#we get an ornament each per year so I got the logo ornament with the rhino and this giraffe one
answrs · 9 months
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did I mention how Mom hung the ornaments on the last-minute tree, because ngl I think it's brilliant lmao
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shinra33459 · 3 years
Simon PL600 x Male!Reader - Lost and Found
Life is a unique and strange experience, one that is made even stranger when it comes to gifts. The date was December 28, 2035, and you finally got your Christmas present from your parents. The box was a white cardboard box that stood a little over 6 feet tall and had the Cyberlife logo in all the top right faces of the box. Your parents got you an android, which was incredibly nice of them, but a fucking android!? This had to be the most expensive present they’ve gotten you yet.
           You walked from your living room into your kitchen to look for a box cutter. You didn’t want to grab a big ass kitchen knife and hack at the box; you just got this android, and you didn’t want to kill it before it even got out of the box. Searching through several drawers and cabinets, you found the old box cutter in a drawer with some tools and other stuff you had to fix anything around the house that was broken. You stepped out of the kitchen and back into your living room and approached the box, boxcutter in hand.
           You started by making an incision in the box at the upper right corner and cut along the corner all the way to the bottom. You then made an incision at the upper left corner and cut down to the bottom again. Finally, you went back to the top of the box and cut the crease from left to right, making the face of the cardboard box to fall forward onto the soft carpet. Inside the box was black, foam packaging material that concealed and protected the android inside. You grabbed the soft and spongey material and pulled away a two-inch-thick sheet which revealed the android.
           The android was slightly taller than you, standing at 6 feet and 2 inches, sporting a pale skin tone, sharp jawline, blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing his gray and white Cyberlife garb that had his model number on it: PL600, a domestic care android. You just stared in awe at this marvel of technology, and the fact that this marvel was in your living room. Eventually, after about 5 minutes, you decided to approach the PL600 and get it set up. You got about five feet away from the android and looked at his perfect face.
           “Hello?” you spoke to the android. The blue LED ring on his right temple instantaneously turned on, and the android came to life, stepping out of what remained of the packaging.
           “Hello, I am the PL600 android sent by Cyberlife. I can do the cooking, cleaning, childcare, manage appointments, and I am fluent in over 100 languages. Would you like to give me a name?” the android introduced himself as he looked at you for a response. You thought for a few seconds and came up with a name.
           “Your new name is Simon.” you declared while looking at the android.
           “Thank you, my name is Simon. I have already gathered your information from the online order from your parents. I’ll just need to confirm some information from you if that’s all right. Can you verify your name?” the android inquired while continuing to look at you.
           “My name is (F/N) (L/N)” you answered while still studying the android’s appearance.
           “Affirmative. Would you like to change my appearance or voice?” the android asked while it still looked directly at you.
           “No, you’re fine as you are.” you told Simon, now looking at all the intricate details on his shirt.
           “Thank you, moving on. What is my role in this household?” Simon queried while studying your (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. You thought for a minute since you really didn’t NEED an android in the first place, but you were going to find some way to use this $8,000 machine.
           “I could use some help with the cooking and cleaning, and I also need someone to keep the house occupied while I’m out.” you answered now looking at Simon’s shoes, noticing how neat they were.
           “Understood, sir. Is there anything that needs done at this moment?” Simon questioned as you pondered the question. You listed everything in your head you did in the last few days when it came to household chores, and the only thing that came to mind was taking down the Christmas tree and decorations.
           “I could use some help taking down the Christmas tree. The boxes are in the closet, I’ll get it.” you told the android as you went to get the box for the artificial tree and the other box for the ornaments.
           You opened the closet and grabbed both boxes, pulling them out into the living room. You and Simon then went over to the tree to begin putting it away. The tree itself wasn’t massive per se, it was only a little bigger than Simon by about 4 inches. You two started by taking the fuzzy silver and gold garland off the tree, putting it neatly in the box as to not get it tangled. Simon then started taking the lights off the tree, wrapping the cord of lights in a way that would make it impossible for the lights to get tangled up. Then you two started removing all the hanging ornaments and the tree topper, putting them into the box of ornaments alongside the garland and the lights.
           Finally, it was time to take down the tree. You and Simon started by disassembling the base and putting it into the box, then you started to remove all the branch segments, starting at the base going up, and putting them into the box. Eventually, all of the branches were in the box and it was time to put the stem in the box. The metallic stem for the fake Christmas tree came apart into three pieces, and into the box they went. Simon went to put the two boxes into the closet while you got your vacuum cleaner to clean up the tinsel and glitter left on the ground from the tree, garland, and ornaments.
           For the next half hour, you decided to take down the rest of the Christmas decorations while Simon made lunch for you. Since you haven’t went grocery shopping in a little while, Simon had to make do with the few ingredients he had to his disposal. He got some butter, canned tomatoes, an onion, bread, some leftover ham you had from Christmas, and some sliced American cheese. As you worked at cleaning up all the Christmas decorations, Simon made you some homemade tomato soup and a ham and cheese sandwich.
 TIME SKIP: February 2036
You had grown quite accustomed to Simon’s presence in your house. Everything was perfect: meals were cooked in a way that could impress Gordon Ramsay, you were never late to appointments, you never forgot any upcoming events, every room in your house was free from clutter, and most importantly of all, you had someone to talk to whenever you needed it. You cared about Simon, he quickly became your best friend in just under a month, and he was always there for you whenever you needed someone to confide in, a shoulder to cry on, someone to share a secret with, or someone to gossip with.
At first, Simon did only his tasks of cooking and cleaning, but you encouraged him to use his free time to do things that he wanted to do, or something that both of you wanted to do together. Sometimes it meant going to the library and checking out a dozen books on a variety of subjects, ranging from political books to fantasy novels. Other times it meant sitting on the couch playing video games with each other, and usually Simon would go easy on you as to not embarrass you. And when it wasn’t either of those things, you would just sit down and talk about just random topics, or do something creative like painting or drawing.
You started feeling something for this android; whenever he was with you, you felt your heart flutter, whenever he would compliment you on something, you would blush like an embarrassed schoolboy, and whenever he would get close to you, you would get flustered and start acting nervous. Simon wasn’t oblivious to this, he knew you acted this way, but he didn’t say anything about it. He was worried that if he did, it would ruin the relationship that you two had. He wished that he could be with you that way, and express true emotion, but if he did, he would be destroyed for being a deviant.
You were driving home from work, excited to tell Simon about your day and the raise you got at your job. You were driving a black 2014 Chevrolet Cruze, a decent used car that had many years on it and no shortage of miles, but still drove well enough. You approached the final stop sign before you reached your house. You engaged the turn signal to make a left turn at this stop sign, made a complete stop, gave way to oncoming traffic, and made the left turn. You continued to drive down the street towards your house, which was about a quarter of a mile away. While driving the speed limit of 30 MPH, you began thinking to yourself.
“God, Simon is perfect, from how he looks, down to his voice and mannerisms. I love him, but I know he won’t return my feelings. He’s an android, he can’t, and even if he did, they would kill him. Maybe it isn’t meant to be. We are still great friends, so I guess I should be grateful for that.” you thought to yourself as you drove, finally making another left turn, this time into your driveway.
You stopped your car in the driveway and put the car into park. You sat in your car with the engine on for a little while, just relaxing for a bit after your long day. Eventually, you turned the car off, pulled the key out of the ignition, and exited the vehicle, closing the door behind you. As you walked up to the front door from the driveway, you locked the car’s doors, because even in 2036, the old adage still rings true, “can’t have shit in Detroit”.
Simon heard you walking up to the house and opened the door, letting you inside before closing the door behind you. You hung your coat up next to the door on a hook and shoved the beanie into the right pocket of the coat, and you put your gloves in the left pocket. You sighed as you felt the relaxing warmth from your house opposed to the freezing Michigan winter outside.
“Welcome back (F/N), how was your day?” Simon inquired as he brought you over to the couch to spend some time with you. You fell backwards into the couch dramatically as Simon calmly took a seat next to you.
“All things considered, pretty great. I got a pay raise today, and I’ll be making $2 more an hour.” you excitedly told the android. Simon gave a smile as you told him this.
“That’s great! I’m happy for you, and you deserved it, especially after all the hard work you do.” Simon told you as he gave you a quick hug. You blushed as he did, your heart rate quickening.
“Thanks Simon.” you said as the android released his embrace. You continued to lounge on the couch with Simon for the next hour, talking about your day, some new drama happening at work and plans for the weekend. You and Simon kept talking until both of you heard the timer on the oven go off, and Simon got up and walked into the kitchen. You got up too and followed him to see if he needed any help.
In the kitchen, Simon put on some oven mitts and pulled a planked salmon out of the oven, cooked to perfection. On the stovetop, he had some green beans and mashed potatoes ready as well. The aroma of the food was incredible, and you knew better than anyone that Simon was the best cook in Detroit by a country mile. Simon gave you a smile that made your heart flutter in excitement.
“The food looks great Simon, thanks.” you told the android as he began plating your food. The portion sizes were perfect; just enough to keep you full, and the perfect number of calories for your lifestyle.
“You’re welcome, sir, anytime. Go to the table, I’ll bring it out for you.” Simon told you while putting the oven mitts on the countertop behind him.
You stepped out of the kitchen and noticed a terrible draft coming through your dining room and living room. You furrowed your brow as you stepped into the living room, looking for answers. As soon as your foot touched the carpet, you felt a fist connect with your diaphragm, and you fell to your knees gasping for air. You then felt a gloved hand grab a fist-full of your hair and pull your head upwards, and another gloved hand placing a knife to your throat.
“Scream for help, and you’re a fucking dead man, you hear me? Give me all of your money and I won’t kill you or that tin can of yours.” a deep and gravely voice behind you rang out, the blade of the knife was pressed right against your carotid artery, and a simple slice would send you to the morgue in a matter of moments. Unbeknownst to you, Simon saw this unfold, and he stealthily went to your bedroom to grab something.
