#wanted to post this hours ago but couldnt bc of stupid fucking post limit
im-a-goddamn-cat · 1 year
i feel so bad physically bc of this sickness and now i also feel really bad mentally bc of other reasons
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transrightsjimin · 3 years
i was tagged by @soulmates7 thank you!!
Rules: Make an image HERE of your top 7 albums, just type in the name and select the album. This can be top 7 of all time or this year or whatever you’d like. 
ok i couldnt choose at all so now i have two images
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but also i worked for 6+ hours on looking up bands i had seen live or used to listen to more often and i made a list with albums and singles that i have repeated / re-visited a lot or that simply mean a lot to me nd that i’d recommend to others. it was a bit hard to make bc i also love a lot of songs that are single releases with only 1-2 songs, but i don’t listen to them like you would to a longer single / mini album / full albums. i wanted to include laboum’s full length albums (two of us and low pop wow) but those sadly have the lowest production value in most of the songs so i cannot enjoy those fully. there’s also some older plastic tree albums from the 1990s that are hard to access for listeners so i can’t add those. anyway this is the full list (in progress) lol
1. How has your day been?
quite ok! i slept for 9 hours thats fucking wild, idk how that happened but im grateful! did cry abt gender stuff and am a bit frustrated abt how i took so many hours to look into old albums instead of do useful stuff, but it was very fun and inspiring.
2. What’s the last thing that made you smile?
hmm idk? i dont rly like, keep track of when i do or dont smile when im not in public hgghkjg
maybe the halloween pictures my mom sent me from her home? those were fun. or maybe my friend. idk i was quite cheerful / neutral this morning but since later in the afternoon i had a dip(?)
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
uhmmm ive been recently watching halloween-related videos by Abby Green on youtube and rly enjoy her vids on makeup and halloween films and other chitchat and her makeup looks are so cute! also im watching sabrinah the teenage witch episodes from time to time w my friend in the evenings, though we also watched more of stuff recently like goosebumps episodes and films and the griezelbus film and carrie yesterday. we also watch a bunch of other shows but im not too entertained by them, i just find it hard to look away hjfdkhg
4. If you are in some kind of quarantine/self-isolation, what do you hope to achieve in this time?
uh i dont know? my country has never had a real full lockdown but i of c do try to limit going outside aside from working hours, though life hasnt been much different from pre-pandemic as i rarely do fun stuff anyway. i was always inside at home for most of the time but i dont do super exciting stuff here too bc i’ve probably never gotten out of my burnout i got in 2013. i did recently watch stuff together w friends online like watch bts stuff or try to dance together but everyone is either busy or has shitty connection nd it just didnt rly work.
i mean i do want to help better my mental health through CGT and giving myself more structure nd being stricter w bedtime. i rly hope my mental health will get better but idk if i can bc the CGT appointments are 12 in total and after that the therapy stops. it rly sucks but i accepted the offer as i otherwise would be on another waiting list elsewhere too and at the previous place i had therapy for several years, i kept getting new therapists regularly too bc of stuff like their contracts ending or pregancy so i guess im used to not being able to see a therapist for a long time. so idk.
i want to get better mental health and better concentration. i also just need to get a stupid fucking job bc while i dont want to work at all, i have to to be able to live and i need a reason to get out of bed every day to go somewhere so i would have more structure and be less depressed. i mean i could say i want to draw more and dance and read more but ive been saying that for years and i still rarely do it bc im so demotivated nd have worsened focus for years and my special interests are all over the place so i never think about getting stuff done while i really should.
5. Post selfie, if you’re comfortable doing so
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from a while ago. it gave me 70s vibes somehow, i like it
versailles - prince (got bored so i quit playing the song)
the downscaled selfie and 7 album pictures above
tagging: @princeshojo @lampshroomomg​  @trespassers-will @baepsrae
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lunar-pantheon · 7 years
OK so like basically i’m absolute fucking shit at responding to mentions specifically tag memes so i decided to put a few all into one post and i know some of these were from last fucking year but liste n. i’m slow about this kind of thing ok better late than never right ok so
Tagged by: @pansexual-snake
Rules: Answer the questions and Tag 10 Blogs you’d like to know better
Sign: Virgo
Last Thing Googled?: writing topics generator- i had to write a poem for class and didn’t know what to write about lmao
Last TV Show Watched: Grimm or Steven Universe
When Did I Create My Blog?: may 2014!
