#water therapy in Nassau County
Top 5 Water Exercises To Ease Body Pains
Water exercises are wonderful. There’s water everywhere, exercising feels enjoyable, and you’re breaking from your usual (uncomfortable) fitness routine to improve your life inside and outside the pool. But not all water workouts are suitable for everyone. Therefore, here are a few basic pool exercises that you can do to ease your discomforts and heal much more quickly:
1. Water Walking
Do you think walking in the pool is easy? Try it, and you’ll see how it feels like a tug of war. But keep calm and start moving forward, backward, and sideways. Start in shallow water and gradually increase the depth of the pool and the speed of your exercise. Keep walking for about 5 minutes, and you can also add weights for increased intensity. Don’t slouch. Maintain normal walking posture, and you’ll be just fine.
2. Jumping In Place
This is a great exercise to battle your body pains, especially any discomfort with your knees, ankles, and back. It improves your core strength and improves cardiovascular fitness. So, stay in deeper waters and gradually increase the tempo to keep your joints well-cushioned. You can also run or jog in place while remaining stationary. Perform 1 to 3 sets with 8 to 10 repetitions for better results.
3. Hip Kickers
Stretch your legs on the front, backward, and sides, extending to the maximum range for 1 – 3 minutes each. This four-way hip stretch involves your core and eventually eases body pains. It might need great strength but you’ll get into the habit. Get to the side of the pool and remain in deeper water to increase the resistance of the water, exercising your hip muscles fully.
4. Pool Planks
This exercise involves using noodles, a pool equipment that allows you to do water planks effortlessly. So, hold onto it or any flotation device right in front of your arms, lean forward, submerge the noodle, and hold onto that position for 15 to 30 seconds. It engages your core to work your glutes, hips, toes, triceps, elbows, chest, and arms.
5. Aqua Aerobics
Hydrotherapy creates a low-gravity workout setting which helps reduce stress on your joints and muscles. Land workouts can hurt the body, but water aerobics is enjoyable and involves dancing, jumping, running, and circling in the water. Your session would also include warm-ups and cool-downs and a lot of flexibility exercises in between. Speak to a certified instructor, and they can create a custom routine for you.
About Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy in Nassau County utilizes warm or hot water to exercise individuals and help them with their physical ailments. The practice has been popular for centuries and can also melt away mental tensions. Gentle yet effective pool exercises performed at various water depths can treat problems like general back pain, stiffness, arthritis, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, breathing difficulties, and immobility. It aids recovery, boosts endurance, is safe, and reduces muscular soreness. Pool exercises also improve your balance, strength, and agility.
Seek Specialist Care
Before trying out any water exercises on your own, it is best to seek professional assistance. A hydrotherapy specialist can devise a customized plan for your goals. They can set up a precise schedule with the right combination of land and water-based exercises. Look up “water therapy in Nassau County,” and you shall be able to find the right services to help improve the quality of your life.
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kenyatta · 4 years
Lucero Gómez is a social worker who runs informal group therapy sessions with mostly undocumented, all-Latinx former Ground Zero cleanup workers. Lucero tells me that almost immediately after 9/11, undocumented immigrants started getting phone calls “from a very underground kind of network of people who are undocumented and need work. They called at night. They said, ‘Tomorrow there is work, come work.’” The city hired contractors — Americans, Anglo, white. The contractors hired subcontractors, many of them bilingual Latinx people with the golden ticket of American citizenship who could present themselves as friendly faces to other immigrants — “We look like you! We speak like you!” — and would make the eventual abuses unexpected. Vans drove from Queens out to Long Island, through Nassau and Suffolk Counties, up and down the immigrant enclaves, looking for day laborers to bring to Ground Zero. The workers were mostly Eastern European and Latin American. Many of the women knew the area well, having cleaned offices and apartments in Lower Manhattan for years. They knew they’d be called to dust. There was so much dust.
