#wayne scarlet hollow x reader
gibor-zolel · 4 months
Let's Wrestle! Wayne x F! Reader
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Words: 3.8k
Warnings/Tags: Powerful build, mystical, book smart, Wayne is an angel truther, gets bizarre and mildly nsfw at the end, sex with an eldritch being.
Songs used were Lecha dodi and Song of Songs 7
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A chilling breeze brushed against your skin, tingling your senses and making small bumps as you watched Tabitha and Stella reconnect from afar.  They had been talking for a good while when Tabby put a comforting hand on Stella as the audacious yet seemingly fickle woman shifted closer to her ex-friend, ex-lover, ex something.
You couldn’t overhear what was being said but it felt as if whatever burdens the two women shared had been lifted, if only for a moment under the quiet moon.  The luminous light shined above them; a spotlight centered only on them and the rekindling of their flame
Yet here you wait…in the dark and alone.
(Mystical) Their souls are tied together once more.  Nothing will come between them again.  Not even if Pearlanne would wake from her slumber.
There it was again.  That gut instinct.  That sensation that told you more than your eyes, ears, nose, hands, ever could.  That gut instinct had pulled you into increasingly dangerous situations ever since you got here.
And now it was telling you that whatever hope you had of winning Stella over was gone.  She wasn’t yours.  Never could be.
Tabitha still loved her and while you were a troublemaker you wouldn’t dream of making her more miserable than she already was.  After causing so much worry for her it felt wrong to come between the two.
Zipping your jacket close as another icy draft hit your face, you turned around and began heading home.  Dread washed through your spirit with each step towards the woods; knowing what was in them.
(Powerful build) Why were you even afraid?  Punching one of those parasites was akin to hitting play dough.  You could take em’.
"Come along now, it’s quite a hike back to the estate."
Wayne had suddenly appeared out of thin air and was standing directly in your path.  It hadn’t even been twenty steps away and here he was.  The smell of decay assaulted your senses whenever he got nearby.
“Holy shit you scared me!  Why do you always do that?  And back up man!  Your stench is getting worse!”
Wayne emitted that uncanny cough; which to your guess was his version of a chuckle.
“I thought you had moved past your fear.  You should know I’m always near you even if you can’t see me.”
Rolling your eyes as you regarded the definitely not human entity, you crossed your arms and huffed.
“It’s not about being scared of you, I just don’t like being snuck up on!  If you’ve been watching me all this time you should know that.”
(Powerful Build) Your muscles were still tense from being startled, fingers ever so slightly tingling and spasming with desire to go punch or wrestle this fear out of you.
(Mystical) It doesn’t matter how many reps you do or how heavy you can lift; your soul is frightened and no amount of mass can conquer the mind.
“Your heart is palpitating…. it’s not good for you to be on edge…”
“Duh but it’s hard not to be anxious in this awful little town I’ve been pulled back too”
“You don’t have to help them…you can always stay in the estate like I asked of you.  These “people” are not your friends.  They’re parasites eating away at your body and soul.  You’ve continuously put your life on the line to help them despite my warnings."
Not this again.
“I know you like showing off for me.  Where would you even be if I wasn’t putting myself in danger?” Giving him a playful wink, your eyes traveled all over the figure standing before you.  The rot had gotten worse; and you struggled to remember what you had learned in forensic science class years ago.
(Book smart) Sam Wayne’s body was past the point of bloat but the livor mortis still patterns the body in bruise like marks.  He was in active decay now.  Yet there were no flies or maggots devouring his skin.  Perhaps even the pestilence feared whatever laid inside the carcass.
Part of it disgusted you, part of it excited you.  This unsettling yellow eyed freak had taken a liking to you for whatever reason and you were going to make it your mission to tease and taunt him.
“How come you hide your face from me?”
“You wouldn’t wish to see what’s underneath.”
“Nah.  You’re just shy, aren’t you?”
Wayne’s glowing dots shined through the veil but it said nothing.
“How tough are you anyway?”  Circling the thing that stood in your path, you wanted so badly to tackle him and wrestle him into the dirt.  No hint of malice in your body; just a need to unleash that nagging panic that lingered.  He, no…it; could take it; there would be no need to hold back out of fear of injuring your sparring partner.
“Encircling me like a starving beast will not increase your chances of killing me.  You cannot harm me.”  There was a subtle irritation in its voice.  This had been the first time the creature inhabiting Wayne’s body had showed any emotion and it was annoyed by you.
