#we all called them the teetlez
alastorswifee · 2 years
Bitch i need you to write something for me 😩🤝 DESPERATE RNNN IM IN NEED FOR MORE LEO X READER CONTENT
Okay so Rise! Leo, the teetlez plus reader meets their 2k12 counterparts
And 2k12! Leo kinda likes reader and even subtly flirts with her, her being oblivious and Rise! Leo gets really jealous 😫
Stfu you nagged me everyday for this😭😭 you owe me! @kitomon
When the boys speak, the 2012!turtles’ dialogue will be in bold whereas the rise!turtles’ dialogue won’t be. I will also be referring to the 2012!turtles by their full names.
Rise!turtles: Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph
2012!turtles: Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael
Then during the phone call you told me to mention Mel(my oc)for comedic purposes so sure. And yes I was rushing this stfu😟
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Leo smirked smugly as he lifted his sword above his head with both hands “you guys gotta trust me, I got this! Haaaa chi! Ma chi!” He announces to which everyone widened their eyes “NONONON-“ before we knew it, a portal had opened right below our feet which we immediately fell through including Leo.
You all let out a synchronized ‘oof’ sound as you all fell onto the floor or onto each other “you’ve gotta stop doing that you know” you slightly glared at Leo who quickly got back onto his feet again. “Oh cmon we got where we needed to be” Leo proudly smirked, Mikey rubbing his arm and looking around “this isn’t the underground city..” he mumbles to which everyone started to slowly look around the alleyway. “Looks like we’re in an alleyway, let’s get up top” Raph quickly suggests to which everyone nodded, each climbing up one by one.
As you all got to the rooftop and looked around, something didn’t feel right. “We’re in New York” you simply stated to which Donnie placed a hand on his chin “you’re right but..something’s off..” he mutters to which everyone kinda nodded in agreement, Leo shrugging “nothing’s off, we’re probably in a part of New York we haven’t been in before” he tried to defend himself to which everyone gave him a doubtful look. You sighed and rubbed your temples gently as you tried to think about where here was. “Uh guys..” Mikey suddenly piped up “do you have a feeling we’re being watched?” He quickly stayed close to the others. Raph perked up a bit and looked around “I think so..” he paused for a bit and carefully reached for his weapons “who’s there?” He called “show yourself!” You sighed “we just got here and now we’re attracting attention..” you mutter quietly to which Leo chuckles “don’t overreact, it can’t be anything bad”
That was until four figures jumped down onto the same rooftop as us, our eyes suddenly bulged out of our eyes upon seeing who were standing infront us.
The first twirled his twin katanas with such ease between his fingers, skillful yet careful.
The second pulled his sais out and twirled them a bit before getting into a menacing fighting stance.
The third twirled his bowstaff around his body before pointing it at us with a harsh glare.
The last one was..eating pizza? Oh nevermind he got his nunchucks out.
You couldn’t believe your eyes, there were four more teenage mutant ninja turtles?! You could tell you five weren’t the only shocked ones as these new four faltered a little before slowly giving a confused look. “Who are you.” The blue masked turtle asked but before anyone could do anything, Leo stepped forward and looked down at the shorter blue clad turtle “my question goes to you as well bud, who are YOU?” Your eyes slightly widened as you stared at both turtles who were basically giving each other a stare down. “Did we jump dimensions?” You heard donnie speak up from next to you, tapping away at his wrist band. This peaked the interest of the..other donnie who looked much different from the donnie you knew. Now that you’re looking at them, they were all different.
Your Leo had his signature markings on his face and arms meanwhile the other blue clad turtle didn’t have those markings.
Your Donnie didn’t have a gap tooth and used tech, your donnie also has his shell protector meanwhile the other purple clad turtle didn’t.
Your Mikey had his markings, stickers and cute matching gear meanwhile the other orange clad turtle had cute freckles.
Your Raph was much much larger than the other red clad turtle and they both gave off a different vibe. The much shorter and smaller red clad turtle gave an intimidating aura meanwhile your raph gave a welcoming aura.
Were their personalities different as well or is it just appearances?
