#want to carefully package him up in a beautiful gift box and proffer him
vegaseatsass · 4 months
The fact that Kao is a gay ace couples therapist who gives legitimately, incontrovertibly amazing sex and relationship advice is just so beyond anything I ever expected to see in any media in my lifetime. Awestruck tbh
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silverjetsystm · 2 months
"I...didn't know what to get you," she says softly. The apology in her tone is genuine. "So I'd both like to take that as an opportunity to make it up to you when you have time in your schedule, and...I hope you take this as a token of..." There the precise, carefully enunciated words trail off. Yes of course she appreciates Marc Spector. She considers him a close...friend...and there's affection for him, blatant to anyone within miles. No word she can reach for seems adequate. So instead, she proffers the long thin box, wrapped in black paper and silver bow. Not the most celebratory colour scheme. "I made it myself. If....if you don't...you can re-gift it. But. All the same, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday."
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Happy Birthday, Marc
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Brooklyn to Midtown is not the quickest of trips. Ask Jake. Hastily folded mask pokes out of a white trouser pocket. Three piece suit hovers in the Mission’s doorway, catching the rising orange light of day, the streetlights flicking off of night, brown eyes flicking from Beth to the black box with silver bow, her soft apology meeting his ears. He’s not a forthcoming person, from his birth date to his interests.
Someone helped with that.
Bare hands finger-comb maskhead hair. Gift is accepted with both large hands. Black and silver. His colors. Appropriate. He smiles wryly, expression softening crows feet and dark circles.
“Please come in,” he says in a voice devoid of the usual silver burr, stepping backwards into the Mission. He takes a minute to catch the dawn’s golden hour running through her dark hair, glowing her skin. A woman of the ocean. “It’s still early, after all. Did you just get up or are you heading to bed?” What could be taken out of context is a genuine query. Has she been awake all night or just got up? “I have time now if you do. Would you like coffee?”
The gift is placed on the kitchenette counter while he/they work the top of the line espresso machine Steven decided they needed. The next few minutes are a blur, an eyeblink to Marc.
Never mind Marc is supposed to be winding down.
Steven says “Hello” to Beth, smile knowing and understanding. He had demurred her gentle question of Marc’s birthdate; Jake filled Beth in. It’s Steven who heats coconut milk on the stove, adding sweetener. Steven who grinds the beans. Steven’s fingers tamping down, pulling the shots.
Two mugs, one from The Other Place and one from The Met, are offered to Beth. Latte art with crescent moon and flower top it off. His eyes go distant, looking through the wall.
Marc’s breathy growls. “He’s faster at it,” he mumbles, taking a seat next to Beth, hand close to hers. Latte is sipped and if his pinkie finger reaches towards hers, he doesn’t notice. Her time and presence is the real gift.
Carefully, he unties and sets aside the silver ribbon. Giftwrap one piece of tape peeled from the package at a time. Framed glass shaped into the phases of the moon greets him. Shells rainbow and gleam. Pulse races like he downed a couple extra shots, warm spreading up his spine. Fingers curl around the frame, gazing at her with wonder. “It’s beautiful. You made this,” wonder he holds for those who can heal and shape.
“Thank you.” He glances from her lips to her eyes. Scars stretch, cheeks flush. Swiftly, before all the usual tapes start up again, he leans in, kissing the corner of her mouth. “So much.”
In a bit, he’ll put it in the waiting room where it can be seen in the biggest light.
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gyuutahoe · 5 years
The Pen and Sword - Part 3
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Summary: Newly recruited to the Demon Slayer Corps, you finally meet your designated swordsmith. He may be as much of a misanthrope as others had warned, but you were nothing if not determined to bring him out of his shell.
Warnings: None
a/n: female reader, eventual smut, penpals with the feral misanthrope, both reader and Haganezuka are seventeen at the start of the story, established backstory for reader.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Marketplaces were always your weakness.
The hypnotic, dizzying flux of city life was exhilarating, and you channeled that excitement into each step you took through the beautiful, colorful, noisy market of Osaka. Had it not been for the irascible young Pillar of Flame keeping you on track, you might have wandered off and lost yourself in kimono patterns and antique teacups. Your hands were itching for a needle and thread these days.
Rengoku’s grip on your sleeve was like a leash. It reminded you of your oldest brother, so stern and resolute. “Can you walk faster?” he grumbled, tugging you along. “You’re like a bird, getting distracted by shiny things.”
