#was going to label this as sketch but then I’m like prob not going to finish so I guess that makes it the final version lol
birdstooth · 1 year
POV: u are a hostage just trying to read your novel
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Christiiiinnnneeeeee 🥺🥺🥺🥺 pls affection 🥺🥺
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#poto doodles 🏷️
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quuma · 2 years
Q HOW WAS UR ARTIST ALLEY???? OMGG DOD OT HAPPEN YET??? if u ever come to san francisco…. let me know… bro my wallet is screaming for q art prints… ALSO WHAT ARE YOU SELLING??? i love twst merch SO MUCH that would be so cute if u had keychains EEEE would u ever consider (or do u have) an etsy page open??? i am whoring over the idea of your riddle art on a professional print good heavens I MUST INVEST!!! anyways i hope it went well if u had it!!! if u didn’t yet GOOD LUCK ITS GOING TO GO AMAZING. also omg a fellow nctzen??? who is ur bias MINE IS JAEMIN AND JISUNG I LOVE THE DREAMIES SO MUCH
It was so tiring tho I’m ngl 😭😭 I’m gonna need at least 2 weeks before I leave the house again ;^;;
legit spent the entire event trying to juggle with drawing (bro I haven’t done traditional art in so long - idk why tf I thought it’d be a good idea to give myself such a short timeframe [40mins - 1hr] to draw sketch comms), dealing with ppl complaining about my keychain prices (I was literally using the price recommended to me by the staff 😭😭 most con keychains are literally more expensive so idk what they were complaining about), and talking to random 50yr old men that were asking me about digital art (as creepy as that sounds, they were both v v nice - ended up convincing one to buy an iPad for his daughter for Christmas [she better be grateful >:(]),, ;-;;;
I doubt I’ll ever go to San Francisco (America sorta scares me hahaidhbkjjh) [actually maybe I’ll visit just for you pookie 🤭🤭😍😍], but I’ll definitely let you know if I ever open an Etsy store !!! I’ll probably end up doing it once my catalogue is larger & I figure out how to get higher quality prints :))) (so,, sometime next year :D)
I was selling art prints (TWST, Genshin, Nijisanji), keychains (Genshin), and commissions !! :D
My prediction was right tho LOL - only one TWST print sold (my mootie who loves Riddle bought it eheheh) (actually maybe 3 sold if you include the art trade for Leona and my brother buying a Ruggie print) - and as disappointing as it was, it’s a good indicator on what to make more of in future though!! As much as i love making TWST content, I do still want to make art that sells at cons 😔😔,, i.e. I probs have to focus more on vtuber/Genshin/anime art sighhhhhh
The way I’ve written this post makes it sound like the event was entirely miserable omfg i promise it wasn’t !! stressful, yes, but not terrible !! I did enjoy the experience a lot, and will be applying to proper, bigger cons in the future !! :D
ALSO YES I AM A FELLOW NCTZEN!!! MY BIAS IS TAEYONG <33 (can you tell that I like the overworked type ahsbjdahsfgdgb) BUT TBH RENJUN AND DOYOUNG ARE RLLY CLOSE BEHIND HIM SO IDK </3
OH AND HERE ARE SOME PHOTOS OF MY TINY LITTLE STALL !! sorry that they’re so blurry 😭😭 I was nervous so my hands were shaking a lot 🧍🧍
had to partially cover poor Ruggie and Leona’s faces with labels bc I didn’t know if I was allowed to show blood ahahjshkskn
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garablacktail · 2 years
“Ugly art”
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  I’m not sure how to label this, originally intended for it be a mark exercise, It has aquired some emotional significance to me, to the point of naming it, it’s kind of emotionally charged, but it’s not really vent art, I wasn’t trying to express anything with it.
I have absolutely not clue wat to call this thing.   Anyhow, I have been struggling with feeling like a faillure, just in everything, Didn’t actually graduate this year my art was getting worse the more effort I was putting and in general putting effort in life was either doing nothing or making living more painful.
Art wise this meant that drawing with the stylus was simply painful, I drew with a mouse and keyboard for about a year, I reached a fairly high high, I got to a point where what I want to draw and improve at was getting stunted by the keyboard and mouse, I was basically transitioning from Paint to Krita again.
  So I fished out a stylus I was given out of a closet that I forgot about and set to try and do that transition again, this time mouse to stylus. I’m putting a lot into it, to the point of gripping the stylu’s pen in a “propper” way rather than how I usually hold pens and whatnot (my normal grip would put too much pressure on it, I have snapped a bunch of cheap pencils in half over the years simply by using them), looked up what sort of exercises would I need to do with it in order to get the muscle coordination, how tf you actually draw using your fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, arms and shoulders.
I basically set myself to learn how to run upsidedown in order to be a marathon runner. (granted I did procrastinate a bit with deciding to actually do that)
And that’s all fine, I know it’ll take a lot of time and effort in order to get there, I knew the quality of what I’ve made would decrease, same thing happened when I first moved from Paint and I’d be able to use less of what I’ve accrued with mouse and keyboard with the stylus compared to it (I was essentially making quasi drawing layers on paint by the point I decided to move on).
  The issue came when I came to be patient and kind to myself over this, it became specially painful as I was making the linework for a piece of my sona, 2/3 of the time was spent ctrl Z’ing every new mark I drew so it fit the sketch better and meshed nicer with the other marks already there.
I broke  when 2 things happened, requring to have a straight line at the sole of one my feet that meshes with the toes (so a straight line that connects well with not only one curved line from one side of the foot, but another one in a different direction making the toes), and a bit less importantly that the backside of one of my knee’s wasn’t working when I lined it, it looked fine on the sketch, but it was because it was thicker than the lineart, so I’d have to prob redjig the sketch since it was a fairly large rework.
And that’s the keyword that made drawing so painful, *rework*, all I was doing was making a mark, undo and repeat, I honestly should’ve scrapped that piece sooner, because it made me too anxious to draw at all, so I stopped drawing which made me anxious to start drawing again, and then when I set myself to start drawing again, even if it’s almost nothing, just a mark exercise, I didn’t because all I was doing was worrying about starting to draw (thanks ADHD)
Doing anything with the stylus was pain, and setting up my workspace to use it takes a bit of effort which is basically poison at this point, so I basically stopped using it, I didn’t want to give up on improving, so I didn’t go back to drawing with mouse and keyboard (it’s not pixel art, it’s legit cartoon/manga ish stuff made with the straight line tool lol), so I stopped drawing and just kept constantly comparing to myself.
  All this rambling is to give context to why this specific mark exercise became significant for me. at this point drawing has been a obligation I set myself that I procrastinated.
I actually enjoyed making this thing, which is why the quotations in the name of it are also a part of the name, I don’t give a shit, I don’t care if I draw “good art”, I’ll draw shit, I’ll draw stuff that looks worse, I don’t care if I draw stuff that makes me look like I’m getting worse, stuff that’s ugly.
Whilst I initially did undo some of the marks in order to make them again but I tried to only  undo whatever I did if it was a random squiggle the stylus drew because I accidentally hit the pen on it, I also used it for my signature so it’d be legible
A given line is squigly? it stays. The lines are fraying? they stay. Stuff is not allgined? they stay. The marks aren’t close enough and it’s becoming less of a line and more noisy rectangle? it stays. Straight lines are curves? they stay.
It looks far worse than another mark exercise I made last week, but this one the hard part was stopping rather than continuing.
  Really hope I do the same thing for a full piece next year, It’s gonna be hard but I’m gonna try to stick with making “bad/ugly/crap art”
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thewallflcwer-blog · 5 years
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rae/rach, 21, she/her, est
*tw: drinking, drugs*
hi y’all!!! i’m rachael but y’all can call me rae or rach; meet my sweet angel food cake bb gabriel :D 
full name:  gabriel miguel sanchez nickname: gabe, g birthplace: el paso, tx (subject to change) current location: Edinburgh, Scotland age: twenty-three zodiac sign: aquarius sexuality: bisexual (and panromantic) height: 6′2′ build: muscular piercings: none tattoos: lots!! he’s an artist so a lot of his work is also tattoo’d on his body
positive: charming, loyal, compassionate, flirty, open-minded, artistic negative: impulsive, hot-headed, devious, can hold a grudge for quite a while lol character label: the wallflower (he sees things and understands; #perksofbeingawallflower5ever) hobbies: painting, sculpting, graffiti, drawing (his preferred medium is charcoal), rock climbing, hiking, swimming hogwarts house: slytherin primary vice: lust primary virtue: temperance element: air
father: mother: sibling(s): pet(s): a tabby cat named picasso family’s financial status:
works two part-time jobs -- one as a bartender at a local pub and one as an art TA for studio art classes (counts towards his internship credits)
after graduating high school, gabe spent a year off travelling the US doing small, pick-up jobs and working on and selling his art. (prob dabbled in doing Lyft rides, too, for extra cash!)
eventually, he felt like he had seen as much of the US (for now) that he wanted to see and decided to go abroad instead; he’d always wanted to go to Scotland, so why not apply and see what happens? (he was pretty shocked he got in, tbh)
v much based on gael from good trouble heheh
i will say this Every Day but basically he’s the sexiest bi boy you’ll ever meet
gabe brings a lil lightness and fun into the lives of people he meets bc people can be so Serious lol
he def presents as an optimist but is more of a realist/pessimist (at least in his mind)
is very comfortable and open with his sexuality
quite afraid of commitments
slytherin but could easily be a ravenclaw (think luna kinda ravenclaw)
enfp (we’re twins !!!!!)
chaotic good
has the curliest mop of brown hair u ever did see
*tw: drinking, drugs* has a slight drinking problem, which i’ll prob explore !! also he sometimes takes adderall to help him finish art projects
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tired-dunsparce · 6 years
Turns out I’ve been label as disabled or something for like 10 years and no one told me??? Like I had a 504 plan or something and no one at school noticed because my junior year I had a 4.0 and senior year above a 4.0. So like everyone just know decided I am disabled??? Like social security is supposed to call me Monday for reasons no ones told me about??? Also if parents make me go on disability then I’ll prob get like $1,200 a month which means straight up I can just up and leave I hope. But because of technicalities I am a dependent so IDK if I get the money or they do. This entire thing seems sketch and like I’ve worked at 2 church plants like I can work and survive fine but like the insane work load at like fast food and grocery stores are too much for me. Plus I have a degree. Plus if I was labelled not able to work or whatever than why did everyone let me get $20,000 in debt to get degree. Like I’m just really confused.
