#wcc member fic
writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #7 & #8
Thank you so so much to @tommokat (pink) @thinlinez (green) and @beelou (red) for participating in another Round Robin session and writing this amazing crack fic! I hope you all have a great laugh as much as we did!
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“Harry. My love.”
“Yes?” Harry singsongs back to Louis, although it comes out like ‘yeth’ from the banana in his mouth.
“Are you going to do anything besides eat bananas with Mildred today?”
Harry frowns at Louis and shares a look with Mildred. “Why would I do that?”
“Because we have a lot to do today. Because we bought a zoo!”
“We bought an animal sanctuary, actually.” Harry takes another bite of banana and passes more to Mildred. “Honestly, between this one and your Frank, I don’t know how we put up with these monkeys, Mildred.”
Louis stares at him. “Mildred is literally a monkey.”
“I mean, if you want to be technical about it, we all are, but I didn’t know we were being pedantic about it.”
Louis sighs and drops his head into his hands. “Just make sure you give some bananas to Frank and Ricco as well, please? They’re not just for your girl time with Milly.” Harry sends him a kiss and Louis knows he’s been heard (and played). “I’m going to go feed the otters and then check in with Niall.” He turns to walk out the office door and completely fails to not laugh at Harry’s shouted ‘Awake the Kraken!’ behind him.
Louis walks down the dirt path, nodding in greeting to the volunteers he walks by. He stops to get the bucket of fish for the otters from the kitchen and is on his way to the otter habitat. How they even got into this is really a blur for him. One minute Harry is looking at properties to buy and the next, he makes the transaction for a zoo. Harry insists on calling it an animal sanctuary, but a zoo is what it is. 
The otters are one of his favorite animals, though. They’re just so cute and have so much personality. Louis never realized that animals could have so much gumption before this. For that, he is grateful to learn. It’s been stressful at times, of course, but all in all, it’s been fun.
A splash from beside the otter habitat makes him look up, bit of crayfish dangling from his fingers as Niall pokes his head up.
"Awake so early?" Louis raises a brow as he teasingly waves the food at the squid whose head was bobbing above the water, huge eyes tracking his every move. "Guess you must have smelled the food, but these aren't for you…" 
Niall does a flip disappearing under the surface and splashing a decent amount of water over the brim of his tank. Louis doesn't get why Niall loves to throw tantrums. He and Harry had especially gotten the huge tank just for him and had even moved the tanks of eels and turtles to the other side of the sanctuary. Niall was too spoiled for his own good. 
Louis shakes his head as he walks away, knowing full well that he would come back soon to give the spoiled squid his full English breakfast. 
“Alright, friends!” Louis calls as he makes it into the otter compound. “Who’s ready for breakfast?”
He takes his time with the little creatures, making sure each of them get greeted with joy and a fair share of the food. There’s 13 of them in total, but Louis wouldn’t mind if the whole zoo was only otters. An otter-only zoo. He has confessed as much to Harry and was told it would be ‘an otter-ly amazing zoo.’ Always with the puns, that one is.
“I shared it with Frank and Ricco. Frank said thank you, Ricco just rolled his eyes at me. I don’t think Ricco likes me that much.”
Louis pats the concrete next to where he’s sitting and wraps an arm around Harry’s shoulders when he cuddles close. “Think maybe that’s because you eat all of his food and take the attention of his mother all the time?”
Harry seems to consider it for a few seconds, but ultimately sighs. “No, that can’t be it.”
Louis turns back to the otters to hide his amused grin. He finds a pair of otters floating, little paws clasped so they stay together, a tiny fluff of fur atop the tummy of the longer one. An otter-ly perfect family.
Harry finds them, too. “Look, that’s us.”
“We don’t have a baby, baby,” Louis reminds him. (Yet, he thinks.)
“We have a lot of babies. Niall included.”
Speaking of the devil, Niall comes in with Lewis, twerking into the scene. 
“I heard my name! I am here!”
“What the hell are you doing?” Louis asks, face red from holding in his laughter at the sight. Niall is a terrible twerker. Lewis isn’t much better at all.
“Twerking! What does it look like?” Lewis says, still shaking his arse in the air.
“Well, stop it! You ruined our cute and sappy moment with the otters!”
Niall stops twerking, but Lewis keeps going as he walks out of the habitat.
“Why were you twerking? Wait- I don’t wanna know. It’s okay.” Louis shakes his head. “I was just gonna go find you after I fed the otters. Do you need something? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah everything’s fine,” Niall says but he’s not meeting Louis’ eyes.
“Niall? What’s up?” Harry asks again, noticing the lack of eye contact.
Niall sighs and repeats himself slower. “The lion and the tiger mated.”
Louis has to process the statement for a second, but before he could say anything, Harry is wriggling out of his cuddle and jumping up, curls flying.
"Oh my god! A liger is about to grace our sanctuary! I've been waiting for this moment for so long!" Harry squeals, pumping his fists in the air.
"You have?" Louis' mouth drops open.
"Of course! I mean, there is not a lion on earth who can resist the charm of our beautiful majestic Liam."
"You not only play matchmaker for people but also for your animals? Speaking of which, why don't you play matchmaker for mini me? All I get is an empty tank and is by my lonesome self all the time…" Niall huffs.
"Oi, it's hard enough to find squids around here. We live in London, not on an island." Louis slaps Niall on the shoulder as the Irish attempt to close their distance, shaking his arse again.
"But Lou! We did see that really pretty octopus in the fish market last weekend…" Harry interjects, forest greens misty and thoughtful. "I think he'll still be there if we go back this week."
“Excuse you, Harry, but my Niall boy is a squid. He needs a squid lover.”
Harry huffs, sitting back down with Louis and wrapping his arms around Louis. Louis can tell he’s preparing a comeback, so he rolls his eyes and prepares for the weird best friend crack these two always get into.
“Your boy is infertile anyway, so it doesn’t matter what type of creature his life mate is.”
“Listen, I’m not saying they have to be a match made in heaven, everyone knows those only come around so often–”
“Yes, Louis and I are truly a rare breed.”
“—But if we could find another creature of the same species, that would be great.”
“Sure, Niall, I’ll get right on that. You know, I think Manchester just got a whole buttload of squids in. I’ll just give them a call.”
“Great! Thanks!”
“That was sarcasm, you Irish twat!”
“Aww.” Niall pouts
Louis rolls his eyes. “Fine,” he sighs. Niall looks up hopefully. “I’ll have Harry look into getting another squid.”
