#want him to do contemporary/ballet SO BAD u have no idea
jisungshotfirst · 1 year
왕눈즈 👀
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starrycassi · 2 years
RavenBand!Neil thoughts
Tws for acephobia, sa and yk, the traditional in aftg. Also I ignore the canon in some a lot of parts. Ah, and this is settled more in a present like time so, bear with me.
I personally love the idea of Nathaniel being SO out of touch with the world. This kids was brought in here from such a young, young age. And since day one, he's been number three.
He's been under Ichiro's wing control all this time, too. His only spare time is divided between some weird game called Exy and stuff like mostly trying to sleep.
Picture this little boy, who isn't even 15 yet, having a routine like: wake up, everything that comes in with self care for a star, daily warming ups and then fucking exploiting himself in both dancing and singing, for as long as his body can hold (and then, just a bit longer)
He then gets up, shakes his spirit until it's awake again and walks off to the room he shares with Jean. Nathaniel is performing in a piano in front of millions when he's not even able to reach the bathroom mirror without standing on his tiptoes yet. He's being perfectly presented to the world when he doesn't even have his own phone.
You know those sort of kids that fuck up their lives to shit like ballet, modelling and such? The ones who shine so brigth that their souls burn in the process? The ones that fight harder and harder every day because in something like art, the older you get the less attention you are given? The ones that cry out of pure rage when shit goes grown because they know how important it is for everything to work out? That's Nathaniel Wesninski, number 3 of the perfect group, brother property of Ichiro Moriyama, son of the butcher and caretaker of Jean Moreau.
So he grows up to be this sort of machine-like person when he's out of his room. The only real friend he has is Jean, because even when Kevin tries to be there, he always ends up running when Riko asks him to, and even if Ichiro finds Nathaniel somewhat better than his actual little brother, he knows what kind of person that man is.
Jean isn't exactly in a different situation, with his life literally being Riko's new toy... until it isn't, because Ichiro decides that if Riko gets Kevin is only fair that Nathaniel gets Jean, as if the two boys are some sort of fancy toys.
So what I'm trying to get to here is Nathaniel and jean bein horribly clueless to shit like sex innuendos. But Nathaniel especially, since he doesn't even feels something along those lines or at least not until some good five or so years after.
Even if Riko insist. So much. Sometimes, he wins those figths. Sometimes he doesn't.
Then they decide to stop being only a group that performs shit like weird ass contemporary dances or classical songs, all of them a very useful front for the business the Moriyamas needed to do. They ALSO become a "k-pop" band (because idk if u can call it that) and it's chaos.
And of course you all know about the sexualization of young artists, so I think that as soon as it's legal to do so, this "quality" of being absent minded to sex of Nathaniel is exploited. Suggestive pics that aren't actually graphic, but they are... interestingly placed and conceptualizd. Out of place comments that he never catches on or plays out as a joke. Riko hovering over him way too much when they are too close. Being asked to behave in certain ways with certain artists because that's what the fans want.
They turn the asexual boy into a sexual fantasy for the public.
Of course he becomes aware of it after Jean gets his own phone and fuck, that is a hard weekend.
But he's also used to it. And as someone who has a lot of bad behaviors, I know how fucking hard it is to get rid of them. Nathaniel just hating human contact when he isn't warned about it but also being all touchy with other people accidentally because he's been teached this since he was a child.
Like, sometimes I feel like people forget that hypersexuality is a response to trauma, too. I've even seen some people use this as some fort of excuse, and it really, really makes me feel so weird.
Just imagine it. Neil (former Nathaniel, and then former Niel) learning that even if he can be a bit too out of line, it's not his fault. He's heard those words before, Jean used to whisper them to him after bad nights, but Jean is Jean, and he can be so soft with Neil sometimes that it scares both of them. For them, those words were the same as saying that everything will be okay or we'll get trough this. They were never real words, they were just an expression of solidarity— just a bunch of attempts to survive in that hell of a place, even if they had it "better" than some of the others.