“It looked like a Western, just like a desert,” Milton says. “Everything was dust and water and there was no light anywhere.” Milton was assigned to clean basements, where he waded waist-deep through dirty water and chemicals. He tied plastic grocery bags around his ankles. The dust was the hardest to clean because it blinded him and stuck to his wet clothing. He wasn’t given goggles. The subcontractors gave him air masks, but they were flimsy and broke easily. After a few days of work, Milton started spitting out mucus. Something scratched at the back of his throat, so he had to keep clearing it. It was wet and dry at the same time. After one week, he got his first paycheck from the subcontractor: $60 a day for working a twelve-hour shift; some days were longer than twelve hours. When he tried cashing the check, it bounced.
Enrique says he doesn’t feel the effects of the cleanup, but that isn’t true. He has flashbacks to Ground Zero all the time. A few weeks ago, he was working on top of a six-foot ladder in Brooklyn and had a flashback to being surrounded by dank water, in the dark, next to fallen lights, shattered glass, and ash, the strong smell of mildew and chemicals soaking fabrics and furniture. He fell off the ladder and broke his arm. “I become suddenly frightened by absolutely nothing, like a cat,” he says. 
Enrique was hired to work at Ground Zero by a company named Good Shine Cleaning, owned by a married Colombian American couple, American citizens. “The lines for cleaning jobs were hundreds of people long, and companies just picked everyone up and put us in trucks,” he remembers. “The Americans who own the contracting companies are all white. They hire Hispanic people to work as subcontractors and they’re the ones who deal directly with laborers.” Contractors have mastered a plantation model in their line of work, exploiting whatever sense of community that might exist among Latinx people. The workers think there are people along the chain of command who are watching out for them, but melanin and accents are ineffective binding substances.
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Swim Your Way to a Speedy Recovery With Water Therapy!
Are you recovering from a recent surgery? If so, have you considered water therapy in Nassau county as part of your rehabilitation process? Water therapy is a form of physical therapy that has been proven to be an effective method of restoring strength and range of motion to muscles and joints following a surgical procedure.
Let’s explore the benefits of water therapy and how it can help speed up your post-surgery recovery.
What is Water Therapy?
Water therapy, also known as aqua therapy or hydrotherapy, is a type of physical therapy that utilizes the healing and soothing properties of water to aid in injury rehabilitation. It is an effective form of therapy used to help with pain management, muscle strengthening, and improving range of motion and flexibility. Water therapy can be performed in a swimming pool or using special equipment such as a hot tub or therapeutic spa.
Benefits of Water Therapy for Post-Surgery Rehabilitation
Water therapy is a popular choice for post-surgery rehabilitation — and there are many reasons why. For one, it helps to improve the range of motion by using the natural resistance of water to increase flexibility and strengthen muscles. This is especially helpful for surgeries that require long recovery times as it helps to reduce stiffness and muscle atrophy. In addition, the buoyancy of the water allows you to move more freely and take the weight off of your joints. This reduces the risk of re-injury and helps with healing.
The resistance of the water also helps to build strength and endurance. This can be especially beneficial for post-surgical patients as it can help them to regain muscle tone quickly. Furthermore, the water provides support for painful joints and can help with balance. This makes it easier for individuals to move around in the water and perform strengthening exercises.
Water therapy also effectively reduces swelling and inflammation due to the pressure of the water on the affected area. This can help speed up the healing process and reduce pain. Additionally, it increases blood circulation, which helps to deliver oxygen and other essential nutrients to the muscles and tissues.
Finally, water therapy can be used to manage pain. The pressure of the water helps to reduce pain while the warmth relaxes the muscles. This can make it easier to move around in the water and perform exercises.
Water therapy is an excellent way for post-surgical patients to regain strength and mobility while minimizing pain. Not only is it a low-impact exercise that can help to strengthen the muscles and improve the range of motion, but it can also be a great stress reliever. Water therapy has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation, and improve overall physical function. It can even aid in emotional well-being. With its many benefits, it is no wonder why so many people are turning to this form of rehabilitation!
