#we can't make it canon unfortunately but it's fun to think about and doodle
arikihalloween · 5 months
New AU thingy
I never do crossover AUs ( i mean, when the characters fill the roles of the characters of a serie or film, I don't like that generally but meh I'm making an exception today)
But Secret of Kells has me on a chokehold and I'm brainrotting so have some doodles !
I've got nothing much for this AU it'll be mostly designs or style experimentations with the WH characters
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Here we have : Wally as Brendan, Home as Abbot Cellach, Julie as Aisling, and Nyxie as the cat
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I'll assign more roles eventually
If you've never heard of this film before, I beg of you to give it a watch
It's in full on YouTube, but if you can find a way to watch it in a way that support the studio making those films, please do ! This film, as well as the others ( Song of the Sea, Breadwinner, Wolfwalkers ) are so so beautifully animated and written
Rn I'm just having fun doodling in colors
Ik new WH AUs aren't that interesting anymore so for your troubles have a doodle of my lil SunEmbrodery ship (not canon to wttmv because doomed by plot (who doesn't like doomed yuri/j))
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adyophene · 6 months
lucifer x husk is something i never knew i needed and as a multishipper im screaming
literally. king of hell x some alcoholic furry guy
i love them i need to know how they wouldve met, fallen for each other and started dating. and how much thatd piss alastor off
Ooh I am so happy other people are enjoying this pair as much as I am! I've gotten a few asks about my headcanons for them, and I am happy to blab on and on. Fair warning. This is gunna be a long and rambling essay.
I'm gunna put it all under a readmore, just cause I want to insert the art I've done of them so far, since I've been half-heartedly trying to tell a visual story through the doodles.
Okay. On we go!
How they met;
We did see them technically meet in the show, where they shared their singular canon piece of dialogue, which was just Husk saying 'hey'. And then in the finale where we see a literal split second moment of Lucifer holding Husk's arm.
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(also seeing the sweet looks huskerdust is giving each other here just makes me feel so delulu for writing this all, but crackships are silly by definition, so lets get back to the lucihusk) For me, what I imagined, is after the Hotel is finished its rebuilding, that is when Husk and Lucifer finally actually meet in a proper manner. I think Lucifer would be trying to make a good impression on all Charlie's friends at this point, endeared to all of them from their actions during the finale. Unfortunately, I think he is also the King of Bad First Impressions.
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[Note. I think at this point Lucifer wouldn't even remember Husk's name quite yet. I think he would call him 'Keekee' ( by accident) or 'Dusk' (confidently incorrect) or just be like "Hey!.... Uh... You?" until Charlie or Vaggie finally corrected him. ]
Husk, on the other hand, I feel like maybe wouldn't gel with Lucifer right away. Wouldn't hate him, but also maybe not be enamored with him right away. Same as Lucifer, maybe he would have sweetened on him a bit through the hotel's rebuilding, but I think they'd start out at very neutral feelings. Maybe a vague sense of 'He's okay, but I don't know if we will really get along.'
Despite this, Lucifer is persistent, and he's going to be everyone's (except maybe Al, unless they start getting along by s2) buddy. He'd start hanging around the bar and participate in the redemption exercises.
Now, we know Lucifer struggles with depression, and I think he would be trying real hard to mask anything going on during this time. They defeated Adam! They rebuilt the Hotel! He believes in Charlie's dream, and he's more involved with her life and other people than he has been for years.
His only issue being Husk sees right through it, both because Husk is perceptive, but also because even the King of Hell can't help but have a lonely night or two at the bar where he ends up venting about his divorce and subsequent lingering loneliness.
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[snapcube ref aside, )I really do think Husk would start to feel more positively toward Lucifer after Luci would drop the act somewhat. That they could bond over feeling both at their lowest of lows, while also being to admit that things seem to be getting better!
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This would be about the point that I imagine Lucifer developing more romantic feelings! Husk would be a bit less prickly, and Luci would just absolutely eat up any and all positive interactions they'd have. I like to picture a lot of little shows of care at the this point, like Husk memorizing what Lucifer likes and even making up 'fun' drinks just to try and cheer the guy up. And Lucifer would fun a fun game in trying to get the grumpy cat to smile, and just, lighting up himself any time he was successful.
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And that culminating into the two of them making each other laugh, with Alastor being an easy butt of the jokes, and a good way for Husk, himself, to finally get a chance to vent. I think Lucifer would be one of the only 'safe' options for Husk to do that with, in just so far as Al can't really threaten Lucifer, and Lucifer already sees Al as a bit of a manipulative bastard.
Falling for each other; At this point, Lucifer would start being a bit more caring toward Husk, though with that wonderful, oblivious flair of his. I don't think Lucifer himself would realize he'd have a crush up until he'd start feeling protective or jealous over Husk, and it would really throw him for a loop at first.
Because fake dating is one of my all-time favorite tropes, I have always had a idea for a fanfic (or comic) that I haven't gotten around to yet, based around Lilith coming back, and Lucifer panickily asking Husk to pretend to be his boyfriend, so he can appear well adjusted/completely over her. Of course the whole thing would backfire, as Lilith would see through it (as Lucifer wouldn't be as good of an actor as he'd think), and that Husk would end up kind of feeling hurt by the whole thing.