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unremarkabl · 6 years
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another day, another L
this was prob the worst day of 2019 for me!!!
yesterday got home from my shift and wore my white coat into the house which I NEVER do
then this morning I was running late and forgot it and didn’t realize it until I got to work and the PIC just gave me the darkest chuckle after I told her I forgot my white coat
and idk it’s discouraging AF cause without that white coat I felt so bare and made so many mistakes
and it’s so weird hearing them talk shit about their newest technician and how they joke about firing him
cause that def means they could very well be taking shit about me and all my mistakes when I go on lunch breaks!! whatever tho
but idk is it just the Nigerian accent or does everything she say come off as such a burn to me
“yknow next time, can you not do that” is forever burned into my heart :’(
and how come anytime there’s a mistake i get the blame!!! not all of these are me ok
but it’s so weird to hear everyone else say “it wasn’t me” and I just stand there not knowing what to say
my many mistakes today
- putting the AUX label on FloraClor probiotic for kids, which made the PIC freak out and lecture me on how we should never do that for outside products in case the patient is not willing to buy it.... but in my defense that patient was so grumpy waiting and i was pretty darn sure he wanted it and he did end up buying it so YA but I guess it’s still a good lesson
- telling a customer over the phone we are out of the typhoid vaccine (cause we really were!!! I checked the vaccine room myself!!) but turns out the typhoid vaccine comes in a fuckin oral formulation that we just so happened to have 1 in stock of, so the pic tells me “next time, ask one of us who are more experienced in this” and idk like yeah I get you all have been working there forever but this same phone call happened so many times these last 4 weeks and I would go check myself and report back and nobody ever had an issue with it until today cause of this stupid oral typhoid vaccine... and ya it’s like F me because if this was where I was hoping to work then it’s just all bad that I make these small mistakes cause I feel like it grows so much distrust that the PIC has for me now that she can’t even trust me to stock check a fridge for vaccines??? Idk I hustle all day but I guess cause I’m an idiot and words of aff all I get to hear are these constructive criticisms that I just feel like idk shit yknow HAHA
- and also earlier today it was so busy and I was on hold with one doctors office and helping drive thru with another phone and some lady in a hooded scarf asked for the restroom code so I told her, (just like all the other staff has been doing for the past 4 weeks!) but then I get in trouble cause apparently this lady was sus AF tryna shoplift and I didn’t recognize her sketch behavior and so she got into the bathroom with unpaid merchandise and it was a whole fiasco and the female tech went to go investigate and got cussed out and the store mananger couldn’t figure out what was stolen and yknow its all my fault!!! Fuck me!!! like damn how come the one time a sus ass person comes it happens to be me in the front!! I was not trained to recognize sketch shoplifters and nobody EVER mentioned to me that I’m supposed to page 101 for sus looking customers and not tell them the code like damn
and how come I get so unlucky with consulataions
like methotrexate 6 tabs per week
what a vague ass sig
and of course the patient asks about it and I’m equally shook and then the PIC steps in to consult and I just take another L for being incompetent in front of her and damn yknow
and forgetting my white coat made me have to drive home to go get it in the rain and I didn’t get to buy the subway $6 foot long BMT that only goes on sale on thursdays so I was starving the whole day and it was all just such an L
plus I didn’t get to check my phone or go on a normal break so I didn’t get to reply to that message and ended up getting GHOSTED by yu and damn I’m just sad I wasted so much time thinking of the right words and I thought it was gonna actually go somewhere and yeah what a ducking day :’(
now time to study for capstone tomorrow
fuck bupropion
I need some
why am I so moody
why do I keep fucking forgetting to write the address on controlled medications
and how come I’m such an ez target for customers who wanna abuse Benzos
and why did the drive thru and phones not stop for a whole 1.5 hrs
and why do I feel like I was judged for passing off my unfinished transfer after standing there manning drive thru and phones and filling waiters
oh welll
life goes on
I think for next month I will start a swear jar
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Come Back (Poly!Hamilsquad x Reader)
“ Can I request a third part to the poly!squad x reader fic?” 
158: “I *can’t be* happy here.” 246: “Please don’t do this.” 125: “*We* need you to forgive *them*.” 313: “What the hell are you doing here?! I told you I never wanted to see you again!” 119: “I love you, you asshole.”
A/N: So someone requested another part to the Poly!Hamilsquad imagine, and I wanted to maybe add a little angst. I’m probs not the best angst writer, but I can’t say that I didn’t try. ; v ;
Part 1 Part 2 
Warnings: Angst, yelling, cursing
Words: 5,892
(Name) ran a hand through her hair, letting out a grumbling noise as she looked down at her chicken-scratch that she called handwriting. After being in a bit of a slump for coming up with lyrics for Lafayette’s upcoming album proposal, it was an understatement that she was getting a little frustrated.
“Love? You good?” Called Alexander from the kitchen. It was his and John’s turn to cook dinner that night, which (Name) was thankful so she didn’t have to get up from her work.
“I’ve been better, Alexander.” She mumbled, throwing her notebook from her lap and onto the coffee table. “I can’t think of anything.”
John looked over his shoulder at (Name), giving her a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry to hear that, babe. I’m sure something will come to you soon.”
Yeah, right. She thought bitterly. She felt as if her writing hasn’t been its best in the past few months, and she worried that Laf was being penalized for it with his music being sold at a slower rate than usual. “I just don’t want Laf to be dropped from his label because of me not being able to write a good song for him.”
“(Name), that’s never going to happen!” Hercules called from the bedroom, as he currently put away laundry. “People love Lafayette’s voice and they love your music, the label isn’t going to drop either of you.”
The young woman sighed, leaning back against the couch and rubbing her face. As much as her lovely partners tried to convince her, the nagging feeling of letting down Lafayette would always bubble up and put her in a bad mood.
The sound of the door opening caused (Name) to turn her head slightly to see Lafayette walk in, a smile gracing his face as he noticed his songwriter on the couch. “Bonjour, mon amour.” He greeted, leaning over and pressing a kiss to (Name)’s lips.
“Hey…” She answered as the Frenchman pulled away.
Lafayette quirked a brow at (Name)’s lack of enthusiasm. “What’s wrong, (Name)?” He questioned, leaning on the back of the couch. “You seem rather… Distressed?”
“If you call worrying about getting you fired because your sales are tanking ‘distressed’ then yes.” She replied, shutting her eyes and rubbing her forehead. As she did that, she didn’t notice the flash of worry in Lafayette’s eyes.
“(Name), mon amour, that’s never going to happen. My manager is very happy with the work we’re doing.” Lafayette explained, moving around the couch to sit next to the young woman. “We’ll be fine, okay? You’re a wonderful writer.” His arms wrapped around (Name)’s waist, pulling her closer to him. “I love you, okay?” He kissed (Name)’s temple.
“Okay…” She replied, leaning into Lafayette’s hold, sighing in content in one of her partner’s embrace. While the feeling of Lafayette’s arms around her gave some comfort, she still worried. She didn’t want Laf to suffer because of her.
Hercules walked into the living room with an empty laundry basket, spotting (Name) and Lafayette on the couch together. He chuckled and walked over to the two, giving each of them a kiss on the head. “Well aren’t you two adorable?” He cooed.
“You’re just jealous that I’m holding (Name) right now and you aren’t.” Lafayette replied, sticking his tongue out at Herc.
The modern demigod laughed, giving Lafayette a smirk. “We’ll see about that later, Laf.” He spoke, causing (Name) to snicker at the Frenchman’s blushing cheeks.
“Dinner’s ready!” Alexander called, popping his head in from the doorway to the dining room. “C’ome on, don’t let it get cold!”
“Ah, mon petit lion, impatient as ever.” Lafayette chuckled, standing and helping (Name) to her feet.
Alexander huffed, pouting at the taller Frenchman. “And what are you gonna do about it?”
“Nothing for now.” Answered Lafayette, planting a kiss on Alexander’s forehead. “We’ll see about later.” He hummed before leaving a gaping and blushing Alex.
(Name) smiled, reaching for Alexander’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “Let’s eat, okay Alexander?”
The novelist grumbled, shaking his head before meeting (Name)’s gaze. “You feeling any better now?”
The young woman shrugged, leaning and pressing a kiss to Alexander’s cheek. “I’ll get over it eventually.” She replied before pulling him into the kitchen with her.
(Name) let out a yawn as she rolled over to an unsuspected cold space on the usually crowded bed that was strangely empty. Cracking open her eyes, she noticed that Alexander and Lafayette, who were usually on her right, were gone.
Carefully, as to not disturb the sleeping John and Hercules to her left, (Name) slipped out of the sheets and padded out of the room. As she crept down the hall, she heard noises coming from the kitchen of the apartment.
“What am I going to tell her?” She heard Lafayette grumble, his voice thick with sleep.
“You’ll find the right way to tell her.” Alex told him. “You just can’t keep this from her for too long… You found out yesterday and you still haven’t told (Name) a thing.”
Lafayette sighed. “I know.”
(Name)’s brows furrowed as she silently made her way closer to the kitchen. She peeked around the corner and saw that Alexander and Lafayette had their backs to her as they sat at the table.
“I just don’t want her to go through more disappointment… She’s worked so hard since she’s been back.” (Name) heard the slight slur in Lafayette’s voice. Had he been drinking?
“Lafayette, the best thing you can do is tell (Name). Just say that your manager has decided to go in a different direction with songwriters. She’ll understand.”
The young woman bit her lip, turning away from the kitchen and walking back to bed. She slipped back into her position in John’s arms and tried to fall asleep. With the new thoughts bouncing around her head, she found that simple task difficult.
She flinched when she heard the returning footsteps of Alexander and Lafayette as they reentered the room. The bed shifted next to her, and she felt a hand gently rubbing her shoulder. “We’ll figure something out.” She heard Alex murmur before laying down and resting a hand on her hip.
“Oui… I hope so.” Lafayette answered just as quietly.
(Name) kept her eyes shut as the two laid down to sleep.
If the guys are all working while I’m just laying around… I won’t be… I can’t be happy here. The young woman thought as she tried to slip back into unconsciousness.
It was a lot harder to get back to sleep than (Name) had wanted, but she did eventually doze during the night, but that also meant that it took her quite some time to get out of bed.
“(Name)? Sweetheart, you need to get up, it’s almost noon.” Hercules tried to rouse the girl from the sheet.
