alchemisland · 19 days
Gold band above the filter like an ouroboros born in a philtre
If she forgets to buy my apples, I make sure to pout when she walks in to guilt her
My sleeve is strapped with false heart, my heart wrapped in ticker tape, a wicked ticker ever was one and in bad shape
The shape of a heart on a valentine’s card a lot more like a perky tart’s arse or a weird guitar
Than what a chest comprises, where with pride it rises
Where every beloved rose that left my irises resides.
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alchemisland · 19 days
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alchemisland · 20 days
It’s Berlin the museum
Eight gates separate the great from the dust 
The eighth adorned with animal faces, graced with sky hues rubies and jacinths
Adjacent the golden steps of great temples
There is no complacent way to tend an eternal flame
The frame of the world, its high lofty domes, made them fine architects
Windows angled west better to barter for a subsequent sunset
The solar sojourn she sinks into the worldwomb, tomb of Time
House of Amenti, lsis laments Osiris tamarix entombment at Byblos the balance upset
Set upbraids his greenskinned brother who raised the lands to life
Set will praise his greenskinned other when his missing parts unite.
Great walls raised up impressively
Passively dominant 
Slaves with jewelled bellies gyrate in suspended cages over thoroughfares where Ishtar masturbates 
Tower tip the sky rakes, camel backs breaking in the wake of trade’s traffic
Fist-sized diamonds raised up in Africa, where Solomon and Sheba laid
Sheep are laid out with open bellies, alley smelly with death
Flies like halo Beelzebub in throbbing murmurations, thong the 
Susurrations in the highest tower wish strife on thy nations
Babel’s proudest flower, Nimrod’s brick carnation
Angels teach us alloys magics in trinity
Our horns Ur haunt with doleful threnody
Babes are given up unto war-mad Marduk
Sickle swords, questions when Mars shook
The Gods themselves in infinite power glower at the pride of man
The bull of Heaven pacified, star maps of the antient Chaldea
Priests usher acolytes into fear tunnels, runnels run the wall’s length beneath the dunes
Inducing the mysteries.
Nimrod in the Lord’s sight smites the beasts of the field
Everything within sight is his, its rissom bounty his yield
Land they steal back from the desert mark with Lamashtu
Winged steed with manlike features to ward off creatures
They will eat us so they burn the bricks repeatedly
Pile and heap them, mound them mould them into history
The bricks you bring, and each must bring some, build from bitumen
That another avenging flood’s angry rain will not end the reign of men.
Ten horses aside can bestride its vast leys
Overhead the orb of the Smiter cruelly blazes
Sacred sows batting tails, beneath canopy lazing
Dust caked where backbreaking they break bricks
Everyday here is exactly the same
Work at the tower, worship a flame
Nimrod’s foremen cruel voices strident
A man’s death symbolised by a trident
Expendable the dismal lives of slaves
Toe dip shallow their cairnless graves  
Idents from the lives of idols bedeck the walls between the ivories
Under threat of death diviners prise out glad tidings, pleasing ides
Birds reveal sweet throated secrets deep with their breasts cleaved
Eyes inset with bulging aquamarines, amethysts to take your breath away
A lunula of beaten gold lined with diamonds against Her ample breast lay
Armies line the board’s opposing poles, the great game of Ur is played
Nimrod lets them win, firms swaying loyalty, ensures the piper’s paid.
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alchemisland · 23 days
I’d a hoe it wasn’t private
Saving Ryan on my D-Day lilo
I’d crime on mind and moved autopilot
You are a piller to match Trajan
You are quid store credit trade-in
More sides than the Mersey
Gurning like a cud chewing Jersey
I break laws subscribe only to Murphy’s
My solifying gallimaufry
Your asinine soliloquy 
Your ass at nine, no toilet seat.
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alchemisland · 24 days
Toilet Talk
The commode rumbles like a Bonnacon used it
Contused by force of concussive shit
Vitality hit to your brand-new Duravit
If you’re looking for bogroll soz the lot I used it
Confused you wipe off on your wrist
Swear next time you will only piss.
Sometimes with shit you cannot get clear of it
Sometimes runs a car with no steering wheel
Someone turn off the running tap
Before the WC fills up with crap
You shouted but I could not hear you
A browning version, writ in fresh pooh.
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alchemisland · 24 days
Roll up a piff, boy
Boot up that game toy
Shining my pip boy 
Primm sheriff lost boys.