“Well I opened a portal with my sword here and-“ “he opened a portal to a different dimension..fascinating..” Donnie interrupted Leo which resulted in Leo side eyeing the genius a bit. You watched as the other four turtles looked at each other in a bit of shock, curiosity and confusion. They slowly put their weapons away and the blue clad turtle stepped forward “my name is Leonardo Hamato, these are my brothers..Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo” he would introduce which caused you and your turtles’ jaws to drop in shock..Donnie’s eyes sparkling in amazement at the fact that you all jumped dimensions. “Wait wait..you’re me..” your Leo would mutter out and look at..Leonardo in utter shock “I would assume I am.”
You had to think, if there were other versions of the boys does that mean there’s another version of you? Now that you need to know about.
Leonardo would slowly look at you and he would take a minute to pause and examine you “i figured what these guys’ names would be but..what’s your name?” He smiles a bit at you to which you couldn’t help but smile back at him “Y/N..L/N.” Leonardo would nod “nice to meet you..let’s get to the lair, being up here for too long might attract trouble” Raphael would raise an eyebrow bone “might he says” he slightly had a mocking tone to his voice, causing Leonardo to slightly grumble under his breath. Without much of a choice, you and your turtles followed these other turtles to the sewers.
As you walked through the sewers with now eight turtles, you listened to them all chat with each other and try to understand each other. Apparently in this dimension, Leonardo is the leader and he’s much different from the Leo you knew. Donatello was extremely impressed by your Donnie’s tech and even asked what alien tech was used to build it which confused both you and your Donnie. Both Mikey’s got along just fine, they weren’t that different compared to the others but this dimension’s mikey seemed almost..a bit not so smart? Raph was completely different, one was soft and kind meanwhile the other was tough and rude. This would take a lot of getting used to but when it comes to their names, it’s making your head spin.
As you all got to the lair, you and the guys admired it all as it was different from the lair you knew but it was definitely cozy and nice.
“Make yourselves at home” Leonardo left the room and walked into another leaving you to question where he had gone. As the turtles dispersed and tried to get comfortable or speak with each other you sat on a beanbag chair and felt your pockets for your phone. You didn’t have it..crap. You looked at the tv and tilted your head a bit..well might as well pass the time with space..heroes? “Space heroes? Is that like Jupiter Jim in your dimension?” You heard leo excitedly ask Michelangelo to which he grinned “Jupiter Jim? Dude what’s that?” You couldn’t help but grin as Leo gasped rather dramatically “it’s only THE BEST show in the entire galaxy!” You laugh softly at your best friend’s sudden burst of energy.
Leonardo would soon walk up to you and scratch the back of his neck a bit “hey..would you like to have some tea with me?” You would turn your head to him and smile softly “sure” you would respond to which he would gesture for you to follow him into the kitchen as he started walking. You did so and sat on a seat, not really knowing what to say or do as you watched Leonardo put the kettle of water on the stove to heat up. “So..y/n” you heard the blue clad turtle speak up to which you looked up from staring at the counter “yes?” You played with your fingers. “I talked to master splinter and he said you are all welcomed into our home until you find a way back” he informed you as he turned and leaned back against the counter. You nodded and smiled a bit “thank you, I appreciate the hospitality tho I think Leo can most likely take us back..he probably wants to know more about this place before he leaves” you let out a soft giggle at the thought. As you didn’t hear a response, you looked up only for your eyes to lock with Leonardo’s. “Leonardo?” You called out in a soft tone, tilting your head a bit to which the turtle blinked a few times before snapping back to reality. “Is something the matter?” You asked in a slightly worried tone to which he blushed a bit from get caught staring at you “oh uh no no it’s just..” he took a moment, almost debating with himself before he spoke up once more “you’re just..really beautiful is all”
This caught you off guard which sent you in a flustered frenzy, your cheeks blazing to life into a bright red tint. Leonardo widens his eyes “I’m so sorry did I make you uncomfortable?” He slightly panicked to which you shyly shook your head meaning ‘no’ and looking down at the counter causing your hair to fall forward and block your face. You took a deep breath and worked up some courage before looking up at him with a slight grin on your lips “thank you..” you mumble to which he matched your grin “of course..” he mumbles in an almost in-love like tone, both of you looking at each other with soft eyes. You both broke the almost love like staring contest when the kettle whistled to life making you both jump a bit, you both letting out a soft laugh. Leonardo would turn around and start making the tea, you resting your elbow on the counter and your chin on your palm as you watched him work on the drinks. Unbeknownst to both of you, Leo was standing outside the kitchen with his fists slightly clenched. Were you two seriously flirting? No no maybe his other self was just being polite..he is right, you’re beautiful.