But then, there's Andrew. Andrew who just fucking kicks him in the legs when Neil attempts to get too close. Who only asks one time if Neil really doesn't like to swing even if they both know he's still being forced to play the game and then never brings the topic up. Andrew who only looks away, humming, that one time Neil had to undress in front of him. Andrew who keeps Nicky in line even when Neil can be seen as interested by the way he behaves. Andrew. Andrew who makes Neil understand what sex should feel like. Who makes him happy and makes him feel like he's floating in the short moments they get to be actually alone. Who makes Neil understand that even if he is pretty, even is he is hot, even if he is wanted, he should never be used. Never, never, never.
And then there is Aaron, see? They're a good duo. Aaron, who only pays attention to his scars when he sees his naked chest. Aaron, who looks like he doesn't care about life but slowly makes sure to never sit too close to Neil when it isn't necessary. Aaron who just straight up hates him but never hurts him. And it makes Neil so relieved and nauseous, to understand that even if he can be annoying, even if he is stubborn, even if he isn't wanted, he should never have to under go horrible punishments. Never, never, never.
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a-dumb-simp · 4 years
How the obey me brothers + Arcana would react to a dancer gn mc
> The Arcana + Obey me
Regular and competition hc
This is purely self indulgent because I dance lmao <3
> I matched up different styles to different people based on what they would be most interested in!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
^ this is so long and I’m sorry but I’m on mobile so I can’t put a read more :( I love u <3
He found out you did Ballet when he looked through your profile for the exchange program
He was interested but waited until you wanted to tell him to ask anything
He loves to watch you stretch and if you convince him well enough he might join you some nights and morning
It's part of your guys routine
His brothers must never know
You convinced him to finally do a partner dance with you
Him in a Ballet leotard and black legginging
His brothers are going insane but his glares still give them chills
Makes a room for you guys to practice with mirrors and ballet bars set up
Will spin you and then dip you
Kisses in the middle of dances all the time
Becomes a lot more flexible and doesn't know what to do with it
You teach him all the French Ballet terms and sometimes use it as inside jokes cause no one else can understand ”dance talk”
Cuddles in between fun practices :))
He's soft for you
He knew you did ballet before the incident
Afterwards he helps teach you again
Has to teach himself the moves and terminology first so now he gets to dance with you
Loves teaching you small bits of French when you learn to talk again so it's easier to understand ballet
Once you remember the both of you go to masquerades and do partner dances in the ballroom
Nadia loves watching the both of :)
You try to teach Muriel and it goes awful but Asra finds it adorable
He teaches you slowly and you learn to be a dancer again thanks to him <3
He was napping the first time he heard you jumping around
He looked up curiously to find you practising a sequence
Almost asked you what you were doing but instead went back to sleep
Woke up again and saw you in a butterfly jump
You heard him rustling around and got excited!!
You can finally show him what you had choreographed!!
He watched you do a routine with a sleepy smile
Afterwards he'll applaud and let you curtsy towards him
Acts like he's throwing roses to you (plz pretend you caught one in your mouth)
He loves watching you dance
It's soothing to him honestly and if he's ever in a bad mood he’ll ask you to dance for him
He found out through Asra that you liked to dance
He found you one day in the garden outside the hut practising grande jetes
You looked like a little fairy jumping around the in the forest
He honestly fell in love again
He sat down with Inanna and watched you for a good hour
Loves seeing your face light up when you finally nail doing your firebird
Will walk up to you and and tell you how beautiful you looked dancing
Scared you a bit!
He's v sorry :(
You just looked so focused he doesn't want to interrupt you!
Found you practising moves after school
You were playing music in your headphones and couldn't hear a damn thing
He just watched you for a bit until he felt the need to cause mischief >:)
He grabbed your waist as you were about to do a move and your hips went back towards his
He's a blush mess now and so are you, you compose yourself better than him tho
He didn't realise what you were dancing to at first so he begs you to play the music without headphones
As soon as it starts playing he can't take his eyes off you
He has little hearts shining in his eyes and is a blush mess but at the same time proud of you
Please teach him some moves
This man can sway and shake his hips-
Show him how to dance in different styles
wacking would be just favourite, the mix of pop with a subtle sway is perfect
Both of you doing duets
Please recreate dirty dancing scenes with him, he’ll die happy
He's in the ballroom when he sees you
You and Portia we're just messing around and she found out you had danced before you came to Vesuvia and she immediately asked you to teach her
His heels made so much damn noise there was no way you couldn't hear him
Portia took her leave after blushing and left him staring at you
Deciding to be a bit bold you continued the combo
Leaning down to the floor and dragging your hands up your body slowly while continuing eye contact
He's a blushing mess
He may seem like a dominate tall leader but. You make him especially weak
He's begging to learn how to strut
You pull out his pairs of highest heels and go walking through the castle
He's surprisingly good at it, maybe a bit too good
His balance isn't the best but his confidence makes up for it
If he falls he's taking you down with him though so watch out
He found a video of anime characters dancing to song and saw someone recreate it with tap shoes
He found it so cool and shoved his phone toward you to show you
You quietly goggles and said you would be right back
He was a bit disappointed you didn't have a reaction to the video but he let it go for now
When you came back he looked up and saw the same style of shoes in your hands
He jumped up and yelled that you had to learn the dance!!
