#watch me stick to hannibal anyway LMAO
cannibalovers · 5 months
i wanna change my theme again but i fear the hannibal pfp has become my brand a bit so idk if to change it or not,,
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an-obsessed-cactus · 6 months
Ello ello ello!
honestly not sure yet what this page will be about(i do know i just don't want to admit to myself it'll be a random stream of consciousness à la James Joyce) but i thought I'd make a kind of introductory post about myself at least so here goes.(fandoms are listed at the bottom cuz at the heart of it tumblr is a place for obsessed freaks like myself). also I'm new to tumblr so its ways and etiquette are still unknown to me. but i will learn promise. anyway.
Name's Dorian/Bree(still deciding so take your pick and I'll see what sticks). I'm omnisexual aroace(went down the traditional pipeline surprise surprise) and go by she/her tho atm whole gender identity is kind of a mystery to me so that could change. edit: trying they/them rn to see how it feels
I'm finishing high school this year so my life'll be a bit hectic for a while(was for the last 4 years tbh). Cause I'm interested in one thing too many and can't make decisions to save my life and also cause I'm an anxious mess who can't relax, I'm taking a gap year. I'm planning on getting some rest to get back what remains of my mental health (which sadly ain't much but such is life). I'm gonna go travelling around a bit(rn pretty sure about Norway, UK, France & myb Japan) and honestly if I make any friends on here it'd be sick if someone joined me so that's always open.
Then next year, when I finish my soulsearching, I'll prolly go study sth cuz that's how the world works. I'd love to be either a writer or film director (or myb a therapist). My dream is to study film in UK(as a career writing and filmmaking is pretty much a tie, but filmmaking sounds just a tiny smidge more stable. Not giving up on writing in the least, but I feel like studying is more necessary for film than writing?) I love watching series and films not only because of the story, but because of the way it's told. I love to overanalyze the storytelling, the characters and different dynamics between them(and honestly just everything about the film) or read others' post overanalyzing it, so a film/series(does that exist?) critic sounds like an awesome job as well. But I'd like to be in the middle of the making and tell my own stories. Cinema's a bit sad in my country (non-existent more like) so studying abroad sounds like the only real option if I wanna make it in the industry. It's also an opportunity to meet more people interested in the stuff that I am so hopefully it works out. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞
Obviously, if one's obsessed with cinema, you can hardly avoid falling down the rabbit hole that are the fandoms. I'm currently fixated on Good Omens and would love to find some humans I can discuss it with cuz my irl friends(tho I love them with all my heart) just don't go temporary insane over fandoms the way I do.
I get random moments of revelation about other fandoms as well, so here's a list:
Good Omens
MCU(pls no spoilers post Wakanda Forever. I'm kinda runnin a bit late but I'll catch up I promise)
Star Trek
Umbrella Academy
BBC Merlin
Stranger things
TVD(was my first real fandom so it still persists even tho I'm not really into it much anymore)
myb some more that I forgot
I'll prolly be adding stuff here as I figure out what I wanna talk about, but one of the things I'm working on is getting rid of perfectionism so this is it for now. I tried to keep it brief but that obviously hadn't worked out lmao. Could be worse(much, much worse)
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels: SHORT SERIES PART 1
Member: stripper LEE JUYEON
Genre: angst, smut, exes to lovers because why the fuck not lmao and it fits the song anyw
A/N: at the point of writing this I WAS TIRED AND SLIGHTLY DRUNK BUT LETS GO. also, NOT part of the GEN Z series, i have racer juyeon in stall for you in gen z ;) also i told V that i was never going to write a stripper au for jy until he goes shirtless or grinds on a prop like kim kai did in artificial love... but when i saw this video, i thought of nothing BUT kim jongin. their styles are pretty similar... not to mention kai had an undercut phase too... conclusion: dana is in a mess and she’s drunk
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“i know it hurts to smile but you try to.”
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what is a story?
a story has a start, an arc, an ending. 
is it pages of cream colored sheets stacked atop one another, word after word after word printed in ink?
is it the lyrics that your neighbour sings in the shower because he associates the beauty of the lyrics with some heartbreak he’s been through, regardless of when he experienced it?
is it the way someone walks in the room and steals everybody’s attention with the sheer amount of confidence and intimidation he was radiating?
so, what is a story?
ups-and-downs. friendship. love. heartbreak. faults.
