hdyiseul · 1 year
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 // 𝙼𝙰𝙸𝙽 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙴 Yiseul performs Maverick as the Visual & Vocalist … 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1, 571 words
Fourty-eight hours feels entirely unfair to Yiseul, who spends a majority of his time during the first twenty-four hours glaring at anyone who dares criticise him. Who the hell do they think they are to comment on what he's doing? He even finds himself bristling uncomfortably any time Minseon even throws a mild suggestion his way. Survival shows, Yiseul thinks, are simply not his cup of tea. But, it seems it could be a necessary evil, if his goal truly is to debut. Many of the outcomes he'd gone over in his head, however, are undesirable. He envisions himself in a group with Minseon, Sungho, and Jae, and he can't help but chuckle to himself as he once more goes through the motions of the choreography, hating the way he's simply just not that good and he knows it. Dance has never been his forte, but he'd scrambled up the ladder, clawing his way above people, kicking them in the shins if he had to.
He's not the main vocal, or the centre, though Yiseul doesn't really mind, since he'd been given the position of 'visual'. He'd sat for a while, staring at himself in the mirror, and pondering it. Perhaps he should've been practising, but he can't help but wonder if he feels good about it not. At first, he'd loved it, the confirmation that Minseon thought him fitting for that role, and then he'd begun to think, something that he's not the biggest fan of doing most of the time. Did Minseon think him incapable of doing anything other than being attractive? Is this all down to his flirting? What was the motivation behind this decision? The question eats away at him, and he finds himself avoiding Minseon's eye, flitting between pleased, and confused.
Yiseul knows he's not as good a singer as some of the other guys here, but he's also not as good a dancer, and he certainly can't rap. So, he wonders, what are the hopes of him making it to the end? He's mediocre, and perhaps the only thing he's got going for him is his ability to put on a show. He's eye catching, but what's the point in catching eyes if he's got nothing of much merit to show them when they look at him? A constant mental battle rages as the days pass by and Yiseul does his best to keep his head down and train. He's not feeling himself, he thinks. It'll pass.
Perhaps one of the only things Yiseul has to take his mind off things during the two days they all spend working their asses off, is the odd stolen kiss in a corner out of sight of cameras, or after they finish shooting for the day, giving them a few hours of rest from being under constant scrutiny. Yiseul isn't sure how to get by in life without the attention of a pretty person on him at least once every few days. He loves that feeling of being desired, yet entirely unattainable. He's what people want, but can't have—perhaps that's the motivation behind his desire to be an idol.
With days filled with thoughts that stray far from the song he's meant to be practising, he wonders if he's going to be any good. If he's worse than everyone else already, surely it doesn't matter how hard he tries. Even so, he refuses to embarrass himself, and so he learns his lines, he learns the dance, he practise expressions, small gestures, and then goes over it all again and again and again until it plays in his head like a video on a loop, round and round until he can barely tell where the end of the song meets the start. Needless to say, he's not in tip-top form on the day of the performance, his expression stormy, his body woefully untouched. There's no privacy in a place like this, no way to sneak off as much as he wants, though perhaps it'll be a good detox, he thinks, as he distracts himself from any nerves that might dare tiptoe into his brain. Yiseul doesn't do nervousness.
Honestly, Yiseul thinks, as he stands in the starting position, he'd been given parts he rather liked. Maybe he's best suited for parts like the ones he's got right now, where his stage presence comes in handy, his voice is framed by the emphasis put on those particularly eye-catching parts. He may not be centre, but he supposes 'visual' carries a similar weight to it. It's a reassuring thought, and he finds himself looking over at Minseon's back as they stand with their heads hung. Perhaps he should've thanked him for picking 'visual' for him after all, instead of getting so lost in his own thoughts about it that he'd forgotten to reach out to him, remind him he's here with a simple touch. No, he flicks the thought away, as though it were merely a bug crawling up his leg.
No time for thoughts like that. The music starts and Yiseul's instantly glad he's in the back for the beginning. He feels as though he can relax a little and warm himself up a bit before he's fully focused on. His first line, he likes to think, is the perfect opportunity for him to show some personality. There's a mischievous tilt to the corner of his lips as he delivers his line, projecting his whisper with a raise of his eyebrows.
'I'm about to play.'
Then, he slips into the background again, going through the motions of the dance, trying his best to actually do it well. As much as people might think Yiseul doesn't care about anything or anyone, he's not here for no reason, he's got as much hope for his future as anyone else here, and if anything, he's got much more fight in it. He's willing to step on a few toes to get where he needs to be. He's not held back by desires to debut with friends, or the worries of someone he cares about wanting a position he has. This is about him. No one else. Yiseul doesn't owe anyone anything, and he likes to think he never will.
His next line has a slightly different energy, and he gives it his all, making sure his movements are tight, sharp, powerful, yet graceful, and his voice is steady. Perhaps his dancing lacks a little, but he feels like his expressions make up for it, always able to capture a judges eye and play like he's performing for no one but them. Yiseul knows how to capture attention, if nothing else. He feels a little like a human wave, as he moves in and out of focus, settling in the back until he;s tugged up to the shore and leaving behind his residue, making the sand glitter with his delicate touch.
Again, every line he has he gives it his all, and he thinks, as they near the end of the song, that he'd done well, put in his all and performed his lines without a single slip up, and hadn't messed up a single move. All in all, he thinks he's done well, as he settles into the finishing pose, trying to not to look too out of breath, though he's not sure he's doing a very good job of hiding the way his chest heaves and his legs tremble with the effort of keeping his upright. Mentally, he pats himself on the back for a job well done. Maybe it wasn't perfect, but he likes to think he showed as good as he'd done during practise.
Yet, it's not over yet—the critiques soon come flowing in, one after another, everyone receives their pinch of praise, and their heaping of criticism, and Yiseul can already taste the bitterness of an unexpected defeat on his tongue. Even those who he'd begrudgingly accepted were better than him were receiving criticism, and he can already tell his is going to be brutal. There's a moment of quiet once they reach him, and he wonders just how bad it is, until they begin by praising his ability to capture attention, and hold it on him when he's at the front, or singing a line. He can already hear the but approaching, though.
Approach it does, and slams into him, knocking the last of the air out of him. 'You disappear when you're in the background, and not singing a line', they tell him. Disappearing is perhaps the last thing Yiseul ever wanted to hear in reference to him. They tell him he could be really good if only he kept his level of energy and attention to detail consistent throughout the song, even when he thinks he's hidden in the back. He's still visible, and at least one person may have their eyes on him at all time, he's reminded, and he has to admit... they're right, as much as that pains him. Once they finish, he bows, his posture stiff with displeasure, expression almost cold, though his gaze is fixed on the ground at the edge of the stage. He can't meet anyone's eye, not yet, not until he'd found a way to pretend he didn't care about the critiques.
Because he can't have anyone knowing Yiseul cares about anything enough for it to upset him. He mustn't show weakness. Under any circumstances.
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sailtomarina · 6 months
A Tissueful of Love
Hermione x Fred | @hp-yuletide-bliss Day 8: Being (love)sick on Christmas | WC 1571 | Rating: M (implied/referenced sex)
“Oh, that’s just disgusting,” Hermione muttered, holding the overly-saturated tissue away from her face in a grimace.
Snowfall had brought with it a lovely dusting over the entirety of London, which unfortunately resulted in a less-than-prepared witch getting caught in the cold and now sitting huddled on her couch surrounded by blankets. She wore her thickest socks and let her curls go wild around her shoulders for additional warmth. It seemed like no matter how many layers she wore or how high she stoked her fire, she still couldn’t get warm enough. Even Crookshanks seemed to think her efforts ridiculous, choosing to sit far away on the window seat, eyes baleful in their bright yellow stare.
The one comfort came in the form of a tall redhead who was currently reaching around from behind to present her with a steaming mug of her favorite roasted barley tea. She breathed in deep and luxuriated in the toasty aroma.
“I’ll pretend that was for me,” Fred teased, pressing his soft lips to her temple.
“It might as well be. You’re my savior.” The tea was at the perfect temperature to drink immediately, and she did so with gusto.
He came around to join her on the couch, pulling one of her feet into his lap.