“Yay!” Niall clapps his hands and lunges forward to kiss Louis on the cheek violently, holding his face in both hands.
“Oi! That was wet!” Louis screeches, wiping his cheek of the slobber that Niall left. But Niall is already twerking out of the room, not having a care in the world.
“Never a dull moment with him, is there?” Louis shakes his head, bewildered.
Suddenly, Harry’s walkie talkie that is slung around his hips cracks to life, startling the couple.
“Hey, H?” Lewis’ voice echoed out from the machine. “Them new lemurs you got are fighting… Again… I think Zayn goaded them into it.”
“Fucking shit!” Louis swears even though Lewis wasn’t addressing him. He could see Harry giving him a disapproving look.
“No swearing in front of our otters!” His husband pouted adorably. Louis sighs, grabbing at Harry’s arm and hoisting the taller man up.
“Time to go stop the fight or else it’ll get bloody… And you’re the only one who can talk sense into Zayn.”
They round the otter habitat and cross the length of a field, passing by the ducks, koalas clinging to trees and kangaroos chilling under the shades.
The lemur habitat comes into view and what a sight it beholds. As always, Zayn is sitting on the top rock, lounging in the sun like a king and surveying the other fellow lemurs who are hissing and clawing at each other beneath him. In front of Zayn laid a single tangerine. Louis deduces that the fruit must be what the others are fighting over.
“Why are our friends the most chaotic fools known to mankind? First Niall and his twerking and his squid junior, now Zayn and his lemur Hunger Games.” Louis sighs and rubs a hand across his forehead. “Next thing you know, Liam will be teaching the penguins how to dance like Happy Feet.”
“Ooh, that would be cute!” Harry exclaims. “You go get him to do that, I’ll take care of Z, and I’ll meet you back in your office in thirty for a little dance lesson of our own.” He waggles his eyebrows in the most Harry way possible and Louis is too fond for this goof to do anything but agree to his silly terms.
“Alright, lovey. You take care of this one, I’ll take care of that one, and we’ll take care of each other in thirty.” He presses a kiss to Harry’s lips and pulls away with a wink.
Harry watches Louis walk away only to be interrupted by Zayn’s drawl.
“They’re fun, right?”
Harry turns around. “What did you do?”
Zayn shrugs, taking a bite out of the apple in his hand. “I fed them.”
Harry closes his eyes, centering himself. The one line responses irritating him to no end. Has it been thirty minutes yet? “Obviously you didn’t give them enough. Look at them! Your mini me is up there teasing them!”
Zayn takes another bite of his apple. “Is that what they’re doing? I thought they were just playing with each other. I thought it was cute.”
“It certainly is not cute!” Harry gestures pointedly at the lemur who took that exact moment to pounce on her neighbor, sending the other lemur flying.
Harry strides up to the fence, whistling so that mini Zayn would look up and catch his gaze. He shakes his head at lemur Zayn, pursing his lips as he points at the tangerine then back down at the fighting lemurs.
Mini Zayn makes a eeping noise before glancing at his human counterpart who tossed the apple core into the grass, straightening his overalls.
“Alright my dude, give the tangerine to your friends, come on.” Zayn orders lazily as Harry crosses his arms.
Lemur Zayn gives Harry another cock of his head before hopping down from his rock throne, grabbing the tangerine and waving it at the rest of the lemurs. They all crowd around their leader as Harry turns to give Zayn a slap on the shoulder.
“Well now that we don’t have to worry about lemur civil war, I need to run back to my otter pups. I forgot to give them their special treat.” Harry fishes a bag out from his pocket, three boiled eggs inside.
“Three eggs for the whole raft of otters?”
“Certainly not. These are for Harry and Louis and baby Pino. Obviously.”
“Your favoritism is showing. You’re almost as bad as me.”
Harry stuck his tongue out at Zayn and put the bag back in his pocket.
“I don’t even know why Lou hired you in the first place. You don’t ever help and always stir up chaos. You are in cahoots with mini Zayn.”
“If I’m not around then this zoo will be so boooooooring. And you know Lou hired me coz I’m his best friend.” Zayn smirks as he gives Harry a friendly pat on the back. “Now run along and go find your husband. I overheard you guys earlier… Dancing lesson? You guys are beyond sick.” All of this, Zayn says with a knowing fond smile.
Harry brightens. “Aww, Z, does that mean you’ll help me feed the squirrels, camels and ravens?” “That is one long list… But fine. Go have some quality time with your husband and leave you guys’ children to me then.” One last thing before Harry leaves, he hears Zayn muttering. “Can’t believe these two went and bought themselves a zoo.”
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marywardvvell · 5 years
about the fanfic thing - it's not just you. i'm what's considered a "fandom old" and have seen many fandoms come and go, and no matter what fandom you're in one of the cardinal rules has always been "don't give the actors fanfic, especially explicit fanfic." it's invasive and creepy. It's a shame the younger members of the fandom can't seem to understand this even if Miranda is being very tolerant. she didn't go looking for that fic. she had it directly handed to her at wcc. not cool.
Yeah like I said, I don’t have an issue if actors go out and find fanfic for themselves, for example I thought it was hilarious when Lin Manuel Miranda tweeted that he’d gone and read a bunch of Hamilton fanfic.
But giving fic to actors are weird! Especially explicit fanfic. It’s like, you wouldn’t give a stranger porn, actors, although they feel known to us from their work, interviews, and social media, are strangers.
When did I turn into an old person fjcjsjwbjd
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #6
Thank you @tommokat (pink) @thinlinez (green) @lhhomefics (red) and @beelou (blue)! This was so fun to write! We can't wait for the next week!
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Harry buried his face further into his arms, trying to block out the musky smell of the prison cell they were in. Never in a million years would he believe he was going to get arrested. He supposed if you are in a relationship with Louis fucking Tomlinson, it was bound to happen… The only matter was when.
“Hey babe.”
Harry groaned into his arms, “Don’t hey babe me!” He could hear Louis walking around the cell, seemingly examining everything like going to prison was a semblance of going to a museum.
“I don’t know why you’re so mad, love. I googled before, trespassing isn’t really a crime in the UK. I’ve done it before with Z. If you keep worrying, your lovely curls are gonna fall out.”
Harry seriously couldn’t understand why Louis would want to have their third anniversary date in an abandoned warehouse, even going so far as to spray painting the walls with his declaration of love (this was sweet though) and then building a campfire so that Harry could roast marshmallows… 
Harry huffed into his arms as he felt Louis sit down next to him. Louis put an arm around him and Harry had half a mind to shake it off because he was still upset but he liked it too much so he just leaned into Louis till he hugged him even as he refused to take his head out of his arms. 
