Behind The Table,” a special podcast series from ABC Audio featuring former and current co-hosts for an extraordinary look inside the talk show that has been making headlines since Barbara Walters first uttered the phrase, “I had this idea for a show.”
“The View” can be streamed on ABC News Live weekdays at 5 p.m. EDT.
For more information, follow ABC News PR on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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