“Oh, Fred, don’t. It’s all rough,” Hermione protested, attempting to pull back from him. He ignored her, keeping a firm grasp on her calf with one hand while the other deftly pulled off her sock, revealing pale, pebbled flesh and a few day’s worth of stubble above. She hadn’t been in the mood to shave since catching cold, and now his hands were running up and down the less-than-smooth surface without a care in the world.
“I don’t care, or have you forgotten that I have hairy legs, too?” His eyes twinkled in response to her frown.
“That’s different.”
“Is it?” he mused, proceeding to press his thumbs into the curve of her foot. She couldn’t help the way her back arched as she moaned at the delicious pressure. She leaned heavily against the back of the sofa and thrust her foot further into his hands. “I thought not.”
She supposed she shouldn’t have even worried about Fred. He was nothing like anyone else she’d ever been with, including his own brother. There was a near effortless ease to being with him, his affection an uplifting buoy system that made each day one to look forward to. Fred knew her, and what he didn’t know he learned, picking up on all her little idiosyncrasies and never mocking her for any of them. Rather, he treated them each like a gift to be unwrapped and enjoyed.
He eyed each new book pile that appeared in their home with amusement, taking note of the many makeshift bookmarks–coffee-stained napkins, notes of papers covered in scribbles, and, one time, a particularly large whisker that had fallen from Crookshanks’ face that Hermione first held aloft and squealed over with delight. 
Fred took particular care to maintain constant pressure with his hands, no doubt recalling the last time he’d let up, his feather-light touch resulting in a swift kick to his face when she’d howled at the ticklish sensation and lost total control of her limbs. She still felt bad when she recalled the bruise that had formed on his chin that he’d refused to vanish, telling all their friends and his family that he’d achieved the wound in battle.
Hermione took another sip as Fred moved on to her other foot, his movements firm and sure. He hummed quietly while working on her muscles.
“I didn’t realize you knew that song,” she admitted. “The Christmas Song” was a long-time holiday favorite of hers, but she very rarely heard it in wizarding homes, which usually preferred familiar singers like Celestina Warbeck.
“You sing it every year,” he said with a grin and a wink, before bending his head back down to concentrate.
She studied the fiery red locks that fell forward around his face, a style she adored because it afforded her something to hold onto, or, at other times, brush over his ear as she whispered something filthy. There was a trail of freckles, larger than the rest, that ran down his neck and underneath his collar that she adored tracing with her mouth. He had far too many overall to count, but she made sure to familiarize herself with every one of them to see which were especially sensitive.
There was the one behind his ear that never failed to make him whimper. He was especially loud when she fisted his hair to the side as she sucked a mark to the surface. There was the trio across his torso that highlighted his still-sculpted abs. There was the mole just below his left hip bone that the barest hint of a touch seemed to send a current straight to his cock. Hermione was very careful to skirt the sensitive spot when she wanted to take her time and unravel him slowly.
Her eyes watered in warning, and she quickly set her mug to the side and grabbed a tissue just in time for her body to rock furiously into a sneeze. Her nose honked as she cleared it, and he laughed.
“Fred Weasley, don’t you dare laugh at me,” she hissed, holding up her balled-up snot rag in threat.
He stared back at her, lips curling at the edges in an unmistakable smirk. “I’m sorry, love, but what could you possibly do to stop me?” His thumbs lightened their pressure and swirled circles on the balls of her feet, bordering the line between pleasure and torture.
Did he want another bruise?
“I've got plenty of ammunition pouring out of my nose and I won’t hesitate to use it.” She pulled back her arm to emphasize her point, but he only raised a brow.
They remained at a standstill for several beats, Hermione holding her breath as she waited for his next move. He really did have the prettiest blue eyes, clear as a winter’s day sky and focused intently on her. Even before George had lost his ear, Hermione could tell them apart just by looking into their eyes. Fred’s were a smidgen lighter, a cooling balm to her easily fraught nerves.
He began to lean forward, intention unknown, but Hermione didn’t hesitate.
She slung forward her arm with all the strength of the Chaser she most definitely wasn’t, but it would’ve made Ginny proud. Her aim struck true, the tissue hitting him square between the eyes and making him go cross-eyed and sit back in surprise.
She cackled as she swept up another ball into her hand–she had a lapful she’d generated in the last hour alone, and not all of them had been neatly folded up within their papery confines.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” he growled, tossing her legs off his lap. He threw himself across the sofa, pinning her beneath him and catching her wrists in both hands. Her eyes widened at his proximity.
“Fred, you’re going to get sick–”
He cut her off with a harsh kiss, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip before soothing it with a quick swipe of his tongue. A knee pressed between her thighs and pushed up against the seam of her joggers.
Oh, Godric.
Here she was, expelling bodily fluids like it was her job, feeling at her most unappealing state, yet Fred didn’t seem to care. He devoured her like she was his favorite treat, and Hermione just knew she tasted nothing like custard cream. It would serve him right if he suddenly burst with feathers and transformed into a canary.
His forehead pressed against hers as he paused to stare into her eyes, rubbing his rockhard thigh into her and making her pant with need.
“I don’t care if we’re both sick for Christmas; my family can go fuck themselves because I’d rather be fucking you, cold or no cold.”
His words were like a shocking current to her blood, making her writhe against him, wrists fighting to break free of his grip.
But then, the telltale tickle at the base of her nose.
She must have made quite the face, what with the speed of his response, yanking a tissue from the box at her side and dropping it on top of her.
The force of her sneeze was so great, it drove her down against his leg and made her clench at the toe-curling pleasure of it. Never was there ever a stranger combination of sensations. Her hands now free, she finished cleaning up and tilted her head for his inspection.
“All clear?”
He made a show of looking one way, then another. “Looks good, though I wouldn’t mind a bit of bogies–I’d just keep my eyes focused elsewhere.” He pointedly looked down at her tits.
She swatted him and he bellowed his laughter into her neck as his hands busied themselves by sliding under her jumper and palming the source of his appreciation.
“What? Your tits alone should be considered Britain’s greatest National Treasure, along with your nose, that hair, your arse, and,” he dropped his hands to grip her hips and grind her down onto him, “your tight cunt.”
They did in fact end up missing Christmas Day at the Burrow, Hermione tending to a bed-sick ginger in all of his favorite ways.
Is this one too weird and gross? I was aiming for a silly kind of cute, with Fred making Hermione feel better during her cold. I’ve definitely made some similar jokes with my own husband, so the interaction wasn’t too difficult to imagine here.
Make sure you get your COVID and Flu shots this season! Especially if you’re planning on traveling for the holidays like I am. Nobody likes catching sick after a plane ride.
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thenbecauseggoes · 11 months
Looooove your writing omg
Could you do an Evan fic where he sees a woman walk into a coffee shop after him and is obsessed with her and her long brown hair and blue eyes so he buys her coffee and then asks her out they go to dinner etc etc it’s amazing and she goes back to his place for some extra fun if you know what I mean potentially multiple rounds maybe even a little shower sex 😩😍
Thank youuuuu
A/N: hello anon!! thank you so much for the compliment! i hope u like this fic, i promise im getting to all requests SOON!!! ive been rlly busy w work but i hope u like this!!!
warnings: unprotected sex, pnv, shower sex, dirty talk, masturbation, fingering, lmk if i missed any
WC: 1571
Coffee Shop
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To say you were a regular at this coffee shop down the street from your apartment would be an understatement. You came nearly every day, knew the workers and knew most of the other regulars. Today was no different, you finished up some last minute university homework and closed your computer, taking off your headphones and looking out the window. You’re so caught up in your staring you hardly notice a man tapping your shoulder. You turn around and are met with the eyes of none other than Evan Peters. 
“Hey,” he says, motioning to the stool next to you “mind if I sit here?” you nod and turn your body to face him more directly. Something about him entranced you, you had seen him on TV before but nothing compared to the real thing. Blonde hair that fell perfectly to frame his face, beautiful eyes and his lips looked so kissable. 
“What brings you in here?” you ask, genuinely curious about what an A lister would be doing just so out in the open. 
“I like to come out here when I just need space” he answered with a shrug of his shoulders “what about you?”
“Finishing up last minute homework, i’m here a lot” you state.
“Well then I assume people here know you pretty well?”
“You could say that” you giggle at his statement.
“Well then they probably won’t expect it when I pay for your coffee today hm?” he cocks his head to the side and raises an eyebrow. The suddenness of his comment taking you aback.
“I can’t let you pay for me-” 
“Already did” he cuts you off sending a wink your way. 