Be sure to check with your doctor before starting this form of physical therapy in Nassau County, though, as there are some precautions you should take when participating in water therapy post-surgery. With the proper guidance and support from your medical team, water therapy can be a great way to help you on your journey back to good health.
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Everything You Need To Know About Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy refers to using water and, sometimes, other liquids, to heal several issues such as insomnia, muscle aches, chronic pain, stress, and more. However, it is essential for you first to understand what it is and how it works before you choose this kind of treatment. Today's article will talk about how hydrotherapy will help you get healthy in no time.
What Do You Mean By Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is a treatment that uses water to help with various medical conditions. Some common advantages of hydrotherapy include promoting healing, reducing inflammation, and improving overall health. There are several types of hydrotherapy treatments, and you can select one that is best for you. There are several benefits of water therapy in Nassau County, which include:
Relieve Stress And Anxiety
A lot of people tend to experience anxiety and stress in their lives. Hydrotherapy can help relieve this stress and anxiety by helping you calm your mind and body. It is also quite effective at reducing pain and inflammation, leading to improved mental health.
It Will Help Restore Mobility And Balance In The Body
Aquatic therapy services can help you regain mobility in the body. This is because it uses water to massage and moves all muscles in your body. It can help improve overall mobility and joint function, as well as reduce any muscle pain.
Hydrotherapy Can Help Relieve Pain.
Hydrotherapy is an effective way of relieving pain. Hydrotherapy uses temperature and water pressure to massage the body's tissues deeply. It can help reduce pain and improve overall blood circulation.
There are a lot of things you can expect from hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy has many benefits, from improved blood circulation to relieving pain and restoring balance. If you wish to learn more about how hydrotherapy works or its benefits, we suggest you speak with a professional service provider immediately!
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What Do You Mean By Hydrotherapy, And How Can It Help?
Using water to treat various conditions is a common practice that’s as old as humanity. Hydrotherapy as a medical practice dates back to ancient Greece when hot water spas were used to exercise and help manage pain.
We have also found evidence that water therapy was utilized among several ancient cultures in Egypt, India, and China as a naturopathic treatment. Water aerobics, massage, stretching, and colonics were used to treat anxiety, chronic pain, constipation, stiffness, pregnancy aches, and more.
Aquatic therapy services are perfect for individuals dealing with various health issues. Even before science could explain how aquatic therapy services worked, people understood that water had several properties that helped in rehabilitation. Water adds gentle muscle resistance without adding excess weight to strained or sensitive body parts.
What Do You Mean By Hydrotherapy, And What Can It Treat?
Hydrotherapy is the internal or external use of water in any form (ice, steam, or water) for the treatment of diseases or health promotion with various pressures, temperatures, duration, and sites. It is an alternative medicine practice that uses water as a natural remedy to manage multiple symptoms.
Water or aquatic therapy has been used for thousands of years and is considered one of the best types of physical therapy in Nassau County. The therapeutic applications of water therapy include fitness improvement, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and relaxation. It is most commonly used to treat conditions and symptoms, including:
Neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders
Osteoarthritis pains and arthritis symptoms
Stiffness, joint pain, sprains, and any other condition that’s intolerant to weight-bearing exercises
Pulmonary disorders
Paralysis as a result of a stroke
Cardiovascular disorders
ASDs (autism spectrum disorders, motor delays, and disabilities among children
Fatigue, obesity, and headaches
Balance-related issues
Reduced range of motion and reoccurring injuries that make other forms of exercise uncomfortable or difficult
If you have any of these symptoms or conditions, consult a professional doctor and ask if they recommend hydrotherapy for faster recovery. Hydrotherapy may be the perfect solution for you!
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What Is Hydrotherapy, And How Can It Help?
If you have been suffering from mobility, chronic illness, severe arthritis, or an injury, you should consider getting hydrotherapy treatment. Between joint manipulation or mobilization, reduction in pain from chronic illness, soft tissue, and growth stimulation, the advantages of hydrotherapy are abundant. Research shows that hydrotherapy can also have a positive effect on your mental health.