Leo was about to shake it off and walk away but he couldn’t help but turn around and peak into the kitchen area. There you and Leonardo sat opposite each other, waiting for the tea to cool down. You both talked and rambled on and on, he’s glad you’re getting along with this dimension’s version of himself but he can’t help but feel a deep pain inside from seeing the interaction. Leonardo would slightly slide his hand forward and his fingers would touch the tip of your fingers “do you think..there’s a version of you here?..” he would question to which you tilted your head a bit “most likely..there should be” you responded. Leo raises his eyebrow bones and clenched his teeth a bit “there’s no way he’s not flirting..” he would mumble under his breath. At least both Leos had a certain something in common when it comes to y/n, their crushes on her. He really can’t blame him but he wants to storm into the kitchen so badly and give him the what for.
“Well not all dimensions work the same way” you would smile a bit and blew your tea before taking a sip, Leonardo nodding “that explains why I haven’t met my dimension’s version of you yet” he chuckles and lifts his own cup to his lips. You suddenly paused upon hearing footsteps, looking up to see your Leo walking into the kitchen. “Oh Leo hi!” You greet him happily to which he grinned wide and sat next to you “what’re we talking about?” He asked as if he wasn’t ease dropping on you two for a bit now. “Nothing really, just trying to pass time” Leonardo would respond and sip his tea again, Leo nodding slowly before turning his attention to you. He was mentally debating on what to say to you, he wanted to subtly flirt with you as well. “You look really pretty..” he mumbles, Leonardo raising his eyebrows in surprise at the sudden compliment. “Hm? What was that Leo?” You would lower the tea cup and turn your head to him, a wave of nervousness sudden washing over Leo “uh- I said you look shitty!” The tension suddenly rose causing Leo to mentally swear at himself, a cringe visible on his face.
You clearly weren’t happy with what you heard, you slowly stood up and starting walking away from both blue clad turtles “gee thanks, I’m gonna go see what Mikey’s up to..” you muttered and left. Leonardo turned to Leo and looked at him in disbelief “what was that?” “What do you mean?” Leonardo rubbed his temples “was that supposed to be you flirting?..” he questioned his other self to which Leo would cringe a bit more “maybe..” he muttered. Leonardo blinked in surprise at the other “how long have you liked her for?..” this caused Leo’s eyes to shoot wide open “like her? Psh I don’t like her-“ “real smooth, you’re bad at hiding it” Leonardo interrupted him.
Was it really that obvious? He thought he was great at hiding it..did y/n notice? Did everyone else notice?
“Is it that easy to notice?” Leo mumbles in a slightly shameful tone, Leonardo chuckling “very yeah” he slid another cup to his other self and poured him some tea “now what’s your answer to my question?” “What question?” “How long have you liked y/n.” Oh..
“I’ve liked her not too long after I met her and that’s like..a year ago” Leonardo blinked in surprise at the information he was being told..a YEAR? “That long? Have you two not confessed or flirted with each other once?” As Leonardo said this, both Donnie’s walked into the kitchen. “What’s up?” Donatello would ask as he leaned against the counter, Donnie standing not too far away from him. “My other self here likes y/n but he’s really bad at flirting with her” Leonardo lets out a bit of a chuckle “I am not!” Leo would retort. “Actually Leo, you both like each other, you’re both just painfully oblivious” Donnie suddenly spoke up causing the other three turtles to look at him “what? Did you want me to lie?” He questioned.
“Hey I’m not oblivious, what do you even know about love hmmm?” Leo would immaturely respond to which Donnie scoffed a bit “as the turtle who has a girlfriend, I beg to retort” Leonardo and Donatello’s jaws dropped making Donnie look at them in confusion “what?” Donatello slowly picked his jaw up off the ground “you..have a girlfriend?..is it April?” He had a bit of hopefulness in his tone. Both rise turtles cringed upon hearing that “April? That would be awkward, she’s like a sister to us” Leo spoke up “agreed, my girlfriend is Melanie” he reached for his phone “who?” Donnie would raise an eyebrow “do you not know her?” “Dude, this Leo hasn’t met y/n yet so I dunno if this Donnie met Mel yet either” Donnie opened his phone and pulled up a photo of himself and his girlfriend, Melanie, turning the phone to Leonardo and Donatello. Both turtles nod slowly, a soft smile on Donatello’s lips upon seeing Mel “most likely if we met these girls then so will you two and according to events that I have lived through, she should most likely be your girlfriend as well” Donnie almost jabbed his finger in Donatello’s direction to which he nodding, too flustered to say anything. “Now back to my point, as the turtle to have a girlfriend..I know a thing or two” Donnie smirked smugly, crossing his arms.