“Babe…. I’m sorry. Please don’t ignore me” Louis apologized into Harry’s hair.
“Well what do you want me to do in a fucking prison cell Louis,” Harry said angrily, lifting his head up just to glare at Louis.
Louis was about to say something when a guard interrupted them. 
“One phone call,” he said, then unlocked the cell and led them both down the hall to the phone.
“Who are you going to call?” Louis mumbled to Harry.
“The only number I know by heart is my mum’s and yours. What about you?” Harry answered just as quietly.
“Aww, you memorized my phone number? That’s sweet,” Louis cooed
Harry rolled his eyes. “We’ve been dating for three years, of course I memorized your number. It’s not gonna help us now, though, is it?” Harry snapped, still annoyed that Louis even got them into this mess in the first place. 
“I’m sorry, babe. I’ll get us out, I promise,” Louis vowed. Harry looked at him warily, but Louis’ eyes shone with sincerity. “Cross my heart.”
“Okay. I believe you,” Harry sighed. “Cross your heart all you want,  just don’t go dying.”
They were separated into two small alcoves, white phones hanging on the wall like a last beacon of hope. Harry really didn’t want to call his mother, but it’s the only person he could call. He certainly didn’t know the number for the Ghostbusters.
After a less than stellar talking-to from his usually calm and collected mum, he was led back to the cell sans Louis. He didn’t like being in the prison cell to begin with, but it was even worse without his boyfriend.
Louis motioned for him to settle beside him on the tiny rickety one person bed. “Well this is a nice change of scenery.” His boyfriend said jovially, looking up at the miniscule window high on the wall.
“It’s a prison cell.”
“I was being sarcastic.” Louis snorted as Harry cast a wary and dreaded glance at the toilet bowl in the corner. There wasn’t even a toilet in here! Just a metal bowl… He shuddered, turning his face into Louis’ shoulder.
“Help will be here soon.” Louis reassured him, kissing his forehead.
How could Louis always be so cocky and confident? Harry sighed.
Some hours passed, or was it only mere minutes? There wasn’t a clock and the shadows on the walls remained unchanging. Harry wondered how he would be able to carve the number of days into the cell walls if he didn’t even know the time.
The jingling of keys. His head snapped up, banging right into Louis’ chin as his boyfriend let out a pained grunt. Harry didn’t have time to coo over Louis’ bruised chin because someone was unlocking their cell door.
“See I told you help will be here soon,” Louis said in relief as the door opened to reveal a guard and Zayn.
“Should I even ask how this happened,” Zayn said to Louis  in lieu of a greeting, hugging Harry as he rushed into Zayn’s arms in relief.
“Why do you assume I’m at fault here?” Louis huffed as he joined his boyfriend in hugging Zayn.
“Well, Harry definitely wouldn’t be at fault so that leaves you.” Zayn said as Harry mumbled in agreement.
“Anyway, as sweet as this is I think you’re not here to join us in this cell Z, so let’s get out of here,” Louis snapped with an eye roll, pulling out of the hug and dragging Harry into his own arms as well.
Harry hugged back, relief flooding his body as they walked together out of the prison. Louis filled Zayn in on what happened and Harry tuned it out. He was exhausted.
“Harry, babe? You alright?” Louis asked, concern written all over his face.
Harry sighed. “Yeah, just tired. All we did was sit in an enclosed room but all I want to do is go home, take a shower, and go to bed.”
“Alright, I’m heading out, then. Get some rest, Harry,” Zayn said, giving them each another hug and they thanked him again for bailing them out before waving and going to his car.
“Have I told you how sorry I am for getting us thrown in jail, yet?” Louis asked with a pout.
Harry sighed and dug Louis’ phone out of their bag of possessions returned to them. “You have. I’ll forgive you. Later.” He held Louis’ phone out to him. “For now, you are in charge of getting us a ride home. And you’re in charge of getting the car tomorrow morning from that warehouse’s parking lot. And you have to make me breakfast in bed tomorrow morning.”
Louis laughed, opening up the Uber app on his phone. “Even if it’s just Cocoa Pops and a cuppa?”
“Even if it’s just Cocoa Pops and a cuppa,” Harry agreed. He snuggled into Louis’ side, closing his eyes in a relief he never thought he’d feel in his whole life: out of prison relief.
“Five minutes out, babe,” Louis murmured. He wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed the crown of his head. “I’ll get you home, showered, and in bed in no time.”
“Can I make one more request?”
“Baby, you can request the world and I’ll give it to you.”
“Mm,” Harry hummed. Even when Louis did something dumb, he still made Harry ridiculously happy. He pulled his head up to look at Louis and grinned. “I think just a kiss will do for now. But I’ll let you know if I need the world.”“Please do,” Louis smiled, pressing his lips against Harry’s gently. “After all, I did just get you a criminal record.”
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #5
Thank you @tommokat (green) @thinlinez (red) @marigoldaster (blue) @lhhomefics (orange) and @beelou (pink) for writing such a cute drabble for Harry's birthday!
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“Now what am I supposed to do with this?” Louis held up some weird bowl thing, that kind of looked like a plant pot but with a hole in it.
“That’s for separating the egg yolk from the egg white,” Anne explained, her voice slightly tinny through the video call. “You won’t need that for this recipe, love.”
Louis set it back down on the counter and surveyed the goods in front of him. It was a little intimidating to look at all the ingredients and tools he’d need to use, but he was determined to make the best damn birthday cake Harry’s ever had in his whole 29 years of life. Or at the very least, an edible cake.
“There’s no need to look so scared, Lou. I can walk you through the whole thing, if you’d like.”
“Uh, I think I’ll be okay. But you can stay on the line if it makes you feel better.”
Anne laughed, “Sure, love. I’ll stay on to make myself feel better.”
As she continued to giggle, Louis no longer questioned where Harry got his sass.
The recipe had clearly stated that it would only need about 2 hours of baking and making the cake, but why was Louis still covered in flour and just started heating up the oven 3 hours later? At this rate, Harry was going to burst through the door any time now and Louis was already suffering from a migraine from waking up at the crack of dawn, sore arms due to fucking whisking and a whole list of other traumas that comes with trying to surprise his husband for his big 29th.