Do I Have Any Other Blogs?: oh buddy i have many™
Do I Get Asks Regularly?: not lately, but i would love to be sent more!
Why Did I Choose My Url?:because im gay as fuck and love su
Gender: demiboy? boy? nb? its a mystery my guy
Pokémon Team: Team Mystic
Favorite Colors: the rainbow bc im ga y
Average Hours of Sleep: like 5/6
Favorite Characters: oh buddy there are too many just take a single look at my blog youll see
Dream Job: theater technician/lighting designer or animator
TAGGED BY @sucker-for-contrast
RULES: Tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself, and tag 11 people in return! Tag backs are allowed, but you mustn’t repeat any of the facts you mentioned previously!
uh ok so fun fact, ive had pneumonia 4 times bc i was a stressed child with immune system and lung problems -jazz hands-
i realized i was gay as shit in 6th/7th grade
i realized i was trans as shit like last year
my favorite animal is the mantis shrimp
once i was at my grandmas house and like. she had just cleaned one of her sliding glass doors right? and my brother. my fuckenign brother. he zipped his little ass through her house and just fuckign. SLAMMED into the door. it looked like it was straight out of a cartoon i swear to god i couldnt stop laughing
im a straight A (for the most part) student with an absolutely crippling fear of failure and a huge procrastination problem so thats fun
every time i have to go to the bathroom in my tech class my teacher insists that i say something awesome about myself and i never know what to say so i just say some stupid shit that isnt really even that awesome
i basically live in my schools auditorium at this point
i seem like a pretty open person but im actually really closed off and very few people know all that much about me so -jazz hands part two-
i talk a lot (im p sure to an annoying extent but w/e)
idk i like animated movies a lot
thank you for tagging me friendo!!
Tagged by @jjcka
Rules: Answer these questions and tag 9 people you want to know better
Relationship status: dating @father-son-and-the-holy-jarvis <3
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick bc i hate having dry lips but also occasionally like. bright red lipstick bc i look badass in it
Top 3 shows: su, gravity falls, and atla are like my all time favs, grimm is a current fav bc im watching it rn and its pretty good
Top 3 characters: oooooh buddy idk uh. fuck buddy all of em??
Last song I listened to: right now im listening to trapdoor by twenty one pilots bc im an edgy piece of shit
TAGGED BY @thebiggestdoggoenthusiast
rules: tag people you want to get to know better
how old are you: 15
current job/dream job: theater tech/lighting designer or animator!!
what are you talented at: shit idk like. im an ok artist? and i enjoy tech theater but idk if im all that great at it. i guess i can sing some songs p well and write decently?? maybe?? im not good at this kind of thing lmao
what is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved): uhhh becoming a better artist/technician and improving my mental state probably
what’s your aesthetic: forests and sunsets/sunrises!
do you collect anything: i like collecting art prints when i can buy them! one of my walls is covered in them!
what’s a topic you’re always up to talk about: tech, shows im into, lgbt shit
what’s a pet peeve of yours: ohh when people assume that they know everything about me and my mental state bc of the very few and limited things ive told them and try to explain to me how a certain thing feels/try to tell me that i couldnt possibly experience it like that gets me so fuckin PISSED you dont even know
good advice to give: i guess like. dont bite off more than you can chew in school and shit? you dont have to work yourself to absolute exhaustion in order to do well/feel accomplished. it’s ok to take a break. if you’re working yourself to the point that if the series of events youve planned in your head goes even slightly wrong you’ll fall apart, you’re pushing yourself too hard.
recommend three songs:
cellophane- sia
before you start your day- twenty one pilots
medicine- daughter
bonus songs because i like a lot of songs ok:
river- bishop briggs
the dream- cirque du soleil paramour (i just saw this show not too long ago and i just love the chords and feel of this song tbh)
bird set free- sia
thank you guys so much for tagging me in stuff!! 
ok so like. im shit at tagging people so like? if you see this and go like “ooo boi i wanna do THAT one” you go buddy live ur dreams and do it and you can do any/all of these do whatever you want but like. i dont think im gonna do a formal tagging of specific people for this one? just show me if yall end up doing one!
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