Oh you will, but he's using your spare pair of shoes to do it too
He's of course on board, dancing and anime with you!! of course he loves it
The other brothers not so much, the constant noise forced you guys to learn it outside
Levi was clumsy and not forceful enough to truly make sounds but he had the right spirit
You're both giggling and out of breath when he gets the idea to upload the video
Mammon and Belphie are both already making fun of you guys in the morning
She was so excited to come home and see you with a tap board laid down and playing a metronome
You were so distracted you didn't see her looking at you with stars in your eyes
She closed the door and you still didn't look over
She finally had to walk over and grab your hand
You were so concentrated as you were mastering doing a switching pullback without moving
You completely fell
You forgot to tape the bottoms of your shoes and slipped when she tapped you
She quickly pulled you up and made you sit on the couch
She's apologizing but you assure her she's fine, she's just mumbling about how powerful and focused you looked
She loves seeing you so passionate about something <3
Satan had read about traditional French and Russian ballets at some point probably has seen a recreation of a Christmas classic dance at some point
So when he was in your room reading and saw your first pair of shoes tied up he asked about them
You showed him how they bent and about how the shank was dead but they were your first pair and it was sentimental so you kept them
He went with you to get fitted for a new pair and even paid for them just to see you dance
As soon as you got home he asked you to show him some basics
He had seen enough dances to know how to twirl you and you let him
He held you and you taught him how to do partner work
It becomes a regular thing
The brothers find you guys in the living room one day, him in a leotard and tights and you in a leo and a pancake skirt
They all watched as he completed a lift with you
Please convince him to try pointe
He learns fast so pre-pointe isn't really and issue and he has good balance
You eventually both learn multiple traditional combinations and show off
He's so glad he asked about your old pair of shoes
She found out you did some sort of balance-related sport as soon as she saw how you carried yourself
She knows from having to learn how to walk elegantly and from dance lessons how the two are related
She just flat out asked you
You told her you did pointe and for once you didn't have to explain it to someone using the term ”toe-shoes”
She took ballroom lessons as a child and then went on the learn some other styles as well
She never did try pointe but she knew what it was
She took you to get handcrafted and fitted Russian pointes
You showed her different moves in French and she taught you the same terminology in Russian (she knew both)
It was fun honestly, she could relate more than anyone to learning
She taught you styles of dance she learned and in return you put on shows in pointe shoes just for her
She loves watching the control you had over your body and the concentrated faces you made
Jazz/Mucial Theatre
This man lives for drama
As soon as you told him you did musical theatre dances he was in love all over again
He loves helping you come up with ideas for dances
He will ABSOLUTELY do a duet with you
You have to perform in front of the brothers
Diavolo has you both be entertainment for his parties
He's so enthusiastic about this
Please let him do dramas with you
He can't act for shit but it's still so funny
There's really no dancing happening more just over exaggerated falling into each others arms
We already know he's been in plays and acted in theatres
So that night he had acted as himself when he accidently fell onto stage you told him you danced
He's already dragging you to dance on the tables at the bar
Everyone drunk and clapping for you and you get free drinks for the entertainment
He's also making you come to be in theatre with him
Please indulge him in this
Your both getting ”made fun of” by Asra but he truly finds you both adorable
You put on shows for Nadia and the staff and Portia is crying by the end of it
Julian completely falling into your arms and taking you down with him
This man forgets his height
Demands to be the damsel in distress
Please be his knight in shining armour
This man-
Get him to lift you please
He’s absolutely strong enough to lift you over his head
Dirty dancing lifts that Mammon can’t do lmao
He loves watching you stretch before and he starts stretching with you too
You guys work out together to build strength
He uses you as a weight honestly
You both scare the other demons in the gym
(Mostly him but like seeing a tiny human being able to keep up with a demon is also a bit terrifying)
Protein shakes together!