‘it was my fault, and it always will be.’
god wouldn’t have allowed you to forget that face even if you were dead, even if you had your skull cracked open and your brain was being eaten out in bits like Hannibal Lecter savouring the flesh of his victim. 
it feels like a witch’s long, untamed nails were being dragged across your skin, and she was breathing down your ear, whispering secrets of potions and words to curses like they were part of a song. 
he who is inked in your heart made of stone will never be removed.
blood that runs thick in the color of love forbids a stake foretold.
bones crumble to dust like fine sand in the wind,
for you will never forget that you have sinned.
the scars on your heart slowly tears apart like a wound that never healed, and every step he makes on the space makes you wish that he was stepping on your soul instead. 
not because you were sexually frustrated, but because you deserved it.
“y/n, lighten up! we’re here to have fun, not watch your mopey ass sulk!”
“yeah, you’ve been so stressed lately, don’t you think it’s time to loosen up?”
“for the record,” the music starts to thump in your stomach and the lights dim into a dark shade of red. “i didn’t want to come to a strip club.”
blood has covered the light, for his soul cries over your misdoings. 
“ugh, you’re such a party pooper,” she huffs, visibly frustrated when her forehead creases into lines under her makeup. 
the memory of you aggressively avoiding being dragged to a strip club rings in your ears like a fire alarm. sometimes, you would’ve loved nothing more besides throw a chair when she acts like that; making it seem like you wanted to do something when you’ve clearly stated you didn’t.
unfortunately, you were used to her shitty little habit. 
coercion sprints itself across your arm when she suddenly grabs it, violently shaking you when the music starts. 
dread washes over you like wildfire when he starts to move, and he suddenly becomes one with the music. 
the whiteness of his skin grabs you by the neck and sticks an ice-cold popsicle down your throat. you could still taste the sourness of the lemon flavoured one he would always give you, even though he liked it too.
the shiny, glittery, loose clothes hanging around his physical existence freezes your muscles the way medusa could turn people into stone. the hairs on your arms stand when you remember how small you looked in his clothes.
and his eyes. they hold a dagger at your heart, tip already sinking into the skin on your chest. 
black, sticky, dense tears flood out every hole of your soul’s mouth.
it takes a massive amount of effort to keep every dollop of excruciatingly painful memories to yourself, for you would’ve thrown up your dinner if you didn’t invest that kind of effort.
in your head, you were a demon coated in tears and smudged ink. 
stuck in time like a statue, your eyes were hollow and your voice was no longer. 
red, the color of blood mixed with poison was spewing out every hole from your face, your knees hitting the ground where the a bed of thorns were laid out carelessly.
the same way you laid out the bed of roses for him, only to become his thorns.
the start of the story began when you first locked eyes with him first in the neighbourhood library near your school. 
you never really liked studying in school, not when there were always noisy kids tossing a ball around or someone loudly crunching on chips next to you.
it doesn’t take long for you to notice that he’s been watching you, resulting in you warily turning around to look behind you to see if he was looking at someone else.
a soft chime in the hall pulls your attention to the old clock hanging above the entrance of the library, and an announcement rings through the PA system.
“dear visitors, the time now is 11pm. kindly exit the library and dispose of any litter you may have with you. we hope you’ve enjoyed your time here and we hope to see you soon.”
it was exactly because it was so late, that there was nobody left in the library.
carefully, you return your attention back to him, music still playing softly in your earpieces.
his eyes were glued to his books as he clears them off the table, and you remain seated, taking your time to pack your things as well.
you were hoping he doesn’t come over, so naturally, you panic when he does.
feigning the mindless scrolling on your phone doesn’t do much when he presses his palm flat on to the surface of the table, robbing you of an option to ignore him.
well, you could, but you recognise him. 
how could anybody not recognise him?
his eyes meet yours and intimidation fills you like you were drowning, but he suddenly squats with the support of his hand gripping onto the edge of the table, eyes darting away.
a frown finds itself on your face and you watch cautiously when he stands up again, placing a pen and a candy wrapper on the table before you.
“planning on hiding in the bathroom and staying overnight?”
“i... uh-- no...”
“okay,” releasing the edge of the table, he grips the two straps over his shoulders by the sides of his chest and nods towards the exit. “time to go then.”
lee juyeon had always been a rather mysterious character in school. he was two years your senior but it wasn’t surprising to know that he was friends with three of your classmates, one of them being your closest friends. 
when he wasn’t smiling, he looked like he could kill someone; drive a knife through their faces and not feel a pinch of guilt.
but when he does, it’s like setting off a billion firecrackers at once.
and by firecrackers, you mean the girls in school swooning over him.
if you had to choose a word to describe the way you looked at him, it had to be ‘indifferent’. you couldn’t deny that he was a great painting to look at and pretend ‘ugliness’ wasn’t a thing, but you’ve never really bothered to invest your emotions on anybody you deemed too far to reach.
so when he offers to walk you back to your place because of how late it was, it surprises you. 
“why do you study in the community library and not the school library? i thought i’d see you with sunwoo or eric or hyunjun in school.”
