Okay but what if I wrote a Medieval Wanda x Monica AU jk hahahaha ...... unless???
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youabandcnedme-blog · 8 years
@wandica replied to your post: i just watched hacks.aw riidge and he fucking died...
ahhhhh !! i’m so sorry asdfghjkl :(
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aviision-a-blog · 8 years
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          “ wanda ... love of my life, the stars in my sky, everything i hold       near and dear to my synthetic heart ... i’m afraid i spoke out loud. ”
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starspangled-blog3 · 8 years
| @wandica​ |
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If someone had told him six months ago he’d be on the run on the other side of the world from his HOME, he might have laughed. The idea would have been ludicrous. Then again, the concept of DAMAGING ( maybe irreversible ) division between he and people he’d come to think of as family was just as unreal. But there was little to be done now. The choices were made. The lines drawn. Until they found some way to forge PEACE again, running was their only choice. Most of them in different directions. When they’d gotten word that their location had been discovered, they all came to the quick conclusion they needed not just to leave Wakanda ( T’Challa’s hospitality was MORE than appreciated, but none of them wanted to bring a war to his doorstep after all he’d done. And he’d agreed to keep Bucky’s whereabouts, as well as all the work being done to REVERSE the damage HYDRA had done to him, a secret ), but to split up. They would expect them to stick together. They had to stay ahead of the game.  It left some of them on their own, and others ( like he and Wanda ) in a STRANGE kind of partnership. He still struggled with the guilt of the way things had turned out ; this wasn’t the life he’d offered to her all those months ago when she signed on to work with the Avengers. But like the rest of the situation, there was little to be done. They were both FUGITIVES. Mending bridges would have to wait. For now, they just needed to SURVIVE.  At the moment, that came in the form of getting to a safe house in Darwin, Australia. He’d found a nondescript Ford to hotwire once they got off the boat they’d stowed away on ( sailing from Africa to Australia wasn’t something he was eager to do AGAIN ), now all that was left to do was locate the house in the dead of night. Darkness surrounded them, but oddly, it was the CALMEST he’d been in a while. They’d made it, they had an escape plan if they needed one, and they’d managed to get word that the others were alive and well, scattered across the globe and still FREE. It wasn’t the brightest picture, but he had to hold on to something GOOD. Drawing a quiet breath, he glanced over at Wanda in the passenger’s seat, hoping she’d been able to find the same comforts, ❝ You doing okay? ❞
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empyrealarc · 3 years
₩ but like reversed. let wanda sit in ana's lap.
Send me ₩ for my muse to sit in your muse's lap || @vjestyca !
"On today's stream, we're gonna be doing something a bit different~ Everyone, say 'Nomoshkar' to the light of my life, my personal goddess, and the creator of the 'wiggly-woo' challenge, my wife Wanda Maximoff!"
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600k worshippers cried out as one, greeting the Scarlet Witch situated snugly in Ana'Hira's lap. Arms around the woman's waist, bright smile on she took some time to bask in the deluge of greetings, compliments and more... but also? No, not also. Mostly! Mostly, she took time to bask in Wanda's presence.
They made as much time for each other as they could. They were never TOO far apart, but it was rare they had time to just fuck around. With both of them free from their moral endeavors, and Ana promising her worshippers a stream... Well~
"Today, my Wandica will be attempting a Contest Master run in Omega Ruby! We did a bit of grinding off-screen to get her team where she wants them, but what you're about to see, and love, is all in real time. Please cheer her on, okay!"
It was rare for Wanda to accept being on camera. She was Ana's muse and Ana's alone. Enshrouded in her love's arms, playing her favorite part of one of her favorite games, a kiss to her cheek every time ANYONE in chat said something positive about her?
This was nice. Fleeting as all things were, but so very nice.
"Be the very best, baby. Like no one ever was~" She loved her wife. And she was very lucky she could hide behind Wanda from time to time. Aggressively tearing up every time Wanda got high marks and told her Pokémon ' good job! ' was pure, but it would detract fron her focus.
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readyforyours · 8 years
"Hey, I'm over 18. It's perfectly legal."
            ❝ legal is one thing, MORAL is another. ❞
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visixnaryx-archive · 8 years
all of the relationship headcanons for vizh and wanda pls
Relationship Headcanons // Accepting
💖 for a headcanon about my muse’s relationship with them
The general consensus amongst the rest of the Avengers is that these two are sickening. Too sugary sweet for these fuckers. They have the nerve to take naps out in the open. Either Wanda is asleep on Vision or they’re both asleep somewhere when it gets to that point in Vision’s sleep cycle. Get a room, you two. To sleep in. Literally.

