#we actually wrapped this arc today so I'm going to be moving on and dealing with the fallout IC
capucapo · 1 year
(( continued from here. consider this an epilogue lollll. no dueling here, just a summary of it and then the aftermath. not super long !!! I promise!!
Seto Kaiba @blueeyesking , me as Noa, Mokuba, and the Yugis. Wyatt @seashaper , Hika @nameless-brand , and Pyre as Joey @redeyesandchilifries ))
[ Noa explains the Deck Master system, allows Seto to choose his and then shuffle. The rooftop arena falls away as volcanos rise from the void instead, an ocean of lava surrounding them, confining each Duelist to a small, stone platform as the cages containing their friends hang overhead
Noa also explains that he was born, that he was Created, weak and sickly. That Gouzaburo deemed him too frail to ever hope to run Kaiba Corp, had hidden him from the public eye out of shame.
As they Duel, that scenery changes with the cards that Noa plays. When he activates Giant Flood, a massive wave overtakes the field, washing away the lava as Noa babbles on about the Seven Days of Creation. A great ship rises from the tides, and Noa announces the arrival of his deck master, Shinato's Ark.
And Noa had vowed to prove his father wrong, to make him proud. He worked hard and studied hard and pushed himself hard to refute his place as heir.
From oceans to dense jungles and fields where dinosaurs roam, his Seven Turn prediction seems to liken the biblical legends to the more scientific phases of the Earth's natural history. Meteors rain from the sky, and the jungles freeze, ushering in the ice age.
So hard that his body finally gave out, just as Gouzaburo had finally seen some spark of potential in him.
As the ice age melts away to reveal lush, open fields of grass, Noa's confidence never wavers.
He explains the virtual system that his consciousness was transferred into. The virtual world that had been designed by the newly adopted heir of their company, as a final project of sorts to prove his own worth. A training simulator developed for the US Military, but Gouzaburo had found a different way to utilize its advanced technology.
The fields decay, turning to concrete below the Duelists' feet as Domino City rises up around them once more, Kaiba Corporation growing and towering behind Noa.
Noa explains that with his mind digitized, he was able to rapidly gain knowledge and information from both Gouzaburo's systems and the expanse of the internet. That he had run a million and a half simulations within his little world that showed how Kaiba Corporation could become the most powerful company on the planet-- it would only take a World War significantly reducing the planet's population! From there, he would rebuild as he alone saw fit. Ruling the new world as its God, as its Creator.*
Or its destroyer.
Even with all the assets that Seto had sunk into the ocean, Noa bets he could destroy the earth in, mmm 31 days.
He gets cocky though. For all his planning, for all of his deckmaster's ability to raise his lifepoints, to render the graveyards useless, Noa makes one tiny miscalculation.
He had anticipated Seto's Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon. After all, he'd summoned it against his own little brother. What he hadn't anticipated was the Dragon's Rage trap card, allowing Seto to inflict piercing damage with those hits. With nothing left in the graveyard, Noa suddenly finds himself losing control of the situation. But he puts his hand on his hip, smirking still as he looks up smugly through his thick eyelashes.
Until the second the attack hits, and his lifepoints drop to zero.
And finally, Noa's eyes go wide with the bitter realization.
He had hoped to use Mokuba at this exact moment. To summon up the baby brother at his beck and call, to stop Seto's attack in its place and buy him the time he needed to perfect his Creation strategy. But enraged by the betrayal, he had locked Mokuba up so tightly, even he would need to run the necessary processes to summon the teenage shield again. And even then, would it work?
That card's already been played.
Noa shakes with rage as his LifePoints hit zero. But his legs give way, as do the cages that hold the Kaibas' friends. He collapses to his knees, all his confidence and boasting shattered like glass ]
Rook didn't see the duel, or the shifting landscape around them. All they saw were the bars, the shouts of declared attacks drowned out by echoed screaming and burning pain. Shortly, they slide down the bars behind them to huddle on the floor of the cage, eyes fixed blankly on nothing as they sink into their helpless memories.