The other boys will come down to the kitchen to see you both in workout gear and happily talking and wonder how the hell you're both this excited in the morning
He loves watching you concentrate and enjoying it with you when you finally land a move
The first time you successfully did your arial he was so proud
The first time you fell doing a trick he was so worried
He learns to spot you from then on
Please lift him, he loves it
She’s so excited!!!
Her human can do tricks
Likes wrapping around you while u stretch
She sits in blanket forts and watches you
Sits on your head while your balancing
Emotional support <3
She loves you so much
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oxfordeliterp · 7 years
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You have been accepted to play the role of LANA CHAMBERS with the faceclaim of IM JINAH. Please create your account and send it to the main in the next 24 hours. I know that there was no other application for this role, but even if it were, I can’t imagine anybody being able to capture who Lana is as a person better than you did. The application is immaculate, beginning to end, and you are clear proof of not only a talented writer, who twists words around with incredible skill, but also an amazing, vivid story-teller. Your paragraph sample caged my heart and it is yours forever, for you developed, with just the right amount of humor and snark, a balanced dynamic that I would sell my soul to read more of. Maybe soon. Anyway, I cannot wait to see the things Lana has to do that keep her too busy for love, for she already is such an asset and I believe you’ve only begun unfolding her.
Name and pronouns: Peyton, they/them pronouns
Age: 19
Time-zone: EST/-5 GMT
Activity level: It’s actually the end of the semester for me so I have a lot of free time! I’d give myself a 7/10 though because I do have a job, but with summer right around the corner I’d love to get back into roleplaying.
Triggers: None!
Desired character: Lana Theodora Chambers
I love Lana because she is more than the stereotypical mean girl trope, having many hidden layers that make her only more complex. She’s unassuming with her background and scholarship, yet a shark in the water that no one at Oxford could have ever prepared for. She’s smart, witty, and acts like the ground is blessed the moment she walks on it. I admired the fact that Lana is so great and unapologetic about it because I believe there needs to be more female characters like that. A character like her is so important as she stays true to herself (even if she isn’t the most moral human being) and breaks the stereotypes that come with her kind of character. Gender and pronouns of the character: Cis female. She/her/hers.  A crystal clear idea of what is meant to be masculine and what is meant to be feminine was ingrained in her from a young age. With her parents holding their more traditional beliefs, sons were celebrated, considered to be a great honor and cherished by their families, while daughters were but a small happiness. As the only child of the Chambers family, there was extra pressure for Lana to prove that she is a child to be proud of and oh how she has rubbed it in their faces.  
Changes: I was just wondering if I could change her faceclaim to Im Jinah? 
