#we all know that is what those bts pictues were
that-fandom-writer · 2 years
ok so yall know how like movies will sometimes release deleted scenes can we get that from tv shows too please?
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Toddler Series #27: Mother’s Day
Kim Seokjin
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“Can you open the door for me Chinny?” Jin asked as he looked down at Kaiden. Kaiden nodded and twisted the handle of your bedroom door, pushing it open and stepping inside afterwards. Jin followed behind him with a large tray in his hands.
“Can I wake Mommy up?” Kaiden wondered and Jin nodded. Kaiden stepped closer to the bed, gently patting your arm that was laid above the blanket.
“Mommy, wake up,” Kaiden whispered loudly. Groaning, you opened your eyes to see Kaiden standing over you and Jin watching carefully as he stood behind him.
“Mm, what is it Kade?” You asked as you slowly sat up.
“Me and Daddy made breakfast,” he chirped and you looked at Jin again, finally noticing the tray in his hands. He steppe over and set the tray down on your outstretched legs, and you gasped as you saw that he had cooked all of your favorite breakfast foods.
“Happy Mother’s Day,” Jin smiled and your eyes widened as you remembered that it was Mother’s Day today.
“You didn’t have to do this Jin,” you chuckled as you immediately went to work on eating the strawberries that Jin had cut up for you.
“It’s the least I could do, considering how much you do for Chinny and I,” he shrugged.
“Thank you so much,” you said and you puckered your lips for a kiss, making Jin laugh as he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.
“Is it good Mommy?” Kaiden spoke up, referring to the food and you pulled away from Jin to smile at him.
“It’s so good,” you confirmed. “Thank you Kade,” you said before kissing his cheek.
Min Yoongi
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“Ok, where’s my gift?” You wondered as you looked over at Yoongi. He chuckled before turning to look over at you with a small smirk on his face.
“And how do you know that I got you a gift?”
“As much as I deal with you and our Sleeping Beauty of a daughter here,” you said as you motioned down at Kinsley, who was asleep in between you and Yoongi. “I deserve a gift.”
“As much as I want to disagree with you, you’re right,” he smiled softly before turning over to the other side of the bed and reaching into the nightstand. After a few seconds, he turned back to you with a small box in his hands and he passed it off to you. You excitedly opened up the box, revealing a beautiful silver bracelet. Towards the front of it, there were three small circles that were pushed together to form a heart.
“Yoongs, it’s beautiful,” you sighed softly as you looked over at him. 
“The three colors are representative of the three of us, since they’re our birthstones,” he explained and you looked down at the bracelet again, realizing that the emerald one was for Kinsley and the amethyst one for Yoongi. 
“I love it even more,” you smiled as you pulled it out of the box and wrapped it around your wrist. Yoongi silently reached over and locked the clasp for you, lifting your wrist up to his lips and kissing it softly afterwards.
“Happy Mother’s Day baby.”
Kim Namjoon
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“I really appreciate you doing this for me Joon,” you grinned as you watched the waitress place your ordered food onto the table in front of you. 
“It’s no problem Y/N-ah,” he shrugged. “Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve treated you out to your favorite restaurant.”
“Very true,” you nodded in agreement as you smirked. 
“Mommy,” Mason called as he tapped repeatedly on your thigh, making you look down at him. “Can I try?” He wondered as he pointed to your plate of chicken nachos. You nodded and picked up a chip from your plate, making sure that it had chicken on it before feeding it to him.
“How is it?” You asked him and after chewing for a few seconds, he nodded enthusiastically. 
“Here, try Mommy,” Mason said as he picked up one of his chicken nuggets and held it up to your lips. You opened your mouth and let him feed you, making sure to make a lot of positive noises so that Mason knew that you thought it was good.
“What about me Mase?” Namjoon pouted and Mason giggled before picking up another nugget and holding it out for his Daddy. You watched with a smile as Namjoon ate the nugget, nibbling playfully on Mason’s fingers as he fed him which made Mason squeal in delight.
“I love you guys,” you sighed, making Namjoon look up at you with a smile.
“I love you too jagi,” he replied.
“Love you too!” Mason added with a lopsided smile.
Jung Hoseok
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When your eyes open in the morning, it’s not because of Lennox or Berkeley pulling on your arm, or because of them making too much noise way too early; it’s actual due to your natural circadian rhythm, which hasn’t happened since the twins were born. 
After stretching your body, you sit up and grab your phone, noticing that it’s almost 10am. A feeling of dread sinks in then, because Lennox and Berkeley never sleep past 8 and the fact that it’s been two hours and you haven’t heard or seen them makes you nervous.
“Morning Y/N-ah,” Hobi sung cheerily as he suddenly walked back into your bedroom. 
“Hobi, where’s Len and Berk?” You asked.
“They’re downstairs, watching a movie,” he replied. 
“Why didn’t they wake me up this morning?”
“Because I wouldn’t let them,” he admitted and you raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. “It’s Mother’s Day today, remember?” He said and your eyes widened. 
“Wait, so you let me sleep in?” You questioned with a small smile.