Seto takes the victory; the cage vanishes and Rook tumbles to the semi-real ground, the impact knocking them out of their trauma-trapped trance and making them gasp, hand reaching for their clasp again. The sorcerer blinks back into the moment at the seemingly positive outcome and shakily pulls to their feet, too dazed to taunt the villain and his loss, unfortunately, but looking around to make sure everyone is okay, or..at least not actively in danger, in Tristan's case.
Seto turns to see Mokuba's friends and Yugi's troupe fall, not even giving Noa the respect of facing him in his defeat. Noa knows the Kaiba family attitude toward Loss. He searches the sky for his brother, who surely also should have been released...
[ From where he kneels, broken, eyes wide in shock still, Noa begins to laugh. Some quiet, hollow, detached chuckle that builds and builds, until the fallen Kaiba is laughing hysterically, sitting back on his knees and head turned up to the sky. ]
Seto quickly snaps his attention back to Noa.
"What are you laughing at?!"
[ Noa's eyes fall to the side, staring at Seto with a manic smile, his head still thrown back.
"You might have beaten me... but... you still lose, Seto. You know what happens to losers in our family... But... there's only one way that I can truly die..... The countdown is already set. Do you really think... You can find Mokuba and a way out before this facility sinks? In only 25 minutes, Seto...?" ]
Seto's eyes narrow at Noa, and he bares his teeth, barely suppressing the urge to heel-stomp the blue-haired, arrogant child. He would be a child for the last 25 minutes of his life, and know he had lost... Seto doesn't need to stoop so low as to add true injury to this loss. But he still strongly considers it.
"Yes, I believe we can. You'll die here, Kaiba Noa- known by few, having left no mark on the world or your family's legacy. But we will live on and make it better than you could ever have dreamed... unless you had been anyone but Kaiba Gouzaburo's son."
Seto crosses the street to approach the Yugis, and stands calmly as their friends gather, before speaking.
"This boy doesn't have a creative script in his code; I'm certain he's keeping Mokuba in KC Tower still. Likely at the top, where he could force him to watch our Duel. Once we rescue Mokuba, he and I should be able to work with this old system to free us all, somehow; we'll work out the details when he's safe. Agreed?"
Immediately upon being freed, the two Yugis had frantically occupied themselves with checking in on their friends. Yugi had gone to Rook, who had seemed especially distressed by the cages, and Levant and Téa who had landed nearby. While his Other Self had rushed to the side of Joey, Tristan, and Duke, where their cages had fallen on the opposide end of the arena.
But they both step away from the rest of their friends as Seto approaches, Yugi's sympathetic expression softening. The Other One gives him a respectful nod.*
"Agreed. I don't trust that Noa's out of tricks yet, we should all stay together and move quickly. Lead the way, Kaiba. The rest of us will support you however we can."
High above the scene below, somewhere in the towering Kaiba Corporation Headquarters, Mokuba sits alone on a concrete floor, in a dark stone dungeon. Chains restrict his wrists and ankles as he stares at the floor with an unfocused gaze.
He knows this prison. It's the same dark cell that Pegasus had trapped him in. But this time the iron cuffs fit a little too tightly, biting into his skin. The chains are a little too short, preventing him from moving more than a few inches, rather than the couple feet that Pegasus had granted him.
He had seen the Duel. Most of it, at least. Projected against the wall opposite where he sat in chains, Mokuba had watched, listened as Noa explained his origin to Seto.
When the video had first gone dark, it had filled the teenager with hope. Last he saw, Seto had made what he thought must be the final attack against Noa. He had cheered! But the metal cuffs didn't relent. Mokuba hadn't yet been freed.
And so all he could do was sit, and stare at the ground of his cell. Wondering, hoping, distressing, panicking. Accepting the worst.
Maybe Noa had won after all.
Maybe this is how he would die. Alone and cold, abandoned by both brothers and friends alike.
It's my fault, he thinks. It must be. If he were stronger, smarter, better. Maybe he wouldn't get kidnapped again. Seto must be so disappointed... If he's even still alive.
Mokuba wants to hug his knees to his chest, but the chains won't even give him that.
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divineerdrick · 8 months
One Piece Live Blog: Episode 49 and Chapter 98
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Does Luffy even need to worry about falling? Knowing him, he's probably sweating more from the fact he would have had to start over. Again, we see Luffy lacking creativity in dealing with a problem. He should know by now that he can just haul himself up to the platform with ease. It's not like he cares if people know he's got the Gum Gum power.
