#wasia project glasgow
radios-universe · 4 months
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one HELL of a walk dude…..
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bumped into a couple of people on the way…!!!
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radios-universe · 4 months
pov my (Insane????) glasgow wasia project experience:
got to the venue a couple hours early and managed to get barrier!!!! (first time barrier ever???? probably the last????)
i slung my scotland flag over the barrier and i was ready to go!!!!
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standing on the right side of the stage, of course, so this was my view all evening <33
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had a lil boogie, had a MASSIVE cry:
when the show ended, we got merch and headed to the stage door! where the lovely band came out and had a chat with us!
tom, the bassist, lovingly brought us out extra set lists!!
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then WILL AND OLIVIA CAME OUT!!! we all agreed on a group photo, and while getting ready, will was hovering next to me so i go, ‘you want the flag????’ and he goes, ‘oh!!!! yes!!!!’
……… i’m still recovering from this thank u for asking <3
and there we were!
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(truly an atrocious photo… hopefully when the official photo is out it’ll do it all justice <3)
story over???? NEVER! talking about stories….
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like this is NAUTT REAL???? aaaaaaaa like WHAT.
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conclusion: i’m never recovering, this was my peak and i fear it is only downhill from now.
i will sacrifice a flag any day of the week to relive today over and over. truly a perfect concert experience and the best i’ve ever had ….
final note: SCOTLAND FOREVERRR!!!!!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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radios-universe · 8 months
i got wasia project tickets this morning. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
gonna be the most annoy mf in that place LETS GO!!!!!!!!
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radios-universe · 8 months
i think it’s despicable that i haven’t screamed on tumblr about the wasia project UK tour. Guys. like GUYS.
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war is so so over for me i’ve been waiting for them to come to glasgow forever 🥹🥹
sorry to them both if i’m sobbing my eyes out the entire time!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i have been waiting for this!!!!!!!! for years!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH
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