Without another word, you lunged at the figure, grabbed its right wrist and formed a pocket grip on the collar of its miners jacket.  An involuntary scrunch of your nose happened due to the proximity of death filling your nostrils. Wayne had jerked its head back, as if expecting a punch to the face rather than a vice grip on its wrist.
“Ha!  Did you flinch?  Who’s scared now?”  Confidence began to flow in increasingly zealous veins.  You could feel your veins expand and contract with adrenaline at the thought of rolling with a demon or whatever Wayne was now.
“Don’t.” Its voice dripped with less subtle irritation now. 
(Mystical) The entity’s aura is brimming with displeasure.  It would be unwise to push your protector too far.  Do you wish to drive everyone away?
“Geez man relax!” Taking your grips off of it, you stepped back and gave the entity a lopsided grin.
“I’m not trying to attack you!  I just wanna wrestle!  It’s not like I can hurt you anyways so what does it matter?  Sparring with someone brings you closer to the other person!  You get to see how the other person thinks in the heat of the moment and how their body reacts to pressure.  It’s the ultimate mind-body experience!  Come oonnnn!  Let’s wrestle!”
Wayne tilted its head to the side and stared at you through the veil covering its face, bright yellow pupils shined outward as it contemplated this.
Finally, it let out another coughing fit.  This one longer than the last as it seemed to be amused by this development.  Any trace of frustration was gone.
“I am glad you’re no longer afraid but you cannot hope to match me in such a way.  Let’s go, it’s getting late and you need your rest.”  Wayne's body turned around and started along the path to the estate.
Shoulders slumped down in disappointment at the rejection and you begrudgingly followed your silent stalker. 
“Obviously you’re just worried I might actually beat you and then you couldn’t be so condescending to me…” There was a need inside your soul to poke at Wayne's emotions.  A need to see it unravel before you and dispose of its stoic character.  Everyone had a breaking point, a line that shouldn’t be crossed.  You just wanted to figure out what that line was.  Push and see how far you could push before Wayne abandoned you.  Then again…did you truly want to cross that line?
Wayne didn’t bother responding.   
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Perhaps it would be better to question Wayne about everything that happened tonight.  At least to fill the void of silence in the forest.
“Did you know…Reese was like that?” Wayne had to have known right?  Why else would Reese be called a “thing”?
“I knew he was different.  How exactly, I wasn’t sure but now I know.”
Nodding your head, you looked out into the night sky, deep in thought.
“Thanks for looking out for me tonight.”
“Anytime you find yourself in danger, I will be there for you.  I will always be there for you.”
Really?  Always?  Wayne's words made a lump in your throat.  It felt as if you couldn’t breathe.  Someone…always being there for you?  Never to abandon you or hate you? 
No.  This spirit…entity…whatever it was didn’t mean that.  It couldn’t have.
Still the thought caused butterflies to flutter in your abdomen and your head felt fuzzy with an indescribable pleasure.  Its detached sonorous voice never failed to thrill you in all the wrong ways. 
Reaching out, you attempt to hold its hand.  Sure, it was probably all mushy or disgustingly cold but you needed to hold its hand.
Wayne pulled away and left you grasping for air. 
“A thoughtful gesture, but you don’t want to do that.  I wouldn’t wish to frighten you.”
Your heart sank and you gave him a pitiful look.
“I could never be afraid of you.  I know you’re not human but I still want you...”
Muscles began twitching again, the emotions were too much.  Why couldn’t you be stoic like Wayne?  It was so painful to care for others and be rejected, to not be enough.
“No need to fret, there will be a time and a place.”
Your spirit quickly lifted at those words but you couldn’t have guessed what would next leave the entity’s mouth.
“The bond we could share…” Its gaze titled upwards towards the stars, was it reminiscing on something?
After a moment its gaze drifted back to you.
“It would be deeper than any bond you could form with anyone else” The sentence left its rotting lips as if fact.  No room for argument.
Your stomach began to twist into knots, no longer that pleasant feeling of infatuation but a deep seeded insecurity creeping up.
The estate was within sight, it’s decaying yet powerful presence reminded you of Wayne. There was a thought haunting your heart ever since Wayne had rescued you from the library. 
“Don’t leave me tonight…please…I don’t want to be…alone.  Tabby doesn’t like me no matter how hard I try to connect with her.  I thought we were making progress but…I-I…I don’t know.  She says family matters to her but she acts like she hates me!”  Admitting that out loud hurt.  You had never gotten along with your mother so when Tabitha invited you to her mother’s funeral it felt like a chance to finally have a family.  Finally have someone who would love you no matter what.