“Wow, you’re awfully nice”
“Don’t mention it”
“How can I repay the favor?” you ask, it comes out more suggestively than you would’ve liked it to but he was extremely hard to be normal around. 
“Let me take you out to dinner sometime?” he asks.
“I’d like that, listen I gotta get going but,” you look around for something to write on and eventually just tear off a piece of your notebook and grab a pen. “Here’s my number” you smile and hand it to him. 
“I’ll call you” he says with a chuckle “what’s your name beautiful” he asks as you start to pack up.
“y/n” you answer
“I’m Evan” he states, bringing out his hand for you to shake which you do.
“I know” you answer while walking towards the door, confused but excited about how someone like Evan managed to want you but you weren’t going to complain.
The days passed until the date you had set previously over the phone came. You spent hours touching up your hair, makeup, and outfit just hoping it would be enough. It wasn’t anything too fancy but nothing too casual either. Your phone buzzed with the promise of Evan being at the door accompanied by three knocks at the door. You padded through the apartment and opened the door to find him in a white shirt and jeans. He looked amazing as always. 
“You look incredible” he said with his mouth agape
“You look amazing too” you blush and look away before Evan grabbed your jaw and pulled your face to face his own. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked seriously before you nodded. He leaned in and placed a small kiss on your lips, he tried to deepen it but you pulled away.
“We don’t wanna be late” you say
“Fuck that” he says huskily against your lips, he takes your hand in his own to palm himself through his jeans, letting out a small whine. As hot as it was you had to fight the urge to take him right there.
“Evan, dinner” you remind him as he continues to put pressure onto his dick
“I know, you’re just so hot,” he whispers into your ear. “Just a little bit, please?” he begs. 
“No,” you remind him and place a small kiss on his cheek “let’s go out” you smile and put your hands on his shoulders. He smiles back and leads you out the door with his hand on the small of your back. 
“When we get back i’m gonna wreck you” he whispers in your ear making a wet patch form in your panties.  
When you get to the restaurant you walk in and the hostess leads you to a booth in the back. It’s not a fancy place but it’s perfect for a first date. 
“So what do you get here?” you ask, looking at the menu and turning it over in your hands in an attempt to find something that sounds good. 
“I usually just end up going with the burger, it’s really good.” he responds, putting down his own menu and looking you in the eyes. 
“Can we split it?”
“Sure baby” his voice makes your stomach do flips. He’s so amazing, just everything about him.
After dinner you get in the car, he opens the door for you and everything, he’s just so perfect and you can’t stop thinking about it. 
“You made it so hard to focus that whole time baby” he says, putting his hand on your thigh. “Kept making me hard all night” you rubbed your thighs together, looking for any kind of friction which Evan smirked at and moved his hand up your inner thigh. 
“Evan..” you tried to speak as his hand moved up further.
“You know I have to get my girl prepped for me,” he starts moving his hands under the waistband of your jeans and into your panties “so wet already, just for me” he starts drawing circles on your clit and teasing your sensitive hole with his index finger. The ride home was him just teasing you. Your moans for more becoming too much as he finally pulls into the driveway of his house. You walk in and he immediately pushes you against the wall and starts hungrily kissing you. His hand goes back down to your core and he lifts up a knee, prompting you to ride it. Which you do, you’re desperate for something, anything that’ll bring you closer to your release. “Yeah, come on baby, ride me, just like that” he speaks between heavy breaths. His cock is pressed up painfully hard against his jeans. He’s never seen anyone like you, so beautiful, so sweet. He might dare to say he’s obsessed with you, something he’s never admitted to anyone before. His train of thought is immediately cut off by your erratic moans and squeals. 
“Gonna… gonna cum Evan” you whimper out
“Cum for me baby” he says, pressing kisses and bites on your neck, helping you ride out your high. Once you were set to move you unbuttoned his pants, taking out his painfully hard dick. He picks you up bridal style and carries you to his bed and gets on top of you, kissing you hungrily. He slips his dick in between your folds and you writhe at the sensitive pressure. He finally slips it in, causing you both to let out a moan. He finally starts thrusting in and out of you, leaving you a whimpering, moaning mess. 
“Shit y/n, you’re so tight” he groans into your neck as his thrusts get more intense “gonna make me cum so fast” his words send you over the edge and his thumb comes down to rub your clit. You scream his name as you cum and he pulls out, finishing all over your stomach. You lay there for a moment, catching your breath before getting up. 
“Is it uh, okay if I use your shower?” you ask, needing to clean up. 
“Yeah go ahead” you smile a little bit as you realize he’s stroking himself under the covers, you decide to let him do what he needs to do as you go to the en suite and turn on the shower. You hear him groan from the bedroom, how does he manage to turn you on so much? Your fingers find their way down your body and circle your clit, making you whimper. 
“So pretty baby” you turn around, startled as you feel Evan come up behind you “couldn’t help myself when you got up, you look so pretty with my cum on you” 
“Need you” you whimper into his ear
“Aw, i have such a needy girl” he whispers before biting softly down on the shell of your ear. He makes you moan at nearly everything he does. He slides his erection through your thighs and thrusts in between them, relieving some pressure for himself. He slides his member in your dripping cunt again and his eyes wander to where his dick keeps disappearing into you, making him moan in your ear. “So sensitive, I'm gonna cum” he whispers in your ear. 
“Me too” you manage to get out before you release all over him and he pulls out and does the same. 
He turns you around and kisses you before grabbing the soap and lathering it onto your body. When you get out of the shower and into his bed he holds you tightly almost as if you would slip away. 
“If you don’t mind i’d like if we could do this more often.” he finally says
“I’d like that” you admit before you drift off to sleep and he places a small kiss on your forehead
✮ my recs are open!
✮ masterlist
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
I would love to join the event if you don't mind <33
she/her INTJ Entree, rice, sugar, and Gojo satoru :DD
Thank you!
I hope that I requested this correctly lmao
Yes, yes, you did @arminsomnia, thank you love <3 this will also be a birthday special, 'cause it's @scandescent's birthday soon, so happy early birthday, Abby!! You're one of my first moots on Tumblr, you're strong, kind, gorgeous, and you write so beautifully and this is the least I can do for you , mwah <333
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You're the Reason I Believe in Fate, You're My Paradise
features: satoru gojo x f!reader
type of writing: headcanons
trope: friends to lovers, domestic au, college au (so suguru is not evil in this case)
warnings: little bit of angst here and there, but majorly fluff
song: infinity - jaymes young | wc: 1571
beta reading: @beware-of-the-rogue (ILY <333)
tagging: @akaashi-todorki @hyeque @ohtobiors @miikoos @cirigiri @oikawas-milk-bread @kiiraes @megumischubbycheeks @satosugulovechild @portfolio-of-dreams @ry0m3n @jordyn-degas @chronic-claire-universe @wakatshi @blueparadis @mrskenmakozume @aizumie (taglist form , @shynahasabookshelf)
network: @tokyometronetwork @hanayanetwork
prompt: “I don't know how to fix a broken heart, but we could learn together.”- @sleepyprompts
Made with Love: 100 Followers Event (closed, slow updates) | MWL Masterlist
headcanons under the cut <3
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gojo is really one of the best friends you could ever have.
he's someone who'd be playful with you, cracking jokes, pulling pranks, all that.
however, whenever someone mocked you or made you feel uneasy, he would glare into their eyes, as if he were peering into their soul.
he'd punch the living daylights out of them, risking suspension from school, just because he cares for you.
from trivial matters to one time when one of you pushed the other into a puddle in the rain, you would be arguing over a variety of things.
but, you two loved recommending music to each other so much, that you’d make spotify playlists for each other.
also, the way you two would first meet would basically be a meet-cute.
however, come college, and you start seeing gojo to be jealous if you hung out with anyone other than him, not in a toxic way of course, but still.
he sucks at hiding his feelings, but does so only to see you happy (if you’re dating other guys)
if you'd have broken up with your exes, gojo would not scold you, or tell you, “i told you so.”  rather, he’d sit with you while you’re crying, caress your shoulders and back to alleviate your tears, and hug you whenever you crave for physical intimacy.
consider this situation: when you first meet as kids at a candy store, you were eyeing this particular (favorite flavor) mochi, which turns out, to be something that a certain grey-haired cerulean-eyed boy wanted as well, as you gazed through the corners of your eyes.