She answered with a groan.
Hercules chuckled. “C’ome on, Lafayette make lunch.”
The girl loved Lafayette’s cooking, but she didn’t know if she could face him while she knew that he was going to break the news that his manager was dropping her as his songwriter.
“I don’t wanna…” She grumbled.
“(Name). I will pick you up. Don’t think I will.” He warned, a playful smile turning the gentle giant’s lips up.
She peeked up from the pillow to meet Hercules’ gaze. Rolling over onto her back to the edge of the bed, she raised her arms to Hercules. “Please…?”
He let out a laugh before nodding. “Anything for you, sweetheart.” He replied before leaning over and picking up (Name). She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to Hercules’ cheek.
“Thank you, Herc.” She hummed as she snuggled into his hold.
Hercules walked out of the bedroom and into the hall, carrying (Name) in his arms as he went. Upon entering the living room, she spotted John sketching and Alex typing away. Lafayette must have still been in the kitchen.
“Look who I was able to wake up.” Hercules spoke, walking (Name) over to the loveseat and setting her down.
John looked up from his sketchbook, smiling at (Name) as she let out a yawn. “How’d you sleep, babe?” He asked her.
“Not well enough.” She answered, noticing Alexander keeping his eyes glued to his laptop screen. He probably couldn’t meet her gaze after knowing what he knew.
“Laf, why don’t you bring in (Name)’s plate?” Hercules called, looking into the kitchen. “Probably just to make things easier for her.”
Lafayette answered in response, soon coming in with a sandwich. “Here you go, mon amour.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to (Name)’s head as he placed the plate on the coffee table in front of her.
“Thanks.” She mumbled, not looking up to meet Laf’s eyes. She couldn’t even find it in herself to pick up the sandwich and eat it.
“Something wrong, (Name)?” Alexander asked, finally looking up from his laptop. “You usually love Laf’s cooking.”
She had half the mind to tell the boys her reason for her loss of appetite.
“I’m fine.” She answered quietly, still not looking up at either Lafayette or Alexander.
John’s brows furrowed. “You sure, babe? You’re still not worried about your writing, are you?”
She opened her mouth to respond, but Hercules spoke ahead of her. “(Name), like I said yesterday, you’re doing such a great job getting Laf’s music sounding great. People love your lyrics.”
Yeah, that’s why I’m being dropped. She thought bitterly
“Herc’s right, (Name)” Alexander agreed, giving her a smile
“Oui… You’re the best writer I’ve had.” Lafayette added, placing a hand on her shoulder.
At the feeling of contact, (Name) flinched away from the Frenchman's touch. “I can’t do this.” She murmured before standing from her seat.
“(Name)?” John asked, putting his sketch book down.
The young woman quickly walked to the bedroom, hearing several pairs of footsteps following her.
“Mon ange? What’s wrong?” She heard Lafayette ask.
“Oh, I don’t know Laf. What is wrong?” She snapped as she yanked open the closet door, pulling out her backpack. “Heard from your manager lately? Feeling a little hungover?”
“What are you saying? (Name) why are you pulling out your clothes?!” Alexander exclaimed as he walked into the bedroom. His brown eyes widened with worry as he watched (Name) pulling garments from the closet.
“Why are you and Laf keeping secrets from me?” She countered, sending a glare at the two men.
“M-mon amour-”
“Your manager is dropping me, you found out two days ago and you still haven’t told me!!” (Name) yelled, watching as Lafayette’s face paled and Alexander immediately looked guilty. “I had to hear it from the hallway while you were getting drunk in the kitchen while the rest of us were asleep!!”
Lafayette opened his mouth to speak. “(Name), I was going to tell you, I really was-”
“Oh, yeah I could tell the way that we were just talking about it.” (Name) scoffed as she pulled a couple pairs of pants, shirts, and underwear from her drawer. “I can’t be with you guys if you’re not going to be honest with me, especially if you’re just going to pretend that I’m not out of a job!”
“(Name), please don’t do this.” John tried to calm her down.
She shook her head, zipping up her backpack and throwing it over her shoulder.
“Wait! Just wait!” Alexander stood in front of (Name), holding his hands up to stop her. “(Name), you can’t walk out on us just because of this! Don’t be irrational!”
“‘Irrational.’ Are you seriously accusing me of being irrational?! Alexander, writing songs is my life! The fact that the manager of one of my partners doesn’t want me to write lyrics for him anymore, it’s just… Just…” She growled in frustration, fisting her hair. “You wouldn’t understand!”
Lafayette stepped up to join Alexander. “(Name), mon ange, mon amour, I’m sorry, I really am but please, I’m begging you-”
The woman pushed past the two of them, and she felt Lafayette’s hand wrap around her wrist in attempts to stop her.
“(Name), ple-”
The sound reverberated through the silent room, (Name) could feel tears prick her eyes as she stared at Lafayette’s shocked face. His hand released the girl’s wrist and moved it to his stinging cheek.
“(Name), what the hell?!” Alexander yelled, his brows furrowing in anger. “I know you’re upset but-”
“No fucking ‘buts’ Alex!” (Name) turned to him. “Living here while the rest of you guys are being successful and just living off you guys, I can’t be happy like that!”
“But you’d be here with us!” He replied.
“If I’m not doing anything, I just can’t be happy living like that! I need to do something while you guys are working!”
“What’s wrong with having some free time on your hands?”
“It isn’t free time if I don’t have work to get back to!”
Hercules tried to step in between the two. “Guys, c’ome on. We can just talk this out.”
“(Name), stop being an idiot about this.”
The young woman let out a sound of distaste and shoved herself past Alexander. “You’re such an asshole!” She exclaimed before storming out of the bedroom and past a speechless Hercules and John.
“Fine! Fucking leave again! But if you walk out that door, I don’t want to see your face around here ever again!”
(Name) scoffed again, turning around and meeting Alexander’s angry glare. “Whatever Alex. Say what you fucking well please, seeing as it’s pretty obvious about how you don’t care how what you say affects the people around you!”
With that, the young woman grabbed her phone off it’s charger, walked out the door, and slammed it behind her.
“So… You just walked out?” Eliza asked as she handed (Name) a cup of coffee. When the girl walked out of her apartment building, she called up Eliza to ask if they could meet up. She didn’t expect the Schuyler to bring her other two sisters.
“What else could I have done? They were lying right to my face and Alexander said I was being irrational and called be an idiot. I can’t let that slide.”
Peggy gave (Name) a sympathetic smile, reaching over and putting her hand over hers. “I’m sure this will pass, (Name)... You just need a little time.”
“I don’t know about that…” (Name) replied, sighing and shaking her head. “I slapped Laf, and the way Alexander was talking, he didn’t want to see me anytime soon.”
“Well, if you ever need a place to stay, you’re welcome to our couch.” Angelica offered.
(Name) smiled at the sisters, picking up her drink and sipping it. “Thank you guys… Really.” She jumped at the feeling of her phone vibrating in her back pocket. She pulled it out to see that Hercules was trying to call her. Probably trying to find out where she was or to get her back to the apartment. She sighed, putting the phone down on the table and letting it go to voicemail.
“The guys trying to call you?” Peggy questioned, looking down at her friend’s phone.
“Hercules is at least… John texted a couple times, but I haven’t heard from Alex or Laf.” (Name) replied, sighing quietly. “Alexander is probably still angry at me and Laf… Hell, he’s probably drinking away his guilt.”
“When did he start drinking?” Eliza questioned with a quirked brow.
The young woman shrugged. “He’s always liked to have a bit of a drink every now and again, but it’s usually wine with him… He’s been drinking more scotch, though.”
“A strong drink to forget about strong feelings like guilt” Angelica gave (Name) a look of sympathy.
“I know he feels bad about keeping this whole thing from me… But I would much rather them be straightforward and honest with me… Isn’t that what a good relationship is supposed to be?” (Name) questioned as she rubbed her forehead. “I mean, I went back to them after so long, we’ve been back together for a good few months!”
“Maybe… And I’m not suggesting anything really,” Angelica spoke, giving (Name) a cautious look. “But maybe there are still some feelings of betrayal and distrust?”
“Why would they not trust me? I’m the one going through this self-confidence and capability crisis.”
Angelica nodded. “You walked out on them once, found them and said you were sorry, then after a few months you walk out on them again after having a fight. Don’t you think that was a bit rash?”
“Of course I do. But when I’m being lied to by two of the people who say that they love me, how am I supposed to trust them?” (Name) sighed, sipping her coffee again. She felt bad about walking out on the boys again. She didn’t want to do it, but she couldn’t stand being lied to. Especially by any of her boys.
Eliza gave (Name) a sympathetic smile, putting a hand on the girl’s shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “You’ll figure this out, (Name). In the meantime, you’re more than welcome to stay with us until you do.”
“Thanks, Eliza… This means a lot to me.”
Peggy pulled her sisters into her room, careful not to wake (Name) as she slept on the living room couch. “Okay, we need to get the guys over here.”
“Peggy, (Name)’s just going through a rough patch right now.” Eliza tried to reason with her younger sister.
“Eliza, she’s been here three days, and she’s miserable. She turned off her phone and buried it in her bag so she couldn’t see the messages they were sending her.” Angelica sighed, glancing over to the closed door.
The middle sister sighed, shaking her head. “What are we supposed to do? Call the guys ourselves and tell them that she’s here?” Peggy nodded, and Angelica gave her younger sister a look that screamed ‘duh’. Eliza rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest at her sisters. “Okay, fine. Who has one of their numbers?”
“I got John’s when we met.” Peggy spoke, pulling out her phone from her back pocket. “I’ll give him a call, so soon enough they’ll all be back together and everything will be good again.”
Eliza sighed, looking back to the closed door. “I hope you’re right.”
The youngest of the three sisters dialed a number and put her phone on speaker, listening to it ring before it was picked up and a voice quickly responded. “Peggs? What’s up?” John questioned.
“(Name)’s at our apartment. You need to bring her home.”
“You couldn’t have called sooner?!” John exclaimed over the phone. The sisters could hear him groan before speaking again. “Herc and I’ll be over soon. What’s the address?”
Peggy quickly relayed it to him. “We’ll see you here soon.”
“Thanks, Peggy. We’ll repay you somehow, I promise.” With that, John quickly hung up.
The youngest Schuyler looked up at her sisters and gave them both a smile. “They’re on the way.”