But Tabitha didn’t love you either.
A single hot streak of water ran down your right cheek.  Oh, fuck were you crying?
(Book smart) Tears made from heartbreak contain stress hormones such as prolactin, potassium, and manganese.  Your body is attempting to soothe you.
Wayne stopped right outside the estates gates and looked back at you, still no emotion in its harrowing yellow eyes.
“Save your tears for yourself.  Cry, if you must relieve whatever is inside but don’t cry for someone else.  These miserable fleshlings are of no concern.  Cowardly, contumelious, thoughtless, arrogant, foolish, that’s all they are.”
Blinking away your tear, you gave Wayne a shocked looked.  It had said some callous things before but this?
“Did you just call my friends fleshlings?” Such an abrasive thing to say, it almost made cynical laughter erupt from your sore throat.
“Made from flesh and bone are they not?” The condescension in Wayne's voice would be miss able to anyone else but you.
“I-I-I thought I really bonded with Stella…I was gonna go to the general store tomorrow and pick her up some chocolates.  When I told her that I lived in an internet café she even suggested I could move in with her after Pearlanne’s funeral.  I thought maybe…m-maybe we c-c-could build something together.”  It sounded more inane as you choked back another stream of tears.
“Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce”
“I-what?  Are you serious?” What were you supposed to say to that?  Wayne always said the cruelest things so casually.  It had caught you so off guard you almost laughed.
“I’m very serious.  Look at yourself.  You’ve stained up the carpet with your tears.”
Wait you were inside the estate?  You hadn’t even noticed.  Looking down at the carpet, there it laid, dampness in a solitary spot, evidence of all the suffering this week had brought into your life.
“You’ve barely known these creatures for a week and you almost gave away years of your life for a piece of property.  And for what?  When you got home your cousin didn’t even believe you.  She’s been scornful by the thought of your very presence since she knew of your birth.”
This was too much.  Eyes closed shut as imagines of a happy family flooded your mind.  You wanted that so bad.
“I want to go to bed”
Wayne stepped forward, a piece of cloth in its hand, and wiped the moisture from your face as the two of you headed upstairs.  A strange and unexpected gesture.
Nothing but numbness flowed in your body as you deteriorated into the bumpy mattress.  Wanting this nightmare to be over with.
Wayne stood at the side of the bed and peered down at you.  The corpse was close yet there was no flinching at the stench anymore.
“Why are you still here?” The voice that escaped sounded nothing like your own.  It was too harsh, too broken, all too painfully human.
“You asked me to make sure you weren’t alone tonight so here I am.”
“Thanks…” Yet there was no trace of gratitude in your tone.  Not after what it had said to you.
Wayne, sensing this, loomed over your body and got uncomfortably close to your face.
“As I understand it; my candor may seem dismissive or unsympathetic to mortals such as yourself.  I only wish for you to see things as they are.  Not how you wish they were.”
“I get it man.  Please just let me sleep…”
But Wayne didn’t leave, instead it moved even closer and now you could no longer mentally block the putrid aroma.
“I could pay you a visit tonight in your dreams.  Would you like that?”
(Mystical) There is a foreboding intent behind this question.  If you say yes there’s no going back. 
Swallowing, you gazed into its piercing dots that made up its version of eyes.
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Everything went black as sleep forced itself onto you, sinking into the mattress, the last thing your eyes witness were a glimmer of ecstasy in the spirit’s unrelenting gaze.
You were alone again, surrounded by the trees of the forest with no ditchlings in sight.  Looking up, there were no brilliant stars in the sky to look at, nor a reassuring moon to light your path. 
Instead, there were storm clouds gathering in the sky as lightning struck and faint sounds of thunder rumbled and echoed seconds after.  Taking a deep breath, you finally relaxed and hummed up at the heavens, taking in the moment. 
You loved storms ever since you were a child.  You vaguely remembered breaking out of the house one day while your mother was showering.  Using the books from your shelf you had crafted a stepping stool to reach the locks and raced outside to watch the lightning streak the dreary heavens.  There was something so mesmerizing about the thunderstorm, it called to your soul, beckoning you to witness it.  Your mother had pulled you back inside soon after, furious for putting yourself at risk.
A solitary light from across a riverside snapped you out of nostalgia.  Taking one step forward, then two, then three and without any more reluctance, legs began racing headfirst to greet it.