Hydrotherapy Treatment: Defined
Hydrotherapy refers to using exercises in water as a part of treatment for various conditions. It is generally conducted in a swimming pool. However, you can also undertake these exercises in other kinds of open water. Since the water mass will support your body, hydrotherapy is a low-impact exercise that helps people recover from severe injuries, treat joint pain and inflammation, regain mobility, and strengthen weak muscles.
Hydrotherapy in Nassau County can help you leverage the properties of water, like hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy, to help patients. Warm water can encourage muscle relaxation, allowing individuals to move freely and exercise without stiffness or overbearing pain.
It will enable patients suffering from physically restrictive conditions to move into positions they would not be able to regularly. It can also help reduce the severity of pain related to injuries or any chronic conditions like arthritis. The weightlessness of body mass in water is critical in helping reduce muscular, joint, or nerve pain.
Health Benefits Of Hydrotherapy
There are various health benefits to using hydrotherapy. Some of these include:
Improved Mobility
Thanks to the buoyancy of the water, the most significant advantage of hydrotherapy is that it can reduce the total weight-bearing stress on your body. Removing that weight promotes freedom of movement and range of motion, resulting in improved mobility, which can be carried through to outside the water.
Reduced Swelling And Pain
Hydrotherapy can also help patients reduce swelling and pain in joints and muscles. The hydrostatic pressure of water can help reduce any swelling when exercising. It will also help improve post-exercise muscle soreness, so patients hoping to increase mobility don't face severe pain from exercise.
Increased Function
The buoyancy and warmth of water also help encourage muscles to relax when undergoing hydrotherapy. It optimizes the overall functionality of your body so you can get back to performing your day-to-day tasks that you couldn't due to a chronic condition or an injury using pain management or rehabilitation programs.
Recovery From Surgery
If you have recently undergone surgery, the hospital might prescribe you a treatment that aligns with the surgery. Water therapy in Nassau County is generally used as a post-surgery treatment that will be a critical part of your recovery process. It will also help in reducing any scar tissue and managing pain.
Mental Well-Being
Mental well-being is another critical advantage of using hydrotherapy. It enables immobile patients to exercise with reduced pain and move more freely.
Given so many advantages, it's easy to see why you should consider getting hydrotherapy. If you have any doubts, contact your doctor and ask if hydrotherapy is the right choice for you.
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How Can Hydrotherapy Help The Elderly?
If you want your body to age well and stay healthy for longer, we recommend including a workout plan in your plans. It's a fact that frequent and regular exercise multiple times a week is the best way to maintain ideal health, especially for the elderly. Daily exercise is ideally associated with a reduction in fall risk and comprehensive wellness. It's also known to help prevent arthritis, dementia, amnesia, and other illnesses among older folks.
Hydrotherapy is a fun way for older adults to stay in shape. It's an ideal way for all seniors to work out without putting a lot of pressure on their fragile bones and joints. However, sometimes the circumstances make it quite challenging to get into the groove of physical therapy in Nassau County.
It's Easy On The Joints.
The buoyancy of water can help you naturally reduce the overall resistance and lowers the stress and impact on your joints. Most older adults have weak joints due to regular wear and tear, and with aquatic therapy services, you can quickly get your heart rate going without putting a lot of pressure on your joints. Aquatic physical therapy is an excellent way to continue being in good shape.
Reduces Anxiety And Enhances Mood
Like all physical activity, aquatic therapy can help release a hormone called 'endorphins,' also known as the Feel Good hormones. These hormones help us feel good by reducing anxiety and improving our mood. It comes with the additional advantage of being in a swimming pool, which further reduces the stress even more than traditional exercises ever could. Moreover, since aquatic therapy is often done in a group setting, it also has several social benefits and helps surround you with like-minded people.
