#we are all (act before think). we are all (running around bull rushing into overconfident wagers and such)
fisherrprince · 1 year
putting me, alisaie, and lyse on a team is exactly like putting zane nya and lloyd on a team
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yangingaround · 7 years
(Part 1) Not to shaft Yang, but I disagree with you that she’s had the least “rush in recklessly” moments. She basically initiated the fight in the Yellow Trailer by being overly-aggressive if all she wanted was information (and wasn’t there to basically start a fight). In 1x8 she jumped into the Nevermore’s mouth even though there was no one in immediate danger and simply dodging would probably have been the better tactical move.
Anonymous said:
(Part 2) She had (misplaced) overconfidence in trying to take Neo by herself in 2x11 and was nearly killed for it, and then in 2x12 she launched herself into the air (needlessly) without looking and immediately got knocked down by Nevermores from behind. In 3x6 the whole situation with Mercury could have been avoided if she’d simply side-stepped his attack (which RWB_ probably would have done) rather than attacking back.
Anonymous said:
(Part 3) And in 3x11, while I understand it was an emotional moment and she had to react quickly to make sure Blake didn’t get hurt further, she leaped into the air (again needlessly) making herself basically a sitting duck for Adam’s attack, whereas if she’d rushed him but kept her feet on the ground she would have had a much better chance of dodging his attack. Monday morning quarterbacking, I know, but still, Taiyang’s right in that she needs to learn to keep a more level head in combat.
Anonymous said:
(Part 4) By comparison, Blake, for example, has only really thrown herself into danger twice (3x11, and 4x3) and both times there were civilian lives under immediate threat, which was not the case in the Yang examples I noted. Again, Yang’s one of my favorite characters, so I’m not trying to shit on her. But I definitely think she’s had a problem with recklessness in v1-3.
Yellow trailer: Junior was already having his goons surround her - that fight was starting whether Yang wanted it to or not. Yang played up a distraction to catch Junior off guard and throw the first punch (which cleared out the night club of civilians) but that fight was starting anyway (Junior even admits that he and his goons started it in the manga adaptation of the trailer - which is supposed to be canon)
1x08: are we forgetting that how they were fighting the Nevermore was Ruby’s plan? by jumping into the Nevermore’s mouth, Yang not only had it’s attention but could make it go where she needed it to go for the plan to work - ‘dodging’ wouldn’t have made it plow into the cliff, especially not given that Yang is primarily a close quarters combatant
2x11: a)Yang didn’t have backup because near everyone else was having to fight another henchman (also “this one’s mine” doesn’t scream overconfidence, it’s “i’ll take this one, you go on ahead”. sticking together would’ve wasted time they didn’t have) and this whole situation was far beyond anyone’s skill level and no one had the time to team up and attack these minions when the priority was stopping the train (or was Weiss being reckless for fighting a big dude with a chainsword alone instead of making Blake stick around?)b) Yang was exhausted because she didn’t sleep as far as we saw, which affected her stamina and made it easier for Neo to knock her out (which she only did once Yang adapted to her fighting style - oh look at that, Yang was thinking, what a novelty apparently - and caught up with it enough to actually grab hold of her). all Neo had to do was stay out of her way and play for time, Yang needed to incapacitate her as quickly as possible and c) the car was an enclosed space, filled with Dust crates and she couldn’t rely on her typical combat style without setting them off, meaning Yang was severely limited in what she could do - and what else could she do? run away? Neo would either get in her way or attack one of her friends during their fights. recklessness implies she had a choice and she made the rash, thoughtless one - that’s not the case here
2x12: okay quick question, the Grimm were all coming through an underground tunnel so how in the hell was Yang supposed to know there would be Nevermores flying overhead? Yang taking to the air, considering she would most likely still be tapped out from exhaustion and the fight with Neo (and so direct combat would’ve put her at risk too, we later see her throwing cars at Grimm instead of engaging them directly), was her playing tactical and trying to stay away from direct attack, and getting sidelined by factors she had no reason to consider
3x06: so some dude just lost a fight and jumped to attack you, do you a) dodge out of the way, giving him opening to attack again when you are coming off an intense fight and are low enough on aura that another attack could do some damage? or b) stop him (as you are trained to fight monsters, so preventing further attacks is what you are literally trained for) so he doesn’t do it again? because defending herself makes sense, and most likely wouldn’t have even been penalised if it weren’t for the fact that it was a trick to make her look like a monstrous, thoughtless brute (because people only have a problem with Yang responding the way she did because we know she was set up - they think “Yang was stupid because she didn’t dodge and now she looks like a monster”, it’s like a lot of people forget that Yang doesn’t have the same information we do as an audience and it’s very often difficult to see the apparently ‘obvious’ solution when you’re in the middle of a situation)