“uh... i stay for awhile just to watch them mess around until they lose their stamina... the school library is filled with idiots who eat and make a fool of themselves which make it not-conducive... so i thought the community library is a better idea. besides, the school library closes at 7pm.”
“ah,” he laughs, and you could hear the swooning in the back of your head. “why am i not surprised?”
the awkward atmosphere was killing you, and it was difficult to swallow the fact that you could not think of anything to say.
luckily, you stay just about a ten minute walk from the library, so juyeon walks right past your residence without noticing you’ve stopped.
“uh-- juyeon...”
“huh? oh,” he halts in his tracks and turns around, sheepishly taking large steps back to you. 
“thank you for walking me back.”
“it’s alright.”
silence, again.
“goodnight, y/n.”
you purse your lips and offer him a polite smile, slightly surprised that he knows your name. 
then again, he knows three of your classmates, and you were good friends with hyunjun. 
he doesn’t leave until the lift takes you away from the lobby, the view of him waving to you with his unwaxed, tousled hair makes you smile to yourself once out of sight.
the arc of the story comes when you start to find candy under your desk a few weeks later. 
you had stopped visiting the library because you were cooped up at home working on projects you needing your laptop for. 
the sugar left on your desk seemed to be some kind of coaxing to get you to go back to the library.
the candy on the desk was the same one that you ate at the library, the one with the wrapper that juyeon picked up--
“hyunjun,” you call out to the boy who was passed out on the table, walking towards him. 
“go away, i want to sleep--”
“you’ll sleep in class anyway,” grabbing his shoulders, it takes you some effort to peel him off the desk and make him sit upright. “you know who left this and i want to know who.”
hyunjun looks at you with bloodshot eyes, brows furrowing as he messes up his own hair.
“you sound like you already know who, so why do i need to bother telling you?”
the plastic of the candy wrapper crinkles in your hold as hyunjun’s head meets the table again.
again, it doesn’t take long for you to find out that juyeon might have a crush on you, and neither does it take long for you to reciprocate. 
being with juyeon was like sitting on a car and going on a long road trip. 
not many bumps, not many surprises, frankly, you were more than happy he was such an easy man to be with. 
when juyeon graduates, he gets admitted into a performing arts academy in another city, leaving you in school where you still had to wear school uniform and wake up even before the sun rose.
but he makes an effort to come back to visit you, knowing that he was the older one with more freedom. 
this long road trip, however, turns into a rollercoaster without warning, without your realisation.
the institute you enroll yourself into after graduation was located further away from the academy than your old school, but juyeon promises that he’d be with you whenever you could, and you promised the same.
distance becomes the first problem, when you realise how taxing it is to spend two hours travelling across the country to see him, and spend more time sitting on a bus or a train than actually being with him.
it starts to wear you away at the edges, fire burning the corners of ivory sheets with mandarin colored flames and leaving ashes the shade of coal on the floor.
then when juyeon was in his final year and you were halfway through your four year course, it was almost like he vanishes off the face of earth.
it worried you at first, that it felt like he was treating this four year relationship like he mattress he could fall back on anytime he wanted to. 
you didn’t blame him, but it stings in the wounds that draw on your heart after a considerable amount of time. 
was this what a long-distance-relationship encapsulated? how do couples who don’t even stay in the same country get through it?
you miss his scent, his arms around you, the way he smiles at you whenever you say something stupid or when he doesn’t get a joke and you had to explain it to him. 
it feels like he has forgotten you, and it rips you apart that you knew why, that you understand he has his own responsibilities as a student in a prestigious performing arts academy. 
but you can’t help but to think: if i could find time that i wanted to provide him, then why couldn’t he?
there was an expectation, and he didn’t meet it. naturally, it becomes a parasite in your love for juyeon. not only had you not seen him in months, his replies begin to spread out across days. 
he doesn’t reply until more than 24 hours later, and even when he does, they are short. they are dry.
you start to wonder why he was being so irresponsible with a relationship, especially one that he initiated four years ago. your thoughts start to run wild in your head, and you worry if he had just been playing with you the entire time, and now he was probably kissing someone else in some dance studio in another city.
no, juyeon would never.
then the day came that he appears on social media after a long time. the light that filled you was so intense that you smiled just by noticing he’s finally not dead.
yet, you would’ve much preferred death over seeing another girl on his social media. 
he didn’t have the time to respond to you, but he has the time to go out with another girl?
you leave him a text, trying to keep your cool and convince yourself that she was just a friend, and that he’d reply you as soon as possible if he knew you were feeling upset about him spending time with another girl.
hurt converts itself into something physical when he doesn’t reply. 
one day passes, then two. 