“I just hope this was the right thing to do.” Eliza murmured, moving to leave her younger sister’s room.
In about twenty minutes, the sisters were moving to leave the apartment as John and Hercules made their way up the elevator. Angelica thought it best if they leave so that the three members of the relationship can talk.
Angelica looked back to see (Name) still sleeping on the couch. It wasn’t surprising considering how she had been feeling.
There was a knock on the door, and Eliza quickly opened it to see the artist and the designer, both looking tired, distraught, and relieved at the same time.
“Thank you guys so much for letting us know where she was.” Hercules murmured, noticing (Name)’s sleeping form on the couch.
“Of course.” Eliza replied, smiling at the two. “Just… Take it slow, she’s still very messed up about all this.”
“Be as patient as you can.” Angelica advised.
The two young men nodded, letting the sisters leave and close the door behind them. John walked over to the couch, a relieved smile making it’s way to his face as he watched (Name)’s shoulders rise and fall with her breathing. Hercules gently squeezed John’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to his head.
“It’s okay, we found her… We’re going to bring her home.” Hercules whispered to the freckled young man.
“I know.” John answered, kneeling down close to (Name) and pressing a kiss to her head, his hand moving to gently rub her shoulder. “(Name), babe… Wake up.”
The young woman stirred, rolling over onto her back. Her eyes cracked open for a moment, she blinked, and when she recognized that it was John kneeling next to her, she quickly bolted upright. “W-what are you two doing here?” She asked.
“We’re just here to talk, sweetheart.” Hercules replied, taking a spot on the arm of the couch. “We really missed you.”
(Name) looked from Hercules to John, letting out a sigh as she pulled her knees to her chest. “I missed you guys too… I’m really sorry for what I did, you guys didn’t deserve me walking out again.”
“And you know that Laf and Alex didn’t deserve it either.” John spoke, sitting next to (Name) on the couch.
She rolled her eyes, resting her chin on her knees. “That’s questionable considering they were lying to me about having a job.”
“(Name), Lafayette was worried about how you would take it, and he feels really guilty about what he did.” Hercules explained.
“And while Alexander wouldn’t admit it for the first night, he feels guilty about what he said to you. He understands what you’re feeling, and he wants you to come back.” John added. “He’s been dropped by editors and publishers before, and he just didn’t take into account how you were feeling.”
(Name) sighed, running a hand through her unwashed hair. “It isn’t just that… The only thing I know is writing songs, and the fact that Lafayette’s manager doesn’t want me writing songs for him anymore is just… Heartbreaking.”
“(Name), Lafayette fired his manager.” Hercules informed her.
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“Lafayette told him after the first night that if he didn’t like your songs, then he can forget about managing anymore.” John explained, smiling sadly at her.
Hercules nodded. “Ever since, he’s been drinking and camping out on the couch, and Alex has locked himself in his office… They’re messes without you home. They miss you, and want you back.”
“We all do.” John quipped, wrapping an arm around (Name)’s shoulder. “(Name), there’s always going managers, curators, editors, models, anyone is going to give us a hard time. But if we stick together, there’s nothing that the five of us can’t overcome.”
(Name) sighed, leaning into John and resting her head on his shoulder. “I know…”
“So… We need you to forgive them. We’re a family, sweetheart. We need to stick together.” Hercules reached over and put a hand on (Name)’s shoulder, giving her a smile.
She nodded, looking up at John and Hercules. She gave the two young men a small, timid smile. “Okay… I’ll come back.”
John’s face brightened and he pressed a kiss to the girl’s forehead. “Great… Let’s go home.”
Hercules nodded, pressing a kiss to (Name)’s cheek. “We’ll thank the Schuyler's when we see them again. For now, let’s get your things together and head out.”
(Name) nodded, letting John pull her to her feet. She felt his arms quickly wrap around her in a tight hug, and Hercules did the same from behind. The young woman felt tears spring to her eyes, and she nuzzled her face into his chest. “I-I’m so sorry for walking out like that again… I-I didn’t mean to.” She whimpered.
“Shh… Baby girl we know, we know.” John murmured, pressing a kiss to her head.
“It’s okay. We understand.” Hercules agreed, resting his chin on her head. “Alexander and Lafayette will too.”
She nodded, wiping the tears that fell from her cheeks before pulling away from John. “Okay… I’m ready… Let’s go home.”
With every step down the hall, (Name) grew more apprehensive. She wanted to see Lafayette and Alexander again. She wanted to apologize, but she was worried what she would be facing. She had slapped Laf, she had yelled at Alexander, and she just walked out on them.
She had to face them again, but she was scared as hell.
“Don’t worry, (Name).” John spoke, giving her hand a squeeze. “We’re right here for you.”
“He’s right.” Hercules agreed as he carried her bag. “They’ll just be glad to have you back.”
Still, she was worried. When they reached the apartment door, her heart began to beat erratically. She looked to John, and he gave her an encouraging smile. Looking at Hercules, he gave her a comforting smile. She took a deep breath in, and opened the door.
Walking inside, she could tell that the place had gotten a little dirtier since she had been gone, but she wanted nothing more than to see Lafayette and Alexander. She could see movement from the kitchen, and guessed that it was Lafayette. She hiked up her courage and crossed the room to look inside the kitchen.
Spotting the Frenchman at the counter, watching as he reached up into the cabinet to pull down one of Alexander’s glasses. He opened an almost empty bottle of scotch and poured the last of it’s contents and quickly knocked it back. He coughed and muttered something in French as he scrubbed his face with his hand.
He looked miserable.
“Laf…” (Name) spoke, loud enough for him to hear.
The Frenchman froze for a moment before he whipped his head around. His face had paled with exhaustion, his facial hair was no longer neatly trimmed but scruffy, and his deep brown eyes were wide and frantic.
“Mon amo-... (Name)” He stopped himself, gripping onto the counter to keep himself from running to her. “You’re back…”
“I am.” She answered, wringing her hands. “Lafayette… I-I just want to say that-”
She didn’t get another moment to say anything else before a pair of muscular arms wrapped around her form. She could smell the scent of alcohol just falling off him. He shook with sobs and he quickly muttered something in French. She quickly wrapped her own arms around Lafayette’s form, gripping onto his shirt tightly as her own tears returned.
“Lafayette, I’m so so sorry.” (Name) murmured, burying her face into his neck, taking in his warmth and scent. “I shouldn’t have walked out, I shouldn’t have slapped you, I shouldn’t have gotten mad-”
“Non, non, mon amour. You should’ve been mad, I kept something so important to you from you and you deserved to get mad at me. I should have told you the day I found out, but I was just scared.” He cried, his tears wetting (Name)’s shirt. “I should have just been honest with you.”
(Name) shook her head, she stepped back and cupped Lafayette’s cheeks, her thumbs gently wiping away his tears. She gave him a tearful smile before pressing her lips to his. She could taste the scotch, as well as the stale taste of wine that he must have had earlier that day. Lafayette gladly returned the kiss, his lips melting back against (Name)’s as if she had never left.
The two stayed like that for a good few minutes before (Name) pulled away, Lafayette’s forehead pressing against hers as his tears continued to fall down his cheeks. “What can I do to make it up to you? How can I make this up to you?” Murmured the Frenchman.
“Let me keep writing songs for you. I don’t care if you have a manager or not, one who likes me or not, just please let me keep writing for you.” She whispered, wiping away his tears.
“Done and done.” Lafayette replied a small smile cracking his sad demeanor. “And can you please promise me that you won’t leave us again? Having you gone is painful for all of us…”
“I promise.” (Name) replied, laughing through her tears as they fell. She smiled at the feeling of Lafayette’s gentle touch brushing away her tears. When Lafayette looked up, she turned to see that he was looking at John and Hercules, both of whom were watching the two with fond smiles.
“Now then, why don’t you go see Alexander?” John spoke as he approached (Name). He gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze, smiling at her.
“Right.” (Name) sniffed, feeling Lafayette press a kiss to her temple. She gave him a smile before walking past three of her boys to walk to Alexander’s office. She could hear his quick typing through the door.
Taking in a breath, she opened the door. She saw Alexander hunched over his laptop, his back to the door as he sat at the desk.
“John, I told you to stop bothering me while I’m working.” Alex growled, not looking to see that it wasn’t John who had opened the door.
(Name) gulped before responding. “It’s not John.”
Alexander’s flying fingers stilled. He stood from his chair and slowly turned. (Name) could see that he had also paled and let his scruff go wild. His hair was a mess, the dark circles under his eyes had gotten darker, and his eyes were red. He had cried over this whole ordeal.
“What are you doing here?” He muttered bitterly. (Name) didn’t answer quick enough for his liking, so he quickly repeated himself. “What the hell are you doing here?! I told you I never wanted to see you again!”
(Name) flinched at his harsh tone, but she still held her ground, her tired eyes meeting his. “Alexander…”
“I don’t want to hear it.” He spoke, walking closer to (Name) “Do you think that you can just walk back in here and expect everything to be the same? Do you have any idea what your walking out did to to me and Laf?!”
“Alexander please-”
“You don’t tell us where you’re going or where you’re going to be!” He went on with his ranting. “Laf has been a mess, he doesn’t know what to do with himself aside from firing his manager!”
The young woman took the tongue-lashing Alexander was giving her, trying to not let her tears spill over her eyes. She deserved what Alex had to say to her after what she had done.
It was a good few minutes before he was done, and even still he was muttering things under his breath. He couldn’t even meet her gaze for a good few moments before he looked up, his red eyes meeting (Name)’s. “Why… Why did you do it again?”
“Because… I just couldn’t stand being lied to by two of the people who I’m supposed to love unconditionally and trust.” (Name) whimpered.
“Like how you left us the first time? We trusted and loved you and you walked out on all of us.” He snapped, causing her to flinch again as several tears fell from her eyes.
“Alexander… I apologized then, and I’m apologizing now… The last thing I want is to hurt any of you, and leaving three days ago was the last thing I ever wanted to. I just- I just needed to get away and think. I was alway going to come back, I just needed time!” She was full on weeping at this point, her hands moving to cover her face. “I-I love you guys so much, hurting any of you is something I would never ever want to do. B-but writing lyrics is my life, and the fact that Lafayette’s manager thought that I wasn’t good enough for him was just something I couldn’t stand for!”