Traits: a m b i t c h i o u s → To say Lana aspires to be at the top would be a severe understatement. If she wants something, she fights tooth and nail and takes it. One thing people can say about Lana is that she has the uncanny ability to never give up. She’s worked too hard, put in too much effort to allow herself to slip now. In her hungry, unyielding eyes, she has yet to take everything the world owes her. When she’s surrounded by those who get whatever they want served to them on a silver platter, her perseverance and her determination will bring her on top of all of them. i n t e l l i g e n t → She learned four languages by the time she was seventeen. Auditoriums full of people would applaud after she played during her piano recital. Her poetry left those in awe as the words flourished, dripping down her chin like honey. She’d leave teachers singing her praise as she excelled academically, top of her class in every class, and captain of as many clubs she could be in. It’s impossible to deny that Lana has an impressive mind and may be one of the brightest girls of her age. Although she does not stand out quite as much in Oxford as she did back home, she isn’t going to let that inhibit her showing off her intellect in any way. She’s worked three times as hard as the rest of them and she’s going to prove her worth. r a t i o n a l → Lana is a fairly realistic thinking person. She’s goal orientated while keeping the important things the same. When she’s angry there are no fires burning down forests, and when she’s upset there are no oceans flooding cities. She watches Gwendolyn and her other peers and sees them for what they are– entitled dreamers without a care in the world. She’s the first to come up with a solution under pressure, the one to go to for guidance if she is willing to give you it, the one who keeps going despite any hardships. Lana is the type who appears to never lose her cool or allow herself to get carried away, if her head is in the clouds then she will lose sight of the path she’s been taking, both feet on the ground. i n s e n s i t i v e  → To put it plainly, Lana cares for few people, and none of her peers at Oxford have proved show they are worth caring about. She’s got a tongue sharp as a whip and has no problem cutting even those she is friendly with down to size. She didn’t get into Oxford University on scholarship to make friends or to try and turn herself around. Her whole life has been taking what is rightfully hers, leaving bodies in her self righteous wake as she adamantly bulldozes her way forward. From what she knows, and she knows a lot, the world is a cruel place. Call her a cynic, call her immoral, call her a heartless bitch, she’ll just examine her nails and ask if you said anything important. i c y  → If Gwendolyn is fire then Lana is ice, cold and calculating just like the slow touch of winter. She is fresh fallen snow, beautiful but it’s best if you do not touch. She’s the type of person to stare at you blankly when you approach her, not so patiently waiting until you walk away if you take too long to get to the point. Lana can ignore someone or rip their head off if they made the wrong move and honestly it’s impossible to tell which reaction she will go for. She is cold and harsh and comes off as someone who cares for so little it’s actually fairly alarming. c o n t r o l l i n g → It is no mystery that Lana loathes being held back and makes her own rules as if it is her own divine right. The moment she walks into the room she radiates power, and like so many others, said power goes right to her head leading her to be controlling and manipulative. She’s extremely perceptive and will store up gossip while oozing charisma that leaves people in awe the moment she opens her mouth. Lana is self serving and power hungry and will not allow anyone to stand in her way or let them inhibit her with their own issues. No exceptions.
She’s actually changed her major quite a few times upon getting accepted into Oxford. From political science major to mathematics major to classical studies to biomedical engineering, Lana was actually unsure what she wanted to do. With such a brilliant mind she knew she was perfectly capable of doing just about anything. Finally, she has settled on pursuing a law degree and got into Oxford’s graduate program with flying colors.
Lana is an excellent dancer. While she enjoys many of her extra curricular activities, she’s been attending classes since she was little and it has a special place in her heart. With a ponytail tied tightly on top of her head, she would walk in with the same air of authority she has to this day. Unlike what her personality and appearance may give off, she loves ballet with a passion (although she occasionally she does contemporary dance as well), she can practice it for hours and relieve her stress that way. Her routines are impressive, like everything else she does, and when she was small her dream was to be a dancer.
Her father had left the family when she was too young to remember, not that she cares if he ever comes across her mind. It isn’t something she’s supposed to feel guilty over all and she barely remembers him. Her entire life has been her, her mother, and grandmother all under one roof. Her halmeoni was born and raised in South Korea, and is a big inspiration for Lana as she is a proud woman who takes no shit and goes right for the jugular. Lana loves her and hates her at the same time, mostly because their temperaments are so similar. Her mother is not negligent, albeit distant from her one and only daughter. She’s worked everyday during Lana’s childhood in order to make ends meet. The dynamic between the three of them is not very close, but still they’re family and one thing she took away from her upbringing was how your own blood trumps everything else.
Lana is bisexual, with no particular preference for one or the other. She does get around, however, as human contact is important for the mind and she knows that. She doesn’t have the time or optimism for anything long term though.
here’s some incorrect quotes for lana because they made me laugh.
lana: gwendolyn and i have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other’s- gwendolyn: sentences lana: please don’t interrupt me
nicohlas: you read my diary? lana: at first, i didn’t realize it was your diary. i thought it was a very sad, handwritten book
jacob: you’re probably one of those beautiful women that don’t even know it lana: no, i know it
lana: sophia, thanks for agreeing to see me sophia: i didn’t, you just walked in and started talking lana: i don’t have time for a history lesson
jacob: can we talk, one ten to another? lana: i’m an eleven, but continue
also here is a pinterest board for lana!