while you were about to take a step back and are about to look into other sweets, that boy stops you with the said mochi box in hand.
your (e/c) orbs stare into his eyes as he throws this charming smile at you, saying, “it’s okay, you can take it. there are other boxes anyway,” and pointing you to the freezer where there were other boxes too.
a faint chuckle escapes your lips, and you place your hand on your forehead as you felt slightly embarrassed by this encounter, when suddenly, he puts out his hand and says, “hi, i'm satoru gojo.”
you smile back and shake hands with him, saying, “i'm (y/n) (l/n), i've probably heard of your name somewhere.”
he then asks you which school you go to because he noticed you two had similar uniforms, and there was something about you that made him feel slightly more at ease with you, than with his family. he wants to know everything about you, but he wants to be sure.
you then tell him, “it doesn't matter where i go, but if it makes you feel better, i'm at (school name) and i plan to go to tokyo jujutsu university someday.”
this causes his eyes to sparkle and while both of them buy their mochi and start eating, they talk about the university and how they wanted to go, what courses you both wanted to choose, everything under the sun.
a few years later, when you're in high school and more close than ever, you noticed gojo was more rebellious, carefree, would play truant from school, was a notorious prankster, and was always stressed by assignments due, whereas you thrived on deadlines.
so, he’d knock on your door, with you answering. with drooping shoulders, he’d reply, “(y/n)-chaaaan, i need your help in this homework,” causing her to roll her eyes and reply, “again?”
you were about to say no, like all the times he’d approach you for your homework, but he always lured you with something sweet to get things done.
sometimes, it was teaching him how to solve problems; allowing him to copy your assignment with changes here and there because he knew all the answers, but needed a little push; sometimes, he was lazy, hanging out and playing pranks on classmates and teachers with his other closest friend, suguru geto, and she'd write his homework for him. but nevertheless, you adored him.
he made you feel comfortable and gave you space, while you let him be free in his thinking, mannerisms, and way of experiencing life.
this caused him, shoko ieiri, and suguru, to form a group with you and all four of you ended up chilling together.
then, as you four end up in college, things took a rather interesting turn.
you had started to date toji fushiguro, the quarterback of the star vessel university, which were rivals to tokyo jujutsu university. you weren't able to sense an iota of jealousy from the quarterback of the team, but behind your back, he’d be seething with rage.
you see, he has a long history of rivalry with toji, so when toji chose to come after you, he became really possessive of you, causing you to fight and not talk to each other for days.
however, one rainy day, you knock on his door. when he opened it, he saw you shivering in the rain, sobbing profusely.
ignoring the last argument you two had, he took you in, wrapped a towel around you, helped you dry yourself, made cups of hot chocolate for both of you, and you two sat, and talked.
“satoru,” you sniffle while sipping on the hot chocolate, “i’m so sorry satoru, I should’ve listened to you-” 
the cerulean-eyed boy interrupted you by engulfing you into an embrace, shushing you and comforting you, softly speaking, “(y/n)-chan, it’s okay. i’m here.”
he understood without saying a word that toji broke your heart, and while he secretly thought of beating him up the next day, for now, you were his main priority.
the next couple of hours went by so quickly, with you venting out about everything, and with him cheering you up by some of the funniest incidents he experienced.
as you two laughed, you unconsciously placed your hand on his thigh, and looked into his eyes, not uttering a word, as if you wanted to apologize, and as if he read your mind, he replied, “it’s okay, don’t fuss about it.”
you two sort of have a moment as your faces drew closer to each other, but he chose to kiss your forehead and let you sleep over the night.
one day, as your birthday’s on its way, you run to satoru, as you squeal with excitement, “satoru, you’ll be free in a couple of days, won’t you?”
feigning a sense of ignorance, satoru replied, “yeah, sure,” while busy playing on the nintendo switch. as you huff in annoyance, you walk away without knowing what was to come.
on your birthday, he asks you to come over to his place, and as you knock on his door, this time he sees you folding your arms and scowling at him as he opens the door, seeing you in your (f/c) sundress.
smiling and thinking to yourself as to how beautiful you look, he says, “come on now, don’t be like that, (y/n)-chan,” and puts a blindfold around your eyes.
confused, you follow his lead as he holds your hand and takes you along his direction. it was pitch dark for you, and you were concerned as to where he was taking you.
as he took the blindfold off of you, you noticed that you were in the backyard of his house, where he’d decorated everything according to your favorite colors and adorned with your favorite things: a special playlist dedicated to you was playing in the background, with balloons galore, a barbecue grill was set up to make grilled snacks of your choice, and that’s when you noticed who all were at the party: shoko, suguru, and your juniors, kento nanami and yuu haibara showed up, causing you to feel delighted. 
taking all the surroundings in, your eyes sparkled and you turned in his direction, grinning, “satoru, oh my goodness, you remembered?”
he chuckled, yet again, and pinched your nose, replying, “oh, (y/n)-chan, how could i ever forget your birthday?”
to everyone’s surprise, he sat on one knee, and while everyone started gasping, he took out a box from the back and it wasn’t any box.
it was your favorite flavored mochi box that caused you two to meet in the first place, and he continued, with his eyes twinkling, and his smile “when i first looked at you searching for this box, I didn’t realize that you’d be an important part of my life. with all the memories we’ve shared, good and bad, I’ve come to a realization that nothing can stop me from falling for you, hard. now, i don't know how to fix a broken heart, but we could learn together. so, what say, (y/n)-chan? will you be my girlfriend and promise to share this mochi box with me?”
tears started flowing down your cheeks and you squealed, while nodding, “get back up, stupid. I can’t just kiss you like that,” and as he stood up to his full height, you cup his cheeks, impatiently crashing your lips onto his.
as the party went by, you were glad to have spent your day with your dearest ones, but most importantly, you were glad to spend it with your now boyfriend, who you were grateful to the universe for, and were thankful that he was someone that you could run to, he was your paradise.
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© Shyna 2022 - reposting on any other platform or even tumblr is not allowed. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated.
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rkkyungsoo · 5 years
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episode 4: interview solo
Yet another round of questions was heading his way. By this point, Kyungsoo was getting more comfortable expressing his opinions about other people.
How was it like working with Hyunggu?
“I am a little less nervous second time around. If anything, working in pairs is doing a decent job at preparing me for the group performances, if I make it that far.” He did watch the past mnet global auditions after the first episode, just to get a feel of what he was getting himself into. The duo thing seemed to be new as previous season had contestants in groups. Kyungsoo was glad when he saw this, as he knew how uncomfortable he could be working with certain types of people. “Hyunggu is great. He is a beautiful dancer and worked hard on his vocals this week.”
How do you think you did?
“I was nervous at first because I got a singer-dancer duo again. I don’t have much experience dancing and sort of learned on the go here during the competition.” Kyungsoo nodded seriously, deciding to be honest. “I’ve been lucky to be partnered up with two skilled dancers, especially since both of them had their own studios which I could live in after school every day to practice. I feel like I’ve been improving, slowly but steadily. Hopefully the judges can see I am a fast learner and capable of demonstrating multiple performance skills, which is necessary to become an idol.” The dance this week was not complex in terms of foot work. It was an emotional song that demanded chemistry between partners and fluidity, which Kyungsoo believe they both demonstrated. Hopefully that was enough - what he didn’t have in experience, he hopefully made up with passion.
Which performances caught you eyes?
“I am pretty sure the performance between Suwoong and Zieqiong caught everyone’s eyes.” He gave an awkward smile. “It is nice to see a serious Suwoong, though, isn’t it? He really got into character and moved with passion.” Which was precisely why they must do everything in their power to keep their family from watching the fourth episode of the mga 5. Suwoong’s performance would give grandfather a heart attack for being too sexy and Kyungsoo’s performance would make his parents think he’s gay.
“Yeji looks beautiful with her hair down.” He was pretty sure her hair flip would have looked great for the camera. “Changbin is a great rapper as always. Their performance was good.” Having a dance solo part is tricky because it takes attention off of your partner, especially if they are mostly stationary. Kyungsoo liked Yeji and knew the girl would take the negative comments hard, so he decided to not say anything. Besides, technically his performance with Yugyeom last week featured Yugyeom doing his own dance solo during the chorus, which was unplanned. Kyungsoo was surprised but since Yugyeom made sure his solo fit the song and didn’t take away from their performance, he didn’t say anything.