Speaking of which, shit, Harry was due to come home in half an hour and the cake still was only half baked. Louis was sort of glad he had chosen a cheesecake recipe which meant that he could pass it off as a half baked cheese cake. That’s a thing right? Half baked cheese cake? He was sure he had seen it somewhere online. 
Louis stood there, not knowing what his next move was.
“Louis, love? Are you still there?” Anne spoke quietly.
“Yes, still here. Why is this so bloody hard?” Louis said as he placed his head in his hands, elbows on the counter. “Are you sure the crust goes in the oven without the cheese… stuff?”
“Yes, Lou, trust me on this. Harry loves cheesecake and you’ll do brilliantly. If you just, you know, bake the damn thing…”
“Okay, okay, I’m putting the crust in the oven now and hoping that nothing explodes or whatever.” Louis mumbled and picked up the dish with the crust in it to do just that.
“That is very reassuring love,” Anne sighed sarcastically on the other end as Louis closed the oven door. 
Just as Louis set the timer for the oven he heard the door opening. “Shit” he gasped to Anne. “I think Harry’s home early, what do I do now?” 
“I guess it’s not going to be a surprise anymore,”  Anne shrugged.
“Lou? Are you here?” Harry called from the front door. 
“Coming, darling!” Louis hurried out of the kitchen. It was going to be a surprise no matter what. “I have your mother on the phone and she wants to talk to you.” Louis gave Harry a hello kiss on the cheek and thrust the phone into Harry’s hand. 
“Hi Mum! How are you?”
Louis snuck back to the kitchen while Harry was distracted and put his head in his hands. This is not going as planned.
The cake still needed to bake, so there was no hiding the smell of it in the oven, but Louis figured maybe a quick clean of the kitchen would be a good idea. He set forth on his quest by stacking every dish possible into the sink, followed by the pile of spoons he used when ‘testing for quality.’ Anne didn’t believe his reasoning when he did that, just like Harry never did, either.
“Lou?” Shit, don’t come in the kitchen, Harold, Louis internally cursed. “Mum has to go but has something to tell you first!”
“Okay, I’m coming!” He rushed back to the main room, taking the phone from Harry with a sweet smile and addressing Anne once again. “Yes?”
“Just one more thing, love,” Anne smirked. “Don’t put 29 candles on the cake.”
And then she hung up.
Louis reasoned that he must have heard her wrong, she must have reminded him to put the 29 baby pink candles he had specifically gotten since it was Harry’s favorite color.
He looked up to see Harry staring at him expectantly. There was a sparkle in mossy greens. “Are you making something? It smells really good.”
Well, damn.
“Can you please close your eyes and pretend that nothing is happening for ten minutes?” Louis asked desperately as Harry smirked.
“As long as you make it worth my time.” His husband said cheekily. Louis groaned, hands coming up to cover Harry’s eyes and pressing a kiss into the corner of Harry’s lips. He could see Harry dimpling.
“Ten minutes.” He said one last time and made a mad dash for the kitchen. 
Louis was granted his 10 minutes. When he returned from the kitchen he found Harry laying on the couch, his freshly manicured fingers intertwined on his chest.
“Is whatever smells so good, done?” Harry smiled at Louis.
“Babe, I tried so hard, really. But I’m afraid I am not the baker your mum assured me I could be,” Louis sighed and motioned Harry to move his long legs. He flopped down on the couch. He turned to meet Harry’s eyes and simply said, “Happy birthday baby.”
“Thank you love, and I’m sure you didn’t mess anything up, I still want to see!” Harry exclaimed excitedly.
“Okay, come with me but no making fun of me okay?” Louis sighed.
“I would never baby, I’m so lucky to have you even try baking for me, I know how much it frustrates you,” Harry said earnestly, grabbing Louis’ wrists and pulling him in for a quick kiss. 
Louis stroked his hands down Harry’s arms and then pulled away and covered Harry’s eyes with his hands. He guided Harry into the kitchen like that as his silly boy kept giggling and trying to bat his hands away.
The cake was on the counter, the crust looking a little burnt and the cheese was not really neat. Louis felt like the 29 pink candles - that he was sure Anne meant to tell him to put - were what saved the cake. He pulled his hands away from Harry’s eyes and dramatically pointed to the cake. “Ta Da!”
Harry’s jaw dropped in a gasp. “Baby it looks really good. I can’t wait to try it.”
“I had help in the form of your mum but of course she can only do so much over the phone.” Louis shrugged sheepishly.
“Of course, I love it so much. Thank you.” Harry pulled him in for a hug and kiss. “I love the candles, by the way. It’s a nice touch.”
Internally, Louis stuck his tongue out at Anne. He knew Harry would like the candles.
“Alright, are you ready to make a wish and try the cake?”
“I have everything I ever need right here in this room, love,” Harry whispered.
“You absolute sap. I love you.” Louis pulled him into a kiss that lasted for more than a peck, their lips moving together in sync. When they pulled back, Louis looked into Harry’s eyes and all the pain that he went through to make this cake, the migraine, the sore arms, this right here, made it all worth it. 
“Happy birthday, Harry.”
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #2
Thank you @wabadabadaba (pink) @beelou (red) @lhhomefics (green) for participating! We finaly have our vampire fic! Hahahaha
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“Of course it’s a gay vampire,” Zayn rolled his eyes. “Totally didn’t see that one coming.” 
Harry laughed along with the others, hoping his laughter sounded real and not fake at all. 
“Zed, we’re literally watching Interview With A Vampire. Of course they are gay vampires,” Liam rolled his eyes. 
“Hey,” Niall spoke with a mouth full of popcorn. “Do you think if vampires were real they’d all be gay?” 
Harry took a sip of his wine, most of the vampires he knew were gay. 
“Probably,” Louis shrugged as he dug his toes under Harry’s thighs. “I mean, you live forever and you want to be straight? Kinda boring.”
“I don't think you can say that,” Liam frowned. “Isn’t that like…heterophobic?” Zayn, Niall and Louis all threw popcorn at Liam. “Hey! I’m just saying that sexuality isn’t a choice so it’s not fair to say that vampires would or would not choose their sexuality when they live forever.”
Louis sat up which meant an argument was going to start. Harry did not want to partake in this. Especially since he wasn't exactly impartial in this and had more information than the others, information that he couldn’t really let them know he had. He isn’t sure how to put a stop to the argument though because once Louis sets his mind on something, it's not easy to stop him from it.
“I mean why don’t we ask Harold what he thinks?” Louis started his argument by bringing Harry in right away. Usually Harry is okay with that, he’s always joining Louis in riling the others up so it was probably strange that he hadn’t said anything yet.