A retort was on the tip of your tongue, only … something shiny did catch your eye, a multitude of tinkling glass wind chimes dangling from wooden scaffolding and beckoning you closer with their paper ends, stretching out towards you like old friends as the wind rattled their clappers.
“Rengoku-san, will this market still be here after we find the demon?”
He looked at you as though you were a pesky child. “You win a few fights and you already think the world waits for you? We have another assignment after this.”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” you lightly said, and the corner of your mouth quirked upward. “I thought I saw a pretty comb that Ruka might really like. It had a fox painted on it.” You blinked up at him. “Did you know that’s her favorite animal?”
Rengoku eyed you for a moment before turning away with a guarded expression. “Is it now …” he trailed off.
You smiled in victory and looked behind you, catching a fleeting glimpse of the wind chimes as your sword rested comfortably at your hip.
Haganezuka was at a loss.
A package rested inconspicuously on his table as he knelt before it, examining it from all directions until curiosity finally won him over and urged him to pluck off the accompanying letter attached to the wrapping.
He did not request a shipment of supplies recently, and the box was far too small to be a customer’s blade. And when he saw your name written on the sealed letter, with penmanship far more beautiful than he had ever seen before, Haganezuka was still baffled. You said you would write to him, not send him anything. Were these the remnants of your sword? Did you stuff the broken pieces into a small box like some ungrateful heathen? The mere thought of it made his pulse race, and before he could calm himself, he was tearing the wrapping to shreds.
A wind chime.
His clawed hands paused immediately upon seeing the fragile glass, and his ire diffused instantly as he carefully brought it out to hold in his hands.
The glass had the barest hint of green tint pressed into it. Very different from his collection. Even the flowers were different, some sort of outrageous white shape he had never seen before. Haganezuka dangled the wind chime by its string to hear its sound - light, high-pitched, and quick. Not quite like the lower melody of his bells, but it pleased him all the same. It was a new sound to admire and focus on, with just the right amount of bite to its song to grab his attention. He played with the bell for a minute, swaying it to and fro as he listened. The sound did not calm him so much as it invigorated him. Like it had something important to say and demanded his audience.
He hadn’t received a gift so thoughtful in a long time. Why did you send him this?
The letter.
Haganezuka-san, I hope you do not mind me sending you a package so suddenly. I came across a marketplace where a glass blower sold handcrafted wind chimes, and I thought of you instantly. The flowers are sagisō. They mean ‘my thoughts will follow you into your dreams’. It is my way of hoping my good wishes reach you. Please accept this gift as thanks for your beautiful blade. It has served me well so far - I have slain three demons with ease. Take care of yourself.
A few days passed before you received a response. Not that you expected one to begin with, so it was a lovely surprise to come back to after a long day of training with Kuwajima.
I received your wind chime and hung it at the door of my forge. Clean your blade daily. Don’t be lazy. Safe travels.
You imagined him hesitating at the last sentence, pen hovering over the paper as he thought of an adequate send-off. It made you giggle fondly as you hid your smile behind the letter, innocently ignoring the questioning glance of your mentor.
The lingering chill of spring gave way to an undeniably relaxing summer breeze, prompting Haganezuka to wander out of his forge in search of a local villager’s food cart. He did not have the patience to cook for himself. Why waste precious time when he still needed to harden the edge of his clay-encrusted sword?
And that is how the postman found him, stuffing his face with a bowl of yakisoba while he walked back to work.
He glared at the cowering man and grabbed the proffered letter. Let’s see what jackass needs another replacement , he groused to himself as he tore it open, balancing the yakisoba in the crook of his arm.
Familiar handwriting. How could he forget this penmanship befitting of an aristocrat? It could only be you.
Haganezuka-san, I felt inspired to write to you once more. It relates to a mission I recently completed. A demon lured me into the forest in hopes of blinding me with darkness. But I had the company of the full moon to light my path, and by fortuitous chance, I happened upon a grassy clearing that was illuminated by fireflies!
Haganezuka pinched the edges of the paper so tightly that the veins in his fingers threatened to burst. If this was leading to a jibe about his name, he would make you pay.
I wanted to close my eyes and listen for the demon, as I always do, but for the first time I felt inclined to rely on my sight. The fireflies really captivated me. The weight of my blade kept me focused on the task at hand, but I could not help the sudden strike of realization that occured to me as I watched the fireflies. And that thought is as follows: could it be that you were named Hotaru because the bright sparks flying out from striking a heated blade reminded your father of fireflies? The idea made me smile. I sat and watched the fireflies for a while. There is much to learn from their movements. Anyway, I drew the forest when I had some time after the battle.
