#wdym where the wolves are right here
brownsplodge · 4 months
They Howl at Night (10/?)
(I hope my writing has improved lmfao but I'm doing this for funsies so I guess it doesn't matter)
Alcor sat cross legged in the small room and picked at a very sticky sticker that had made its way into the collar of his shirt and attached itself to his neck. 
He had to find the source of these evil stickers and eliminate them, there was no way they were not demonic in some way.
He was drawing a portrait of one of his nightmare sheep on the floor with a piece of chalk he’d found in his sock.
He felt a little bored, and he didn’t have the usual flow of random information to keep him occupied for some reason. Not that he wasn’t grateful to finally have some peace and quiet, but he was always a little on edge when his powers weren’t torturing him as they usually did, and they were being strangely nice to him lately. 
He heard something in the hall, and looked up to see that girl from the supermarket with her face pressed against the clear plastic wall of the room where it led into the corridors.
Alcor froze, not sure what to do. Why did he not know she worked here? Shouldn’t he have received that information? He didn’t want to scare the Mizar or immediately break Lucy-Ann’s trust by going full brother mode. 
What did humans do to greet each other again? 
Alcor slowly raised a hand, and slowly bent each finger crunchily to prove he had joints and gain her trust. 
The girl looked at him with a mild look of disgust, but not the scared kind, just the ‘nobody waves like that’ kind of way. Nailed it.
The girl bent down to one of the air holes that were drilled into the plastic wall in case the vents stopped working. 
“Hello! Um… Mister…” She removed her mouth from the air hole to check the sign next to his room. 
“Pines. We literally have the same surname, how did I forget it?” She mumbled to herself, before clamping her mouth against the air hole to make sure he could hear her (there was an anti soundproof sigil on the plastic, and it was completely unnecessary).
“Hello mister Pines! Do you happen to know about the guy who was in this room before you?” 
Alcor stared at her for a second, instinctively waiting for the answer to pop into his head (he had not bothered to read the more boring documents, and had been relying on just knowing important information if asked). 
But the answer never came, and the second he stared at her became half a minute of eye contact. 
His powers were fucking him over all along after all. 
He looked slightly to the side, the amount of eye contact feeling uncomfortable even to an immortal being above human awkwardness(lies), and tried to ‘dig out’ the answer. 
He wasn’t sure what went on in a normal human brain anymore, not having had one for several hundred, maybe over a thousand years, (He wasn’t sure. He wasn’t counting the seconds of his life like he usually did, and he hadn’t even noticed until that moment,) but he was sure if it was possible for him to get one again, he was probably close. He couldn’t find anything in his mind that he didn't already know, and he even couldn’t find all the stuff he knew already.
“I don’t know.” (This was a sentence he hadn’t said completely honestly in years.)
He kept picking at the sticker on his neck.
“No, it’s alright! I just thought all that eye contact might’ve meant something.”
Alcor shook his head. 
He finally manages to stick one of his long and very nicely painted fingernails under the sticker and peeled it off. Now his fingers were sticky. Great. 
“And you’re sure you don’t know anything about him? His name is Xander? Xander McKindley?”
Alcor finally heard something quietly answering the question in his head, and he automatically started reciting it.
“Xander McKindley. 61. 3 living relatives, excluding people whose last shared ancestors with him were more than two hundred years ago. Until last week he went missing. Instead of it getting reported, someone working within the official werewolf safety program deleted all his files, and most people who had known Xander were told he moved.”
He was quite proud of himself.
The girl staring at him looked at him with her mouth wide open.
“What? Who? How come you didn’t know who I was talking about earlier?”
This time, the answer didn't come to him again. Alcor looked down and tried to remove the sticker's melting glue from his hands.
“I don’t know.”
He earned a frustrated groan in response, and the girl turned back to where she’d walked into the hall from and walked away rapidly.
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