#was an anchor in 2020. and so on. it's such a constant and i've loved that for fifteen years
septembersghost · 1 year
I know you haven't been posting TS stuff out of respect for everyone upset rn but this made me think of you :3 https://www.tumblr.com/hightowres/717128939650285568
oh i love this, it's so pretty and very much my #aesthetic, thank you 💕
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loulougoingsolo · 5 years
Mutated wheats & homeopathic jalapeños?
I've been feeling a little surreal the past few days, watching the corona virus pandemic develop. I have asthma, and it doesn't mix well with stuff like this. But I guess, staying indoors for a year, waiting for a vaccine, is not a very viable option either.
But on a happier note, when the world is in turmoil, at least one thing is constant: GMM. Today, Rhett and Link are trying the snack which tastes most like actual jalapeños.
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I wonder if someone has been commenting on Rhett's voice, because for a reason unknown, he has his most serious news anchor tone on today. Whatever he has going on, I love how Link's ears perk up and he starts to grin when Rhett starts talking - or more accurately, reading his teleprompter with a hilariously unreactive tone.
"Bring out the jalapeño."
It's been a while since I bought fresh jalapeños myself, my go-to heat provider is a bottle of garlic sriracha - but jalapeños aren't that hot, really. But bringing them out seems to help Rhett get over his news anchor voice.
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I don't know if it's the heat of the jalapeños, or if Rhett just is in a Mood today, but his mini rant about the rules of the episode is hilarious. And this is one of those episodes that make me crave some kind of snacks myself. We don't have those odd little cracker rolls (Combo - a combo of what?), but I wouldn't mind a bag of kettle chips right about now. Foldies, or unfolded, as long as they're crunchy.
Link is known for preferring his chips folded, so it's very generous of him to give a foldie to Rhett - even if he almost dinks it to crumbs a second later. 😂
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Okay, someone has definately been giving Rhett "feedback" on things - he now goes on to give a lecture on the correct spelling and pronounciation of jalapeño, the n has a ~ on top. (Fun fact: in Finland, nobody says jalapeño correctly, we even say the j in the beginning wrong.)
I assume this little rant is the reason for the title of the video being misspelled. And all this time, while Rhett is being particularly annoyed by everything, Link is quietly focusing on the chips.
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After the hawt slim jims, the guys try jalapeño peanut butter. Rhett seems to have trouble facing a jar of peanut butter for the first time in a while, swirls and all - and I love that Link is teasing him about it. For reals, though, I'd imagine jalapeño peanut butter could work in a savoury dish, but who in their right mind would pay $13 for a small jar of peanut butter? (One which apparently has homeopathic levels of jalapeños in it.)
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I wonder how many lawsuits Snyder has gone through to add all those notes and warnings on their pretzel pieces? Also, why pretzel pieces, and not actual pretzels? Is this a byproduct of a whole pretzel business?
I had no idea One Day at a Time was a remake, until today! I've only seen the new version - but I assume, the og version also had a Schneider, not a Snyder. But Buffy did have an actual Snyder...(How often is it healthy to rewatch Buffy per year? In fact, I don't think I've watched it in 2020s yet.)
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My mom didn't find canned meats until later in life, so I didn't experience spam trauma as a kid. Also, our local canned meats are not quite as disturbingly homogenous as Spam. And I think they smell more like dog food.
Ok, the the most jalapeño-like snacks of the day are the Kettle chips. I still don't have them, and I still have the craving. Darn it. It's too late now.
In More, the guys are joined by Chase and Davin for a game of eating hot gummies. I feel very accomplished for actually knowing what coche verde means before Chase gave the translation. But Link's translation was much better, and I love how he probably realized what he was saying mid-sentence, and almost blushed.
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I didn't expect to hear another mention of Buffy in today's episodes, but it happened. I can't believe they didn't know Allison Hannigan! Now I really want to know if Link's ever watched Buffy, or is his idea of Sarah Michelle Gellar in all leather something he's learnt by proxy. (Also, I feel someone should write a Link Neal x Buffy fanfic - unless he's already written it himself. He could replace Spike. Or Buffy. They both wore a lot of leather...)
Having been a 90s kid who grew up in the same household with a skateboarder (I even had a skateboard myself for a second, but I have no balance, so I just have huge respect for the sport), I have to agree with Link when he says Tony Hawk is cool as hell. He is a literal living legend, and they should really try to get him on GMM.
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Rhett and Chase really didn't do great in this game, but I loved watching how much happier Link and Davin got after each round of not having to eat the spicy candy. Rhett is never good at losing, but Chase, who had to do most of the eating, didn't look too happy either.
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Now, tell me more about the knitting club with Link and Davin.
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amourfu · 5 years
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotted Mind
Yes i know that there's no instant cure for break-up. And you know what break up is? Break-ups is a a dry vagina in the Himalayas. Cold balls on a new years eve and Barbara Streisand's love songs.
Break-up sucks, I know, but its a part of us. Of time.
A month. A year. Ten years. It makes no difference to your heart. Break-up is a constant masturbation and pornhub addiction. Miyabi. Wasabi. Just let those poor guys out.
Yes, I used to love her. Adore her. But as the saying goes "all will pass" and I found myself strayed from the past. The moon and stars doesn't look the same anymore. The dawn never breaks and I forgot how to remember and to remind myself that not all is lost.
I might still lost and you knew where to find me. Yes you, someone new, a species from the sun. After the dusk you can see all things turned dark and died.
Time never lie.
The day after, when the rain stopped, I starred at the rainbow, I tried to find you but your color is no more. It fading away. Its sad but its about time, they say. I can assure you, it's not about you now. So you don't need to worry.
Im done chasing rainbows.
I've left our crumbled house and shattered memories. There's no turning back and so I waved, for the last time, to all those yesteryears we've had. There's nothing left to be saved. No parachutes. No anchor. Not even sleeping pills will save us from this fall.
But this time, darling, I am walking away. Don't get me wrong, I am not dancing in the rain. I still got my blues, I was always been blue, my darling, but now it's no longer for or about you. It's ok. I love you. Ach du.
Island of the Gods. //20//02//2020
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