Alexander watched the young woman as she cried. He noticed the other three standing in the door, Lafayette was wiping away his falling tears while Hercules rubbed his back comfortingly. John was giving Alexander an incredulous look, basically saying ‘What in the hell are you doing? Comfort her, you dumbass!’ The young immigrant sighed, rubbing his forehead before walking closer to (Name). His hands moved to hers that were still covering her face, carefully, he pulled away her hands to see her red and tearful eyes.
“(Name)... You’re such a wonderful writer… I knew that the moment we met in art school all those years ago. I’ve seen you grow as a writer so much, and your lyrics are incredible, the best I’ve ever seen. Lafayette’s manager was an idiot to do that to you, but Laf was just so scared about telling you what was happening. Herc told us that you were worried about how you hadn’t changed since you left the first time… How you were losing confidence in your writing. But I promise you, you’ve come so far.”
The girl sniffled, trying to wipe her eyes. Alexander chuckled softly before wiping away her tears for her. The boys watching made note that this was the first time Alex has smiled since she left. “A-Alex… I-I’m so sorry.” She sobbed.
“Shh… I know.” Alexander murmured, pulling (Name) in for a hug, one which she gladly took as she gripped onto his shirt. He sighed, resting his face in the crook of her neck. He let the girl cry into his shoulder while he reveled in the fact that she was home.
“I love you, you asshole.” She whimpered through her crying as she clung to Alexander.
Alexander let out a chuckle before pressing a kiss to (Name)’s shoulder. “I guess I deserved that… I love you too, (Name). I’m glad to have you home… And I’m sorry too, for everything that I said… I didn’t mean any of it, really.” He spoke, moving back to bring (Name)’s face to his so he could press a chaste kiss to her lips. His hands went to cup her cheeks, his thumbs wiping away her still falling tears.
As the two stood in Alexander’s office, pulling away from the kiss, the other three boys walked in. John put a hand on Alexander’s shoulder and Lafayette wrapped an arm around (Name)’s waist.
“Now then, since we’re all home again,” John began, smiling from Alexander to (Name). “Why don’t we all eat in tonight? It’ll give us all some time just… To be together.”
“I like the sound of that.” Hercules agreed, smiling down at his partners.
(Name) nodded, sniffling again. “I would like that too… I really would.” She spoke, wiping away the last of her tears.
Lafayette pressed a kiss to (Name)’s head. “It’s nice to have you home again, mon amour.”
“Agreed.” Alexander quipped, kissing (Name)’s cheek.
The young woman blushed at the attention she was getting, but still smiled at her four boys. “I love you guys… And I promise… For real this time, I’m not going to leave you guys ever again.”
And (Name) kept that promise, they all promised to stay together no matter what. It most certainly was kept, as stated by the rings they all wore, and the picture that they hung on their wall with all of the boys in their tuxedos and (Name) in her white dress.
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ruveluarna-blog · 7 years
Development, Process, Collaboration
(This is our entire Facebook chat group, which shows our process of thought and elimination).
Hey gals! Alrighty, we need to get this project underway! Let's all post our ideas on here and we can throughout the week decide on an idea we really like? MarleenaYeah that sounds like a good idea  i will get back to u guys with an idea tomorrowMAR 31ST, 11:20AMMarleenaOkay, so there's a work in week 4's powerpoints (topic: responsibility) called "Rythm 0" by Marina Abramovic. Basically, Abramovic lay out a bunch of props and allowed museum goers to manipulate her body, with or without the props, for six hours. Yoko Ono did a reinterpretation of the idea, but allowed the audience to take turns snipping pieces of cloth from her clothes.MarleenaI think it'd be really interesting to take these ideas and spin them in a more positive and constructive way. (The Rythm 0 artwork ended pretty "violently" - someone used the provided loaded gun to position it against her forehead, and then there was a fight in the audience to make them stop etc)ImmiYes will have a look into this later today !MAR 31ST, 1:19PMYes I really liked that one, I checked it out on YouTube!I'm down for thisMaybe we can even do an installation type thing and record itSo many ideas! Where do you live Marlena?*marleenaI'm thinking we should all get together sometime before class next week if we can, if not we can prepare it all over here MarleenaI live near liverpool, western suburbs Im still trying to brainstorm ideas on how we could reinterpret the work tho Hmm okay that's like a 55 minute drive MarleenaLOL we can try meet up at uniI reckon if we all agree on this artwork, let's each brainstorm ideas on any sort of way in which we could reinterpret it, then just post ideas here. Maybe on Sunday we can try and decide on what we like best?Yeah I think so hahahMarleenaokay lets do that, sunday we'll make a decision on what idea to pursue Im not too familar with "time-based work" sooo gotta do some researchMAR 31ST, 6:09PMImmiAPR 1ST, 9:37PMHaha all good!APR 1ST, 11:19PMHere are some very rudimentary ideas so far!Oh I just had an idea, we could go up to randoms on campus and out in the city and get them to write one word and hold it in front of them and we can film them holding it up. We can get them to write down whatever; what they think life is, beauty is, what is real, what dreams are, what they are labelled, whatever you want!Just an idea APR 2ND, 9:31AMMarleenahey just finished reading your ideas! looking good so far i think right now though the ideas as they are dont really link to responsibility clearly or are resolved enoughim looking at some of the stuff u written and trying to think of ways to push them furtheri think the idea of taking something that is meant to shed light on the negative parts of being human, and flipping it to show positivity is something really interesting relating to responsibilityi think that idea of asking people a personal question, like what life is etc, that u suggested touches on that and has potential reminds me of that artist who let people write on a wall what they want to do before they diesorry if the stuff im saying sounds kinda disjointed or weird, cos i just woke up and im just writing what i think as it goes in my head hahaMarleenaan idea i had about transforming marina's work, is maybe laying out a table of items like she did but including "caring" items instead, like bandaids and spa stuff and chocolates. we can put out a chair and a camera, and people are allowed to use the stuff as long as they sit in the chairMarleenahey about that idea with recording people's smiles, itd be kinda cool to expand it and do it about human's relationship with others, not just smiling but hugging talking and high fiving etc. itd be interesting how it relates to physicality, and itd probs contrast really well with the marina workImmiHey guys! Soz for being a little MIA I was going to have a good look this morning and see if I can workshop some of the ideas we've got too so I'll let ya know :)) awesome job so far teamMarleenano worries ive been supa swamped with stuff too hahaAPR 2ND, 11:22AMImmiok so i was having a look at some of the work in the lecture slides from the documentation and editing week and this work i thought was pretty interesting-- we could have a wall where we get people to collaborate by writing ideas or or drawings on like sticky notes or scrap paper and then organise them on a wall and then the time based aspect could be a sped up video of people writing and adding to the wall?  http://monumenttotransformation.org/atlas-of-transformation/html/c/crisis-of-capitalism/crisis-of-capitalism-ayreen-anastas-rene-gabri.htmlCrisis of Capitalism | Ayreen Anastas, René GabriCrisis of Capitalism | Ayreen Anastas, René Gabrimonumenttotransformation.orgImmicould be like a question related to stuff going on in the world and how they would fix it? or invent something? and get people to draw sketches or write ideas?i don't know just thinking :))APR 2ND, 6:19PMMarleenai think thats an interesting take on documentation... like, it relates to the idea of a kinda "communal" documentation?its pretty interesting to create a public forum for documentation, kinda like designated grafitti walls or online forumsImmiYeah nice!APR 2ND, 7:58PMMarleenahi everyone, dunno bout u guys but im still kinda conflicted about this assignment hahai think all the major ideas we came up with so far have been pretty interesting and im having trouble deciding which one i like the mostwhat are your opinions on this assignment?? is there anything u guys r super keen on so far?or anything u rly wanna do?for me, i definitely wanna do something that's hyper creative and outside the box - for this assignment im a little afraid of doing something thats been done or reminds me of a facebook or youtube vid i watchedi think no matter what idea we pick i definitely want to push it to its limits Yeah Marlena in response to your first response I agree, they were all heaps rudimentary ideas that I quickly wrote down before bed and definitely need expansion - they were just an idea to kick us off  I like the smile/high 5/hug ideas. I definitely want to do something "fresh" as well so I'm with you on that! No body likes the same old same. I'm still conflicted about the assignment too haha. The only thing is we have to think about the readability of it all - we don't really want to spend money buying items, etc, and we have to think about how we can record it and where we will do it MarleenaThanks for brainstorming so much  im definitely also keen on saving money too - doing something performance-y like suggested or just paper and pen like immi's idea seem like practical ideas to keep costs lowYep I like!MarleenaThe idea i suggested about the "caring" items would probs be no good for thatHaha maybe not Good thought butOkay let's keep brainstorming then and maybe decide by Tuesday night?MarleenaHaha yeah lets see how it goesWorse comes to worse we can talk it through with the tutor on wednesdayYeah, I'm sure we will figure it out but!MarleenaI will try make a list of ideas like u did No probs. We could even make a Pinterest board or whatever MarleenaOohh high tech hahaAPR 3RD, 1:09PMOkay so let's decide tonight on something solid so we can each conduct rudimentary experiments tomorrow on our own and document on TumblrMarleenaOk understood Immiyep nice.. i think maybe doing a time lapse or something could be interestingand maybe doing a trial of that? could get audience involved through drawing? I'm happy to do that at college?MarleenaIm looking at that email again and i think that tutor is only talking about her class, not ours, so i doubt when we rick up to class our tutor is going to expect us to have anything prepared (she will probs even send us an email herself)Immiok coolMarleenaBut doing a little experiment for tumblr ourselves actually sounds like a good idea to get us started, practice-led research and suchImmianother random idea hahah could be to record sound? and say have a story where each person hears the previous story and then adds to it?MarleenaThat sounds like a fun experiment to try im down for that Immiawesome! just not sure which artist it would relate to?i guess we could just say we used "so and so" as a starting point and then developed our own idea?MarleenaUr documentation one defsImmiok cooland then could focus on sound/ voice documentationMarleenaThe idea is to deform and experiment anywaysImminice!MarleenaHow bout for our first experiment, immi u can make a voice recording of the beginning of a story, u can send it to me and i will send my bit to ruve So its kinda like chinese whispers hahaImminice!! so just do it ourselves? or with other people?MarleenaAfter ruve we can keep sending it along and in the end we can compile itImmiyep sounds goodMarleenaImmiwill havd to do it later this arvo though once I've finished work hahaMarleenaAll good Immiawesome! nice work teamMarleenaWhat's the concept of this voice thingy? Soz I'll be at work for the next few hours so I won't respond ehahahMarleenaSo basically one person makes a voice recording of the beginning of a story and passes it along, and the next person continues the story with their own recording and passes that along  kinda like chinese whispersOkay, how do we get ransoms to do that though? Also I'm keen to try some experiments with people where I live tonight/tomorrowImmiI recon just ask people if they want to be apart of it hahaJust a trialMarleenaWe were just going to start with our group and maybe we can ask our friends to volunteer? HahaImmiAnd