Actually, since his thoughts were on Yugyeom, he might as well say something nice about his ex duo performance partner, out of politeness and respect for his first dance instructor. “I am glad Yugyeom got a fellow dancer for his duo performance. I think last week, he had to hold back to accommodate me so now he has the opportunity to shine. The song they performed was fun and they looked like they enjoyed themselves. Yugyeom is a great dancer and Eric has that eye catching brilliant smile.” The Michael Jackson twist was good, the judges should love it.
Are there any performances you didn’t like?
"Hohyeon and Olivia’s performance was not one of my personal favourites because the song started so...abruptly. I feel like I missed the first part of a movie and got thrown right into the action bits. I am sure some contestants would like that, but that’s not the style I prefer.” Kyungsoo did not know the song but would guess they cropped the beginning or something. Intros were important in building the mood, so it was a shame they decided to cut it out entirely.
“Between the two contestants, I would say Hohyeon did better. In fact, he managed to keep my attention for...the entire song. He rapped a bit during her part too, I think, out of the intention to demonstrate how well their voices blend together, but that just made me focus on how nice his was. Later when they danced, Olivia was in the back too so it was easy to overlook her presence. If she was not in the performance, I think Hohyeon would have been entertaining enough on his own.”
Is there anyone you are certain will move onto the next phase of the MGAs?
“Choi Minho,” Kyungsoo replied with a smile. “I’m sure you’ve been hearing this answer a lot among the contestants. He is talented, experienced and already have a sizable fan base, no matter how I look at it, the company that takes him will make a profit.” He paused for a moment. “I am a business major, so I hope you won’t consider me rude for bringing up the topic of finances. Minho himself is a great performer and I don’t think anyone will deny that. Whatever happened in the past doesn’t matter at this point, he has the right to keep pursuing his dreams, at least that’s what I think.”
“Since we are on the topic of profit, I am certain Kang Daniel and most of his remaining band members will move on as well for similar reason as Minho. They are already well known and have fans. According to my mother, Daniel made it far in the last season and I have no doubt he will make it even further this time.” All five of the band members could keep promoting each other and form a support circle whenever one of them felt down. Question was what happens when they all get separated and have to work with different companies?
Mmm, or maybe becoming trainees out of this audition wasn’t the real target and the boys was using their screen time to promote their own band. That would be clever and as a fellow schemer, Kyungsoo could respect that.
“Sia got top three for two weeks in a row now so she is likely safe and therefore Ryujin, as her partner will automatically be fine. That’s not to downplay their performance though since they did both do very well. I really loved how the girls switched it up and did softer rapper and edgy vocalist. They also seem to genuinely like each other. It would be nice to walk away from the competition with a few friendships.”
Speaking of automatic immunity, same would go for Minho’s partner, Daniel’s partner and some of the other band members. For the sake of views, there was no way mnet would get rid of the most popular/controversial contestants.
“Keep in mind that I am only speculating. I thought Jinyoung would make it to the semi-finals at least but they eliminated him.” There was that second chance though.
Who is your favourite band member then, since you are talking about them so much?
He thought about this for a second. Honestly, as a person who didn’t watch television, listen to much music and didn’t even have social media presence, Kyungsoo didn’t know much about Empty Enigma other than what he’d heard through the grapevine or actually observed on mga 5 stage. “I think out of the five, I like Kenta the most, he is really cute. Reminds me of my neighbour's puppy.” Their apartment building actually had a restriction on dogs, hopefully he didn’t just get his neighbour in trouble. If so, sorry Mrs. Kim!
@rksuwoong, @rkkhg, @rkkyg, @rkyeji, @rkhyeon, @rkxsnh, @rkmason, @danielxrk, @ryujinrk, @rksihyeon, @rkkenta, @rkpjy
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edupunkn00b · 2 years
Out of the Machine, Ch. 10: Machina and The Silvertongue
Prev - Machina and The Silvertongue - Masterpost - [ AO3 ] WC: 1571
Janus stood just outside the ramshackle cabin. The ivy and blackberry vines along the path to the abandoned conservation center had been allowed to choke the small dirt and gravel trail, making it unlikely for anyone to accidentally happen upon the rickety buildings. The windows and doors were boarded up, the old-fashioned electrical meter now covered in a thick layer of moss, the utility pickup severed and wrapped in thorny vines.
If Janus had to guess, the center had likely been shuttered sometime in the '40s, around the time of the repeal of the ESA and the State's withdrawal from CITES. It means the University never would have bothered with the expense and effort of wiring these buildings with the safety sensors and networked audio pickups now standard in public —and many private—facilities. Why protect a building that would never be occupied?
He nodded. Machina had chosen wisely. To a casual eye, the buildings appeared to not have been touched in years, if not decades.
A careful eye, however, would be certain to catch the small mark along the old woodshed showing where the door had been recently opened and resealed, likely during an attempt to search for fuel or other tools. The seemingly random pattern in the gravel leading up to the main building wasn’t random at all, and in fact appeared to have been created by a trailing rake. Janus guessed the rake had been used to disguise the tell-tale signs of tire tracks. Tire tracks from a motorized wheelchair.
He slid closer to the building and placed a hand on the wood, reaching out toward the suspected occupant inside. He was alone. And he was calm. Hungry, and cold, but rested and calm. Confident, even.
Janus took a deep breath. This was their best chance. They likely wouldn't have another.
He approached the door slowly, but made no effort to conceal his footfalls, letting the shifting gravel and a snapping twig announce his arrival well before he reached the stoop. He sensed movement inside and heard the quiet, controlled thunking of the mech’s footsteps on the wooden floorboards within.
Good, Janus thought. He’ll feel more powerful in the mech. It will make this an easier conversation if he does not feel overly vulnerable. Janus took one more deep breath and rapped twice on the door, letting his gloved hand muffle the knock that by this time was purely performative.
He could hear the edge of panic in his thoughts as Sanders—Machina—tried to decide whether to answer the door or to pretend he wasn’t inside. Logic prevailed, though, and finally he called through the heavy wooden door. “What do you want?”
Janus paused, listening. Even the mech’s servos were silent, either unmoving or mechanically muffled. “I would like to speak with you.” He waited another moment before adding. “We will draw less attention to your hiding place if you permit me to come inside.”
There was a long pause as Machina seemed to consider his words. Janus was about to knock again when the latch suddenly released and the door inched open. “You may come in.” Janus quickly slid inside, closing and bolting the door shut behind himself. Machina stood a meter from the door, a long metal pole gripped tightly in one hand. With the other, he gestured to a seat by the tiny wood stove.
“You’ve been outside for a long time. I would be remiss to not allow you to warm yourself.”
Janus reached out to check for treachery behind his offer and sensed… nothing. He stepped closer to Machina, who took a larger step back, increasing the distance between them. Janus narrowed his eyes. While he'd been outside, he could sense some of Machina’s thoughts, but now…
“How are you doing that?”
Machina grinned. “There’s a reason I invited you inside. The coil works better with close proximity. Just as your own powers do.”
"Impressive." A slow smile spread across Janus’ face as he sauntered over to the stove. "Abracadabra's research teams in Phoenix and Lagos has been trying to craft a working prototype of a portable esper shield for at least a decade." Keeping his ears open for any sound of movement from the mech, he deliberately turned his back to Machina in a show of trust and held his hands before the little stove, rubbing them together and restoring circulation to his fingertips.
“You were right, I was getting cold.” He turned his head slightly to show his smile. “How did you know how long I was out there?”
Machina didn’t speak, but tilted his head toward a tiny row of wireless screens displaying video of different sections of the trail. Janus chuckled and nodded appreciatively. “You repaired the old closed circuit A/V system.”
Machina’s eyes twitched but he nodded.
“So, what’s your plan?” He turned his body slightly toward Machina but kept his posture open and unguarded. “Abracadabra has surely frozen your credit accounts by now and if you're monitoring the media feeds"—Machina's face flushed—"you've seen your face is on every chyron across the channels." Janus shrugged, watching him from the corner of his eye as he casually glanced around the cabin. "I take it by the mech—and the fact you’re hiding in the woods—that you’ve probably burned some bridges at the University, as well.”
“Abracadabra did the burning. I just—” he looked away, jaw trembling.