and soon, the whole week flies past. 
calls don’t get through, much less messages.
just what was he doing?
you worry and wonder that he no longer loved you and he was merely running from you in hopes you’d leave him alone.
where had you gone wrong? were you a bad partner?
your grades started to take a toll, and memories of juyeon started to clog up in your head as if you weren’t already trying to tear your heart out of your chest.
juyeon no longer loves you. 
he’s just having the time of his life in another city, with another girl, probably kissing her in the dance studio and running his hands all over her.
the mere thought kills you, so being able to actually imagine it in your head peels your skin off your body, leaving you in a wrecked mess on the floor with tissues used to wipe your tears. 
then, sangyeon came along.
the fresh graduate was flustered when he sees a second-year student fallen apart in a tutorial room on his trips back to the university. but he recognises you from a branching out event you attended a month ago.
it lasted two weeks, and sangyeon was your teammate as a senior, so he was more than aware of your life and existence. 
sang yeon stays a safe distance away from you while you try with way too much effort to calm your sobs down. 
it’s not a surprise when it fails though, and you break down even harder with the force of someone beating you up
sangyeon doesn’t hesitate to scoot over to your side and pull you into his arms.
it was tricky, trying to recall what exactly you told him. your eyes were swollen and your face must’ve looked like a plum while your tears stained his shirt. 
having someone’s shoulder to cry on was so comforting. it fills a gaping hole in your chest that shouldn’t be there in the first place. 
sangyeon’s voice runs through your head like honey, honey that soothes the scalding burns juyeon left on your skin. 
you knew it was dangerous, and there was a thin line to cross if you chose to let sangyeon through the doors of your heart. 
most your friends weren’t truly aware of the status of the relationship, thus telling sangyeon everything at one go combusts you even further. 
the urge to have someone’s skin pressed against yours, promising you that you were safe whenever they were around becomes painful to reject. 
you will never forget the look in sangyeon’s eyes when you kiss him mid-sentence. 
sangyeon tastes exactly his voice sounded, sweet and soft. his eyes were wide open the second you ram your lips into his. 
his reluctance slips across your arm, feeling a small amount of force being applies to your elbow when he realises what was happening.
but that pressure softens, and he lets you treat him like juyeon, in attempt to cure your own broken heart.
you will make the biggest mistake you will ever make in your life that night, and that was letting yourself pretend sangyeon was juyeon.
not only were you the one who initiated the kiss in attempt to redeem the lack of affection you were none but craving, you chose to pretend juyeon was the one who spent the night leaving fluttering kisses all over your skin. to whisper words of comfort into your ears and kiss your tears away.
when you wake up and see a pair of eyes that shouldn’t be in such close proximity to yours, it feels like a sword has been driven through your stomach.
then you hear hell knocking on your door, but he sounds like love and missing.
it is a crack, then a rip and a complete separation of your body into two when juyeon realises the door of your dorm room is not locked, and he has that bright smile on his face when he walks into the room, thinking you were asleep.
everything happens under a minute, and sangyeon wasn’t even fully awake by the time juyeon was in the room, seeing you in bed with another man.
the memory of a fight the magnitude of tremendous proportions etches itself in your brain like a parasite. 
juyeon literally hurls sangyeon out the door, the only piece of clothing on him being his underwear. 
there was an effort to stop juyeon, because you knew it for yourself that it was not sangyeon’s fault.
it was yours, and it always will be.
juyeon has the man’s clothes thrown out the door and he slams it shut in his face before you could say anything to sangyeon, locking both himself and you in the room.
have you ever seen the eyes of someone who has absolutely no clue what he did wrong?
they are broken, confused, hurt, angry. juyeon’s were coveted with a layer of tears just seconds away from billowing over his lower lids when he sees that your face was reddening from shame as well. 
there was a heavy silence that could’ve killed you, and you wished it did. 
“are you waiting for me to ask--”
“so what’s your explanation?”
you dump yourself on the edge of your bed, fingers pressing into your temples. if you pressed hard enough, maybe you could drill your fingers into your skull and rip out your brain.
why did your own name sound so threatening when it comes from his lips?
“why did you do it? the fact that we were saving it so we could be each other’s first after marriage but you go ahead and do it with someone else--”
“oh, is that the only thing you care about? sex?”
“no, that’s not what i meant--”
“i thought you’d be pissed off over the fact that i have another guy in the picture regardless of our relationship--”
“which is exactly what i’m asking right now!”
the skin on your forehead gets pulled back when your palms hold back your hair. being interrogated by juyeon in just a bra and home shorts felt so humiliating, so degrading, but you can’t help but to have that pang of hatred for juyeon.
he was the one who incited this. all you did was react in a way disproportionate to your feelings.