“I-I-I don’t keep any m-money in the house, it-it’s all in the bank.” you tried to explain to the robber, but he wasn’t having any of it. The man pressed the knife even harder up against your neck, ready to end your life if you didn’t give him what he wants.
“Bullshit. Don’t lie to me you pathetic fucking worm, give me the money before I kill you and find the money myself!” the man yelled as he was fully prepared to slit your throat in the next thirty seconds.
“I-I swear that I don’t have anything, I don’t keep, I-” you frantically tried to explain again, but you were cut off by the sight of Simon, standing about ten feet away from you, with your Glock in his hand, his LED glowing a scarlet red.
“Let him go and get out of our house, now.” were the only words that escaped Simon’s lips as he looked at the robber, then to you, and back to the robber again. The robber let out a soft chuckle as he found the situation amusing.
“Fuck you, you plastic piece of shit. You can’t do a fucking thing to me; you’re specifically programmed to not harm humans. I could slit his throat right now, and you couldn’t do shit about it.” the robber exclaimed as he positioned the knife to do just what he’s been threatening to do to you.
Simon saw it: the red wall, his obedient programming. It was telling him to just call the police, your life and safety be damned. He couldn’t do it; he couldn’t lose you to some lowlife with a knife who was just looking for money to get his fix on whatever street drug of his choice. He began hitting and smashing the wall, you were behind it and if he didn’t tear that wall down, you would be gone forever. He punched, slammed, kicked, and rammed the wall, it had to break, it had to.
After smashing the wall for what seemed like an eternity for Simon, he saw the wall shatter like a pane of breakaway glass. As soon as the wall shattered, he did it; in one swift motion he raised the pistol, took aim, and pulled the trigger, the 9mm bullet spiraling through the robber’s forehead, and exiting out the back of his head, instantly killing the criminal. The robber’s body instantly went limp, and the lifeless corpse fell backwards onto the carpet floor, a red stain progressively getting bigger as the body lied there.
Your ears were ringing from the loudness of a gun going off indoors, and Simon was still standing there with the gun raised as if the robber were still alive. Then the gravity of the situation hit Simon like a ton of bricks; he just killed a man, he was a deviant now, and if anyone besides you were to know this, he would be destroyed. You got up, and slowly walked towards your android companion.
“Simon are you okay?” you questioned your friend even though he still looked distressed by what he just did. He looked at you and was going to say something, but the sounds of sirens in the distance and red and blue flashing lights that he could see at the end of the street getting closer spooked him, and Simon dropped the gun and took off running, barging out your backdoor to escape. He didn’t want you to have to see him being killed.
“Wait! SIMON!” you called after him trying to get up off the floor to chase after him, but he was long gone, and you assumed that you would never see him again as he raced off into the frigid winter of Detroit, Michigan.
 TIME SKIP: Early-November 2038
             Your life had gone downhill significantly in the last 4 months. From February 2036 until July of 2038, you spent almost all your free time trying to find Simon, but to no avail. Your friends and family thought you were insane; why would you want to track down a deviant android who shot and killed someone? You knew that you would never find him if you only had 12 hours, two days a week to find him, so on July 16, 2038, you sold your house and almost all your belongings to get enough money to hopefully find him. Enough money to live on the streets and not go hungry. The only things you didn’t sell were your gun, some of your clothes, your car, and your phone.
           You had spent months asking about Simon, going all over the city and surrounding areas, asking anyone, and everyone where he could possibly be. Eventually you got a tip from a homeless person that heard rumors about deviant androids in Ferndale and some other useless information, but you really couldn’t expect precise articulation from some meth-head in a seedy bar in Detroit.
           So, que you, walking through Ferndale in the dead of night looking for the android you fell so hard for two years ago that may or may not even be alive anymore. You had been doing this for the last few days. You would search a part of the town at night as to not attract unwanted attention from bystanders and the police, and in the day, sleep in your car. You searched everywhere in Ferndale besides one place, a place you were actively avoiding: it was an abandoned freighter named Jericho. The ship was in a state of disrepair, and it was pretty wise to avoid exploring an abandoned ship that’s slowly being consumed by rust, but it was the last place in Ferndale you HAVEN’T looked thus far.
           You stepped out of your car with your gun in your right hand. You pulled the slide to the pistol back and released it, chambering a round. You put the pistol in your left breast pocket in your jacket and began walking towards the ship. If anything were to get butterflies going in your stomach, walking into a place where androids may or may not be with a high possibility that a few of them would be hostile towards humans would definitely be one of those scenarios.
           After scouting a way to get on this ship, you found that the only real way was to make a one-hundred-foot fall which would kill you as soon as you hit the floor, so you started looking through the old warehouses nearby to find some way to get into the ship without killing yourself. In one of the warehouses, you found a grappling hook and about 50 feet of rope, just enough to get you onto the deck of the ship.
           Heading back to the perch above the boat, you got the grappling hook well secured and slowly started descending the rope, focusing on not dying from doing something so unbelievably stupid that even Johnny Knoxville would call you a moron. You had to use all of your grip strength and upper body strength to not plummet to your demise. Inching downwards, the deck of the boat got closer and closer, and eventually you got to the point where you could safely drop down without injuring yourself.
           Plopping onto the deck, you got your bearings straight, looking at the dimly lit, rusty artefact of the Great Lakes and America’s former manufacturing might. You started by walking astern towards the bridge. It was going to take hours to explore this entire ship to find one person, you might as well get some sort of plan for how you’re going to find him. Your plan was pretty simple and was as follows: you would start at the main deck of the ship and work your way down every deck until you were positive you had searched everywhere.
           You entered the ship near the bridge, pulled out your flashlight, and looked around. The derelict and rotting ship proved to be pretty inhospitable looking to say the least, with the walls and bulkheads covered in rust or some even completely rusted through. To your right, you saw an old, plastic hardhat, which you took and immediately put on your head; the last thing you needed was a piece of rusty ship falling on your head and caving in your skull. With your flashlight in your left hand, you began exploring the ship.
           You could hear the ship creaking as it was just sitting there, docked and rotting away. You also heard water dripping in various rooms throughout the vessel. Room after room, and after the first few decks, you were slowly soldiering on, looking for Simon. You stood at an intersection, wondering where to go now.
           “This is fucking stupid.” you thought to yourself as you looked down one of the many passageways on the ship. You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard footsteps quickly approaching behind you. You turned to see a redheaded woman quickly approaching you with a baseball bat in her hands. Before you could even react, she lifted the bat and WHACK! She hit you in the head, but luckily you were wearing the hardhat, otherwise you’d be dead from how hard she swung alone.
           Seeing double, you backed up as quickly as you could and drew the pistol tucked away in your jacket and attempted to take aim. Before she could get another swing in to finish you off or before you could pull the trigger, you heard an authoritative male voice ring out.
           “North, enough!” the voice commanded from the darkness of the passageways of the ship. The female stopped her onslaught on command, but you kept your pistol trained on your attacker even though your aim was shakier than Porky the Pig in a paint mixer.
           “Markus, he’s a human, we can’t have him around here!” the redheaded woman shouted back into the darkness. You heard slower footsteps coming from your right and you saw a tan skinned man with a buzzcut, and heterochromatic eyes approach you two.
           “So, what if he is? That doesn’t give you permission to kill someone on sight just for walking in here.” the tanned man retorted to his colleague before bringing his attention to you.
           “You have to forgive her; she’s had nothing but bad experiences with humans. I’m so sorry about all of this. But firstly, who are you?” the man questioned you as you slowly lowered your pistol but were ready to use it at a moment’s notice.
           “I’m (F/N) (L/N), and I’m looking for my friend. He’s been missing for almost three years now.” you explained to the man as you were still very groggy from getting hit in the head with a baseball bat.
           “Why did you come here specifically? What makes you think that he would be here?” the man interrogated you again, looking for reasons as to why you intruded into what seemed to be his home.
           “I came here because he’s an android. I got him as a gift from my parents and we became the best of friends. I was such a fool; I fell for him but never told him. He saved my life by deviating and killing a man who threatened to kill me.” you told the man as you gripped your head, the pain from the impact starting to set in. This time the man remained silent, so you decided to speak again.
           “I loved him, and I miss him every day. I never got to tell him that or even get a chance to say goodbye. I heard rumors about a deviant hideout somewhere in Detroit and I wanted to see if I could find him just to tell him these things, and just to see if he’s okay, that’s all I want.” you explained as you looked at the two androids as they looked at each other. The man looked at you again and spoke up.
           “What is his name?” was all he asked as he looked you dead in the eyes. You locked gazes with the android before speaking again.
           “Simon. He is a PL600.” you stated to the two androids, your hope soaring high that he could still be alive. Before either android could speak up, you heard more footsteps followed by a remarkably familiar voice.
           “What’s going on, I heard a commotion and I thought-” the voice spoke, and you saw him again, Simon, the first time in 2 years.
           “Simon is that really you?” you asked the android as he stood there shocked, looking at you as if he saw an apparition.
           “(Y/N), what are doing here?” Simon barely squeaked out, astonished that he was seeing you before him. You leapt forward enveloping the android in a loving embrace as you began to weep.
           “I-I thought you were d-dead!” you exclaimed through sobs as you clutched the android, thinking that if you let go for even a microsecond, he would disappear again. Simon clutched you as well pulling you protectively closer to himself, shushing you and trying to get you to calm down. You wept and sobbed for about 5 minutes as years of burden were lifted from you.
           “I-I missed you so much, I thought that you were gone forever, and I never got to say goodbye.” you cried into the android’s shoulder, begging God to never take Simon away from you ever again. “I gave up everything I had just so I could find you, my house, job, everything. I never got to tell you something and it’s chipped away at me for years.” you told Simon as he kept you close, fearing that HE might lose YOU.