we can build on itYeah coolImmiMarleenaWhat kinda live experiments were u thinking of ruve??Another idea - photograph people's shoes, and get them to describe them self in one word. Show the pic to someone else and get them to describe whose shoes they see in one wordOr something like thatI don't knowMarleenaThats kinda interesting  its kinda like that saying "if u were in their shoes" APR 3RD, 7:31PMHahah APR 4TH, 10:43AMMarleenaHey guys this is just a compilation of the total ideas we made up so far! Feel free to add it to ur tumbr as documentation  I brainstormed some more ideas and such and added them to the list, too responsibility – marina abramovik, rhythm 0 Sit in a busy location with a sign explaining what to do – one of us filming place cameras on campus that people can draw on create an instagram page like ‘humans of UNSW’ where people take selfies and talk about themselves get randoms in the city to write one word and hold it in front of them and we can film them holding it up – the prompt can be: what life is, beauty is, what is real, etc recording people interacting affectionately with their friends/other people – smiles, hugging, high fiving ask a question and get people to write their answers and stick them on us ask them to write one sentence if that was all they had left to say documentation – ayreen anastas & rene gabri, crisis of capitalism have a wall where people collaborate by writing ideas or drawings on sticky notes or scrap paper and then organise them on a wall – time-based aspect would be a sped up video of people writing and adding to the wall – could be a question related to stuff going on in the world and how to fix it, maybe just sketching or writing ideas recording sound – have a story where each person hears a previous story and then adds to it (currently experimenting with this idea since it’s low effort and cost effective) wouldn’t it be sick if we could make a kinda song and beat out of every person’s clip of audio? Haha would definitely be interesting photograph people’s shoes and get them to describe themselves in one word – show the pic to someone else and get them to describe whose shoes they see in one word some of the ideas we have here would definitely relate to both responsibility and documentation artworks – I think both topics just both naturally overlap really well PS: in the above ideas I left out ideas which would be too expensive or unrealistic to carry outMarleenaoh god i just realised the formatting is really wack hahaanyways I JUST HAD AN EXPLOSION OF INSPIRATIONim excited to hear what u guys think of it!! i will type it up. i kinda tried to continue upon what u both already thought of (just uhh typing it up)ImmiAwesome Marleena!! Killing it with the ideas I recon they are all good starting points- we can discuss in class tomorrow and I think next step will be about pushing the ideas so they are more interesting and unexpected  and perhaps considering time based and getting creative with how we approach it, so we aren't just creating a 5min film or audioMarleenayeah i definitely agree with interesting and unexpected ImmiImmiWe'll have lots to discuss in class :))Marleenaso uhh here's that exposion of inspiration i was talking about. reading it again, some of the logistics dont make any sense like how the projection is going to work but i will share it here anyway in the spirit of experimentation MarleenaGet a large sheet of blue cellophane and draw a picture of a crying person. Draw exactly the same picture but instead on a sheet of paper of the same size. (In faint pencil instead) Have people draw/write on the sheet of paper what they would do to cheer the crying person up. Record the entire process of people drawing/writing on the paper. Turn the video into a time lapse. Hang the sheet of cellophane in front of a projector. Play the video on the projector, align the pictures of the crying person. Result: get a cool time lapse video of people drawing, be left with awesome looking artworkImmiMarleenaHahahaHey guys, you're both awesome! I have to go to work again now but I'll check this all out later and post something to Tumblr!ImmiNice yeah I've got classes pretty much till 5 now so will check back in laterMarleenaAg ttyl APR 4TH, 9:52PMAlright, so I'm going to update my tumblr with our ideas, I really like what we've got so far!And I'm going to pinterest ideas too. Then tomorrow in class maybe we can discuss with Anna our inability to choose an idea because we like them all hahahAPR 6TH, 1:51PMImmihttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1U8dukQ49_29jkB9ViKhWvooZRMLgVwbAOS3aFafhOuU/edit?usp=sharing hey guys I've made a group doc here which i recon will be easy to post info on and share ideas APR 6TH, 7:17PMMarleenathanks immi! checking it out now ImmiNot much info now haha just added a tiny bit before will some more tomorrow Add what you want and we can start formulating and idea to pursue Cool! Love what you've written so far - I've never used google docs though so I may take a little to get used to it APR 7TH, 12:28PMMarleenahi immi! would u be able to give me edit access for the doc? i sent a request, ty ImmiYeah I'll do it when I'm back at uni APR 8TH, 4:39PMImmihttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1U8dukQ49_29jkB9ViKhWvooZRMLgVwbAOS3aFafhOuU/edit?usp=sharing sox guys had it wrong setting should work now!APR 8TH, 6:40PMCool I'll try to figure it out ImmiAPR 9TH, 9:36PMYeah I'm liking these ideas guys  maybe we should do some experiments around these concepts?MarleenaIMMI i just read your comments and i think you're right about just picking something and pushing through with itdoing some experiments around this would be an excellent ideaim thinking of just trying out some basic things on my family haha like instructing them on things, and seeing their reaction when ive told them what theyve done is the artwork lolYeah I like the instructions and the audience creating the artwork through their perspectiveBut I love film too so I'm keen for eitherBut yeah if we pick one then we can each do experiments around that and see what worksMarleenamaybe in one of ur experiments u can try think of a way to incorporate more film elements??im not too sure how to do that cos i dont think im creatively inclined that way but it could be rly cool like... maybe you can play a film with realy different sound from whats actually being played, and have the audience watch it once blindfolded but then reveal the actual footage afterYEAAAAHThat's cool!MarleenahahaAPR 13TH, 6:27PMMarleenahi guys! im just checking in to see how you are all feeling about the assignment i did some stuff and put it in the google doc, and i kinda have a vision for what i think would be goodAPR 14TH, 11:24PMHeya girl, I literally haven't thought any about it this week as I've been so busy, it's due first or second week back? Also I'm keen to try whatever MarleenaHaha no worries due wk 8 first week backLel we should probs get on it then Let's decide on it and run with itMarleenaI was continuing our asmr video idea and writing a script for the instructions and voice - some is in the google doc If u wanna continue that idea, could u look into ways we could get a voice to say the instructions?  How to record it, and maybe possibility of having music to it too?I dont think this idea will be too hard to accomplish with the little time we have leftAlso help and ideas on the script would be amazing Sorry if it seems im just pushing watevs i wanna do lol its just an idea if u guys wanna get the thing over and done with lolNo totally cool, we've only got about 12 days so all good  I'm keen to look into music and voice recording, I could get my brother to say it? He has a nice audio voice. I can do some recording for experiments and send them through and post on Tumblr?I'll send you through an example here too0:09This was for another assessmentJust a thought hahaMarleenaThats a gr8 idea! Itd be awesome if ur brother could do it  thatd be way better than a text to speech robot lmaoId love to see some experiments and stuff 2 on the tunblrIll try get the script done asap too  hopefully by early next weekIm a total noob at voice recording and stuff like that so uhh might need to rely on u guys for that lolHaha cool, I'm down! I'm with my family this weekend so I'll record my brother doing some experiments and I'll post to tumblr Any ideas on what you want him to say?I'm going to check the google doc nowMarleenaYeah its all there  its kinda unpolished but just what u want with it Have fun with ur family!!!Yeah cool, I like what you've written so far, I think it could be really cool! I'll get my brother to read out the script so far, and I'll play around with some rad sound effects to go with it! Are we still getting the audience to close their eyes?Also I reckon we could even do just the one piece, but have parts slowed down, made faster, toned up or down, with different 'music' or sounds to it to create different emotions?Maybe instead of having three different ones, show how we can create the atmosphere just through exploration with tone, etc?MarleenaThe stuff I've written i intended to just be one piece,  its just i wrote different versions and wanted to include in thr doc as documentation  the second script is the latest draft. Sorry should have clarified. I rly like the idea of using music and tone to create emotion and atmosphere! Pushes the limits of what audio can be MarleenaI think getting the audience to close their eyes would be good for immersion Oooh i just reread the docYeah rad, all good! Alrighty, so do we want the instructions to go for like 2.5 mins or so with their eyes closed, and then they have 2.5 mins to create the artwork? or do we actually want them to just sit an listen the whole time?hahahaMarleenaYeah those three paragraphs at the end r supposed to be part of the same script Making them sit there for 2.5 mins thinking of the artwork sounds sadistic but totally marina-esque xDI say we do ithahaahah okay!MarleenaItd probs be 3 parts audio 2 parts thinking instead thoHahahaso say we provide them with the artistic tools needed, they sit there eyes closed, then produce the work in the dark still with music/sounds still playing?MarleenaThis is the kinda thing which makes normal think arti d ts are crazy lmaoahahhahahlove it but!so trueMarleenaI reckon including the actual creating if the artwork by the audience would be interesting!  We wouldnt even have to have them blindfolded for that bit. Would be rly interesting to see wat they imagined Hand out pieces of paper and set up pencils etcmaybe in keeping with marina's style, we could give them a bunch of mediums to choose from, i.e. giving the audience even more controlyeah definitely not blindfolded, but maybe keep the lights lowish?are we going to blindfold them?that could be funMarleenaI was thinking of blindfolds during the audio instructions but probably not for the creating part yeah agreedMarleenaYay! This is exciting This is gonna be fun hahaYeah I'm keen!what sort of mood are we thinking? because the sound effects will create the mood and toneor are we trying to evoke more than one emotion?MarleenaIm thinking a calming and compelling moodIf we're going to evoke an emotion itd be inspiration?Or enlightenmentalrightyso maybe some intense parts to make them really think, but sort of calming as well?MarleenaYeah! radI'll get to work MarleenaA+Since we're including a creating part, maybe the length of the script we have is enough?Do u reckon u'd be able test that in ur experiment?I just realized the time lmao. Goodnight all! Im off to bedYeah no props haha night!APR 15TH, 9:46AMImmiNice guys!! I will have a read of the script and stuff today Awesome  I was checking out some awesome social vids on YouTube last night and they were really inspiring! I'll some the links through and you guys can check em, maybe we can use some of the ideas for experiments or whatever. Also for the actual product, maybe we can include some more personally encouraging words, like starting with, 'you... are amazing... beautiful ..." etc and continue with the script?Just an idea ImmiCool I'll have a read of the script and let you guys know what I think :)) so far seems v v good hahaRadddd  I'll have to post the links later on as I'm out and don't have them hahahttp://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Hzgzim5m7oU&vq=mediumThe Power of WordsHarness the power of words to grow your business today: http://tinyurl.com/phokf69 For personal transformation order Andrea Gardner's book 'Change Your Words...youtube.comCheck this out!ImmiI think itd be more interesting to have the audience create the artwork at the same time as the recording so maybe we could do a trial using this script.. I can do it with my brother and have hie draw at the same time and if one of you wants to do the script and