#we didn't have to deal with shit like this pre win 10
kn96artworks · 10 months
switched from libreoffice to wps because reasons
i'm a bit more used to wps layout (i have it on my phone) but now it won't stop messing up the text formatting when i copy paste text from somewhere else eg ao3 😢 i can only either paste them exactly as how they appear on the webpage or with formatting removed. tried the 'match current format' option and i still lost the formatting
why do microsoft gotta have to be such a bitch
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clonerightsagenda · 19 days
me finishing Station 11: losing fluids at an alarming rate bc I was sobbing my eyes out me finishing Lockwood & Co: losing fluids at an alarming rate bc I caught my annual start of school year cold and am now sucking down Liquid IV with a deadpan expression while watching Lucy and Lockwood work-break up. again
Anyway episode 10
Tbh I feel like I am watching an AU angst fanfic where the writer fudged the characterization to do more pre-relationship arguments.
Is Joplin wearing one of the silver capes? Or just a silver net seal over her shoulders gesturing at the same idea?
George does all the fucking inventory and restocking??? Give this man a raise he's also cooking for all of them
Yknow considering ghosts can manifest right after a murder (see: that guy from the furnaces in the fourth book) bold of these adults to try to kill a bunch of kids after dark. Even if they win, for round 2 they wouldn't be able to see them coming.
"He always mentions adults. He didn't know it's young people who could see beyond the veil." Ok so if the skull isn't the child servant who helped him deal with ghosts, who on earth is he? I suppose if they aged everyone up 3 or so years he'd be like 20
me googling 'scrubber British slang': ah I learned a new slur. Tbh the way things were going with their Female Character TM shit I figured we would not get out of this without someone calling her a slut
Lockwood siccing a bunch of freshly released ghosts on people: I call this the Lucy Carlyle fastball special
I was wondering if they were going to imply Gale was the one who arranged his parents' accident, since he's Marissa's hired killer. Also after all the dramatic sword fights I admit I did snicker when he just pulled out a fucking gun. Why did no one do that sooner
After the whole thing about George being the overlooked third wheel they took away the bit where he cons everyone by faking his death because no one bothered to notice he'd lost his glasses lenses? Bro I'm so sorry you got upstaged by a fucking… laser beam for some reason
"Something's wrong, they're trapped" foreshadowing again although in the books he already knew that. Dude did you not phone home once in the last 50 years
Joplin exploded. I guess. Why not at this point
The second half of this show has gone wildly off the rails and I'm honestly not sure why they made any of these choices. Like they're not objectively bad or anything but what was wrong with the original sequence of events.
They left out the skull calling for his master and getting snubbed which I feel like was pretty significant but they left almost all his other stuff out too so. Rip again skull in a jar, they cut all your best lines, none of which sounded like anything a kid from the 1860s would say. He would've loved the Mercymorn speech
Oh thank god they at least kept Kipps' gifted kid burnout speech.
Dropping villain!Penelope way earlier I see
Listen if they're making everything darker and edgier I hope he really DOES have his sister's ghost locked in there
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Transiting Pallas Athene stations direct
Timeline (current events in bold)
Monday, April 5, 12:15 UT - transiting Pallas Athene enters pre-retrograde shadow, 9:03 Pisces
Wednesday, July 14, 07:40 UT - transiting Pallas Athene stations retrograde, 27:43 Pisces
Monday, November 8, 09:23 UT - transiting Pallas Athene stations direct, 9:03 Pisces, and enters her post-retrograde shadow
Monday, February 7, 17:56 UT - transiting Pallas Athene exits post-retrograde shadow and retrograde zone
As usual, this is going to be a big deal for an individual only if Pallas Athene is active in their natal chart. Ms M Jr doesn't have a very active Pallas Athene at all, so she probably won't notice anything; Ms M's natal Pallas Athene is trine her Ascendant and in Cancer (the Moon's sign), so she may notice a bit more; Ms M's son has Pallas Athene conjunct his MC and trining most of his Leo placements (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Chiron, Pholus), so this is a big deal for him!
In a nutshell, Pallas Athene's trip through Pisces has encouraged us to use our right brains (the intuitive half) in thinking our way through things. Pallas Athene's "areas" have been affected as follows:
Creative wisdom and intelligence - this is the kind of intelligence that helps us win chess games or solve logic puzzles. With any luck we've learned to rely on our right brains a bit more in order to generate better solutions.
The Arts - Pallas Athene in Pisces has been just wonderful for artistic creativity. As a knitter and crocheter I know I've had a lot of amazing ideas for future projects. (Remember that Pallas Athene was a weaver - she's important to us fiber artists.)
Healing powers - Ms M personally is hoping that (1) vaccine skepticism will go away and stay away; and (2) vaccines will be shared with the entire world, not just the nations with money.
Political activism - I can only write about the US, but during this retrograde there seems to have been less activism, at least from the left (where Ms M is, politically). Let's hope that we can come up with some great ideas to unite people and not play into fear.
Professional excellence - women who didn't immediately marry and have kids, used to be called "career gals," and they are whom I think Pallas Athene is especially interested in. (Although she's protective of working mothers, too!) Here in the US we're having a "labor shortage" due to (1) 750,000 C19 deaths and counting; (2) more C19 long-term casualties; (3) people's refusal to slave away for crap wages, and be treated like shit, while in the meantime Bezos launches his dick into space. We seem to be re-thinking our commitment to work, or wage-slavery I suppose - perhaps when Pallas Athene moves on into Aries, we can start to take action on that.
I would really love to hear any stories about how this has played out!
Pallas Athene's next Retrograde Zone is as follows:
September 29, 2022 - PA enters pre-Rx shadow, 10:25 Cancer
November 30, 2022 - PA stations retrograde, 26:33 Cancer
February 16, 2023 - PA stations direct, 10:25 Cancer
April 23, 2023 - PA exits post-retrograde shadow, 26:33 Cancer
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