Back in the rise!turtles’ universe, Mel would be tidying up Donnie’s work desk with some help from Shelldon. She paused her little cleaning session to let out a soft sneeze “bless you mama, are you sick?” Shelldon would ask her with concern to which she smiled softly “no no sugarplum I’m fine” she pat his head gently
As the topic got brought up again, Leo came to the realization “wait did you say y/n liked me?” “Yeah-“ “since when?!” “I dunno, I don’t monitor you two like a creep” donnie stretched a bit “your flirt game is embarrassing tho” he points out to which Leonardo had to sheepishly nod in agreement to. “I..I know..” Leo rubbed the back of his neck, not wanting to deny the painful truth. “I want to flirt and give her hints but the idea of her not feeling the same way is always at the back of my mind you know?” The other three nodding slowly as they listened to the blue clad turtle open up. Both Donnie’s silently nodded to Leonardo and left the kitchen together. Leonardo crosses his arms “in my opinion you’ve waited long enough and it’s better to express your thoughts and feeling because bottling it up inside isn’t good for you. One day you’ll burst and it wouldn’t be the best experience..” Leo looked at his other self in a bit of shock, nodding a little. “If she doesn’t feel the same way then that’s okay, the world isn’t going to come to an end and if you two really care about each other then something like love and rejection wouldn’t keep you two apart” he continued explaining. “I guess you’re right..thank you..” leo would smile a bit at Leonardo “anytime, you need it” he jokes to which Leo laughed a little “don’t remind me.”
The turtles and y/n hung out with their other selves for a while longer until it was time for them to head back home. Mel, Splinter and April were most likely worried sick.
“Bye guys, stay safe”
As everyone came out of the portal and dispersed to go do their own thing, Leo put his hand on your shoulder “can we talk?..” he clearly was nervous, you slowly nodded. Leo walked with you to his room and you both sat down on the edge of the bed “what is it you wanted to talk about?” You spoke up, breaking the silence. “I..I’m sorry..about earlier” he started “I didn’t mean to say you looked shitty..I panicked and it was the first thing that came out of my mouth..” you smiled a bit “I was honestly so confused” you admitted with a little laugh. Leo cracked a smile and laughed a little “I meant to say..” he paused, his mind flashing back to what his other self said “you’re beautiful..” he finally admitted out loud to you which resulted in you snapping your head in his direction, completely shocked by the sudden honesty. “You..really think so?” You felt your heart fluttered in your chest to which Leo nodded slowly “yeah..I’ve been wanting to tell you that for the longest while..” he mutters to which you blushed brighter. “Oh wow..” you were mentally building up the courage, deciding fuck it and pressing your soft lips against his cheek.
The blue clad turtle suddenly froze and his eyes widened, did you just..kiss him? On the cheek? Holy shit he’s never washing this cheek again-
You pulled away and laughed a little upon seeing his reaction “Leo? Are you alright?” You asked to which he blinked a few times, slowly nodding “uh huh..” a grin slowly grew onto his lips, you laughing softly and looking at him lovingly.
God did you love this idiot..
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Man vs. Sewer
“Alrighttttt, here’s the next one (as requested by @dabibliophile)!!! Man vs. Sewer is a great episode, but it low-key caught me off-guard the first time I watched it... Like Raph genuinely lost it, and it wasn’t played off as a joke or anything which is how it’s often is in cartoons. I know rottmnt has its fair share of plot-related episodes, but tbh when I first watched Rise, I was seeing it more as a fun tmnt show, but this episode was what made me realize how good this series actually was... 
anywayssss, let’s go
-Donnie’s apparently the designated texter of the group
-”Sweet, sweet Angelo”
-Donnie’s boardshorts, and how Leo just looks done with him while Mikey looks on in awe... Mikey is so precious I love him
-”I’m not a useful member of society”  
-Leo’s genuine concern for Raph
-Dr. Delicate Touch
-”Where did you get that?” “Uh... borrowed it? from Splinter?” “Splinter. Who only owns robes and a shady past, let you-” 
-the fact that they consider Splinter to have a shady past, and apparently make jokes abt it with each other 
-Donnie is trying so hard to look angry, but he can’t help but smile when Mikey pulls on his tube
-”What? no, where do you think we are?”