Lana pools her hands into her bag for the pack of Marlboro reds, her mother’s words echoing in her head as she does so. That stuff’s poison, the more you smoke the more you’re killing yourself and me. She knows it’s a bad habit and she tells herself she’ll break it by the she graduates. Realistically, cigarettes don’t have an adverse affect on your health if you only smoke them for a few years. Besides, with Sophia failing to get back to her, she needed something to take the edge off. There was always some sort of edge to Lana, in her voice, her body language, her opinions, she supposed was always sort of high strung (or as she preferred to think, high maintenance).
She didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, she wasn’t out at parties snorting angel dust in the bathroom, craving a constant high she couldn’t handle the harshness of reality. She wasn’t like that. She wasn’t like them. Life is tough but so is she, tougher than anyone else she knew. A little self medication here and there so she could stay focused and grounded was not something to feel ashamed about. Lana was more concerned with the consequences if people found out, if the perfect ice queen turned out to not be so perfect. She couldn’t allow the scholarship she fought so viciously for to slip through her fingers like sand.
“Thank god.” She mutters under her breath, pulling the carton out, finding a lighter already nestled in between the cancer sticks. The flame erupts and she watches it briefly, before bringing a cigarette to her lips and lighting it. Lana feels the smoke enter her body, swirling around her lungs, before exhaling out the open window. Oxford University on a Friday night meant parties and the rich’s definition of mischief, something she wanted no part of. She leans on the window sill, eyes ice skating around her view of the campus. Drunk students stumbling around, party music blasting in the distance, and lights flickering all around, she couldn’t believe this was an esteemed private school sometimes.
Lana looks at the cigarette for a moment, letting it burn. She could think of something poetic here, something deeper and better than the thousands of bland male writers that describe how a woman is like a cigarette. It’s familiar and she can’t quite put her finger on it until her mind goes back to her tan, witty but not as witty as her, Romeo.
Perhaps not Romeo. Things did not end well for him and he was too much of a cliché for Lana’s liking. Anyone could be a romantic these days.
The homecoming ball was an event she reveled in, enjoying dressing herself up and enhancing the beauty she already possessed. Although there was only so much of Gwendolyn’s rambling that Lana could listen to before needing a break, causing the girl to escape and find solace on the marble steps of the building and curbing her nicotine craving. The architecture taking her breath away as she sat in blissful silence– until she was rudely interrupted by a handsome stranger. Not that handsome was that much of a compliment, he was conventionally attractive after all.
“Mind if I sit with you?”
“Depends. What’s in it for me?”
“A stimulating conversation.”
“Stimulating? I’m already starting to fall asleep, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
She was amused, something that was near impossible for anyone to do. Yet, as he sat down next to her she found herself to be more welcoming than usual. After much contemplation, Lana figures it was the champagne that had caused her to be friendly to the boy. There wasn’t anyone worthwhile at Oxford, no one that would come across her mind once or twice. None of the boys there were King Midas, she was golden without their touch. The girls were more tolerable, though ultimately just as entitled.
“These things are such bullshit.”
I rather like them.
“They’re just another way for the entitled elitists around here to prance around like everyone cares about their Dior suits and Versace bags. The champagne’s good, though.”
“I thought all girls liked Versace.”
“I thought boys thought of girls to be something more than their clothes.”
“Of course. We care about what’s underneath.”
“You’re a neanderthal.”
Despite herself, he had made Lana laugh. She allowed herself to get lost in the moment for once. He had this charisma to him and she found herself being pulled deeper into the water until she was drowning in the conversation. They talked about school and philosophy and this and that. Not that it got personal– Lana had the ability to make people feel as if they knew a lot about her without giving away any secrets. A lost and nosy Gwendolyn had found the two and she had to deal with the same warning the leader had told them since she was recruited into the Quarrel Club, stay away from the Riot Club.
She remembers leaving her half lit cigarette by his side as she was ushered back inside. Not that it mattered now. They didn’t even exchange names and perfect strangers came and went. Her grandmother always told her to stay away from things like love, and to focus on her future because she was going to be something great and couldn’t afford any distractions. Lana was convinced she’d never allow anyone to get close to her. She had things to do.
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