💕 for my muse’s first impression of them
If we were to use the very first moment of his existence, in which she was the first person he saw, his impression was a bit complicated. Functioning on instinct rather than rationality, the entire room was a danger to him, but she was the greater threat–he somehow knew that. She was beautiful and small but that delicate frame held such raw power inside of it which would render him useless the moment he even dared approach her.

💬 for a random thing my muse has said to them
“You do, in fact, have whipped cream on your nose,” he tells her, sometime in the future.

💭 for a thought my muse has had about them
I hope this ring is to her liking.

❌ for something my muse will never tell them
Vision is not one to keep anything from Wanda. If there were something he was reluctant to share, she would eventually get him to say it.
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mshpkhh · 8 years
wandica replied to your post “okay but really where all my edies at? my children are starving. my...”
your grandchildren need their grandmother
|| *slams fist on table* WHERE’S THE FIERY GRANDMA
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haosvestica-archive · 6 years
hi  i  made  wandica  a  wall  of  text
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ledgerfilled-blog · 7 years
aggressive  /   callous   /   cannibal   /   careless   /   compulsive   /   cowardly   /   domineering   /   envious   /   greedy   /   HYPOCRITICAL   /  IMPATIENT  /   IMPOLITE   /   incompetent   /   kidnapper   /   lazy   /   LIAR   /   materialistic   /   murderer   /   obsessive  /  OVERCRITICAL   /   overemotional   /   PATRONISING   /   SARCASTIC   /   self - indulgent   /   serial  killer   /   torturer   /  TOUCHY   /   traitorous   /   unclean   /  UNPREDICTABLE   /   untidy   /   VAIN   /   VENGEFUL
TAGGED BY : @sxmbol <3 <3 <3 TAGGING : @hisgirlfriiday @thedirectorofshield @tcmbraider @haosvestica @wandica
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empyrealarc · 3 years
◈ [ for bubs, wanda, harl, and new baby vidya - or whoever u have ideas for. w/e. love u!! ]
Send me a ◈ and I will respond with 3-5 scenarios I’ve thought about or could see our characters in. || @sugaredjoy !!
1. CAN WE MOVE IN? So, after a very angry confrontation between The Shape-Sisters and their evil warlock father figure, the girls leave and go to the one family they know can take them in. Ana & Lana show up at Bubbs' door, bags packed and sorrow in their eyes, looking to make a change for the better!
Of course, they're all friends*, so why wouldn't they be accepted? There's a guest bedroom being unused after all, come on in out of the rain...
But here's the rub. One of the Shape-Sisters is a Trojan horse. Called by evil, sent to destroy the powerpuffs at their most vulnerable! It's awful that, after everything, friendship wasn't enough to slip the chains of command... Bubbles deserves better than waking up in the middle of the night to see Ana'Hira hovering over them with a bolt in hand, but- but at least Lana'Bita is there to help the puffs fight off her lost sister.
She can be saved, right? She might be awful, but she's not the 'bad twin', just... just the easily controlled one it seems.
2. WAIT... YOU CAN BE HARDCORE!? This is a Lana episode! She's heard the rumors, talked to the monkey about it during her time in jail. Apparently there's a version of her not-partner that was VICIOUS. And she's gonna go find it! Opening a portal to another dimension is easy enough, all you need are the right ingredients and a 'can do' attitude.
She doesn't know what she's gonna find when she gets there, but she's very excited to see- to... to-
"Holy shit, Bubbleheart, did you beat up a dog for causing a traffic jam!?"
" huh? that was years ago. who the heck are you anyway? "
"Me? I'm in love..."
THE HONEYMOON ISSUE! Honestly, I don't even have like an overarching plot for this one, just need magic space wives to have a peaceful honeymoon beyond the trappings and madness of the world they've left behind.
Full domestic double-issue, at a hotel in space on a private beach planet. They go surfing on asteroid belts, best restaurant in known space, watch a dual-star sunset across an endless horizon of time and space, the works!
Then after a fortnight of peace they come back to Earth after and- Oh, shit the mutants are colonizing mars? Go be with your people, baby, I'll take care of the homefront until you get back~ Tell Lord Magnets I said hi!
GUEST CHARACTER! I had this OC a few years ago. She was the MCU/MC2 daughter of The Chameleon. A Russian Sleeper-Experiment dubbed (in a very original twist) The Khameleon and I think she'd be fun to party up with Angry Russian Babey.