Approaching closer and closer to the light, you weren’t even sure what your eyes were witnessing.  Two radiant wing like appendages with hundreds of eyes sprawled over them stood alongside each other and a darkness was sheltered in the middle between them.  Two yellow dots examined you from the shadowy parts of the beast. 
(Mystical) It wishes to be witnessed.  To bare its soul in pleas of matrimony and covenant
Standing only a few lengths away, words couldn’t form in your spiraling mind.  This was a dream but it felt so physical, so real.
Still no words could find structure, so in the silence; it spoke for you, sang for you.  
“Come in peace, crown of her husband,
 Both in happiness and in jubilation;
 Come O Bride! Come O Bride!”
The voice sounded so commanding yet devoted in its praise and longings.  The rumbling vocals were unlike anything heard by human ears.
“Oh, so you’re cultured huh?” Small laughter found its way out at last.  You weren’t sure what to expect but it certainly wasn’t this.  “You have a lovely singing voice…”
“Come, my beloved, let us go out to the field, let us lodge in the villages,
 Let us rise early for the vineyards, let us see if the vine has blossomed,
 If the tender grapes have appeared, If the pomegranates are in bloom,
 There I will give my love to you”
Heat swelled up in your cheeks the more it sang to you.  Singing the song of songs no less.
The fields were full of pomegranate trees that came into flower.  Bright red and matured for harvesting.  Had they always been there?  Or had your subconscious formed them after hearing the melody?
Sighing, you came closer to the two yearning eyes sheltered in the darkness caused by its wings.  It was time to give your response.
“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is upon me”
Laughter emitted from the shades.  No coughing this time, rather this was its true voice, untethered by the vocals of a rotting body.  “The song is out of order…but that’s fine.”
Lighting flashed and thunder roared over the looming clouds as the darkness began creeping in to surround the two souls, forcing you to get closer to avoid being swallowed up by the storm.  Wayne’s presence became more terrible as you neared it, the blackness sheltered by its wings could no longer hide its form from your mortal eyes.  The darkness bowed before such divinity.
A body or what resembled a body was kneeling in front of you.  Interweaving ribbons of lightning shaped its torso, hands, legs, everything.  In between the electricity were rotating eyes that directed all of their attention to you.  It looked more like an eldritch nervous system than a fully fleshed out frame.  Yet in its center there was a luminous shape that you could only guess were its lungs “breathing” in and out.  Its head was much like the rest of its body except only two eyes were embedded on instead of hundreds.  It had no mouth, yet…it spoke.
You felted so exposed under its gaze.  It could see your soul in its entirety.  All of your faults, your dreams that never came true, your insecurities, laid bare for Wayne to ogle at with its lecherous yellow dots.  A feeling of nakedness incapacitated your spirit.  No…looking down you were naked.
“I have seen it before, there is no need to hide from me.”  
What?!  This pervert!
“Please no more…don’t look at me in such a way.  It feels as though you’re picking me apart when you do that.”  Tears welled up in your eyes once more, this was too much, too soon.  Your heart shouldn’t desire such a thing.  What would Tabitha think?  Or Stella?  Or Keneeka? 
“Do not be embarrassed! Do not be ashamed!
 Why be downcast? Why groan?
 Your despoilers will become spoil,
 Far away shall be any who would devour you”
Its melodic chant eased your howling heart, closing your eyes you cleansed yourself of any guilt for what was about to happen.  And hey if no one else, Avery would understand, wouldn’t they?
“You enjoy switching between songs it appears.  Melodies flow so easily for you despite your lack of lips.” Chuckling at the thought, a sense of elation befell inside the soul.
“Well, you wished to wrestle with me, did you not?  Let us wrestle then.”
 Its wings encased you, trapped you inside as it took your body, your soul, your mind. 
(Powerful Build) Souls quarreled against each other in a fight for domination.  It was overwhelmingly strong, inhuman, insistent, but not all powerful. 
(Book smart and Mystical) Unfortunately for Wayne; you knew this play and how it ended.
Gripping its wrists and pushing your body against it, you struggled with all your might.  Otherworldly sensations coursed in your frame; feelings of agony, feelings of despair and hope, of regret and longing, feelings of abandonment and devotion.  All emotions felt at once, even in contradiction. 
Lifting your hips up, you dug and hooked your legs into its upper frame and, using your hooks, you pulled the monster closer and tried to pin it into side control.  As the two of you struggled to pin the other, Wayne entered you without any warning.  Ripping the air out of your lungs as your mortal body panicked at the abominable chafing.  You let the pain pass over and held on to the thing ascending upon you.
