packleaderluke · 3 years
So is someone gonna tell me why tf Ever After the Musical didn’t get a soundtrack— why am I just forever curse to know one part of that damned cousin song I WANT ALL OF IT
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packleaderluke · 4 years
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packleaderluke · 4 years
i’m actually pretty cool just give me like 5 tries to get it right
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packleaderluke · 4 years
you wanna see some badass shit from the early 20th century?? The Lumière brothers created the first full color photograph… in fucking 1903! So these dudes dyed potatoes (in red, blue, and green), mashed them down into just pure fuckin’ starch, and used these dyed potato starches as filters to block out/let in certain wavelengths of light. They coated one side of a glass plate with the starches and sensitized the other side with a mixture of gelatin and light sensitive materials (silver nitrate) and loaded these plates in their cameras.. This is a really simple explanation of the process and I may have missed some things A few of my favorite autochrome photos:
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packleaderluke · 4 years
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packleaderluke · 4 years
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I know how to help you now.
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packleaderluke · 4 years
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Another woman utterly failed by our society’s devaluation of women’s reproductive health. We can’t wait around for male doctors to decide what we need to know. This is why we need to take control and educate ourselves about our own bodies.
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packleaderluke · 4 years
In 1990, the high school dropout rate for Dolly Parton’s hometown of Sevierville Tennessee was at 34% (Research shows that most kids make up their minds in fifth/sixth grade not to graduate). That year, all fifth and sixth graders from Sevierville were invited by Parton to attend an assembly at Dollywood. They were asked to pick a buddy, and if both students completed high school, Dolly Parton would personally hand them each a $500 check on their graduation day. As a result, the dropout rate for those classes fell to 6%, and has generally retained that average to this day.
Shortly after the success of The Buddy Program, Parton learned in dealing with teachers from the school district that problems in education often begin during first grade when kids are at different developmental levels. That year The Dollywood Foundation paid the salaries for additional teachers assistants in every first grade class for the next 2 years, under the agreement that if the program worked, the school system would effectively adopt and fund the program after the trial period.
During the same period, Parton founded the Imagination Library in 1995: The idea being that children from her rural hometown and low-income families often start school at a disadvantage and as a result, will be unfairly compared to their peers for the rest of their lives, effectively encouraging them not to pursue higher education. The objective of the Imagination library was that every child in Sevier County would receive one book, every month, mailed and addressed to the child, from the day they were born until the day they started kindergarten, 100% free of charge. What began as a hometown initiative now serves children in all 50 states, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, mailing thousands of free books to children around the world monthly.
On March 1, 2018 Parton donated her 100 millionth book at the Library of Congress: a copy of “Coat of Many Colors” dedicated to her father, who never learned to read or write.
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packleaderluke · 4 years
Dear mansplaining morons who think "Batman could totally win a fight with Wonder Woman"
Are y'all high?
- an average human dude - has no superpowers to speak of - trained fighting for like, 10, 20 years tops - uses fancy but breakable human-made gadgets
- literally a deity - “only a god can kill another god” - trained fighting for 500 to 2,000 years (depending on who you ask) under Antiope, the greatest general in the history of a legendary warrior race - can fly - can literally level a building with a single punch - can control lightning - able to take punches by someone capable of crumbling a gun with their bare hands - can toss a tank with her bare hands like it’s nbd - has magical weapons originally made for & owned by gods
Being a man doesn’t give you the ability to defeat a deity who’s trained for centuries under the best of the best, has magic powers, and magic weapons, you twats.
Being a man doesn’t make you better than a deity.
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packleaderluke · 4 years
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This is how the golden age of piracy ended.
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packleaderluke · 4 years
Why Krita is Awesome: A Collection of Reasons Why This Program is Worth Taking a Look At
Krita is a painting program that has been around for a while, and in the last few years, underwent major changes and improvements.  Because of these improvements, many artists are using it not just because it is free, but because it offers amazing features.  These are by no means all of the great things Krita has to offer, but simply some of my favorite features of the program.
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1. The Brush Engines.
Yes, engines.  As in plural.  There are many.  And they all do different things.  There is no way you could possibly capture all of its possibilities with one screen shot, but here are just some of the possibilities. Along side standard round, square, and shape, and textured brushes, there are brushes that smear, blend, and create interesting abstract strokes.  There are brushes for filters, and one of my favorites, the Experiment Brush, which is basically a pre-filled lasso tool. 
Brushes also support weighted smoothing, or brush stabilizers.
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This is incredibly useful for line art.  And while I do not usually use this feature, it is something that I feel many programs are lacking, such as Photoshop.
But its brushes aren’t the only thing about Krita with variety.
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2. Color Selector Customization. 
Whether you prefer something basic, or something more complicated, Krita will likely have what youre looking for.  You are not likely to find yourself missing your other program’s color wheels.  There are even more options than this, and other color selectors.
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Gotta love that customization.
Krita also has some great naviation tools.
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3. On the fly rotation, zoom, and brush sizing.
With krita, zooming, rotating, and brush size scaling are all smooth, and dynamic with the use of hot keys.  These are features I miss when in other programs.  To zoom, Ctrl+Middle mouse button, hover over the screen to zoom in and out.  The same with shift rotates (press the ‘5’ key to reset rotation).  Holding down shift and draging your brush on the canvas dynamically changes its size, allowing you to see the change, and get the exact size you want without brackets. Brackets also work, if that’s what you are used to.  Krita also has highly customizable hot keys.
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4. The Pop Up Pallet
The pop up pallet is a set of your 10 favorite brushes (which you can edit), and a built in color wheel that appears when you right click on the canvas.  It is incredibly useful for switching between those few brushes that you use in almost every picture.
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5.  Real time, seamless tiles creation.