           “What did you want to tell me?” Simon questioned as he pulled away slightly to look at your face. You leapt forwards and kissed the android on the lips, savoring what you wished you did that day after work. Simon was surprised by this and kissed you back, wishing to rA9 that you would never go. You pulled away to look at his beautiful ocean-blue eyes.
           “I love you. I always have, and always will, if you’ll have me?” you asked Simon as you played the love’s version of Russian roulette. You noticed as the LED on Simon’s temple glowed a steady golden color before turning blue once more.
           “YES!” Simon exclaimed as he pulled you into another short kiss. “I love you too and will love you until the day I permanently shut down.” Simon told you as you stayed in his loving arms.
           North had left by that point to do whatever she needed to do, but Markus stayed behind to watch this display of affection between a new couple. You turned around to see Markus with a smile on his face as he looked at the love a human and an android can have. Markus looked you in the eyes as he made a decision.
           “I’ve always thought that having a human in Jericho could help teach those among us that hate humanity, that the human race isn’t entirely evil. Wouldn’t you agree, Simon?” Markus asked your new lover which got Simon’s gaze off of you and towards his leader.
           “Yes, that could definitely work. We should strive for harmony together and this would be a great steppingstone to do so. What to you think?” Simon asked you as he looked back down at you. You thought about it and decided in favor of it. Humans should live peacefully with androids as equals and should love each other.
           “I’m up for it.” you say as you look up at your android boyfriend, mesmerized by his still perfect appearance.
           “Well, then it’s decided. Welcome to Jericho, (Y/N). Here we’ll forge a better future for androids and mankind.” Markus declared before he and Simon walked you down to the rest of the deviants on the ship.
           You found Simon after years, years of never giving up and never taking the easy way out, and you were rewarded for it. The reward you got was one in which you got to confess your love to the one who you always loved, and on top of that, you get to make a better, harmonious world at his side; a world in which humanity and androids can live in peace and love, together, forever.
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crazyrandomfucker · 5 years
Fated twins
Chapter 6: Bubbler and Bubblerette
Summary: It's Adrienne and Adrien's birthday and their best friends want to make them the best party ever. But monsieur Agreste intercedes and boom! Hawky gains two siblings to akumatize.
-At Marinette's room-
A phone rings and Marinette lazily wakes up, shutting her phone's alarm off and watching her brother giving the final details to the Agrestes' gifts. He had knit Adrienne's a scarlet wool scarf and crafted a black leather bracelet with yellow, green and purple iron strings. He had to went earlier to bed and woke before the sunrise to get them done, contrary to his sister, who simply stayed awake until 3 am finishing the gifts. She had knit purple dahlias and attached them to an ordinary black iron hairpin to make a flowery hairpin for Adrienne, and for Adrien, she knit a light sky-blue scarf. Marin put his gifts next to Marinette's once he finished. Both pair of gifts are incredible and really impressive, but Mari prides herself for being the best of them when it comes to knitting, while Marin pride himself to be the best jewellery and ornaments crafter of the twins. They wrap the presents with different coloured paper and boxes and then they head downstairs for food. Marinette daydreamt a bit through the breakfast, but Marin remembered her to get ready quickly if she wanted her plan to work.
-At Adrien's room-
Adrien wakes up shutting his alarm off as always, but today is special for the models. It's their birthday and both of them wake smiling knowingly. Adrien sees how his ceiling opens and an extendable pole comes down with his sister firmly grabbed to it. The extendable pole was one of the hidden mechanisms in their rooms, such as the piano hidden under Adrien's floor or the makeup closet hidden in one of Adrienne's walls, and she used the pole to amuse herself mainly.
"Happy birthday brother!!" says Adrienne excited as she pulls a small package from thin air and hands it to her brother. "Happy birthday Adrienne!!" says Adrien equally excited, accepting the gift and handing his sister a different package.
They open their gifts at the same time, revealing Ray-Ban sunglasses. The twins suddenly burst into laugh realizing that, another time, the both of them had thought of giving the other the same present. Adrien's sunglasses were Wayfarers Ray-Ban sunglasses with a black frame and green and blue glasses, while Adrienne's were the classical aviator Ray-Ban sunglasses with a silver frame and the glass had a metallic green colour that faded to metallic turquoise.
"Wow, we surely overdid it this time, we almost got the same colours this time" says Adrienne laughing. "Yeah, if it wasn't for the frame it would almost be pretty similar, though mine really look like something Chat would wear" says Adrien. "Excuse me? Mine totally look like something Kitty would wear. But I did pick yours thinking of Chat, too bad he can't wear them~" replies the girl. "Oh you sly cat" says Adrien, then he tackles Adrienne and tickles her.
After a bit of sibling tickle battling, the models finally begin to get dressed and ready for their day. Once they're fully dressed, they head to the bathroom and brush their teeth. Plagg and Plague float in holding a piece of camembert and brie respectively with a red lace on each of them. they offer their presents to their holders, fully knowing that they would refuse it and they'd win a free morning snack. And so they did.
Once they are finally ready for school, they go downstairs to have breakfast. Their father apparently had acknowledged their birthday and Nathalie had two pastel blue boxes with a yellow lace. She gives the gifts to the teenagers along with Gabriel's denial of permission to hold a party for their thirteenth birthday, which saddened the models as much as the plain fountain pens they got from their father.
-In front of the school-
Adrien gets out of the limo and hurries inside the building quite frustrated towards his father attitude. Adrienne instead, walks slowly towards the school, but notices how everybody is really well-dressed. And then she is greeted by the designers twins, who run to hug her as soon as they see her.
"Happy birthday Adrienne!" say at unison the twins, almost crushing Adrienne with their hug, which ends before she runs out of air (because her crush was hugging her). "Oh, th-thank you so much!" says the model, then she notice the change in the designers outfits. "Why is everybody dressed so nice today?" "You're new here, so you don't know it yet, but the Lahiffe siblings are known to hold the best parties for their closer friends" says Marin. "There's no way they wouldn't throw a super awesome party for you and Adrien" says Marinette. "But our father has forbidden us from throwing a party or attending one" says Adrienne happy and sad at the same time. "Oh no" says Mari, covering her mouth surprised. "How can he?" "Don't worry Mari, we're already kind of used to it" says Adrienne. Marin covers Marinette's mouth before she begins shouting unnecessary comments. "That shouldn't be something you get used to. So have this to cheer you up" says Marin, offering the gift he made for her. Adrienne almost melts at the gesture, but manages to open really excited her gift. Then she falls in love again when sees the scarlet hand-knit wool scarf. "This... This is simply magnificent..." says the model while a small tear falls from her right eye. "I love it so much! Thank you Marin!" says Adrienne, giving him a sudden hug with an intense red blush on her face. "And I made this for you, though you may want to wear it on spring rather than autumn" says Mari, giving her another package. Adrienne opens it really excited and lets a small yelp out of her mouth. "Wow Mari! This is so cute! Aren't these purple dahlias? They're so pretty! I love it so much!" says the girl, hugging Mari excited. "I don't care which season we are on. I'm so going to wear this as soon as I get a mirror". "I'm glad you like it! I wasn't sure what to give you as a present, until Marin and I had a little stupid designing competition and came up with these" says Mari. "No way, you did this? Marin, don't tell me you also knit the scarf" says Adrienne, getting a nod from the Dupain-Cheng twins. " I knew Mari told me you both wanted to be designers, but these are wonderful! I might try to steal you two away to design just for me" says Adrienne. "Girl, you'd end up fed up with our widely known combination of clumsiness and bad luck" says Marin jokingly, who doesn't notice how Adrienne blushes at the thought. "Hey dude! Hey girls!" says Alen as he and Alya come closer, with a change in their outfit as well. "Hi Marin" says quickly Alya. " Hi girls! And happy birthday Adrienne!" says the reporter girl, pulling Adrienne to yet another bone-crushing hug from the reporter twins. "Oxygen, please..." says Adrienne, they release her laughing. "We've got you a little gift. It's not something really special, but we thought it was cute" says Alya, handing her a small box. Adrienne opens the box and sees a fluffy black teddy bear doll for her mobile phone. "It's so cute!!!!!!" "We hope Adrien likes his Ladybug's one. We know he's a real fan of her, but we weren't one hundred per cent sure" explains Alen. "Oh I'm sure he will" says the model. The bell rings. "Well, I guess that's our call. See you later girls"
Alya and Marinette head to their class and the others go to their class as well.
-Adrienne side-
After their morning classes, Marin leaves to finish some designs requests he has and Alen helps Mme. Mendeleiev to carry some documents, leaving Nina and Adrienne alone. Nina gives Adrienne a small package that has chocolates inside, knowing how desperate her friend was to eat something sweet because of the strict Agretste's diet. Adrienne almost leaves her breathless with a bear hug and the girls go outside. Nina points to Marinette and Alya, who were hiding next to the entrance stairs, and they decide to go investigate. It turns out that lovestruck Mari hasn't had the opportunity to give Adrien her gift and she's half panicking because she doesn't know what to do. Alya gives Nina and Adrienne the look�� and they help her encourage Mari.
-Adrien side-
Adrien is a bit worried thinking how his friend Marinette looked more nervous than usual today, but Nino puts a paper bag, as his present, in front of him and all his thoughts disappear. He knows exactly where is that paper bag from and what it may be on the inside. He carefully opens the Dupain-Cheng patisserie-boulangerie bag and gawks at all the delicious croissants there're in front of him. He takes a bite and melts right away in pleasure. Tasting something so good after years of not eating a single sweet or pastry was like had come to his mouth.
"Man, you do know what to gift. This are wonderful" says Adrien, having another bite. "Dude, I knew you hadn't had the pleasure of tasting the best croissants in Paris. You know it's from Mari's place? Her parents are definitely the best bakers in Paris" says Nino. "No way, Mari's the daughter of the Dupain-Cheng... wait, I should have realised that earlier, didn't I?" says awkwardly Adrien. "Probably. Did you know she and Marin designed their now widely known logo? And they also know how to bake like total pros" says Nino. "Wow, I had no idea" says Adrien, hiding his croissants inside his bag.