-look at the teetlez in tubes. they cute. so smol.
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-sports pass
-Raph saying that Lace Face has been in the family longer than Donnie leads me to believe that Baron Draxum gave smol Raph a football when he was in the lab even though I know that’s not true cuz it would’ve been exploded too. But still
-”OUR FOOTBALL” *Leo slightly glares at him* “OH AND RAPH”
-”Then why doesn’t he has Splinter’s rugged good looks like we do?”
-Leo is Very Concerned abt Raph... idk, it’s really sweet, but his word choices can be worrying: “You know how savage Raph is when he’s alone. He’ll totally lose it if we don’t find him fast- clocks ticking.”
-Particularly the “you know how savage” and “clocks ticking” parts. They know this about him. They know it doesn’t take long. And it’s not played for laughs.
-How Raph starts taking deep breaths and his eyes look glossed over like he’s trying to avoid crying
-He didn’t even notice how much damage he did to the room...
-”Don’t lose it Raph! please...”
-And while this is exaggerated, as someone who frequently has panic attacks, can I just say that this episode display’s the progress of what it feels like very well? You can feel it coming, and try all the deep breathing you want, but with every moment you feel more lost... idk I just really like this ep, ok??
-”He’s one of those turtle-jerks we hate y’know for... reasons I can’t remember... leTS EaT hiM!”
-”YES! well, actually, full disclosure, I dunno”
-”Today’s vibes were supposed to be chill, so I went ahead and filled my battleshell with refreshment.” “Just one, Donald?”
-”Then give us ice, for our horribly mangled bodies”
-*sounds of ice machine* “it melted.”
-”Raph was here.” “Leeeet’s not jump to conclusions Leon-” *points to graffiti stating ‘Raph was here’*
-Raph automatically called them ‘sewer monsters’... just an observation
-”I’M nOt as tOuGH aS i PReteND tO BE”
-”Someone could get really hurt on this... LET’S SEE HOW FAR IT SWINGS”
-This screenshot is cursed
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-”Once again, I’d love to help bail us out with my undeniable and prestigious genius, but-”
-”That’s Donnie’s tire! I mean- Raph’s tube!”
-”Well Leo, since you sell the fewest action figures, why don’t you go ahead and jump first”
-”Leo, chill, we can’t freak out, nobody freak out, stOP FREAKING OUT DONNIE”
-Ok, but I do think Mikey somewhat relies on Raph to keep him calm and safe, after all, Raph is the mother hen and the most protective- especially of Mikey. It makes sense that Mikey is having a hard time too, and I think a lot of his flippant concern is just him trying to ignore that he doesn’t currently have one of the most stable people in his life, and they’re the ones trying to save Raph... it’s probably taking a lot out of all of them
-Mikey tried to cling onto Donnie while falling
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-”MAKE A HUMAN SHIELD AROUND MEEEEE” Leo. you’re a turtle. you’re all turtles.
-”100% not Raph, staking my life on it, shorts” “RAPH. ALOOOOONE” “it might be Raph, but who’s to say anymore?”
-Raph may be savage, but he’s still got requirements for his taste, so he puts lemon on the crabs. But then again, he put it directly in their eyes???? was that supposed to be torture???
-”Are you barbequing villains?”
-Raph’s comment about having ‘no brothers’ makes me wonder if he remembers his years as a turtle somewhere deep inside and the time he would’ve spent alone... idk man...
-”No one’s gonna shout the answer at me and make all my problems disappear!”
-They aren’t scared of him after... They just immediately go to hug him... it’s very important
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tl;dr this episode is really sweet, but surprisingly serious. It has its fun moments, but a lot of it feels like its hinting at more to come, and even if it isn’t, it’s still a really interesting look into Raph as a character
(also sorry this was a bit longer and slightly more serious than the others, it’s just a really great ep- check out @davids-cartoon-corkboard​ he has some really great theories on it!!)