“Me? Why me?” Harry still asked because that was not the way to bring him into the conversation. Louis could have said anything else, why did he think Harry would know more than they did. But then maybe Harry was just overthinking this.
“You because he wants a guaranteed someone on his side,” Liam complained rolling his eyes.
“I’m not guaranteed, but I guess I see what you mean,” Harry mumbled.
“The dream team!” Louis pumped his fist in the air. “So, what do you think?”
“Why don’t we finish the movie?” Harry suggested, really trying to get out of this argument.
“Nobody is watching the movie, anymore, Haz.”
“I am,” Zayn spoke up.
“See? Zayn is watching it, now let’s stop talking and watch the rest of the movie.” Harry noticed that Louis was watching him strangely. “What?” Harry questioned. 
Louis squinted as he stared at Harry, making him feel small and nervous. He glanced around at the other boys to see if they were paying attention to the movie or the way Louis was glaring at him. He was relieved they were watching the movie but he also wished they could see the way Louis was looking at him. 
"What?" Harry repeated, this time quieter. 
Louis shook his head and dropped his hands to his lap. "Nothing."
It didn't feel like nothing. It certainly didn't sound like nothing, judging by the uptick in Louis' heart rate. Harry brought his hand to his hair and brushed it through his long locks whilst it also covered his face. If he had a heart he knew it would be trying to beat out of his chest at that moment. He wasn't sure what was up and Louis always made him a little bit nervous even in the best of times, but now he was more than nervous. He was afraid because Louis’ behaviour made him wonder if Louis was suspicious.
Harry managed to ignore it and pay attention to the movie along with everyone else, for the most part but soon the movie was ending and he knew it was almost time to leave Zayn’s place and walk home. Usually, he and Louis would walk back together because they lived pretty close and Harry was dreading what conversation would come up on the way, if Louis didn't try to resume the argument with Liam before they left.
“Goodnight lads. Same time next week?” Louis asked, putting on his jacket and shoes.
“You know it,” Niall agreed.
“Alright, Haz? Are you ready to go?” Louis asked, waiting by the door.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.” They both waved as they walked out the door.
The first five minutes they walked in silence. Harry didn’t know if he was imagining it, but it seemed like Louis kept staring at him. When Harry would look over, Louis would look straight ahead again quickly, hiding that he was looking at him.
“Okay,” Harry spoke as he stopped walking. “What is it, Louis? I can tell something is the matter. Did I upset you that I didn’t want to make the argument with you?”
Louis crossed his arms in front of his chest again as he shook his head. “No, that’s not it.”
Harry frowned and stepped closer. “Then what is it? I hate not knowing.”
“You’re so stubborn,” Louis sighed. 
“Because I don’t want you to be mad at me?”
“Because you won’t tell me the truth!” Louis yelled, throwing his arms up. “I know you’re a fucking vampire, have known for quite some time actually and you refuse to tell me. I thought we were friends. I thought we were…” Louis trailed off. “It doesn’t matter I suppose because you don’t trust me.”
It had been a long time since Harry was stunned into silence. Normally he could talk to a wall. But this, this was everything he didn’t want to have happen. He didn’t want things to change and now they would. He would have to move again, have to go into hiding, change his name which was a shame because being Harry Styles was his favorite persona so far. Worst of all, he would lose Louis. 
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, I just didn’t want to lose you,” Harry pleaded to Louis’ back.
“Well, you have a nice way of showing you don’t want to lose me,” Louis shrieked angrily, turning around towards Harry. He grabbed him roughly and moved towards a park so they didn't keep arguing on the sidewalk. 
Harry wasn’t sure how that made sense and he didn’t know how he could fix it, how he could somehow make Louis forget so they could go back to Harry and Louis, so he could feel normal for once in his millenia long existence.
“I don’t know what you want me to say Lou, yes maybe I was a little selfish because around you I don’t feel like I’m some kind of monster, I just feel like myself and I didn’t for a long time. I couldn’t have you seeing that side of me,” Harry sobbed.
“Darling,” Louis sighed and removed his hand from Harry’s arm to bring it to his face. “I could never see you as a monster, and don’t you dare call yourself that either. Sure, you’re a vampire and I’m upset that you didn’t tell me about it but that’s all I am upset about. I don’t hate you for being a vampire. I could never hate you Harry.”
“Really?” Harry whispered. “I have the power to kill you.”
“I know that you won’t,” Louis said simply. “I trust you.”
“You trust me that much?”
“Of course. If you were going to kill me, you would have done it by now. We’ve known each other for two years. You could have done it at any time, but you didn’t. You won’t.” Louis said, running his hands through Harry’s hair.
Harry looked at Louis. His eyes flickered down to his lips and Louis licked them. Harry could hear Louis’ heartbeat quicken. He leaned in slowly. 
“Tell me no if you want me to stop,” Harry whispered.
“Don’t you dare stop, Styles. Kiss me.”
Their lips met and the metaphorical sparks flew. It’s nothing like Harry imagined kissing Louis would be. It’s so much better. Louis’ thin lips slotted between his perfectly. They were soft and reminded Harry of what it felt like to be alive. Harry had managed to kick his vices decades ago but now that he tasted Louis’ kiss, he knew he was addicted. 
“Louis,” Harry gasped as he pulled away. “I could get lost in this, lost in you.”
“Then why are you stopping?” Louis frowned as he tugged on Harry’s shirt to tug him closer.
“Mmf,” Harry groaned into Louis’ lips. “Because,” he kissed him again. “It’s been about sixty years since I’ve been arrested and I really,” another kiss. “Don’t want to go to jail for public indecency.”
“It’s dark, no one can see us.”
Harry nearly growled as he pulled Louis closer to him. “I don't want the chance for anyone to see you the way I want to see you. Besides,” Harry pulled away completely, trying to get some semblance of space between them. “I don't want to ruin this. I want this to last and I feel like it could. Let me take you on a date.”
“I’m not a virgin, Harold. You don’t have to wine and dine me.”
Harry scrunched his nose. “It’s not about your virginity. It’s about me wanting to do this right.”
Louis groaned but he was smiling. “Fine. But just so you know, I do put out on the first date.”
Harry grinned, finally allowing his fangs to show. “I was hoping so.”
Louis rolled his eyes and reached out to grab Harry’s hand. “Come on, walk me home Harold. You can tell me all about the date you’re going to take me on.”