3x11: this is just straight up victim blaming (which is also what Taiyang was doing), but alright. another question; ignoring that Yang isn’t an emotionless robot, it had been an extremely stressful 24 hours, someone she loved was in danger(there is no way anyone could keep a level head there) and that Yang values Blake’s life above her own; what other options did Yang exactly have? any of her usual tactics could be deflected, miss, take too much time, or could have hurt Blake themselves. bull rushing Adam with everything she had, as quickly as possible (and she had to get through a window frame so going for the direct ground attack would’ve taken longer than jumping, which leaves Blake in danger more - and close to the ground or not, Adam can still swing a sword so even if she would’ve dodged it wouldn’t have mattered, we saw in the Black trailer that thing’s got a very big radius, there’s literally no difference in those two methods except your suggestion is slower, Yang wasn’t even that high up and had her abilities powering the speed of the attack, on foot she would’ve still been slower), was the fastest way to get his focus off Blake and on her. and again, she had no idea that a) he had the kind of ability he does and b) that it was already charged up. those are things she didn’t know and in that moment, wasn’t what was important to her (i even stated that the two times Yang has actually thrown herself into danger, it’s been to try and save a loved one, where her own safety is not her primary concern - Yang’s even implied that she only takes care of herself because others might need her later, so in a moment where someone needs her, her own safety isn’t going to be on the priority list, and Yang doesn’t dodge in fights when her teammates are present, only when she’s alone. this still isn’t a case of Yang being reckless, this is Yang’s tendency to only place value in herself for how useful she can be to others, so she only takes care of herself for the possibility of someone needing her, reaching a terrible, logical conclusion)
that was just a bad situation with no good way out of it with everyone making it out okay - the point of that scenario wasn’t ‘Yang is a reckless idiot and lost her arm for it’, which is victim blamey, it’s a reality check, the villains are stronger, better fighters than the girls are currently - that they’ve still got a long way to go
(i’m surprised you didn‘t mention 2x04 and jumping on the mech and getting smashed through several reinforced pillars for it - you seem pretty intent on blaming her for losing her arm so why not that? you can’t blame someone for not knowing something - because you literally can’t plan for everything - or not having much choice in the matter)
but let’s examine Blake, shall we? she’s gotten less fight time than Yang has but she still manages a few more examples than the ones you cited (which i hadn’t even considered as examples; because Adam is an abuser deliberately playing on her trauma - daring her to run away again pretty much ensured she wouldn’t use her semblance to fight him and instead engage him directly - and there’s no way she could act rationally there, so claiming that is victim blamey as hell. and Blake was the only one present who could put an immediate attack in on the sea monster - literally doing her job before the Grimm turned out to be much worse than it looked)
1x16: threw herself into the fight at the docks, eventually solely going after Roman out of anger despite being outmatched
2x05/6: Blake’s obsession with tracking down Torchwick drives her to a point of exhaustion and she would’ve gotten herself killed if she’d continued on that because she wasn’t resting or eating. that is recklessness
4x09/10: chasing after a White Fang spy whilst completely unarmed and with no plan
do you know what the big difference i’m seeing here is? things more often than not work out for Blake when it comes to throwing herself into danger (the same is true of Ruby) - Ruby, then Penny showing up and Roman deciding to just leave, the spy turning out to be someone Blake knew that wouldn’t directly attack her - while with Yang sometimes they don’t, and the audience reads that as Yang being punished for recklessness because there’s this odd audience fixation that Yang is always in the wrong (do you really think a character that nearly got herself and her sister killed when they were kids - and actually believes they should have died - while stubbornly, recklessly chasing after something. is going to have a problem with those things in the present? it doesn’t make sense to have that in a backstory if it’s still a problem in the present, proving the character learned nothing, when that’s evidently not the case). Yang is shown to be the most levelheaded and thoughtful member of her team, and there’s no evidence she isn’t in fights she doesn’t have personal stake in (where it’s understandable that she responds more emotionally), except for people not paying enough attention to factors outside of Yang and deciding she must be at fault when things go wrong even when all she’s doing is responding to a threat and doesn’t have a whole lot of options. but she gets shat on because she’s the ‘angry’ one (even though her letting her anger out seems to help her focus more than hinder it - anger isn’t itself bad, people are allowed to be angry but Yang is always the only one criticised for it even though when examining it she’s evidently in control of herself), and dismissed as an reckless idiot that doesn’t look before she leaps because no one looks beyond the surface with her (as per usual) to consider any underlying factors
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