Improvement In Cardiovascular Health
Though aquatic therapy is underwater, it doesn't mean it's all fun and no work. Professional hydrotherapy routines can be an excellent way to get a lot of vigorous exercises. This way, hydrotherapy can help improve one's cardiovascular system significantly. All participant's heart rates can be seen to improve quite a bit during hydrotherapy sessions and can also result in fat burn.
If you are an older adult who wishes to keep your body healthy for longer, consider enrolling in hydrotherapy classes immediately!
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How Can You Benefit From Hydrotherapy?
Many people in our country are not meeting the basic physical guidelines. Not to mention, the overall rate of insufficient physical activity tends to increase with age. Most adults over 65 cannot meet the essential 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily and are recorded as insufficiently active. Meeting these guidelines can be challenging for the elderly and disabled population. There can be numerous reasons why people fail to meet these guidelines, the most common being pain. Hydro Therapy can enable you to participate in physical exercise without causing much distress. It also offers you several advantages, which we will explain in this article.
What Is It, And How Does It Work?
Hydrotherapy, sometimes known as aquatic physiotherapy, is a physical exercise conducted inside a specially designed heated swimming pool. It can help you treat a wide range of conditions, including general joint pain, osteoarthritis, neurological conditions, post or pre-operational rehab, or general well-being and fitness.
These exercises are generally performed in warm water that is heated up to 35 degrees. It allows individuals to progress within a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable environment. Water therapy in Nassau County is very different than conventional aquarobics and swimming. These movements are exercises catered to every client and help them address their goals. It is generally less strenuous than other land-based exercises and focuses on controlled, guided, and pain-relief movements with their primary purpose of providing pain relief.
Some Advantages Of Hydrotherapy
Load Bearing On Joints
Research shows that weight bearing is reduced by increasing the total amount of body you submerge under water. When the water level is at navel depth, the percent of weight-bearing is at 51.4%. When you exercise in a waist-deep swimming pool, the buoyancy of the water can help you significantly reduce your weight to less than half, helping you reduce the overall impact on your joints.
Reduced Muscle Tightness And Aches
The warmth of water also helps provide muscle relaxation and reduces the chances of spasms. Warm water is also quite effective at widening our blood vessels, which can help improve your blood circulation, especially in areas of pain. Thanks to this, it can help you boost your body’s healing process. Moreover, reduced muscle tightness can also result in improved muscle flexibility.
Better Muscle Strength
Hydrotherapy in Nassau County is the perfect environment to help you strengthen all your muscles, including any weak ones. professionals can easily modify all exercises you perform on land to perform underwater, using water as resistance. You can further alter some difficulties via speed of movement and change of surface area with the inclusion of floating devices.
It Helps With Cardiovascular Fitness.
Water resistance as you move your limbs can help you build muscle and improve your cardiovascular fitness. It will also help you alter the overall duration of your sessions.
Better Balance With No Risks Of Falls
Performing physical exercise underwater can help patients train their balance. All balance exercises you might be hesitant or fearful of performing on land can be quickly done safely in water without any risk of falling.
So, if you wish to take your overall fitness to the next level, consider water therapy immediately!
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Struggling With Back Pain? Aquatic Therapy Offers Immediate Relief.
Aquatic therapy is a form of physiotherapy performed in water. It is a wonderful rehabilitative remedy for both acute and chronic pains, including back pain. Experts in Nassau County design a customized exercise program for your needs to get you moving like never before. Still, trying to understand whether or not you must consider this treatment approach? Here are three reasons why water therapy promotes the optimal functioning of your body:
1. Hydrotherapy Is Enjoyable
Aquatic physical therapy in Nassau County can be highly-therapeutic and pleasant to help stabilize weakened or damaged muscles. Water therapy creates a safe, satisfying, near-zero-gravity environment to help your body heal. It is not just about swimming and performing a few floating exercising. Hydrotherapy is realistic, enjoyable, enhances flexibility, and soothes aches to improve your living quality. Besides, knowing how to swim isn’t a prerequisite.