Harry laughed, feeling light as air as he kissed Louis’ head and started walking towards Louis’ place. It certainly wasn’t what Harry expected of the night but he should know by now to expect the unexpected.
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #1
We officially had our first Round Robin in our server. We had @beelou (yellow) @lhhomefics (blue) and @larryatendoftheday (red) joining @wabadabadaba (pink) and I (@justalarryblog) (green) and here is our drabble! Thank you guys for writing with us, we had so much fun! 💖
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Louis folded the mask up over his eyes and bit his bottom lip as he stared at the fire in front him. He did not mean for this to happen. In fact it was the opposite of what was supposed to happen. And yet, here he was standing in front of a raging fire with his friends.
“The fire didn’t start itself!” Liam whispered, which was more like a yell. “Which one of you did it?”
It was Louis but he wasn’t going to take the blame. “It was Niall.”
“What!” Niall did yell.
Everyone told him to shut up. 
“I didn’t light it!”
Louis obviously lit it.
Louis gasped and clutched at his chest. “I would never!”
“You would,” the entire room chorused.
“Okay, what the fuck!” Louis threw his hands up in the air.
“This is just like you, Louis. Why must you always make a mess and then put the blame on Niall. What has he ever done to you?” Liam complained defensively. 
Louis was very offended at all his friends - so called friends he scoffs internally - turning on him. Sure, it was his fault, just like the many messes in the past few months, but still!!
“I should find some better friends,” He huffed as he watched the fire.
“This is not the time to stand here arguing, is someone going to do something?” Harry said, waving his arms wildly. 
“Why don’t you do something if you have an idea?” Louis bit back. 
“Well, we should probably call someone.” Harry replies
“Who are you gonna call? Ghostbusters?” Louis says sarcastically.
“I think Harry means the fire department, Louis.” Liam says
Oh, that would make sense. “Oh, yeah. Okay.”
The fire started just small, but now as the boys keep arguing, it’s growing larger and yeah, maybe they should call the fire department. 
“Anyone have their phone on them?” 
“Uh guys, if any of you are going to make the call, you should hurry,” Niall said pointing his head towards the fire and showing it was spreading faster.
“Oh shit!” Harry said, picking up his phone and dialing the fire department.
A couple of minutes later, two men entered the room and used a fire extinguisher to put down the fire. 
“What happened here?” One of them asked.
The 3 boys looked at Louis immediately. The man fumbled on his shirt and mumbled something no one could understand.
“Say again?” Liam asked.
“I uh… I was trying to…”
The firemen looked at Louis expectantly. He didn’t know if he should tell the truth, it was quite embarrassing and he didn’t know if he wanted to throw anyone else under the bus. He did get them into this mess so he decided to come clean. With a sigh, he pulled off his batman mask fully and turned to face the rather attractive firemen. On second thought, could he flirt their way out of this? No, no, he had to focus.
“I was trying to burn pictures of my ex-boyfriend,” he finally admitted. “Look, his name is Zayn and he’s gorgeous okay? Devastatingly so but he’s always so busy and he never has time for me so I am trying to get over him. We figured-” his friends scoffed. “Okay I figured if I burned his pictures then it would hurt less. Turns out, it hasn’t.”
“Did you get this idea from Friends?” one of the firemen asked.
“Did you?” Harry yelled.
“No!” Louis gasped. “Of course not.”
No one believed him.
“I just didn’t want to hurt anymore and-”
“And? What? You decided to put all of us in danger? Instead of I don’t know talking to one of us?” Liam shouted.
“Yeah we’re here for you Lou but instead of talking to us you take these ideas from shows and buzzfeed on how to get over an ex” Niall said.
“Yeah like-” Harry started.
“Okay, okay boys, that’s enough, we need to get back to the station but unfortunately we have to take a report of this and deal with whatever this is.” The hot fireman said exasperated.
“Here are some forms that we need you to fill” the other fireman handed Louis a bunch of papers.
“All of this?” Louis asked, incredulous about how thick the pile was. 
“It’s mostly just signatures and initials. It shouldn’t take too long,” one fireman explained.
“Okay, thanks.”
The three boys huddled in close to Louis in a makeshift group hug. 
“Alright, alright, alright! That’s enough, I’m not that desperate for affection,” Louis said, getting out of the hug and straightening his clothes and fixing his hair. 
“Yeah, right. You just needed to set the whole house on fire to let your anger out. That’s fine.” Liam said, showing the place around. 
“I said we clean this mess up and head to the bar, have some beers and play snooker, what do you guys think?” Niall asked.
“Fine for me, what do you say, Lou?” Harry asked.
“Definitely,” Louis smiled and then covered his face.”You guys are really too nice. I almost just burned our whole place.”
“Don’t remind them, Lou,” Harry said, elbowing him.
Liam sighed deeply, shook his head, and then said, “Let’s put that all behind us and support the one and only Tommo.” 
Niall cheered and started tugging on Louis’ arm. “Let’s go!”
“I have to fix my hair!” Louis screeched. Everyone silently rolled their eyes as he ran off to the bathroom to adjust his fringe, but eventually they were on their way out the door to their favorite pub. “I just hope I don’t run into Zayn. If I do, Niall has to kiss me to make him jealous.” 
Niall squinted his eyes in assessment before nodding and agreeing. “Might as well. I’ll grab your bum, too.”
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #4
Thank you @beelou (blue) @lhhomefics (orange) @thinlinez (pink) @tommokat (green) for joining me @justalarryblog (purple) for the last Round Robin in January! It was really fun!
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“This can’t get any worse. Can it?”
“Sure it can – just give me a minute.”
“Well, that gives me a lot of fat hope, Louis.”
“You’re the one who wanted to do this in the first place, Liam!”
“Oh my god, can you two stop bickering? It’s ruining my vibe.”
“Zaynie, you are the vibe.”
“Aw, thanks, Niall. Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite?”
Harry laughed. “This is like a tennis match. Are you two done up there yet?”
“Just need to set up one more bucket, baby.” Louis shouted down the ladder, propping the last bucket filled with ice water on the ledge.
“I’m so glad I’m in on this prank and not the one on the receiving end.” Liam sighed as Louis motioned for him to climb down the ladder first.
“I thought you like being on the receiving end, Payno.” Louis jumped down the last step of the ladder just in time to avoid Liam’s punch.
“Ha ha, you’re so funny, Tommo. See, I can’t even stop laughing,” Liam said, rolling his eyes. “Why are we doing this again?” 
“Because it’s fun!” Louis emphasized.