Landscape palimpsest of extinct styles, bandos where radroaches hide
Ghoul’s rusted lancet breaches my cardoor breastplate, there will be Fallout from this
Last night for supper had scorpion, half-diced a man’s daughter hungry radscorpions
Primm properly like something from a book about prospectors panning for gold
Gold’s old, new currency how cold you’ll go, how quick you’ll do a man for a good turn when he turns
When a trader comes to you flaunting the bag his brahmin copping bullets, tags and a body bag
My sack sags with caps, 
Agape I preach but no treaty’ll stay my breaching, my upreaching
Stealing from the brotherhood, my power armour the grand drama of my bare audacity
I plug the sentries, crunch doors with semtex, load up fast’n’flee.
Hazmat suit got a rip in it
It Van Winkles open, RIP enscripted
Stat check on a terminal that’s encrypted, a crypt of cryptids control of the sentries such advantage would gift us
Pureheads call the third one Van Buren
I’m not one to RP, fast cycling dialogue trees, not in any way shape or form a purist
Hardliners call me a tourist, n00bper mutant
I’m here to see what haunts the empty silos, great graves for ICBMs
Which flew like witches with wet lips from sustained posterior kissing before the End
I’m here for insane prototypes, nauseating new phenotypes
Genetically created cenobites, cultic brute nu-Aztec tribes.
Powder gangers haunt its reaches
Gates formerly part of some larger structure pray deathclaws won’t breach it
Mentat munchers made momentary hierophants, no cap I found caps in a super mutant flesh sack
Settlements squeezed for protection, be a shame if anything happened
Caesar’s legion a band of sandalled leeches 
Teachers features creatures peaches mad preachers
Night desert’s winter, under thick layers the tramp wrapped like a coaxial
Rumours from the north of birds, twice a Thunderbird, a quetzalcoatl 
Its lair in layers of squalor, unswallowed bones 
Every door is a window into a Cazadore hive.
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alchemisland · 24 days
Last Broadcast Night Of Eclipse
The last time lights turn on before they are off
Announcing the meltdown
Forecasters cast glances down
They wear frowns
They explain what they found
On protocol expound
Told you shit would go down
Where’s the fucking iodine
Til Monday then this is Dr Frasier Crane signing off.
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alchemisland · 24 days
Seven pillars the grace of Islam
Seven seals the rage of His lamb
Seventy seems plenty but not when there’s only seventy left
Seventy seven sent heavenward
Seven days but before them what word?
Seven he made like lion and eight nine
A seventh of it is iron
Seven plus five spies out of Zion
Jacob’s scion the giant’s lands spy on
The giant’s lance we die on
The hundred taled Decameron
Seven deadly sins seven continents to commit them in
Seven oceans seven winds estranged lands lost twins
Seven brides and seven brothers
Seventh son’s hand heals others.
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alchemisland · 27 days
Trysting and Resolved
Crying pistols at dawn down the dual carriageway
Finger heavy with a jewel conferred marriageways
Your strange ways vex me and these are strange days
Blocks of sun-stealing flats where the bowler used to be
Bowling for every birthday, arcade games when we’re sixteen
Two quid pops at House of the Dead, to reload point gun offscreen
Now hawkhead CCTV your private life on a cabinet screen
Outside I’m clean and smiling but my defiled church inside choired by screams
Think yourself cream of your crop, queen of the plot, that I see your ways in every rorschach blot
That I see you in my unseen like futures brittle as lures of fiends.
Kurtz’s snail rides a razorblade, its whetted underside hard as fused rock
Meanwhile my cage is locked, bouncing a ball, mulling it all, like Steve McQueen
Unlikely we’ll see any great escape, my life is your greatest estate, efficacious asset 
My God, my guard I could sock him to what end? Double-masted or single-poled, boats careen
You cannot sit in wait for signs, you cannot outwait marriage, you cannot escape career
I feel almost as if I am carried, one last tour of my once great north, since harried
You deliver your words like a harrier dropping its payload, in swift and out the wind carries you
Other times your beauty entices shock, shock of curls like genetic spaghetti, your words gold confetti gild the razed land between us
Rare green eyes like Bastet’s prized, like emerald pried from tombs to haunt the halls of far-off shires.
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alchemisland · 28 days
. . .
Beneath the ground the ratline tunnels rival Malta for spadework, ho chi’s hobbits run the runnel
Rabbits warriors of the warren, they drag their fallen
What evidence of conflict they do not clear the jungle sweeps away
The weight of the gear, the tang of fear
Massive crowds and massive clouds of shrooming smoke, massive glasses of something like stout made from rice, nice enough
Holes in the ground lined with wit-sharp spears, deranged GIs wearing necklaces of ears
Rumours of demon goggles and rock throwing apes, of gigantic spiders and the innermosts they traipse
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alchemisland · 28 days
No pyrotechnics when the president comes
Manilla envelopes boxed book depository, lead spread lifeshedder the cranial suppository acquainted with a smack brain matter and tarmac 
That’s how we do when the president comes.