have someone draw after? And then we can discuss the implications and results of each?Marleenaok sure i will test out having someone draw the thingo afterwards ImmiAwesome :))APR 15TH, 6:29PMyeah great idea, that can be one of our experiments  I'm getting my brother to record it tonight so once it'd done I'll send it through and start playing with sound effects )ImmiQuestion, do either of you play an instrument?also I've added the youtube vids to google doc if you wanna check them out Marleenaunfortunately i dont haha all good, was just wondering for the soundtrack alright, here is my first edit!Play-5:01Unmutelet me know what you do/don't likeI added a few words to your script Marleenahope that's okay!APR 16TH, 10:13AMImmiokki so just did this with my brother and feedback is: that if we are drawing at the same time as the audio then it should be a littler more instructional.. not telling you what to do explicitly but perhaps having some words like "draw" or "translate this thought to the page" so that the audience knows to communicate the image they have in their head on the page. However, also good to draw after so having say 1-2 minutes of straight talking about imagining different things and then 1-2 mins after to drawMarleenai listened to the audio and i think the words u added helped out the script a lot ruve  enhanced it moreso i just tested out the audio and i definitely agree, the way it is designed now is best suited to having the drawing/creating component after the audioi think if we want to create a more "immersive" and ASMR-like experience, keep the drawing and audio separateMarleenai really enjoyed the music of the audio, i think it fits the tone of the piece well  my only thoughts are to add longer pauses between certain lines (like the one which says "i'll give u a minute" - this will help with immersion and give the audience space to think) and also refining the script more (tho i think it's pretty alright now)Marleenaother than that, only the final details are left. for the drawing/creating component, we can hand out A4 pieces of paper and any other materials to let people use (im sure the class will have stuff they can use to draw lmao) and for the audio part, i was thinking of just tearing up old rags and such for blindfolds  we could probably also get bedsheets to block out the window light as well, if u guys wanted ImmiI agree with the audience closing their eyes but it might be enough for them to just close their eyes? As then they have to conscious of not seeing and focusing on imaging? Also it could be good to leave the drawing up to the audience where they either draw during or after?Like if they have an idea they can jot it down but then have time after to drawAPR 16TH, 12:36PMMarleenai agree blindfolds might not be necessary, i just thought it might be good for immersion if its completely dark for them (and if their eyes open up a little bit, they still cant see) - i think for the sake of being immersed in the audio, it would better to have drawing afterwards so they can concentrate on thinking of what they will drawMarleenaim a bit worried if we leave it up to the audience they will chit chat during the audio lolAPR 16TH, 6:26PMImmiTrue pointAPR 16TH, 10:55PMRad! Glad you guys like it  yeah I definitely think I need to make some pauses longer, my brother said it pretty quickly. So you think the songs good to keep then? Yeah I reckon just to really immerse the audience we should blindfold them, and get them to draw once the voice says "open". The music will still be playing and I reckon keep it dark to keep the mood. Do you want to add anything else to the script? Also I reckon we should provide the art materials so we can point to that being the "responsibility" of us as the artist's APR 17TH, 9:45AMImmiYeah and I think discuss, in linking to marinas work, responsibility in terms of the 'creator' and whether the artist has to be the creator or whether the audience can be the creator etcYeah APR 17TH, 11:24AMMarleenaok, i will look over the script thing again soon - u guys can go over it again and add what u want as well umm im not really too sure what to add and i guess adding too much might be bad for time limit reasonsglad things are coming along!!  feeling less stressed already lolOkay no props, I'll work on it later today  all good! don't stressAPR 18TH, 9:52AMMarleenai just checked over the script again  added a few things here and there! looking good guysTUE 8:34PMOkay cool, let's have it finalised by tomorrow night then? And I'll get my brother to say it again Marleenasure thing! im fine with it if everyones ok with this deadline ImmiYep cool! I'll have a look in the morn sorry I've been trying to get a science report done ahh haha tomorrow night is good though WED 9:16AMImmiokki cool i re-listened to the audio and left a couple of comments on the google doc in regards to specific parts. If you guys want to have a look and then we can workshop the ideas into the final piece? :)) keen to do it in class and see what results we get hahaMarleenahullo ur up early!! hahai just checked ur comments and took ur advice into account and removed+added things i think its pretty much done!! i think its pretty interesting how u felt super relaxed and didnt feel like making art afterwards listening to it  am also keen to see what everyone else things - for me, its more like it inspires me rather than gives me great ideas etcWED 1:38PMImmiNice ! Yeah I think everyone will respond to it differently which is cool THU 1:11AMRad! I'll send the script again to my bro and then put together the piece, did you want me to keep the same musical soundtrack? Anything else you want me to add to it? We could even get the audience to just simply write one word about it or whatever as well THU 8:25AMMarleenaI think the same music is gr8, the only thing i rly wanna add is dramatic pauses xDFRI 12:04AMYeah great, I'll do it!FRI 9:37AMMarleenaso about the drawing bit, did any of youse have a4 paper and other drawing supplies at home that you could bring in for next wednesday?ImmiI've got A4 cartridge paperI've got pencils and heaps of mediums they can useAlso, what are we as the artist's going to do during this process?Are we going to do it too, or sit there as an object, watch and take notes, what?FRI 12:53PMImmimaybe we could also do it?then there isn't an 'us' and 'them' its just everyone responding to the audio?Marleenai think we might need to explain things a bit (like telling everyone to remain seated in the beginning and relax, and afterwards explaining we're going to give them to tools to draw what they want afterwards) because the audio isn't extremely explicit about thisso we might not be able to participate because we need to keep things running hahaImmitrueMarleenajust trying to think of the logistics because our class is pretty chatty/distracted sometimesImmior we could explain at the start everything and then the audio goes and once its finished we just have time to draw?haha true marleenaMarleenahahahayeah thats a good ideagive a little explanation at the beginning, prepare the art stuff, and then we can all participate togetherImminice :)) and then if we have to just stop and explain thats fine toowe won't really know how its going to pan out until we've done it any way! so will just have to see eee!Marleenayeah  no worries at allid appreciate if u guys could bring in the art stuff you have, i will too, i dont thing we'll need much paper just one sheet for everyone (like 20-30pcs), will only need pencils and other basic stuff as well, not to mention everyone in class probs has their own stuff tooImmiyeah for sure! i don't have a whole heap of stuff just cos I'm at not living at home but I've got some acrylic paint that i could bring ? and ill bring what ever i can find :))FRI 6:12PMMarleenanice! thanks FRI 9:04PMYeah man I have heaps I'll bring it all! What if I get my brother to say all of that, so we don't have to even talk at all? That could be kind of cool - like we remove ourselves so that we become part of the artwork, instead of having to explain ourselves? And then we can participate too?MarleenaYou know, that could work! We'd have to figure out the timing etc but itd be awesome!! Okay, I'll tweak the script a bit and get it done!FRI 10:51PMMarleenathanks  i will also tweak a little to help, if its not too lateYeah go ahead! I'll get him to do it tomorrowSAT 1:22AMImmiNice!!I'm happy to record stuff too if you need  but otherwise it's looking v goodSAT 2:52AMSure, if you like  just for continuity though do you think we should have just one voice? We could both record people tomorrow and compare the sound before I edit it if you like? SAT 8:14AMImmiHmm true, maybe it would work better with just one person? I guess depends if we want the instructions and audio to be connected or separate, what do you guys think?Marleenai think connected would be less jarring ImmiYeah true, ok in that case ruve are you ok in recording both parts?Marleenait should be ok, i just checked the script again and added in more instruction-type phrases and there's not much extra ImmiOk cool :))Marleenaso i read the script a dozen times lol, i was thinking instead of adding in the script "please use the materials at hand to create your artwork", we could have a slide on the projector instead say it? so that it kinda doesnt break the narrator's character as "our conscience"so that when everyone opens their eyes, they see the instructions on the projector to begin creating their artwork etcImmiYeah that could be good! We would just have to make sure that everyone stays on task I guess cos it could be easy for people to just stop thinking once the audio is over?Or we just have in the introduction that after the audio we will be drawingAnd then have the slide up? So that the audience is already thinking about creating a work from the audio and then once the audio is over they can go straight into it?Marleenai tried adding that bit to the audio but i think it breaks the atmosphere and also "ruins the surprise"cos i was thinking of our intentions and it might be better to have an authentic "first impression" by the audience?ImmiYeah trueMarleenaits kinda like, the intrigue plus if they knew theyd have to draw stuff, it might spoil the effect of the audioImmiYeah nice and then I guess linking to responsibility too and that they don't know before hand they are drawingMarleenayeah!ImmiYep I agree, will take away from the meditative aspectOk cool maybe we have the slideMarleenaalso about staying on task, the music will still be going during the drawing, and they're not drawing for too long, so it shouldnt get too crazyuhh hopefully LOLImmiHahaMarleenacos audio is what, 2 or 3 minsImmiYeah about thatI think 2 mins plus Intro?Marleenayeah i reckon it will be ok ImmiMaybe we can record the audio at the end of ruves brother saying the bit about drawing and then we can cut it out later if it interferes too muchBut at least we then have the option Marleenagood idea, doesnt hurt to try it outnice!! glad everything's coming along!! SAT 10:49AMYep cool, I'll get him to say it all then I'll do two recordings (we can use one for an experiment for Tumblr). If we have a slide, do you think the light of it will be too distracting? Or maybe we could have a really dark slide, almost like an artwork in itself, and have the words almost hidden there so they have to concentrate on reading it? Also, if we place paper in front of them they'll know they have to draw, so for an element of surprise we could perhaps place maybe a box with things in it secretly when they are listening (but then we can't listen) or we could just put the materials out front and let them choose? But that could take too longThoughts?MarleenaWhile their eyes r closed and theyre listening to the recording, we can just put on the slide and set up the art things  we can make the slide have a black background with white textI think the light will be ok like that - also btw i dont think i will end up making blindfolds because it doesn't seem too necessaryI think it will be fine just asking them to close their eyes - simplicity is bestIts a shame if we do it this way we wont be able to participate, but it sounds like it will run most smoothly if we handle the behind the scenesIm not too sure wat u mean about placing a box with things in it, putting all the stuff out front sounds good and simple and i dont actually think it will take too longIm worried having the text be too unreadable will take focus away from the limited time they have to draw Yeah no not so unreadable they can't read it, just dark enough so the light isn't too much, but yeah a black background  what I mean by a box is just having all the same materials placed inside maybe a box, one for each table, so they don't have to get up which should take less time?I know, what if we do the