“You mean, fun for you,”
“Payno, stop being a pain. I promise, Zayn will be mad, but he’s going to laugh after,”
“You just sounded like Ron Weasly right now, you know that right? ‘You’re going to suffer, but you’ll be happy about it’ ” Liam mocked. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, move your ass, we need to hide, Zayn will be back at any minute now.” 
Liam hid the ladder behind the house and he and Louis ran to hide behind the bushes.
“Are you two finally done bickering?’ Zayn said as he walked back surprised at the sudden silence.
“Hello?” Zayn questioned after a minute of no reply. As he looked around to try to spot Liam and Louis, Louis nudged Liam from their hiding place to set the prank in motion.
Just as Zayn looked up towards where he last knew Liam and Louis were, he got drenched with ice cold water and other liquids. He wasn't sure how long he only stood there in complete shock as he dripped onto the grass and his clothes stuck to his body.
“This is my favorite shirt, you dickheads. And Liam you’ll be on the couch for the foreseeable future,” He screeched once he managed to unfreeze himself. He started stalking towards the back of the house hoping to find the two people responsible for the state he was in. He couldn’t believe that that was what they were doing.
“Louis!” Zayn yelled, knowing that this was his idea. 
“Woah, look at you Zaynie. You’re a mess,” Niall came out of nowhere to interfere.
“Out of my way, Irish,” Zayn said coolly, seeing red. “This is my favorite shirt. Like I said. And everyone will pay for ruining it.”
“It’s okay, Zaynie,” Harry soothed, appearing in front of him. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow and find you a new favorite shirt. Towel?”
Zayn groaned but accepted the towel anyway. “Where is your menace of a boyfriend? I know this was his idea.”
Harry titled his head. “He’s your menace of a best friend, you know.”
“Not right now, he’s not. You have complete ownership for the time being.” At least the towel was warm. A little too warm. “Is this fresh from the dryer?”
Harry looked panicked and turned to Niall. Niall just laughed.
“Of course not! What, do you think we planned to have a warm towel at the ready because we were in on the prank or something? That’s just silly.”
Zayn dried himself off with a scowl on his face. He felt too tired to call these idiots out on their shit. He also knew Harry and Niall were probably forced into the prank. He could see one of the larger bushes in the garden rustling and not before long, Louis popped out of it, giving him a sly grin.
“Did you enjoy that refreshing shower, Z? You keep saying that’s your fav shirt, but come on, you know you can buy a million of those.”
“I can’t believe you decide to pull a fucking prank on me when we are finally meeting after all these years… It’s like… The worst reunion ever.” Zayn couldn’t help but voice out as he threw his wet towel in Louis’ face.
"Come on, Z, don't tell me that wasn't a good way of a start. Don't deny that you missed it," Louis joked.
They heard a snort coming from behind. When they looked at their back Niall was bending over cackling followed by Harry. 
Liam and Louis joined them and it didn’t take too long for Zayn to give up and laugh along with their friends. 
It had been so long, how could he be mad at them? 
“Alright, you won. But I’ll have my come back when you least expect. That’s all I’m saying.” Zayn said, pointing his finger towards Louis. 
“You can definitely try,” Louis shrugged as he inched closer to Zayn, the other boys following him in forming a huddle around him.
Zayn was suddenly pulled into a group hug and whatever comeback he tried to give Louis was muffled as his boys all surrounded him. It reminded him of all the group hugs they’d had in the past from joyful ones in celebration to group cuddles in sad times. One thing that he always loved was when they would all fall to the ground after them though so he grabbed Louis’ hand and pulled as he dropped to the floor. His shirt was already ruined so it didn’t matter how much muddier it would get.
They all melted into a fit of giggles again.  There were tears forming in Zayn’s eyes from laughing so hard and his stomach started to hurt. Every time someone tried to calm down, someone else would huff a laugh and it started all over again. 
Eventually, they did all calm down when Niall’s stomach growled in need of food. Soon after, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn all felt the hunger so they got up. Of course Niall and Harry were in on the prank so in addition to the warm towel, they had a change of clothes ready for Zayn, too.
He still took a shower, though, because his hair felt sticky. But as soon as Zayn was out of the shower, the five-piece started walking toward their favorite pizza place to properly catch up.
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #3
Thank you so much @thinlinez (purple) @beelou (pink) and @lhhomefics (red) for joining @wabadabadaba (green) in out third round robin!
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“What’s up with you Lou,” Niall said as he strode into the room Louis was hiding in. 
“Nothing, just didn’t feel up to partying that’s all,” Louis said, his voice muffled into the pillow that he had his face in.
“Sure Tommo, that’s why you’re crying into the bed,” Niall said sarcastically as he sat down next to where Louis was laying down.
“S, just you know, I can’t deal with a party to celebrate their one year anniversary.” Louis mumbled into the pillow.
“Ah, see now we’re getting somewhere with admitting things even though I could barely hear it,” Niall said and ran his hand through Louis’ hair to help calm him down.
Louis poked his head up from his pillow to glare at Niall just to nuzzle it back under the pillow to hide his face as much as possible. He should have known Niall wasn’t going to let him get away with that move.
“It’ll be better to talk to me than to wallow,” Niall told him, snatching the pillow off of Louis and making his head hit the mattress uncomfortably. 
“Don’t I deserve one night to wallow?” Louis questioned as he rolled onto his back. 
“Are we not counting the past six months?” Louis glared. “I guess not then. Look, Lou, I know we didn’t think they’d make it past the six month mark.” 
“I still owe you thirty dollars.”
“Don’t worry about the bet right now. I don’t want you to be so upset about this, Louis.”
Louis felt his eyes stinging with unshed tears and his body heating up from anger. “I can’t help it, Niall. That should have been me.” 
Niall sighed before getting to his feet. “Well, if you’re not gonna enjoy the party and take advantage of all the free food, then I’ll leave you to it. I have my eyes on those seared salmon sashimi.” Without waiting for Louis’ reply, the Irish bounded from the room, leaving the door rudely opened as if daring Louis to step out.
The thing was Louis actually used to love anniversaries. He remembered he had even celebrated a one month hand holding anniversary, a one year “first time I said I love you” anniversary and so on… He had never thought he would come to despise anniversaries…
“Stupid Harry,” Louis mumbled to himself into his pillow. “Stupid, perfect, Harry.” He dissolved into more sobs and was surprised he even had any tears left.
“You think I’m stupid?” A voice said from the open doorway.