2. You Can Get More Done
Water supports your body weight well. It makes several movements easier compared to the exercises you would do on land. It puts significantly less pressure on your spine, helping extend your range of motion. Ultimately, you are able to get more done as you will not be fighting gravity. However, you should also ensure that you are not overdoing your sessions. Your physiotherapist must understand your tolerance levels and recommend sets that minimize flare-ups.
3. It Boosts Blood Circulation
The pushing forces of warm water help improve your blood flow. This, in turn, allows oxygen and nutrients to flow to the affected areas, easing pain and boosting recovery. Sync up with a hydrotherapy specialist for a comprehensive diagnosis, and they can set you up on an individualized care plan. This will be particularly helpful for people who feel severely uncomfortable with traditional treatments.
Swim Your Pains Away With Hydrotherapy
Many people today suffer from back pain, whether it is stress-related, hereditary, or due to an injury. But aquatic therapy services can help. The healing properties of water make it a preferred medium for back pain treatment. So, if you need help with your pains, or seek a personalized hydrotherapy plan, book a session with your nearest specialists. A thorough evaluation may be able to help you determine your option.
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The Benefits of Aqua Therapy for Seniors
As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes that affect our mobility, strength, and overall health. One form of therapy that can help seniors maintain and improve their physical and mental well-being is aqua therapy, also known as hydrotherapy.
Here are some of the benefits seniors can get out of aqua therapy in Nassau County:
Improved Mobility and Flexibility
Aqua therapy can help seniors improve their mobility and flexibility by providing a low-impact environment for physical activity. The buoyancy of the water reduces the strain on joints, allowing seniors to move more freely and comfortably. Aqua therapy exercises can also help improve flexibility, range of motion, and balance, which are all important for maintaining independence and preventing falls.
Increased Strength and Endurance
Water resistance provides a natural form of resistance that can help seniors build strength, especially in their core, arms, and legs. Aqua therapy exercises can also improve cardiovascular endurance, which is essential for activities of daily living such as climbing stairs and carrying groceries. By engaging in regular aqua therapy, seniors can improve their overall strength and endurance, enabling them to perform daily tasks more efficiently.
Pain Management
Aqua therapy can be an effective treatment for chronic pain conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. The water's warmth and buoyancy can help reduce inflammation and muscle spasms, providing relief from pain and discomfort. Aqua therapy can also be helpful for seniors recovering from surgery or injuries, as it allows for a safe and low-impact environment for their rehabilitation.
Improved Mental Health
In addition to its physical benefits, aqua therapy can also have a positive impact on seniors' mental health and well-being. The social aspect of group classes can help alleviate loneliness and improve socialization, and the calming effects of the water can help reduce stress and enhance the quality of sleep. Overall, aqua therapy can be an enjoyable and therapeutic way for seniors to improve their mental and emotional well-being.
Aqua therapy or hydrotherapy in Nassau county can be a beneficial and enjoyable form of therapy for seniors looking to improve their physical and mental well-being. It offers seniors a safe and low-impact environment to improve their mobility, strength, and overall health. Of course, it can also be an effective treatment for various conditions and disabilities. 
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3 Reasons Why Aquatic Therapy is Amazing for Your Mental Health
Aquatic therapy is an increasingly popular form of physical therapy in Nassau county that provides many benefits. The physical benefits of aquatic therapy are well known, such as improved strength, flexibility, and balance. But did you know that aquatic therapy can also benefit your mental and emotional well-being?
Many people are unaware of these three positive psychological effects of aquatic therapy, but they can help improve your overall mental health and quality of life. 
It Encourages Relaxation
One of the main benefits of aquatic therapy is its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress. The water's buoyancy helps create a soothing environment where you can let go of any stress and calm your mind. Plus, the warmth of the water helps to increase your blood flow, which can further help with relaxation.
It Improves Mood
Studies have shown that aquatic therapy services can help improve your mood by releasing endorphins. Endorphins (also called "feel good" hormones) are released when you exercise, which can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. Additionally, the calming effects of being in the water can lead to increased feelings of well-being and improved self-esteem.
