prowlnation · 6 years
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Completely Open Half-Sibling
What if Garrett's  mother had a child she put up for adoption before  his parents got married?
Or his father slept with a stripper at the bachelor party?
Since both his parents are deceased, it could make things even more awkward. lol
The character itself is wide open   for gender, species, job, personality, etc...
Wanted on Prowl by Lia
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Open Female Wanted
So I am very open for/with this one.
So the idea is: Eddie had a daughter when he was a teenager, and not in transition yet. He carried the child to term, cause he just couldn’t abort, and gave the kid away (for adoption) or she got cared for by the bio dad. (Whatever you'd like best)
So she would be around her teenage years now, around 16-ish. And suddenly, she is standing in front of Eddie like: Hi, I am your daughter. So she probably found out some information via the agency/Dad and probably also via Eddie his parents, cause they especially have always been open for a meeting/contact etc.
I think it could be a nice dynamic and it’s maybe also a little bit extra drama, cause why not? Eddie knows about her, just never tought he'd see her again. The relationship between them could start a bit strained, and eventually grow, or not.
Wanted on Prowl by Simone
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Mercant - 22 - Zoey Deutch
Meet Seth Mercant's little sister. She's fun and light hearted, with a warm caring vibe about her. She's a submissive compared to her brother's dominant but that doesn't mean she isn't bold enough to give him crap. Both sides of her trust her brother completely to never use his dominance against her. One day she might be a Maternal, but for the moment she's exploring life itself. I see her being very bubbly and a bit adventurous. She's just moved to the pack to support her brother and gain some freedom out from under her parent's watchful eyes.
Interactions will include all of the ShadowStorm pack, particularly Seth Mercant & Evie Drake.
Wanted on Prowl by Infinity
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Ainsworth - 47 - Penelope Cruz
Lies and deceit make up the majority of who Catalina really is. Her birth name differs from her real name, but what that is, no one really knows. There are definite suspicions rising from Smithers, the over-protective butler of the Ainsworth family, but her  real identity still has yet to be sniffed out.  
Catalina is the newly-wed wife of Raymond, step-mother to Thea and Theo, and aunt to Joaquin. To say the least, she's an extremely busy woman, especially with her employment as COO of Ainsworth Corp. She's never exactly been worried about her real identity, and unlike Aviana, Catalina married Raymond out of love.  Now that she's officially part of the family according to everyone but Thea, she's trying to put her past behind her and win the favour of her step-daughter. With Raymond's ex-wife back in town though, tensions are definitely building up. Not only between her and Raymond, but her and Smithers too. Not to mention the constant feud between her and Aviana.
Plenty of drama to go around for this one.
Wanted on Prowl by Dia
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