Louis gasped when he saw Harry. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Um, long enough I guess? Since a bit before Niall rushed out.” Harry said, standing awkwardly near the door. The diamond on his finger glinted mockingly at Louis. 
“How did that idiot not see you?” Louis snapped frustrated. He would have liked some warning so he didn’t act like a fool but apparently Niall loved food more than he loved Louis. Louis really needed to reconsider his friends.
“Also what do you mean long enough?” Louis asked, still not raising his head to look into Harry’s eyes.
“I don’t know what I should address first honestly. The bet, it should have been you or stupid perfect, Harry.” 
Louis winced, his shoulders raised to his ears and he wished the ground would swallow him whole. “I have an explanation for all of those.”
“I would hope so,” Harry chuckled. “I think I want to know why you think it should have been you.”
Louis had dreamt of this day for years, long before Harry even got with Zayn and yet this scenario never crossed his mind. As much as he didn’t want Harry to be with Zayn, he didn’t want to ruin their relationship. He respected Harry more than that. 
“I don’t want to tell you,” Louis admitted. “I don’t think I can, with that ring on your finger.”
Harry raised his hand and looked at the ring on his finger. “Oh, I forgot I had it on. I meant to take it off on the drive over here.”
Louis could only stare, mouth ajar. Harry gave him an apprehensive look. “Um, Lou… Did you read the engagement party invitation at all?” 
He had to think hard. He sort of remembered tossing it into the rubbish as soon as he saw the baby pink envelope. Fuck, it was Harry’s favorite color wasn’t it? Surely, it was Harry’s engagement party invite.
“What did the invitation say?” He asked the taller man dumbly.
Harry cocked a brow before bursting into giggles. “Definitely not what you think it said.”
Relief… Or was it hope… Or was it ecstasy started to course through Louis’ veins, but no, now wasn’t the time to feel elated, not when they were talking in riddles and codes. He needed a firm and clear confirmation. 
“You are not getting married?” He asked, holding his breath.
“Not that I know of… Should I be though? Are you hoping that I am the one downstairs, screaming my lungs off that I’m getting married to Zayn Malik? I mean, the most gorgeous man on the planet… Well, for me, though, contrary to the public, second most gorgeous man on the planet.”
Louis finally lifted his head and looked into Harry’s eyes. It’s dark inside the room but Louis can still make out the green in his eyes. “Wait. What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the publicity stunt.” Harry said, and Louis’ jaw dropped. “You really didn’t know?” Harry sat down on the edge of the bed and Louis got into a sitting position. He needed to take that all in.
“Wait, who else knew? I mean they know I’ve been… “ Louis questioned. He really needed new friends.
“You’ve been what Lou?” Harry asked as he turned towards Louis, their knees knocking together as he sat closer to him and grabbed his hands.
“Honestly, at first I was upset thinking you were betting on me and that maybe you were jealous of me being with your favorite actor and that sucks to find out about your best friend but then it hit me that you called me perfect. So maybe you might feel like explaining everything since we’ve cleared up the fact that you don’t know your best friend enough to realize that I wouldn’t be dating someone and not rambling about how much I love him to all of my friends.” Harry explained as he gently traced patterns on Louis’ hands subconsciously. 
Why was Louis just now realizing that Harry always did that, always finding excuses to touch him and trace his fingers on his skin as if it was natural.
“I admit I might have been keeping my head in the sand a bit. I saw the news about you and Zayn and it hurt so bad I couldn’t face it. I did what I always did. I ran.”
“Is that why we haven’t hung out a lot or even talked much?’
“Yeah,” Louis admitted. “I have been in love with you since the moment we met, it feels like. I knew there was something special about you but you are so out of my league. I couldn’t fathom you being into me and I love our friendship, I didn’t want to jeopardize it.”
“Louis,” Harry whispered. “There is no such thing as a league. You know I don’t believe in that andI thought you didn’t either.”
“I didn’t but then you got invited to the Academy Awards,” Louis chuckled. “That changes things, no?”
“I didn’t think so,” Harry frowned. “I didn’t mean to make you feel less than.”
Louis immediately shook his head as he reached up to caress Harry’s cheek. “You never once made me feel like that, I promise. I pulled away because it hurt seeing you with someone else and knowing I lost my chance.” 
“I wasn’t ever with him, Louis. Zayn and I were always just friends. It’s always been you, baby.”
Louis blinked back tears. “What?”
“Lou, sweetheart, I thought I was so obvious. It’s been you since the moment I met you. I should have told you but like you, I was scared to ruin our friendship but I realize how silly that is now. I almost lost you and I-” Harry cleared his throat. “I can’t handle that.”
“I’m sorry, Harry.” 
“No, no, Louis it’s not your fault. I should have come to you and at the very least made sure you knew Zayn and I weren’t real. I really thought you knew. I should be the one apologizing.”
“I can’t believe I had thought all those tabloids were real. I should’ve asked you first… I’ve been so stupid, Haz…” Louis had to stifle a sniffle. 
“First rule of the industry, don’t ever believe anything on the news.” Harry laughed, hand running up Louis’ arm now to grip his elbow, squeezing gently. “You should know no amount of awards will earn me as much happiness as being with you.”
“Oh fuck, you are too lovely, Curly.” Louis couldn’t take it anymore, arms shooting out to pull Harry into an embrace. He tugged so hard that Harry toppled on top of him onto the bed as they laughed.
The warmth of Harry on top of him, secure in his arms like it had always been since they were sixteen, never felt so right.
“Aren’t you gonna kiss me?” Harry asked cheekily, staring at Louis with those green, green eyes.
“I want to keep looking at you, but I can’t do that if I kiss you.” Louis replied sappily as he tugged at a curl.
Harry didn’t say anything, merely leaning in and sealing their lips together.
Louis closed his eyes automatically, sighing into Harry’s mouth as their lips moved together.
Suddenly there was cheering and clapping coming from the doorway. Harry and Louis sprung apart and looked to find Niall clapping his hands with a grin on his face.
“What are you doing?” Louis yelled at him, grabbing a pillow and ready to throw it at Niall’s face but Harry stopped him.
“I’m watching you to finally get your shit together! Congrats, lovebirds.” Niall turned back and headed the way he came. “Don’t forget protection!” 
“Oh my god. He’s an idiot.”
“He is.” Harry agreed. “But, what would we do without him?”
“Do not give him credit for us getting our shit together,” 
“Of course not, That was all us.” Harry goes in for another kiss and, yeah, that was definitely all them.
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