Pressing the W key in Krita will infinitely tile your canvas, and allow you to work real time on simple to complex tiled images.  You can zoom in and out to see how your tiles work form a distance, and paint freely to create seamless artwork easily, without having to check using filters and manually tiling. Very usefull for patterns, backgrounds, and games.
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6. The Symmetry Tool
This one goes without saying, Krita supports both horizontal and vertical symmetry, along with a brush that is capable of radial symmtry with as many directions as you like.
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Go nuts, kid.
There are many more reasons why this program is awesome.  And it is only going to get more awesome.  And the coolest thing about it, is that it is 100% free.  So go check it out!  There’s nothing to lose. Krita isn’t for everyone, it can be hard to get the hang of, and it is not meant for photo editing, it is a program completely focused on digital painting from start to finish. 
Give it a go and see if Krita is the program for you.
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packleaderluke · 4 years
I really want a movie where there’s this Dark Brooding Male Hero who’s like, a total badass, and during all the fight scenes he keeps getting flashbacks to happy images of his wife, and like his whole narrative is framed around his wife, and all the other heroes on his team know that he’s got this passion and vengeance and think it all has to do with his dead wife… but then near the end of the movie his wife shows up and he’s like “hey babe” they’re all shocked and they’re like, “Wait I thought all your power and passion came from avenging your dead wife?” and he’s like “no bro, I just really love my wife, she’s really cool, she’s what keeps me going” like… a reverse fridge
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packleaderluke · 4 years
unlearning white ignorance
this is especially for the white members of this rpc, please use this as a chance to educate yourselves on how you can unlearn ignorant & racist behaviors. these are just some sources i’ve found, but there are plenty out there for you to look at which i actively encourage you do. i ALSO HIGHLY ENCOURAGE PPL TO SHARE THIS OUTSIDE THEIR RP BLOGS, if you have a non rp blog, other social media, etc, please feel more than welcome to share this around and especially share this information with your other white friends / family / acquaintances.
WHITE PEOPLE, ENOUGH: look at power and control. this women goes into a tedtalk about systematic power and control, and calls to white people to stop writing off and dismissing important discussions on race.
HOW TO BE AN ALLY— DON’T.  she talks about when white “allys” get too overzealous and self proclaim themselves as allys despite making the narrative about themselves, speaking over black voices, and what better approaches you can take to support black lives.
ON PRIVILEGE same girl as above breaks down what privilege is, how people respond to realizing they have privilege, the knee jerk reaction of guilt, why you shouldn’t fall into guilt, and what you can do to use your privilege to support marginalized groups.
HOW RACIST ARE YOU: Jane Elliott’s blue eyes/brown eyes exercise. it tackles the topic of ignorance and oppression, and exposes internalized racist or ignorant behaviors in these adult people. it is a tense and difficult video to watch (esp if you are white), but it’s a good exercise for challenging your own views and ignorance. here’s another video where she does the exercise on college students. 
10 WAYS TO SUPPORT THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT. this article has lots of helpful information for how you can be supportive of the movement as a white person.
other ways that you can start unlearning ignorance that i can just list off the top of my head:
self evaluate. does the topic of racism and black oppression make you uncomfortable? do you get defensive, anxious, or tune out of conversations when it comes up? that’s a big red flag right there and it’s time to challenge that behavior.
listen. when someone calls you out on your behavior, something you said, something you did, whatever it is, LISTEN TO THEM. white people can never understand what it’s like to be in a PoC’s / black person’s shoes, so we are BOUND to make mistakes that will be insensitive, dismissive, and ignorant. the best thing you can do is recognize your mistake, listen to someone who is calling you out on it, apologize, and correct your behavior. here is a good video that talks about how to handle getting called out for problematic behavior.
self educate. yes, it’s very nice and helpful of others to show you what you can do to support black lives, teach you black history, offer the statistics and other sources, but understand it is NOT up to black people to educate you. unless that person is being paid to do it, they are NOT obligated to be your teacher. do your research. not only does this take the weight off black people’s backs to show you (not that they should have to explain to you how they’re being oppressed to begin with, because they SHOULDN’T), but it allows for yourself to become more invested by taking the initiative on your own as you are making the conscious decision to educate yourself rather than waiting to have it spoon fed to you.
speak UP. do NOT be silent on these topics. understand that we are conditioned to be complacent with racism, because we do not experience it. and because we cannot experience racism, it’s easy to become uneasy when it’s being discussed— as it is an experience we cannot personally understand. DO NOT LET THAT STOP YOU FROM SPEAKING UP. white compliancy and white silence is AS BAD AS THE A POLICE OFFICER SHOOTING A BLACK PERSON. there is no TIME to worry about your discomfort or feelings when lives are literally at stake here. if you see someone spouting racist bullshit, cracking racist jokes, harassing black people, SPEAK UP AND DON’T LET IT SLIDE. as a white person you have a privilege that others do not, use that privilege to shut people the fuck down when they’re being racist and ignorant. challenge others and spread awareness to other white people. remember: white silence kills.
shut UP. and while you will feel encouraged and even eager to speak up about these issues, learn when to stop talking. learn when to shut up. you CANNOT speak for black people, as you do not walk in their shoes. do not use this movement as a chance to take center stage and paint this as a story about you— BECAUSE IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU. use your privilege to boost black voices, but do not speak over them. listen to them, advocate for them, but do not speak over or for them. 
and remember this: this is all just basic human decency. doing this does not make you special, it does not make you the ~hero~ or ~savior~ of the story or whatever fairytale bullshit you might think. this is called being an empathetic and supportive human being. learn it, practice it, and repeat it.
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packleaderluke · 4 years
Creative & DIY
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packleaderluke · 4 years
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this is home.
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packleaderluke · 4 years
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Maxine Vee on Instagram
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packleaderluke · 4 years
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