“Stole a mech from your lab?” Janus raised an eyebrow at Machina’s surprised expression and tilted his chin toward the ironfilm frame. “I was there when Abracadabra donated those mechs to the school.” He pointed to a small marking by the left boot. “That’s one of the originals.”
“So,” Janus dragged over a small chair and turned it to face Machina. He sat down, crossing one leg over the other and leaning with one elbow tucked behind him on the backrest. “What’s your plan?” He gestured around them. “Do you have a black market connection for food and provisions? What will you do when your firewood runs out? Or when the University tears down your hideout? The sign at the head of the trail says this building is due for demolition this summer. They want to build a children’s park and concessions here.”
Machina was silent.
“You could probably survive here for…” Janus looked around the room. “A few weeks, maybe? You could go dumpster diving at night if the University cafeteria doesn’t keep the bins inside to deter the rats.” He narrowed his eyes and let the silence sit between them for several minutes.
Finally he spoke again. “You should know, though…" Machina's eyes flicked toward him. "You have other options.”
“Like what? Going with you?” Machina snapped, glaring down at him.
Tilting his head slightly, Janus otherwise remained still, one hand dangling by his side, the other resting in his lap.
Machina stomped backwards. “I’m not going anywhere with you. You think I’ll leave here just so you can take me into custody?”
Janus waved his hand dismissively. “I am not interested in what laws you may or may not have broken." He folded his hands loosely in his lap. "I am here because of what you did at the distribution center.”
“I ha—had no idea about the gas… I—I…” Machina moved further away, holding up his arms defensively. From where he sat, Janus could see the man's damaged hand shaking on the controls.
“I’m not talking about the gas, Machina,” Janus said quietly. “I’m not talking about anything that happened three days ago.”
Machina stopped moving and stared.
Janus met his eyes. “I’m talking about when you saved those people last year. The day you were hurt.”
Tears welled in his eyes and he clenched his jaw. “I do not wish to talk about that.”
“I know.” Janus set both feet on the ground and leaned forward. “But we need to.” Machina turned from him but didn’t speak. “I remember you. I remember that day. You came up to the fourth floor to see Ondas. I checked the logs. I know it was you. Why?” He softened his voice. “Why were you there?”
Machina wouldn’t look at him. “She called me there.”
“So I gathered. But why?”
He didn’t answer.
Janus stood. “Was it because of your health and safety report on the Picker Bot that ended up going berserk?”
Machina nodded once. “She told me my supervisor was fired for letting me file that report.”
“He was.” Janus stepped closer. “It’s what they do.” He took another step. “Abracadabra is going to try to cover up what happened yesterday, as well. They’re going to try to cover up their lethal anti-riot measures.”
“What do you expect me to do about it? I’m a crippled, unemployed, unemployable Powerless,” he spat the word like the epithet it was.
“I want you to join our team, Logan.”
“You heard me. I know your hearing isn’t damaged,” Janus smirked lightly at him, stepping closer when he didn’t object to the use of his first name. “I checked your records.”
“But I’m a criminal.” He banged his ironfilm hands against his chest and winced. He banged again. “A thief. A—a—a murderer.” Tears started to fall down his cheeks. “If you hadn’t stopped me, I—I would've—”
“Attempted murderer, perhaps,” Janus said quietly. He now stood directly in front of Logan, close enough to touch. He smiled up at him, finally capturing his gaze. He reached up toward the mech's chest cavity and offered his hand.
“You’ll fit right in.”
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taglist: @mavenmush @melaniidarling @braingoburr @lunatatic @demon9980 @crossiantgay @psychedelicships @justmeandmygayships @ts-creator-boost @bluerosesbleedred @tsfanficarchive @ghostmugs @rottingartist @rosesisupposes
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latinabiz · 3 years
Il bilancio della menifestazione di Legambiente “Spiagge e fondali puliti” del 2021 a Terracina
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Spiaggia Manifestazione Manifestazione Rifiuti Manifestazione Manifestazione Manifestazione Manifestazione Manifestazione Manifestazione Manifestazione Tabella GraficoIniziativa Legambiente Dal 1995 Legambiente coordina per l’Italia la campagna “Spiagge e Fondali Puliti” all’interno del programma internazionale Clean Up the Med che coinvolge 21 Paesi del Mediterraneo. Quest’anno l’appuntamento si è svolto lo scorso weekend di maggio con tantissime iniziative in tutta Italia, una delle quali a Terracina, nella giornata di domenica 16 maggio scorso, presso la Riviera di Levante (Scogliera e Sorgente dell’Acqua Magnesia) organizzata dal Circolo Legambiente Terracina “Pisco Montano” in collaborazione con il Comitato Spiagge Libere e Mare della Riviera d’Ulisse e il Coordinamento Nazionale Mare Libero. Con questa campagna, che è stata molto partecipata, il Circolo Legambiente di Terracina “Pisco Montano” ha voluto riportare alla centralita’ del dibattito cittadino: - la questione delle spiagge libere realmente fruibili a Terracina, lanciando una campagna estiva “TROVA LA SPIAGGIA LIBERA E SEGNALALA A LEGAMBIENTE TERRACINA” per l’individuazione e il censimento delle spiagge libere sul nostro litorale associata ad un concorso fotografico a premi #ACACCIADELLASPIAGGIALIBERAPERDUTA” con foto da inviare entro il 31 agosto 2021 alla mail [email protected], complete di luogo, posizione geografica e data di scatto e senza persone riconoscibili, anche e soprattutto in previsione della necessita’ ormai inderogabile di adeguarsi al nuovo Piano Utilizzazione Arenili (PUA) regionale e ai regolamenti regionali, visto che Terracina non rispetta la percentuale del 50% secondo la Regione Lazio e Legambiente, - 2) la questione della riattivazione del protocollo di rete Plastic Free Beach Terracina, sottoscritta anche dal Comune di Terracina, che tanti risultati aveva portato negli anni scorsi in termini di prevenzione e contrasto alle plastiche, stimolando l’Amministrazione Comunale e le Associazioni di Categoria ad affrontare la gravissima emergenza della plastica in mare e sulle spiagge, - 3) il progetto Fishing for Litter Terracina, con i pescherecci “Piramide”, “Carlo Padre”, “Tequila”, iniziato già nel 2018, e che con i propri dati di monitoraggio è stato determinante per la redazione del DDL “Salvamare” "Disposizioni per il recupero dei rifiuti in mare e nelle acque interne e per la promozione dell'economia circolare ("legge SalvaMare")" (AS. 1571) approvato alla Camera e attualmente in fase di discussione al Senato, e che è stato anche recentemente vincitore di un progetto nazionale di Legambiente e BNL-BNP “ Se butti male finisce in mare” per la costituzione di un protocollo sperimentale di azione e monitoraggio condiviso tra tutti i portatori di interesse, che verrà lanciato a breve. Oltre alla rimozione dei rifiuti, l’obiettivo della campagna nazionale Legambiente “Spiagge e Fondali Puliti” è infatti quello di sensibilizzare i cittadini sul grande problema dei rifiuti sulla spiagge #beachlitter e nel mare #marinelitter che non risparmia il Mediterraneo. A parlar chiaro sul grave stato di inquinamento delle nostre spiagge, sono proprio i dati dell’indagine Beach Litter 2021, realizzata dai circoli locali di Legambiente. Nelle 47 spiagge monitorate in 13 regioni (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Toscana, Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Marche, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia, Veneto) sono stati censiti 36821 rifiuti in un’area totale di 176 100 mq. Su circa un terzo delle spiagge campionate, la percentuale di plastica eguaglia o supera il 90% del totale dei rifiuti monitorati, mentre sul 72% dei lidi monitorati sono stati rinvenuti guanti usa e getta, mascherine o altri oggetti riconducibili all’emergenza sanitaria Covid-19. In particolare le mascherine sono state rinvenute sul 68% delle spiagge monitorate, i guanti usa e getta sul 26%. Rinvenuti anche quest’anno, in 5 spiagge di Campania, Lazio e Sicilia, i dischetti utilizzati come biofilm carrier nei depuratori. Il Circolo Legambiente Terracina “Pisco Montano” ha effettuato, dopo lo stop forzato causa pandemia da COVID19 del 2020, l’indagine “Beach Litter 2021” a Terracina lo scorso 24 Aprile sulla spiaggia di Levante, spiaggia campione oramai da 5 anni, su un’area di 5000 metri quadri, e Terracina entra quindi per la quinta volta, nell’indagine “Beach Litter ”, come uno dei 5 siti del Lazio sottoposto a classificazione e monitoraggio (Anzio, Terracina, Roma, Formia, Fondi). Sono stati raccolti e classificati (utilizzando il questionario ed il protocollo di raccolta, campionamento e classificazione internazionale sviluppato sulla base della Marine Strategy Framework Directive che permette la classificazione ed il confronto tra i dati raccolti da chiunque lo utilizzi seguendo i criteri della Citizen Science) ben 1440 rifiuti con una media di 28,8 rifiuti ogni 100 metri quadriin linea con lamedia del 2019 sempre sulla stessa spiaggia 29,3 rifiuti ogni 100 metri quadri e del 2018 con 29 rifiuti ogni 100 metri quadri, a fronte di una densità media nazionale che quest’anno è di 21 rifiuti ogni 100 metri quadri e una densita’ media regionale pari a 24,4 rifiuti ogni 100 metri quadri. Oltre l’82% dei rifiuti classificati è plastica, seguita da metallo (5,3%), carta/cartone (2,9%), tessili (2,4%), vetro e ceramica (2,22%). Di questi rifiuti ben 1254 (87%) sono ascrivibili a Cattiva Gestione dei rifiuti urbani, 129 (8,9%) a Mancata Depurazione e 57 (3,9%) ad Attività Produttive come pesca e acquacoltura. Anche quest’anno si confermano al primo posto nella top ten dei rifiuti spiaggiati sulla spiaggia di Levante gli oggetti e i frammenti di plastica o di polistirolo non identificabili, che insieme rappresentano circa il 31% dei rifiuti classificati. Al secondo posto troviamo i mozziconi di sigarette (oltre il 7% dei rifiuti rinvenuti), seguiti al terzo posto dai cotton fioc in plastica (4,4% dei rifiuti monitorati). Questi ultimi sono il simbolo per eccellenza di maladepurazione (spesso infatti vengono gettati nel wc) e in Italia sono al bando in favore di alternative più sostenibili e compostabili. Al quarto posto troviamo i rifiuti da costruzione di plastica (2,8%), essendo la spiaggia monitorata una spiaggia urbana con numerose attività commerciali balneari, seguiti dai frammenti di carta (2,6%).Al sesto posto troviamo i tappi e i coperchi di bevande di plastica (2,5%), seguiti dai contenitori, tubi compresse e blister medicinali (2,4%). All’ottavo posto troviamo la carta stagnola e carta alluminio (2,3%) seguita dai frammenti di vetro e ceramica superiori a 2,5 (2%). A chiudere la top ten le bottiglie e i contenitori di plastica per bevande (1,95%). Inoltre sono stati anche rinvenuti, anche se in minori quantita’, guanti usa e getta, mascherine o altri oggetti riconducibili all’emergenza sanitaria Covid-19. Ha affermato Roberto Scacchi, Presidente di Legambiente Lazio: “I rifiuti, e in particolare quelli in plastica, sui nostri litorali continuano a rappresentare per gli ecosistemi un problema enorme – – intorno al quale bisogna costruire una grande risposta fatta non solo di azioni di volontariato, ma anche di politiche a tutela delle coste e delle acque, forti interventi amministrativi e legislativi, per cambiare in meglio le modalità di raccolta, aumentare l’uso di bioplastiche, mettere in campo scelte coraggiose come per esempio il divieto di fumo in spiaggia. Nel Lazio l’impagabile ruolo dei volontari continua e continuerà ad essere forte e ringraziamo tutti quelli che hanno lavorato e continuano a farlo per la realizzazione di queste straordinarie esperienze e tutti quei volontari che collaborano con noi e con il Circolo di Terracina”. Ha dichiarato Anna Giannetti, Presidente del Circolo Legambiente Terracina “Pisco Montano” e Consigliere Nazionale dell’Associazione: “L’emergenza dell’inquinamento da rifiuti in mare ha assunto proporzioni allarmanti a livello globale. Un problema che riguarda da vicino anche il nostro “piccolo” Mar Mediterraneo. Un mare che costituisce meno dell’1% della superficie di mari e oceani del Pianeta e, nonostante sia uno dei 25 hot spot della biodiversità mondiale, è anche la sesta area di accumulo dei rifiuti al mondo. Sono tante le iniziative portate avanti dal nostro Circolo sul tema dei rifiuti in mare e sulle spiagge negli ultimi anni, tutte in collaborazione con Legambiente nazionale, Legambiente Lazio, il Corpo della Capitaneria di Porto-Guardia Costiera, Balneari, Pescatori, Comune, Scuole e Universita’, anni di studio, lavoro, campagne di sensibilizzazione e di educazione, progetti di grande prestigio nazionale e internazionale e Terracina sarebbe potuta diventare già da anni, una città simbolo nella lotta alla plastica con atti corretti e validati anche dal punto di vista scientifico e legale, visto anche la sottoscrizione da parte del Comune di Terracina del Protocollo “Plastic Free Beaches Terracina” con Legambiente e le principali Associazioni di Categoria, conDeliberazione di Giunta Comunale - n. 51 del 19/03/2018, con una serie di impegni che sono stati poi invece disattesi. In aggiunta, la nostra Amministrazione, dopo aver sospeso l’ordinanza “Terracina plastic free” prot.N. 1759 del 10 gennaio 2020 (una ordinanza molto “leggera” in termini di disposizioni e che sarebbe entrata in vigore il 15 giugno 2020) fino a dicembre 2020 (salvo proroghe!), causa pandemia e con l’obiettivo di smaltire le scorte di plastica in magazzino (!) non ha mai più ripreso la questione tanto e’ vero che anche la nuova stagione balneare appena iniziata si presenta purtroppo senza regole in questo campo. Con i dati dell’ultima campagna Beach Litter 2021 Terracina che ci confermano il problema dei rifiuti plastici sulle spiagge e con i monitoraggi in corso di Fishing for Litter Terracina che ci confermano sulla grave emergenza delle plastiche in mare, è assolutamente necessario invece che si adottino politiche e atti amministrativi cogenti nella direzione della protezione dell’ambiente e del contrasto al #beachlitter e #marinelitter, assolutamente importanti anche per dare un senso ed una concretezza a raggiungimenti come quello della tanto sbandierata “bandiera blu” che se non accompagnati da reali processi di miglioramento che vadano ad incidere concretamente sulla qualità della vita del cittadino e del turista della nostra Città, restano solo dei vuoti adempimenti burocratici” Read the full article
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keralalotteryonline · 5 years
WIN-WIN LOTTERY W-502 on 4.3.2019
1st Prize- Rs : 65,00,000/-
WG 444906 (KOTTAYAM)
Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/-
WA 444906 WB 444906
WC 444906 WD 444906
WE 444906 WF 444906
WH 444906 WJ 444906
WK 444906 WL 444906
WM 444906
2nd Prize- Rs :1,000,000/-
3rd Prize- Rs :100,000/-
WA 149270 (IDUKKI)
WB 721146 (KOTTAYAM)
WC 677072 (THRISSUR)
WD 379197 (WAYANAD)
WE 306706 (KOTTAYAM)
WF 706807 (THRISSUR)
WG 507870 (PALAKKAD)
WH 845256 (WAYANAD)
WM 689684 (KANNUR)
4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
0128 0905 0998 1030 1623
2214 5647 6759 8172 9435
9613 9988
5th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-
0029 0258 1316 1342 1912
2155 2551 2876 3459 3520
3708 3858 4071 4643 4883
4919 4974 5162 5420 5971
6029 6059 6281 6801 7884
8026 8163 8467 8538 9293
6th Prize- Rs. 500/-
0077 0307 0363 0863 0953
1324 1571 1693 1826 2055
2161 2321 2841 3340 3345
3546 3615 3776 3827 3950
4014 4143 4281 4290 4420
4854 4877 4903 4908 4930
4989 5007 5324 5412 5775
5842 5948 6006 6213 6545
6720 6755 7411 7485 7522
7528 7617 7809 7841 7866
8021 8314 8451 9155 9388
9398 9581 9698 9886 9993
7th Prize- Rs. 100/-
0010 0091 0224 0295 0449
0527 0531 0564 0617 0626
0770 0898 0985 1024 1040
1074 1076 1245 1301 1407
1463 1506 1513 1632 1702
1794 1902 1983 2144 2253
2372 2427 2540 2627 2840
2887 3008 3053 3069 3081
3095 3220 3221 3331 3343
3424 3461 3496 3569 3633
3853 3933 3953 3983 4240
4329 4473 4680 4897 5119
5186 5221 5254 5316 5878
5883 6142 6164 6172 6226
6388 6493 6514 6542 6563
6602 6683 6696 6761 6799
6903 6919 7109 7301 7308
7466 7493 7680 8011 8064
8103 8108 8183 8220 8232
8320 8381 8466 8732 8738
8918 8921 9186 9210 9218
9220 9673 9874
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rkkyungsoo · 5 years
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tomorrow, today with kang hyunggu @rkkhg - vocal division
(0:00-0:55, 3:00-3:37 but with 1:32-2:06 choreo, 3:38-3:49)
The judges called out his name and Kyungsoo found himself genuinely surprised. In previous performances, he’d mostly showcased his singing and as time progressed, gained confidence in that area. He thought once the ceos saw his lack of dance skills, they’d shake their head in distaste and send him back to his university student life. Somehow, he got to stay and Kyungsoo wasn’t sure who to thank - the judges for giving him opportunity, Yugyeom who taught him the dance choreography or his own buckets of sweats from all the practice last week. Whatever it was, he was glad to be in the competition still. Hopefully, for episode 4, he could go back to what he was really good at-
Kang Hyunggu.