Sensing it was losing, Wayne began to assault your essence with sensations of inconceivable pleasure and relaxation, your body started to tremble with euphoria, your breath got ragged and hoarse as exhaustion and the need to rest came over. A final attempt to make you surrender.
Legs shook with the want to kneel and submit but instead nails dug deeper into its ethereal flesh, refusing to let go.  Maybe you couldn’t grapple it into its guard yet but you’d stubbornly hold on until it needed to rest.  
I didn’t matter how long it took, even until the dawn, if necessary, that be!
At the first sign of vulnerability, you used the last bit of your strength to put Wayne into half guard, hooking your left leg and entangling its lower body as you mounted the spirit and trapped its right arm under your weight.
“Such fighting spirit” Wayne snickered.
Sunlight broke through over the harsh gloomy skies and Wayne reared back, trying to disentangled itself but found it couldn’t do so.
“Let me go.”
Giving the spirit a wolfish grin, you taunted “Beg me”
Wayne paused for a moment, in consideration before it relented.  “Please…let me go.”
‘Good enough.”
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Slowly, eyes opened to the dusty bedroom you slept in.  Your legs felt as if they had dead lifted a tremendous weight and through it all you sensed a wetness in between them and a different kind of ache inside.  Cheeks became red with embarrassment and you turned over to the clock in realization it was already ten in the morning.  Pain throbbed throughout your body as you rose up and started putting on clothing.
“Ahhh damn it!” Placing a hand on your left hip bone, you wrenched over in discomfort.  When the hell did Wayne hit your hip?
“What a dick…hopefully that goes away soon…” Grumbling, you made your way downstairs, stumbling a bit but ready to face the new horrors that awaited with new found confidence.
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daemonoferror · 1 year
A date to Build-a-Bear with your Scarlet Hollow SO
Includes: Stella, Avery, Kaneeka, Oscar, Reese, and Wayne
Note: idk, earlier this year I got sad I couldn't just. Go to build a bear. So I started writing these. Reader is hardly mentioned but I did write it in the spirit of you being there.
• No clue how you got her there, but hey, you did it.
• Gretchen's going with you by the way, that's a given but I think important to mention.
• Go around Halloween, hopefully someday they'll have the mothman bear we've all dreamed of.
• Stella has so many ideas for what to make, though.
• Get a Halloween themed bear- no wait, a dog- no wait, this one looks really fucking stupid it's perfect- no wait-
• You have to go multiple times so she gets every bear she can think of.
• If she can make one look like Gretchen or a cryptid that'd be perfect
• But she'd also love to make a really screwed up, funny looking bear. Like-
• "Oh yeah, I noticed this one's missing an eye so. I'm getting this one." "This shirt has a typo on it, that's so funny i love it" "do you think they'll let me mismatch the shoes??" "a HOOK HAND ACCESSORY?! Well obviously I need that"
• You would not be able to tell a grown woman made this bear.
• She'll DIY it clothes later, it has it's own little wardrobe of wacky outfits
• She'll buy accessories she thinks Gretchen could wear.
• Lets Gretchen lick the heart before it's put in the bear
• Might get a sound effect heart but worries it'll be too annoying.
• If she got a scentiment it'd probably be the pumpkin one or... pizza? Because that existed, apparently?
• Names it something silly- an old man name like Harlod. Or give it a cryptid name.
• Absolutely fucking loved the date, she's already planning the next trip there.
• They'll think the idea is very cute.
• Make sure to go around spring/saint Patrick's day.
• Wants a flower print or green bear. (The point of going near saint Patrick's day is too ensure there's a shamrock bear to meet these requirements)
• Chooses the lavender scentiment for their bear.
• Will do that thing where you record a message for eachother's bear. They'll do a simple "I love you *kiss noise*" and it makes you swoon. They are SO perfect.
• You make a plant pun for their's, they love it no matter how stupid it is.
• They somehow make doing the heart ritual look cool?
• Finds a plant shirt and the bear's fate is sealed: they're gonna match :o
• The bear will be just as stylish as them (maybe more, I keep imagining Avery giving it a monocle accessory)
• Either names it after a plant- Like Magnolia or Clover- or names it the same way they name their plants (assuming they name their plants bc... who doesn't?)
• Very happy with the date and their bear, will show it off to everyone. Maybe it has a place at the diner- if they can find a spot garunteed to not get maple syrup spilled on it, anyways.
• She probably came up with the idea, but feels a little silly about it at first because it seems so childish.