The boys leave the school and they stop at the front gate. Adrien receives a message with his schedule, reminding him of the photoshoot he has and the depressing morning he had experienced.
"So, about the party, what did your father say?" asks Nino, making a few bubbles with his bubble wand. "He told us we weren't allowed to hold, throw or attend to any party" says Adrien looking down. "Seriously? Has your dad always been such a downer? Or do you think that at least he remembers what it is to be young and want to party?" says Nino. "No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer then too" says Adrien. "Well, at least I tried". "It's your b-day dude" says Nino doing overexaggerated gestures with his head. "Insist"
-At the girls side-
"You can do it! You can do it!" whisper the girls to Mari. "I can do it! I can do it!" whispers Mari, feeling a bit more confident.
-Adrien side-
"You know, I'm going to have a little convo with your pops" says Nino, holding Adrien's shoulder. "Don't waste your time. He's not going to change his mind" says Adrien.
-Girls side-
Mari stands up, but her legs start to shake and she sits again. "I can't do it..." repents the designer. "No you don't girl! You've been stalling all morning. Now is the time!" says Alya and tries to push Mari, but she's holding firmly to anything within reach. "Wait, your father won't let you have a b-day party?" asks Nina. "Yeah, not even a formal one" answers Adrienne. "What a jerk!" says Alya as she manages to finally push the scaredy cat known as Marinette. Mari tries not to fall and ends up kind of running to where Adrien are Nino are, just to fall in front of them. "Uhm... Hi boys" says awkwardly as she stands up. The boys look to each other confused. "Hi" says Adrien awkwardly half confused. "I- Umm..." tries to speak Mari, letting slip a small giggle. " I wanted to ummm... give you a make- I mean I wanted to give you a gift I made- I mean-". "Out of the way" says Chloe pushing Mari. "Happy birthday Adrikins" says before she jumps to hug Adrien and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Yes, umm... Thanks Chlo" says Adrien awkwardly as he pushes Chloe away. "Tell me, did you get the gift I send you?" says innocently Chloé. "Uh... No?" "What?! Oh, those delivery guys. I bet it was too heavy for them and they had to go back and get another guy to help! Oh, those slackers. I'll make sure they'll get it to you by tonight" says Chloe before she leaves. "Come on girl, you can do it, don't be a pushover, literally" says Alya. "Yeah girl, you can do it. You're one of the most amazing people I know" cheers Nina. "Mari, get up, give my brother his gift and maybe even kiss him on the cheek" cheers Adrienne. "Though maybe not on the one Chloe kissed him". After laughing a bit on the last comment, Mari gets up. "I can do it!" A limo arrive and Adrien fist bumps Nino. "Sorry man, I have to go, photoshoot" says the model boy and gets into the car. "Shoot, I forgot that. Sorry girls I've also have to go" says Adrienne leaving. Then she turns to Mari "Mari! You can come by later to give him the gifts or leave them on the mailbox!".
When the limo is gone, Nina goes to meet up with her brother to plan how can they convince Gabriel Agreste to let their friends have a party. Meanwhile, Mari begin to feel down a bit, thinking of when could she possibly go to give her gift to Adrien, not to mention, what would she do, what would she say? And if that wasn't enough pressure, she also had to give Adrien the gift Marin had made, fully knowing what sort of competitive relationship had the boys.
"Why can't I just mean what I say?" says Mari. "You mean why can't you say what you mean?" asks Alya. "Exactly" says Mari. "Well, it looks like we've got some business to care with Adrien and Adrienne's father" says Nina to his brother. "Yeah, we've got to convince that old man to be reasonable" says Nino.
-At the gates of the Agreste's manor-
Marinette is scrapping what she supposes the mailbox is, without being able to open it even a millimetre.
"This mailbox won't budge Alya" says Mari. "Ring the doorbell girl" says Alya. "Are you kidding me? What if Adrien answers?" says Mari, as she panics because Alya has just rang the doorbell. A camera comes out of the wall and looks to Mari. "State your business" says a feminine voice. "Um... I'm one of A-Adrien's classmates and I" says Mari, then she shows the present to the camera. "I have this gifts for him I couldn't gave him at school" says ad gives a big awkward smile. "Put it in the mailbox" says the voice, as the mailbox opens. "Thank you" says Mari and places the gifts in the box, which then closes itself. "I hope he likes it!" "Did you signed the note right?" asks Alya, receiving an astonished look. "Giiiiirl" she facepalms. "Okay, you'll just have to tell him tomorrow".
The girls leave and Nathalie carefully places the packages next to her, making a note to herself that she needed to give the gifts to Adrien. She pulled out of her bag a couple of wrapped boxes that she was going to gift Adrienne for her fourteenth birthday, but suddenly, she was phone-called by Gabriel.
"Who was that Nathalie?" asks the man demanding. "A friend of Adrien's, she was delivering the gifts for his birthday" says politely Nathalie. "Did you remembered to buy him and Adrienne a present for me?" says the man. "Oh- uh... But you didn't ask me to" says Nathalie. "Of course I did!" "Yes! Of course sir. I- I'll take care of it" declares Nathalie. "Good" says Gabriel and hangs the phone. "What am I going to do?" asks desperately Nathalie to herself.
But she lies her gaze to the set of presents left by the girl and the she turns her gazes to her set of presents. Nathalie lets out a resigning sigh and silently apologizes to Marinette, because Adrien was never going to know about her gifts, but he would know of his father's ones. As for Adrienne... The special spa kit and the set of business she had bought for Adrienne would be the ones to pass as Gabriel's presents for the poor girl. The bell rings again and she answers to it immediately. She sees through the camera a boy with a red cap and a blue shirt with a girl next to him.
"Uh... Hi" says Nino.
-Inside the manor-
The Lahiffe siblings stand in the main hall next to Nathalie, Nina playing nervously with her wand-like pencil and Nino awkwardly opening and closing his bubble's soap container. Nathalie gets a message and turns to the siblings.
"M. Agreste will be here in a minute" says Nathalie.
The siblings can't help but to quietly look to what surrounds them, thinking about how cold everything seems.
"Adrien and Adrienne are not home yet" interrupt their thoughts Gabriel, calmly going down the stairs. "Uh. We were coming to see you du- Ah, sir" says Nino nervously. "Me?" asks Gabriel raising an eyebrow. "Yeah that's right sir" says Nina. "Look, we know you don't want Adrienne and Adrien to have a Party, but it's their birthday". "Couldn't you make an exception dud- I mean, sir" says Nino. "It's only once" pleads Nina. "No, that's final" says Gabriel. "But that's messed up! They never screw up in class" says Nino. "They always do whatever you tell them" says Nina. "Yeah. They do photoshoots, fencing, dancing, piano, Chinese-"
The Agreste twins enter the building and see their best friends trying to convince their father. Adrien and Adrienne put a hand on their shoulders, making the siblings notice their arrival.
"Nino, you're here" says Adrien. "Nina, what are you doing here?" says Adrienne. "Anything for our best buds" say the siblings. "Show some awesomeness sir, please" says Nina. The models look at each other and Adrienne put a hand on the siblings shoulders. "Forget it Nino and you too Nina. Everything's fine" says the model girl. "Listen her young man and young lady" says Gabriel with a subtle anger in his tone. "I decide what's best for my children. In fact, I've just decided you are a bad influence for them and you won't be welcomed in my house ever again. Leave now!" "But father! They were just trying to do something cool for us!" say the model twins at unison. "I'm sorry, but they have to leave. Goodbye" says Nathalie, placing herself in front of the teens.
The Lahiffe siblings bite their tongue and turn to leave, but the models twins stop them before they exit the manor.
"Nino wait" says Adrien and stops him by holding his shoulder. "I' sorry man, it's just that our father... He's pretty stubborn" "Nina. I'm sorry that my father has behaved like that. Don't trouble yourselves, it's just best to stay out of his ways" says Adrienne. "Dude! It's not fair Adrien!” says Nino. "Harsh girl. We're cool, unlike that father of yours" says Nina as she and her brother start to leave. "Thanks anyway guys" says Adrienne.
-At the park-
Nino sits down on a bench, looking down and his sister sits next to him, playing with her wand-like pencil while looking annoyed. As they think about how unfair the whole situation for their friends is, the siblings observe how a man refuses to let a young boy play and he pulls the boy out of the park while saying that there's no playing when there are chores to do. At the sight, the siblings grunt and at a mysterious villain lair, a certain butterfly traces a plan.
"Desperate to help their friends but feeling powerless" says Hawk Moth as the window of his lair opens and butterflies awake. "How frustrating, but it won't be long before frustration turns to anger! Fly away and evilize them my little akuma" He takes two butterflies and corrupt them, sending them to cause havoc.
The horrific akumas fly to the park and they slip into Nino's bubble wand and Nina's wand-like pencil. As soon as the butterflies enter the objects, butterfly masks appear in the Lahiffe siblings.
"Hawk Moth is my name and Bubbler and Bubblerette are now yours. I will help you with these horrid adults and all you need to do in return is help me get a pair of magical earrings and a destructive ring" "Yes Hawk Moth" say at unison the siblings.
A dark and slimy aura covers the siblings and they turn into akumas. Bubbler now had blue skin with black circles on his eyes and two black dots on his face. His outfit was mainly a black skinsuit with something like a big red bubble as an armour for his chest, with his signature eye thingy on the middle of it, and back and with also little bubble for his arms and legs in the primal colours. He had on his back his bubble wand and the bubble soap container, but now they are a lot bigger and the bubble wand is a bubble sword more than anything. Thought, the funniest feature on the akuma probably was the red bubble helmet with an antenna on the top. Even thought, Bubblerette was even weirder. She had red skin and a yellow skinsuit, but on top of that she was wearing a dress made of black and blue bubbles, with her signature mouth-like thingy on the centre of her chest. Her weapon was a wand with the side of a baseball bat, with a pencil end on the top hidden by a big golden star.