Husk, who'd go along with the plot with an eyeroll, would find himself seizing up through the whole fake date/encounter. Would find weird, sudden emotions bubbling up and absolutely hating it.
I don't think that man would think about the class difference between him and Lucifer up until someone would say something about it, maybe Lucifer himself trying to rationalize the (at this time still fake) relationship to Lilith. Now, Husk feels uneasy about the whole thing and ends up drinking heavily the whole night so he doesn't have to think about feelings. (Blitz and Stolas who? Ahaha. fuck.) Meanwhile, while the date would be fake, I think Lucifer would really rather like having Husk on his arm and feeling like he'd have a love-life again, while also not really getting why Husk's mood would be getting worse throughout the night. I think they'd still end up on good terms, but both of them would have their feelings in a jumble, and Husk would not like it. (he thinks he's lost the ability to love, after all)
I think somewhere at this point, as they are starting to develop feelings for one another, is when Lucifer finally starts really realizing how tied to Alastor Husk is, and he starts to make it everyone's problem. I do think Al and Lucifer would stay snarky at each other this whole time, but that it'd only get worse, as Al would poke back since he'd find Lu's over reactions funny.
I also think Al would be maybe the last person to realize anything romantic would be brewing between Lucifer and Husk, and he'd just think it'd be a purely platonic thing.
Beyond just bitching about Alastor, Lucifer would really be ramping up his attention towards Husk too. Fully in that 'puppylove/crush' stage, and trying his darndest to make Husk feel good and special. Husk would be resistant to it all, thinking it would just be Lucifer rebounding hard, and not wanting to get wrapped up in Morningstar family drama when he could happily (miserably) keep his head down and just keep drinking the days away.
But then Lucifer would find out about Husk's love of stage magic, and his history as a performer, and it'd be all over for the catman. It would become Luci's new pet project to rope Husk into some joyful self-expression, and after a song and dance number's worth of convincing, Husk would start to come around. I have to post all these images now cause- I drew them with the intention of mimicking a musical number! Husk starting off as a bit resistant before jumping in whole heartedly, and Lucifer overexcitedly dragging him along throughout the music number, hyping him up and just all around being smitten.
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And this is where Husk would start really falling. Getting swept up in indulging his favorite, least destructive hobby, and having someone who absolutely loves it to bond with. Especially when it would be over. When they would just settle down and talk, and laugh, and bond over what they love about performing. The spectacle, the audience, the love of the craft. Its about the comradery!!!
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@belladonazeppole wrote a wonderful series of fanfics based off these pictures, as well as the songs from 'The Greatest Showman' that really fit the ship! I would be remiss to not mention them here, because Bella and their fics are just wonderful!
How they started dating;
Now. Don't think just cause they both caught feelings for each other, that they'd immediately admit to it. No. I think both of them would drag their heels. I don't think Husk would admit to them at all, without some outside force effecting it. I think he'd stubbornly try to ignore the crush or drink it away, rather than let his heart become vulnerable to anymore damage.
Meanwhile, Lucifer would be struggling between his feelings for Husk and Lilith. (In the actual canon, I do think they might try to rekindle things, depending on what kind of person Lilith turns out to be, but I digress.) Part of him would be so swept up in a giddy kind of excitement, while the other would be set firmly in the camp of 'this is a bad idea, this won't work out, just look at what happened to your last relationship'. It wouldn't stop him from being outwardly more and more affectionate, but it would be weighing on him.
I do think Lucifer would end up being the one who would be thinking; "What am I doing. He'd never like me back." While Husk would be just sitting there (echoing what was said in the ask- sorry I went all wild and wrote this much about the ship dear god)- "I'm just some fucking furry alcoholic, what the fuck would the king of hell see in me??? Am I delusional? What the fuck is going on??" And I feel like this stage would go on for MONTHS and drive everyone else nuts. It would be clear to everyone (except Alastor, who again, would be just this meme
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Though that wouldn't stop him from getting a little pissy about it) And then it would all come to a head during something benign, like a board game night. There would be flirting, there would be jealousy, there would be arguing, and then finally, loudly and with a lot of feeling, Lucifer would shout his way through asking Husk out on a date. A real Date. A capital 'D' date out on the town, dressed to the nines and a real good time. The board would be knocked over in the fray, game pieces raining down upon them while Husk would just stare blank faced, trying to process what just happened. An awkward half-minute would pass before he'd finally, trying to play it cool, shrug out a 'sure'.
How much it'd piss Alastor off;
In the aftermath, a radio static would just lowly grate everyone's ears as Alastor would be slowly coming to terms on how just annoying it would be to have his friend (/Unhealthy co-dependent pet friend possession??) romantically involved (ew) with the King of Hell (double ew)??? Then, either it would be something light hearted like 'he keeps trying to break them up but failing cause he hates interacting with romance' or a darker route where 'he keeps trying to manipulate them into breaking up by preying on all their worst insecurities in the relationship'.