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Yeah, Luffy was always going to be fine with that XD
Wait. What in the world?
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Okay, so he extends his leg behind the platform . . .
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Smoker dodges it . . .
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It wraps around the fountain.
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Then here's when things get awkward. Luffy's left the frame even though we're seeing both points of his leg.
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Now we're seeing him spinning around in the air in a really weird trajectory.
I think the animators just kinda dropped the ball here. I might know more after reading today, but I think what they were trying to show is Luffy's leg having wrapped around the fountain, when it unwound it caused him to spin through the air and get flung. But they either ran out of time or money to animate that, so they just repeated the scene where the leg got wrapped, then part of the animation for the kick, then just kinda move a cell around over the backdrop to try and depict it. Ouch! Won't lie, this looks really bad!
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Sanji . . . Imma slap you. Yeah, she's not the one you're looking for, but you could have been a bit more polite there. Plus she's still really cute.
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Also seriously! How can you miss that heart motif?
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Oh! This actually fits really well! Buggy is using poker cards to do a reading. Fortune tellers were big in circuses back in the day. So this is a good thing to add to his motif.
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Yeah, he really doesn't do fall damage.
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So here we're establishing her right away as the Sergeant Major of this Division.
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I'm a little surprised here, but not too surprised. Zoro is probably really hesitant to get involved with the Navy again. But he's still an upstanding guy. He's going to pay the Sergeant Major back, even if this is how he has to do it.
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There's the connection again. Laying it on thick.
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Wow! They're really giving this guy no poker face here XD
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Cool! Here they're just letting Zoro recognize the sword for what it is.
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Laid it on a little thick there XD
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I find it interesting they did the whole thing with the glasses and the Navy office and then still did the swords, but the Sergeant Major still doesn't recognize him. I'm curious why they felt the need to add more to this arc.
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I like how they're going about all cloaked, except for our "mystery" woman, but Richie is just out in the open XD
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We have a name!
Alright! Time for some reading!
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Sheesh, Koby!
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Here, Sanji has given up on pursuing our "mystery" lady, and is instead actually getting some shopping done.
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Nami's also showing off why she's such an excellent navigator.
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And see! No problem!
Also, we're just jumping right into it! Looks like we've got some serious Shonen padding going on in the anime. We're getting right to who our "mystery" woman actually is. And wow is she laying it on thick! She's clearly enjoying the attention she was obviously craving before.
So our new Devil Fruit is the Slip-Slip Fruit. Apparently this prevents her from being struck and has also changed her physical appearance, though she of course only considers it the loss of a few freckles. We're also jumping straight to the sudden, but inevitable betrayal. She wants Luffy as her man. But she's going to let Buggy get his shot at him at least.
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Well that certainly wasn't a thing. No real art or anything for it either. Just, "Whoops, Cabaji caught a Luffy!"
"White Chase" Smoker, huh? And apparently, this isn't a Division but Navy HQ. Smoker's also not lone wolfing it here. Instead he's actually deploying his men to make sure the pirates don't make a get away. We still spare some time for "My pants ate up all your ice cream," though. Oda knows the Navy hasn't looked good throughout the bulk of his manga so far. Smoker needs his moment to establish he isn't like the goons we've seen so far.
We have a slightly more Naval title for Tashigi here, as Master Chief Petty Officer. My understanding is Master Chief is an honorary title outside of the normal chain of command. I'm still not even close to convinced this isn't Kuina. But I want to know what the story is here.
And with everyone meeting up for the confrontation, I'm going to have to pause the manga for a bit XD
In the anime we have another story going on with Usopp in the next episode. Instead of just helping with the shopping, it looks like he's going to have to fight his own bounty hunter. Usopp is an amazing shot when he needs to be, but that tends to only be in practice or when someone else's butt is on the line. I'm curious to see how that will go down.
I'll pick up the manga again when we get to the fight at the scaffold.