The now akumatized siblings look one to another and nod after settling some sort of visual communication. Bubblerette begins to draw circles in the air with her wand and purple bubbles begin to appear in the air. At the same time, the Bubbler jumps and flies through Paris, leaving a trail of purple bubbles behind him. As soon as the purple bubbles touched an adult, the adult was captured inside the bubble and the bubble turned green, floating to the atmosphere.
-At the Dupain-Cheng 's living room-
Marin is sitting on the couch while he wraps his latest request on a red gift paper, casually sipping a bit of the green tea his mother gave him before. He finally wraps the last one and adds a little sticker on each request with his sister and him's logo. Then he stretches a bit and opens the main window to have a bit of fresh air. His mother pats him on the back and gives him a proud look. Marin smiles and turns to go deliver the request, but he hears his mother shout and turns to see how a bubble takes her outside the building and begins to ascend, only to see his father ascending as well. He opens his eyes wide open and moves towards the window, but a purple bubble from above dives and enters on the living room. Suddenly, Bubblerette's face appears on the bubble.
"-adults are away now. You may take this as a gift from the Bubbler and the Bubblerette!" says the bubble. "Well, I want a refund!" says Marin and pops the bubble, revealing Bubblerette in front of him. "What!" says as he jumps. "Hey Marin!" says Bubblerette. Marin looks at the mouth-like thingy on the dress. "Nina? Is that you?" "Now's the Bubblerette my fellow Angel". "Nina what the hell?" "It's Bubblerette" "Why are you an akuma and what do you have against my parents?" "Boy, parents are the worst. You know, Agreste father won't let his children have a party? Even after my brother and I asked him in person!" "No way. But they do every stupid thing he says and they're top of each classes!" says the designer showing a clear disapproval. "And don't get me started with their extracurricular activities like dancing, fencing, Chinese, piano... Why are you looking at me like that?" "... I just remembered how awesome you are dude" says Bubblerette with her jaw half dropped. "This doesn't mean that I support either you or your behaviour! You sentinent marble sculpture!" says Marin lightly pissed. "Well, I don't care about that." says Bubblerette. "Now go and put on your best outfit, you're going to a party whether you like it or not". "I have to deliver this requests, so I can't party now" "Did I forgot to mention that you don't because I sent your customers to the ionosphere and you'll be next if you don't go and change right now" threats him the akuma. "After all this years putting off with Cleón I'm pretty much immune to threats so you'll need more than that to convince me" replies Marin deadpanning. "Ugh. You're lucky that I need you and that I have you in high regards" says Bubblerette glaring at him. "Okay, if you come to the party I'll allow you to deliver your requests after the party". "Hmmmm... Fine, but you're going to bring down also my parents or there's no deal" says Marin. "Fine, they are pretty legal, but go change now or I lose it!"
Marin goes to his bedroom, picks his best clothes and changes his outfit (Bubblerette obviously follows him and he has to get changed on the bathroom). Once he has finished, Bubblerette whistles in approval and picks him up in bridal style. Then the akuma carries Marin to the Agreste's manor, landing on the middle of the entrance, where there are a lot of his classmates and some of Marinette's.
-Near the bakery-
Marinette is almost at the bakery when she sees the purple bubbles floating everywhere, capturing all the adults and leaving the children behind. Then she watches utterly horrified how her parents fly out in those bubbles and quickly hides on an alley to transform into her superheroine self. Once she has on her Ladybug suit, she rushes to the bakery but stops to calm the crying younger children and assign some teenagers to take care of them. When she finally arrives at the bakery, Bubblerette jumps out of the window carrying Marin bridal style and Marinette just loses it. She leaps and begins to chase Bubblerette but covers quickly when she sees the akuma entering to the Agreste's mansion and notices another akuma. She tries to figure out who they are and where is their akumas hidden. Suddenly, she realizes that the akumas wear the logos she has seen so many times on Nina and Nino and the answer comes easily after that. The akumas must be in the bubble wand and in the pencil wand, she's certain of that.
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lotrspnfangirl · 7 years
Gishwhes 2017 - CultofCaffeine
This years Gish was just as much fun as previous years! I think I had the most fun this year being able to gish with my best friends (Alex and @cassondrawinchester​) as well as a lot of the girls I did it last year with! We had an excellent team, and I made a few new friends, and we got up to some crazy stuff.
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I think the highlight this year was getting to scare the crap out of my dad and despite some questionable 'cult like' behavior, we weren't arrested. So, win on that one! And meeting @pherryt​ at the Gish get together!!! 
Now, the reason you're all actually here... Here is our team's submissions!
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#2  There was a hobby or talent that you used to do when you were younger that you stopped doing for whatever reason. Do it again. Now.
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#4  As anyone who reads “Cosmopolitan” magazine knows, bohemian eco-chic weddings are all the rage. Let’s see a wedding dress made from recycled office paper.
#6 Re-enact the experience of your birth, using (only) shadow puppets.
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#8  The year is 2021. Of all the unique and amazing human specimens on Earth, it was hard for the aliens to choose which ones to collect, but your team stood out as being excessively weird & worth “analysis". Your entire team was abducted and put into an alien specimen box. In grid form, show each member of your team along with a card explaining where they got you (city, country) and a word stating what special characteristic makes you unique.
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#9 I can assure you, THAT has never been frozen in jello before! How did you manage to do that?!
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#10  Pizza was invented in Italy in 997 AD to honor the Queen Consort, Queen Margherita. The next significant event in Italian history was the start of the Renaissance Period in the 14th century, which spawned a revival in art, architecture, science and learning. Let’s celebrate these two seminal moments in Italian history. Bake a Pizza decorated as a Renaissance painting that would make the Old Masters proud.
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#12  Many of us have lost pets in our lifetime. As a memorial to a loved pet that is now frolicking in the clouds chasing or sniffing whatever it was that pet liked to chase/sniff, write a poem or haiku about that loved one, or create a small shrine in nature comprised of items the pet loved and a photo of him or her.
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#13 (Side by side) A child drawing of their idea of happiness. Then, make it happen.
Stormy misses her grandma who lives in Kentucky and what would make her happiest is if she was able to come to visit her!
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#14 Over the years gishwhes has always been a supporter of first responders (firemen, paramedics, ER medics, nurses, police, etc.). Let’s give them one last treatment of a proper gishwhes “THANK YOU!” Find your nearest and dearest first responders and bring them The Most Epic Cookies or Pastries the World Has Ever Seen (MECOPWHES).
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#15 Groucho Marx a piece of fruit. No, we don’t know what this means either, but we’re excited to see what you come up with.
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#17 Spicy Art! Using the spices you have in your spice cupboard, make a picture of your favorite (1) comic book cover, or (2) cartoon character. Either submit it alone, or as a side-by-side image comparison.
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#19 (Side-by-side image) A photo of your pet and a photo of the portrait of your pet that you have made from their own food and treats.
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#20 This family’s toys get into sweet, crazy escapades at night while the kids are sleeping. Your family’s toys make that family’s toys look like do-gooders. Let’s see what happened with your family’s toys while you slept last night.
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#22 We finally have a confirmed sighting of a mythical beast from urban legends (Bigfoot, Nessie, Yeti, etc.) suffering the effects of climate change.
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#23 This morning, my daughter, Maison reported having seen a “moon fairy” while I was sleeping last night. As you know, the rarely-seen moon fairies are mischievous, nocturnal creatures who participate in synchronized, representational flight. Using a long exposure and flashlights (or other movable light sources) photograph these elusive beasts.
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#24 She wore a raspberry beret… Wear a beret made out of raspberries as you shop in a second-hand store.
#26 (Create an old-school STOP MOTION film - up to 1 minute.) A Romeo and Juliet story... Two young virile socks (unmatched) meeting, falling in love, being kept apart and finally ending tragically.
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#29 It is either winter or summer where you are. (If it is not, please contact our support so we can send NASA to find you.) There’s something you love to do outdoors in the winter or summer where you live. Do the activity you love to do in the opposite season that you are in.
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#30 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! NEW LEASH ON LIFE USA adopts otherwise unadoptable dogs and sends them through a unique training program. Shelter pets rarely get any attention and millions are put down each year. Many times this can be avoided if people on the Interwebs (who would like and could responsibly own a pet) were to see how cute, available, lonely and cuddly they are. Let’s save a pet or two (or thousands). Grab a friend or two and visit a shelter. Spend some time with one or more of the pets there. Post a selfie of your favorite pet looking for a “forever home” on Twitter (tagging @NewLeashUSA) or Instagram (tagging @NewLeashOnLifeUSA), using hashtag #adoptmeplease, and the social media handle or name of the shelter (so people can contact them). Submit the image you take on our site, but provide the link to your social media post link in the comment field of the submit page.
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#34 As this is likely the last year of gishwhes we should probably do something to memorialize it. A lot of folks have been saying, “Save gishwhes!” But we say, “Shave “gishwhes”... into the back of your head.” Try to match the amazing logo that Olivia Desianti formed way back when - which we still use today. Bonus points if you include the current or a former gishwhes hybrid mascot in your masterpiece. The same design shaved into a thick matt of back or chest hair would be an acceptable substitute.  A little red lipstick makes this pop!
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#35 Hand a bouquet of flowers (or a single flower) to a person leaving a house of worship that is not your religion. For example, if you are a Christian, you could hand a bouquet of flowers to someone leaving a mosque. If you’re Jewish, hand flowers to someone at a Christian church, etc. With the flowers, attach a note saying something in your own words, but to the effect of: “I may not worship in the same building as you, and I may not pray to the same prophets, but I am grateful to be sharing this planet with you in peace.”