audio after we finish making it before class, and include it in our final product and compare ours as the artist's with the audience?That way we still get to do it and it could be more of a comparison?MarleenaThat would be pretty interesting  do u mean doing it alone or meeting up?I think its a little l8 to meet up but i can try it out defsImmiYeah we could do it separately or before class if there's time?No we wouldn't have to meet up, I mean each of us do it respectively at home ImmiOk yeahMarleenaYeah defs!ImmiAnd we could also compare doing it by yourself vs with other peopleJust so it adds another element to it?Yeah!ExperimentsLolMarleenaI think the box idea for each table is gr8, you dont even have to get a box u can just evenly spread it out  on each tableSo we could bring ours in and maybe even display them nicely whilst everyone has eyes closed? But maybe have them flipped so they can't see them until we reveal them at the end after they've drawn something?Yep okay cool MarleenaHahaha i like thatAlso, we don't want them to talk or look at each other's work right?What can we do to stop them doing this?MarleenaSlap their wrists with a rulerAlso don't forget the lights can't turn off, so are we blocking out the windows?Hahahah Hahahah#marinaMarleenaHahaAlso is there anything else that needs to be added to the script before I record?MarleenaWe could block them out, only thing wed need is sheets  white is ok but still lets light in, black would be betterIts not entirely necessary but might be coolAlso ye done with the script, the blue writing is the instruction bits I think having the calming music playing moderately loud will make them not talk as much - should keep them in the moment for 2-3 minsSo maybe in the audio u could raise the volume of the music just a little during the creating phase? We could include on the slide that they shouldnt talk etc but i think that's the extent of our power Yeah great idea I can do that Okay I'm not sure I have any black sheets but let's see what we can findAnd good idea having the instructions in blue!I'm keenMarleenaBlue font! Good idea No stress, the sheets arent entirely necessaryRadMarleenaOH i thought u meant have the instructions in blue font xDLike on the slideHahah that's okay, what colour do you want them?MarleenaAhh it doesnt really matter as long as the background is black - i was thinking dark grey,  white or calm blueYep coolSAT 9:42PMOkay so they are going to have about 40 seconds to get down their ideas lolBut that could be coolSAT 10:46PMOkay! I've done the edit, I'll send it through once it's uploaded and you can see what you think Also we should definitely give it a title Should we make note of the fact they don't have long and say that it was for a specific purpose?MarleenaSounds good! Good for reflectionAlso once I send it through, do you reckon we should get 3 people each to do it, and then we can compile these pieces together, maybe make a collage to post on Tumblr, and can display them on Wednesday as well?Just to add even more depth?https://www.youtube.com/uploadYouTubeShare your videos with friends, family, and the world.accounts.google.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNIUppJHQTYRUMINATION (audio artwork)This audio piece was a collaboration with two other art students. We have created an audio set of 'guidelines' in the contemplative stage, or the conceptual ...youtube.comsoz ignore the first one!I've called it Rumination for my youtube account, but if you don't like that we can change it! let me know what you guys think of it and if you want something changedAlso we can't forget to write our 300 words SUN 1:52AMImmi awesome! And thankyouu Haha would have likely forgotten about thatSUN 9:23AMMarleenaomg not gonna lie i completely forgot that as wellalso i think testing the audio out on ppl and displaying them is a nifty idea  not entirely necessary tho so dont have to stress about itMarleenaso just listened to the audio... having a mixture of putting the instructions on the screen and having ur brother read them out worked surprisingly well!  that was a good touch. i think we can actually afford to cut out some of the audio to make more time for the creating process at the endMarleenahmm ohh actually, i think a minute is alright, i just went over the audio againi went to the google doc and i underlined the chunk we could cut out if we wanted to extend the creating time, lemme know what u guys think  im pretty happy with what we have so far btw, i think we did a gr8 jobSUN 9:58PMCool! I think I actually don't mind the monologue taking up most of the time, because for me personally, I see the work as something that stimulates the conceptual stage rather than focus on the production of a piece, so I reckon a minute is okay. But I can edit it again if you both like  if we had a little extra time at the end we could possibly gather the pieces and display them out the front, but that may take too long anyway. Also, shall we all just write 100 words each about the project? Say we allocate a dot point each? Or would you prefer to do it a different way?Marleena100 words each sounds good Immiyeah i agree i think the drawing doesn't need to be too long as it is mostly about creating an image mentallyMarleenaYeah, im ok with not cutting much out tooImmiand yep 100 words sounds goodAlrighty, leave it as is then? Okay great, let's look at the rubric then decide what we shall each write?Also, do you mind if I post the vid to Facebook? I wanted people to do it and send me pics of their work, just to see what they created MarleenaLol no worries at all go ahead!Rad!I'm just looking up the assessment now Immiyes for sure!MarleenaYeah same Ahh sweetImmiim going to bed now cos I've got my stats exam tomorrow :// so will be able to do my 100 words tomorrow afternoon/ evening after the exmaMarleenaNo worries,  good luck with ur exam Immiahhh thanks! hahaAll good! Good luck!!I think I need to make the music a bit louder during the drawing process?Just listened to itMON 8:35AMMarleenathat sounds like a good idea considering we're going to be playing it in a large room, which might make the music sound even softerso i checked what the 300 word statement has to be about, and it basically needs to include: the original artwork chosen, the relevant weekly topic, and the process of productionso yeah! we can just pick a subject each, and write 100 words on that  if u guys dont mind, i will get started on "the original artwork"Yep cool! Immi want me to do the process of production so I can talk about the editing process?ImmiAwesome so I'll do weekly topic and how it links to responsibility?Marleenayup. woohoo! ImmiMarleenaso i just put mine in the end of our google doc for convenience MON 12:14PMImmiMON 7:25PMAwesome! Let's all put them there and then collate it so we can put it on our tumblrs MON 10:24PMHey girls! I've done my piece too, so I'm just editing them all together now, I hope that's okay  how'd you go today Immi?ImmiGood exams all done and I've put up my 100 words to the docWill do the audio tomorrow and drawing etc tooI'm happy to edit them if you want ruve! You've done heaps of work already :))Awesome! Yeah I know, I'm stitching the three together It's okay I'm almost done! I'll post it and then you can change it if you like ImmiOkki cool :)) awesomeOh yes I'll do the audio tonight too! Though it's hard with us because we already know what to expectOk it's up so you can check and change if you like Chat Conversation EndSeen by everyone Type a message, @name...
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imagayofsunshine · 8 years
1-64 hoe
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?this is a confusing question. but i think yes. sometimes i get really sketched out2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?I'm not afraid of it I just can't see in it like my eyes don't adjust3. The person you would never want to meet?pence he's not even worth it 4. What is your favorite word?boobies or ukulele 5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?the charlie brown christmas tree 6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?what pimple can i pop today7. What shirt are you wearing?a long sleeve button down 8. What do you label yourself as?gay af9. Bright room or dark room?well idk it depends what i'm doing i don't want to sleep in a bright ass room but i don't want to color in a dark room10. What were you doing at midnight last night?sleeping11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?112. Who told you they loved you last?this is sad but i don't remember actually13. Your worst enemy?not worth it14. What is your current desktop picture?a repeat of the cat with glasses 15. Do you like someone?i believe so16. The last song you listened to?whatever was on the radio in my moms car 17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?trump and pence 18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?trump19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?trump/pence and they'd have to be gay for a day20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)my jawline21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?id probably look the same and act the same i am myself no matter the gender22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?i can fold my tongue in half23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?nothing unique just the usual. detachment. being hurt. being alone. 24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.caprese 25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?food26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?arizona to see my gram 27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?good solid beer 28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? in order to sleep i'd actually think about this and my own island who i would invite and what it would look like. but my rule would be don't be dicks 29. What is your favorite expletive?fuqaroo 30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?my clothes, can't be running around all nakie 31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?everything i've been through shaped me today. 32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!this didn't have a question in it but it sounds great. id go to Australia 33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?Mary my grams best friend or my childhood dog buddy34. What was your last dream about?don't remember 35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?person? id like to think so36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?yeah haha for a whole week 37. Have you ever built a snowman?of course i live in ny so 38. What is the color of your socks?they got flowers on them they're green and pink and purps and maroon 39. What type of music do you like?pretty much everything 40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?sunset 41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?i've been chillin with vanilla lately i'm boring but i like the solid oldies. cookies and cream is good too42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)i dont follow religiously either 43. Do you have any scars?yeah pretty bad ones too44. What do you want to be when you graduate?nurse45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?my stubbornness 46. Are you reliable?hell yeahs 47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?the fuck you doin hoe48. Do you hold grudges?no sadly 49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?a cat unicorn 50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?i probably was fucked up and don't remember 51. Are you a good liar?idk am i 52. How long could you go without talking?talking out loud or like texting? i could not talk out loud all damn day but i have to communicate with certain people on my phone 53. What has been you worst haircut/style?my hair has prettt much always been the same 54. Have you ever baked your own cake?yes indeedarooni55. Can you do any accents other than your own?i can talk in different voices56. What do you like on your toast?butter and raspberry jelly 57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?probs a mandala 58. What would be you dream car?a matte black jeep maybe idk im honestly not into sports cars or like lambos. i like simple 59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.i stand there and do nothing and think60. Do you believe in aliens?i don't know honestly 61. Do you often read your horoscope?no62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?Q bc it like can't be ueed without u for the most part, i feel bad for it 63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?dinos64. What do you think about babies?they're cute little squishy aliens. magnificent creatures. remarkable actually.
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