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imerdwarf · 4 years
Sworn To Secrecy
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Requested by @imagine-all-the-fandoms: Hey colleague ❤️ I really love your writing! So I also thought to send you an idea 😊 The reader is Bucky’s girlfriend but just a normal civilian and he keeps it a secret at the compound. One day she visits him but crosses the other Avengers and Sam is immediately flirting with you but Bucky just comes, swoops you in his arms and kisses you. The others are shocked and confused and later that day they finally tell them they’ve been together for a while now and they are all happy for you two? 😊
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky x Civilian!Reader (Modern AU)
Warnings: Absolutely none! Just a lot of fluff 🥰
Author's Notes: Thank you so much my dear friend for sending in this beautiful request, I hope you like it and please let me know if there's anything you want me to change! 💜
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Your phone vibrated in the palm of your hand and your smile reached both corners of your eyes when you saw the name light up your screen.
Bucky: I can't wait to see you, how long until you get here?
Your fingers flew quickly over the touch sensitive keyboard to reply back, without any typos might I add.
Y/N: I'm five minutes away. Patience! ;)
The wind blew in your face as you tilted your head upwards and sighed. Your relationship with Bucky Barnes was absolutely not the easiest thing in the world. He had made you sworn to secrecy about it, to protect yourself and him from potential haters and enemies.
You were grateful that you were able to spend a lot of time together when he didn't have month-long missions to go on. The sunny afternoons were spent in your small apartment on the couch watching movies with a blanket draped over the two of you, often accompanied by a hot chocolate made from his secret recipe.
Everything about Bucky screamed safety; his big beefy frame, bulging biceps that he just knew you loved and deliberately bought small sizes to show them off, his thick thighs were a dream for you whenever you draped your legs over them to get comfortable. Nothing about him scared you, not even that matte black and gold Wakandan inspired arm of his. It did wonders when you were burning up with fevers.
You met Bucky by chance at a coffee shop in Brooklyn. It was a cliché moment when you accidentally turned around too quickly and spilled your hot drink over his white shirt. Endless apologies spilled from your lips while Bucky was too busy admiring your beautiful features that your words simply fell on deaf ears. To Bucky, it felt as though time had temporarily stopped ticking, and the only people in the coffee shop at that moment was you and him.
The two of you exchanged numbers with your promises of buying him a brand new shirt to replace the one you ruined. You texted each other every second of every day. The more you talked, the easier and the flirty-er the texts became.
A month after the coffee shop incident, you almost keeled over when he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. He regretted he couldn't take you on a date because of his status, and that never really bothered you.
You didn't date him because he was a popular avenger, with a staggering 100 million followers on his Instagram. For your protection, he couldn't follow you either, but that too didn't bother you. You dated him because you loved his personality and you loved him.
You zig-zagged past the oncoming pedestrians as the tower came into view. Outside of the gates there was already a crowd of people hoping to catch a glimpse of the avengers.
The security guard in the booth next to the gate was trying to reason with the crowd, sadly a building this well known attracted all kinds of attention and tourism. You were told that people from Australia would come to visit.
You approached the guard with a friendly smile. "Good afternoon sir," you greeted politely, pulling some I.D out from your purse.
"Good afternoon! Are you expected here today?" The guard smiled but looked over your shoulder to see the crowd was now taking pictures of the front of the tower. He shooed them away and brought his attention back to you.
"Yes, Sergeant James Barnes is expecting me." The way his name rolled off your tongue was like drops of honey. Smooth and sweet.
The guard checked the list of visitors expected today and hummed with a smile.
"So he is. So what you do is, go to the front desk with your visitor badge and they'll direct you to his floor."
With a quiet thanks and holding on tightly to the badge, you walk through the screeching iron gates. Your shoes crunch underneath the gravel and the wind howls through the trees that gives off extra privacy.
The lady at reception greets you warmly and you relax when you give her your name and show her your visitor badge as directed by the security guard.
"Take the elevator and go to floor 13. Sergeant Barnes is currently in a meeting but he won't be too long." Another thank you passes through your lips as you head off towards the glass and chrome elevator.
The ride up to the 13 floors was agonisingly slow. Classical music filled the emptiness of the elevator. The glass casing gave you a beautiful view overlooking the grounds of the compound. A rose garden of all different shades of roses up the far left of the green garden surrounded by cherry blossoms and hydrangeas. Benches scattered across the grounds that you hoped to one day have the pleasure of sitting on and watch the bumblebees.