Every hardcore vicious agent needs a partner like Nadezhda! Sassy, snarky, completely uninterested in what's going on, only here because she's being paid and because otherwise... well, SHIELD would probably throw her in mutant criminal jail. She may not be a Red Room 'graduate' but she can hold her own... and together the two of them can really break through the monotony of working for 'the good guys'.
Well... if Vidya doesn't kill Nadia first.
"Hehehe, you want to know something, Vidya?"
" nadia, of the four partners I've had in life, you are in the top 3. but I'll still kill you in cold blood. "
"Chameleons EAT Cicadas in the wild! Do you think we should-"
NAMELESS SHIELD MEDIC: and then she stabbed you twelve times?
"That's... that's her love language."
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sxlverstreak · 7 years
@wandica started following you
“Is there a way to stop jeans from ripping at the thighs? That’s the third pair I lost this week.” She pouted and stuck her finger though the hole to poke her bare thigh for emphasis.
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stealthsuitofsin · 8 years
Shield :: Closed
Rogers lived smack in the middle of nowhere – a pathetically small town, constantly bombarded by heat, in a house that functioned but beyond that, was nothing to admire. There was clearly an attempt to maintain it, a few jobs around the yard started and near completed, a sprinkler that worked fervently to keep the lawn relatively alive.
The truck in the driveway was coated in dust and mud, clearly it was a work vehicle. Its new gleam hidden and ruined by no attempt from Steve to wash it. He didn’t need too, not today, not when he had two more days of labour off in the middle of what could equate to a desert.
He was asleep when two black SUVs pulled up to the sidewalk. A familiar face getting out of the first and instructing the rest of the group to wait. Director Fury, an analytical scowl on his face as he approached the building and pulled the screen door open, knocking loudly and waiting. 
Steve groaned, instantly awake at the first knock. He opened his eyes and cursed his luck, glancing down at the floor where a few beer bottles lay. He stood slowly, hearing another, far more persistent knock as he stumbled away from the couch. The faintest of headaches was beginning to rise up, and he knew it wouldn’t be long until it turned into a migraine.
He opened the door and his scowl deepened, meeting the glare of Fury.
“Oh,” Steve began, mood continuing to sour. “Whatever it is, no.”
“No.” Steve reiterated, demeanor changing from annoyed to angry. “Take whatever mission it is and shove it-“
The door to the other SUV opened, an agent getting out, followed by a girl. She was a lithe little thing, with long brown hair and fair skin. 
The ex-Avenger faltered, anger giving way to confusion and concern. He looked at Fury quickly.
He knew that look.
“No,” Steve said lowering his voice as his gaze shifted from the Director to the girl briefly. “Whatever it is, no.” 
Fury gritted his teeth. His voice a harsh whisper. “They killed her family Steve, and they’re going to kill her. You can protect her, and no one knows you’re here.”
“You do,” he countered hotly, but he was already losing the argument. “I can’t protect her, I’m not-”
Not what? Not an avenger? Steve knew he looked washed up, scruff on his face, a house he was slowly fixing up, only partly working because he was too busy drinking. He wasn’t hiding his bitterness, he didn’t have his shield, didn’t have any equipment, all he had was a house that rattled too much in the wind, a truck that looked like he had drove it through a pile of shit and enough alcohol tucked away to drown Hulk.
Fury cut him off, shoving a small bag in his hand which was rounded like a disc. Steve glowered at it and the man. There was only one thing that could be in that bag. 
“Do it for her.” The spy insisted, “her name is Wanda Maximoff, and she needs your shield.”
The Director turned, waving to the agent guarding Wanda. He turned his attention back to Steve. “Almost as much as you do.” 
It was a quick introduction between the two, Steve refusing to let any of the agents inside. He stood in the doorway, gaze falling onto the little girl they had given him. Fury’s words still floated in his head as his focus changed from Wanda to the SUVs that were pulling away.
Wanda, this is Steve. He’s going to be looking after you for a little while.
He looked back at her, holding the screen door open as he moved to let her inside. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”
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youabandcnedme-blog · 8 years
@wandica replied to your post: @wandica replied to your post: ...
all is forgiven. i’m just sad now.
i am too. i’ve been sad since i watched it. but like okay it never verifies if he dies or not? i don’t think so...maybe, maybe not... so maybe i’m lying idk.
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haosvestica-archive · 7 years
wandica 100% walks so quietly that she scares the absolute shit out of everyone around her
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