“why’d you do it, y/n?”
his voice is shaky, and you were terrified to look up at him because you knew he was already crying. 
it shatters your heart; you were angry.
with him. 
with yourself.
his feet shuffles against the floor and he kneels before you, eyes desperately searching yours for any sign of remorse. his hands wrap around yours but you pull away with resentment, and you can’t help but to feel like he was guilt tripping you into apologising. 
it was my fault, but he incited it. 
“stop, don’t touch me--”
“tell me what’s wrong, we’ll figure i--”
“tell you ‘what’s wrong’?” it takes alot of courage to shove him off and you lose sight of what was fuelling your emotions. “i’ll tell you what’s wrong, lee juyeon.”
he is shocked and you could almost hear something crack when he hears his name come off your tongue like you were regurgitating poison.
“you disappear off the face of earth for god knows how long and then when you finally show up again, it’s with another girl?”
it takes you awhile to notice you were now standing, and he was leaning back with his palms flat on the floor behind him. 
tears were streaming down the corners of his eyes and you know it was solely from the fact that he’s caught you red-handed but you weren’t showing signs of regret or remorse. 
it eats you that he thinks this is not his fault.
“look me in the eye and tell me confidently that you’ve been a responsible partner.”
gut-wrenching surprise writes itself across his face when the demand leaves your lips like venom. 
your eyes finally give in, hiccups starting to form in the back of your throat when the still silence gives you some kind of hint that this relationship was as good as gone. 
“i wait for you to reply for three days, sometimes more, and all you do is say ‘okay’ or ‘alright’ or ‘nah’-- how am i supposed to be convinced you are invested in this relationship? i haven’t seen you in like, what? four months?! not a proper text, no proper calls, you don’t bother to visit me though you know i can’t because of my work--”
the breathlessness in your chest is a cage with loosened screws and nails, an angry, uncontrollable beast inside waiting to lash out and give juyeon a tight slap across the face.
“ask yourself, lee juyeon,” the sobs become one with the hiccups, and droplets of agonising reality falls off the point of your chin. “who was that girl and why did you not bother to text me back? call me?”
his face falls as if he wasn’t already in a million pieces. the silence feels like a dozen paper cuts on your fingers and your lips cracking in the cold. it sounds like a the car on a roadtrip screeching to a violent stop, and it hurls both of you through the windshield.
your soul is bleeding when you see a muscle in his face twitch, because you now know he is as guilty as you are, even if he didn’t sleep with her. 
heartbreak forms a hand on the crown of your head and pushes you to nod. the tears along your jawline get wiped away with the back of your hand, the mucus running down your philtrum is a mess on your bare chest and your face is not recovered from the excessive crying in the last twelve hours. 
juyeon is quiet, but screaming in pain through his eyes. 
the weight of how broken the both of you were slams down on both your shoulders without warning, and you find enough energy to gulp and clear your throat.
“get out.”
the scene looks like a freeze-frame, and you shake your head at the sight of his unwillingness.
“get out, juyeon.”
it feels like a knife is being dragged across your throat when you say the last words you thought you’d ever say to him.
“we are through.”
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lumiereandcogsworth · 3 years
Hey there Lyd 💖 Hope you're doing well! I know you have impeccable taste (your favorite movie is BATB 2017 after all 😊) and it seems we also have the same taste in TV shows (Anne with an E, The Queen's Gambit) I'm looking for a new show to watch during my lunch break, something soft and not too dark and preferably short. Any suggestions?
oh ho ho!!! i’m honored you’d come to me!! i’ve watched a plethora of shows. i’ll do my best to remember all of them and i hope you find something that sticks!!! i don’t watch any dark stuff, and as far as length goes, i’ll just list it out for ya ! + i’ll put a 🌸 by my personal faves. like yeah sure i recommend any of these but, beloveds, you know?
sit-coms/20 min eps:
that 70s show (8 seasons) 🌸
new girl (7 seasons)
schitt’s creek (6 seasons) 🌸
frasier (12 seasons)
friends (10 seasons) 🌸
parks and recreation (7 seasons) 🌸
the office (9 seasons)
community (6 seasons, but honestly. i only really enjoyed the first four...)
the good place (4 seasons. i actually haven’t finished 4 yet, but i’ve heard amazing things about the finale)
bob’s burgers (11 seasons, still going! i actually haven’t seen it all the way through, but literally 15/10 always a pleasure) 🌸
fresh off the boat (6 seasons. actually also haven’t finished this show but i still recommend!! very funny)
we bare bears (4 seasons & only 10 minute eps!! also haven’t finished but literally such a soft and cute time. you will not be disappointed it’s just a delight)
period dramas - 40 min-1 hr eps:
call the midwife (10 seasons (11 coming!) i love this show so much it’s my current comfort show!!) 🌸
anne with an e (3 seasons) 🌸
the queen’s gambit (1 season)
the great (1 season (2 coming out!))