His heart did a bit of a flip as it transitioned from the initial gladness (because he knew Hyunggu and didn’t have to stress about being with a stranger) to panic (because of how they met). Hyunggu stepped beside him with a fancy meeting you again and Kyungsoo gave his new duo partner a stiff smile. Indeed, he’d never expect to share the stage with a past hook up. What was worse? The fact Hyunggu was a dancer. That’s right, everybody, Kyungsoo was heading straight back to that sing-dance lifestyle, back to another week of endless dance practices. Hallelujah.
They chose a song together in Hyunggu’s dance studio after a few hours of web surfing. The song, called Tomorrow, Today, was beautiful to the ears. What was even better was the relatively simple but very charming dance routine that came with it. The dance did not have complex footwork and would not physically push Kyungsoo as much as his previous routine. The key in performing it well was in how well they could sync with each other and connect with the fluidity of their movements. A handful of gracefulness, a pinch of pain from indecision and eyes that linger out of longing...yes, Kyungsoo thought he knew what it would take to make a beautiful performance out of this song.
As soon as they started practising, Kyungsoo realized he had more body chemistry with Hyunggu. They went over the dance moves, at first counting out the beats to make sure they were matching in movement even when they weren’t looking at each other. Hyunggu was not better than Yugyeom as a dance instructor by any means, but Kyungsoo thought he understood the other’s movements more. He supposed it made sense, after all, that night a few months ago they literally became one-
Ahem, that was just an one time arrangement. They both had crippling commitment issues and had no interest of pursing anything deeper. Life was easier without love involved but now, they were doing a song about love, playing the roles of star crossed lovers that the world had no place for. For Kyungsoo, this sort of story was right up his alley. What was it that he read from a netizen blog a while ago? Brooding charisma, yes, that was what the girl wrote and it accurately described him. As a bit of a natural downer, Kyungsoo was good at expressions of pain, anger, sadness and longing. He was just fond of angsting, alright? Let him live.
Kyungsoo practised as hard as he did for his last duo performance and was hoping he’ll slowly improve his dancing, to the point where he could be proud of himself and not worry about stressing out his talented duo partners.
Overall, the week went smoothly. Other than having to deal with Suwoong’s weepiness about how sexy his routine was and convincing the other it was just a performance and that he must focus on bringing honour their family, Kyungsoo felt pretty good. A day before performance time, one of the chairs that was their prop broke. Thankfully, Kyungsoo heard the furniture crack in time to just jump off of it. No one was hurt and Kyungsoo’s wallet wasn’t small enough to whine over buying a new pair of matching chairs. These ones were extra sturdy and slip proof to make sure the same thing didn’t happen on stage. They practised with them just to make sure they were perfect.  
Finally, the performance day came.
Kyungsoo and Hyunggu walked onto the stage, each holding a foldable white chair. Kyungsoo was in a black shirt with jeans and Hyunggu was dressed very similarly except with a white shirt. They were really trying to go for that yinyang style. They positioned the chairs at the centre of the stage and moved forward to make their introductions.
As practised, the two held out one of their arms, making a cross between them. Hyunggu shouted out “Byeol Su!” and Kyungsoo, much quieter but still enthusiastically, said “Byeol Gu.” He was super embarrassed by this intro but Hyunggu put up a very convincing case about how it’ll make people amused and therefore make them more memorable. So yes, he decided to go with it but at the price of blushing furiously to the point that even the tip of his ears were red.
"Hello, everyone, we are Star Cross!” Hyunggu finished off their introduction cheerfully. Kyungsoo was ready to die of shame at this point and was glad when they stepped away from the judges and the rest of the audience to find their positions. Giving himself a second or two for a deep breath, pushing aside the embarrassment and focusing on his character, Kyungsoo heard the music start.
The two of them started out on the ground, their backs against their chairs and looking away from each other. Hyunggu was starting the song off, nice and gentle:
왜 내일을 오늘 골라야만 해
내일 일을 오늘 내가 어떻게 아는데
흐려져 가는 길과 나의 꿈들
When it was Kyungsoo’s turn to sing, they turned to face each other, jumping onto the chairs. They reached out towards the other party with their hands, only to pull back before their fingers could actually touch.
시간을 돌려 미리 내 미랠 보여준다면
어떤 길로 갈 지 내 길이 어딘지
알 수 있을 텐데
Hyunggu sang the following part and they two of them sat down on the chairs, leaning back until they were able to rest their heads on each other’s shoulder, but only for a second before they once again, pulled away.
어떻게 이렇게 나의 눈을 반쯤 가린 채
계속 고르라며 날 떠미는데
As they separated, they pulled their chairs along, changing their formation for Kyungsoo’s part, which was in full English:
Somebody let me know, tell me which way to go
Cuz I don't, don't, don't know
With that, they were in the chorus. The original choreo for the chorus part was nice but too calm, so they decided to switch it up. The choreo they ended up pulling from an earlier part of the song actually matched perfectly to the chorus and Kyungsoo was content with the change.
오늘도 답을 잘 모르는 질문에
끝없이 답을 해 자신이 없는데
이 길일까 저 길일까
내 선택들이 점점 두려워져
Kyungsoo sang as they reunited in the middle of the stage, their palms finally meeting as they danced. When they turned away from each other this time, their backs remained touching as if the lovers they were pretending to be couldn’t bear the idea of being any further away.
불안한 마음 마음 마음 마음 마음으로
난 또 다음 다음 다음 선택 앞에
가본 적 없는 길과 길 사이에서어떻게 내 길을 찾을 지 두렵지
하루 하루 가는 게
Hyunggu was singing as they walked away from each other once more, banging against the invisible wall that they pretended was separating them. Kyungsoo made sure his high note was clear and piercing in the background as their voices blended. They switched sides on the stage, pretending to look for each other as if that wall was still in place until they arrived at their final few lines.
Tell me, tell me
Tell me which way to go
They slowly walked back towards their chairs.
Which way to go
So tell me which way to go
Seated, their hands went to their forehead as if still struggling with the indecision. Kyungsoo turned his face towards the camera a little more, making sure his hand was not actually shielding his features from the light. Hopefully the brush of silvery highlighter Suwoong put on him would help accentuate his features and make his eyes pop but Kyungsoo learned a long time ago to not trust all of his cousin’s bullshit promises.
Tell me, tell me
So tell me which way to go
They sang the final lines together, their voices trailing off into silence. The performance, however, was not over as Kyungsoo got up from the chair, his back stiff and his brows knotted. His hand gripped the back of his chair, so hard that his knuckles were turning white. He doubted the camera would capture that but he was committed to his character either way. Kyungsoo exhaled slowly, but audibly and with one last look at Hyunggu over his shoulder, he walked away from the stage, leaving his ‘lover’ there to mourn over the loss alone.
He went half way down the stage before coming back to join Hyunggu. Tragic romance, hopefully they’ve done it well. For now, Kyungsoo was smiling again as he thanked the judges and his audience, all traces of that dejected man who had to abandon his love erased from his features.
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