He blinked and stared at the sketch. Simple yet structured. Every pen stroke held an important detail. It was not a masterpiece, but it was lovely all the same.
Heated sparks … like fireflies …
Perhaps his given name was not so embarrassing after all.
Hello again! What I am about to say may seem silly, but I always dreamed of seeing the ocean, and that day has finally arrived! I cannot begin to explain the terrifying vastness of the water. Have you ever seen the ocean? Did it exhilarate and humble you like it did to me? I dared to walk barefoot along the coastline, even though it felt like I could be pulled in at any moment. The water was very cold and the salty air turned my hair into brittle kelp, but the sand felt so soft between my toes. I listened to the waves for a long time while I meditated with my sword in my lap. Ocean waves look very similar to the hamon on my blade. As per usual, I drew the landscape for you in case you have not seen the ocean.
Haganezuka treated himself to some dango as he read your letter. Later on, he would still taste the saltiness of the dango on his tongue as he folded burning steel. While he lost himself in thought during the methodical process, the wind chime at his door brought forth the memory of your light laughter. Did you laugh this freely as the water lapped at your feet? Did you taste the salty air on your tongue? Haganezuka somehow felt like he was there with you.
I heard an interesting saying - the pen is mightier than the sword. Perhaps that might not resonate with you, but I wonder what you think about this phase.
For the first time since the start of your one-sided correspondence, Haganezuka wrote you an actual, full-length letter. Or rather, he sent you pages upon pages of nothing other than his thoughts on how the pen was not, in fact, mightier than the sword, and that he nearly used your letter to wrap his steel wafers for smelting because it angered him so.
- dumbass would believe that bullshit. Did words allow the Edo bakufu to secure power? No, it was blood and steel. If I could meet the moron who thought of that saying, I would shove that pen right up his -
“What’s making you laugh so hard?”
You tittered as Ruka sat down beside you. “My swordsmith.” You passed the letter to your curious friend. “He has such a way with words, don’t you think?”
Seconds into reading the letter, her neutral demeanor turned into one of mild bemusement. “What a thing to send to a young woman,” Ruka drawled, handing the letter back to you.
“Not so different from Rengoku-san, though.”
She smiled fondly. “No. Not at all.” With the grace of one who hides the sudden spark of an idea, Ruka motioned you to turn around. “Let me braid your hair. The summer heat must be strangling your poor neck right now.”
You dutifully complied. Soft, gentle fingers brushed through your hair, making your scalp tingle pleasantly.
Why don’t you ever let me style your beautiful hair? Mother keeps telling me how unattentive I am with you -
“ - to me very soon.”
“I - I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” You sucked in a quick breath. “I got distracted by that pesky cicada.”
“I said Shinjuro will propose to me very soon.” Ruka weaved a ribbon through your hair as she spoke. “Perhaps at the end of summer, so that we will have time to prepare for a winter ceremony.”
“That is wonderful!” you gasped. “To think, only three months ago he was still figuring out how to give you that fox comb. You know I walked in on him practicing that, right?”
Her melodic laugh was infectious. “And then he handed it to me as though he were a general barking a command at his soldier,” she reminisced, carefully moving the finished braid over your shoulder. “That blush was as fierce as the red in his hair.”
“He tries his best, doesn’t he?” you snickered, and upon feeling her soft touch lingering on your shoulder blade, your smile dulled a little.
“Does the wound still hurt?” Ruka asked. “With the humidity - “
“Please don’t worry,” you hastily replied, angling yourself to the side until the touch fell away. “It’s been months, Ruka. The wound is fully healed.” She cocked a brow at you, and you placed a hand over hers as you softened your voice. “Really. I’m alright.”
She eyed you silently. “ … if you say so.”
You offered a placating smile to seal the deal. “So, how did you find out about the inevitable proposal?”
“Between Shinjuro’s loud mouth and the gossip that goes on among the Demon Slayers, it was inevitable that the old women of the safehouses would hear about this.” She shook her head. “My own grandmother ruined the surprise.”
“At least you can look forward to how painfully awkward Rengoku-san will be when the time comes.”
Ruka scoffed. “I am always prepared to handle that silly man.”
“I don’t doubt that,” you giggled. “Your stern looks trip him up sometimes. So cruel!”
Not even your newly acquired lightning-fast reflexes could dodge Ruka’s smack upside your head.
Warm greetings, Haganezuka-san. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I will be visiting your village in four days. Would you mind looking over my blade to make sure it is in proper condition?
You can come.
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