#watching ep 5 and Stede is showing him all the silverware and it's all I can think about
xoxoemynn · 2 years
very distracted thinking about Stede braiding flowers through Ed's hair
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- ok I love black beard struggling with the silverware. It's cute to watch him out of his element.
-Stede can already calm down ed to a point and I LOVE IT!
-ooo a peek into Ed's past.
- I love for is all “i don't really care but we are so going!”
-Ed looks good in purple. Not gonna lie.
- Ladies and gentlemen the first Nigerian prince scam in history!
- Poor Ed stede was right these assholes ARE fickle!
- Everyone is going bat shit crazy and the curtains are now on fire. How did it happen? PASSIVE AGGRESSION!
-Almost kiss!Almost kiss!
-”you wear fine things well.” and Ed fully falls for him wait for it, wait for it NOW.
-Izzy monologue! And someone is JEALOUS! Her hee
-Poor fang. His dog is doggie heaven!
-The art of Fuckary love it.
- ok the theater show they put on is crazy and cute!
-the swede has a VERY nice voice!
-And a duel challenge is made!
-ok Stede is a LOT smarter than people realize
-oh tender moment between Pete and Lucius! And a kiss how nice!
-Oh God Izzy what are you up too?!
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