poldark (5 seasons) (my beloved) 🌸
downton abbey (6 seasons + movie)
the crown (4 seasons (5+6 planned))
bridgerton (1 season (2 coming??) i loved this show, the aesthetic was impeccable, but personally could’ve majorly done without the sexual content!! that’s just me though! and it’s not terribly explicit until ep 5 i think? anyway)
dramas/shows that prove that i actually lied to you and i do watch some “dark” stuff - 40 min-1 hr eps:
law & order: svu (22?? seasons??? i started at 13. it’s not that plot important, start wherever you want. i just watched it for barba, my fictional husband, who’s in 14-19. but don’t watch his last episode because it doesn’t exist<3)
supernatural (15 seasons. yes yes i know there’s a whole bunch of things about spn but i am literally rewatching it right now so it goes on the list!)
hannibal (3 seasons. definitely the darkest of the shows. i watched it with my friend jess, as it is one of her faves. it’s. i mean. you can see who it’s about. but cinematically? it is stunning.)
bojack horseman (6 seasons. this show is actually funny, too! it just has major dark themes and tones. it’s a really good show but it handles serious topics so it’s definitely not a light-hearted show)
legion (3 seasons. i watched this for our boy dan stevens!!! he’s the lead!! but also it’s one of my best friend’s favorite shows and i probably wouldn’t have watched it on my own, ya know? i didn’t love it, but still a good time! but i can talk on it more if you’re interested lmao.)
and last, i won’t go on a youtube tangent but my favorite channel there is watcher and my favorite show on that channel is puppet history!! generally 30 minute eps (i think around 20 episodes currently?? season 3 just finished) and always a good time. but they have other great shows too!! watcher is just 10/10 🌸🌸🌸
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings? >> I do. Outworld, anyway.
Have you ever watched a Sons of Anarchy? >> No.
Do you want to see The Woman In Black? >> I never got around to watching it, it never piqued my interest enough.
Has a random guy ever asked you for your phone number? >> Yes. I’m so glad those days are over.
Has a guy ever pulled over to ask for your number or call you hot? >> Probably.
How attracted are you to the last person that kissed you? >> There is no way in which I am not attracted to Can Calah.
Name something that you are doing tonight. >> Fucking around online.
Are you a jealous person? >> Not in the slightest.
Do you like February? >> I mean, there’s really nothing much to like, per se? It’s not a very interesting month.
Where have you lived throughout your life? >> Quite a few places.
Have you ever known a white supremacist? >> Sure, online. Maybe in meatspace too, if they were covert.
What were you doing an hour ago? >> I was either watching Hannibal or reading my emails.
In regards to who do you think 'what if?'? >> ???
Do you like the smell of a barbecue? >> Sure do.
Do you get excited when you find Sanrio products at Wal-Mart? >> I don’t recall ever having a distinct experience of finding Sanrio products at Walmart. But I don’t imagine it’d surprise me or anything, considering Hello Kitty is a widely distributed brand...
Are you 420 friendly? >> Yes. I can’t really partake because of personal issues, but I support its usage for those who enjoy it.
Do you own a Champion's sport bra? >> No.
Do you watch Justified? >> No.
How many cups of tea of coffee do you have in a day? >> Zero, most of the time. I might have a cup of tea or two if I can manage to get my executive function on board. I love tea but making it is a different story...
Do you own a varsity jacket? >> No.
Dolce Vita or Jeffrey Campbell? >> What?
Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum? >> Ryan Gosling, only because of like. Drive.
Has anyone ever called you apathetic or unemotional? >> Certainly.
Would you rather someone you loved passionately hate you or be indifferent to you? >> I can’t imagine feeling that intensely for someone who doesn’t have any positive feelings towards me whatsoever. It just doesn’t add up for me personally.
Have you read Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre? >> No.
I bet you miss somebody right now? >> Well, you lost that bet.
What are you planning on doing after this? >> Probably check out what’s going on on my dashboard for a bit.
How much money do you spend in a month on clothes or accessories? >> Usually none. I haven’t bought any new wearables since October.
What was the last clothing item you wore that doesn't belong to you? >> Probably some t-shirt of Sparrow’s. We have similar tastes in t-shirts and wear the same size.
Do you watch Jersey Shore? >> No.
Do you have a thing with someone? >> What...
Do you have any bruises on either of your legs? >> No.
Who was the last person to touch your stomach? >> The last person outworld to touch my stomach would have probably been a doctor or something.
