#wants someone to fight to stick around; bc they can't dream of a life without max; without brightening the precious little redheads life.
zoomingupthathilla · 10 months
Can we talk about how Max loves her mother unconditionally? I know I've mentioned this before BUT --- when asked about her by Ms.Kelley she defended Susan.. Still made her out to be a great mom who wasn't around because she was providing. When, yes that might have been part of it, but she also wasn't around because she couldn't fathom being home, around max. without neil. in a trailer.. Susan might have had to pay the bills, but she also just wasn't there. A choice she made consciously. That being said, Max holds so much resentment towards her. Her mother let her father leave, she let an abuser come into their home. She let this abuser actively abuse the only other family she had. A brother that might have loved her, or showed that he loved her -- if he was allowed to. She became distant, never there. Leaving max to fend for herself. Max lost everything, Billy, El, Will & her mother, and Susan didn't even care. So yes she loves her mother unconditionally, but she also resents the shit out of her. Hatred slowly builds every time she thinks about her mom.. Every time Susan is brought up, she can feel the ice around her heart grow colder, thicker.
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