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alchemisland · 28 days
Green Hell
Vietnaming names they blacked out of docs, alphabet black ops
Men sweat so much they’re made of salt
Heat trapped in by a verdant vault
Riddled fronds mark where they repelled last night’s assault
It’s so hot the gunmetal boils, hotter than I ever recall
Lightless flame and flameless light, the blameless dead in the charmless night
The guns recoil as if in horror
There is surrender with honour
There is – radio shhhed by screeching bomber
Burns from that napalm no balm will salve
A line of pleasant palms bullseyed by missile salvo.
Sailing grenades wailing at eachother like duelling banshees
Sailing downriver no one ever plucked a banjo here
Deliverance, risen up from death or fear.
Purple haze and a whole rainbow of chemicals
Mirrored aviators, copper tache with an attache case that’d stock an alchemist
Green berets caught red handed, the tower of bayoneted babies by now rancid stands for 
Unsure what my stance is, keep my boots planted
Elephantine gods who rose and reigned before the fall, their visage haunting pillars in the jungles under fog
Poison frogs throning logs, lizards the size of dogs, deep sucking bogs, rampaging feral hogs, older things that scarce evolved
Enemy presence here is strong, I can sense a thousand vietcong
Yet I cannot see a single one.
Burnt body clean up, sagging bags tagged boys inside them
War is hell his helm decrees, swoops low brests ruinous debris
Smoke smell on the breeze, a lifetime’s debriefing needed
Heli door leaners disrupt the rice harvest, shot up the crop
They shout sorry when a stray dog cops one, wordless for dead sons
Fevers out here’ll turn a man inside out, shit squirting out red like had rusted spout 
Heavy smoke session, eyes to heaven
Souls of levelled friends ascended
Life the bread’s unleavened present
Heavy rain means heavy shelling, keep Charlie at bay
Practising drills, marching in formation when jungle to single file distils
Can’t have another Tet offensive, mindset defensive
Pensieve hippy soldiers bouldered on witch finger blems
Odour from the open tentflap, disorder in the ranks
Imagine giving them an order
If each death is expensive, here is mounting debt.
Spend your birthday on sandbags
Fewest bloodstains makes glad rags
Bent double like old hags
Two gunners trading fags for mags
Send your sister a thanks card
Fresh socks, my feet wet which never mine met
On my account don’t fret 
By my count six months left
Pray my gun won’t jam, sending best to the fam
Signing off lights are shining on, sun force through dark like a battering ram.
We’re fighting ghosts 
You can’t nuke ideas
Bombing and bombing
And bombing to free us.
The Gunboat sides would scald your hole 
Flotilla fleet like a surface shoal
Forward stole, through gunfire wove
Settling smoke white as peace doves
Bullets spiral  
Turning from horrors to solace of bible
Helis saw in firing rockets
Torture victims left to mock us 
Nothing shocks us
In Hannoi line of mannish boys muddying their waters
Emptied for pointless death in goalless slaughter
The river is brown and murky, teems with scabrous form 
Every vile thing there abounds, even fish sporting horn
Da Nang is loud with bangs, Apache nose with painted fangs.
Enough rizlas to shroud a mummy, forget you miss your mummy
Mist your mind, it feels lovely, sandbags almost snugly
Out here reside villains, valiants, dalliances behind french valances
Shifted power balances, old crumbling residences
If you’re moving, keep moving like a machiavellian schemer
Under torture realized your handlers never laid out the schema.
Skeet bites itch like eczema, exert you to death out here
Every second plants feeler is a life stealer
Never been a kneeler but Rimmon’s altar appeals
An apple is peeled and placed into a stuck pig’s mouth, sides of trout and pints of cloudy stout for portly majors
Men are kept like beasts, beaten like curs, suspended until lamed in watery cages
Stages of grief, meaningless the musings of sages in a rank pit swimming with dire phages
There are no roads between hills tramped passable by steers
Artillery sinks down into bog like a corn king’s torn corpse when the rivers near.
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alchemisland · 28 days
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alchemisland · 28 days
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alchemisland · 29 days
New poems, get involved!
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alchemisland · 3 months
Venus fly-trapped in furtive Virgo
Psalter of flesh assaulted, long legged spider pleasure
Longing elegy scars as love's legacy
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alchemisland · 3 months
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