Something tragic just happened. Does your facial expression show it? >> I mean, I guess it depends... the flatness of my affect is an ever-changing element.
Who is the cleverest (crafty) person you know? >> *shrug*
Do you think people who know a lot of facts are really smart? >> I think they’re people who have a great ability in retaining information. Which one could argue is a factor in intelligence, I’d imagine.
Do you ever feel like strangers look mad at you? >> Er, sometimes, I guess.
Do you own anything with your state or providence's name on it? >> No.
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking? >> Quite often, because people don’t really need or necessarily want to know what I’m thinking all the time?
Do you like the Paranormal Activity movies? >> Never seen them.
How do you like your oatmeal? >> Thick and still chewy, with milk and clarified butter and maple syrup and cinnamon.
Do you have siblings under the age of 12? >> No.
Are you going to any concerts this summer? >> I don’t know what I’m doing this summer, it’s months away.
What do you watch on TV on a Monday? >> So, I don’t watch regular television. Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? Saturday? Sunday?
Is there anything you want that you can't have? >> Sure, like a well-functioning brain.
Does it make you feel better when an ex starts dating someone unattractive? >> ---
How many brick and mortar schools have you attended? >> Like, 12.
How do you feel about opiates? >> I don’t have any feelings about them.
Do you like True Blood? >> God, I loved that show so much. I might rewatch it just because it’s utterly ridiculous and stupid and fun. Also because Lafayette is in it and I have rarely loved a character more than him.
What's your newest perfume? >> ---
What's your favorite perfume? >> I use a roll-on oil that you can buy, like, on the streets in big urban areas. Which makes it hard to get for me. There’s also one of those hippie stores in the mall that sells a roll-on that’s close enough, I guess. But nothing beats the street-vendor version.
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, or Tom Felton? >> No.
Are you a Hunger Games fan? >> I did like the books.
What's your favorite way to eat peanut butter? >> On toast.
What is the last thing you stole? >> I don’t remember the last time I stole something. I finally quit like 5 years ago or so.
Urban Outfitters or Forever21? >> No.
American Eagle or Macy's? >> Mm.
PacSun or Zumiez? >> Nah.
Can you play any musical instruments? >> Nope.
Do you think Selena Gomez is cute? >> I have no opinion on Selena Gomez.
Do you fall in infatuation easily? >> I don’t fall in infatuation at all.
Who has initiated most of your first kisses? >> ---
Do you have Netflix? >> Yes. Honestly, I’m beginning to hate Netflix, but I keep it for the household (and for our friend that also uses my account).
Do you have a good memory? >> Yeah, it’s fine.
What did you wear to bed last-night? >> Same shit I’m wearing right now.
What gives you anxiety? >> Oh, you know. Stuff.
What's the last movie that really scared you? >> I can’t think of any movie I felt that way about.
How did you get the shirt you're wearing? >> I bought it. Probably at Hot Topic.
Why do some guys take shirtless mirror pictures when they don't have abs? >> Because they fucking want to lmao god
Do you think lines are as good as abs? >> What. Also fuck abs.
Do you like bows? >> I like bowties...
Have you ever made a 'haul' YouTube video? >> No.
Have you ever been to Indiana? >> I’ve rode through it on the way to Chicago.
Do you straighten your hair almost every day? >> No.
What kind of a guy do you imagine when you hear the name 'Tim'? >> I don’t imagine any kind of person.
What brand is starting to invade your closet? >> None.
Have you ever seen those Flapjack cartoons? >> No.
Has a boyfriend ever made you breakfast? >> Sure. Raven did that a lot. He was a good lad.
Do you think all porn stars are whores? >> No. In fact, I don’t think any porn stars are whores, because I think whore is a derogatory term and I have no business calling people that when they’re just trying to make a living doing something they (presumably) enjoy. Just like everyone else.
Would you date an 18 year old at the age you are now? >> No. I also wouldn’t date, period, but. Definitely not a teenager.
Do you like cinnamon bacon? >> I’ve never had it, but it sounds like it might be good.
Do you like Epic Meal Time? >> I’ve never watched it.
Have you ever starved yourself? >> No. I never had the willpower. Which is a good thing, I’d imagine.
What do you gather your change in? >> I don’t get enough change to need a place to put it.
Do you like to play Angry Birds? >> I tried it back when it was popular, but it didn’t stick.
Are you more likely to show affection through your words or your actions? >> Actions.
Would you agree that all love is conditional? >> I mean, it is for me. I can’t say that it is for everyone else because I’m not everyone else and people experience love in all sorts of ways.
Do you listen to Darwin Deez or Birdy? >> No.
Do you think Mac Miller is overrated? >> I don’t even know anything about Mac Miller. Except that he’s dead? I think? Might be confusing him with someone else for all I know.
