alchemisland · 28 days
Planting dragon’s teeth, rise soon from tombs sons of ruin Strewn bones reforming, renewing martial form, adorning Mustard hued bones rudimentary muscle, flesh budding Skeletons in bronze age armour cloned, forthstorming Closed gates rammed open, palisades broken, fourth storming Forth, unto death or glory, I malform the misinformed My palfrey leaps o’er ordered ranks, unexpected flank My…
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The Jigger whined and started to kick and thump in the little space given to her by the great Unka Gummy. How could he do this to her!? Her nice grumbly Unka forbidding her - wormies - ? The wormies were cool and her friends and she wanted to play with them! She wailed in protest against this injustice. "Mean Unka!! A wan play wit da slitherkin!! Ya numpty! Ya daffy! Ya gawpus!!" She cried all the insults she'd heard her Paw utter. Even the ones in the old tongue. She called salt and iron in her tears. He was a betrayer, a villain, a rotten berry, and many other dramatic words she knew not the meaning of. Truly an epic tantrum of tiny proportions. If you paid it any attention and didn't just dump her in the time out box. (be safe and take it easy.)
If Jigger had been a gumm-gumm whelp, this would’ve earned her the back of his hand, and hard.
but she wasn’t a gumm-gumm, and not sturdy enough for gumm-gumm discipline. Plus, Gunmar was mildly impressed at her repertoire of insults.
She wasn’t a good gumm-gumm, but she’d make a fine Warbard.
“What color is a gnomes hat? I can’t remember. Do you know the answer, child?”
Gunmar eases his grip, bringing his head down and scraping his rough tongue along her scruff. He rumbles as he grooms the little troll whelp, a distracting sort of growl to try and steer her attention away from what’s enraging her.
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jimtheviking · 8 years
you would be a warbard, neutral good alignment
Haha! I approve! :D
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falyros · 6 years
You get a lot of Tiefling asks I hope you don't mind if I join. My boy Apollo is a Bardlock (WarBard!) of Lore/Raven Queen who was born to one of the richest and therefore most powerful families of his country. They kept him hidden from public eye and were training him to grab for the crown eventually. His family hoped he would be a powerful mage. But he only showed promise with music which was shameful to them. So they sent him off to college! Where he got fed up and ran away! I love him.
Follow your dreams, boi.
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