#watched the elivis movie also
kawaiianimeredhead · 1 year
Watching Grease for the first time in a very long time
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erigold13261 · 2 years
:3 have some more headcanons
1. Joust and Quinda used Tatiana to cook food when the ghoulings were on tour
2. Remi and Zuke love Spiderman, you bet these two fangirled over spider verse
3. Mayday got Purl into MLP and we can all guess who his favor characters are (Obviously Twilight and Luna)
4. West got Mama to laugh once, she hissed at him out of anger but he saw Purl Hew and Yinu hiss at each other as a greeting so he thought it was a family thing and hissed right back in, honestly the most pathetic manner Mama had ever heard. That got her to think maybe this guy isn't all bad...
5. Eve and Dodo love obscure animated movie and shows
6. Eloni is huge Hollow knight and Undertale fan, she even wrote a bit of fanfiction
7. Nova watches lots of sci-fi movies and shows and will criticize any major inaccuracies
8. Sayu actually went to Hot topic a few times it's a nice place and ze owns a few items from there
9. Cyril's first fictional crushes were Venom and Rouge don't judge him!!
1). I just imagine the two trying to cook those popcorn stove top popcorn packages on her head as she sleeps in the tour bus or van and it not working because she isn't hot enough. But they keep trying and she wakes up and gets mad, making her fire light up and she just burns and melts the popcorn and container lol!
Joust and Quida still end up eating it because Quida can eat the plastic covered popcorn while Joust actually likes burnt popcorn. Elivy stayed far away from the whole mess, but got an earful from Kul Fyra as she complained to him.
2). It's a damn good movie! Of course they would love it! But also I can see Zuke having old comics that are torn at the edges from years of rereading and he brings them over one day for him and Remi to read together.
3). I actually would think Haym would, but honestly seeing both Haym and Mayday sit Purl down to watch MLP would be hilarious. I do agree that Purl would love Luna, but I am not sure about Twilight. Her behaviours, at least in early seasons, would make them not really like her. But they would probably come around, especially after she became a princess.
4). Her just full on with an enraged face hissing at West with absolute anger, and he just hisses back with happiness and a smile but also a really weak and shitty hiss as he's never really hissed before. Of course she would be so confused and flabbergasted that she would just start laughing. Confusing West as she literally walks away as she can't even talk for like 5 minutes.
West honestly thinks he somehow hissed out a joke or something that Mama understood and is so confused. He ends up asking Purl and Yinu, which gets Yinu to laugh a little and explain that Mama is not like them and only hisses in anger, so he literally just confused her into laughter. West apologizes to her and she tells him it's alright.
5). I have very little knowledge of what shows would be obscure, but I can totally see them sitting down and watching weird animated shows. One I remember is like called "Spliced" and I can see them watching that. With like horrified faces at times but still not stopping because they are interested in the strangeness.
Remi never understood this and finds the animation for a lot of these so bad or ugly that he can't even hate-watch these cartoons. But he will listen/watch Dodo and Eve talk about the shows after they are done watching them.
6). Yeah... Yeah I can see that, lol. Honestly they would read TONS of fanfictions for all kinds of games, but only write for a few that really peak their interest, So Undertale is definitely one of them (I don't know much about Hollow Knight but what I have seen would make me feel like Eloni would also write fanfics for it).
For other media though, she would definitely do deep dive analyses. I can imaging her having a whole youtube channel using computer generated voice (that sounds nice, the same one she uses for streams because thinking words into existence is easier than physically speaking for her) and would just have hours to DAYS of analysis content for all kinds of games, shows, and other media.
7). And you better believe that Zimelu is right there beside them asking all kinds of questions. The two will have a 6 hours movie session and only get through one 1.5 hour movie lol.
8). I am literally working on a punk design for all the NSR characters specifically because I wanted to make punk/goth Sayu lol! But oh yeah, totally ze would have stuff from there.
I have a ton of pink skirts and cutesy stuff, so I can see that getting mer into the store but then ze would love one of the darker more goth-y clothes and boom! Sayu is going through a goth phase! And the other mermaids are now following along (also Tila and Sofa lol).
9). Yes! Monster-fucker Cyril is definitely something I thought of before lol! He definitely has weird tastes. Monster and robots are some of them haha.
I swear, he told Purl that if somehow GLaDOS was real he would break up to be with her. And Purl said not to worry because they would do the same thing! The two just have such weird tastes and definitely share them together.
And then there's West not seeing the appeal in a lot of these crushes they have.