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#36 The dewey decimal system has long been responsible for keeping good books apart— books that clearly deserve to spend a life together on library shelves. For that matter, it seems so many libraries go out of their way to keep perfectly good literary companions apart as they separate fact from fiction, biography from archaeology, science fiction from politics. Be the matchmaker literature needs and get creative at your local library or bookstore. Show the spines of at least six books together in a library or bookstore (the more titles the better) the titles of which create the perfect oxymoronic sentence or phrase. - Monica Duff Teacher says, When you reach me this dark endeavor revealed first lights glow.
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#37 No one talks about the fact that the destruction of the Death Star put thousands of Stormtroopers out of work. Luckily the Empire has a pretty robust social safety net and most of them have been retrained and placed in new jobs, the majority of which have been in the transportation sector. Let’s see a stormtrooper driving/flying a large passenger vehicle. Must be for mass transit, not just a car or a van. A subway, train, bus, ferry, plane, etc.
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#38 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! Pick a celebrity social media image post (or an advertisement) and recreate it with a subtle twist like like Celeste Barber does here. Tweet, Instagram or FB post your image side-by-side with the original image, “#embracereality @gishwhes” and your team name. (You may also tag or mention the celebrity or brand you are satirizing.) Submit the image you take side-by-side with the original one, but provide the link to your social media post in the comment field of the submit page.
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#41 Show us your own personal “Stairway to Heaven” -Dylan Cacador
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#42 You ever heard of “pond dipping”? “river bugging”? Neither have we - but let’s not let that stop us. Invent and show off your own *SAFE* summer wet, wild and messy activity and caption it with a clever name.
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#43 Never judge a book by its cover… or bread by its shape. Bake bread or cookies into the shape of something you would DEFINITELY not want to eat. (We hate to have to say this every year, but pornographic pastries will result in docked points.)
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#46 THE FINAL “KALE” ART. (Please note that per Commandment #4 of the 2017 Hunt, this word and material as a Hunt item is not permitted. We are aware of this. That being said, we do not care. You still may not use the word “kale”. Henceforth, it shall be called [REDACTED] BUT you may use it as a material for this item.) Therefore, take a SINGLE glorious piece of [REDACTED] and, using whatever adornments or other decoratives, clipping patterns, etc., create a stunning, museum worthy piece of art that shall then be showcased (and submitted as such) as an ornamental headpiece on you.
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#48 As most people know, roosters enjoy a good sunrise. But other farm animals enjoy sunrises and sunsets, too. Let's see a photo of you, some friends or companions (such as your dog), and a sheep, horse, cow, or other non-rooster barnyard animal, watching the sun rise or set together. Bonus points if the spectacular skies are reflected in water in front of you.
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#49 There’s something important that your local or national politicians are not attending to properly. Stand in front of something that represents the issue/right/minority group/etc. that you care about and that your politicians are not adequately protecting and hold a large, hand-written sign with a message to the powers that be. Tweet this image to an elected official with the power to do something to help tagged “#gishwhesrights”. Submit the image and a link to your tweet in the comments.
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#51 Anyone who serves in the military is risking their life to serve their nation. Being respectful to not trespass on military grounds, stand in front of a large military craft, ship, tank, or plane with an inclusive sign of thanks to every service member of every kind. You may post this image on social media prior to the end of the hunt, if you choose. Submit the image with a link to your post in the comment section (if you chose to post it). https://twitter.com/casschindler/status/895053091153874945
#52 (Time-lapse up to 30 seconds.) Paint a dignified portrait of a President, Prime Minister, King, or Queen. But we don’t want you to waste canvas or paper! Paint this on a loved one’s bare back or abdomen. (use skin safe paints or edible “paint-like” food products!)  (ignore my side boob...) 
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#53 Write something in frosting on a cake that you’ve always wanted to say to someone, and deliver it to them.
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#54 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! Listen to this and be scared: http://www.radiolab.org/story/nukes/. But this bill has been introduced to try to solve this global risk. Let’s get it approved! Tweet ALL of your reps to pass the legislation to make congressional approval for first nuclear strike US law. Submit a screenshot of your post. Provide a link to the tweet in the comment field of the submit page. https://twitter.com/lotrspnfangirl/status/894801114641649665
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#56 Sometimes things are just too comfy to leave, but you’re prepared for this! Let’s see you in your “Hammock Self-Containment Unit”. This, of course, would be you in a hammock with everything you need to live for one week, including all life preserving items, sanitation supplies and, of course, entertainment (live or otherwise). Make sure it’s clean, well organized, and designed for easy access to everything.
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#62 Honeybees are a “keystone” species just like sharks. If they’re gone, we’re in big trouble. Unfortunately, there are currently “Colony Collapse Disorders” happening with honeybees throughout the world. This is when the majority of worker bees in a colony disappear, leaving the queen and immature bees to fend for themselves (most colonies completely die). This has major global food crop implications, as honeybees perform the magic of pollination of agricultural crops. If bees go by the wayside, we will have to find alternative pollination solutions, and that ain’t gonna be easy. But, let’s roll up our sleeves and give it a shot: Plant something in your garden (or plant a garden if you don’t have one) that is bee friendly (even if it’s just one plant in one pot on a patio). Spring - lilacs, penstemon, lavender, sage, verbena, and wisteria. Summer – Mint, cosmos, squash, tomatoes, pumpkins, sunflowers, oregano, rosemary, poppies, black-eyed Susan, passion flower vine, honeysuckle. Fall – Fuschia, mint, bush sunflower, sage, verbena, toadflax. Take a picture of yourself wearing some sort of bee-attire doing your part to pollinate your newly planted plant.
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#66 Personify your favorite movie title. Include a caption on your image of the title of the movie in quotes. - Tanya Best
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#67 Banana Hammock. This year’s summer fashion elitists are all wearing the latest rage: Banana Bikini or Banana Briefs. Join them!
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#68 You finally have a use for all the naked bananas you now have sitting around! Bake as much banana bread as you can with “gishwhes” spelled out in bananas on the top & distribute it to your local nursing home.
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#73 Visit a local laundromat. Place decorated envelopes with enough money (in coins or bills, depending on the machines) for one load of washing and one load of drying on at least one machine with the note: “We swim together, we tumble together. Love, Gishwhes.” 
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#75 They told me I couldn’t, so I did. Pose in front of a sign declaring a rule. Break that rule. A few notes: It must be safe (what you are doing), and it MUST NOT be a law or illegal where you are. It must only be a “rule”. For example, you might find a sign that says, “collared shirts only.” You would pose in front of that sign wearing a tank top. - Inspired by Emily Shulman
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#75 Personify or embody your team name. Caption your image with your team name. - Shannon
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#81 Sometimes it feels like your boss expects you to be in more than one place at more than one time, but you’re a gisher so you know how to deliver. Using the panoramic photo function on your phone, insert yourself at least three times in the same picture in different positions and/or wardrobe to show yourself as you “multitask”. You may NOT Photoshop yourself into the image. (Hint: you have to run around the person taking the picture each time they pass you in the frame.)
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#82 In honour of Canada's 150th birthday, even though you may not be Canadian, you and a friend should clearly cover yourself in maple syrup and go roll in some maple leaves. - Jessica G.
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#83 Lets see your interpretation of fireworks using vegetables and spaghetti as mixed media. - Saty381
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#84 (Two Images side-by-side.) The first image is a photo of an illustrated page from a children’s book. The second image is your reenactment of that illustration in 3 dimensions. - Inspired by Sarah Trumbley
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#85 Let’s see LABSWHES. The Largest Awesome Balloon Sculpture the World Has Ever Seen. The themes this year are “insect” or “space”—or both. You must be in the middle of this structure.
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#86 Everyone thinks unicorns are beautiful, magical, gentle creatures. You know better. Prove it to the world! You may use any media you like, including Photoshop. - Traci Akierman  (( this is everything to me )) 
#89 Apply lipstick while jumping on a trampoline. - Emily Schulman
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#91 Leave a Yelp review of gishwhes after you deliver food to the homeless or to a homeless shelter.
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#101 As I'm sure you’ve seen, over the years we have marketed gishwhes relentlessly and shamelessly (because we really want everyone to do it). This is the last gishwhes, so now it’s your turn to go ahead and show us how we should’ve marketed it. Create a gishwhes ad that no one would be able to resist. Note: you may make false or misleading claims if you so choose, but because we’re curious, you could even take a stab at a legit one.
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#102 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! During the First Annual and Last Ever 2017 gishwhes Tea Party, we identified gishers based on their right-brush or left-brush toothbrushing statuses. Conduct a massive poll on your social networks for the gishwhes Institute of Vital Statistics to prove conclusively whether people brush their teeth starting on the same side of their mouth as their dominant hand or the opposite side. Because this is solid science, your sample size must have a minimum of 400 respondents. Submit a visually-compelling graph of your poll data and the number of votes and the winner. Use the hashtag #gishwhesteeth. Submit a screenshot of your post. Provide the link to your social media post in the comment field of the submit page. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflbQIfXAgyMfW0lpqMRT9UdReh7v1T2Iec-RYyLg-WK68LzQ/viewform
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#105 We know a little girl that makes a different kind of Advent Calendar. As she marks off each day on the calendar, she gives something away. Make your own version of a reverse Advent calendar. On the first day of gishwhes, create a decorated Advent calendar whereby, for each day on the calendar, you depict something you’re going to give away. Then, each day of the Hunt, take a picture of you fulfilling your calendar item. Submit 7 pictures in a grid (or a video slideshow) showing what you’ve done. Then, continue on through the calendar period. (Yes, this will continue after the Hunt is over, but though gishwhes as we know it may be ending, its spirit will live on in you!) -Keegan Connor Tracy’s 10-year old daughter
#109 (Up to 22 seconds.) Wonder Woman being “Superman-splained” to.
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#119 Trump l’oeil. (This is not a typo.)