This was another reason Bucky loved you so much, you were so passionate and kind against wildlife and nature.
Finally, after god knows how long you've been staring out into the garden daydreaming, the elevator doors ding open and you're greeted with a muscular blond God with a red Cape hung over his back and a creepy wide grin on his face. His scruffy hair made you think he hadn't washed it in a few days.
"I was expecting someone else, but hello!" His voice seemed to boom throughout the space of whatever room this actually was. Some kind of hallway, but you're pretty sure you would hear his voice from all the way from that beautiful garden.
"Uh hello!" You stuttered, taken by surprise that there would be other people here.
"I am Thor, the God of Thunder!" His arms went wide and so did his smile. Your mouth gaped open and closed when you recognised the name. Thor. God of thunder. Of course, you read about these gods and how he ruled Asgard. Or was set to.
"Thor! Of course," you chuckled nervously, stretching your hand out in front of you, "I'm Y/N."
"It's a pleasure to meet you! Please follow me and allow me to introduce you to my mortal friends," you chuckled at that line, and adjusted your sweater.
"Friends, mortals! We have a guest, this is Y/N, A human of Earth." Thor stepped aside and your eyes widened; you were only standing in the same room as the avengers, the same people Bucky spoke so highly of. Thor told you the names of the people in front of you, everyone was there and you wondered where the hell Bucky was.
Tony was the first one to step forward and looked you up and down by moving his tinted glasses to the bridge of his nose. You relaxed when he smiled, but only slightly. You realised they had not asked why some stranger was standing in their living room.
"You know who I am?" Tony asked smugly, his arms folded over his chest.
You nodded, your eyes flickered down his chest, his arc reactor lit up in a bright blue. You almost reached out to touch it but stopped yourself before you could.
"Uh yes. You're Tony I believe?" You blushed under their gazes. Bucky told you they were the best people, but to you they were very intimidating.
"Very good. What brings you to my tower?"
"I'm here to see—"
"Wow! Who is this?" A voice yelled out from behind you. A guy you recognised as Sam, or Falcon, or Birdbrain as Bucky liked to call him.
"Y/N!" Thor answered before you could, the rest of the avengers took a seat on the couch.
"Yeah, hi," a small laugh came out and it made your cheeks heat up when his eyes raked over your form.
"My, my. You are gorgeous!" He kept that grin on his lips as he stepped closer. His over-sprayed cologne was suffocating you. "Beautiful, just perfect, just—"
"Mine!" Bucky yelled from the doorway as he stormed past Sam to get to you. You bit your lip to hide the growing grin and failed, he swooped you up in his arms, your legs instantly wrapped around his waist as he spun the two of you around and kissed you.
Cat calls sounded from the couch and you smiled into the kiss. When you pulled away for air, the expressions on everyone's faces told you they needed and wanted an explanation.
You could only imagine the questions they wanted to ask; how did you know Bucky Barnes? How did a soldier and an assassin manage to keep a relationship so hidden under the eyes of a mind-reader and a super intelligent spy? How did Bucky not slip up to Steve about having a girlfriend? All valid questions of course.
Bucky lowered you back down on your feet and pressed his forehead against yours. Without giving the team an answer, he slipped his hand in yours and pulled you away, leaving the superheroes with confusion etched upon their faces.
Bucky gave you a thorough tour of the tower. He showed you the gym, the kitchen where he made you his favourite sandwich, he even showed you his room. It was painted in a light blue with white curtains and blinds, thick, soft cream carpet covered the floor and his bed was as soft as a cloud. It was a lot more comfortable than your bed, that's for sure.
Later that day, Tony ordered a takeout and invited everyone to the dining room to eat, including you. The way Bucky's hand was slung protectively around your shoulder didn't go amiss by anyone in the room. It was when he finally sat down did the questions start.
"Alright, what's the deal with you two? Is this a prank? Is he paying you darling?" Sam fired off first, pointing his fork at the two of you opposite him.
