#we asked where they got their pride roller skate accessories since we both have skates
gloombby · 1 year
mlm wlw solidarity on the subway <3
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huffletiika · 8 years
The wrong window
So... it has been an amazing week, and I still have the prompt for tomorrow (bonus), so I won’t say all I want to say yet. But thank you for reading this prompts, and I hope you like this one. 
DAY 7 - “Why did you sneak into my room in the middle of the night”
It had been a very long day, too long for her own wellbeing, the classes were kind of boring… as usual, but then, at the roller, they had team roller skating practice, and she had to skate with him again, as Matteo decided he wanted to do everything with Lunita since last year.
Don’t get her wrong, he is not a bad skater, he is indeed really good, and with a little more practice he could even be better than Matteo itself. It’s just that… well, there is some kind of something she is starting to feel for this guy, and she just can’t do that, like nope, a thousand times nope. How could she like a guy who has cero sense of fashion? Because she could never say a beanie is a great accessory. Leave it, how could she like a guy who… well, who is best friend with Luna? She is pretty sure they have nothing in common, besides their love for skating, and that should be enough for her to see how ridiculous all of this is.
But during the training something happened: after doing a stupid trick they ended up so close she could feel his breath on her face, and smell that cheap supermarket perfume of him, and that stupid feeling came back to her, making her feel dizzy and thirsty, and so many more things she can’t describe. She needed some space, so she moved back to put some space between them, because suddenly there was this stupid need of kissing him, and she just couldn’t take it anymore.
But Jim was skating behind her in that exact moment, and both of them ended on the floor of the rink, with everyone around trying to know if they were right.
Luckily enough, no-one got hurt… besides her pride.
She can’t tell how long she have been feeling like that for him, it wasn’t something that happened from overnight, it grew slowly inside her, from flowers and singing to her on her birthday, to him listening to her problems without any kind of judgement or hate on his face, until it was so obvious to continue ignoring it. And that scares her, freakin scares her, because she is Ambar Smith, and her godmother had let her know a thousand of times she is not supposed to be friend (or date) people like him.
And there she was, entering to her room, trying to put herself together after a day of dealing with her feelings for him, when she saw a shadow come in from her window.
She screamed.
Or at least she tried, because no sound came from her lips.
Was it a thief? A murderer? A kidnapper? All of them? She took the first thing she could reach, an old Chinese porcelain figure her parents send her for her 15th birthday, and held it over her head, ready to throw it at the stranger as soon as he made a single movement.
“Hey, hey… princess, calm down, it’s me” He said, and her heart started beating as fast as if she was running a marathon.
“Simón?” she asked, putting the figure down. “What the… what are you doing here?” she took a couple of steps back, and let the porcelain object back to its place, before closing her bedroom door.
“I thought it was Luna’s room” He answered, while standing up from the floor.
What was that she felt when she heard he was going to the other girl’s bedroom? It was like if she had received a punch directly on her stomach.
“So you usually sneak into Luna’s bedroom on the middle of the night?” she asked, trying to sound casual.  “Should I inform Matteo about that?” she added, flipping her hair with one of her hands.
“Oh no, is not like that… not at all.” He answered, taking off his beanie to shake his hair.
He had a good hair under that beanie, she thought.
Oh no, Ambar, stop it!
“I needed to ask her a favor, but she wasn’t answering her phone, so I thought I could come over…” she lifted her eyebrows, because it was a very poor excuse. “It’s kind of an emergency” he finally explained.
“And what’s that big emergency that you couldn’t wait until seeing her tomorrow morning?” she asked, sincerely interested. “Whose life is in danger?” she was trying to sound funny.
“You really want to know?” He asked, surprised.
“Well, since you’re in my bedroom at 11:30pm, I thing I deserve an explanation.” She crossed her arms.
“Yeah, yeah… I know, sorry.” He said, and looked at her with an apologetic smile. “Look. There is this new contest where they are choosing a new song for a new tv series, and the guys and I decided to participate. The problem is, the closing date is today midnight, and we were kind of busy at the Jam & Roller… you know, getting everything ready for the next open, plus I had the training sessions, so we couldn’t finish composing and recording it until now. And we tried to send it from home, but the internet is not working, and the only person who I thought who could let me send this file from her computer was Luna, but she didn’t answer my calls, so I decided to come over and…”
“And you entered by the wrong window” she finished what he was going to say, and he nodded. “You’re lucky, this could have been Luna’s parent’s bedroom, or worst, my godmother’s.”
He put a grin on his face.