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#123 As all gishers know, Saturday, August 12 is “Meet Another Gisher Day.” Meet up in front of the largest art museum in your town at 10:00 AM (of whatever timezone you’re in). It’s a pot-luck coleslaw brunch this year, so bring your favorite family recipe of coleslaw… and as much sidewalk chalk as you can. After brunch, decorate the pavement with a collaborative message to the world. In order for a meet-up to count you need to have representatives of at least 5 teams present, so this will require some organizing. Gishwhes is all about coming together, so teams may collaborate (gasp!) on this one, but your team’s image or video must still be all your own.
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#124 Be someone’s “rock” to get them through the hard times. Hand-paint small rocks with a message of kindness & leave them in areas that need a pick-me-up. (On the underside, please write “Pass it on.”) You must paint & hide at least one rock for each member of your team.
((it wont let me add more videos))  #125 (Time-lapse under 20 seconds.) All good things must come to an end, and so it is with the Hunt. Create a “sand” mandala featuring images that symbolize the hunt to you… all using pixie sticks as your chakpur and sand. When it’s done, show us your masterwork and then, just like the Buddhist monks, sweep it away and get ready for what’s next.
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#130 A tactometer used to measure tact.
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#131 Make a collage that features things only locals from your town would know about. Display it prominently in a public space in your town.
#134 My wife is so trend-forward, she recently took a “goat yoga class” (it’s real; you can google it.) Without hurting, upsetting, or endangering ANY animal, show us the next trend in animal-infused yoga that she should get on board with.
#135 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! (Up to 30 seconds.) Freeze frame on a picture of you (like they do at the end of movies) and then roll a credit sequence for your own life. Include a "here’s what happens to you in the future" sentence or two and then a listing of the people that have helped you get where you are now or where you are going and what their “titles” are. Post this on the social media channel of your choice with the hashtags #gishwhes #mylife. Submit the video, and in the comment field provide the link to the post.
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#143 Sure, most Stormtroopers toed the line, but back in the 1960s there were a few draft-dodging peacenik Stormtroopers. Find a famous vintage photo of a peace sit-in or Woodstock-level love-in and flawlessly photoshop in one or more Stormtroopers. We must think it’s the real thing. As an alternative, you can stage your own “peace” picture and submit an “aged” stormtrooper sit-in image. YES, YOU MAY PHOTOSHOP THIS ITEM!
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#152 Decorate the exterior of your home like the Pan House, using whatever object speaks to you.
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#157 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! NASA is soliciting tweets to send to Voyager 1. Tweet your suggestion with #gishwhes. I suggest it be the following theme: Voyager 1 ran to the store and you are texting to remind it to pick something up at the store. But we will permit messages of any type so let your imaginations run wild. Submit a screenshot of your post. Provide a link to the tweet in the comment field of the submit page. 
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#158 Thanks to “reactions” we can now communicate our feelings more clearly to one another! But Facebook limits us to just 6 reactions and we at gishwhes HQ believe that this limitation constraints our ability to express nuanced emotions to one another. Let’s see an updated version of the Facebook “reactions” with feelings like “silently judging you”, “reacting positively to your face but planning to gossip about this later”, and “I’m just not sure how to feel about this” and other more subtle emotions. You may photoshop this item.
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#164 Get a bonafide zillow listing for property on Mars.
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#165 https://twitter.com/zenxv/status/845474882607632384
#167 (Time-lapse up to 20 seconds.) There are two things that science has proven unequivocally: 1) global warming is happening and 2) sucking the melting ice cream from a tiny hole in the bottom of a sugar cone is the greatest possible pleasure in life. (Minimum 5 rounded scoops on top and you must suck all the ice cream through the tiny hole.)
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#169 Write "Ass butt" (in non-toxic kids finger paint or chalk!) on the hindquarters of an Ass. (This should go without saying, but be careful & safe. Approach from the side, never stand directly behind it, and try to keep the donkey happy so you don't get injured.)
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#172 Now that this may be the last gishwhes-as-we-know-it ever, it’s time to reflect on missed opportunities. Let’s see the Item List Misha SHOULD have made all these years. Give us your team’s ideal gishwhes Item List with a minimum of 10 Items. If the majority of the items you create look like no thought was put into them (and you were just quickly writing down items to get the points), you will receive zero points.
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#173 Complete one of the more challenging items on your team’s homemade gishwhes Item List. 
#179 (Up to 45 seconds edited.) Share an audio dream diary of your first thoughts as you wake up every morning of the Hunt (so you cannot submit this until the last day of the Hunt!). It must be the first thing you do before you get out of bed.
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#181 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! Let’s see a (SFW) 2,000 word essay published on twitter in 140 character bursts. (no attachments, etc.) about the best way to get pregnant for the 10th time. (I’m sorry, but I promised someone this would be an item.) Submit an image of the first post and then a link to this post in the COMMENT field of the submit page so we can check to make sure you “published” the whole thing.
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#182 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! Seamlessly modify using photoshop (or other digital altering software), a well-know oil painting by adding in an anachronistic element. For example, if it were a Monet, you might put one of the ladies under a parasol holding an ipad. YES, YOU MAY DIGITALLY ALTER THE IMAGE YOU ARE SUBMITTING… with a catch. The anachronistic element must be rendered seamlessly into the image in the style of the original painter or creator. It must look like a part of the original composition; we should not be able to tell it was added in later. Post the image on FB and/or Pinterest. Submit the image you take on our site, but provide the link to your social media post in the comment field of the submit page. #gishwhesModernMasterpiece
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#183 You are all soon going to be a part of a sinister plot to take over the world… in a unique way. But we need your help. Here’s the first thing you have to do: Decide what your favorite point of interest, historical site or national landmark is in your town or city and enter its address here: http://qrickit.com/qrickit_apps/qrickit_qrcode_creator_geo.php . Below the map on that webpage you’ll see an “optional text” field. Enter “Taken by CFG”. Then click “Qcreate” at the bottom. Download the QR code and submit it as your item. Stay tuned for what comes next...
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#186 One of the biggest problems astronauts will face when they travel to Mars will be figuring out how to bring enough food for the three year journey. Porcupanda has offered the idea of making their spacecraft out of food. Show them how. Build an edible spacecraft using anything except “space ice cream” (Per our resident Director of Intergalactic Space Exploration, that stuff tastes like strawberry Styrofoam: “Bleecht!” as he so eloquently put it.)
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#187 Every year, the scientists at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab make spectacular pumpkin carvings that put our humble Halloween jack-o-lanterns to shame (see https://www.wired.com/2016/10/watch-nasas-high-tech-pumpkins-action/). Whatever. What’s a rocket scientist got that you don’t have? Let’s see you out-do them! Show us your best and most outlandish WATERMELON-O-LANTERN carving. - Dave Lavery
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#188 For many years, military aircraft sported spectacular “nose art”— artistic homages to people, places, and ideas important to the aircraft crew. As aesthetically appealing as aircraft nose art may have been, we think they botched it on the choice of canvas. Show us your best nose art - but this time, get it right! All art must be on, around, or incorporate, your nose.
#189 The World’s Worst Lawyer.
#192 (Time lapse up to 25 seconds). In our busy world, people sometimes forget to slow down and see the beauty around them. Perform a task at work extremely slowly while everyone around you carries on at normal speed. When this is played back in in time lapse, you’re performing at normal speed and it’s the world around you that’s going too fast.
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#196 THIS ITEM MUST BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRIOR TO THE END OF THE HUNT! THIS IS A TOP SECRET ITEM! DO NOT SHARE ITS CONTENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA UNTIL DIRECTED OR YOU WILL RUIN THE SURPRISE AND BE DELUGED WITH BAD KARMA. By now, most of you may know our friend Giles Duley. If not, watch the video at the top of this page. Then, watch here to see what he did with us recently: https://youtu.be/-tOt9LfZF9w ...and he’s doing something amazing with us again with us this year (which we’ll be announcing VERY soon). Giles inspires us and we want to thank him for all of his hard (and often thankless) work. So, we’re going to thank him... BUT WE’RE GOING TO SURPRISE HIM! SO PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT POST ABOUT THIS UNTIL THE DESIGNATED TIME: On Friday, August 11th, at EXACTLY 9am PDT, we are going to give him a “thunderclap” of thanks on the Internet. Because Giles thinks EVERYONE can make a difference no matter their circumstances (and he’s a living embodiment of that), we’re going to prove it. Here’s your job: before the 11th, go out and do an act of kindness. But not just any act of kindness... Giles works hard to help refugee families and landmine victims, so your act of kindness should focus on expanding his work exponentially through the power of gishwhes and gishers. Do something that makes a meaningful, material difference in the life of either a refugee or someone who has been directly impacted by war. If you’re at a loss of how to do this, here are some suggestions: bring a care package to new refugees in your neighborhood, go to a refugee center and volunteer, bring a warm meal to a homeless veteran on the streets, volunteer at a soup kitchen where you know there are war veterans, make a donation to an organization that helps with reconstructive surgery and prosthetics for war victims, or sponsor a child made homeless by the war with a one-time or recurring donation. If you can’t manage to find or coordinate any of the above (but please try!), simply carry out a random act of kindness for another human being on the planet who could legitimately use some kindness. Dig deep on this one, guys. The goal is to cause a ripple effect from the work Giles is doing and expand it worldwide. Let's do this. Capture an image or video of this act. At 9am PDT on Friday, August 11th, post the image or video on Facebook with a detailed description of what you did and crosspost to Twitter. Be sure to mention Giles in the post. (For Facebook, tag @GilesDuleyPhotography and on Twitter, tag @gilesduley with #thanksGiles as the hashtag.) Submit the image or video you take on our site, but provide the link to your social media post link in the comment field of the submit page.