It Builds Body Awareness
In aquatic therapy, the viscosity of the water helps to challenge the body and brain in new ways. Doing this makes you more aware of how your body moves and works. This increased body awareness can help you become more focused and alert, improving your concentration levels as well.
Whether you're looking to relax, build self-esteem, or improve your mood, aquatic therapy can be a fantastic tool to help improve your mental health. The feeling of weightlessness and buoyancy, combined with the therapeutic effects of water, make it a great choice for anyone looking to make positive changes in their overall life.
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6 Benefits of Aquatic Therapy for Your Overall Health
Aquatic therapy — also called hydrotherapy or water therapy — has been used in physical therapy since the 1920s, when it was first introduced to treat people with rheumatism and arthritis pain. Today, aquatic therapy's benefits go far beyond rheumatic conditions.
Aquatic therapy services offer numerous health benefits that are often not considered in terms of overall health. These benefits can be further enhanced by combining it with other forms of treatment, including exercise and physical therapy, making it a powerful addition to your wellness routine.
Here are six of the most significant benefits of aquatic therapy and why it is something you should consider adding to your health plan:
Reduces Pain and Inflammation
Aquatic therapy is a type of physical therapy that utilizes water and other buoyant resistance to help reduce pain and inflammation. It can also help with strengthening muscles and improving the range of motion. The water supports the weight, so you don't have to use as much force as you would on land, reducing the pressure on your joints. This makes it easier to move around without any extra stress or pain in your body.
Improves Joint Range of Motion
Aquatic therapy is an excellent way to improve your range of motion. The water provides a buoyancy that allows you to hold stretches and poses in ways you might not be able to do on land. This can help with the stiffness, pain, and discomfort that often come with aging. It also provides a natural resistance against gravity, which helps strengthen and tone muscles without the impact of weight-bearing exercises.
Increases Muscle Strength
One of the many benefits of aquatic therapy is that it can increase muscle strength. The resistance and weightlessness in the water allow you to exercise your muscles without putting the same amount of stress on your joints as land exercises. This can help strengthen muscles and improve mobility. This can be especially helpful for patients recovering from an injury or surgery. 
Improves Balance and Coordination
Balance and coordination are two things we take for granted until they are gone. Aquatic therapy is one of the most effective ways to improve balance and coordination because it provides an easy-to-master environment. Plus, it is a low-impact exercise, meaning there is little chance of injury or re-injury. The water offers resistance, which helps develop muscle strength without putting stress on the joints.
Provides Cardiovascular Benefits
Aquatic therapy provides cardiovascular benefits because the water supports your body weight and reduces stress on your joints. This type of therapy also stimulates circulation, is a form of low-impact exercise and helps you relax both mentally and physically.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Aquatic therapy has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in both children and adults. People who undergo aquatic therapy show a decrease in feelings of stress after only a few weeks. You can experience these benefits at home by practicing deep breathing exercises or meditating before taking a dip in the pool.
Aquatic therapy is a great way to improve your overall health. The six benefits listed in this post are just the tip of the iceberg. Try out hydrotherapy in Nassau County today and see how it can make you feel better! 
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5 Myths about Aquatic Therapy You Need to Stop Believing
You have heard that aquatics therapy, the use of water to help heal and rehabilitate patients, is an incredible form of therapy for numerous conditions and disorders, but you may have also heard some myths about it that keep you from giving it a try. Well, it's time to start believing in the truth of what water therapy in Nassau County can do. Here are five common myths about this type of therapy that you should stop believing right now.
Aquatic therapy is only for older adults.
This is one of the most common myths, but in reality, aquatic therapy is great for people of all ages. It's not just for older adults! People with disabilities and those recovering from sports injuries can benefit from this type of treatment, regardless of their age.
You need to be a good swimmer to benefit from aquatic therapy.