“Yeah, I know” he looked around. “Nice bedroom, by the way… very pink”
“Thank you” she said, trying to ignore her own heart rate. “So… if you only need internet to send the song for the contest, I could let you use my laptop. I mean, you could go and search Luna’s bedroom but, considering your sense of direction, I wouldn’t take that risk. Also, if she didn’t pick up your call, I’m pretty sure it’s because she is already asleep.
He looked at her, surprised.
“Could you?” he asked.
“Yeah, I owe you that. I mean… I owe that to the band, after what I did last year. I screwed it up big time, and maybe I can start paying for that.” She explained.
Daniela, trying to get Simón back (what a looser), had told him everything about the pen drive she stole from Lunita’s locker, and the fact she gave it to her, so everybody got to sum one plus one, and knew it has been her who sent the song on their place and ruined their opportunity. Yeah, she probably shouldn’t have mention that, but it was her way to say she was sorry, as she hadn’t done it before. And also, because she didn’t want him to hate her anymore, even if he had never said he does.
He smiled.
Why does he have to have such a radiant smile? It makes really difficult for her to forget the fact she is probably falling for him.
“Seriously?! Thank you so much, Ámbar!” he said, looking like a puppy who had just won a walk on the park. “Neta, you’re the best.” He added, and she thanked God the room was kind of dark, because she felt her cheeks blushing.
“Yeah, I know.” She said, with a soft smile on her lips, and went to open her computer so he could use it.
It didn’t take too long, he put the pen drive on the laptop and opened the site of the contest, sending the song after filling the inscription form. She looked at him while he was working on it, sitting on her own bedroom, trying to figure out why she was feeling those things about him. I mean, he wasn’t the most handsome of the guys she had ever made, but still, there was something about him that didn’t let her take her eyes from him. He wasn’t the most cunning, but his passion for music was inspiring, he wasn’t the most elegant, but something about him was so charming… she had to stop thinking in that exact moment.
“It’s done!” he said, looking so happy, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling.
“Perfect.” She answered, and stood up from her bed, while he was putting his pen drive back on his pocket.
“Thank you again, Ambar!” he said, and came closer to give her a hug.
And there, being on his arms, she knew she was screwed, because she had indisputably fallen in love with him, and that was the most WTF moment of her life.
“You’re welcome.” She said, putting some space between them. “Now go, before someone could see you here.”
“Yeah, you’re right… thank you again, seriously. And… about what happen a year ago, don’t worry… it’s all forgiven” he said, with a huge smile, before leaving by the window. “See you tomorrow at the Roller” she heard, just before he got lost on the darkness of the night.
She couldn’t take the stupid smile out of her lips.
Deciding she must go sleep, she turned around to go change her clothes, finding a purple beanie laying on her table, like a reminder that he actually was on her bedroom.
She swore.
 “Lunita” she said, as soon as she found the other girl on the kitchen, having her breakfast. “Can I ask you something? I need you to make me a favor.” She added, looking around to see Monica leaving the room.
The other girl seemed surprised.
“Yeah, tell me” she said, and Ambar took the beanie out of her backpack after looking around, confirming they were alone.
“Can you give this back to your friend?” she didn’t have to say his name, they all know who is the one who wears those stupid beanies. “He forgot it on my bedroom last night.”
She shouldn’t have said that, she thought, as soon as she saw Luna’s face.
“Is not what you think. He needed to send some song for a contest and was looking for your bedroom, but came inside mine instead, so I let him use my computer.” She explained.
Luna took a sip of milk.
“Now I understand his missed phone-calls” Luna said, thoughtful. “So… you helped him?” she added, with a very suspicious smile.
“He had to send that song before midnight, and you were probably sleeping” Ambar explained.
“I see���” Luna stood up.
“You see what?” she didn’t like that tone she used.
“That you helped him, when you don’t usually help people.” Luna answered, she definitely didn’t like that tone.
“You were the one who gave me the ‘be a better person’ speech, that’s what I’m trying to do, I haven’t done it because it was him, or something like that.” She replied.
“I’m not saying…” Luna got interrupted by Tino and Cato, who came laughing to the kitchen.
“Oh look! A beanie.” Said the latest.
“It’s the Gardener’s” added Tino.
“Why do you have it, Miss Ambar? Are you both dating?” Cato added. “Is like when I gave my beautiful Amanda a beautiful pendant to show her my love.”
“The gardener is a very good guy, congratulations Miss Ambar”
“I’m not dating him!” she was turning red, and Luna started laughing.
Oh God.
“Just, make me that favor I told you.” Ambar said to Luna, leaving the idiotic beanie on the table, and turning around to see Tino. “Get the damn car ready, I have to go school earlier.” She commanded, before leaving the room.
Luna looked at her back, smiling.
“What’s wrong with her?” asked Cato, getting a piece of bread from the table.
Luna thought she knew the answer.
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