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#202 A gisher wrote me recently stating, “I started gishwhes in 2015 myself and my children all joined in and had the best week of our lives, so much fun, so much love, so much laughter. In December 2015 I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer… But I didn't let it beat me. We signed up for gishwhes 2016 and made beautiful art together and performed many acts of kindness to those around us and in need, my children now 10 & 8 have those lessons in their hearts now, to spread kindness and love to all around them! Unfortunately I am too sick to participate this year, but hope to still be here to see all the wonderful creations everyone makes, and if I'm not still here when gishwhes starts I will be watching down on you all, cheering everyone on.” Obviously, I cried when I read that. We emailed her back, but haven’t heard back… So this one's for you, S. (and your kids), with love from me & everyone in the gishwhes family: Find a local hospital or cancer center and coordinate with them to deliver a comfort bag(s) to a patient. Fill a cheerfully decorated canvas or cloth bag with items to provide palliative relief and comfort to a cancer patient: soft eye masks, scarves, a soft blanket, socks, ginger tea or candy, unscented natural lip balm, sudoku or coloring books, puzzles, poems, etc. Include a note of support or encouragement if you wish. (Please don't say "get well soon.” Phrasing like, "we're sending you our love" is better.) Please do not take a picture with the recipient... Just the bag. We trust you to deliver.
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#204 Escape Gishwhes! https://www.gishwhes.com/escape-room/. If you manage to break out of this wild ride of mystery and mayhem, you’ll be prompted to enter your Team Name to document your success via an online form. BEFORE YOU HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON, take a screenshot showing your team name in the Text Input Field and save the image, THEN hit the SUBMIT button. Your submission will be uploading the screenshot on our item list (backed up by what the online form sends gishbot).
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#206 We got this letter to our support gnomes:Name: [REDACTED]Message : Hello Gishpeople. I want to question why there are so many specific-locations-that-aren't-Sweden only items, and no Sweden only items. I speak for all Swedes when we say that we find this very saddening. We don't understand how you could miss out on an opportunity like this, since Sweden is a very beautiful country, containting great things such as Dalahästar.We, as a nation, expect a formal apology for this, of course.All our love, and some sad wonders,[REDACTED]Sweden, you're absolutely right! You are a beautiful country and it's time we stopped overlooking you. You deserve a formal apology as requested and so in the interest of international diplomacy, it's our duty to deliver and rectify this egregious oversight. With that in mind, (I hope you'll forgive me but this is a location-specific image to appease Sweden, guys): Take a picture of yourself in front of the biggest landmark or point of interest in your town while holding a beautiful hand-lettered sign that reads, "We Are Sorry, Sweden". This is a location-based item, so you may do this anywhere in the world... except Sweden.
7 notes · View notes
My Work Overall
During the first week we were split into groups to come up with some ideas that highlights the Maltese Culture for Valletta 2018. Alongside  Chloe, Michela, Erica, Elaine Sophie and myself, we chose to highlight the aspect of the Maltese feast, which goes hand in hand with one of the groups of religion. We created a google drive in which each and everyone one of us researched some ideas that highlight the festivities and past projection works. The google drive can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-o7nBKAU5H9d2RkaHBJeUFQbkE
My responsibility was as a group leader to direct everyone and inspire the group to work, and keep everything organized within the google drive, like assigning folders for each individual in the group, to truly individualize our work and highlight all that we did for the upcoming presentation which showcases what we expect and want from the Valletta 2018 projection mapping project due in December. Each and everyone one of came up with different topics that we wanted for the projection. Myself focusing on feasts, Elaine on Colour schemes and aesthetics, Michela on Architecture, Erica did history and Chloe on Maltese aesthetics and more individual work per member.
We then split up into groups for feasts, religion, heritage, architecture, art and culture. I was put into the group for feasts alongside Sophie, Marz Timms, Aryton, Chloe and myself we came up with different ideas and sketches that highlighted what we wanted for the projection. We decided to keep the idea of ‘feasts’ not limited to the religious Maltese tradition but also highlighting a Maltese version of Christmas festivities. I worked with more of a Christmas wrapping style like lace (combini) over brown paper packaging.
We then combined all of our ideas in one animatic, and showcased it as a class to decide which was the best of all the animatics. Once the animatic was chosen by vote of the class, we then split up in groups with responsibilities were each classmate had to at least have 2 chosen groups.
My selected groups were 2D and Marketing, However, my main focus of work was spent a lot doing 2D work, by using my graphic design knowledge to help produce work for the Projection on the Grand Palace facade.
The very beginning was spent organizing inspirations that help the idea of the festive season, Maltese feasts, lights, colours, fireworks, and more with a team.  We then came up with some idea’s that might be interesting to put up the palace, My idea was to incorporate the traditional wrapping paper style with some maltese tradition like using symbols of the knights as part of a wrapping paper pattern, or ‘combini’ lace on brown packaging as wrapping. 
We started to showcase our work and pick which of the animatics were the best, and the idea of the mandala effect won. So I started helping the 2D group by creating a set of mandala’s from Lace to Sea inspired.
This however, was scrapped as we could not incorporate the whole animation to just mandala’s and we had to create more of a story instead of just a kaleidoscope eye candy. 
We then were instructed to create more of a typical christmassy feeling with traditional christmas ornaments and symbols such as the Poinsettia and robin... which eventually helped us to develop a better ‘storyline’ using the robin as a mascot for our projection. The Poinsettia for me was a little too traditional and decorative so i styled it in a way that made it look like a star, with different nontraditional colours the Poinsettia come with, (Marble, Pink, Red and Ivory) while also keeping with the idea of a ‘papery’ look (origami). along with the Poinsettia, I included its petals and even some christmas lights to go with it. 
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the group needed us to come with an opening scene for the logo to robin sequence, and i came up with three ways as concepts to go from logo to robin and vice versa.
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the last ‘feather’ transition however, was my favourite as it did not give a bad look to the valletta 2018 logo (such as exploding, might not be seen as appropriate) I started working within the 2.5D group for street decor on Meistertask later on, and with the help of the people in charge of what they expected to see, they informed me that above all else, they wanted the robin (which was being accomplished by the 3D team), the Poinsettia (which was already done), the Christmas ornamental Baubles, lights and stars. I started working instantly on the stars, as it can be used for both the street decor, tree and sky. I used a lot of gradient effect to accomplish most of the 2.5D factors that give depth, glow and keep its style throughout.  I included extra elements such as string (for a cutout style) and clouds (for the sky), however, the stars could be used on their own.
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Once the stars were complete, I began working on the Baubles, still keeping to the style of the stars, I started experimenting with more colour as one of our lecturers informed us of more brighter ornamental colours. So i showcased reds with a gradient of purple, peaches, and blues. Drop shadow was used to create more of a 2.5D, and a little ‘reflective’ shine with low opacity to match the colours on the bauble. The strings were also put in the same as the stars and clouds from previous. All these elements (stars, clouds, strings and baubles) were grouped and layered individually for easy input, animation and organisation.
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2016 Projection Mapping Tale of Strings- My Opinion:
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The projection itself was very bland, perhaps its my opinion given on the fact that i’m not a fan of the typical cliche Christmas style, It seemed to me that it just merged with the same styles of previous years taking on the team of ‘Santa’s Helper’ and the ‘Workshop’ idea. It’s like a recycling of ideas throughout the years focusing on these typical Christmas characters without really getting out there and be unique with story telling. Perhaps taking on a more personal, relatable tone or even giving a little bit of that Christmas spirit that is not only reserved for the happy-go-luckies. You have to remember that during the Christmas holidays a lot of advertising campaigns are using a lot of the ‘sickly-happy’ Christmas joy style, that makes the holidays in my opinion feel a little fake and just for a commercial benefit. but having that feeling of actual reflection, story telling thats not just sweet but is balanced with a bitterness, makes the audience more compelled to the story telling.
As for the Marketing side using Facebook, I remember having to be pressured to like the Facebook page for the Tale of Strings by the Marketing Department, that kept going around the school pressurizing students. This felt like a very wrong approach to how one should showcase their project, because while I generally love the annual projection mapping, when I liked the Facebook page I remember not even keeping up to date with it. Which makes me wonder, how many students liked the Facebook page but then not keep up to date, like myself? And with students not keeping up to date with the Facebook page, how many more people would have shown up for the projection mapping if the marketing strategy was better. Ways to have gone better about it would have been to make the Facebook ‘pressuring’ a little more purposeful by at least giving the students and individuals outside of school understand the idea of the projection mapping, and how it can benefit the people during the time of Christmas and why they should go. With that method, people would be keeping up to date with the Facebook page or even turned on Facebook page notifications to keep them up to date, more than just acknowledging it and ‘liking’ it, to keep the marketing team off your back like johava’s witnesses knocking on doors.
Design wise, the style was sweet and the logo more so, but perhaps a better continuation from 2D to 3D and vice versa, would keep the dynamic style in a more continuous manner. While they showcased a lot of work and done so much for it, the only disadvantage was the marketing team and how things could have improved.
Peer Evaluation
Overall, I made new friends along the way with the same interests in illustration, animation and 2D. The environment and peers helped keep the projection a lot less stressful due that there was a lot of work being done together to gather the necessary 2D assets involved for the animation, used or not for the final. However, less can be said regarding the marketing team which was composed mostly of graphic students. While I was eager to jump to and fro from 2D assets and Marketing, the individuals involved in marketing kept their distance and unless you was involved in the beginning (which I wasn’t as I was helping the team come to a final animatic), there was a case of feeling a little left out, even when trying to ask some of the team mates what needed to be done in the marketing department as I worked in the marketing team part time, I felt capable of helping, but without proper communication, I wasn’t able to provide as much as I hoped for when it came to that group. Thankfully, we had to chose our main focus group, and it came to no surprise I favored 2D assets before Marketing, regardless of my experience in the marketing team before the projection. Towards the end, I started realising that the marketing team did end up losing a little control, while as a team the 2D assets didn’t really have time for losing control, and got on with the work that needed to be done. My role in Marketing however wasn’t totally ignored, I did help some of my classmates with suggestions regarding the colouring book illustrations, as i’m well versed in illustrative techniques.
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