stinkrascal · 3 years
idk if it’s confidence or just not giving a fuck because you’re talking about something you love or have Thoughts on, but i’m so tempted to just. Stop Caring about my public image on this hellsite in favor of rambling about the things i love. i’m also incoherent as hell, but i admire how you don’t hide your interests and aren’t afraid to talk about them on your blog. sincerely, alethea wastingwillows (formerly hayli faerieangels, yes i’m still sending this off anon despite adding my url in this ask)
this is honestly such a sweet message, thank you for sending this to me!!!! ;-; i've always treated tumblr like a diary, so to me it's just kinda natural that i ramble often!! i created this space for me specifically, so to me it makes sense i'd talk a lot on my own blog yeah? i guess it's not really about confidence, more so just about wanting to maintain a space that's unapologetically my own. to me it's silly to worry about what a bunch of internet strangers think about my incoherent spam of text posts, because, like, who cares you know? they're just some faceless person getting upset over trivial stuff. like, why would i care if a stranger on the internet doesn't like the way i express myself on my own blog? if you're so sensitive that someone making text posts on their own blog puts you in a state of rage, imo you're too unreasonable to waste my time being upset over. i find for every one weirdo that thinks you're annoying for expressing yourself on YOUR blog, there's 10+ people who appreciate you for doing so!! so honestly just don't worry about it. treat your blog like your diary, because at the end of the day that's kinda what it is isn't it? just do whatever you want yknow! it's your blog, fuck what everyone else thinks! maintaining aesthetics is for chumps! be yourself unapologetically, even if that means being incoherent af!!!
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morrigan-sims · 3 years
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morrigan-sims’s* 30 Day Slice-Of-Life Photo Challenge
*with LOTS of help from @wastingwillows​
So, I saw @mimirue​ start posting from the simthropology 30 Day Slice of Life Photo Challenge, and was like, huh, I wanna do that.  Because I had always liked the idea of that (telling stories of sims lives through just isolated events).  The issue was that a) simthropology is no longer on tumblr so the only way you can find the challenge is through like, reblogs of reblogs of reblogs, meaning it’s hard to find.  (I couldn’t find it on google at all, so thanks again to mimirue for the link!!) and b) I didn’t really vibe with some of the prompts.  Like, they were things I didn’t have much inspo for, or wouldn’t have fun taking pics for. So, I decided to “revamp” the challenge.  
The Details: - About 16 of the 30 prompts are completely new, from the minds of me and wastingwillows.   - Of the remaining 14, a few have had their titles altered slightly, mostly to make them fit better or sound better(?), but I still don’t take credit for them. - ORDER DOES NOT MATTER.  I put them in an order that makes sense for two of my current favorite sims, so rearrange the heck out of them for your purposes. - While I planned to use these for a couple, all of the prompts can relate to platonic relationships, family relationships, or even single sims.  You might need to think outside the box, but I was able to think of several non-romantic and single uses for every single prompt on the list.  If you can’t think of anything, ask or do a google. - Tag me, and/OR use the tag ‘30daysliceoflife’.  I’d love to see people do it, especially some of the prompts we added! - Have fun!
text version of the prompts under the cut
1. summer fun 2. meet up 3. hit the road 4. bonfire 5. rainy day 6. coffeeshop 7. crisp fall day 8. seeing stars 9. cozy 10. self care 11. night on the town 12. don’t wanna get out of bed 13. welcome home 14. fuzzy friends 15. snow day 16. dinner and a movie 17. first time 18. spring has sprung 19. in the garden 20. park picnic  21. one in a million 22. special day 23. obligatory beach trip 24. new digs 25. whats cooking 26. dancing 27. date night 28. neon lights 29. three am things 30. parenthood
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