Bucky glared at him from calling you 'darling', from where you were sat you could hear the heavy breathing. Your hand slipped into your lap and into his, giving his thigh a firm squeeze to keep calm.
"Y/N is not being paid!" Bucky defended, outraged he could even think such a thing.
You cleared your throat and took a sip of water before speaking, "it's true and I understand it's a shock but Bucky is actually my boyfriend and has been for the past couple of months," you smiled, proud of the fact you were in a relationship with this man and it was no longer secret.
"How the hell did that happen?" Tony queried, waving his chopsticks in the air, flabbergasted by the whole situation.
"What, you think I'm not capable of meeting people?" Bucky challenged, not really enjoying the interrogation which was the whole reason he didn't want to say anything at the beginning.
"Well of course I wouldn't be surprised if it was Capsicle here but it's you," Tony snorted.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Bucky was yelling and turning red with anger when Nat sought the opportunity to take the heat off the two men.
"So, Y/N. Tell us about yourself."
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Tags: @smokeybluebrooke-lyn @pinkdiamond1016
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kyojuuros · 3 years
i'm excited to hear your thoughts in more detail once you get more time to process. i sure as hell still am, even after going over the chapter multiple times today. the more i think about it the more confused i feel about certain things, like what's actually the deal with historia? wasn't it so out of character for armin to thank eren for committing genocide? why wasn't mikasa's separation from her friends (especially armin) explained??? was this a good ending for her, or did she deserve better?
my thoughts are still scattered... hopefully I can get it together sometime soon lmao
I keep rereading and hoping things will get a little less confusing. I don’t think Historia is pro.... whatever the Yeagerists are doing. Seems she is looking out for the 104th and want to help them work toward a brighter future. She is just queen-in-name-only anyway.... idk, I wish we could have gotten more of her POV? 
Armin thanking Eren made a little more sense to me after rereading it. I think he just understands that Eren’s actions are going to give them a brighter future even if Eren has to become a monster and die for it... Armin even still tells him it’s an error... just that he won’t let it go to waste and will make good things happen as a result of it. Basically, I think it’s just that he understands Eren’s feelings and intentions. He also says later when talking to Mikasa that he saw the result of her choice, so I think he knew it was going to shake out (even tho Eren made him forget). 
As far as Mikasa being separated from them, I think it’s because she let Armin take the credit for Eren’s death and left the battle scene in the end so she could take Eren to his final resting place. She wasn’t with the alliance when Armin made his move. For her, being a part of the “history” or the “person who killed Eren” isn’t something she wants. She just gets to be a normal girl again. I’m overall pretty happy with how Mikasa’s arc wrapped up.
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otakween · 3 years
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I'm Standing on a Million Lives - Volume 1
Hurray! Moving on from 100% Pascal Sensei, this is the next series on MAL alphabetically due to its Japanese title (100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru). I'm excited to be catching up on something so recent as season 2 for the anime is actually coming out this month! I'm going in 100% blind so, I guess we'll just see where this goes. Chapter breakdown after the "read more."
Ch. 1
-Well, this was really awkwardly paced and written, not a promising start if I'm honest. I hate it when people are isekai'd and barely react, it's so jarring.
-Protag-kun is an edgelord who "hates Tokyo and all the people in it," has no friends, and just wants to play video games. Of course his video game skills are rewarded in isekai-land. Typical cliché BS so far. At least he had a self-aware "oh wait, I'm being a self-centered prick" moment.
-The art isn't hideous, but I don't sense any creativity here. Everyone looks very generic, including the monsters. At least the two-page spreads look nice on my new e-reader
-I feel like this would read as batshit to people who aren't familiar with the isekai genre. They just assume that people are so used to these tropes that they don't need to explain anything. I would have liked it if they showed us more of the "normal" world so that the isekai moment would be more of a shock and we could get a better feel for the characters/setting.
-Game master dude is really annoying. I hope they explain why he speaks in partial sentences. None of the characters even acknowledged it which was really weird.
-Kinda dumb how Kusue saying "I want to be useful to people!" just completely blew Protag-kun's mind and changed his whole world view. First of all: can we save epiphanies like that for at least the end of volume 1?? Second: how easily swayed is this man!? He felt like he went through the entire A Silent Voice MC's character arc in 2 seconds.