• Go around Halloween to once again ensure the pick of a spooky lil bear
• She takes it very seriously- this is gonna be the best goddamn bear ever.
• There are 2 wolves fighting inside Kaneeka: The goth and the nerd.
• So she's having a difficult time choosing between whatever collab buildabear is doing at the time (superheroes, sonic, Mario, whatever) or making the coolest goth bear you've ever seen.
• Please just let her get both 🥺
• Thin mints cookie scentiment for one bear, coconut for the other.
• Will do a cute sound effect for her bear. She would suggest recording one for eachother, but she doesn't know what to say.
• She's not mismatching the collab bear, it's getting the accessories that was made for it.
• The goth bear will get the nicest outfit ever, in all blacks and dark colors.
• She'll also DIY it clothes to fit her aesthetic better
• Gives it a very pretty, elegant name, like Celeste or Audrey
• The other bear, she fills it out the exact way she would for the character, which just feels like extra work.
• "Why does Batman need a birth certificate? He's batman." Proceeds to do the right thing and names it Bruce Wayne and changes the birthday to the right birthday.
• Thinks it was the perfect date, and is really happy you went together.
• You'll be forced to take Rosalina and her friends with you, so not really a date. He'll see it as more of an outing for the kids, but it's kinda fun to participate.
• Gets the classic bear with brown, curly fur.
• Won't get a scent or a sound effect.
• Is a bit embarrassed to do the heart ritual, but turns it around quickly, joking that a teddy bear's heart transplant is no laughing matter.
• Won't want to get accessories because those cost money, but if you insist because you're paying, he'll cave and give it a dapper little suit and glasses. Maybe a top hat. A mini book to read. It'll be so cute.
• Gives it a bear pun or a book reference that no one gets for a name.
• Is very tired at the end of the day from being dragged around the mall by a bunch of tweens, but he gets home and still thinks it was a good day. Probably falls asleep with the bear. Though that will sadly be the only time, he keeps it on a night stand or bookshelf so it won't fall off and roll under the bed. He'd have a heartattack if he lost it.
• He never went to build a bear as a kid so this is gonna be so great for him.
• Picks out a very soft, cute bear
• Maybe like, the patchwork one with the sewed on heart? Idk why, if just seems right.
• He feels a little out of place, he's not used to cute things. He just sorta picks whatever he vibes with, and it comes out pretty cute and simple.
• He holds it very gently, like it could tear or fall apart at any second.
• Might buy a black or white shirt he can paint later, or a sweater so it doesn't get cold 🥺
• Paint brush accessory
• Blueberry scentiment, doesn't need any sound effects (unless there's a construction noises one LMAO)
• Doing the heart ritual heals his inner child
• Understuffs his bear just a little bit so it's softer
• Names it something absolutely BADASS "Nightmare" "Knight of Dreams" something awesome and cool idfk he's the creative one not me
• Has so much fun, might get sentimental about it. You can pry that bear from his cold dead hands.
• . . . Why?
• A goop monster walks into a kids store. Screaming and crying insues. And then you're alone in the store.
• The employees might even be out of there, they don't get paid even for this.
• He's just happy to be with you, does not give 2 shits about the teddy bear at first. He adores seeing you having fun, is happier that you're not doing something dangerous.
• DO NOT let him touch the damn bear until it has some washable clothes on!! He can POINT at what he wants!! >:(
• Gets a simple bear, either a very old fashion basic one or just gets the same as you.
• Snazzy little jacket to parallel his. He's fine with you picking out the accessories for him though.
• You make him do the heart ritual even with no employees around to force you to
• Which ends up getting pus and blood in the bear. . . Gross!
• Stuff his bear full of scentiments. No, the scent doesn't matter just- just put them all in. Yeah, it's just to rival the smell of rotting flesh.
• Wayne gives it a very specific name, one you get the feeling comes from someone he knew long ago...
• Since the employees left, please just. Leave some money on the counter. It's okay if you don't pay for the 15 scentiments stuffed inside Wayne's bear. Yeah, no, it's really fine, trust me.
• Wayne will cherish this bear forever, and is extremely careful with it, even though it inevitably gets dirty a few days later anyways.
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gibor-zolel · 4 months
I can't believe the first thing I did after watching that Amy Winnhouse movie was go home and finally type up my first fic.
It's a Wayne (from scarlet hollow!) x reader fic and I'll be posting it tomorrow after I clock out. Hope y'all enjoy it! I just gotta touch up a few things.
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