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un-bearablysweet · 5 years
Teetlez in Highschool
Just some dabbles or headcanons on what I feel like the boys in April's school would be like,🤷🏿‍♀️ so let's start with one the leader Raph. 
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Human Raph is heavily inspired “Almguav” their blog is awesome so go check it out, I nearly died when I saw Raph have waves. Being Black myself with brothers I can tell you that brushing “with” the grain is a must. And now all I can think about is Raph going to the barber to have his lines shaped up and his fade on point.
Raph is often judged due to his size, and high school was not a pleasant experience at first. I also offer up for your consideration Raph having dimples. Once entering the hallway, students and teachers alike moved out of the way, his hulking figure taking up space in the already crowded hall.
6ft tall wearing a red during, black tank top, and red basketball shorts, his black Nike's squeaking against the clean floor. His face planted into his phone, trying to understand his class schedule. He could feel people staring, and it was a bit unsettlingly, especially since April said people wouldn't even notice new kids.
It was probably the scars showing on his now caramel-colored skin. His arms and hands had the most markings from years of punching stuff he shouldn't have. The rumor mill already at work on why the new kid look like he punched a truck a won.
And then it happens...some poor scrawny nerd carrying heavy textbooks slams into Raph’s back. The entire hallway goes silent, everyone waiting with bated breath for the inevitable fight...well not a battle with the new kid's size it would be more of a slaughter.  
Realizing what had happened, the nerd doesn’t even bother getting up again. His glasses were off somewhere on the floor. Oh well, they were probably safer on the story anyway. Closing his eyes, he waited for the inevitable punch to the gut or the face; he found himself being slowly lifted into the air by his shirt single handly. 
“well here it comes I’m either gonna be shoved into a locker or tossed into a trash can again.”
Only the hit never came, and he was gently set back on his feet, glasses placed gently back on his face. Taking a chance, he peeked one eye open to see on almost puppy dog look on this giants face.
 "Hey, little buddy, you alright? You should be more careful, try carrying your more with your legs than your back." He said as he stacked the fallen books back into his hands.
With that, Raph turned back around his focus once again on his phone. He quickly trekked down the silent hallway moving passed the stunned students. People's jaws open from the lack of violence.
and the only thing the nerd could say, speaking for almost everyone who had witnessed the scene. "What the Fuck?"
Raph is a godsend to the Football coach and the team. Never in his 30 years of coaching had he seen an enormous player move so swiftly and gracefully. He was pretty sure this Rapheal kid never touched the ground once during tryouts.
Surely he's been playing since he was a kid and had transferred from another high school. The coach nearly fainted when he said that this was his first time playing on a football field and had been homeschooled for the past 16years.
"It's probably from all the dancing I do, especially the ballet, Mikey's better tho.
And the surprises kept coming when Raph entered his math class the teacher felt he had dealt with Raph's type before. He was no doubt the standard jock who slacked off during class but still wanted to play at next week's game.
2 weeks in and Raph was the most attentive student in the class, while not being the best at math anyone could see that he tried his hardest. He asked questions during class, stayed afterward for tutoring and tips, and did his best to stay awake and pay attention.
And the day Raph answered a problem in class and got it right, the teacher could swear he saw stars in his eyes. And when his test grades went up from 65 to an 80, he immediately was out the door dialing on his phone. "Donnie, you won't believe what I got on the test!"
Raph joins the knitting club, and the members nearly fainted when they saw him in the doorway.
"Hamato, why weren't you at the game on Friday? We needed you! "
"But coach, I told you that the knitting club competition was on Friday and that I couldn't make it."
Coach *Surprise Pikachu face*
It quickly became known the Raphael did stand for bullying of any kind as would be quick to call anyone on their shit, especially his teammates
Raphael ‘Hiroki’ Hamato
16yrs old, Junior 
Quarterback, Vice President of the knitting club, member of a local boxing club
Hiroki meaning “abundant joy and strength”
Voted most likely to miss a game, because he wanted to pet a stray cat.
I like to think that Splinter gave them all Japanese middle names that fit them well. 
Did you guys like it? should I even continue? lemme know because next up is Donnie.
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