-I feel like the level of gore doesn't fit the tone they're going for. It just feels out of place and gratuitous. Like, this isn't Attack on Titan, this is more of an adventure series (I think)
Ch. 2
-The characterization in this is really annoying. So far the characters don't feel like real people, they're just assigned archetypes. Yuka is an otaku, Kusue is the "frail girl," etc. I think one thing that's lacking is the girls barely get a chance to speak and we're stuck with Yotsuya's incel monologues. Hopefully this improves.
-Real convenient that all the chosen party members are girls so far. The setting/make up of the party reminds me of Konosuba a lot.
-Why are bullying scenes in manga always so over the top? I'm pretty sure bullies don't typically go the sexual assault route. Similar to the gore feeling out of place, that felt unnecessarily dark. The character's also reacted to it as if it wasn't a big deal (???)
-Today in "fancy words used in manga": polyandric. Apparently it means an animal that mates with multiple males.
-I was honestly triggered by the centipede monsters. I have house centipedes in my apartment and they're horrifying. The thought of one wrapping around my head...-shudder-
-The bullying rescue scene was interesting. I feel like normally it would be a big, heroic moment, but instead they chose to show how all the girls (bullies and victim) were afraid of Yotsuya for suddenly showing up and acting like a maniac. It was kinda nice to see his "you love me now, right?" rejected lol.
-The self-aware anime stuff is obnoxious. MC being like "woah this is a harem situation" and the girls being like "gap moe!?" at the end of the chapter. It's jarring when characters that aren't supposed to be otaku bring up otaku things.
-Game Master showing up on Yotsuya's phone was pretty funny lol. I liked his selfie.
Ch. 3
-Shindo's backstory was so weirdly written and awkward: she was a bad kid, made friends with an older girl who taught her to be good, and then that older girl killed herself. She then overheard her family members being like "lol that dead girl was ugly" so...she vowed to protect the weak...or something? I dunno it was confusing. Also, more needlessly grimdark content with Shindo's parents basically saying that girl deserved to die because she was ugly.
-I don't think this mangaka understands anatomy, the abs on the male characters look...off
-Interesting rule where they lose EXP for fighting humans. Although, that does make me wonder about the cover art for this volume. Are the "million lives" supposed to represent all the times the characters die and are revived or...?
-Yuka being like "I don't think Shindo's a good person because she's got pretty privilege." Rubbed me the wrong way. She reeks of the "not like other girls" trope
-When Yotsuya said he's "not like other boys" because he'll listen to your tragic backstory and Shindo reacts "are you gay or something?" That felt like a mix of casual homophobia and toxic masculinity, not cute.
Ch. 4
-We get a new harem addition and her stupid quirk is that she likes cutting people up. I dunno, something about the way she robotically announced that while fighting felt so unnatural and forced. This manga is anything but subtle.
-Only now realizing that the artist and the author are two separate people. Honestly, I was surprised to find out that this is just a manga and it doesn't have a corresponding light novel. It really feels like it's being adapted from something, but maybe that has to do with the writer and artist being separate?
-Every time they mention a new fantasy name it kinda seems like the author just threw scrabble letters at the wall.
-The design of the bipedal steeds wheel attachment looked like it wouldn't work. Like, how do those things walk with a big giant wheel right in front of their feet? I guess I'll find out in the anime lol
-Very, very confused about Yotsuya's "career." When he became a chef he dressed as a chef, but now that he's a wizard he's back to dressing like a farmer and using a hoe? That seems like a continuity error. Either that or they didn't explain how things work very well. Can you switch between your past careers?
-They reveal that they only feel 1/36 of normal pain in this world, which would have been nice to know in chapter 1 when people were being torn apart, but okay.
-One of Yotsuya's new skills is "the ability to raise or lower the persuasiveness of your words." Immediately I was like, "wtf? In what situation would you want to lower your persuasiveness?" Maybe if you're using reverse psychology? -shrug-
-I enjoyed the author's mini essay at the end about stories standing the test of time. I guess this is their first serialization so now I kinda feel bad for trashing it so much lol. Oh well, gotta be honest in my reactions...
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