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kawaiikichi · 5 years
I Need Your Warmth (Saiouma)
Saiouma “Hug me so I can get warm” from the Winter Writing prompts list for elivie! I hope you like it and let me know if you would like anything changed/edited :D
*Based off of this request*
Title: I Need Your Warmth
Prompt: “Hug me so I can get warm.”
Summary: Kokichi arrives home covered in snow due to the heavy snowfall. Shuichi rushes to get him warmed up.
One-shot is under the cut!
Shuichi flicked through the channels, a bored look on his face.
There’s nothing to watch. Even the Christmas movies are boring, he thought to himself.
He sighed, turning off the television.
What to do now, he wondered to himself.
He leaned back against the couch, staring up at the ceiling.
“Maybe I should make something warm.” he said to himself.
As he stood and began to make his way over to the kitchen, the front door opened.
“Ah, welcome back, Koki—“ he looked over at his eyes were wide in shock. “Kokichi?!” Shuichi exclaimed.
Kokichi was covered head to toe in snow, his body shivering violently.
“Oh my god, what happened to you?!” Shuichi exclaimed as he rushed over to him.
“Th-Th-The snow, that’s what.” Kokichi’s teeth chattered with each word he spoke. “It’s snowing so much outside that I got it all over me...” he trailed off.
“Oh god, that’s horrible...” Shuichi trailed off.
He dusted off Kokichi’s coat as Kokichi spoke.
“Hug me so I can get warm.”he said.
“I will, but first, you need a hot bath.” Shuichi took Kokichi’s coat off. “Come, I’ll draw a bath.” he said.
“O-Okay.” Kokichi replied.
Shuichi placed an arm over Kokichi’s shoulders and he led him in the direction of the bathroom, hoping to get him all warmed up first.
Kokichi sat in the tub, letting the hot water warm him. He sank down lower so that his face was half submerged underwater, blowing bubbles against the surface.
God, work was hectic. Not to mention this damn snow...it hasn’t snowed like this in a long time, he thought to himself.
Just the thought of all that snow blowing and piling up on him was enough to make him shudder.
“I don’t wanna have to go through that again...” he grumbled.
The bathroom door opened to reveal Shuichi, who had a set of pajamas along with a robe in his hands.
“Hey, Kokichi, I brought you a pair of pajamas to put on. I also grabbed your checkered robe.” Shuichi explained, raising the fluffy checkered robe for him to see.
“Ah...I see...” Kokichi trailed off.
Shuichi set the clothes down on the counter as he looked over at him.
“How are you feeling now? Are you starting to get warmed up?” he asked.
“Yeah, the bath is working wonders.” he smiled as Shuichi made his way over to him. “Thank you, my beloved.” he said.
“Of course.” Shuichi pushed Kokichi’s damp hair off to the side and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “You take your time, alright?” he told him.
“I will.” Kokichi replied.
Shuichi pulled away and headed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Kokichi pulled his knees up to his chest, the water sloshing. He rested his chin on his knees as he smiled, thinking about Shuichi.
“Gosh, he’s so sweet.”
After taking his bath and throwing on his pajamas, Kokichi found himself seated on the couch, bundled up in his robe along with various robes as an old cartoon played on the television.
Shuichi stepped into the living room with two mugs in his hands.
“Here, your hot chocolate.” he said, handing Kokichi his mug.
“Thank you.” Kokichi said as he took the mug from him.
Shuichi sat down beside him and reached for the remote.
“Do you want me to change it to something else?” he asked.
“No, this is fine.” Kokichi replied.
“Alright.” Shuichi said as he set the remote back down.
He sipped on his tea as he looked at Kokichi, all bundled up in his blankets and robe.
I hope he’s warm now, he thought to himself.
“Hey, Shuichi.” Kokichi spoke.
“Yeah? What’s up?” Shuichi answered.
Kokichi set his mug down on the coffee table and he turned to look at Shuichi.
“Hug me so I can get warm.” he said.
“I thought you were plenty warm already.” Shuichi commented.
“I am, but I wanna be in your arms. Is there something wrong with that?” Kokichi asked.
“I never said there was anything wrong with that. Come here.” Shuichi said.
He pulled Kokichi into his arms, letting him rest his head on his shoulder as they looked at the television. Kokichi smiled as he snuggled against Shuichi’s side.
“This feels better. I’m warming up already.” Kokichi commented.
Shuichi chuckled.
“You just wanted an excuse to be in my arms.” he stated.
“Oh, you hush.” Kokichi said as he smacked Shuichi lightly.
He looked back at the television.
“By the way, change the channel. Now it’s showing something boring.”
“Alright, I’ll change it.”
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