The truth is that you don't need to be a strong swimmer to benefit from aquatic therapy. Whether you're recovering from surgery or an injury or want a low-impact workout, the gentle movement of water can help your body heal itself.
Aquatic therapy is only for people with injuries.
Indeed, aquatic therapy is often prescribed for people with injuries, but it can also be used for those recovering from surgeries, chronic diseases like arthritis and fibromyalgia, heart disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's Disease, and other neurological disorders. It also helps those with balance issues or who are prone to falls.
Aquatic therapy is only for people in rehabilitation.
Another myth about aquatic therapy is that it is only for people in rehabilitation. This might be true in some cases, but aquatic therapy is also great for people not in rehabilitation (like people with chronic pain) to reap the benefits of aquatic therapy. It is a low-impact activity that can be done at home, and the buoyancy of the water reduces stress on joints and muscles. 
Aquatic therapy is only for people with chronic pain.
A common misconception is that aquatic therapy is only for people dealing with chronic pain. It's actually recommended for anyone experiencing tightness in their muscles, back or neck pain, and joint stiffness.
Concluding Thoughts
There's no denying the popularity of aquatic therapy as a form of physical therapy in Nassau County. But like any other activity, there are myths about aquatic therapy that you must stop believing — especially if you want to get the most out of this safe and effective treatment method.  
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How Can Aquatic Therapy Help You?
Aquatic therapy is an excellent form of treatment for individuals who are recovering from an illness or injury. The patient will engage in physical exercises and movements in a swimming pool in this therapy. The water's resistance and buoyancy will support any injured area while ensuring you don't put a lot of strain on them.
Well-Known Advantages Of Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic therapy is an excellent substitute for conventional physical therapy. The unique advantages of Hydrotherapy in Nassau County include the following:
Water Resistance
The natural viscosity of water can help you strengthen any weak muscles. One of the most significant advantages of aquatic therapy is the constant resistance water offers compared to air. Air resistance is much less on land than the resistance found underwater.
Hence, all patients who undertake aquatic therapy tend to use more muscles than they would use on the ground. It helps you tone atrophied muscles quickly by working more muscle fibers. The presence of water also helps reduce inflammation and pain and improves strength and balance among patients.
Better Circulation
Warm water helps improve blood flow to all limbs and other parts of our body. It is helpful for all patients who have weak heart muscles since it helps compensate for poor circulation. Moreover, the warmth helps relieve pain and relax all muscles, joint pains, and back pain.
Hydrostatic Pressure
The pressure liquid exerts when it is at rest is known as hydrostatic pressure. Since water is much denser than air, it tends to exert more pressure on our bodies. It forces our lungs and heart to work a little harder than average.
It also helps to support and stabilize patients who have difficulty standing or keeping balance without the fear of falling. The compression on the joints and muscles helps relieve chronic aches, blood flow, and muscle strength.
Muscle Relaxation
Aqua therapy in Nassau County helps with muscle relaxation due to the dilatation of blood vessels caused by the warmth of the water. It helps prevent any accidental injury of healing joints, muscles, and cartilage.
In most cases, soreness of muscles is caused by an excessive build-up of lactic acid, and increased blood flow helps you flush away the lactic acid, relieving the soreness. The smooth, gentle flow of water is a natural form of massage. It helps promote the relaxation of any tired or sore muscles.
Rebuild Muscle Memory
Suppose the patient suffers from neuromuscular conditions like spinal muscular atrophy, myasthenia gravis, or any other impairment. In that case, muscle re-education is made much easier with the help of specially designed aquatic exercises. Water resistance forces patients to move slower, allowing the brain to process muscle signals more thoroughly since it has more time.
It Is A Fun Environment.
Being in a swimming pool promotes a reinforcing and positive environment. This fun atmosphere makes the experience enjoyable, promotes healing, and benefits your mind.
If you wish to learn more about how aqua therapy can help you, we suggest you speak with a professional. They can give you more detailed information on how aquatic therapy will benefit your body and mind in the long run.
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