#i hate that a time of joy and triumph and excitement has been dampened for so many people đź’”
septembersghost · 1 year
I know you haven't been posting TS stuff out of respect for everyone upset rn but this made me think of you :3 https://www.tumblr.com/hightowres/717128939650285568
oh i love this, it's so pretty and very much my #aesthetic, thank you đź’•
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sorcererinthestars · 6 years
A very happy belated birthday to my darling @shadeofazmeinya. My apologies for not being around much this weekend, but to make up for it, here is a birthday ficlet! I hope you enjoy!
unedited, so sorry if it makes no sense!
Loosely inspired by this beauty by the one and only @fahchaus
A wedding was not seen often in the lands of the Gods. Particularly a union between so powerful gods as the Solar Queen and the Wild One. The humans below had even felt a Stirring - something was happening as the sun and the shadows seemed to shift on themselves. It was a feeling of mystery, similar to the one that gripped hearts in the center of an unknowing wood. Not bad. Just ... unsettling. Like a higher power was now changing and the way the world works would be forever changed. For the Pantheon, well, they were just thrilled that such a happy union was able to be created right under their noses. They turned their small world into a utopia, a beautiful place for a wedding. Their Tree - the giant Tree, the One Tree - was decked out in floating lights. Flowers and garlands were strewn everywhere. Michael watched the whole affair from the throne in the sky. He wasn’t hiding, per se. Not really. Hiding meant he didn’t want to see the others and that wasn’t true at all. He wanted to see them. Especially Gavin. But he felt kind of ill. Binding a human union was broken by death. A godly union couldn’t be broken by anything at all. They could throw away the rings, sure, but they’d still be Bound by blood and magic. It was a strong Oath. Jack - it was always Jack - landed next to him after about an hour of sulking. His feet hung off the edge of the platform and he gave Michael a bit of a smile, flowers braided into his beard for the festivities. “Nervous?” “No!” Michael snaps. He shifts, hoping not to muss his ceremonial clothing. His pink armor was gone for now, but his pink sword stayed. Instead, he was shirtless, his clothing simple but somehow made magnificent by the swirls of magic glyphs painted on his skin like war paint. Binding Runes, given to him by the Creator - Ryan.  “Yes,” Jack just chuckled. “It’s okay to be nervous, Michael. I haven’t said I’ve ever wed before, but the humans pray to me sometimes when they do it, and it seems like they all have marvelous times.” “They’re humans...,” Michael murmurs. “It’s different.” “Maybe,” Jack shrugs, squeezing his leg a bit in solidarity. “But the Solar Queen has always been there for you. You love him. This is just binding the Wild Places with the Sun. It’s helping the world Below. And it’s helping you. I don’t think its something to be frightened of.” Michael frowns and looks below, catching sight of a small retinue by the machines. The flash of light too powerful to be anything that wasn’t his Lover. His Gavin. He frowns but can’t help the flash of longing in his throat. Jack chuckles. “Look at you. Pining when he’s just down below. You’re smitten. Just give it a few more hours and you’ll be together. I promise.”
*** Jeremy had to wear special glasses to get Gavin ready for his big day. The man was positively glowing in excitement. No nerves here, just enthusiasm. He was the one who proposed, after all, and the Sun never really dimmed on his love. He was a man who had dark moods, dreadful moods, but not today.  Shimmering, he seemed to wear cloth spun from the very rays of sunlight he controlled. White and shining, they draped over his body, gold bands around both arms. A halo of sunlight wrapped around his head. Jeremy finished the last of the draping and stepped back to admire his work. “Hell,” he huffs. “I’d hate to get blood on this.” Gavin shot him a look. “I’ll incinerate you, you knob.” Snorting, Jeremy shook his head. “I’m clean, I promise. And hey, this marriage thing doesn’t mean you can get out of helping me with the blood .. you know that, right?” The other chuckled and his grin was positively menacing. “No, of course it won’t,” he purrs. “I want to see what happens when we finally active the minging thing anyways.” “You two seem to be almost done,” a third voice pitched in. It was warm and dark and the man who carried it seemed to have an aura of night around him, sparking like the spots of stars reflected in the warm pools of shadows that condensed in every footstep.  They didn’t often show off like this. But this was a special occasion and they all felt the need to act their best. The Dark God brushed his fingers over his Solar Queen’s face, just gently. “Seems like you finally found the perfect fit for your energy,” he smiles. “I’m happy for you.” Gavin seemed to shine a bit brighter and he laughs. “I’m not dying, you mong, I’m just moving into Michael’s cabin. Works on as usual tomorrow.” Ryan smiles back, chuckling too. “I suppose, but I won’t be surprised to see your mantles both change a bit because this. The Solar Queen and the God of the Wild Ones may be forever changed.” Gavin frowns a bit, his heart skipping a beat, but he swallows back the fear. “We’re ready for this.” Ryan bowed his head a bit. “I’m sure you are.” ** The wedding was a small affair, in the end. They didn’t have any other followers except them on the island anyways. They even dressed Geoff up and got him to leave his chickens for the party. The man had hugged both Gavin and Michael and gave them his best. He said he’d name chickens after them... which was a big step, seeing who had killed the most of his beloveds. When Gavin came through the gates and into the farm where they all waited by the tree, Michael thought his heart was going to stop in joy. The Creator, Ryan, officiated the ceremony. It was soft and sweet, but the binding magic felt firm around them both. When they kissed, the small crowd erupted in joy. Michael almost couldn’t let go, his head dizzy from the warmth and power of his lovely boy. The rings seemed to echo that power... they were One now, for better or for worse. The sky seemed brighter to Michael, but maybe that was just excitement. But he could have sworn he saw a tree extend a few leaves Gavin’s way... a True sign of the Lord of the Wilds. ** It was quiet when they finally got back to their small cabin after the ceremonies were complete. They closed the doors and were finally alone together, staring at each other across the pool of light from their small torches. Gavin was still glowing slightly, but looked tired. It didn’t dampen the smile across his face. Michael stepped forward, putting his sword to the side. “Hello,” he purrs, pulling Gavin closer to him a bit. His boy laughed. “Hi.” They kissed then, soft but demanding, passionate in the way that the kiss at the wedding could not be. Michael twisted his hands in the fabric and yanked him close, pulling his Solar Queen against his body as Gavin’s arms wrapped around his waist. They kissed as if the other was air, was life, was warmth.  When they pulled apart, foreheads pressed together, Michael laughed and Gavin did too, until they were both cackling, unable to understand the magic that now tied them together. Michael looked down at his ring, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe we went through with it,” he whispers. “Second thoughts?” Gavin asks, a bit of anxiety in his tone. “Jack was saying...” “Jack needs to learn to keep a fucking secret,” Michael retorts, pulling him in for another soft kiss. “I’m not having second thoughts. Anything but. I’m just... it’s a lot.” “It is,” Gavin said, kissing at his neck while Michael spoke, before pulling back a bit. “But for now, it’s our wedding night, and I want to see how many of those war paint sigils I can break before morning.” Michael’s smile is bright. “Come on, then, you.” The sun may be setting down on their little island, but the start of a new life was just beginning. Down a bit on their Island, the other Gods smiled, knowing that they had started a new life, a new generation of happiness in their world. And down below, humans celebrated without knowing why, without fully grasping the triumph of the heavens. For now the Wilds, once dark and full of terror, were tamed by the Solar Queen. And the brightness of the sun now brought new life where there wasn’t one before. All hail the Union and let it burn bright.
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