#watever. will delete soon<3
if i dont learn cantonese soon im gonna kms
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omg imma lucky human  - being  
so often also - awaiting birdsong i get a chorus - an emoji instead a phone call and then graced by a gift on tumblr  -  not the 1st i remember a painting of cinder years ago - how many deleted blogs and still 
all the changes - all the whining omg how duz u peeps even stand me omfg y am i laffing  - u knows i emote like  - how many tumblr tabs u got open t ? 3 - ig 1 - email yah - ffs yesterday i had convos crossing all 3 w 1 person - again but someone else 
and reel d intersect w platforms and mutuals and everyone creative cuz we all shine on - every fukken one - of us  - and wat is us or who us is - its connection - its connection - learned that from a librarian  - cuz they bad ass and know shit  - like how to pay attention 
still gotta go out - errands and crows  - its still winter - im still wary not afraid but cautious  ( well mostly - in a t kinda way  watever that iz ) 
btw - the music - the book - some art  - soon come finished projects - almost wrote products - yah they gonna b for sale - as usual snippets prevues demos etc gonna b free  - maybe a patreon - but there will b 3d - vinyl cd download hardback soft cover download - gonna work on pod casts and stream live shows  - idk we barely started - 2 biz w teenz 1 i know less than a year ( we known each other forever in some ways )  and enuff drama to burn 2 bridges  - sigh  - proud of both tho 1 took some wrong turns and uh shit happen  - the moon dont move / the tides/ to wash me clean .... or something - idk wtf some ppl thinking  - still trynna b love  - its fucking rawk n roll  - who know wtf gonna b tomorrow   - so t , duz u think u gonna make any $ from this  - hopeful enuff to keep going on losing $  - lol just not so many so fast and maybe some expenses covered  
but yah  the love   - shown - the methods myriad  - words - dreams - poems - songs - draw paint sing dance skate fly just wish and pray sometimes - believe 
in each other  - try and break the fall if it happen or a hand up - or sometimes - just lay on the floor side by side holding crying  cuz there aint a fucking thing -
things just b like that
being present all thats needed 
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