#watch the world suffer and burn than swallow your pride| deputy fairgrave
therelignedstars · 5 months
(Continued from here for @general-kalani )
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A small sigh, "I don't think I am. I'm not going to keep you chained up for long, Joseph. Don't tug on the chains, please. I really don't want to have to get the first aid kit."
She'd only captured him out of concern for his well-being. Alice wasn't going to try to arrest him again, which ended horribly the first time. The deputy glanced back at him as she turned on the space heater cause her home was colder than usual.
"Quick question: Did you and your wife have a turtle named Theodore Benjamin the third? I'll get to why I'm asking in a minute. Just want the truth, Joseph. I promise to unlock the chains once you answer the question. Heck, I'll even give you some time with Luci for cuddles and pets."
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therelignedstars · 6 months
Fairgrave is fully sober once and is confused about why she's getting cuddles from Joseph. "I want to go home now, please."
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therelignedstars · 5 months
(Continued from here for @general-kalani )
Panic went through Fairgrave's mind the second he called her Anna. In the way, she was technically her not that she'd ever tell anyone about her past life, especially not Joseph. She grabbed the keys to the Widowmaker and immediately left her house.
"It's okay, Joseph. Breathe, baby, breathe it's going to be alright. I'll be there in a few minutes." She emphasized her words as gently as possible she was trying to convince herself that everything would be okay as well as she started her uncle's old truck. She turned on the cb radio so that he could still talk with her as she drove towards the compound.
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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//Small headcanon before I go to bed. Fairgrave is a reincarnation of Joseph’s dead wife. Which is one of the reasons she feels safe in Eden's Gate. She does have dreams of her past life, but they're always blurry to her.
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therelignedstars · 7 months
"I can actually fly now. The one time I actually want to crash I can't what the heck?"
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therelignedstars · 7 days
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"I go do my own thing for a few months and everything has gone tits up."
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therelignedstars · 5 months
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Alice pouts with puppy dog eyes. "I was going to burn down Joseph’s statue but nevermind."
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therelignedstars · 7 months
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"Yeah, probably. I fly better in helicopters than planes.."
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therelignedstars · 5 months
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"War crimes sounds like fun pastime right now. Messing with a cult leader's mind is also fun. "
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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"I don't how I got it like that but at least it didn't explode."
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therelignedstars · 3 months
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It was in moment she knew she fucked up.
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therelignedstars · 4 months
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"Time to get back to work before I hit peggies with a bat for calling me Anna again."
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therelignedstars · 4 months
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"Yeah, I'm staying away from that. It's more fun being around Joseph’s compound."
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therelignedstars · 5 months
//Thinking about having Fairgrave's last military deployment be to Kyrat, it would make things more interesting.
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therelignedstars · 5 months
Dep. Jackie, favorite gun for hire, go
"I have more than one favorite Adelaide and Cheeseburger."
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therelignedstars · 5 months
//I feel bad for Joseph. Two separate versions of Jacqueline are bullying the poor man.
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