Do you know who Mac Lethal is? >> No.
Do you like Cheez-Its? >> No.
What color is your so's car? >> Sparrow’s car is silver.
Do you believe in God? >> God just doesn’t really factor into my life most of the time.
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kewltie · 5 years
Somehow, in the last couple of weeks I got a slew of new people coming to my blog and hit 1k followers(○□○). I’m beyond shocked. Like, I’m pretty sure 90% of you are bots or inactives but to those that are breathing: hello, and thanks for sticking with me! I’m stoke and humbled by your presence especially those that been with me for so long now. I may not know you personally but you know me. Maybe not very well since I’m intensely private and all I do is ramble about my accursed writing habits lmao but!!!! You’re here anyway despite everything and I’m very grateful for your constant support. 
So to welcome to new people and because I don’t I ever did any introduction post before. 
Hello, I’m kewltie. QT. Trina. That girl who keep starting shit and never finishing it a;sjdf;alsjdf;alsjdfa. I’M TRYING. Anyway, here are a few notable things about me and this blog in case you wanna make sure this is someone you wanna, ya know, stick around: 
this is my writing blog. so all you’ll see are huge block of texts from either teasers of stuff im currently working or random pieces that im in the mood for but mostly it’s just me complaining about writing sobs. 
i’m in my mid 20s and have been in fandom since i was like preteen. LJ-era, so yea im a fandom oldie. over a decade of experience here. 
since i have been through several fandom purges bc of ya know censored ship ://///  im very much YKINMK aka Your Kink Is Not My Kink but your kink is okay!!! i dont care for your problematic kinks or ships bc i have my own so yea im cool with you if you are cool with me. 
i live in socal so i come off as US-centric sometimes but im vietnamese. 
bnha is the fandom im writing and most active in but im in like a gazillion fandom. a hyperbole but kinda true?? supernatural, hannibal, voltron, harry potter, 1D, kpop, marvel, sherlock, etc. but you won’t see any of those fandom post here since i only write for ONE fandom at a time bc i cant focus on anything else /o\ lol. 
i swear a lot. like, A LOT. regularly, religiously like every twenty words out of my mouth is a fuck you. it doesn’t mean anything honestly. i just do it when im being overly emotional so when im exicited, upset, sad, etc. 
im overly emotional and sensitive w/ a truck load of anxiety and crippling self esteem.... so i dont do well interacting w/ people. mostly. i try tho!!!!! i mainly just keep to myself and stay in my corner of the fandom. i dont care for fandom drama or anything like that. i just want to read and write in peace. kthx. 
when i make a post on here it’ll mostly be in lowercase, mostly in caps, abuse the word like, and use a lot of exclamation point like 90% of the time. 
i identified as queer. and maybe demisexual/grey-ace??? idk sexuality is confusing and im still figuring it all out but i know at least im comfortable with the label queer. 
i dont write smut for personal reason. maybe one day in the future but its’ not for me right now. dont have a problem reading it but writing is impossible for me. 
i dabbled in all genres. i dont really have a specific genre/niceh i personally enjoy more than the rest or specialized in. i love fantasy, scifi, horror, romance, kinks etc etc. so you’ll find me producing just about anything. you may get trash rom com one day, epic space opera the next, fantastical tales of gods and magic after that, some dark twisted shit later, and anything really when the mood strike me. 
i write for MYSELF. everything i ever produce is bc i wanted it so i did it. so if a fic idea is terrible is only bc I HAVE TERRIBLE TASTES. 
im a very whimsical writer. i write demanding largely on my mood and whatever strike my fancy so it’s all RANDOM which also mean i procrastinate and have a long list of WIPs. i never run out of ideas so that’s the big problem sobs. 
im a voracious reader. if i have to chose b/t writing or reading, it would be reading EVERYTIME YOU ASK ME. i have a semi-secret ao3 reading account with 1k+ bookmarks across various fandoms. it’s my pride and joy!!!!!!!!!!! i love reading fanfic so much T_____T. 
i am a media junkie. i love reading comics (manhwa, manga, webtoons, manhua, etc), watch kdrama/cdramas, love nature/space docu series, tv-shows, etc etc so that leak a lot into my writing. whatever im reading/watching can have influence my reading like wanting to write a gazillion palace aus bc i can’t stop burning through chinese palace/harem dramas. 
i may not be good w/ people but i hope i come off as easy and chill bc i really am!!!! honestly im more afraid of you than you are of me so uh, hi and you’re rad and thanks so much for following me even though i dont think im worth your time lmao /o\. I DONT WANT TO DISAPPOINT YOU BUT I KNOW I WILL. uh, like i said paper thin self esteem.
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