“Yeah. I know they usually go straight for you instead of me in the mornings so I decided to give you a break today,” he explained. “And I have more planned for you.”
“What else?”
“You’re gonna have to get up and go shower and get dressed if you wanna find out,” he shrugged. Giggling, you hurriedly got out of the bed and walked up to him, kissing him firmly.
“Thank you,” you said.
“You’re welcome,” he smiled. 
Park Jimin
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“Ok, so your gift isn’t really anything fancy,” Jimin explained as he stood in front of you while you sat on the couch.
“Jimin-ssi, I’m sure it’s fine,” you chuckled. Nodding, he handed the large box in his hands to you and you set it on your lap. You undid the bow on top and then lifted the lid off of the box. Inside, there was what appeared to be a scrapbook. You gently pulled it out of the box and then shoved the box onto the floor.
“I noticed our family photo album was getting a little full so I made this one,” Jimin explained as you opened the cover of the book, only to be greeted with a photo of you and Jimin on your wedding day. 
“Pretty Mommy,” Noah piped up as he pointed to you in the picture.
“Mommy was really pretty that day,” Jimin agreed, making you blush before you turned the page. You continued to browse through the book, smiling as you saw pictures of you and Jimin from when you were just dating, your wedding, when you were pregnant with Noah, and Noah’s newborn days. 
“I love this,” you gushed, looking up at Jimin with a wide grin. 
“Keep looking jagi,” he said and you looked back down at the book as you turned to the very last page. There, held onto the page with scotch tape, was a hand drawn picture of you, Jimin, and Noah. 
“Did you do this Noey?” You wondered as you looked over at him, and he nodded enthusiastically.
“Yeah! See, here’s Mommy and Daddy and me,” he said proudly as he pointed to each of the figures that he had drawn. 
“I love it baby,” you sniffled as tears welled up in your eyes.
“No crying Mommy,” Noah pouted.
“Don’t worry mini me, I think those are happy tears,” Jimin smiled as he bent down and gathered you up into a hug.
Kim Taehyung 
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“I told you a hundred times Kim Taehyung, I didn’t need a gift!” You huff as Taehyung extends a small box towards you. 
“You really thought I was gonna let Mother’s Day pass and not get you anything?” Tae scoffed. 
“But I already have my gift, you and Spence,” you said, taking a second to press a kiss to the top of Spencer’s head as she slept slumped against you on the couch..
“That doesn’t mean that you can’t get anything extra,” he pointed out and you sighed heavily before taking the box out of his hands. You opened the box, which was made for jewelry, and you found a gold bracelet with a large gold plate on the front of it. On that gold plate, you saw what looked like chicken scratch handwriting.
“What is this?” You wondered as you looked up at Taehyung.
“It’s Munchkin’s handwriting,” he revealed and you gasped before looking back down at it.
“Do you know what it says?” You asked.
“She wouldn’t tell me,” Taehyung laughed. “She said that it was only a secret for her and Mommy to know.”
“I’ll ask her when she wakes up then,” you giggled. “Thank you so much Tae.”
“No, thank you,” he retorted. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have Munchkin and she’s one of two of the greatest things that have ever happened to me.”
“What’s the other one?”
“Meeting you,” he smiled and you cooed before leaning forward and kissing him passionately. 
Jeon Jungkook 
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“Daddy, can we give Mommy her gift now?” Ava asked.
“Gift?” You said as you turned away from the stove where you had been making breakfast for the three of you, and looked over at Jungkook who was sitting at the counter. “What gift?”
“It was supposed to be a surprise but someone can’t keep quiet,” Jungkook sighed as he looked down at Ava.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, covering her mouth with her hands.
“It’s ok Angel. Here,” he said as he reached into the pocket of his pajama pants and pulled out a small box before handing it off to Ava. “Go give it to Mommy.” She nodded before sliding down off of her chair and bounding over to you. 
“Thank you Ave,” you smiled before proceeding to rip the wrapping paper off of it and opening it up. Inside, there was a beautiful golden locket and you pulled it out of the box in order to get a closer look at it.
“Open it,” Jungkook instructed and you nodded before doing so. Inside, there was a picture of you and Jungkook sat next to each other, side by side. Jungkook had his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin rested on your shoulder. Ava was sat in your lap, her big bunny smile that mirrored Jungkook’s prominent on her face. 
“See Mommy?” Ava chirped as she hopped up and down a few times. “It’s your favorite picture.”
“It is,” you nodded, feeling tears beginning to well up in your eyes. Jungkook got up and walked around the counter and over to where you were standing, setting his hand on the small of your back and rubbing gently.
“Why are you about to cry?” He wondered.
“I just love you both so much and this is my favorite picture and now I can always carry it with me,” you rambled as tears streamed down your cheeks, making Jungkook laugh at how cute you were. 
“Happy Mommy Day Mommy,” Ava smiled as she hugged your leg.
“We love you Y/N-ah,” Jungkook added.
“I love you guys so much more,” you grinned, leaning over and kissing Jungkook softly.
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