And that, my friend, is all I have in mind so far for this delusional crackship au! There is more I could flesh out, of course, like Angel's role as a friend or potential third in the relationship, or what I imagine as Husk becoming like a stepdad to Charlie, but I've typed enough for the whole month. Hope any of that was coherent! I did not bother to edit or proof read it. Just pure stream of consciousness.
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mewguca · 1 year
Do you think any scavengers have reached the Iterators? How would both sides react?
Also i wanna say i lvoe your art and your artstyle, + happy iterator ending make me happi
ok i finally finished this
I believe some have in canon, but here's how I think their first encounters would go down in my sort of...headcanon...au....thing.
also apologies for varying art quality ill probably just do doodles in the future idk. ill figure it out
so first we have suns....
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Well...unfortunately the poor unlucky scav that wandered into sun's can caught them at a very bad time. They had just lost contact with their messenger and their close friend they had been trying to help... Suns was not very happy about it.
As for Pebbles....I like to think Scav King was brave enough to enter his chamber.
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Pebbs gave them the mark hoping they would tell their friends to leave, but.....
Sadly that didn't work out. He was also not in a good mood!
As for Moon....
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Sadly, her first experiences with scavengers were very disappointing. They aren't much for conversation, and they don't like listening either. It's crushingly lonely when you don't have anyone to talk to.
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Eventually, some scavengers wandered in that just enjoyed listening to the sound of her voice and enjoying her company. She is very grateful for them...I like to think they have become good friends, even if they can't quite understand each other.
As for NSH....
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They may have gotten into some....mischief.
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But don't worry! They're just a silly prankster! A harmless jokester!
Just ignore any remnants of their failed experiments.
I like to think NSH would be very interested in the scavs. They'd probably think they're super entertaining, lol. Constantly sending the GC stupid scav pics.
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trying this out was really fun!!!! I wanna do more stuff like this in the future!! sorry it took so long :D
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hajimariwaquartet · 2 years
Hi hi hi!!💕 Oh my goodness your a3der swap was so much fun i really had to come here again and let you know!! Oh, have you thought about doing more swap of these? Not to put pressure or anything because there are A LOT of things to take into consideration but i do think you would do such a good job!!
In any case, i loved it. Thank you so much!! 💕
awww thank you!! im glad you enjoyed it!! i was actually planning to doodle a few more scenes (sakuya going "FIGHT ME" to chikage, kumon being blinded by banri's smile, summer troupe hug pile, and fuyugumi getting their own tv show after one of tsumugi's directors sees them and goes "can i get you guys for my new show pleaseplease" ) but im less inclined to draw these days, unfortunately. but i'm planning on writing a fic for this swap au since i have so many things i wanna explore!!
here's a list of stuff i wanna explore in this au!!
sakuya having beef with both chikage and sakyo from main story conflicts + masumi going "hell no" when sakuya approaches him in act 1 for mankai
itaru being the first victim of sakuya's freaky strength
sakuya has a bit of a sore spot for being called short and he raises hell when someone does call him any form of short (midget, kid) and sakyo unfortunately stepped on a landmine when he called him a middle-schooler for his looks and temper (since swap sakuya reminds him of azami so much)
chikage thought his infiltration plan was Good but he didn't think of sakuya being ridiculously perceptive with his true intentions. chikage gets irritated with how eager he is to pick fights with him in particular, and hisoka's like "hey doesn't he remind you of you when you were younger" "shut up."
tenma helping out the summer troupe in their schoolworks and being the introvert adopted into the group of friends
tenma being generally a lot less outspoken and prideful compared to canon, but he's still sharp with acting as ever
tenma going along with misumi's triangle hunts and he finds himself actually enjoying hunts bc misumi makes it so fun
tenma is friends with taichi in this au, since taichi felt bad that he passed the audition that broke the actor tenma sumeragi. taichi hesitates when reni asks him to infiltrate mankai, and tenma's one of the reasons why he can't just bring himself to destroy mankai
swap banri and sakuya contrast and comparison (since both of their first arcs seem to rely on motivation and how it affects someone)
banri being an absolute angel!! and freaking out the readers and audience as well during picaresque, since no one expects the Prince of Hana High to play a gangster and banri not being the fox-faced gangster we know and love
sakuya, masumi, and banri being a legendary trio since no one understands why the hell are they all hanging out (until they learn they're in the same troupe, at least)
banri being motivated by spite to start acting properly, then he actually finds his motivation to act!! thanks to juza getting tired with his "others think this is okay" thinking and telling him off for it
tsumugi being dramatic and an expert on the screen, but kinda clumsy off the camera. imagine him playing a lucimugi role one minute, then he trips over some exposed wires the next minute.
tsumugi being Prideful™️ and a bit of dick too since i think it's interesting to explore a tsumugi like that
fuyugumi saving tsumugi when he forgets his disguise (again) since he's not used to being an actual celebrity (bc veludo theatergoers aren't the rabid type). hisoka and guy pull off some secret agent stuff, azuma charms their way out of the crowd, and tasuku just carries him like a sack of potatoes and runs.
tsumugi maknae (?) sorry i realized that he sorta looked like a kpop idol and i was like 👁👁
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